Remote Sensing and the Kyoto Protocol: a Review of Available and Future Technology for Monitoring Treaty Compliance
Remote Sensing and the Kyoto Protocol: A Review of Available and Future Technology for Monitoring Treaty Compliance Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, October 20-22, 1999 Workshop Report Edited by: Å. Rosenqvist, M. Imhoff, A. Milne and C. Dobson Remote Sensing and the Kyoto Protocol: A Review of Available and Future Technology for Monitoring Treaty Compliance Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, October 20-22, 1999 The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - ISPRS Working Groups on Global Monitoring (VII/5) and Radar Applications (VII/6) in collaboration with the University of Michigan Organizers and Editorial Panel: Åke Rosenqvist, ISPRS WG VII/5 (European Commission - DG JRC) / Marc Imhoff, ISPRS WG VII/5 (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Anthony Milne, ISPRS WG VII/6 (University of New South Wales) Craig Dobson (University of Michigan) Panel speakers and/or report contributors: Frank Ahern, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Alan Belward, European Commission - DG JRC Ralph Dubayah, University of Maryland Alfred de Gier, ITC Richard Lucas, University of New South Wales Steven Mirmina, NASA HQ, Office of General Counsel Jiaguo Qi, Michigan State University Dan Reifsnyder, U.S. State Department Paul Siqueira, Jet Propulsion Laboratory David Skole, Michigan State University John Townshend, University of Maryland Philip Tickle, Australian Bureau of Rural Sciences Robert Treuhaft, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Compton Tucker, University of Maryland Lars Ulander, Swedish Defence Research Establishment Thomas Wagner, University of Michigan Diane Wickland, NASA HQ, Terrestrial Ecology Remote Sensing and the Kyoto Protocol: A Review of Available and Future Technology for Monitoring Treaty Compliance Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
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