
Catholic Bishops’ ConferenceCatholic of PNG & SI - Commission on Social Communications, Reporter P.O. Box 398, Waigani, NCD Tel.: 325 9577 - Fax: 323 2551 July 2016 ISSUE: 127

FIRST VOWS TO A RELI- GIOUS LIFE: Seen here are four young MSC Sis- ters who took the first step by making their vows to a religious life last Thursday, 30 June 2016, in the Archdiocese of . Left to right- Sr Felicita (Manus), Sr Leonie (Kavieng), Sr Geraldine (Sepik) and Sr Flavia (Kimbe).

Photo: Sr Daisy Lisania msc

Reconciliations not for Referendum – says bishop

By Raymond Komis The conflict that af- onciliations as the Girana fected the livelihood work of Christ. of the two families “Christian reconcil- THE bishop of and the people of iation is at heart the Bougainville, Wisai arose from in- work of Christ in, Bernard Unabali, differences and mis- with and for all of us called on the people understandings in the Holy Spirit”, the bishop said. He of Bougainville to between the two also expressed that see reconciliations as families. This led to as followers of Christ, means for bringing killings that saw both reconciliations are peace and not just families losing their our ordinary exten- for political reasons. loved ones. sion of Christ’s mis- He said this during The reconciliation sion in the world. his speech at Teituno ceremony began with He also added that village in the Wisai a para-liturgy led by r e c o n c i l i a ti o n s area of Buin in south bishop Unabali fol- should indirectly help Bougainville while lowed by a buai Bougainvilleans as witnessing a reconcil- chewing and tree part of their prepara- tion for their political iation ceremony in planting ceremonies. journey but not May. In his speech, Bishop solely for politics and The reconciliation- Unabali challenged referendum”. saw the families of the people of It is our Christian late Duake Bougainville to be duty to bring peace and Lucy Rukume true witnesses of who are brothers and and therefore recon- peace. sisters coming to- ciliations should be gether once again On the same note, for lasting peace on after a ten year con- he also challenged Bougainville and not flict that kept them those present to see just for referendum”, disunited. and understand rec- he said. Bishop Bernard stands at the centre of the reconciling parties at Teituno village in the Wisai area of Buin in south Bougainville. Page 2 Catholic Reporter July 2016 A tribute and a glimpse of a Bishop’s life-giving service

BY RAYMOND TON Catholic Bishops Conference what would be his special ministry of in- AFFECTIONATELY known by many terest, he chose Caritas PNG. With as Bishop Chris, he is gentle and his previous experience working soft spoken but with a heart as with students at Lae University of young as a youth’s. It is fitting and Technology on Justice and Peace timely to be rewarded with the issues the appointment to head title “Chief” to a long-serving Caritas PNG was appropriate and Catholic and later Bishop of to his desire. Now Bishop Christian the Catholic Diocese of Lae, Mo- Blouin, has been Bishop Deputy robe Province, Papua New and Chairman of Caritas PNG Guinea on 29 April 2016. Most Board up to this moment. Rev. Bishop Christian Blouin, He has been the head of Caritas CMM, a French-Canadian of the PNG’s Governance Board during Order of Marianhill Missionaries its difficult years from 2007 – 2011 gave thirty-one years of his until a new management with the priestly life to the people in some appointment of a new National Di- rector. Under his leadership the difficult places of Lae City, Mo- organization is progressing well robe Province. and contributing meaningfully to On arrival inLae, Papua New the rural PNG communities. Guinea in 1985, his Bishop, Most As our Bishop Chris retires in Rev. Henry Lieshout sent him to Most Rev. Bishop Christian Blouin, CMM, at the Investiture Ceremony of the Logohu Award (front right) 2017 from active duty as Bishop of the remote islands of Siassi to ex- with Governor General Grand Chief Sir Ogio (Centre) and Lady Ogio (left) including all other re- Lae Catholic Diocese, and Board perience rural PNG lifestyle, its Chairman of Caritas PNG, the Lo- cipients of various awards at Government House, , Friday, 29 April, 2016. culture and hopefully learnthe gohu Award is truly a fitting trib- TokPisin language quickly. Upon stroyed the building as well as new land. He recalls that it was Marianhill College building until ute as “Chief Shepherd” for the return to Lae City couple of many houses along the Bumbu not easy but, it was an opportu- May 2005. services rendered to PNG. It is also months later,” I decided to give River. I tried to be close to the dif- nity to know the community and Two years later, in 2007 upon an appropriate opportunity to rec- special attention to the youths ferent communities encouraging teach them the basic Catholic So- return to Lae, “I was appointed ognize all the hundreds of other particularly in Bumbu settlement them to take ownership and solve cial Teaching. From scratch the the second Bishop of Lae Catholic missionaries who have given their being so notorious for criminal ac- problems as they arose”. His gen- people cooperated fully to build Diocese”. As Chief Shepherd of the entire life to serve our people in tivities and an endless cycle of law tle nature was like paste that at- an elementary school, then a Pri- Diocese it brings with it both chal- PNG quietly and humbly both dur- and order problems”, he recalls tracted many to conversion in the mary School, a new Church, and lenges and opportunities for ing the pre and post-indepen- vividly. He says, “With help that I volatile and stubborn social envi- Community Hall. growth. When asked by the dence periods. received from my Congregation ronments in the settlements. The Bishop had again something and other donors we built a little Rev. Bishop Henry Lieshout saw new for him. This time in 2001, he workshop where young people a lot more in him and tested him was asked to be the Rector at the Bougainville Diocese Hosts under the direction of a master with new assignments and chal- Marianhill College of Catholic The- craftsman could carve wood and lenges. So in 1993 he was asked to ological Institute, Port Moresby. First Media Course make all kind of artifacts. It was open a new parish at Tent City Part of his assignment was to su- doing well till a big flood de- where the Diocese had acquired a pervise the construction of the By Raymond Komis Girana working and dissemination of in- formation from the diocese right THE Catholic Diocese of down to families. Bougainville hosted its First Basic During the course, the partici- Media Course for diocesan pas- pants expressed their gratitude Divine Mercy assists Matupit Islanders toral workers in central and desire to have more of this By John Paivu Leaders from the four Warlapang, a word asso- of all trades, ex bankers, Bougainville in June.The course kind of course delivered to the groups distributed the ciated with the tubuan lecturers, sportsman and that was organized and facilitated people of Bougainville. THE Divine Mercy Devo- tree crops based on the cultureof giving took others, join the group. by Bougainville Diocese Media at They also expressed that lead- tion in the Rabaul Dean- particular needsof their place. In its last meeting on Mabiri Pas- ers be given the opportunity on ery under took a special communities. Three offerings,one to Saturday June 11, the de- toral Centre on 20th – 24th June Media Education based on the mercy work never before is a breakthrough for the Dioce- fact that most people are media The Islanders particu- the priest for his pastoral votion formalized a undertaken anywhere. larly requested for cash san Media since its establishment illiterate especially on the impacts According to its plan, work, the Warlapang to group to be called the after the Bougainville crisis in of media and vast changes and crops such as buai the Divine Mercy and the Devine Mercy Profes- five prayer groups from seedlings and mustard 2011 under the Diocesan Renewal developments on travel and com- IaWakaka,Kuraip and Ra- normal Sunday offering sionals. into Balanced Life program. munication technologies. “ vines, asthere is a huge malmal onthe North were given. Their foremost duty is The one-week course saw A clear and sound knowledge Coast, Raluan on Burma demand for these two The Warlapang and the to assist the work of the twenty-nine young men and on media will help people under- Road and Rakival all the commodities. offerings will go towards church. The group can women formed and trained on stand their world and the impacts Groups that have not way from Watom Island, the replacement of the also assist in getting em- media basics and news writing. media have in all aspects of life delivered food croptrees participated have been These young men and women and development in our world requested to donate rusted roof and the ridge ployment of anyone if of banana shoots, tapi- caps. they desire. were also privileged to receive today. This will also help oca, taro, singapo, or- these tree crops. lectures on the essence of com- Bougainville in terms of evange- This is a land mark The leaking roof had Already a champion anges and pawpaw made Sunday mass a munication in relation to Church lization and in her preparation for mercy work for the devo- golfer who is a young s e e d s , b u a i soggy mess and the prob- and the mystery of the Holy Trin- the upcoming referendum in p l a n ti n g s , m u s t a r d tion in the year of mercy. prayer leader had been ity. Inputs on Media Education 2019”, they said. lem was identified when identified .He had been a vines,aibika stems,pit- The mercy project the coordinators estab- also enabled them to grasp and The participants were tasked green keeper and a win- pit,valangur kumu and came aboutfrom obser- lished a prayer group on see the importance of media and during their graduation ceremony the robust kalava sticks vations made over a Sunday April 17 early this ner of a number of communications and their im- on the Feast of Saint John the to the Matupit Islanders number of trips to the Is- year. awards with a low handi- pacts in communities especially in Baptist to utilize their new from Saturday May 25 land by the devotion co- That day, it rain all day cap. a digitalized age. learned skills and knowledge by tillMonday 27th. As a result, parishes in the Dio- collecting stories from each of ordinators. and water was every- He is a left hander and The islanders received needs a set of clubs as his cese of Bougainville will now have their parishes to compile a history the tree crops with much The second Mercy where. independent media offices, which book for the diocese of Work took place on Sun- Joining the devotion own set was stolen in the appreciation and grate- province where he last will be responsible for their own Bougainville following a book fulness. day June 26 at Nodup has seen people from all news and information and other writing project announced by the was. The items were distrib- Sub parish. walks of life, from engi- media and communication re- bishop of Bougainville, Bernard uted into four group- The devotion cele- neers, to scientists, The devotion will em- lated works. This achievement will Unabali during the opening of the swhich make up the brated the feast of St teachers, business man- bark in promoting this also enable the parishes to link extra-ordinary Year of Mercy ear- Catholic population. Peter and Paul and a agers, nurses, tradesman golfer. with the diocese in terms of net- lier this year. Catholic Reporter July 2016 Page 3

Commentary by Fr.Victor Roche July 2016

DURING the last 8 weeks, PNG has experienced protests Dia ol brata na sista by the tertiary students; violence and police shooting; de- struction of properties and death of a student. TUDE yumi selebretim pestode bi- University of Goroka is closed because of ethnic student long Santu Hat bilong Jisas. Em i clashes. Unitech in Lae has experienced violent clashes petron bilong Asadaiosis bilong yumi allegedly among the students ending in the death of a stu- na em i petron bilong planti peris in- dent and burning down of 3 buildings in the campus. sait long Asdaiosis bilong Rabaul. University of PNG in Port Moresby has experienced vi- Dispela pestode em i gutpela taim olent student protests, which led to police shooting on 8th bilong tok tenkyu long , long laik- June and wounding of 4 students. The continued protests pasin bilong em na long olgeta gut- have led to burning down of 4 cars of Uniforce and the pela samting em i save givim long Printery in the campus. yumi. Na tu, em i gutpela taim bilong There is no end in sight for this violence. Prime Minister tok sori, long taim yumi yet i no bin Peter O’Neill has been the focus of sustained student luksave gut long laikpasin bilong God. protests, mass boycotts of classes and violence. He is ac- Golden Jubili bilong Asdaiosis bilong cused of allegedly authorising payments for fraudulent Rabaul. legal bills amounting to K50 million. The case is in the Long Sande bilong Asensio (8th court to be decided. May, 2016), long Vunapope Katidrel There is an interesting point we must take notice of: Di- na long olgeta peris, yumi bin lonsim vine Word University by the in Madang dispela namba 50 aniveseri bilong As- and Pacific Adventist University by the Adventist Church in daiosis bilong Rabaul (15th Novemba Port Moresby did not join the protests. The three univer- 1966). sities run by the state have gone on protest. Astingting bilong dispela Golden Ju- Archbishop Francesco Panfilo is on his Pastoral visit in the mountains of Pomio. I see something common in the church-run universities: bili em: “Wok misineri i kamapim Sios He is assisted while crossing a fast flowing river. they have a purpose and a vision. Their students have dis- na Sios i kamapim wok misineri”. Dis- cipline. They have leaders with Christian values. pela astingting i blong mekim tingim yumi long ol misineri i bin statim Sios 2. Yumi laik stap laip tude wantaim askim olgeta papamama na ol pikinini long Nu Briten Ailan. Na nau Sios long amamas na strongpela laik bilong long i mas gat Baibel bilong yupela ’s Ambassador to PNG Daiosis bilong yumi i mas go mekim mekim wok. yet. wok misin. Taim yumi tingim bipo, yumi askim 3. Yumi lukluk long bihain taim wan- to take up post soon Long dispela pas bilong mi, mi laik yumi yet: “Olsem Daiosis, yumi stap taim pasin bilong stap wan wantaim. …Episcopal Ordination on July 25th serim homili bilong mi long llonsing olsem wanem tude?” Tasol olsem Dispela Golden Jubili selebresen bi- dispela aniveseri. wanwan man na meri yumi mas askim long yumi i mas lidim yumi long Pasin "Dispela Golden Jubili em i rot bi- yumi yet tu: “Mi stap we tru olsem bilong stap wan wantaim. (Spiritualiti long yumi wanwan bilip manmeri na Kristen man o meri?”; “Mi stap olsem bilong Komunio). Dispela pasin bilong tu, olsem komyuniti bilong ol bilip mi Kristen man na meri tru tru?”; “Mi stap wan wantaim i mas kamap ples manmeri long “bihainim lo bilong save bihainim ol skul bilong Jisas long klia namel long bisop na ol pater, Jisas,na bilip long nem bilong em. Na laip bilong mi tu?” Nau em i taim bi- namel long ol peris pris na ol pipel bi- yumi wan wan i mas laikim tru ol ara- long yumi olgeta- ol clergy, ol rilijes long God, namel long ol Kleji na ol Ril- pela” (1Jon 3:23), na moa yet, yumi man meri, na ol bilip manmeri – long ijes, namel long ol lei asosiet na ol mas implementim mision stetmen bi- skelim strong na laik bilong yumi na ekelesia grup. long Daiosien Pastoral Plen bilong painim niupela strong na laip na ama- Bung wantaim bilong Sios i no min yumi: “Yupela i go, mekim ol manmeri mas long spirituel na pastorel wok yumi olgeta i mas kamap wankain Welcoming Reception at the Cochin international airport on 15th i kamap disaipel bilong mi” (Mt yumi gat long en. tasol. Nogat. I min yumi wanwan i no June coming from after his appointment as Apostolic 28:19a). Dispela toktok bilong Jisas i Dispela i minim olsem yumi mas wankain olsem ol narapela, tasol yumi Nuncio. His parents standS next to him. askim yumi long tingim ol samting bi- wok strong tru bilong kamap: ken pas wantaim long ol tingting na ol POPE Francis has named Msgr. KurianVayalunkal as his new Am- long bipo wantaim tenkyu, long stap Holi oltaim: “Olgeta Kristen bilip pasin bilong yumi na wok bung wan- bassador (Apostolic Nuncio) to . Msgr. Vay- laip tude wantaim amamas na intres manmeri blong wanem kain skin, kala taim i kamap. Olgeta baptais manmeri alunkal, a 49 year old Vatican diplomat, appointed as titular na lukluk long bihain taim wantaim o ples o long wei em i stap o namba husat ol i kisim sakramen bilong Archbishop of Ratiaria, will receive his Episcopal ordination later. strongpela bilip. Yumi no ken tingting emi gat; yumi olgeta i gat singaut long Strong pinis, i mas save long wonem Msgr. Vayalunkal has been in the Vatican diplomatic service since na wari tumas long ol aktiviti bai yumi pulap tru wantaim gutpela Kristen wok ol i mas mekim insait long laip bi- 1998. He served in Guinea Conakry, Korea, Dominican Republic, mekim, tasol yumi mas aim long laip na bilong kamapim gutpela tru long Sios. Bangladesh, Hungary and in Egypt. In 2010, after the terrible earth- long ol gutpela pasin. “Wantaim ol lain i bin kisim sakra- quake in Haiti, he was sent there for few months to assist the hu- mekim gutpela wok bilong strongim bilip na spirituel laip bilong yumi. Prea: Sapos yumi laik stap holi, men bilong Ordo, na ol lain i kisim manitarian support of the Holy See. yumi mas pre oltaim. Ol familli bilong wok ministri bilong ol lei manmeri Msgr. Vayalunkal, the first borne of M.C. Mathai and Annam- Yumi mas gat laik bilong mekim gut- maMathai, has three brothers and eight nephews and nieces. He pela wok marimari, na yumi mas gat yumi, i mas kamap ol gutpela na stret- blong gutpla bilong lukautim na grew up at Vadavathoor and attended Puthussery elementary strongpela bilip na gutpela save long pela ol hap bilong skulim yumi long strongim Kommuniti bilong ol bilip School and M.T. Seminary High school, Kottayam. After spending bilip yumi gat long en, bai yumi stap pasin bilong pre. Sapos ino gat prea manmeri, ol i mas wok wantaim bi- three years at St. Stanislaus Minor Seminary, did his Philosophy strong tru long dispela bilip bilong bai yumi kamap hap hap Kristen tasol. long lukautim na strongim bilip: long and Theology studies at St. ’s pontifical Seminary, Aluva. yumi blong bihainim na serim long O moa yet bai yumi no nap stap gu- skulim Katikismo na liteji, long skul bi- On 27th December 1991 he was ordained a priest in the Arch- laip bilong yumi. pela Kristen manmeri moa. long ol yangpela na olgeta kain gut- diocese of Kottayam (Kerala, India) by Mar KuriakoseKunnacherry 1. Yumi tingtim bipo wantaim tenkyu Sande Yukaris: Serim Santu Yukaris pela wok marimari.” (NMI). at Christ the King Cathedral and celebrated his first Holy Mass at St. i mas stap hat tru bilong olgeta bap- Dia ol brata na sista bilong mi, “wok George Forane Church, Edacat, his then parish. He served as asso- na amamas. Dispela Golden Jubili i givim yumi tais manmeri na em i namel tru bilong misin i kamapim Sios na Sios i ciate parish priest at Holy Family Parish at Rajapuram and later as laip bilong yumi ol bilip manmeri. kamapim wok misin”. Wanpela gut- parish priest of St. Thomas Church, Kallar. Before moving to Rome gutpela taim bilong lukluk igo bek na in 1994 for his higher studies, he served as parish priest of St. tingim bek ol samting wantaim gut- Olsem ol baptais bilip manmeri yumi pela rot bai Sios i mekim wok Krais i Mary’s Church at N.R. City and St. church at Senapathy. pela bel na amamas na tok tenkyu mas bung wantaim olsem wanpela bin givim, em long strongim ol Kristen Even though at present, he belongs to St. Michael’s Church, Neen- long ol lain missionary i bin kam pipel bilong God na Kaikai long wan- komuniti bilong yumi long pasin mari- door, he was a member of LourdeMatha Church, Neericad for few bringim dispela bilip i kam long As- pela Bred tasol taim yumi selebretim mari.Mi singautim blesing bilong God years. daiosis bilong yumi. Ol misineri i bin Holi Yukaris long ol Sande. Yumi mas antap long yumi olgeta: “Bai Bikpela i He obtained a doctorate in Canon Law in 1998 from the “Santa bringim lait bilong Gutnius na planti ol wok hat tru bai wanpela de planti blesim yumi na lukautim yumi! Bai Croce” University, Rome. At the same time he completed his diplo- narapela gutpela samting tu. Planti long ol pipel bilong yumi bai inap pes bilong Bikpela i lait antap long matic studies from “PontificiaAccademiaEcclesiastica”, rome. He bung olsem family bilong God i rau- yumi, na bai i mekim gut long yumi! was named a Chaplain to His Holiness which carries the title of long ol i bin dai taim ol i stap yangpela yet, ol i lusim strong bilong ol long ol nim tebol bilong harim tok na kaikai Bai Bikpela i lukluk long yumi wantaim Monsignor in 2001 by pope John Paul II and later named a Prelate long dispela bred bilong laip. gutpela bel na givim yumi bel isi” of Honour in 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. For the last four years bikpela wok we ol i mekim na tu long Msgr. Vayalunkal has been working as the First Counsellor of the ol sik olsem malaria o ol narapela kain Harim na autim tok: Sapos yumi laik (Nm. 6:24-26). Vatican Embassy and Additional delegate to the Arab League in sik i save kamap long ol hap bilong statim nupela laip insait long Krais na Egypt. yumi i bin daunim ol. Sampela blong gro long bilip bilong yumi, yumi mas The Episcopal Ordination of Msgr. Vayalunkal will be on Mon- ol, olsem ol Baining matir, i lbin usim harim na bihainim tok bilong God na day 25th July at 2 pm Christ the King Cathedral Church of Kottayam blut bilong ol long wok ol i mekim tu yumi mas tokaut long Gutnius bi- Francesco Panfilo, SDB Archdiocese, his diocese of origin. taim wanpela man i bin kilim ol. long Jisas Krais. Long dispela; mi laik Asbisop bilong Rabaul Page 4 July 2016 Catholic Reporter

PNG/SI Conference Pastoral Plan Italian family on a Mission to PNG

Animation, Monitoring and Evaluation Team By SrDaisy Anne Lisania MSC To: Bishops, Dioceses, Religious Superiors and PNGSI Church personnel MARTINO and Noemi Dear Friends Costa, are from Italy We are all very busy people with many responsibilities, so I ask you (Triest and Venice). PLEASE, TAKE TIME TO READ THIS CIRCULAR, so our Plan can move The Lord blessed them ahead. with 9 beautiful chil- Our Conference Pastoral Plan is a great achievement being to our dren: Eva, Giovanni knowledge the first and only such plan in the Church. We can be proud Paolo, Rachele, of this, but also remember it is not complete. The Team is conscious of Abramo, Chiara, Giu- this but do not know what is happening in all the dioceses for all the ac- ditta, Debora, Maria, tivities, plans and programmes of all 22 dioceses. It is important that we and babyTeresa. know and understand more so we can plan more effective programmes. “For many years we Our Consultations in preparation for the Jubilee Seminar were in part felt the vocation to an evaluation, but has resulted in very little feedback. spend our life with God The ConPP is and can be a great point of unity in a very diverse situa- everywhere in the tion, requiring a lot of work and attention. Let us keep moving towards world” the couple said. greater unity of thought and effort. In 2015 after receiv- The ConPPAT (Conference Pastoral Plan Animating Team) met this ing the blessing from week (lucky us to have a meeting!!) to further advance the Conference Pope Francis, they re- Pastoral Plan. I send this news to keep you up to date, so please take a sponded to the invita- little time in your busy day to read it. tion of the Archbishop of Rabaul, Francesco The Costa Family before their departure to Papua New Guinea. Clarifications Panfilo SDB. They ar- In our discussion it emerged that there was need for some clarification rived in PNG on 27 May With these words of with dynamic catech- Sunday with all the chil- about certain matters. 2016. the Holy Father on Fri- esis for the young and dren and sharing their day, March 6 2015, the old alike. faith with other broth- Animating Team “Together with you I many families like Mar- Joining the commu- ers are at the origin of I note that CBCAGM 2016 in resolution 16-31 “that there be a Team greet all the Cardinals tino and Noemi went nity is the Costa family. the many gifts the Lord formed within the bigger group” to animate the ConPP. This Team has and Bishops who ac- forth to the all the cor- ‘We are so happy to be has given to you as well existed for nearly 2 years and was responsible for the Presentation of company you today and ners of the world. in the midst of the peo- as the many vocations the Plan in most Dioceses in 2015. It was proposed formally to the AGM that in their dioceses These communities, ple, sharing their life to the priesthood and in 2015 was passed and is contained in the ecopy of the Plan distributed support your mission. called by the Bishops, and their faith. They are consecrated life. See all in December 2015 in #8.1. The report of our meetings was included in In particular I greet the are formed by a priest enriching our lives, of this is a consolation, our report to AGM 2016. The long title is, The Conference Pastoral Plan initiators of the Neocat- and four or five fami- Martino says.’ because it confirms that Animating, Monitoring and Evaluation Team, ConPPAT for short. echumenal Way, lies, even young chil- ‘The Way is based on the Spirit of God is alive This Team initiated the Jubilee Seminar on Evangelization last year and KikoArgüello and Car- dren, and are a "missio the three dimensions of and active in his formulated the process towards this Seminar. This process has also re- men Hernández, with ad gentes", with a man- the Church which are Church, even today, sulted in the initiative from CBC of gathering some history of the dioce- Father Mario Pezzi: to date to evangelize. the Word, Liturgy and and which meets the ses for a small booklet. So the Team is operative and has been for a quite them I express my ap- In Rabaul, specifically Community. Therefore needs of modern man’ some time. preciation and my en- in St Co- the obedient and con- Pope Francis said. The Team members are: Fr. Roger Purcell msc (CAS National Director), couragement as Cathedral, a Philipino stant listening to the The Neo Catechume- Mr. Joseph Nuabi (Pastoral Coordinator, Rabaul), Sr. Wilhelmina Sundu through the Way, are Priest, Fr Allan Word of God; the Eu- nal Way, commonly FMI (Superior General and previously DTPA Daru/Kiunga) making for the benefit Casquejo,Fr Ernesto, an charistic celebration in known as The Way was Fr. John Willio msc (Pastoral Vicar, Port Moresby), and Fr. Bernard of the Church. I always Argentinian, a Mexican small communities, formed in Madrid in Boem (Pastoral Vicar, Wewak). I again thank the Bishops of those dio- say that the Neocate- Seminarian Rafael and after the first vespers of 1964 and is dedicated ceses for allowing these people to be of service to the Conference Plan. chumenal Way does a great good in the an Italian Daniele have Sunday, the celebration to the Christian forma- Process towards the Seminar Church” taken the community of family praises on a tion of the people. I note again that the response to the 3 Steps towards the Seminar has been poor, giving very little as a basis for the Seminar. The Team had a long discussion resulting in a new approach to the Seminar, requiring Morata Parish welcomes the Jubilee Chalice extra work for the Team. AS part of the Spiritual preparation senting the chalice to the people of witness of Christ as Blessed Peter Celebration and Seminar for the Golden Jubilee of the estab- Papua New Guinea, had challenged To Rot. The Jubilee Seminar on Evangelization is not a preparation for the cel- lishment of the Archdiocese of Port the people to follow the example of Moresby, all the parishes of the Blessed Peter To rot, who was not Story of our Catholic faith in the ebration of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese. In archdiocese are given the opportu- afraid to die for his faith, especially archdiocese: the roots of our resolution 16-32 it is noted that the Seminar is a “way of assisting the nity to celebrate the Holy Eucharist upholding the unity and sanctifica- Catholic faith in the archdiocese of Dioceses in PNG and SI in planning to celebrate fifty years of the estab- with a “CHALICE” (cup used during tion of marriage. Port Moresby began in Yule Island, lishment of the Diocese”. The two are separate events; the planning of the Holy Eucharist) presented to The journey of this chalice has a when the first missionaries arrived, the celebration is well in hand and should be a great event for the Con- the archdiocese and to the people special significance for the Catholic they celebrated the first mass, ference and Dioceses. The Seminar to be held at the same time is more PNG by Pope St. John Paul II, in Church in PNG. The Catholic Church while they were celebrating the long term, in that as we celebrate a significant event in the longer story 1994 during the Eucharistic cele- brought the and the Chalice mas, a wild boar ran through the of evangelization, we look to the future to see the indications for our fu- bration of the of during its inception of its initial mis- alter, as a result the consecrated ture evangelizing mission. The process aims to see the history and the Blessed Peter To Rot. sionary activities. Evangelization holy blood of Christ spilt on the present situation of evangelization, so as to project forward our pastoral Fr. Rozario Menezes s.m.m, was done with the Bible and the Eu- ground. parish priest of St. Martin De Por- charist. Eucharist is celebrated to The missionaries interpreted this approach and direction. res parish, during the tercentenary symbolize the real presence of spilling of the precious blood of Jubilee Seminar Participants celebration of the death of St. Louis Christ. When we celebrate the Eu- Christ on the ground as the sign Participation in the Seminar was approved by the Central Committee De Montfort, explained to the peo- charist we are celebrating the di- given by our Lord to start the new late last year and proposed to the AGM. ple the significance of this journey vine mercy of God. This is being the mission in Yule Island. The first mis- • Due to considerations of accommodation it is to be: with the Chalice. Father Rozario Jubilee “year of mercy” every time sionaries trusting in the providence said; it is very fitting to celebrate we celebrate the Eucharist we cele- of God started their missionary ac- • “A smaller gathering of 1 person per diocese decided on a re- the Holy Eucharist with this chalice brate our redemption, therefore tivities from Yule Island. The blood gional basis on the feast day of St. Montfort as this Chalice become a symbol of the of Christ soaked the Papuans as • so each region sends 1 priest, 1 religious, 1 lay man, 1 lay Pope St. John Paul II had great de- Eucharist (presence of Christ) and they accepted Christianity from the woman, and another of their choice; votion to Mary, he was inspired by symbol of the mercy of God. missionaries. • 1 person per diocese = 22 + ConPPATx 4 = 26 + CBC Commis- the writings of St. Montfort spe- Fr. Rozario also reminded the sions x 16 = 42”. cially the treatise on the “True De- people the intention of the Arch- This Chalice reminds us of the Eu- • The Bishops of the Regions decide together the representation votion to Mary.” Having inspired by bishop of Port Moresby, His grace charist gave us as a gift. As of each diocese. We had hoped this would be done during the AGM St. Montfort he took the motto for Rev. John Ribat MSC. The purpose Catholics, let us allow the words of when you were all together. Closer to the date I will be asking for the his pontificate “Totus Tous” (I am of this journey is to prepare our- St. John Paul II resound in our ears; names. all yours) selves to celebrate the golden ju- “As Christians, we must appreciate This Chalice is a holy relic as Pope bilee of the establishment of the and value the Eucharist as the high- John Paul II is declared a saint, and archdiocese by doing so we are also est point, the pinnacle and the Yours in renewal, transformation and the Reign of God. we are privileged to have the spiri- asked to transform ourselves by the summit of our lives.” Let us trust in tual presence of St. Pope John Paul power of the Eucharist, the Eu- the words of Jesus; “Whoever eats Roger Purcell msc II in the form of this Chalice. charist should nourish and my flesh and drinks by blood lives in Coordinator Pope St. John Paul II while pre- strengthen our faith, to become the me and I in him.” Jn 6:56.