Marine and Freshwater Research, 2018, 69, 1208–1221 © CSIRO 2018 Supplementary material Deficiencies in our understanding of the hydro-ecology of several native Australian fish: a rapid evidence synthesis Kimberly A. MillerA,D, Roser Casas-MuletB,A, Siobhan C. de LittleA, Michael J. StewardsonA, Wayne M. KosterC and J. Angus WebbA,E ADepartment of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3010, Australia. BWater Research Institute, Cardiff University, The Sir Martin Evans Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX, UK. CArthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Heidelberg, Vic. 3084, Australia. DPresent address: Healesville Sanctuary, Badger Creek Road, Healesville, Vic. 3777, Australia. ECorresponding author. Email address:
[email protected] Page 1 of 30 Marine and Freshwater Research © CSIRO 2018 Table S1. All papers located by standardised searches and following citation trails for the two rapid evidence assessments All papers are marked as Relevant or Irrelevant based on a reading of the title and abstract. Those deemed relevant on the first screen are marked as Relevant or Irrelevant based on a full assessment of the reference.The table contains incomplete citation details for a number of irrelevant papers. The information provided is as returned from the different evidence databases. Given that these references were not relevant to our review, we have not sought out the full citation details. Source Reference Relevance Relevance (based on title (after reading and abstract) full text) Pygmy perch & carp gudgeons Search hit Anon (1998) Soy protein-based formulas: recommendations for use in infant feeding.