Business Theory Project Management: Science or a Craft? Abdulrazak Abyad Correspondence: A. Abyad, MD, MPH, MBA, DBA, AGSF , AFCHSE CEO, Abyad Medical Center, Lebanon. Chairman, Middle-East Academy for Medicine of Aging, President, Middle East Association on Age & Alzheimer’s Coordinator, Middle-East Primary Care Research Network Coordinator, Middle-East Network on Aging Email:
[email protected] Development of Project Management thinking Abstract and background Project management has been practiced since early civili- zation. Until 1900 civil engineering projects were generally managed by creative architects, engineers, and master build- Projects in one form or another have been undertaken for ers themselves. It was in the 1950s that organizations started millennia, but it was only in the latter part of the 20th cen- to systematically apply project management tools and tech- tury people started talking about ‘project management’. niques to complex engineering projects (Kwak, 2005). How- Project Management (PM) is becoming increasingly im- ever, project management is a relatively new and dynamic portant in almost any kind of organization today (Kloppen- research area. The literature on this field is growing fast and borg & Opfer, 2002). Once thought applicable only to large receiving wider contribution of other research fields, such as scale projects in construction, R&D or the defence field, psychology, pedagogy, management, engineering, simulation, PM has branched out to almost all industries and is used sociology, politics, linguistics. These developments make the as an essential strategic element for managing and affect- field multi-faced and contradictory in many aspects.