Christ the King Catholic Church

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Christ the King Catholic Church Christ The King Catholic Church Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 October 7, 2018, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them. The apparitions of Our Lady of Our Lady of Laus: In Saint-Étienne-le-Laus, France, to Information from: Banneux were reported by a young Benoîte Rencurel, a young shepherdess are the first child, Mariette Beco a native of Marian apparitions approved in the 21st century by the Banneux, Belgium in the 1930s. She Roman Catholic Church. 2008. The apparitions of Our Lady of reported seeing a Lady in White who La Salette in France were reported declared herself the Virgin of the Our Lady of Our Lady of Knock: in the in1846 by two shepherd children, Poor and told her: "Believe in me and Gietzwald: In the year County Mayo, Ireland, is the site Mélanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud. I will believe in you." 1877 the Virgin Mary was revealed to little of a nineteenth-century appari- tion. On the wet Our Lady of Lourdes: The Lady girls Barbara Our Lady of Pontmain Thursday evening of 21 August held a string of Rosary beads and Samulowska and The apparitions at Our 1879, at about 8 o'clock, Our led Saint Justyna Lady of Pontmain, Lady, St. Joseph, and St. John Bernadette Szafryńska. She France also called Our the Evangelist appeared in a (14 year old appeared several Lady of Hope were blaze of Heavenly light at the shepherd girl) to times, speaking the reported in 1871 by a south gable of Knock Parish the discovery of a Polish language and number of young Church. Behind them and a little buried spring... explained how children. important it is to pray to the left of St. John was a plain and say the rosary. altar. On the altar was a cross and a lamb with adoring Our Lady of Fatima: On July 13 1917 the beautiful Lady once Our Lady of the angels. The appearance of St again appeared to the children. When Lucia asked what she Rosary wanted, she said, “I want you to come here on the 13th of next Joseph, St John and the Lamb month, to continue to pray the Rosary every make the apparition unique in church history. The Apparition day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in was seen by fifteen people order to obtain peace for the world and the whose ages ranged from six end of the war, because only she years to can help you." The 33 apparitions of Our Lady of Beauraing seventy-five were reported in Belgium between and November 1932 and January 1933 by included men, five local children ranging in age women and from 9 to 15 years. children Page 1 This Coming Week: Sunday, October 7 Thursday, October 11 The 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time 10:30 am Mary’s Guild - Rm B 9:35 am Re K-5th grade - Center West 2:30 pm Bereavement - Rm B Following Masses, Coffee Social Parish Center 6:30 pm Pastoral Council - Rm A Friday, October 12 Monday, October 8 Following Mass Church Cleaning 1:00 pm Peace & Justice - Rm B 2:00 pm Blood Drive - Rm C 6:30 pm Bible Study - Rm A Saturday, October 13 - Collecting KC Pennies from 6:30 pm Moms Prayer Group - Rm B Heaven outside Church doors Tuesday, October 9 Sunday, October 14 9:00 am Bible Study - Rm A The 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time 6:30 pm Evangelization - Rm B Collecting KC Pennies from Heaven outside Church doors 7:00 pm KC Business - Rm C Following Masses, Coffee Social Parish Center 9:30 am RCIA - Rm A 9:35 am Re K-5th grade - Center West Wednesday, October 10 1:00 pm Secular Franciscans - Parish Office 6:00 pm Life Teen - Parish Office 7:00 pm Edge - Parish Office Brothers and Sisters, As I mentioned at all the Masses last weekend, today we will take up again the praying of the St. Michael Prayer at the end of all the Masses. We have been doing this at the daily Masses since July, but following the request of Pope Francis and our Archbishop we will now extend that to all Masses at Christ the King. After the final blessing is given and before the final hymn is started, the priest and servers will come down to the foot of the altar, everyone will kneel and we will say the prayer, after which the final hymn will begin. Good things will come to our parish and our families by invoking the help of such a great protector and intercessor. It is important to remember that the recovery of traditions such as this prayer follows both the letter and the spirit of the Second Vatican Council. I had the privilege of being immersed in all the documents and the history of Vatican II during my graduate and doctoral studies at the Gregorian University. We went through the Council (as well as Vatican I and Trent) backwards and forwards, inside and out. Unfortunately, in the first couple decades after the council many things, often things liturgical, were done in the name of Vatican II or in the “spirit of Vatican II” that are found neither in its documents nor in its proper spirit. Often these things were done in good faith by well meaning people who were told, often by a priest or religious, “this is Vatican II”. Many things were done away with that should have continued. We see that more clearly now, and the St. Michael prayer is one such example. They say that it takes about 50 years to get a Council right. I think it’s very telling that Pope Francis himself has asked everyone in the Church to pray the St. Michael prayer, the rosary and the Sub tuum praesidium prayer (to Our Lady) during the month of October. St. Michael the Archangel pray for us! In Christ the King, Msgr. John Cihak Pare 2 October 2018 Pare 3 Pare Ways to serve at Christ the King Parish Staff Char/David Adopt a Flower Bed Simmons 503-785-2413 Adult Confirmation Julie Onderko Mass Schedule Adult Ed (A.F.F.) Linda Mainard 503-659-8835 Msgr. John Cihak, S.T.D., Pastor Altar Linens Rebecca Steed 503-654-9862 503-785-2402 * * * Altar Servers Janice Donahue 503-475-3646 Altar Society Sally Rogers 503-654-4055 Weekend: Baptism Prep., for Infants Julie Onderko Saturday 5:30 pm Bereavement Kathleen Cleary 503-381-5753 Msgr. Gerard O’Connor, S.L.D., Bible Study Linda Mainard 503-659-8835 In Residence Sunday 8:30 am & 10:30 am Blood Drive Allen Hanset 503-756-8146 Centering Prayer Kay Haberlach 503-698-7686 Monday: 8:00 am Choirs - Music Director Gus Pappelis 503-522-4082 Mary Ann Holliman, Business Manager Tuesday: 6:00 pm Choir - K to 8th grade Jacob Meek 503-894-2458 503-785-2406 Wednesday: 8:00 am Choir - H. S. to Young Adult Jacob Meek 503-894-2458 Thursday: 8:00 am Church Cleaning Stacey Pinder 503-785-2413 Church Decoration Teresa Kolln 503-698-3715 Friday: 8:30 am Coffee Social Dave Card 503-653-6198 Theresa Huiard, Development Support Saturday: 8:00 am Confirmation - High School Next year 2019/2020 503-785-2420 CYO Athletic Director Tim Case 503-805-9847 First Saturday Mass 8:00 am Cub Scouts Joe Keller 503-760-3454 Adoration & Benediction: Edge - Middle School Msgr. John Cihak 503-785-2402 Communion - Hospital John Hayden 503-387-3153 Mary Merrick, Secretary Communion - Homebound Mary Ann Holliman 503-785-2406 503-785-2401 Communion - Mass Mary Reis 503-771-0410 Evangelization Kris Stauffer 503-698-3583 Finance Council Kathleen Cleary 503-381-5753 Greeters Stacey Pinder 503-785-2413 Julie Onderko, Knights of Columbus Ed Andolino 503-908-1424 Coordinator of Evangelization Sacraments Life is Sacred (Pro-Life) Ed Andolino 503-908-1424 503-785-2410 * * * Liturgy Preparation Msgr. John Cihak 503-785-2402 Marriage Prep Msgr. John Cihak 503-785-2402 CONFESSION: Mary’s Guild Marlene Molinari 503-654-1395 Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm or Men's Group William Becker 971-533-5214 Stacey Pinder, by appointment Mom’s Prayer Group Brittney McAleer 971-409-7989 Religious Education for Children Multicultural Evelyn Thornton 971-295-2802 503-785-2413 Pastoral Council Will Becker 971-533-5214 Peace & Justice Diane Kintz 503-698-4702 BAPTISM: Prayer Line Janice Donahue 503-475-3646 Classes held quarterly. Prayer Shawl Eileen Roundtree 503-310-0166 Contact Julie Onderko Prayer Shawl Joan Adams 503-890-2435 RCIA Julie Onderko 503-785-2410 Readers/Commentator Theresa Becker 503-341-3155 Religious Ed. for Children Stacey Pinder 503-785-2413 MARRIAGE: Contact School Adv. Director Anna Dillard 503-785-2422 School Advisory Council Mike Pettinger 971-275-3136 Dr. Patrick Jefferies, Ed.D., Principal Msgr. Cihak at least 6 School Parent Community Kasey Delucia 503-719-5762 School Principal months before desired date. Organization (PCO) Melanie McCaffrey 503-806-9160 503-785-2411 Silver Disciples Becky Steed 503-654-9862 Silver Disciples Vonnie Welk 503-657-9286 Adult Reception into the St.
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