University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons University of the Pacific Theses and Dissertations Graduate School 1930 Certain aspects of pioneer life as presented in the modern novel Elta Louise Livoni University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: Part of the English Language and Literature Commons Recommended Citation Livoni, Elta Louise. (1930). Certain aspects of pioneer life as presented in the modern novel. University of the Pacific, Thesis. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of the Pacific Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. CERTAIN.ASPECTS,, .,, . OF P!ONEE! L!FE AS PRESENTED IN TEE MODERN NOVEL A Thesis Presented to the De~artment of English College of the Ps.cif'io ""_, ___ I~ partial fulfillment • of the Requirements for the Degree of Mes t'er .bf .Arts - ' J J!' By Elta Louise Livoni "' June, 1930 I .·. I , APPROVED ~~de. ?JJ. or;~ Cha.irm~m of Committee DEPOSITED II~ COLLEGE LIBRARY June 1, 1930 Librarian To Doctor Gertrude Sibley who he,s \'lnsparin.gly given her ass iS tanoe ~:md inspira.tion that this work might be completeq ! ! I OONTEN~ Cha-pter PPge Introduction~.,, ••••• ,, •••• ,, ••• • ••••••••• ,., •• ,,. lt Historical and Cri tica.l BAo~round.,,,,., ~ ~, •••• ,, 3 II. The Pioneer Sl)irit.,., ••• ,.,,,,., ••• ,.,.,,,, •••• ,. l:~ III. The Pioneer Environment •• , , •• , ••••••• , ••• , t , • , , , , • 44 IV. The Pioneer Outlook•• ,,, ••• , ••••• ,, •.•• , •.• ,,.,,.,·. eo Bib li ogr,.,,phy . ••• • , .... , .• , ••.• , , . , • , ••.••. , ~ . , . , • , 77 1 INTRODUCTION The term ~ioneer sim~ly means one who pushes ahead to remove obstacles and to prepare the way for others who are to follow.