Fact Sheet on the Kyoto Protocol
The U.S. View FACT SHEET ON THE KYOTO PROTOCOL t a conference held December 1–11, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan, the Parties to A the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed to an historic Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by harnessing the forces of the global marketplace to protect the environment. Key aspects of the Kyoto Protocol include weather, either of which could spike emissions targets, timetables for industrial- emissions in a particular year. ized nations, and market-based measures for meeting those targets. The Protocol • The first budget period will be makes a down payment on the meaning- 2008–2012. The parties rejected bud- ful participation of developing countries, get periods beginning as early as but more needs to be done in this area. 2003, as neither realistic nor achiev- Securing meaningful developing country able. Having a full decade before the participation remains a core U.S. goal. start of the binding period will allow more time for companies to make the transition to greater energy efficiency Emissions Targets and/or lower carbon technologies. A central feature of the Kyoto Protocol is a set of binding emissions targets for • The emissions targets include all six developed nations. The specific limits major greenhouse gases: carbon diox- vary from country to country, though ide, methane, nitrous oxide, and three those for the key industrial powers of the synthetic substitutes for ozone-deplet- European Union, Japan, and the United ing CFCs that are highly potent and States are similar—8 percent below 1990 long-lasting in the atmosphere. emissions levels for the European Union, 7 percent for the United States, and 6 • Activities that absorb carbon, such as percent for Japan.
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