TSE Code: 2379 REALTEK SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 2020 Annual Report The annual report is available at: I. Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Observation Post System: https://mops.twse.com.tw II. Realtek website for annual report: https://www.realtek.com Printed Date: April 28, 2021 Notice to Readers: This annual report has been prepared originally in Chinese. The English version is a direct translation of the Chinese version. I. Spokesperson: Name: Huang, Yee-Wei Title: Vice President Deputy Spokesperson: Name: Lin, Han-Chen Title: Special Assistant to President Tel: (03) 578-0211 Email:
[email protected] II. Headquarters Address: No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Tel: (03) 578-0211 III. Transfer Agent: Company: CTBC BANK CO., LTD. Transfer Agency Department Address: 5F., No. 83, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Taipei City 100, Taiwan. Website: www.ctbcbank.com Tel: (02) 6636-5566 IV. Auditor of the latest financial report: Auditors: Lin, Yu-Kuan & Tsang, Kwok-Wah Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers' Address: 5F., No. 2, Gongye E. 3rd Rd., Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Website: www.pwc.com.tw Tel: (03) 578-0205 V. GDR listed stock exchange and the way to search for information: Name: Luxembourg Stock Exchange Please refer to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange official website for Realtek GDR Price. Website: www.bourse.lu VI. Company website: www.realtek.com -ii- ii Table of Contents Letter to Shareholders ....................................................................................................................................