'Canes hope Beyond 2002 Is Bush a o w m I to salvage Fest flops at leader? OR*, to to I season Bicentennial Hi SPORTS page 5 ACCENT page 10 OPINION page 13 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Coral Gables, Florida Since 1927 Volume 79, Number 47 WWW.THEHURRICANE0NLINE.COM Friday, ApnlT9^2002 Cuban My Baby's Got Sauce students keep seat Andrea Alegria

The Federacion de Estudiantes Cubanos [FEC| rejoiced Wedactdaj afternoon after .in overwhelming m,i|unlv d student Government senators voted in lavor ul their maintaining a Ktiatc seat The recommendatum to remove (lis seat came trom the Sd Supreme (ourt who ruled against them live to one at a hearing that took place April IO, :(K)2. met* three RUSSELL WOJTUSIAK / ai.irs student organization! represented in ROCKING OUT: Bassist King Kane added his tlu senate must appear hetore the Supreme own ingredients to the Special Sauce Court to have their seat rt \ i< " I he court telt that the needs ol this orga G. Love and Special iii/.il ion were not compelling enough to sub stantiate a continued organizational senate seat," said silia Herrera, < hiet lustice to the Sauce rocked UC patio Supreme (ourt. By Allison Adamo Herrera said that the court believed the me Staff VV senators representing the school, year, or residence ol ,t particular group could cont in As the sk\ laded into l deep blue Wednesday evening, the ue addressing lhe needs ot this constituency. students of UM piled into the UC patio. and that the ( ouncil of International I hev crowded around the standing area in front ofthe stage Students and Organization! [COISO] could and took up ever also represent their interests well. Hollowing Hurru ane Production's Spring ( I ning Other supreme court justices agreed id, I'M's own Active Ingredients. (,, Love and the S| lo promote unity and equitable diversity Sauce began the first song ot their two part set. on i ampul (avert is a, . have G love ami tin Special Sauce, a trio of laid back guyi hail RIISSELI WO ITUSIAK / distinct and unique rcpicseiitation while from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ihe ingredients that make­ MULTITALENTEO: G Love is renown, as he showed thm crowded UC patio on Wednesday, other ethnicities are content with COISO up the BMtl art '(, i ret Dutton, who sings and for playing the guitar, harmonica, and for singing-- though not simultaneously representation,' s.ud supreme court lustice plays the guitar ami harmonica (though not simultancou Wilson ami the Sp. |imi |azz"( King Kane), the bassist and more rap. iazz, and R&B-esque songs. Fhe host ot students lhe stage tor a closer view of the trio, some to the set up table lustin Maknwski, who ottered the only back up vocals, and "Houseman" l letter\ ( lernens I on drums. moved and swaved to the upbeat musk, turning the standing i shirts or ClK.and some iust back to their rooms. dissenting vote argued that: "COISO is a Iheir unique eclectic style blends together a touch ot rap. room into a dance tloor The band toned down their style in 11 I ove began his music career in high school,singing in his conglomerate organization that cannot pos iazz, blues, country, and Rc*VB Iheir tunes have been compared the second set South Street neighborhood. He later met up with tuture band- sibly meet the specific needs oi (uban to those ot such legendary acts as Bob [>vlan (by whom G. 11 Love brought out his acoustic guitar and played countrv mates |imi Iazz and Houseman and the trio got their big start Students on this campus" I hums to be influenced), the Rolling Stones the Beastie stvle".although he otten tree styled with his rapping i apabili- in MM with their self titled debut album "If we look at where we stand now Boys, and Beck. ties with mass approval. I he audience cheered ,\nd laughed at Iheir single ( old Beverage warranted them the hearts ot America in 2002 removing FEC trom the It must be their little bit ot everything attitude towards G Love's comical Ivrus manv high school and college students.along with a video on Senate would serve absolutely no purpose," music that drew flocks ot people, simc there was something The crowd st reamed and begged tor more as t. Lot MTV said Makowski "It would he extremelv near I rvone's taste*. the stage Ihev followed up G. Love and the special Sauce with the sighted to vote to remove this seat" Or perhaps it was their stage audience relations One student even shouted, lake off vour cloihcs' more mature* oast tot oast Motel m IW,and have since put 11 ( representatives said thai COISO is an The trio charmed the crowd with its soulful groove and G The band returned, as is their tradition, lor an encore and out three more albums: Yeah, It's That I ass. reminiscent of umbrella organization, FEC would be the witts rappings. finished their set with the famous ( old Beverage I he house their first album, in IW. Philadelphomc in PW9, and their thirty fourth group involved and there ti. Love and the Special Sauce's tirst set was I mix ol their lights came up and the students dispersed, some to ihe side ot more sultry Electric Mile in 2(K)I. would be no hope ot adequate represent.! tion. In a compelling speech given at the meet ing, senator Mike Holt representing the Gat/ Candle vigil promotes interfaith peace lesbian bisexual Community, pointed out that il H ( should come under the umbrella Sophomores I mily Horowitz, Lily Astour ,\tV that the end result was a good one ol ( OISO, other smaller organizations with Tensions soothed by guestAshkenaz i came together to organize the vigil, in collaboration 1 he same tensions hall a world awav tound their wav here." in C01S0 would run the risk of being mis with (OISO the (ouncil ol International Sludent said Nikki Chun,outgoing I OISO president "I'm glad that this represented because thi Cuban population speakers, clergy membersOrganization s alter tensions arose during last weeks comprises an overwhelming maiono and By Danielle Scott International MM . en in mv own tamilv the pain I went to (ity would overpower other oigani/ai "i heie have been pioblems here in the past week and this has have seen the pain in peoples cws,' \shkenazi said "When Other justices argued that FE< claimed to been one ot lhe main lofces j behind the vigil |, was all I saw the pain in people's eves on mv campus, I felt il was time need lhe representation in the seriate mainly I lu st.ige was set lor peace Ashkenazi would sav about last week's dLsagreemenis lodo tomethi for funding purposes A rabbi, a reverend and a Muslim doctor conversed while the " Lhe three ot us were discussing what happened It's based Reverend Lrank Corbishley. Rabbi Russel hi\, Or Motez viae President of FEC, Cristina Arnaza, organizers and peace wishers sot i.ilized and se! up tor the can oft ot rumors," Astoui said. lapia, chairman ol the Institute tor Islamic Education and said that arguments made hv lhe I It sena dlelight peace vigil on Wednesdav. to promote peace between "l.ila and I have hern friends since the second gradt Research, .is well as ( OISO presideni elect, Cof) ( am NW the toi defending their position were taken out lht I M community and the Middlt I each other as triends, not as a lew and a Muslim," Horow itz said guest of context and misinterpreted hy the iust ices Sounds ol nature placet) and the Men ick fountain served as AlthtHigh no one reallv wanted to comment on tht ia igtons because we ~See FEC • Page 2 both backdrop and accompaniment to the event the vigil wa.s after all. about coming together -organizers i. VIGIL • Greeks beat Apartments in UMIQ Finals

got |2*Meach to claim the lead and after that there w Hour show to air "I'm so happy I got |2M so I dttti need to stopping them worrv about buvmg textbooks next term are very proud You were terrific and we Apr. 27 on UMTV said Lauren Walkci arc vei \ luckv to have vou I m sure evervone at By Seema Gohil I ath team originally consisted of N mem the university is very proud," said Edward I hers but due to unavoidable circumstances, Ptister, l>ean ofthe School of Communications two members of the Apartment Area were who presented the checks "Yah' t.o dreeks'' was the cry as thev absent lhe idea tor the show was put forth last walked away with the grand prize of a check The Creek team members wercCarlv Bobar. October and actual production began last tor PM*** the tirst ever I'Ml(J game show 1 lzette Vila, Monica Vila, Jose Pepi Dia, semester "It's been a king labor ot love Mam Ihe taping tor Ihe final $I0,(KK) champi lason liuercio, Vil Assuncion and Roger long hard hours have been spent in putting a onship game between the Creeks and the Alvarez. final product on the air." said Brill. Apartment Area was held Wednesday at K p.m Ihe show consisted ol tour rounds the in You definitely learn a lot and gam great at the School of Communication courtyard. depth questions, the buzzer round, the pop hands-on-experience You have to pay great JENNIFER BUflKE / "Its nice to have some spending mono and culture round and the final -"-JI second round attention to detail." said Mileyka Burgos, the be part ot this whole experience," said I "The format ot the show mcorporat. Production Manager TOUGH CHALLENGE: Students compete for $70OO grand prize wrri-ngs Vila, a member ot the Creeks team. students, protessors and the entire I'M cam lurnout wasn't very large but organi/ in the finals of UM's first gameshow. UMIQ. lo get to the litials, tlu (.reeks defeated pus and this has never been done I ers attributed it to insufficient advertising. Involvement in th< pi••• bing said Brill, Eaton and Pearson while the Apartment Area Rachel Brill, the producer off the show need greater advertising and its vers was entirely volun: edited one hour long show will be aired defeated Stanford and the Commuters lhe Apartment Area started off well, win­ hard to get players for a new show It's a new st hi tech equipi i pnl 27th at 7 p ni on channel 24 on The Greeks won a $1000 each to spend at ning the tirst round. idea and hopetullv it will expand your t M I\ and channel % on AT A T Cable in 'he I M bookstore, while the Apartment Area * In the second round, the Greeks tought Rtck saul IVanna Sudikotf, the A^ time and energy and yet nave to t ibles m 2 Friday, April 19, 2002 NEWS THE MIAMI HURRICAM

News fe No plans in sight for art building *

BY Jaclyn Lisenby rooms are verv tar apart, meaning atudents. it will I support is evident trom the sta­ that the art and art history tacultv to provide belli siuh as tin art department's building- • HOUSING SIGN-UP It vou'veever had a class in the art and administration may IS an un condtmned building, said ihen location at polar opposin The deadline for current students to sign-up for on campus housing for 9* 1 2002 2003 academic year is today Beginning on April 22nd. current R* building, vnu might have noticed that to communicate as well as thes did sophomore art student Marc lohnson requesting on campus housing will be placed on a waiting list should a n no one is allowed to go up to tin when thev were c loser to each other Other students, hown lohnson become available To apply 'or on campus housing visit ttie Departr- ond tloor lln art building has character Some art students specula**. inistic about the plans Residence Halls office Room 153 in Eaton Residential College For more dm aaiond tloor ol the two storv The balutnv is ideal for drawing. Bul the universitv is currentlv toe using its Dr. Shalala seems interested in mation. call (3051 284-4505 or e-mail housing®rniami edu ! art building, located in the upper cot the Rainbow building, besides being attention on aesthetic problems more our problem," Wallet said "So I • GREEK APPLE POLISHING AWARDS net ot campus neat the lilm school, l.i' awav. is uninspiring. White walls. than education issues, theretnu hope that the problem will was condemned a vear ago no windows, fluorescent light' funding i things like the In the meantime, classes will The greek Apple polishing Ceremony took place Tuesday at the Facult, i lasses that previously took place said freshman Angela Wii new parking garage and landscaping remain spread out over the campus, Certificates were given to all gteeks maintaining above a 3.5 GPA pn in the art building have been relixat enrolled in Art llll "With such a before the art building will be consul and hopefully students and tacultv Shalala and Dr Patricia Whitely Vice President for Student Affairs were on hand ed to other classrooms,often quit' heautitul campus tn draw, we need ered alike will keep up the goin) attitudi to congratulate students and faculty Irom the arl building and the test ol windows" ei ol the University's thev are showing now. The Professor of the year award went to Dr Alexander Perez-Pons from the the department 'I think it's a big problem," Waller Business School and Tricia Shatley from Orientation and Commuter Affair- 'Drawing and painting ilasses are said "We're spread out all over the received fhe award for Admistrafor of fhe Year in the Rainbow building," said graph place It's hard to have a department it ii design maior Steven Waller "Its there's no unitv in location' behind the I ircle k.next to Hoi Hut. However, Dr Roberts savs the fac­ • GRADUATE PROGRAMS MAKE MAGAZINE I didn't even know that was part of ulty is coping well with the income "BEST" LIST the campus. And the S D ilasses an nieiice, he said " There's strength in ovei bs Hecht." having us in one place, but we a an do UM s School of Education was tanked in the top 50 in U S News & Wortd Report | Although rough plans hav. our iobs separated too" annual list of the country's Best Graduate Schools ' made to build a new lacilitv tor the Dr Marian leflerson. iMtxkftl art department, nothing is detinue chair ol the art and art history "I don't know what the plans are, department, agreed much less the tunc tiame we re look Wed love to have a new building, ing at." said Dr Pern Roberts of the she said "Bul we understand it could art and art historv department be three ot loin seats VVe iust don't ndar "Honestly. I dont think anyone know where the funding is." Campus cfle knows" "The art department doesn I There are currently classroom appear to have the same funding as MAX ALVAREZ / spaces Inr all art classes somewhere other departments ft the University CONDEMNED: The 'art shack,' as it is known, has been on campus, but some ot those ilass would like to keep the program and condemned since last Fall APRIL IS NATIONAL STI AWARENESS MONTH The Wellness Center will be distributing condoms and educabonal information in tfte Breezeway every Thursday during April between 11 -am -1pm to celebrate FEC keeps senate seat despite court vote national STI Month f-or more information on STI's or condoms distribution please contact 305-284-6524 Sponsored activites geared at wholeolht rwis e is able to obtain a seat bv Homecoming winning se a two thirds vote nt the senate awards MENINGITIS VACCINATION CLINICS OFFERED IN community, not just Cubans the past three vears the IFC "We do not iust represent the BREEZEWAY has grown into an important stu ( ubans in our club," Arria/a said From FEC • Page 1 population ol siudents, -uch as dent organization that currently "We have an open door policv and Student Health Centei will be offering meningitis vaccinations in the Breezeway I uban Americans, be underrepre holds between 46 and 'ill members we put on activities for the entire throughout the month of April for $49 99 (compared to the regular price of $/0i who used their points to argue in sented in the senate," she said. "We Arna/a said thai lit won first communitv." Clinics are scheduled for April 11, April 18 and April 25 between 11:30a m to 1 30pm Cash or check will be accepted at the breezeway Clinics Vaccines will • ot removing them Irom thi ••I rage other organizations toget place in the "Hurricanes Help Home li ft ol Fl i Roberto fastro be offered at the Student Health Center throughout the month of April for stu­ senate a seat in the senate but ihev have to lown' event, which means thev had said be was very happy thev wen dents who can not attend clinics. "We never said lhal our sole pur tight for it'' the largest number of participants able to keep their seat Sign-up for on-campus housing1 pose in senate MM toget monev,"she Arria/a explained thai anv under involved in proportion to the total "Ihis is verv important because All week. April 16 22 there will be an Alumni trivia contest from 10a m.-2p.m. in 1 1 said."This is an option that wi ; graduate student organization that number ot members in the organi we represent so many minoritv the UC Breezeway for a grand drawing for a $100 gift certificate to A . sports Stop by the UM Ambassador Table for entry forms but thai lo ihis dav we haven't u- is duly registered, receives funding wtion. communities*' he said. Arria/a said fit was verv happv trom a mandatory tee source, and The FEC has also promoted activ­ "I think lhe senate made tht with the result ofthe meeting demonstrates a substantive need ot ities like Three Davs ot (uban appropriate decision,' said Holt. " I CONFERENCE ON CURRENT DEBATES IN PUERTO RICAN "It is uniust to have such a large representation thai could not be met Culture and participated in congratulate 111 for their success" CULTURE AND POLITICS

The Center for Latin American Studies. The Puerto Rican Professional Association of South Florida and Frances Negitln Muntaner is hosting The Puerto Rican "VacilUn A Conference on Current Debates in Puerto Rican Culture and Politics in the Storer Auditorium The three day conference (18-22) includes speeches and panel discussions from professors from around the country and special events This conference is free and open to the public To register or for more information contact Diane Just at 305-284-1854


Alpha Kappa Alpha is having a Pinkyland at the Rock from 11 30a m 2 30p.m as part of their "So fresh and so clean with pink and green skee week

The last speaker of the Department of Art and Art History's Euro Art Today lec­ ture series will be Barbara Sterner who will discuss Contemporary Art in Germany. 6 30 p.m . today in room 180 of the Whitten Learning Centei Sterner Stop by the AmeriCorps Information Table on has studied Art History at the University of Vienna, and is currently the Director Wednesday, April 24th from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. of the Gallery for Zeitgen'ssische Kunst in Leipzig For more information call 305- in the University Center Breezeway. 284-2542

Friday Groove on the UC Patio from 11:4V*" m 1pm "SmokmgPit" Please join recruitment representatives from AmeriCorps and Peace Corps on Wednesday, April Happy Hour at the Rat from 4 30-8p m 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the University Center, Room 245, to learn about exciting service opportunities. SAT APRIL 20 Find out how you can make a difference in the Alpha Kappa Alpha is having a BBQ at 2 5p m . location to be announced lives of others while gaining valuable skills and Free Princeton Review practice tests (MCAT. LSAT. GMAT, GRE) at 1 la m Please money for college. RSVP the Princeton review at 305 662-1464


CAC Film. "Lord of the Rings"

The last PRSSA meeting of the semester will meet at 4 30 p m in UC 245 Guest speaker will be Mark Pray, Assistant Athletic Director for the Hurricanes Executive board elections will be held and refreshments will be served

WED APRIL 24 ^ Arab-Israeli Conflict Fact vs Fiction talk in the Flamingo Ballroom B at 5pm Games mght at the Rat, 7 9p m FRI APRIL 26

YOUR WORLD. Finals are approaching and so is crunch-time stress If you are feeling over whelmed with your studies, we can help1 Join the folks at the Wellness Centet tot a relaxing day of movies and popcorn at the center Atrium For more infor YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE IT BETTER. mation contact 305-284 6524 Friday groove on Patio from 11 30a m -1pm

Happy Hout at the Rat from 4 30 8p m


WWW.AMERiC0RPS.ORG 1.800.942.2677 [1.800.833.3722 TOD] AMERICORPS. GIVE BACK FOR AYEAR. SERVE YOUR COMMUNITV. CHANGE VOUR LIFE. J \ • THE MIAMI HURRICANE NEWS Friday, April 19, 2002 Earthfest shows concern for recycling, social issues

By Dia Flores Hurricane-'.'-'' mentally conscioi Ink! imprisoned I rrli- I his vear, the organizations main Imagine living in a world where concern wa-. recvcling, becatlK in pre l-ood nol Bombs, an trash overflowed onto tht- streets md vioiis years, the universitv i and non-denominational organization, landfills reached their limit be. formal recvcling program .passed out numerous fliers on anli nobody recycled Among the organizations authoritarian issues Thev are well Recycling is lust mt O ihe mai'>r were the Sierra < lub. Student known tor looking bed at I loial iwues that Earth Alert, I 'niversitv ol I bet Food not Bombs, and the living kitchen everv Sundav and afterwards Miami's environmental organization, Wagel.oailition dishing it out to the less fortunate, in deals with I .irih \lert also had I lahl. .(own Miami and Fort I aiulerdalc iddress h< On lues,April 1Mb. Earth \|,rt hekl interested students could sign up to it's fifth annual Earthfest on the U.C. become members They distributed povertv. and war Ml decisions in our JENNIFER BURKE I patto from I lam to4 p.m. Earth Alert pamphlets and literature about ••• organization are based on consensus invited the hand "I ate tor I ife" to enter ding, water conservation, and habitat and is never hierarchk.i! s.nd I Food TABLING FOR THE PLANET: Students do tlneir part to help the planet by participating and tain those in attendance preservation not Bombs represenlat. trying to recruit new members during the fifth annual Earthfest on Tuesday As the band plaved. students took I\K h organization present addressed The Living Wage < oalition distrih- •tent and our senators in order to the law School, Cam Stance

growing since 1993 from an aver- strong academic program, and •CNM the country to hear even a Standards/or 'J009 applications, to nearly also the admissions office's excel­ litlie something about UM. double that today at roughly lent strategies in getting "the word But more so, it is her determina acceptance get 14,000 applicali'. out"about what UM has to tion in making this university the rding to Dean d As the number of students best it can be that draws interest more selective Enrollment Paul Orehovec, the fall applying to UM increase, the from soon to be college students. 2001 semester was the first year requirements for acceptance has "The diverse student body is By Theresa McDonald that the Universitv admitted less become more selective, Orehovec what is most appealing to hopeful than 30% ot applicants and this said. applicants." Orehovec said, adding trend is continuing. loday, the typical high school that it was one of the most varied So what is drawing students to senior accepted has an average in the nation Is it the sun and surf? Could it sunny South Florida? CPA of 4.0 and is positioned in the The ahundann impus he the nightlife? Or possibly just It's probahlv because of our top 14% of his or her class, accord activities that are available to UM the"hot girls" as Sophomor. National Champion football ing to the office of enrollment MT siudents is iust another motive for Ali exclaimed. said freshmen Travis vices. attraction Whatever lhe reason, the fact is, Radak Ihe university's new and Despite ...nes own inter..- JENNIFER BURKE / the number of high school seniors However. Orehovec had another hubbies, there is something for FIGHTING FOR A LIVING WAGE: A student tries to raise renowned president also aids m consciousness for the living wage issue by drawing applying tn UM tor the Eali Immi explanation He believes the uni spreading the word about | everyone, such 3s vearbook, numerous clubs, and intramural her concern in front of the UC Rock steps. semester is at an all time high. versity is being recognized more Donna E Shalala's name recog I he number has been steadilv than ever before, because of its nition alone enables people from sports SENIORS

We want mLJ p get your yearbook.

Visit the Student Section of the IBIS website (www.miami.eclu/IBIS) by May 1,2002 to get your yearbook shipped free. * After May 1, you wi be bied (approx. $4.50 in the US)

Email [email protected] with any questions

. Friday. April 19, 2002 NEWS THE MIAMI HURRICAN Speakers cause though

perhaps, not * spcal., bul * "All ot our speakers have p From VIGIL • Page 1 .ten lot to think .ihout.i lot to COM wanted In ncuti "I'm not going tn talk at and I'd roalb like us to keep it in link .ill," llnrova.it/ Villi said heart' the vigil came tn Kadi g.m (heit Iwo a ents about wh.it He then initiated a mon end it would take tn |->nni_ vmplatc si.iv csetvthmg that has happened to ihem with the turnout d aNtut 10 ; • "I have nn own vision about l.itelv 'It's an excellent turnout," * [H.lat would look Ilk.'I urbishlci -mb sound to lx heard was the said I thank 1 OISO Inr their spun J "I might be wrong Wt need tn nunc gentle watertall — _ ship and thj ettorts to help •!•, together in our willingness tn t.ike nm „t the lounlain »• fat. jfy mporiant Wt lilt step back tmm our opinions .md > "voine people h.ul , , . ihew,. 1 mGaimd. will hem their eves dosed ^ Ht'tllCI Hild^llCrilW "Sum e 11 n| Kabhi )tt\ tpokeaboul ilu difi .Ml ni the.n some positive energy tor hntught American Hag between being .1 lover of peau .mil turn to positive energv ""I'm not MUM • 'Shalom IV.ke It means vnu have COISO advisor and directnr ut or lewish so it was great to hear otft nothing to worrv ibout front me. lapia lnteni.itioii.il Students ami Schnlar religions opinions," said senior PJ saul Semi es, I'licresa de la (iiiardia gave the Stout. 'dod IS pe.ice. It was unisers, ( am toll lhal his i

JENNIFER BURKE / FANNING THE PEACE FLAME: Students and clergy gathered to promote peace and under standing on Wednesday night by the Merrick fountain


The Ponce Garage will be closed May 3rd, 2002 due to construction.

The Ponce Garage will be closed to all traffic and parking as of Friday, May 3rd, 2002 due to construction. The project, which entails adding two more floors of parking to the existing garage, is expected to be completed by August 2002.

In an effort to have the construction completed by the beginning of the fall semester, and to keep construction as unobtrusive as possible, work has been scheduled to take place just before the end of the semester. During construction, 628 parking spaces will be lost. However, alternate parking will be available at Coral Gables Municipal Lots 42 and 43, on Ponce de Leon Boulevard across the street from the Ponce Garage and the Mark Light Baseball Stadium, as well as at the Scodella, Liguria, Albenga, Red Road North and South Lots for holders of current Commuter Student Permits and Faculty/Employee Permits.

The Hurry 'Cane Shuttle Hub will relocate from the Ponce Garage to the Metro North Lot, adjacent to the Metrorail and Ponce de Leon Blvd, on May 3, 2002. At the conclusion of the spring semester, shuttle services will operate its normal summer schedule and routes, excluding the Ponce Garage.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience during the construction period. For further information please contact the Parking Department at 305-284-3096, option #1, or visit the parking website at:

http://www.miami.edu/parking AT A GLANCE Check out the Big East tennis tournament al weekend on campus at the Nei Schiff Tennis Center.


The 2002 NFL Draft Mm April 19, 2002 place tomorrow and Sunday m New York Pro football's newest fran- chise, tbe . how the first pick and are expected to take Fresno State David Carr Several Weekend series to control UM s fate Hurricanes, meanwhile •re expected to hear their BV IFRFMY MARKS-PELTZ ne might be iust the tfft ning tonight Miami, who entered the are in danger of missing tht names called dunng the inclined to think that the Miami The Hurricanes welcome So. IJ Long season ranked as higf n the for the first time since 1*173. Head I two day festivities ESPN draft expert Mel Kiper Jr, Mter getting swept bv Florida St.ile Hurri. d atari looking inwards Reach State (24 IO) to Mark Light ISPVI'SA lodav poll, dropped to |im Morris and his plavers have kept an projects offensive line .md having a ranked opponent come to i r. is dome Stadium for a three-game series, begin VMM IK IH) after Sundav s game, and optimistic attitude though, and are man Bryant McKinnie and looking forward to the final 20 games of corner-back Phillip the regular season. Buchanon to be drafted in Long Beach State is plaving realh the top 10 well, and if we beat them, then we can has been widley considered get back on track,'' said Iim Burt "The as the best tight end in season is far from over" tbe draft, while safety Ed The Hurricanes will likely send Heed may also be taken sophomore right hander I ian Touchet oft the board before tbe to the mound for tonight's opener. end of the first round Other Hurricanes who will Touchet has been one of Miami's pleas likely make tbe move to ant surprise-- this vear, posting a *>-2 the NFL, include offensive record with a 4.66 ERA One of those linemen and wins came in Tallahassee Joaquin Gonzalez, safety On Apr 6, Touchet pitched a James Lewis and run­ ning back Hurricane season-high 7 2 innings, who C8S Sportsline com squandering six hits and two earned calls a second-round runs to help Miami notch its onlv victo 2**- ry in six attempts against the Seminoles "Dan pitched really well at Llorida State," Morris said Lor the most part, hes done a good iob for us and right mm, I have to consider him our ' pitcher" After plaving well in the final two games at Tallahassee, the Hurricanes had high hopes for last weekend • rematch with Florida State After a 6-4 loss in the opener. Miami's plav went downhill, as the Seminoles won the final WOMEN'S iMines ot the series with cast, ROWING defeating lhe Hurricanes I | and 17 10, respectively This weekend, the OAVIO EPPOtlTO / We didn't put evervthing together in Hurricanes travel Oak URGENCY: After being swept by state rival Florida State last weekend, the Hurricanes (18-18) need to win this wee Ridge. Tennessee as the series against No. 13 Long Beach State (24-10) to keep their postseason aspirations alive. See BASEBALL • Page 6 team competes in the Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association Championships, which take place tomorrow and UM hosts Big East tourney 'Canes roller hockey Sunday The Hurricanes varsity eight is coming oft a second place finish at earned a Nn ) seed in the tournament, to get it done," said Berger. the FIRA State while the women will have I tirst This past weekend, the No I3CMCI club a sweet success Championship while the Mens, womens iunior varsity four were round b\e .is • No 2 teed, deleated ( lemson I 2 and then dete.it victorious m their state tennis control lor the Miami men's tennis team. ed No 46 Gemma lech 4-3 despite BY DARREN GROSSMAN chance to plav No 1 Ball State if they championship meet This the\ are in M unfamiliar role, lhe Widom losing for iust the third time won However. SWMS beat the '( anes weekend marks tbe final Hurricane* art an underdog tor the this season tt No, 1 singles. Ihe l'niversitv ot Miami roller ending their season and I) II tournament for Miami own destiny before they head north to first time in tour seasons lhe tennis lodd losing does not concern me at hockev club has competed tor four title hopes the Big East BY DARREN GROSSMAN team has won thiee Big Last champi all. He was plaving a verv good plaver seasons in the ( ollegiate Roller Still, the team competed well and onship* in the last tour vears,ail under Championships in It was a good match and he iust as e.is Hockey league (('RHI I Southern the tournament was a verv good Worchester, current head coach lav Berger ilv could have won." said Berger division ot (he Southeast region. experience. Massachusetts, on Apr lhe men's .ind women's tennis However, thai doesn't mean that lhe pair ot \ ic tones put the The I'M team competes as a divi­ "(ten we knew we could make lhe 28. The Central teams hope home court .idvantage will anvone should count the '( anes out Hurricanes men's tennis team at 10-8 sion 11 school m this league and in its tournament, we MM together as a Region/Lexus Sprints. bring good fortune this weekend as the The Hurricanes have talent and are led also in Oak Ridge, take going into the Big Last tournament \s fourth season, it finished with a 13- group and plaved hard to win We place on May 18th and Big Last ('(inference Tennis by the No. lh plaver in the country, I No s seed in the tournament, the 11 record, its best mark to date Their were really dedicated," said goalie- 19th < hampionship comes to the Neil Schiff lodd Widom Hurricanes have a first round match record was good enough lo earn an Brian druthne. lennis ( enter Uc have l tough iob to do and the up todav at noon against No 6 seed im nation to the t RHI National In the national tournament, cap I he Hurricane men's leam has gins will have to pick up their games West Virginia The winner of this lournament to compete tor the Ml tain Andv Hooper led the t anes with match will go on to plav No 2 Virginia title in St. loins, MO four goals and four assists in tour Tech. "Being imited to compete lor the games Assistant captain |on Harper In order for the Hurricanes to get tar I) 11 lille was significant because we followed with two goals, three in the Big Last tournament, the*, are knew we had a shot to win the title," assists, and II penalty minutes. going to need plavers to step up. said assistant captain (on Harper Todd Llmg also had four goals tor "Things are going to have to fall into 1 ht t anes compete as a 1>II the'faines in the tournament place tor us We are going to need school in lhe tournament, however The roller hockev club received production in the three and tour sin all season thev were lorced to plav funding this season from student gles position." said Berger mostly I) 1 schools because ot I Lick rnment and SAFAI . and the WOMEN'S On the women's side, the Hurricanes ot division II schools in (he South teams success can he attributed TRACK & FIELD tennis team earned a first round bw as In a lot ot games, the l anes knew partlv to lhe contributions that these the No. 2 seed in the Big Last the\ would In o\e'matched plaving a two organization! have made to the The (hampionship Iheir first game is big division I program with a lot club women's track and field scheduled for noon on Saturdav as more siudents. so it was a good thing "Student government helps us team debuted at No. 17 in they will plav the winner ot * for them to he able to compete in a financially as well as SAM Ihey the Trackwire Top 25 Virginia lech and No ts Rutgers division II tournament have given us monev everv vear tor rankings released Wednesday Miami has However, the Hurricanes know an "It was a mattet ot respect. In our equipment and to travel with, which six individuals and two important kev tor them will be to get region we pl.n 1> I schools, so to be limits our personal expenses," said relays currently on the oft to a mt) last start in the doubles able to go out there And have • Harper NCAA list Leading the match, as the\ are in need of some chance to win was good tor u oiler hockev club welcomes way tor the Hurricanes is confidence after losing their last two Haiper plav pick senior All American Kareen Clarke, who ranks matches In the national tournament eiimi up panic", with them everv Mondav nationally in both the long "The kev to winning the tourna nation rounds, the '(anes fell to and Wednesdav in the jump and triple jump ment is to get oft to an unbelievable Sl N*i in lht first game 8 !,hut came Mahonev/Pearson courts Lrom Freshman Lauryn start, espeeiallv in doubles." saui he .id hack strong with a 5-4 win over those pick-up games, thev select Williams, who earned All coach Paige Yaroshuk Miami-Ohio, and a 3-3 tie their travel team that plays in the America honore in the 60- meters during tbe indoor The '( anes come into the tourna in the third game. This league season, ranks fourth in ment 11 6 on the season, but thev have gave Miami a No I seed in the tour Ihis c luh has high hopes tor the the nation in the 100- suffered back to back losses againsl nament future meters (11.44) Senior Michigan and Notre Dame Still, in a t The Hurricanes plaved tilth seed Wc will be competing next war Wytleshia Mynck a 2000 ] indoor loss to No. 1 seed Noire ed Southwest Missouri State with the tor ihe championship." said Harper. All-American in the 200- meters has the 12th Harne. the 'I anes proved that thev can fastest 200- meter time in Ml the Lighting Irish. nation this season "I have a group of girls who iust hat (23.59) The Hurricanes tie, and that's what it is going to come­ have also received strong down to It will come down to who performances from juniors Saraque Whittaker battles harder in these conditions," and Jamillah Wade said Varkoshuk Whittaker. an NCAA quali If the '(anes cjn out battle Noire tier last season, ranks I'ame and the rest of the Big Last fon, 13th m the nation in the thev will win the Big Last and get an 400-meters (53 31 (while Wade the defending Big automatic bid tor the field ol 64 in the East Champion in ttie NCAA Regional. DAVID EPPOtlTO / 400-hurdles. ranks 21st MAX ALVAREZ / "If we win the Big Last, we will qual GOAL: Humcane roller hockey players Mike Mogelefski in the nation in the event UNDERDOG: With a 10-8 record, the me •am is in f»J7) and Todd Eling celtaprate a score. an i infamiliat*c4e entenna the tot rnev n* 1 R tvnnte ~1^eTEt*iilsr» Page 6 Friday, April 18, 2002 SPORTS THF- MIAMI HURRICAN^ No jobs safe down the stretch

home run Sunday, while brother bask into the top 2f> or even make Coach Morris ttaaa) aontmues tn be Miamis best thi postseason, then we have to le detensisi outfielder lln odd men out how ro beat these team- will play those ainild be Burt and senior Matt I'rwr. tor the postseason. who were both out ot the lineup Hurricanes will need to plav well i who produce Sundav Although the lineup mav be SOO hi be assured of an at large bid ti uncertain, the plavers on the held the N< A A Regionals If thev reach thi From BASEBALL >Pagi iht \ kern to modem plavotts, Morris has high hopes fo "We have to aontinue to hit. and Miami's potential .in*, td thi' panics," md said Trulay, realh need to have good outings trom I believe, in mv heart, if we get int our pita hingwas good, hut our hitting our stan iimioi lijnnv the \'< AA lournament, then we hav wasn't there .irnl on Sundav. our hit Matien/o "VVe also need to realh puk a chantc to win," Morris said "We'v ting was good, hut our pitching wasn't up our deti plaved good in some games, and bai th. • After this weekend, the Hurruanes in some games, but we haven't plavei 1 IHspite tin' three losses, there were travel to ( hapel Kill to take the well as ,i team, and I know we can pla ,i tte bright spots tor inilivRlii.il l'niversitv ol North I arolina, who are Hurricane phivers Sophomore H.ias ranked lit* bv Baseball Weeklv I he plavers agree with then l'i.ill dtmm in six RKI's in the series, Miami also has a series at NtJ "It we have the chance to make it tt aiul will he in the lineup, possihlv at Georgia feck in Mav. a regional, theres a chance tor everv tirst base, according to M I plaving ranked I thing," tdddeme said If we get hot I reshman Paco Figueroa gets the start and we'll umtinue plaving ranked then we can make it to Omaha, but wi .it short after hitting his first collegiate teams.Morris said It we want to get have to finish strong," 'Canes tennis Intramural Scoreboard to defend SOFTBALL Redneiks 4 home court UMSM Men-5 Sunday 4/14 From TENNIS • Page 5 Monday 4/15 Base Pairs- 22 itv lor the NCAA Regional, and B(M -5 I'hi Delta Theta-5 hopefully we will solidih a No 2 Alpha Sigma Phi 2 seed with a win.' said Yaroshuk. UMSM- 17 While the '(.utes are definite!) a Base Pairs 6 lambda tfu Alpha 8 t.isi>rite to get to Sunday, it is impor Zeta Beta Tau- I tant that they don't overlook their Absolute li I Saturdav opponent with Notn What" I Phi Delta Theta- 7 Sigma Chi-1 Dame potent ial I v looming. "It is important tor us not to over What?!- 11 l'i kappa Alpha 6 look s.iturd.n hca.iusc it won't be a Hui Aloha- 7 Alpha Epsilon Pi- 4 walk over bv am means.' s.nd ( oe h STARTS APRIL I9th UMSM Men It) Viroshiik huil Balls I Sigma Phi Fpsilon 4 AT TH€ IMAXTH6ATR6 AT THG SHOPS AT SUNS6T PLACE Regardless ol what happens in the Sigma Alpha M tournament, one thing that hoth the We're Arrogant- 4 Located at the corner of U5I and 57th Avenue in South Miami men and women's tennis teams Axis of Fvil 2 Tuesday 4/16 agree on is that thev are glad to he For tickets call: (305) 663-IMAX playing at home at the Neil Schifl Supertlv- 12 SMS || lennis (enter, lhe home crowd Redneiks t Rednecks-0 See listings for showtimes, visit www.imax.com/miami could be a big advantage for the or call (305) 663-IMAX Humi anes I hev are hoping tor a Axis of Fvil- 10 foul Balls- 11 l.nge a rowd to root them on to vida Nuil Balks 2 UMSM-10 rv We're Arrogant *•) Delta Phi Fpsilon- 1 pfteseNTCD BY IN COOPf RATION Ue heat been real successful at WITH mtmir Supertlv (l Zeta Tau Alpha 0 (Forfeit) ..i-> home and it will help us out it ( pie i ome out to watch us plav." said -J herger



The University of Miami has a new graduation schedule. Beginning this year, the commencement ceremony will be expanded to a series of events on May 10,tt, an d 19. At the ceremonies, all graduates will be recognized by name and walk across the stage to be congratulated by the president and their respective dean. Alt the traditional activities-the academic procession, the commencement address, and the musical accompaniment-will remain. Graduates are encouraged to invite family and friends-no tickets required.

UNDERGRADUATE CEREMONIES 4:30 p.m. MEDICINE AND LAW CANDIDATES CAP AND GOWN PICKUP STAGING AREA < eieiiHinics lm all eligible Sell! ml nl Art llllcc nut ( eremonies tor these schools lor undeigraduate and gradu­ All students and tauiltv walking undergraduate students will School nt (onimunis.ition will be held on M.iv 1 I ate ceremonies, (acuity and in the academic piocession l take place on I rid.iv. Mav 10, School ot Education (Medicine) .md Mav l > (law). students mav pitk Up regalia should meet at the Whitten 2002, On tlie I nivcisitv ( iiecii School ol Musk ( ontact \ oui Dean s office tor trom May 6 through Mav 9 at I niveisnv ( eiitei. seeond tloor, as follows: School ot Nursing dci.nls: Medicine M)S 243- the lopipel ( areer ( eiitei 1 m one hour prior to the commence­ 6545; law 305-2M-2)f4. exact hours and more intorma­ ment ceremony. I or more infor­ 8:30 a.m. GRADUATE CEREMONY lion. call M5-2M-5451. mation, please call the ( >ttk e ot ( College ot Arts and Sciences Vv nli tin. exception ot the Regalia will attbe distributed I'uWk \ti.nis at 305-2tM 'MH Si hmil ot < ontinuing Studies St hoots ol Medicine (M.D the dav nt tin' event. Silionl ut International Studia candidates only) and Lett, a N ACCOMMODATIONS AND MORE monies toi .ill eligible graduate ACADEMIC PROCESSION I lave tamilv and triends 1 p.m. students will take place on I In. .k.idemia procession will traveling to see you and need SdlOol ot Business 1 \i\ 1 KMI'-T (n Saturday, Mav 11. 2002, at eiitei the commencement tent information on South Florida Administration 9: *><) a.111 on the I niversitv IS minutes pnoi to the official and its surrounding aids.' Visit ( ollege of Engineering ' •teen. commencement time www.m 1.1111 i.indl.c.it lies com.

Call the commencement infoline at 305-284-5798 or visit wvvw.miami.edu/commencement2002 r tt-aajrattaa_..t___.i___«ii_B_i^_FM__M_Hnr__ THE MIAMI HURRICANE Friday April 19, 2002

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^follett •current market value applies. NEW * USED COLLEGE.co TEXTBOOKmS ii THE MIAMI HURRICANE Friday, April 19, 2002

TA NNiNC Are you looking to recruit Freshmen for mmj SOLARIUM your student organization? < IMI-I1 Ultimate technology lor yout skm L A new dimension in indoor tanning Experience the 2002 equipment with maximum results in our beach style Are you looking for stuclents to work in \ facility We perform Stand Up units and Super Strong 12 jte beds Convenient location and hours of your ration Do you have any questions? dapartment/office? Starting Allroot y r All U Can* TAN Would you like to advertise specifically to $29 MMrmt the new incoming freshmen?

1136 South Dixie Hwy • Coral Gables. FL IN FRONT OF UM If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider taking an Smart fan 305-668-6233 International Hours of Operation t Itlf/l. Pt**eVt*t Cerlilication * 30am to 10p.m.• Sit'' am\7pm «Sur ad www.solariumcenter.com out in The Miami Hurricane's special summer edition: FUNDAY.... is starting early this year!!!i

We decided to get a jump on 6 of the key positions, so that we can be ahead of the game when school resumes in the fall. First Impression The positions that need to be filled are: Sponsorship, This issue gets printed in July and Greek Relations, Publicity, sent out to all new incoming students. Organizations, Res. Halls and Commuter Students, Don't miss out on this opportunity to Graduate Student Liaison introduce your club/department, etc. If you are interested in other positions we will be looking for interested parties in the fall. to the new faces of UM.

Please pick up your applications in the VSC. *Ad deadline is June 15, 2002!! Applications are due back on Wednesday, April 24th and interviews will be conducted on Tuesday, April 30th.

Congratulations Psi Chi's Newest Inductees Queer Youth represent 30% of all completed teen suicides Irene E Ahcot Melissa A Gorsack Kimberly F Argetsinger Aaron M Greene i ih» S Asfour Melissa A Jimenez Carolyn L Brooks Charminc R Johnson I Jt Anne Colamanno Gar-wood Amanda L Culp Priya Kirpalam in the US. Nathan A Deckard Kristen A Klufas Eugemo A Duane Morgan M Kroll 1 rant inc B 1 ishbein Kimberly 1. Kruse Cristina Gonzalez Alexandra 1 lane? a gay teen dies every 5 Susy Gomez Monica lorte hours and 48 minutes,

Ivette Machado Johna H Rutkert Melissa S Magyar Sam Semaan could it be one of your friends? Pamela A Martinez Sha-eiaS Shadam Gavin A McKenzie SamanathaC Sigler Camilo i Mejia Elizabeth Teplicki Monica G Perez Laura E Tsai Meghan C Perkins Jennifer A Villar gay, lesbian, bisexual community Joe Anne M Pfeil .Stephanie Vola Wagner G Pierre Stephanie M Wasserman Daphne E Pinkas Matthew J Weiss 305.284.5520 1 ysetieE Ramos [email protected] www.miami.edu/studorgs/glbc meetings: thursday. 8pm. upstairs UC AT A GLANCE Actor Robert Urich, star of the popular show Spenser: for Hire, died of cancer on Tuesday He was 55.


Concrete Blonde per April 19, 2002 forms live at Billboardlive. 15tti Street and Ocean Drive Miami Beach Show starts at 8 p m and tickets are $22 For more into call 305-358 5885 The Future of Big Music Acts »*4a in South Florida is Unclear

APRIL 23 Three days of incredible performances didn't save super festival By Hunter Stephenson String Cheese Incident mg set of West ( oast partv musk omt nd dancing the air They were freaking IJ OP thev shared numerous iokes security performs at Pompano Beach Amphitheater, with loyal Sublime covers like "You guvs haven't done sh" all das,' betore thev laid rhvmes over Afrika brought out their flash ligh' ram or Shine Show Walking through the held ot dirt in ' Bt-ftMM) and the fitting April 29, (hns plead His comment received Bambaalaas timeless \992 anthem endemic went air born nit stage starts at 7 p m and Bicentennial I'ark at the Bound 2862 I992 tMiamil. As their toothless, tat uncomfortable |eers and cold Planet Rthk. It was a colorfully odd hip- Busta took off his shirt, revealing a tickets are $28 50 For super Festival sl I p.m. on I ridtn toned lead singer downed Heinekens. from men who exemplified tht hop pertormance that would've have beer bells, and a girl with long red dyed more into, call 954- ofl the unusual aura ot being at | low and the six other members wailed out opposite demographic that prefer ( linton proud hair followed his ihng some 523-3309. budget state lair, lhe tirst IIMI people in isuphone, drums, guitars and suburban flavored candy core music fluring sound kodak worths plastic surgerv Split! Star .iitenil.uiit resembled extra*, trom the turntables (well incorporated scratch Bv the conclusion of their | checks, the doused her with Aqua Tina as Busta Harmons korine I.ius document*!*) ing lor once), the peaceful outdoor vibe confetti was in the air and beer me a tiers round nt s, enano ttmemt, there were lots ol mulletvhot was hard to emov as seven securitv enough people had gath He opened up a bottle ol 1 otsrvsinrr dogs, seemmgls motherless children guards stood silentlv in front ol the ered in tront ofthe st • Y\ and started chugging as Spliff helped and overweight white people nuking Ihev wore ridiculous, mstriu for Roger, the bands out with the lyrics to AMI the cornmws and extra large tie du I tional frowns on their faces and held dread linked ha- t tiurivtster Splifl took over shirts their muscular arms tightlv crossed, it tn risk crowd div from there and boasted Would Stone Temple Mots, busta was || nsidering that there ing. As I ess » ahout his 1 iiwhiiv Rhymes, less lhan lake. Rabbit in the were more dust tornadoes near the lhan lake , exploits with Moon and Outkast all hase plan- stage than people. closed with one of last night's user in the OMfSC ol Tl hours' fot) M - eternal tour horse All tt} Ud groupies Their set amid have gotten high Irom the sketah pranksters I ess Than lake took the Inends arc V practically made the APRIL 26 mess in the air, but then again sou prob stage Tht hand's spikv haired lead Metal Heads, and das worths of a $45 ably tailed in show up. singei, ( hris.held back a giant smirk as a toddler working ticket and Rabbit in the Moon was Face to Face performing Three stages that catered in hip hop, nned ihe crowd "I sure as hell for the "(iettin' Busv ' vendors were doing their best business still to come along with two more d.is s live at Ovation, 3637 S. loe.il roek aets and electronica Federal Highway Show hope Busta Rhvmes brings some people sex education campaign handed out ot the d,\\. and by the time Busta of music starts at 6 p.m. and remained almost enlirels empty nut Iv i looks like Miami's condoms, the festival had unleashed Rhvmes took the stage, hundreds nt Orlando's notorious Rabbit in the tickets are $15 For throughout the tirst going to lose some indefinite potential drunken reveiers had brewed some Moon unveiled some entertainment more info, call 561- dav A Sube Bus their ass on this 'Somebody sav blunt, say blunt, much needed energv inside the park thai was the electronica equivalent nl a 966-3309 Stage." constructed he said, blunt," an intelligent member ot a group When Busta and fellow Hipmode big budget dwar show s. pulley 1 arried ihe halt pipe betore the band called lhe Blunt f its < rew said into a Squad member Split! Star ran on stage Bunny, the group's frontniati over the to entertain vert launched mike underneath a lonely tent at the and ripped into M • > P. s Ante ip. II a straight lacke! as he pretend skaters, HMXers, BEVOND instinctively into Hip Hop Hements stage The testis.ils Budweisers' happv customers promptly ed to have a seizure and attempt and observe!i, eon \itti>i>:attc from potential had declined and enncertgo returned Busta's adrenaline The dread escape into the audience Betore their tinuously p| their 1*996 ers amid only hope that the spirit ot rap tapper's bellowing growl on As I set was over, he had used a giant gun tu mixture ol Marilyn album Losing music's tuture had taken the dav off to Hack, met* seduced the crowd shoot sparks over the crowd, passed nut Manson anil abra pay nostalgic respect to one ot its elec­ down a path of hvstencs betore he 5-1) glasses and oriental flags, worn a sive dise inakev A lew kids tric godfathers. Soul Sonic lorce calmed them with an educational les­ suit of mirrors that reflected light, slam mixes When pro­ 2002 skankecl and got Noted tor being an indirect int' son 111 melodv with the (,enesis hook. T- a dragon with a sword, plaved a fessional ikaterboardert Inns Hawk their IK shoes dirts as the band on Miami Bass, the group started nm wt wet, tittle vnu alter the tutint theremm, had half-naked girls dance in and AIHK It-Ucdonald aituallv dropped thrashed through surprising!) ener with some rather suspect Dirtv South \s a Goodyear blimp went bv with an kabuki makeup spinning fireballs, and 94 9 ZETA FM's Bonzai in on the halt pipe and landed some gelic renditions ol old material like Ah booty calls I hings didn't get interesting American flag lit in red, white and blue, flexed in a muscle suit. The music Festival featuring tricks, it was a sigh ot rebel and ciedi- Vtr* Own Flag, aru*i ,wo unreleascd until they brought out their flamboyant Busta h.id the need to stretch his rights sisted ot a long irrelevant trance after­ Gravity Kills, Kid Rock. bihts songs friuti an upcoming album. Indian chief, monk, Zulu and F.gyptian- as ,1 aiti/en and smoke some weed "Yo, thought. Puddle of Mudd As the hot sun turned neck Originally irnm Gainesville, Fla., the themed costumes ( overed in orange can we smoke in here? Yn. police, secun Walking out of the Bevond 2002 Sevendust. Rob Zombie, Dubcat, consisting oi various members and Fu Mancnu at band seemed at home regardless ot who lights and green lasers, the group ty we can smoke weed in here?" he Super Testival at I a.m. left a recollec Bicentennial Park. 1075 Irom lhe I ong beach Dub Allstars and was watching and tried desperately lo passed out tons ot plastic Zulu neck askeil. \ppaientlv the answer Ml tion ot arrival that was as thin as the Biscayne Blvd Show the ska )s,md llepi.it. plaved a retresh get the "wall" ol securitv guards to |oin laces and waved giant golden Ankhs in because Split) Star lit up a blunt and d.is s unfortunate turnout starts at 2 p m and tickets are $25 For more info, call 305- 358-5885

A Tribute to the Cure hosted by Corey Feldman. with Nasty Shahoulian and the Gitnmix and seven othei local bands at Hard Rock Cafe. 401 Biscayne Blvd Show is for 18 and over Doors open at 8 p.m Tickets are $15. BEYOND 2002 Hip hop thrives & Fatboy SUm keeps it Moist

By Omar Sommereyns thee. hours it was apparent that he would not .though," said Marvin Blut ing dark sunglasses, swaved shcklv with "I'm not sure why this happened," said perform. He was the onlv artist on the bill musi. 1,111 Right now, Ice I is pert the music An odd character named APRIL 27 Todd Ross, a Shutdown pnniucer "But I to do sn ing, bul theres alsoa break dancing com Bishop Magic Wand, dressed in a alown Bv the lasi alav ol the Bevond 2(>02 gol tivdback troni a lot ot people who did "The artists have been reallv good, but petition going on at the other end at the like, vellow.green, red outfit and sparkling Molson Chiller Beer Super I estival. the musical tete thai tried lit know what exactly this lestival was and .1 link Inst walking around same tunc, which leaves people w glasses, swirled around on stage. Party with the Crystal to blend togelher extreme sporls and some, surprisingly enough, didn't even lared Wkin trom West Palm Beach, who into hip hop a little disoriented' Smx-f> paused at one point, and Method at South Beach. eclectic music genres, was almost surely believe it was real" came tor the lull three davs "I doi. As the sun slowly started sinking. tk a "chronic break".is his 11th Street and Ocean Sports headliner Irevor \ ines, one ot nbled to the main stage diss lockes plaved 1 ud.' Drive Show is 21+ and in the red and li inked to sec /em profit like there's unilv among the people and starts at 1 p m Tickets It was a three das experiment that the worlds top live motor cross athletes, within the lestival' n silting on top ol men's shoulders. allowing his crew to dance and enioy the are $20 For more into would flame out with it- dignitv intact as acknowledged that people received "a Ice I appealed later in the afternoon exposed their chests for th green fumes. Balloons were issued over call 305-358-5885 it ended with a large Sundav helping ot good view ol extreme sports here smcc with his crew. SMI. (Sex. Monev and wanning themselves up tor Snoop Hogg's the audience and Snoop made a dedica maior hip hop ads on the Main stage and Miami isn't .1 hotspol for these tvpe ol Guns),sad attracted a larger crowd at the performance In the outskirts, the crowd tion to his late triend and tellow a a midnight set bv latbov Slim events' \ mes saul he was impressed In main stage, shoving a gust of oomph began its migration to the mam stage as 2PM . betore he went into the duo* "I'm happv I'm not pertornimgon the the artists performances throughout the throughout the audience as he fi Slurdei Wa im the ' -st Wanted mam stage," said Slim in .1 conversation three davs. performed tut tour Dough ip speakers Accompanied bv laser lights. He followed with ism and /.. one mmm betore Ins performance 9k '"tou'd think people would be reallv Rocking a I'hiladelpi numerous associates and his uncle, who I emerged, giving pounds and buMng I disc eel lo be enclosed, the attracted to the main lineups ot art black plavers hat tucked sideways and ,111 and datues on stage. his head to I! music needs to he inside . we like il he ^aid, "but I was disappointed hv the holding his trophy tor"hmp ol the "teat Snoops pertormance was powerful and issuing a peace sign, he dropped some swealv and moist with no tresh air" amount ol people that came Award.' Le I came through to ck lively like Busta Rhvmes' showing on •Id-v hool flavor with a version d Artists and attendees alike seemed vit sundav kicked ott with a set bv Mouse strate a solid hardcore and gangster hip i med unoncerned about the slick Ricks /... IH-iia-/>i rhymed over Hi islied with the festivals vast arrav ol per as the crowd walked around dedmd) hop show Shouting out oki-scfiool hip turnout and simpiv mack the most ot it lek and lahb Kweli's, The Hia.st After lormaiues Most awaited the arrival d W'u tang (Tan hop ads such as Whodini. Beastie Bovs l-orever dedicating his songs "to the Snoop came Outkast The single recurring complaint was the member Method Man, whose perfor and Run MM he let loose with hits like ladies," he maintained a dynamic -c. A white haired Andre JM tlc-w in on overall turnout tm. left a question of maike was resdieduled atler he canceled tans:. Ori/md Geemt and phere. performing such Dr.Pic hits as his mothership equipped with a space age whether the blame should be- placed on nn Saturdav tur unspecified reasons stimulating the crowd with his Suthiri hut a T,' thong and tk ind a matching puttv white South Florida's musu lans or on Rumors were rampant that the rappci conscious recital ot insurgent. Episode Pyrotechnic chronic suit, while Big Boi drove down trom Shutdown I'nKtuctions, which orgam/ed was hanging out backstage, but atter a tew " I hings here are a little confusing flasrvd on the sp See Beyond* Page 9 I THE MIAMI HURRICANE 10 Friday. April 19, 2002 ACCENT A fresh breath Mulholland Grove's Oxygen brings SoBe closer

By Jared Kissoon

You've gotta love Coconut drove on Thursdav nights dallons of cheap heer. impressionable col lege girls and scores of fake IIK South I lorula od lege debauchery al its best The problem is. I c.in'i help but teel the like I'm getting kinda tired of see TRIUMPHS ing the same drunken frat bovs guzzling their Bud By Patrick Berkeley I ights, the giggle blondes stumbling around, and I Dur actress Belts is as fake as swear to dod. although I love the song, vou can only can be. except when she's acting, hear l.vnvrd Skvnvrd's tree Hud so manv times m For the Blockbuster night affi and her wide eyed, girl next door one night donatio, one of List veil s driest charm is countered hv her bleak, Whilst sipping a dumness at Mr, Mot's the other films has finally come out at final act schi/ophrenic meltdown night, I surveved my surroundings and realized thai M u I hull and Is Kettv part I (he repetition is killing mc Some of us welcome idealized change \ woman version of i | Enter Oyxgen Rilled a.s a South Hi at h i luh in the about lu be I os Angeles tor Grove, Oxygen welcomes more ot an older, more murdered a hopeful sophisticated crowd located in the Streets ot crash that irom it, and Mav tau, where the ( hih I'epper once was. Oxygen t.illv is her sav Bellv part II follows in the footsteps ot lhe late Kiss ( dt, now mg grace, the some sort of called Home, targeting the more upst.ile revelers headlights of reality ot what who (lock to the drove, as well as tht SoBe crowd the oncoming actually hap who can't be bothered with the drive c.n illuminating pens to a would But lets clear things up first ( ontiarv to popul.u her face iust be actress? And belief. Oxygen is nol an "oxvgen bar", ihere are no perfect, fun.a rush and then the it so how does the lesbianism/other n tanksat tht doors that seiveas partv favon l the movie discounts that woman doubling fit into all of this and I cheap high Nor does Oxvgen have anything to wonderlul beginning and pretends meed do with the women's telev ision channel ot the same like il didn't happen And then there's all those little name Noi is it a lesbian bar Admittedly, pnoi to Ihe characters are alwavs walk mini plots, scenes in which charac their opening, atter seeing then leaser banners ing up garden pathways into ters we don't know deal with night strewn throughout the < irove, I couldn't help but get secluded little bungalows that are mares or shoot up I whole apart mixed emotions about the image tit lesbians high reminisacni of ment complex on OXa and shake what (hen plastic surgeon gave them give vou I second look it vou turn up looking like a tairv tales The These scenes, as I pon entering, vou'll realize that the dub is sur Iheir drink menu is quite impressive, the usual scrulf camera work riveting as they pnsinglv large I he two bar areas.a VII' section and beer selection, .is well as an extensive wine list and Another untorlun.ite repercussion of the SoBe during these don't fit a general daiuc area arc well proportioned I arge. catalog ol premium liquors, even some preiiv im.ige is that drinks are ridiculously overpriced.SO stent's was noth­ into the puz/lc comfv chairs abound, lor those who sip one too obscure ones, Thev made up for not having he prepared to spend \ Heineken will put vou back ing less than Rut is that part manv sour apple martinis and nisi want to take ,t dumness on draft by producing t bottle ol \ppieton about td, and I Bacardi and ( oke about the same brilliant some ot the puzzle' minute to take it all in Ihev also scive .is | good \ IX, lamaican rum that puts, Bacardi to shame I hal And don't forget to tip the bartender or vour wait­ how fluiillv t'ol is this whole place to get to know that shakira look alikt a little alone earned it points m mv book I heir sushi isn't ress I hey ve got memories like Afghan elephants ig the walk movie a post better. tantastic, but it's worth trying Ihev h.ul a decent and wouldn't think twice about having vou w ers through their modern |oke' Although the cluh is underground, I tound it to selection ot rolls, but the only one worth mention minutes for I watered down cocktail garden and The oddest he surprisingly smoke tree and well ventilated I he mg is ti , roll, a spuv < alilonna roll So il you dig the SoBe treaunenl, both lhe pros making these thing about sit music reallv depends on the crowd thev pull in that On the downside, sometimes Oxygen seems to and tons, you mav want lo spin bv Oxvgen. Their scenes come breathtakingk alive ting through l.vnch's megalomani night, as well as the disc loikev s thals playing come a little too derate to the SoBe dub scene and mam nights are Thursday, Iridav and Saturd li.ivid I s rich is saving we (as the .ic .il tet test was being awe ot every Although thev plav predominantly dance music,the this mav alienate some drove veteran! Firstly, gel there earlv, beiause it gels packed del a table, audience) are being led down a rv emotion, every disi jot kev docs break out salsa and hip hop upon got to deal with doormen and bouncers that get some sushi, max out voui tredit card and see garden path, and, as the old adage strange.quirky char.K ter How bril request. And in true SoBe lonn.surgic.illv enhanced believe their theap suits makes them second to how the othei halt lives It almost makes up tor goes he's not going to lei us in the lianl, how incredible, how imagina women abound, alwavs readv to get up on I table God, and then some Mid dress nicelv; they won't strewing up on finals garden (wen tivelv strange - never going to vet how conlus know what the mg. You want to movie's about). open up 1 vnch's MC Auto Tech Your Campus Real Estate Agent Hut then head with a Having Trouble Finding a Place to Live? again, there is M/oi blade, Your complete ttrvice and repair auto ahop this strange idea lakt out the 5844 Commarca Lana Call lhal there is a brain, shake it South Miami, FL 33143 (305) 662-6273 Franklyn M. 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So 0 DOWN Itcsli, So (tmet, I Icftitors t mtt and Yttti I anil a sonic tht Wtttit World,\mx\ed hv O INTEREST killer Mn I hev plugged their tuture double comp.ic I disc release and mellowed out 0 PAYMENTS FOR the crowd with smooth ^rfbrmances of / in \rtof Storytettm't Part 11 and Af a AN ENTIRE YEAR** tedmm Ihi spirited, lustful concert illus­ trated Outkast's shrewd capacities to AND A $500 REBATE spit knowledge under the realm of daiKcable entertainment Ihev ended their southern Ivrnal barbecue with HUH, and detonated a war chest of PUTTING OFF CAR PAYMENTS. lights that lett white trails zooming under thcef AN IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON. At around the same time, hatbov Slim started to enrapture people with rf you're currently a college senior or a graduate student, or have graduated within the last two years, you may be able to drive his musit.il tantasv at the off with a new 2002 Mitsubishi and a $500 rebate. We call it the "Mitsubishi Education Edge Program."* You can cal! it Heaven. 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i UnaBftBd ttllon- rttt the April 19, 2002 Hirtmwibmtmtam

ttt a. mt aw txttto ti t> Ctnt>.Raom?2t Venezuelans still LETTER POUCY r»r ttt»i» "tJTtsanttncoHign 4 madam to toot Iw rxanan; Is Bush a leader? rm ttmmt taaBtao ID tv Itwarat-y r, m ittpuitta to any reput pub Norigdn TrvHumcaw hope for change \jamttmt* tmm rims, \» tct> Bushs retreat to Camp David weakens White House tmmM**m9*mem*m*t\ imam mtit ram imsw>et*txi rhe moment •he night to prevent ( havez' i I have never respected I when everyone was looking for a strong leader to trust mem to tie irtNltan Urav-nty main in Venezuela hut also where reports sav a IVtroli W Hush as a president I am out in. Bush left the White House for Camp Havid .enter Room 221 or mated t) i'Ota2«132.Ca»tttJattts • n awaiting ul.t.s A plane whisked the first l.nK spoken on this point and still I onlv have Iwo questions first, how can a man He 331z4-«*a?2 Inr months came and her daughter oft tr i their hometown. wonder how such a buffoon could his responsibility at a time when the world needs Litton, Utah a auggeeted tengti at 300 iwrdt mu* tc signed and went thi I know people who voted tor this lm iuped the nation and laken him the most? And second, when will this daddy's bov, ind refute a copy at yai stu- end.anil the nation, nip leader out ot rage or hope tor hold of such a significant of, oil company puppet, dim wit, half qualified, poor dtort D ard ptwe runbar and yoar ai actumr *V«iymaua letter! as well as the inter change, most ol them disillusioned with It mav be true that he handled excuse for a president actually step up and become a M* not iw accaptad Namasmay At | national communi ! ,mgr\ with radical reforms lhe Sep. I Ith tragedv well, and for leader' tm amtetl upon request at the Travis Ati -.till asking, that threatened their wav of lite I know a while even I refrained from cril I am absolutely turious that the President ol the ^ tau atari ct the Humcane Ttie COLUMNIST paper nattrvat tie ratt toad t "what happened?'' the US government onh began IB icism However. I cannot be silent United States of America would dare leave the White waans tadart y trevty and team COLUMNIST What manv had opposition to tht president ot this pet role anymore, especially atter his most recent action. House when a conflict is raging that threatens the .ailed aiiemik latic.illv darted authnntar um producing nation when its leader hekl First.let mc set the same I ast week, vet another sui­ entire world-even if he can make the same decisions '«5|2B4 201b i.in regime was toppled, hut somehow all up photos of "innrxent" victims of "tight cide bombing took place in Israel killing some and from his Maryland presidential retreat. BUSINESS OfflCI ilu kings horses and all the kings men ing terror with lermr" in Afghanistan. wounding many, Ihis event is iust a drop in the Whv is il so important that he be in the White .105)284 4401 .*« 105)284 4404 seem to be putting Humptv Dumpt\ bad I know no one who lives in the sail bucket of incredible violence and tension that House' Well, the fad is that the White House is the logetheragain sh.icks ihat line the hillsides. It was the the Middle fast has seen in the last months place where the public looks for comfort, expect O200? University 0( Miam STAFF I ast Iridav morning, lor the lirst V) poor in the nation's shantvtowns who However, it is also one ol the most important ing to see their leader at his desk doing his iob minutes of the accent reduction dan I was d him, bolstered b\ the tiekl. M ot its timing. It is the svmbol of his authority Editor in Chief ng, we didn't talk about voiced or port ot | frustrated middle and even upper \s it stands recently, much of and of our nation's securitv. Jordan I voiceless cemOMNtl or stressed or the Middle fast. Europe, and and when those are ques Business Manager unstressed syllables We talked ahout I ast week, it was the middle and upper several other countries tinned, we turn all of our Abby Dwyer Venezuela I had not wati/hed the news, sn class who forced his resignation, bolstered .ire skeptical M best attention to the While House, Financial it wasn't until mv Venezuelan student told by the support d i remorseful military about Amer trusting in the president to han­ Adviser me that Hugo (.have/ hail heen asked to who ultimatelv threw its support behind involvement with dle the situation properly. Robert DuBord resign and his Bolivanan Revolution the president niicc.igain I and our "war And when we looked to the presi , jnior seemed lo have H lo al least-a tempo It is almost impossible to argue th.it on lerror." These dent, he was nowhere to be found His •tdviser Sigman Splichal ran end that I found out \h student • has promoted his vision tor change countries do not teel that eaving is comparable to a related to me all he h,id read online, seen in an efficient,effective, intelligent,or even America is an umnler fireman taking a break MEWS EDITOfl on television,and heard over lhe phone the for lunch while Danielle Scott democratic way: The hope, ested partv seek ASSISTANT night More, and I sal listening with rapt however, th.it this charismatic lead, ing out world someone's house NEWS EDITOR attention is burning Rebecca Sankar sparked, although il mav have flickered. peace and safety, This is how I have some to know this seems still a ways trom dying out. and we are los down So mat­ SPORTS EDITOfl nation. This is how the teacher has over I asl Satin-day night, the voices nt these ing their sup ter how short Bnan PoUakoff ASSISTANT and over .igain become the hungrv stu same poor citizens readied the ear of • port his retreat SPORTS EDITOfl dent of a Country undergomga revolution militarv and a middle a lass who began !• what does was. the pres­ Jeremy Marks Peltz I have lornier students working with thinking tw ice when, in a cruel case of dei.i this have to do ident should ACCENT EDITOR I'etroleos de Venezuela. SA , the nation's MI, what had seemed to be redemption with de. have the good sense Rebeca Oliveira ASSISTANT oil company, and and PISH', the national suddenly started lmiking itself like the loss "Dubbya" Hush' to change plans when ACCENT EDITOR police, who claimed to have tound e\plo ol democratic and constitutional rule Weil, at I moment millions of people Hunter Stephenson rites md en, jdence ot the plotting ot a vio With three presidents in as manv davs when the entire world hung in the balance 0VHJN0NEOTT0R lent coup I havctlowninatinv plane pilot­ and a media feartul of retaliation, it was in danger, when Margarita Martin Hidalgo ed In a former \ci fact officer remains to be seen what all the kings hors conflict! were escalat Inivis Atria is a ART DIRECTOR out ot I afarlotta.thetury military airport es and all lhe king's men will do next sophomore maioring Emily Pulis ing and peace talk m the heart ot ( meat where inv student Angie Henderson is a graduate student were tailing through English literature LAYOUT EDITORS told me a truck had blinked the runway Michael Pangilinan in the Si html nf International Si u Knsttan Rodriguez Colin Rathbun Matt TumWeson Mark Savary Venezuela's crisis reflects region's lack of civic accountability PHOTO EDITORS Lea Plnetli Watt h 11 however, are not blind. Thev know change. protest or ransack their cities When I atin America-style. Russell WoitusiaK V e n e z u I I a I thev live mired in grinding povctiv Instead, thev look for an external the looting subsides and the dust Venezuelans needlessly put them COPY EDITORS President Hugo Ihev know their governments are ter cure-all, well aware that the solution begins to settle, a few of those who in this quandarv and only thev Margatita Martin Hidalgo ( havez and his ribly corrupt. Ihev know their public has to come from within because the stav tackle the turmoil and try to steer ian get themselves out. And unless 0NUNE PRODUCER foes mav be slart education and health systems are a root ofthe problem lies within When ihe country forward Others turn the other latin American nations heed Matti Waama ing to appease wreck elections .mm around, in despera other wav and hope they too can flee their warning signs, take responsihili Ihev know the shantvtowns that tion. thev choose el mentis feet-am someday. tv for their woes and start making the BUSINESS OFFICE each other but Mai' Venezuela's tur, overlook their manicured neighbor the best choice, but the least worst lhe current crisis in Venezuela necessarv changes,thev too w ill spiral PRODUCTION MANAGER . , I,, , ous game ot tin- hoods are enraged and bursting at lhe possible ahoice-hoping he will be should serve as a lesson in responsi into chaos. William Gong __^_____ get pointing tor And ihey know they are per their much longed panacea bililv Venezuelans had it coming. AD REPRESENTATIVE William Gong COLUMNIST she recent crisis petuating the system, actively or pas And when the going gets tough, Hugo t havez didn't rise to power in a Mar-farita Martin Hidalgo is a Raiesh Nayyar has vet to subside sively Hut few refuse to be a.count- those who can, flee and settle in vacuum Neither did the deadly chaos senior meftrmg i» print lournaltsm CLASSIFIEDS MANAGER (have/' detractors mav he smiling .nd even fewer resolve to Miami I hose who can't, peacefully witnessed last week I his was deia v u, and international studies Hosana Armenteros and praising his sudden change of OtSTTflBlJTION MANAGER heart, bul his opponents will continue Brett Howell to vehemently blame him for plunging STAFF ASSOCIATE the countrv into further chaos. A new wave of environmentalism is taking over Samia Stddtque He. in turn, will continue to accuse OFFICE ASSISTANTS "the squalid ones" ail oppressing the Earth Ihiv is Mondav. and f nvironmentalists worldwide are transcending environmental degradation are not so easily grasped Hosana Armenteros masses and triggering the recent cri­ environmentalists have a lot to boundaries and empowering ordinarv people to live Sureh its more convenient lor skeptics tn label mmm Gong Rochelle Nunez sis. In time honored latin American acicbratc this vear, I'he envi extraordinary lives fverv dav, activists pet cut as environmentalists as religious ecological zealots Dorian Turner fashion, Venezuelans will refuse lo momenta! movement is experi towering teats of altruism Their actions stem trom a rather than trv tn empathize with the nobililv of our Joy Williams fault one ct the primary culprits: ending rampant proliferation as fervent belief that humanity shouici respect the cause (vines ot environmentalism have made EMPLOYMENT thr msehres people discover the true nature earth's bounty - not trv to conquer it. earnest attempts to criticize us, but have frequently The Imamltirwrwiwitrmcnirt Responsibility is a dirtv word in of the cause No longer , Our noble fight to save the planet encompasses so stalled short ot raising sensible compelling argu • airways staking new wntars, mtammB ettmm em \inc uca. a region rich in dirtv neouslv viewed .is radical anti much more than tapped out aquiters and ds ing ments. deaagnoni and edttors wars, dirtv presidents, and an oppres Jab capitalists, environmentalists ecosystems While some ethnocentric, benighted Let it be known that we welcome vibrant debate *tt*t*apaiiab MNtbtbat sive uppet class thai has svstematu.il are finally gaming the respect individuals believe that environmentalists embrace and criticism from skeptics We thrive and flourish *e ptad ta tw mo*. Prevtxe eapanence ts not nacetttfy • ked lhe olher wav as right-wing -v. thev deserve for defending our issues that are emotionally urgent and easily through this open tlow d ideas and relish m the ADVERTISING POLICY dictators ruthlessly pillaged their plane! and its inhabitants. grasped," the reality is that manv environmental opportunitv to dispel misconceptions that we are all Tim Mtarn itMsrarmlttaatett beloved countries, and present d.is While air pollution, rivers, and rain forests remain problems plaguing our world are profound, and thev out to sink the world's economic markets oMoa • tocatad a 1306 Stantord Di, Norman A Walton Unwrarsty kleptouacies shamclcsslv drain their a deeply rooted cause, people are now grasping the allect the lives of millions I all us zealots, tanatics, whatever vou like Hut Canter. Roan 221. Cant (tots coffers Hut even as the pat) violently severity of the social implications that result from lo simple minds, issues such a.s groundwater pol bract voursclves,, v nic s,as devout environmentalists Rt 331244922 Catilirttrtrer *aaMiH.ta may be ptaotd m ttt threatens their present and future, destroying our natural world. The linkage between lution mav appear superficial and insignificant in like me continue to spread our idealistic philosophies .iatoi«taidayt¥oua)ilflaay,9 millions of Latin Americans $p global human rights and environmental pro* their lives. Hut toth e countless families who have at ross the globe A new wave ot greenness is taking tcm totp.m wMffonnutdeye The MMam hsjntmm c puMtsned callv the wealthier ones perpetuate has become more obvious, as has the correlation lost children to cancer and other illnesses resulting over our nation, and this green has little to do with tueadays and Fndeye dunng the their nastv habit ot exempting them between sustainable land,resource management ,md trom toxic contaminants in the drinking water, or to dead presidents i -wenty s tat and spring mxe- mc tarma Nayiapaaan ttt da- selves from their recurring downfalls poverty eradication. Environmental and human the millions of people in this country who suffer Hxatod tee at charge on the What has happened in Venezuela is rights organizations have lomed torces on their cru- from severe asthma and respiratory ailments wors la, kie Pitts is a tumor maioring in broadcast tour Oral ttttas campus, tw School tt MKfcea and tie Roeenele. symptomatic ot the centuries old ndai towards | more compassionate wnrld ened bv hazardous pollutants m the air, issues ot ttalism and political set, Sclwulc4*t*arriednd**jTioapnpni regional epidemic I atin Americans,

DEADLINES At ctaaatMd and (tap* tth mual MARCO CAPASSO AUSAAtPPLaOUST MONICA FiWtArJOEZ MARY CLARK EDOHPRB* BJHJLAL taroaMd caah mth copy, in Juntot The Mtmn Huncajmhaaam Speakjpp Sana <*». Wlatten Ltneraty One* Hoom22l tjynoonTiMOayta htjaystaaue and noon tftdey tor tl ...JII, aa a What do you think about events on SUBSCRIPTIONS campus? The mamt Humcana is avat Q atte toe sut)

SM IHS! WOtSHIP SfffYK ( KiHMTimdleisi railed tm Ihl Wealthy aptsermis, KrMMtnalurrd hu.inev, . . tt«,n Beetle •A«YSITTf«WANfll) The Hurritartt-* ( m .it thr ( pt *w\im (IIMKS new he's .tntl I HIM! S Diaic Hwy ,, ,v,, •-,.'- ,. ; .- -• . i »*., V mtt be in worm-1 • 'IK4h bat)

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The Miami Hurricane is looking for STUDENT TRAVEL a "Few Good Ideas". In an effort to make the paper more reader friend­ mmLondon $312 ms ly, we are asking, YOU, our faithful Pans $334 BUDGET HOTELS Amsterdam $382 TOT is Htue M Madrid $391 readers, what you would like to see Ho de .Janeiro...$598 $18 C.R....$270 "™,wm» Fares are round-trip Restrictions in next year's "New and Improved" may apply Tax not included The Miami Hurricane! TRAVEL University Center 305.284.1044 Please submit ideas to UC 221, or through our revamped web­ www.statravel.com site www.thehurricaneonline.com

Or email: The Miami Hurricane Pr*rt Seal I N P

The Hurricane staff is working hard to make the newspaper reflect the needs and wants of the student body, and we would appreciate any feedback from you!!

iuthorfaeed l lac « >nl\ Thank you, The Hurricane Staff

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