Abraham Lincoln Abroad
ABRAHAM LINCOLN ABROAD An International Lincoln Association Publication Volume 32 2021 In this Issue: Lincoln’s Legacy on the Is- land of Hispaniola: US Recognition of Haiti, 1862 Michael R. Hall The Darkening Hour: Cele- brating the Constitution and Facing the Challenge of Soulless Democracy Norman W. Provizer Lincoln’s Legacy in Guate- mala Tyler B. Maizels PAGE 2 VOLUME 32 “For years I attempted to work out the theoretical underpinnings of an ideal U.S. foreign policy. I found it difficult to advance much beyond Abraham Lincoln’s hope that our country would be not the terror but the encourager of the world . .” Henry S. Reuss, When Government Was Good: Memories of a Life in Politics Abraham Lincoln Advisory Board Teresa Leporace, Argentina A.B. Assensoh, Indiana Univ.-Bloomington Patricia Moral, Lincoln, Argentina Ronald J. Byrd, LSU Shreveport (Emeritus) Sarker Hasan Al Zayed, Bangladesh Shiyi Chen, San Francisco, CA Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Indiana Univ.—Bloomington Sura P. Rath, Univ. of North Texas-Dallas Shahab Ghobadi, Kurdistan, Iran Robert P. Watson, Lynn University Rita Uotila, Finland Frank W. Williams, The Lincoln Forum Bettina Hofman, Germany Douglas E. Saffel, Texarkana College Balaji Ranganathan, Ahmedabad, India Helen C. Taylor, UK Jyotimaya Tripathy, India Alexander Mikberidze, Republic of Georgia M. Ranjenadra Pandian, Madurai, India Alvaro Rodriquez, Alvarez, Spain Prafulla C. Kar, Baroda, India Piyush Raval, India Stefano Luconi, Univ. of Florence & Pisa, Italy Sunil K. Sarangi, India Copyright by the International Lincoln Association. All members of the ILA receive Abraham Lincoln Abroad as a part of their regular services. Individual copies are available for $10.00 each.
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