Ideal Gas State Functions
IdealIdeal GasGas StateState functions:functions: ConsiderConsider 11 molemole ofof anan idealideal gasgas PV = RT Suppose begin with: o P1 = 5 atm V2 = 4.92 liters T1 = 300 K And end with: o P2 = 4 atm V2 = 12.3 liters T2 = 600 K ∆∆PP == 44--55 == --11 atmatm →→ ∆∆VV == 7.387.38 litersliters ∆∆TT == 600600 -- 300300 == 300300°° If we got to the condition 4 atm, 12.3 liters, and 600°°K by going as follows: 5 atm, 4.92 liters, 300°°→→4 atm, 6.15 liters, 300°° →→4 atm, 12.3 liters, 600°°or by the path: 5 atm, 4.92 liters, 300°°→→5 atm, 9.84 liters, 600°° →→4 atm, 12.3 liters, 600°° Would get same ∆∆P,P,∆∆V,V,∆∆TT ChangesChanges inin statestate functionsfunctions areare independentindependent ofof path.path. Important State Functions: T, P, V, Entropy, Energy and any combination of the above. Important Non State Functions: Work, Heat. Bonus * Bonus * Bonus dw = - pextdV Total work done in any change is the sum of little infinitesimal increments for an infinitesimal change dV. ∫∫ ∫∫ dw = - pextdV = w (work done by the system ) Two Examples : ( 1 ) pressure = constant = pexternal, →→ V changes vi vf vf vf ∆∆ ⇒⇒ w = ∫ - pextdV= - pext∫ dV = - pext ( vf - vi ) = -pext V vi vi ≠≠ {Irreversible expansion if pext pgas ≠≠ That is if, pgas = nRT/V pexternal } Example 2 : dV ≠ 0, but p ≠ const and T = const: nRT pext= pgas = (Called a reversible process.) V dV ∫ w = - nRT V v vf f dV ∫ dV w = -∫ nRT = - nRT v vi V i V [Remembering that ∫ f(x) dx is the w = - nRT ln ( vf / vi ) area under f(x) in a plot of f(x) vs x, w = - ∫ pdV is the area under p
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