News of the Churches of God Speculates on Islam’S Place in Prophecy Issue No
2 Readers and writers, starting on pages 2, 3 and 5, remember Garner Ted 3 Janet Treadway traces her 28-year journey to the ’03 Feast of Tabernacles 6 AC students were Temple Mount TheJournal archaeologists in the 1960s and ’70s 8 UCG publication editor Scott Ashley News of the Churches of God speculates on Islam’s place in prophecy Issue No. 80 (Vol. VII, No. 9) JOHN 8:32 Sept. 30, 2003 Church editor concludes Ladies dedicate Allah is not God of Bible meetings to By Dixon Cartwright Islam you find that Allah is actually Linda White he managing editor of publica- an ancient pagan moon god,” said IRMINGHAM, Ala.—Fifty- tions for the United Church of Mr. Ashley. five women from as far TGod says Islam is not a peace- “Thus you find major differences north as Perry, Mich., and ful religion, and its deity, Allah, is not between Allah and the true God of B as far west as Carrollton, Texas, the same supreme being as the God the Bible. came together at a Marriott hotel of the Bible. “I used to believe Islam was a in Birmingham July 25-27 to share Scott Ashley of Arvada, Colo., a peaceful religion, based on what I their Christian experiences and writer, an elder of the UCG and man- had heard, and I also assumed that make new friends. aging editor of The Good News mag- Allah was just another name for the The conference, themed “A azine, said his research of Islam after God of the Bible. But I was wrong.” Woman’s Walk With Christ,” was the events of Sept.
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