Gilbert White to Thomas Pennant: Two Original Letters at Harvard
Gilbert White to Thomas Pennant: Two original letters at Harvard The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Stillinger, Jack. 1957. Swift and the prosecuted Nottingham speech. Harvard Library Bulletin XI (3), Spring 1957: 303-316. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA Gilber_tWl1ite to Thomas Pen11a11t: Two Original Letters at Harvard N 1 767 Gilbert '''hitc began the correspondence ,vith ·1·homas Penn-ant tl1at, to\vard the end of his life, l1e revised and published in Tbe Natural History of Se/borne ( 1789) ,.1T,vo letters of that correspondence, the originals of l.,etter XXXIIIand pa rt of Letter XLIIof the Natural liistory, acquired by the Harvard College Library in 1954t arc here transcribed in full. Each contains material excluded fro1n the ·t--lat11ralHistory and not available to ,,rhitcis editors and biograph crs. The first letter, dated 26 November 1770, neatly illustrates the con- tinuous process of collecting, exchanging,and correcting infotn1ation that ,vas carried on by eighteenth-century naturalists, for ,vhon1 per- sonal correspondence served the samepurpose as do notes ju the ]earned journals for modern scholars~ '-\1hitc's younger brother John, 111ilitary chaplain at Gib raltar, ,v here h c ,vas con1pi] in g 'l;au na Cal pens is,t a ncvcr~publishcd naturai history· of the peninsula, and, after 177 1~ cor- respondent of both Pennant and Linnaeus, periodically sent Gi1bcrt shipments of birds and other ,viid life from Gibraltar, along ,vith con- jectures and q ucrics about them.
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