F DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT A: ECONOMIC AND SCIENTIFIC POLICY FOOD SAFETY AND PUBLIC HEALTH SITUATION IN SERBIA NOTE Abstract This note is composed of two parts. Part one reviews the Serbian food and drink industry, the organisations and controls involved in food safety, food safety concerns, the risk management and risk communication of animal diseases and finally the status of preparation of Serbia against the acquis in the area of food safety. Part two provides an overview of the public health situation in Serbia. It presents the health status of the population and its determinants, and describes the Serbian health care system. It also provides information on the status of, and challenges with regard to, the implementation of the EU acquis. IP/A/ENVI/NT/2013-16&17 October 2013 PE 507.487 EN Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) AUTHORS Food Safety Situation in Serbia Mrs S Keenan, Campden BRI Mr John Hammond, Campden BRI Public Health Situation in Serbia Prof. Vesna Bjegović-Mikanović MD, MSc, PhD Ms Jennifer McGuinn, Milieu Ltd. Mr Damir Petrović, Milieu Ltd. RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATORS Food Safety Situation in Serbia Mr Lorenzo VICARIO Public Health Situation in Serbia Ms Purificacion TEJEDOR DEL REAL Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy European Parliament B-1047 Brussels E-mail:
[email protected] LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN ABOUT THE EDITOR To contact the Policy Department or to subscribe to its newsletter please write to:
[email protected] Manuscript completed in October 2013.