Breakdown of Taxes Pfn&(Lc;;.,R Sierra Club Joins Protest Against Incinerator
rosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 14 Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Thursday, April 3, 1986 30 cents 42 Pages for your mformatlOr We've moved again. Butfew home of the News since its tion and, the fun part, anticipa- To those who have gone be- of ,us remember when the founding in 1940. For almost a tion. I've a feeling our original fore us, we say, the emotions Grosse Pointe News was not on half-century, we have always staff and my father, Robert B. you must have had and shared the Hill and "Under the Elm," been located in the Kercheval Edgar, the founder of the ... the anticipation and pride Reflections unless of course, you became Hill area, with our beginnings News, felt Similar pangs of -we know the feeling fyi familiar with us since we lost in the Punch and Judy build- anxiety, anticipation and pride on a move the elm in the summer recent- ing when they moved into their ly past. Each move has been preced- first office in 1940 and the I swear ... Our move across the street to ed by deliberation, planning, "new" bulldrng three years Pfn&(l c;;.,r 96 Kercheval will be the fourth changes while under construc- later Publisher A college student was ticketed for illegal parking In the City, R , l' , and so despISed hISpredicament l ::;" . .r-, he decided he would retahate - t > ; t: ~~" by plastermg the payment "- , t " ~ -Jj~'" check and envelope with < ¥-"" L ,I' ,,'v vh ~ obscemtIes ~~ ~> I ''< • '& ?v Sergeant John Drummond of >;1. ~ if , the City's poltce department tP ~~ »- says sendmg obscenities ~~ ~ Ig through the mal! "could pos- 1° sibly be illegal" The case was turned over to postal authorI- ties.
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