My Baby's Got Sauce Students Keep Seat Andrea Alegria
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'Canes hope Beyond 2002 Is Bush a o w m I to salvage Fest flops at leader? OR*, to to I season Bicentennial Hi SPORTS page 5 ACCENT page 10 OPINION page 13 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Coral Gables, Florida Since 1927 Volume 79, Number 47 WWW.THEHURRICANE0NLINE.COM Friday, ApnlT9^2002 Cuban My Baby's Got Sauce students keep seat Andrea Alegria The Federacion de Estudiantes Cubanos [FEC| rejoiced Wedactdaj afternoon after .in overwhelming m,i|unlv d student Government senators voted in lavor ul their maintaining a Ktiatc seat The recommendatum to remove (lis seat came trom the Sd Supreme (ourt who ruled against them live to one at a hearing that took place April IO, :(K)2. met* three RUSSELL WOJTUSIAK / ai.irs student organization! represented in ROCKING OUT: Bassist King Kane added his tlu senate must appear hetore the Supreme own ingredients to the Special Sauce Court to have their seat rt \ i< " I he court telt that the needs ol this orga G. Love and Special iii/.il ion were not compelling enough to sub stantiate a continued organizational senate seat," said silia Herrera, < hiet lustice to the Sauce rocked UC patio Supreme (ourt. By Allison Adamo Herrera said that the court believed the me Staff VV senators representing the school, year, or residence ol ,t particular group could cont in As the sk\ laded into l deep blue Wednesday evening, the ue addressing lhe needs ot this constituency. students of UM piled into the UC patio. and that the ( ouncil of International I hev crowded around the standing area in front ofthe stage Students and Organization! [COISO] could and took up ever also represent their interests well. Hollowing Hurru ane Production's Spring ( I ning Other supreme court justices agreed id, I'M's own Active Ingredients. (,, Love and the S| lo promote unity and equitable diversity Sauce began the first song ot their two part set. on i ampul (avert is a, . have G love ami tin Special Sauce, a trio of laid back guyi hail RIISSELI WO ITUSIAK / distinct and unique rcpicseiitation while from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ihe ingredients that make MULTITALENTEO: G Love is renown, as he showed thm crowded UC patio on Wednesday, other ethnicities are content with COISO up the BMtl art '(, i ret Dutton, who sings and for playing the guitar, harmonica, and for singing-- though not simultaneously representation,' s.ud supreme court lustice plays the guitar ami harmonica (though not simultancou Wilson ami the Sp. |imi |azz"( King Kane), the bassist and more rap. iazz, and R&B-esque songs. Fhe host ot students lhe stage tor a closer view of the trio, some to the set up table lustin Maknwski, who ottered the only back up vocals, and "Houseman" l letter\ ( lernens I on drums. moved and swaved to the upbeat musk, turning the standing i shirts or ClK.and some iust back to their rooms. dissenting vote argued that: "COISO is a Iheir unique eclectic style blends together a touch ot rap. room into a dance tloor The band toned down their style in 11 I ove began his music career in high school,singing in his conglomerate organization that cannot pos iazz, blues, country, and Rc*VB Iheir tunes have been compared the second set South Street neighborhood. He later met up with tuture band- sibly meet the specific needs oi (uban to those ot such legendary acts as Bob [>vlan (by whom G. 11 Love brought out his acoustic guitar and played countrv mates |imi Iazz and Houseman and the trio got their big start Students on this campus" I hums to be influenced), the Rolling Stones the Beastie stvle".although he otten tree styled with his rapping i apabili- in MM with their self titled debut album "If we look at where we stand now Boys, and Beck. ties with mass approval. I he audience cheered ,\nd laughed at Iheir single ( old Beverage warranted them the hearts ot America in 2002 removing FEC trom the It must be their little bit ot everything attitude towards G Love's comical Ivrus manv high school and college students.along with a video on Senate would serve absolutely no purpose," music that drew flocks ot people, simc there was something The crowd st reamed and begged tor more as t. Lot MTV said Makowski "It would he extremelv near I rvone's taste*. the stage Ihev followed up G. Love and the special Sauce with the sighted to vote to remove this seat" Or perhaps it was their stage audience relations One student even shouted, lake off vour cloihcs' more mature* oast tot oast Motel m IW,and have since put 11 ( representatives said thai COISO is an The trio charmed the crowd with its soulful groove and G The band returned, as is their tradition, lor an encore and out three more albums: Yeah, It's That I ass. reminiscent of umbrella organization, FEC would be the witts rappings. finished their set with the famous ( old Beverage I he house their first album, in IW. Philadelphomc in PW9, and their thirty fourth group involved and there ti. Love and the Special Sauce's tirst set was I mix ol their lights came up and the students dispersed, some to ihe side ot more sultry Electric Mile in 2(K)I. would be no hope ot adequate represent.! tion. In a compelling speech given at the meet ing, senator Mike Holt representing the Gat/ Candle vigil promotes interfaith peace lesbian bisexual Community, pointed out that il H ( should come under the umbrella Sophomores I mily Horowitz, Lily Astour ,\tV that the end result was a good one ol ( OISO, other smaller organizations with Tensions soothed by guestAshkenaz i came together to organize the vigil, in collaboration 1 he same tensions hall a world awav tound their wav here." in C01S0 would run the risk of being mis with (OISO the (ouncil ol International Sludent said Nikki Chun,outgoing I OISO president "I'm glad that this represented because thi Cuban population speakers, clergy membersOrganization s alter tensions arose during last weeks comprises an overwhelming maiono and By Danielle Scott International MM . en in mv own tamilv the pain I went to New York (ity would overpower other oigani/ai "i heie have been pioblems here in the past week and this has have seen the pain in peoples cws,' \shkenazi said "When Other justices argued that FE< claimed to been one ot lhe main lofces j behind the vigil |, was all I saw the pain in people's eves on mv campus, I felt il was time need lhe representation in the seriate mainly I lu st.ige was set lor peace Ashkenazi would sav about last week's dLsagreemenis lodo tomethi for funding purposes A rabbi, a reverend and a Muslim doctor conversed while the " Lhe three ot us were discussing what happened It's based Reverend Lrank Corbishley. Rabbi Russel hi\, Or Motez viae President of FEC, Cristina Arnaza, organizers and peace wishers sot i.ilized and se! up tor the can oft ot rumors," Astoui said. lapia, chairman ol the Institute tor Islamic Education and said that arguments made hv lhe I It sena dlelight peace vigil on Wednesdav. to promote peace between "l.ila and I have hern friends since the second gradt Research, .is well as ( OISO presideni elect, Cof) ( am NW the toi defending their position were taken out lht I M community and the Middlt I each other as triends, not as a lew and a Muslim," Horow itz said guest of context and misinterpreted hy the iust ices Sounds ol nature placet) and the Men ick fountain served as AlthtHigh no one reallv wanted to comment on tht ia igtons because we ~See FEC • Page 2 both backdrop and accompaniment to the event the vigil wa.s after all. about coming together -organizers i. VIGIL • Greeks beat Apartments in UMIQ Finals got |2*Meach to claim the lead and after that there w Hour show to air "I'm so happy I got |2M so I dttti need to stopping them worrv about buvmg textbooks next term are very proud You were terrific and we Apr. 27 on UMTV said Lauren Walkci arc vei \ luckv to have vou I m sure evervone at By Seema Gohil I ath team originally consisted of N mem the university is very proud," said Edward I hers but due to unavoidable circumstances, Ptister, l>ean ofthe School of Communications two members of the Apartment Area were who presented the checks "Yah' t.o dreeks'' was the cry as thev absent lhe idea tor the show was put forth last walked away with the grand prize of a check The Creek team members wercCarlv Bobar. October and actual production began last tor PM*** the tirst ever I'Ml(J game show 1 lzette Vila, Monica Vila, Jose Pepi Dia, semester "It's been a king labor ot love Mam Ihe taping tor Ihe final $I0,(KK) champi lason liuercio, Vil Assuncion and Roger long hard hours have been spent in putting a onship game between the Creeks and the Alvarez. final product on the air." said Brill. Apartment Area was held Wednesday at K p.m Ihe show consisted ol tour rounds the in You definitely learn a lot and gam great at the School of Communication courtyard. depth questions, the buzzer round, the pop hands-on-experience You have to pay great JENNIFER BUflKE / "Its nice to have some spending mono and culture round and the final -"-JI second round attention to detail." said Mileyka Burgos, the be part ot this whole experience," said I "The format ot the show mcorporat.