COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS A Publication of the Computing Research Association

September 2003 Vol. 15/No. 4

Guest Column Title IX and Women in Academics By Senator Ron Wyden in traditionally male-dominated the right thing to do; it is the smart fields such as the hard sciences, math thing to do. This fall the athletic fields of and engineering—disciplines where The numbers reveal a striking America’s elementary and secondary our nation needs competent workers inequity when it comes to gender schools, colleges and universities will now more than ever before. representation in the math, science resound with the voices of girls and We can all agree that fairness and technology fields. A National young women who choose to include implores us to create and enforce Science Foundation study found that sports as part and parcel of their equal opportunity for women in women accounted for only 23 per- educational experience. Those girls math, science and technology. That cent of physical scientists and 10 and young women will not only be is a compelling argument in itself, percent of engineers. The percent- taking physical exercise; they’ll be but it is not the only argument. A ages of women on faculties in these exercising their rights to equal report from the Hart-Rudman areas are even lower, with 14 percent Senator Ron Wyden opportunity under a law known as Commission on National Security to of science faculty members being Title IX. 2025 warned that America’s failure women and a mere 6 percent in Title IX states a simple principle. to invest in science and to reform engineering departments. Moreover, only aspiring students, but toward The entire statute reads: “No person math and science education was the the numbers are getting worse in members of university faculties as in the United States shall on the basis second biggest threat to our national some areas. The percentage of recipi- well. Women in science and math of sex, be excluded from participation security, greater than that from any ents of computer and information often find themselves pushed into in, be denied the benefits of, or be conceivable conventional war. sciences bachelor’s degrees who were traditional female roles, such as subject to discrimination under any America will not remain the women, which peaked at 37 percent teaching, while their male counter- educational program or activity power it is in the world today, nor in 1984, had decreased to just 28 parts receive the research receiving Federal financial assistance.” will our people be as healthy, as percent in 1999. That is a movement fellowships that pay more completely Many Americans know the educated, or as prosperous as they in the opposite direction from athlet- for graduate school. Without a enforcement of that common-sense should be, if we do not lead the ics, where Title IX has been ade- research background, women are less rule has brought women much closer world in scientific research and quately enforced. Before Title IX, one likely to obtain tenure-track faculty to parity in high school and college engineering development. To make in 17 girls in school played sports. positions, which carry higher pay sports opportunities. But in my view, our country better, to improve our Now it is one in 2.5. This country and prestige. what Title IX has achieved on the national security and quality of life, needs that kind of progress in math, Just as America’s schools were playing field remains undone in the we need to encourage people to go science, and technology. But it will sent a clear message that they would classroom, where the promise of this into these disciplines. Women repre- not happen as long as subtle and not- lose Federal funding unless women law was originally directed. Par- sent a largely untapped resource in so-subtle discriminations persist in our were given parity in sports, it’s time ticularly, I believe that Title IX has achieving this vital goal. Encourage- educational institutions. for our institutions to understand yet to be applied stringently enough ment through Title IX is more than Studies show that women often that there will be consequences if have trouble advancing in math, sci- Title IX does not become a guiding ence and technology due to a lack of Title IX Inside CRN equal access to financial aid and a Continued on Page 8 Best Practices Memo ...... 3 Chair’s Report...... 5 lack of access to child care in gradu- Report from Canada ...... 4 CRA Members List ...... 7 ate school. Additionally, evidence NSF Update ...... 4 Professional Opportunities ...... 11 indicates discrimination toward not PAID U.S. POSTAGE

IT Responsible For Most Productivity Gains PERMIT NO. 993 NONPROFIT ORG. WASHINGTON, DC WASHINGTON, By John L. King computers everywhere except in the addition, the NIPA data measured productivity statistics.” effects at the level of whole indus- The “productivity paradox” of This news did not make sense to tries, not at the level of individual missing organizational payoffs from people in the IT fields. Computers firms where the vaunted task-level investments in information tech- could do many things far faster and performance of computers would nology has finally been put to rest. far better than people could. Their appear. The NIPA data could not be Recent research has demonstrated a application had dramatically used to account for differences in the major surge in U.S. productivity improved performance in all kinds of quality of IT implementation efforts between 1995 and 2000 due almost tasks, from payroll processing to air among the organizations measured. entirely to IT. While investment in traffic control. It did not seem possi- The successes and the failures might IT is essential to this improvement, ble that such task-level performance balance each other out, with zero the key to achieving payoffs from IT would fail to show up in the produc- productivity gain as a result. investments lies in changing the tivity statistics. Yet the analyses were A different objection was raised nature of work processes to exploit grounded in the best data available by economic historians. They what IT offers. at that time, and the story of the pointed out that flat or even declin- The productivity paradox began productivity paradox was established ing productivity was a common fea- in early 1986 when economist as fact. ture during transitions from old to Stephen Roach demonstrated that Several objections to the story new regimes for doing complicated the huge increase in organizational arose immediately. Most were aimed things. Paul David of Stanford expenditures on IT (computers, at the problems with the data used in University compared the replace- peripheral devices, software, and Roach’s analysis. As good as they ment of steam engines by electric related services) between 1975 and were, Roach’s data came from the power in U.S. factories in the late 1985 was accompanied by virtually National Income and Product 19th and early 20th centuries to the no gains in organizational productiv- Accounts (NIPA) data maintained replacement of older information ity. Within weeks, Fortune magazine’s by the U.S. Bureau of Economic management practices by IT during cover story was about “The Puny Analysis. The NIPA system was the late 20th century. Productivity Payoff” from computers, and the rest installed in the 1930s, long before remained flat for several decades as of the business trade press soon fol- the era of modern IT application. It electricity replaced steam, but then lowed. Nobel Prize winning econo- was not clear whether the NIPA Productivity Gains mist Robert Solow quipped, “We see data measured the right things. In CRA NW 1100 Seventeenth Street, Suite 507 DC 20036-4632 Washington, Continued on Page 6 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS September 2003

Computing Research Visionaries Needed for CRA Conference Association Board Officers Grand Research Challenges in Information Security & Assurance James Foley Chair Georgia Institute of Technology Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia Janice Cuny November 16-19, 2003 Vice Chair University of Oregon In 2002, CRA sponsored its first have some vision and understanding of Technology. Attendance is limited Kathleen McKeown Secretary “Grand Research Challenges in of the big challenges (and accompa- to 50 people and is by invitation Columbia University Computer Science and Engineering.” nying advances) that should shape only. Individuals invited must com- Philip A. Bernstein This was the first in a series of highly the research agenda in this field over mit to attending for the entire three- Treasurer non-traditional conferences where the next few decades. These meet- day conference (beginning Sunday at Microsoft Research the goal is to define important ques- ings are not structured as traditional 6 pm, ending after lunch on Board Members tions rather than expose current conferences with scheduled presenta- Wednesday.) If you are interested in William Aspray research. Grand Challenges meetings tions, but rather as highly participa- attending, please submit a two-page Indiana University seek “out-of-the-box” thinking to tory sessions exposing important (or less) statement of two or three expose some of the exciting, deep themes and ideas. As such, this is examples of a “grand research chal- Carnegie Mellon University challenges yet to be met in comput- not a conference for security special- lenge” problem in the IS/IA area. Doris Carver Louisiana State University ing research. Because of its clear ists alone: We seek to convene a The deadline for submission is importance and pressing needs, diverse group from a variety of fields September 17, 2003. Lori Clarke University of Massachusetts CRA’s second “Grand Research and at all career stages—we seek For additional details, including Carla Ellis Challenges Conference” will be insight and vision wherever it may instructions for submitting state- Duke University devoted to defining technical and reside. ments and a list of the organizing Timothy Finin social challenges in information The organizing committee is committee members, see University of Maryland, security and assurance. We are seek- chaired by Eugene Spafford, Purdue Baltimore County ing scientists, educators, business University, and co-chaired by Barbara Grosz people, futurists, and others who Richard DeMillo, Georgia Institute Harvard University James Horning NAI Labs Leah H. Jamieson Purdue University CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Awards Michael Jones Microsoft Research John King Deadline October 20 University of Michigan The Computing Research Asso- ate student winners, one female and provide similar assistance to other Edward Lazowska ciation is pleased to announce the one male, who are majoring in com- students who are recognized. University of Washington 10th annual CRA Outstanding puter science, computer engineering, CRA gratefully acknowledges the Guylaine M. Pollock Sandia National Laboratories Undergraduate Awards Program, or an equivalent program. A number support of Microsoft Research and recognizing undergraduate students of other outstanding candidates will Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs Daniel Reed University of Illinois who show outstanding research be recognized with Honorable who sponsor the Outstanding at Urbana-Champaign potential in an area of computing Mention. The awards will be pre- Undergraduate Awards Program in Robert Schnabel research. sented at one of the major comput- alternate years. Mitsubishi Electric University of Colorado at Boulder Nominees must attend a univer- ing research conferences sponsored Research Labs is this year’s sponsor. Marc Snir sity or college located in the United by CRA, ACM, the IEEE Computer Additional information about the University of Illinois States or Canada, and must be nomi- Society, SIAM, AAAI, or USENIX. nomination procedure and criteria at Urbana-Champaign nated by the department chair or a The two first-prize winners will for selection are available on the Lawrence Snyder University of Washington faculty member. receive financial assistance toward CRA website: A cash prize of $1,000 will be their travel to the conference. CRA All nominations must reach CRA by Mary Lou Soffa University of Pittsburgh awarded to each of two undergradu- encourages home departments to October 20, 2003. Eugene Spafford Purdue University Alfred Spector IBM Corp. Change in Taulbee Survey Reporting John Stankovic University of Virginia The CRA Board of Directors has Computing Research News, followed In mid-February, final Taulbee Frank Tompa recently approved a change in CRA’s by the complete survey results in the Survey results will be provided to University of Waterloo procedures for disseminating the March edition of CRN. departments that participated in results of the annual Taulbee Survey. Beginning with the 2002-03 the survey and to all CRA members. One reason for the change is to survey, which will be circulated to Once again, this is earlier than in Jeffrey Vitter Purdue University reward departments that submit the chairs of Ph.D.-granting departments the past. Final results will no longer David Waltz survey on time by disseminating the in mid-September 2003, only appear in the March CRN, nor Columbia University preliminary salary data to them in departments that have submitted will they be publicly available at that Richard Waters December rather than in the January their surveys by the November dead- time. Instead, they will be published Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs CRN. Another is to provide final line will receive the preliminary in the May issue, and will be posted Elaine Weyuker survey results to CRA members, as a salary results. These results will be on the CRA website at that time. AT&T Labs - Research benefit of their membership, before provided to those departments by Stuart Zweben they are made publicly available. mid-December; they will no longer be Ohio State University Previously, the Taulbee prelimi- published in the January CRN or made Executive Director nary faculty salary results have been public at that time. Andrew Bernat published in the January issue of Note to Affiliate Societies Department Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2003 Chairs

Co-Sponsored by ACM and CRA Taulbee Survey October 15-18, 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia 2002-03 Coming Soon CACS/AIC


Special Report Computing Research Association control an embodiment of the ideas, such as a software implementation. Second, time-to-market is often a significant consideration in making a prod- uct a success, so both the university and industry are best served by rapid action. Third, products like software often contain many “key” ideas (e.g., Best Practices Memo algorithms), and it is difficult to assess how any specific idea contributes to the overall worth of the product, say for the purpose of assessing royalties. Fourth, unlike patents, which are published in enough detail that someone can repro- duce the art, effective transfer of IT IP such as software often requires partici- University-Industry Sponsored pation by the creators. Finally, many IT ideas can be implemented by “those Research Agreements schooled in the art” once they have seen the technology in operation. Thus, companies have a risk of using IP inadvertently, increasing the value of mecha- Universities and businesses have considerable incentive to cooperate in the nisms that lower that risk. development of intellectual property (IP). Businesses recognize universities for The implications of these considerations are: a) universities can introduce their rich talent pool and enthusiastic graduate students, while universities rec- significant barriers to cooperation by forcing IT into a standard patent-centric ognize businesses as a source of real-world problems, technical know-how, and form, and b) agreement principles customized to IT will focus on rapid action. funding. There are numerous examples of successful research collaborations in Consulting and Internships computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering. Mindful The most valuable part of intellectual property is the intellect that pro- that some IP such as gene splicing and human growth hormone have produced duced it. Accordingly, IT businesses understand that working with faculty and “IP goldmines,” many university administrators (and some students and fac- graduate students is at least as valuable as licensing the IP that they produce. ulty) are eager to establish strong safeguards to protect their rights to intellec- Because IT requires only modest facilities, and to avoid complex negotiations tual property. with universities about who owns the resulting IP, many firms have opened labs While such safeguards are perhaps essential in biomedical, pharmaceutical, near universities as a venue for faculty consulting and student internships. and agricultural research, they are not appropriate in Information Technology Performed on their premises with their equipment and staff, the companies (IT). They can be difficult and time-consuming to negotiate, and because con- own all of the IP. It is an efficient scheme for the businesses, and it can provide siderations such as time-to-market are so important in IT, the delay can frus- professionally valuable experience for both faculty and students. But it cuts out trate beneficial cooperation. Moreover, patent safeguards are unnecessary the university. because of the role of IP in IT products and the complications involved in deploying IT IP. Formulating university-industry cooperative agreements must A Model for Sponsored Research be sensitive to these issues. This document describes the best practices for Confronted with the aforementioned facts, several universities have university-industry agreements in IT, particularly the IP aspects of such adopted approaches that reflect the best practice. In these cases, an industrial agreements. partner funds research with the understanding that it will receive a non-exclu- Context and Setting sive, non-transferable, worldwide, royalty-free license to any IP created by the organization. In one model the partner funds (annually) a specific team with a Research and development in IT-related university departments is funded specific research direction, and the arrangement is seen as ongoing. In another largely by two mechanisms: federal grants and university-industry sponsored model (e.g., Stanford’s EPIC program) industry partners join a consortium for a research agreements (SRAs). Commercializing intellectual property derived modest annual fee, and then have “pay-per-view” privileges for any specific IP from federal grants is (when appropriate) required by the Bayh-Dole Act. The at a specified rate for a non-exclusive, royalty-free license. The university law specifies the conditions of ownership and defines “standard practice” for retains ownership of the IP, and the option to negotiate an exclusive license is grant-receiving institutions. Practices surrounding university-industry SRAs, available. Standardized terms and conditions regularize the process for rapid however, vary widely, being governed mostly by the needs of the agreeing and predictable execution. parties. These agreements can take a variety of forms, as explained in the Although it is assumed that industry wants and needs exclusive licenses, in next section. general this seems not to be the case. Since companies in IT do their own Research universities typically have two offices, variously named, that are development, licenses protect them from being sued for infringing on others’ concerned with funding and intellectual property. The Office of Sponsored IP. For that purpose a non-exclusive license suffices. Projects (OSP) is generally responsible for negotiating funding agreements In this model, industry supports the effort with its funds “up front,” with the with granting agencies, foundations, and companies. The Office of Technology assurance that there will be a license “if anything useful comes out of the Transfer (OTT) is generally responsible for patenting and licensing technology research.” Not charging royalties has the advantage that the uses of the IP do created at the university. In rough terms, the OSP is largely involved before not have to be accounted for. There is risk on both sides: It is possible the uni- the intellectual property is created, and the OTT is involved afterwards. (As versity might do better by negotiating more favorable terms for a specific prom- another generalization, the OSP is typically less familiar with industry’s needs ising technology, and industry is gambling that the investigators’ discoveries than is the OTT.) For all research covered by the Bayh-Dole Act, the univer- get to them early enough for rapid deployment. However, this model has the sity is stipulated as the (initial) owner of the intellectual property. For SRAs, value of promoting and accelerating cooperation. There is generally an under- ownership and rights to the intellectual property resulting from research are standing among the participants that if the IP turns out to be a “home run,” the subjects of negotiations prior to funding. then the company will return later to the question of what it owes the univer- The motivation for establishing best practices guidelines is the potential for sity for the IP, typically in the form of generous donations or longer-term the conflicting interests of universities and industry to impede their negotia- research contracts. tions. An important “best practice” is for the OSP and the OTT to cooperate in establishing the practices described below. End Notes Expectations The assertions in this memo are documented in “Model Language for Patent and Licensing Agreements for Industrially Sponsored University Research In The possibility of producing a much-needed revenue stream by licensing Information Technology,” by J Strother Moore, University of Texas, Austin. their intellectual property has motivated some administrators, regents, and See: Additional information and sample wording chancellors to require OSPs to exact strong protection for the university’s for agreements are also provided. rights. Patent protection, which is generally required for biomedical, pharma- ceutical, and agricultural IP, is very slow to obtain and can be expensive to Approved by the secure and to defend. Almost all patenting expenditures do not recover their Computing Research Association investment. As a general rule, universities that successfully generate revenue Board of Directors from IP do so with a tiny number (< 10) of significant patents. (In 2001, the July 2003 University of California system generated 77 percent of all revenue from 25 licenses, and none was IT.) There are no known “goldmine” IT licenses. Prepared by: Managing IT IP using the traditional patent/licensing mechanism is inap- J Strother Moore (University of Texas, Austin) propriate for the following reasons. First, patent protection is rarely the best Lawrence Snyder (University of Washington) form of IT IP protection. Copyright is usually better, since it can be used to Philip A. Bernstein (Microsoft Research)


The Northern Report: Computer Science News from Canada

By Gord McCalla For several years the Canadian fed- computer engineers applying to engi- paying $17.5K (Can) for one year to eral government has been increasing neering committees). M.Sc. students and $35K (Can) for 3 Now that the Canadian Asso- its investments in research and Fortunately, NSERC has contin- years to Ph.D. students, while the ciation of Computer Science/ development as it tries to position ued to get increased funding to han- existing program of postgraduate Association informatique canadienne Canada to succeed in the emerging dle this influx of “news,” with some scholarships continues. In addition, (CACS/AIC) is officially an affili- knowledge economy. At the same $12.5 million (Canadian) in new NSERC has created several new pro- ated society of the Computing time, many provincial governments funds having recently been allocated grams, including a networks program Research Association, it seems rea- have invested heavily in computer for first-time applicants over the to encourage “distributed centers of sonable to provide an annual report science and computer engineering, next 3 years. The next challenge critical mass” of scientists at different on important issues within the stimulating considerable growth in will be to make sure that even institutions interacting with one Canadian computer science commu- many computer science departments more money enters the system to another on cutting-edge research, nity that may also be of interest to in the country. fund these new applicants as they and a special opportunities program CRA members and its other affili- The result of these investments is progress through the system, for high-risk (but potentially high- ated societies. This year I would like a huge growth in demand from com- seeking increased renewal grants payoff) research. to briefly focus on several issues: puter scientists for research funding. down the road. And a modest Beyond NSERC, over the past few research initiatives, current enroll- In fact, for each of the past 4 years, start has been made: in a recent years the Canadian government has ment trends, accreditation of pro- the number of new computer science NSERC re-allocations exercise the announced funding of some 2,000 grams, and the software engineering applicants for “discovery grants” from base budget for funding computer Canada Research Chairs positions dispute in Canada. Canada’s Natural Sciences and science was increased in recognition (across all academic disciplines) at Engineering Research Council (the of the importance of the field and universities across the country. It also Research Initiatives grants that fund professors’ curiosity- its incredible growth. continues its Canadian Foundation The research climate for driven research programs) has led all NSERC has also added consider- for Innovation (CFI) program that Canadian computer science (and NSERC disciplines. In 2003 alone ably more money to its Canada has begun to rebuild university other science and engineering some 114 of 900 new applicants were Graduate Scholarships program, cre- The Northern Report disciplines) continues to improve. computer scientists (with many more ating some 600 new scholarships Continued on Page 9 CISE FY2004 Update By Sean Jackson, National Science Foundation This column will serve as an update on some of the changes in CISE as we start a new fiscal and academic year.

Changes in CISE productive, as it raises the workload division merges the national infra- priorities and broadly applied CS&E in CISE and in the research commu- structure programs currently man- research priorities. Individuals from The CISE Directorate is nity. We want the community aged by Advanced Computational each of the divisions will develop, approaching the end of its second involved in research and teaching, Infrastructure and Research (ACIR) manage, and integrate the portfolio decade as a major organizational unit not proposal-writing, and we want a and Advanced Networking of projects that address these multi- within NSF. CISE is unique among CISE staff with the time and Infrastructure and Research (ANIR), disciplinary topics. Initial themes are NSF directorates in its dual responsi- resources to effectively manage grant and expands the scope of CISE expected to include cyber trust, sci- bility for the health of the CISE selection and oversight. cyberinfrastructure to include com- ence of design, information integra- research communities and for the The proposed new CISE will have putation, communication, informa- tion, and education and workforce. support of a national computation four divisions, working as highly tion, distributed sensing, Information Technology Research and communication infrastructure integrated units, coordinating to instrumentation, and middleware. (ITR) funds for FY2004 will include for all of NSF’s research and educa- manage the broad research portfolio DDI will also be responsible for the CISE investments in these thematic tional disciplines. The past few years for which CISE is responsible. The education, outreach, and training areas. have seen unprecedented growth in four divisions are: Computing & (EOT) activities related to the the CISE budget, a continuing diver- Communication Foundations (CCF); national cyberinfrastructure. In Cyber Trust sification of CISE research, educa- Computer and Network Systems choosing to put all of the planning, Cybersecurity is a clear example tion and infrastructure programs, and (CNS); Information and Intelligent design, construction, operation, and of a national priority to which the an attendant, dramatic increase in Systems (IIS); and Deployed upgrading of centers and facilities CISE themes are designed to proposal pressure and staff workload. Infrastructure (DDI). The slides into one division, we are recognizing respond. Congress expects NSF lead- Today, CISE is a primary source for from the announcement of the reor- the highly integrated and diverse ership on cybersecurity research and the funding of fundamental academic ganization provide a good introduc- resources in modern cyberinfrastruc- education. Fiscal year 2003 research research in computing, communica- tion and can be found at: ture, the need for coordinating these activities in cybersecurity were han- tion, and information, and of activities with all NSF directorates, dled through four different program research at the interface of informa- all_hands_meeting_files/frame.htm and the unique management chal- announcements. In 2004, these four tion technology and other disci- The new divisional structure will lenges associated with large and dis- programs will be handled by the four plines. Since the last CISE be more closely aligned with the tributed facilities. In addition, each program managers working as a team reorganization in 1997, the direc- demands of the science. CCF, CNS, of the other three CISE divisions under one program solicitation called torate’s budget has grown by 113 per- and IIS are principally “research” will support fundamental and focused “Cyber Trust.” The title reflects our cent (60% for NSF) and the number divisions, which represent a natural research that will enable future gen- understanding that the public not of proposals received has grown by progression from core foundations erations of cyberinfrastructure. only wants their information systems more than 125 percent (16% for through systems to basic and focused Within each division there will be to be secure, they want to trust them NSF). research in the context of complex a small number of clusters of techni- in all kinds of situations. As a simple While the opportunities for our information and intelligent systems. cal and administrative staff, each example, they need to be able to community have increased with the We believe this organization reflects responsible for a single program or a trust that data will be kept private. introduction of NSF-wide priority a common grouping of the research small group of programs. Individual By centralizing the research in areas, such as the CISE-led Infor- communities served by CISE, and program managers may be designated cyber trust around a key theme, mation Technology Research pro- that individual investigators will eas- as the point of contact for specific CISE will ensure that the area of gram and a growing number of ily find a “home” for their research sub-disciplines within a cluster, but cybersecurity receives increased, con- program announcements and solici- interests. We also recognize the high each manager will be part of a team. certed attention that builds on the tations for traditional programs and degree of interactivity across these This will add breadth to the narrow significant work that has already areas of special emphasis, success delineations and will work to ensure confines of current programs, and been devoted to it. In addition to rates have diminished dramatically. a strong, collaborative environment. allow investigators to seek support restructuring the program, we expect We believe investigators have DDI represents the next logical alone or as collaborators for research to allocate more funds to research responded to these opportunities and step in the progression with manage- with a broader scope. and education in this area, which is the falling success rates by submit- ment responsibility for national CISE will introduce a series of NSF Update ting more proposals. This is counter- cyberinfrastructure activities. This themes in order to address national Continued on Page 10


Past is Prologue: View from the Chair

By Jim Foley quickly for this workshop, so advise members last year. Facing uncertain challenge. This is particularly critical potential attendees (graduate stu- membership growth for this year and to continuing progress, given the What can you, our members, dents and junior faculty choosing or without the surplus generated by a decreasing base of industrial research. expect from CRA? Well, because beginning their careers) of the dates Snowbird conference, the CRA We will need all of our members to past is indeed prologue, I encourage now. Information will be posted at board adopted a very conservative help carry this message to you to read our 2003 Annual Report, Encourage new 2003-04 budget at our February Washington. enclosed with this issue of CRN. faculty to use start-up funds to meeting. After learning of our situa- How can you help CRA achieve CRA’s biennial Conference at attend; scholarships will be available tion, two industry members recently our four goals of community build- Snowbird 2004 for department chairs for grad students. stepped up to the plate and increased ing, human resources development, and directors of labs and centers is The second CRA Grand Research their membership levels—Microsoft information dissemination, and influ- already being planned by co-chairs Challenges Conference, on became a Sustaining Member and encing policy? Very simply: suggest Moshe Vardi and Dick Waters and Information Security and Assurance, Sun a Supporting Member. Other additional ways that CRA can an able committee. The dates are will be held November 16-19, 2003. industrial members are planning achieve our goals—and volunteer to July 11-13, 2004. Plenary sessions The organizing committee, chaired increases as well. These acts of cor- make it happen! Become one of the will cover such topics as CSE educa- by Gene Spafford and co-chaired by porate good citizenship, along with 55 non-board members of CRA com- tion apres le crash; the vast and per- Rich DeMillo, will issue invitations tight cost controls at CRA, have mittees (see list) who help make suasive impact of IT on the U.S. based on papers submitted by allowed us to continue all of our pro- CRA work. You can be one of them! economy; and issues affecting women September 17, 2003 (see grammatic efforts. Contact me at [email protected] and minorities in CSE. for details). This Funding for the National Science to volunteer. The ever-popular Academic is your opportunity to help shape the Foundation this year will probably Careers Workshop for new faculty field. We are also seeking ideas for a increase by about 6 percent— Jim Foley, CRA’s board chair, is and nearly finished Ph.D. students, topic for Grand Research Challenges nowhere near what is needed for the Professor and Stephen Fleming Chair in organized by Lori Clark, is scheduled III, currently planned for 2005. budget-doubling approved last year Telecommunications at the Georgia for February 23-24, 2004 in Growth in our academic member- by Congress. Improving on this for Institute of Technology. Washington, DC. Space fills up very ship slowed to just two net new the following fiscal year will be a

The computing research community thanks the following non-board members who served on CRA committees from July 2002 through June 2003.

Al Aho, Columbia University Barbara Gutek, University of Michigan Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Harvey Mudd College Richard Alo, University of Houston Mary Jane Harrold, Georgia Institute of Monica Martinez-Canales, Sandia National Lab Nancy Amato, Texas A&M Technology J Strother Moore, University of Texas, Austin Sandra Johnson Baylor, IBM Juris Hartmanis, Cornell University James Morris, Carnegie Mellon University Ron Brachman, AT&T (now at DARPA) Tom Henderson, University of Utah David Novick, University of Texas, El Paso Eric Brittain, MIT Raquell Holmes, Boston University , UC Berkeley Carla Brodley, Purdue University Andrew Hume, AT&T Labs - Reseasrch Lori Pollock, University of Delaware Sheila Castaneda, Clarke College John Hurley, Clark Atlanta University Ann Redelfs, NPACI/SDSC Theresa Chatman, Rice University Charles Isbell, Georgia Institute of Technology Eric Roberts, Allison Clark, NCSA Jolene Jesse, AAAS Gabby Silberman, IBM Joanne Cohoon, University of Virginia Sid Karin, UC San Diego Barbara Simons, ACM Anne Condon, University of British Columbia Randy Katz, UC Berkeley Robert Sproull, Sun Carla Ellis, Duke University John King, University of Michigan Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M (board member eff. July 1, 2003) (board member eff. July 1, 2003) Patricia Teller, University of Texas, El Paso Willis King, University of Houston Gerald Engel, University of Connecticut Henry Walker, Grinnell College Charlotte Kuh, National Research Council Faith Fich, University of Toronto Roger Webb, Georgia Institute of Technology Cynthia Lanius, Rice University Joan Francioni, Winona State University Pamela Williams, Sandia National Lab Andrea Lawrence, Spelman College Oscar Garcia, Wright State University Ellen Yoffa, IBM Phoebe Lenear, NCSA C.W. Gear, NEC Research Institute Wei Zhao, Texas A&M University Clayton Lewis, University of Colorado, Boulder

SNOWBIRD 2004 ALERT - Department Chairs and Directors of Labs/Centers

Mark your calendars now for CRA’s Conference at Snowbird 2004!

This biennial event is a “must” for department chairs and directors of labs and centers. The planning committee is putting together a stimulating program, including the always-popular workshop for new chairs. The dates are July 11, 12, and 13, 2004 in Snowbird, Utah. Refer to future issues of CRN and the CRA website ( for updates, including program details and registration/accommo- dation instructions as they become available.

If you would like to suggest a topic for the program, please contact either of the program co-chairs:

Academic Co-Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University ([email protected]) Labs/Centers Co-Chair: Dick Waters, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs ([email protected])

Committee Members: James Aylor (University of Virginia) Mary Lou Soffa (University of Pittsburgh) Lori Clarke (UMass, Amherst) Alfred Spector (IBM Corp.) Scot Drysdale (Dartmouth College) Valerie Taylor (Texas A&M) John King (University of Michigan) Frank Tompa (University of Waterloo) Dan Reed (University of Illinois, UC)



CRA Academic Careers Workshop for new faculty and advanced graduate students in computing-related disciplines

February 23-24, 2004 Washington, DC

CRA awarded its 2003 Outstanding Undergraduate Awards at the ACM awards banquet in San Diego in June. Pictured above are: Front row (l-r) Omar Khan (Cornell University), Outstanding Male Award; Julie Details: Thornton (Kansas State University), Female Runner-Up; Bistra Dilkina (Simon Fraser University), Outstanding Female Award; Noah Snavely (University of Arizona), Male Runner-Up; Chand John (University of Texas at Austin), Finalist. Back row (l-r) Jim Foley, CRA's board chair; Anton Morozov (Hunter College), Honorary Mention; Vijay Reddi (Santa Clara University), Honorary Mention; Phillipe Loher (North Carolina State University), Honorary Mention; Mahdi Mekic (Lamar University), Honorary Mention; Yuli Ye (University of Waterloo), Finalist; and Andy Bernat, CRA's executive director.

Productivity Gains from Page 1 1995-2000 period. In other words, IT lies in better understanding the ways ironic that it was impossible to see capital input accelerated while other in which IT affects organizational the evidence of productivity when accelerated rapidly in the late 1920s capital input decelerated. performance for the better. the economy was roaring, but it is as the last of the steam factories Capital deepening is not the only The effort to demonstrate IT’s easy now that things have slowed closed and the full benefit of electric factor that can affect productivity: role in productivity has been down. In fact, this is to be expected power took hold. Electricity proved the quality of the work force also matched by research into the “hid- because understanding almost always to be far superior to steam, but the plays a major role. During these two den assets” that complement IT lags the things to be understood. It transition took a long time. The IT time periods, labor quality actually investments in the quest for takes time to understand change of revolution would play out in a simi- declined due to the heated economy productivity improvement. Erik this magnitude. lar way, David argued, with produc- and the easy availability of jobs as Brynjolffson of MIT and Lorin Hitt The revolution launched by IT is tivity rising as the full effect of IT the less productive workers entered of the University of Pennsylvania far too large and complex to play out use was felt. the work force. Thus, the major define hidden assets as those that are in just a few decades. The revolution More than fifteen years have productivity increase occurred in not counted by standard economic involves economic, political, social passed since Roach’s work appeared. spite of a decline in labor quality measurement systems. Many of these and cultural systems that often IT application never slowed down. during that period. When productiv- hidden assets have grown up around change slowly and in subtle and In fact, the mid and late 1990s ity gains are separated into IT-related IT implementation, including spe- sometimes ambiguous ways. The brought the dot-com era, an extraor- productivity and other-related pro- cialized software and utilities, revised advances in IT that gave the revolu- dinary boom in IT application that ductivity, the conclusions become work practices, new control systems, tion its power were accomplished by coincided with one of the longest obvious. IT-related productivity rose and improved analytical capacity to expertise in narrow areas of special- periods of economic expansion in from 0.21 percent to 0.45 percent, aid in management decision making. ization in computer engineering, U.S. history. If productivity were to while other-related productivity over The ratio of hidden assets is highest computer science, and information change, the late 1990s was the time the same periods grew from only 0.05 in the most productive firms, reach- systems. An important role for such to see it. In addition, and partly in percent to 0.17 percent. In short, ing as much as 10:1. The value cre- specialization remains, but it is response to the productivity paradox, there was a doubling of U.S. produc- ated by IT assets and hidden assets increasingly important to look across economic researchers were develop- tivity in the period 1995-2000, working together goes beyond stan- and not just within these specializa- ing new measures focusing on the which effectively means that the dard economic measurements, tions, and to join with economists, firm level and incorporating an wealth of the country was building affecting things such as customer psychologists, operations manage- improved suite of productivity meas- twice as quickly. Nearly all of that convenience and service quality. ment specialists, library and informa- ures. The results of new research on improvement was due to IT. Previous research not only missed tion specialists, and others to grasp the late 1990s are coming out, and The dot-com crash and the slug- the productivity impacts of IT, but the full magnitude of the changes they tell a remarkable story. gish economy following 2000 put a failed to recognize the complexity of underway. Without this broad effort, Productivity grew from 1.33 per- damper on the celebration. But this the mechanisms involved in improv- many of those who helped to launch cent to 2.07 percent between the slowdown also provided a needed ing productivity. the revolution will see it default to periods 1975-1993 and 1995-2000, respite to step back from the “irra- The story of IT and productivity those with far less sense of how it all according to Dale Jorgensen of tional exuberance” of that era to has been odd. The productivity pay- happened, and only a distant notion Harvard University, Mun Ho of reflect on the changes underway. offs of IT have been elusive for years, of what is at stake. Resources for the Future, and Kevin This is particularly important when yet organizations kept spending on Stiroh of the Federal Reserve Bank articles with titles like “IT Doesn’t IT in spite of this news, and dramati- Dr. John L. King ([email protected]) of New York. This is the largest gain Matter” appear in Harvard Business cally accelerated IT investments in is Dean and Professor in the School of in many years. The gain was due Review, and academic leaders cast the 1990s. When econometricians Information at the University of Michigan. He was recently elected to a mainly to “capital deepening,” which nervous glances at noticeable finally teased out the payoffs of IT, three-year term on the CRA Board of declines in applications and enroll- the dot-com boom collapsed and the means providing more effective capi- Directors. tal investment to leverage the efforts ments in undergraduate computer economy turned down. It seems of workers. When IT-capital deepen- science and graduate information ing was separated from other capital systems programs. Paul David’s deepening, the results are even more hopeful story suggests that IT will con- CRA Welcomes New Members impressive. IT capital deepening tinue to bring major improvements in Academic Departments productivity over the coming years, jumped from 0.37 percent to 0.87 Loyola University Chicago (CS) percent, while other capital deepen- especially given the continued pace ing actually dropped from 0.43 of improvement in the underlying University of Montana (CS) percent to 0.37 percent in the technology itself. The challenge now University of South Florida (CSE)


Special Insert

CRA Workshop on Research Related to National Security: Report and Recommendations

By Kathleen McKeown, Lori Clarke, and John Stankovic (Organizers)

Introduction Security includes authentication, 1. Create testbeds of open data. opportunities for security breaches. availability, containment, detection The workshop recommends estab- 4. Reconsider research para- The Computing Research and identification, privacy, recovery, lishing a center that will make it eas- digms. Researchers and funders must Association (CRA) hosted a work- and new security models. ier for both government and industry look to long-term efforts that include shop in September 2002 to develop Information technology for emer- to provide data. In general, it is hard the continual development and recommendations that will gency response includes a variety of to generate synthetic data with improvement of realistic testbeds and strengthen the research infrastruc- problems—most notably problems enough scale; this is a research proj- careful evaluation of technology ture in areas of critical importance to for critical infrastructure. ect worthy of its own funding. Issues based on those testbeds. The work- national security. It was funded by Information fusion includes research include development of new tech- shop recommended that multiple the National Science Foundation. in data and text mining, data inte- niques for automatic scrubbing, cycles of evaluation are needed. In The workshop focused on three gration, language technologies, agreement between researchers and the first cycle, researchers might general topics: image and video processing, and evi- intelligence agencies on what consti- work with end-users to see how they 1. how to facilitate technology dence combination. Rather than tutes good, normal operational and react to initial tool functionality and transfer from research to practice; consider again the question of which attack scenarios, and a long-term design. In later cycles, after respond- 2. how to foster research and research areas are important for focus on establishing and maintain- ing to initial concerns, more rigorous infrastructure support for best prac- national security, the CRA ing the testbed. It was suggested that evaluation could be undertaken. This tices in security and information Workshop took the results of the different research groups focus on is a process that may go through fusion; and NRC committee’s report as a starting different aspects of the testbed; one many cycles and takes time. Funding 3. strategies for funding research point. group might focus on generating agencies and users must recognize in this area. To provide common grounds for operational data, while another that long time periods are needed for Participants were invited from the discussion, the workshop began with focuses on generating attacks. Initial this process to work well. areas of computer security, real-time presentations by experts, who out- models for such a testbed are being 5. Create measures of effective- systems, and information fusion, and lined the current state of the art and explored under the NSF KDD pro- ness. If practitioners are to under- included representatives from acade- active research topics in each of gram, a joint program with the stand which technologies are worth mia, industry, and government. these three areas. National Security Agency. Funding being deployed, they need measures Twenty people attended (see list at for such models involving these and of effectiveness that can help them the end). The workshop was co- Recommendations on How other agencies should be provided. distinguish and choose among located with two workshops on to Facilitate Interaction 2. Establish structures that options. Such measures should Information Technology Research for between Research and facilitate interactions. The provide qualitative assessments of Critical Infrastructure—hosted by Practice in Security and workshop recommended a variety of functionality and usefulness, as well UC Berkeley, Vanderbilt University, Information Fusion structures that could address the as the more typical quantitative and the University of Virginia—in Top priority should be given to problem of connecting research with metrics. order to facilitate attendance at all methods for facilitating interaction practice. Grants focusing solely on events and to cross-pollinate ideas between research and practice. It is the transfer of technology for a Best Practices in Security, from different groups of people. especially important that researchers short-term period should be estab- Real-Time Systems, and The aims of this workshop on have the ability to base their work lished. Funding programs that stress Information Fusion research related to national security on real problems with connections to interactions between the intelligence The workshop addressed the ques- are directly relevant to CRA’s mis- real data. Because of concerns about community and industry and tion of best practices primarily sion. CRA seeks to strengthen national security and privacy, this research groups are also needed. through breakout groups that focused research and advanced education in can be particularly problematic. National laboratories that focus on on each research area separately. It computing and allied fields. It does Nonetheless it is important that issues of security and data mining became clear, however, that there this by working to influence policy researchers and technologists have would allow researchers and practi- were commonalities across all areas. that impacts computing research, access to scenarios and data that are tioners to come together for longer Unfortunately, it was agreed that encouraging the development of recognized as realistic and as repre- periods of time. Such laboratories there are not very many best prac- human resources, contributing to the sentative of the challenges being could provide the ability to generate tices within individual areas. It was cohesiveness of the professional com- faced by practitioners. If this is not large-scale simulations in which difficult enough to define ‘best prac- munity, and collecting and dissemi- the case, research results face the risk experiments could be carried out. tice,’ let alone the appropriate prob- nating information about the of being dismissed as irrelevant or Organizations such as In-Q-Tel lems for which best practices should importance and the state of comput- immature. should seek to encourage technolo- be developed. Furthermore, best ing research. Each plays an impor- In addition to providing access to gies driven by needs and not by the practices change so quickly that it tant role in achieving the the problems and the data, programs market, with special effort placed on would be difficult to create a static organizational objectives for the ben- must be developed that facilitate an removing bureaucratic difficulties. list. efit of the country. understanding of their counterparts Google provides a good model for Instead, the subgroups looked to In the following sections, we dis- by both researchers and practitioners. moving from research to practice mechanisms and processes that could cuss the recommendations that the Researchers need a deeper under- that could be used as the basis for be put in place to dynamically track workshop produced for each of the standing of the complex processes in new structures. best practices. We report on recom- topic areas. which practitioners, such as govern- 3. Adopt human factors methods mendations separately for each Research Areas ment analysts, participate. They for modeling and improving security research area. need to be able to observe practi- processes. It was recognized that The workshop focused on three tioners and their processes in action. often the security processes that Information Fusion research areas—security, information Practitioners need an understanding practitioners follow are cumbersome While researchers are very often fusion, and critical infrastructure— of the potential of new technology. and error-prone. To facilitate under- focused on tools and methods, we based on recommendations made by Most are not comfortable with new standing of the tasks and the human agreed that what needs to be dissem- a National Research Council technology, and novel methods for activities involved, research should inated and described to the more Committee on Science and Tech- introducing technology must be consider and incorporate cognitive general community are the best tools nology for Countering Terrorism. developed so that people can become approaches such as scenario-driven for given tasks. We need a focus on That committee called for research familiar with and test new systems— exercises, workflow modeling, cogni- the problem, not the tool. Thus, a in information and network security, all while continuing to make tive think-aloud protocols, and summary of what different search new information technology for progress on their real-world tasks. expert panels. Increasing the engines do is not helpful; instead, emergency response, and new infor- Given these needs, the workshop automation of many of these security practitioners need to know how it mation technology for the detection, recommended that the following processes, combined with rigorous behaves in a specific context. remediation, and attribution of actions be taken: analysis, would eliminate many attacks (information fusion). September 2003 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS

This subgroup recommended the Security research efforts underway that are Workshop Participants development of a playground for tool The security subgroup had the applicable to these problems that evaluation. The playground would least agreement on what constitutes could be focused on this area. James Allan define scenarios and data against best practice, opting for the term Funding programs that allow for the University of Massachusetts, which tools could be tested. Such a “plausible practice” instead. Even creation of centers and focused Amherst playground might be set up on the security itself encompasses many research over a long time period are Kelcy Allwein Web, allowing researchers to post possible areas, such as cryptography, needed. The need for open and real- Defense Intelligence Agency tools and practitioners to specify network security, computer security, istic testbed data sources, comparable problems against which they could and security administration. The to the data used by the intelligence Chris Buckley evaluate multiple tools. In order for subgroup focused on security community, is one example of an Sabir Research this to work, researchers must agree administration. area where new research is needed. Jagdish Chandra on an annotation scheme for markup Recommendations include the These testbeds would in turn be used George Washington University of data and common APIs for tightly need for more quantitative research for other research. The NSF KDD coupled or distributed architectures. on good security and evaluation. For and ARDA programs provide good Yvo Desmedt In addition to tasks, games should improvement in security practice, models for this type of funding. Florida State University also be explored as a motivating the subgroup pointed out the need Additional programs such as these in Helen Gill mechanism for exploring the best fit for creating novel forms of attacks on more areas are encouraged. National Science Foundation of a tool. existing methods. Best practice is 3. Create new programs that In summary, this subgroup did not often limited due to the installed facilitate interactions between Virgil Gligor think it appropriate for any organiza- operating system and software, practice and research. Such pro- University of Maryland tion to develop a list of best prac- which are often decades behind the grams could include a faculty center tices; rather, it thought it would be techniques put forth by the research where faculty are given clearances, or Sally Howe better to define an environment for community. This dichotomy between a scholar-in-residence program where National Coordination Office determining best practice, given a research and practice in security researchers spend a sabbatical or a Andrew Hume particular task. Best practice depends means that different recommenda- shorter period of time at one of the AT&T on context. This environment tions must be developed for different intelligence agencies or national lab- should be used to capture lessons situations. Given that all of our sys- oratories where researchers and prac- Rob Kolstad learned. It should be developed as a tems have vulnerabilities, it is unre- titioners could be brought together. SAGE Executive Producer glass-box scenario, logging behavior alistic to expect that any system can Programs that embody cognitive USENIX and allowing observation of end- ever be entirely secure. Instead, we methods for observing end-user Jay Lala users to see how well tools work, par- need to move toward strategies that needs and the use of demo and DARPA ticularly when personal preferences provide security components that are employed systems are particularly play a role. It is possible that an self-configurable and, in the case of important. Flexibility and experi- Carl Landwehr organization such as the Linguistic attacks, self-healing. mentation with new models for pro- National Science Foundation Data Consortium at the University totyping, testing, and redesigning of Pennsylvania would be appropri- Recommendations on systems are needed. Elizabeth D. Liddy ate for setting up and maintaining Strategies for Funding 4. The research community Syracuse University Research in These Areas such an environment, if provided must get involved. There is a need Stephen R. Mahaney with adequate funding. There are a number of programs for more participation by the National Science Foundation already in place at the different fund- research community in funding pro- Real-Time and Embedded Systems ing agencies to address issues of grams. DARPA has a need for new Kathleen R. McKeown The few best practices in exis- national security.* program managers, and without them Columbia University tence include formal methods used The workshop recommends that a new programs will not be initiated. Bert Miuccio for core algorithms, real-time analy- mix of funded programs targeting NSF also has a need for rotators who Center for Benchmark Services sis, and quality of service guarantees. issues of national security be estab- are willing to serve time at NSF to In addition, there are common mod- lished and maintained. In particular, oversee funding programs. Research Al Mok eling and analysis tools in use, as it is important that both short- and recommendations from the commu- University of Texas at Austin well as integrated development envi- long-term efforts be supported; either nity are also influential in starting Salim Roukos ronments. However, most of these type of effort alone is not sufficient. new programs at both DARPA and IBM tools are limited to idealized systems Four critical issues were identified as NSF. For example, in order to estab- and situations. They also do not ade- key to development of new technol- lish a cross-institutional workshop on Shankar Sastry quately address security and informa- ogy for national security: a topic of relevance, NSF needs a University of California, Berkeley tion fusion issues. Extensions to 1. Improve mechanisms for fund- White Paper from a university. these tools and best practices are ing technology transfer. We need Similarly, DARPA is open to sugges- Jonathan Smith needed for all of these issues. better methods for funding efforts to tions from the community on new University of Pennsylvania The most critical areas for which deploy mature research into applica- programs. John Stankovic best practices are needed include tions. Possibilities include 12-month University of Virginia methods to deal with the integration funding augmentation at the end of of constraints, dynamic real-time existing grants or short-term grants *The National Science Foundation (NSF) Gary Strong aspects of the system, dependable focused entirely on technology trans- has created at least one program jointly with National Science Foundation software development for real-time fer. Improvement of the Small the National Security Agency under the Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination systems, computer security, and more Business Innovation Research (KDD) program, and plans others. The Kathleen McKeown (Columbia principled development of large-scale (SBIR) model should also be consid- mission of the Advanced Research and University), John Stankovic (University distributed systems, which typically ered. The conversion rate from Phase Development Activity (ARDA) is to work of Virginia), and Lori Clarke are still ad hoc. I to Phase II SBIR grants in the cur- closely with the intelligence agencies and has (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) This subgroup recommended the rent model is fairly large, but many several programs (e.g., AQUAINT, are all members of CRA’s Board of development of a set of Critical small companies are never weaned NIMD) where researchers and intelligence Directors. Infrastructure Protection (CIP) cen- off of SBIR grants; when these grants analysts are teamed to work together on ters that focus on science and pro- end, the company also ends. A more problems and solutions. DARPA has no vide industry/research consortiums. gradual move between phases is set-aside to address problems in information Such centers could provide diversity needed. In addition to short-term security, but initiatives can come through the on any given problem and will allow efforts, a study of mechanisms that program managers. That said, there are several ongoing security-related programs for integration of security with real- facilitate tech transfer is needed. within DARPA that bring together research time issues. Different centers might 2. Establish support for longer- from different sites. focus on different problems—emer- term research on national security. gency response systems; wireless sen- The problems will not be addressed sor networks for security of by deployment of existing research infrastructure systems for power, alone. Many of the problems facing water, and transportation; or cyber the intelligence community are hard security on the Internet—but coop- ones and existing solutions are not erate with others. available. Nonetheless, there are September 2003 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS

2002-03 Computing Research Association Members

Arizona State University - CSE Northwestern University - ECE University of Illinois, Urbana University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Auburn University - CSSE Oakland University - CSE Champaign - CS CS Ball State University - CS Ohio State University - CIS University of Iowa - CS University of Texas, Arlington - CSE Boston College - CS* Ohio University - EECS University of Kansas - EECS University of Texas, Austin - CS Boston University - CS Oklahoma State University - CS University of Kentucky - CS University of Texas, Dallas - CS Bowdoin College - CS* Old Dominion University - CS University of Louisiana at University of Texas, El Paso - CS Bradley University - CS Oregon Health & Science Lafayette - CACS University of Toledo - EECS Brandeis University - CS University - CSE University of Louisville - CECS University of Toronto - CS Brigham Young University - CS Oregon State University - CS University of Maine - CS University of Toronto - ECE Brown University - CS Pace University - CSIS University of Manitoba - CS University of Tulsa - MCS Bryn Mawr College - MCS Pennsylvania State University - CSE University of Maryland - CS University of Utah - CS Bucknell University - CS Pennsylvania State University - IST University of Maryland, University of Vermont - CS California Institute of Technology - Polytechnic University - CIS Baltimore Co - CSEE University of Virginia - CS CS Portland State University - CS University of Massachusetts, University of Washington - CSE California Polytechnic State Princeton University - CS Amherst - CS University of Washington - I University - CS Purdue University - CS University of Michigan - EECS University of Washington, Bothell - California State University, Chico - Purdue University - ECE University of Michigan - I CS CS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - CS University of Minnesota - CSE University of Washington, California State University, Rice University - CS University of Mississippi - CIS Tacoma - CSS Hayward - MCS Rochester Institute of Technology - University of Missouri, Rolla - CS University of Waterloo - CS Carnegie Mellon University - CS CS University of Nebraska, Lincoln - University of Wisconsin, Madison - Carnegie Mellon University - ECE Roosevelt University - CS&T* CSE CS Case Western Reserve University - Rutgers University, Busch Campus - University of Nevada, Las Vegas - University of Wisconsin, EECS CS CS Milwaukee - EECS Clemson University - CS Santa Clara University - CE University of Nevada, Reno - CS University of Wyoming - CS Colgate University - CS* Simon Fraser University - CS University of New Brunswick - CS Utah State University - CS College of Charleston - CS Singapore Management University - University of New Hampshire - CS Vanderbilt University - EECS College of William & Mary - CS IS* University of North Carolina at Virginia Commonwealth Colorado School of Mines - MCS Southern Illinois University, Chapel Hill - CS University - CS* Colorado State University - CS Carbondale - CS University of North Carolina, Virginia Tech - CS Columbia University - CS Southern Methodist University - Charlotte - IT Wake Forest University - CS Cornell University - CS CSE University of North Dakota - CS Washington State University - EECS Cornell University - ECE* Southern Polytechnic State University of North Texas - CS Washington University in St. Louis - Dalhousie University - CS University - CSE University of Notre Dame - CSE CS Dartmouth College - CS Stanford University - CS University of Oklahoma - CS Wayne State University - CS DePaul University - CS State University of New York, University of Oregon - CIS West Virginia University - CSEE Drexel University - CS Albany - CS University of Pennsylvania - CIS Western Michigan University - CS Duke University - CS State University of New York, University of Pittsburgh - CS Williams College - CS Emory University - MCS* Binghamton - CS University of Puget Sound - MCS Worcester Polytechnic Institute - CS Florida Atlantic University - CSE State University of New York, Stony University of Redlands - MCS Wright State University - CSE Florida Institute of Technology - CS Brook - CS University of Rochester - CS Yale University - CS Florida International University - CS Stevens Institute of Technology - CS University of South Alabama - CIS York University - CS Florida State University - CS Swarthmore College - CS University of South Carolina - CSE Florida State University - IS Syracuse University - IS University of Southern California - George Washington University - CS Temple University - CIS CS Georgia Institute of Technology - CS Texas A&M University - CS Georgia Institute of Technology - Texas Tech University - CS ECE Trinity College - CS* Georgia Southern University - IT Tufts University - CS Labs and Centers Members Georgia State University - CIS University at Buffalo - CSE Georgia State University - CS University at Buffalo - IS Accenture Technology Labs* Los Alamos National Laboratory* Grinnell College - MCS University of Alabama, AT&T Labs Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Harvard University - CS Birmingham - CIS Avaya Microsoft Corp. (Sustaining Member) Harvey Mudd College - CS University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa - Computer Science Research Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs Illinois Institute of Technology - CS CS Institute at Sandia National National Center for Atmospheric Labs Illinois State University - ACS University of Arizona - CS Research Fraunhofer Center for Research in Indiana University - CS University of Arkansas - CSCE National Center for Supercomputing Applications Indiana University - I University of Arkansas at Fujitsu Laboratories of America NEC Laboratories America Indiana University - LIS* Little Rock - I Hewlett-Packard Co. Palo Alto Research Center Iowa State University - CS University of California, Honda R&D Americas Panasonic Information & Networking Johns Hopkins University - CS Berkeley - EECS IBM Research Technologies Lab Johns Hopkins University - SI* University of California, IDA Center for Computing Sciences* Ricoh Innovations, Inc. Juniata College - IT* Berkeley - IMS Institute for Human & Machine San Diego Supercomputer Center Kansas State University - CIS University of California, Davis - CS Cognition Sun Microsystems, Inc. Kent State University - CS University of California, Irvine - ICS Intel Corp. (Supporting Member) Lehigh University - CSE University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Telcordia Technologies Long Island University - ICS Los Angeles - CS Laboratory* (Supporting Member) Louisiana State University - CS University of California, Massachusetts Institute of San Diego - CSE Technology - AA* University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Santa Barbara - CS Affiliate Professional Society Members Technology - EECS University of California, Miami University - CS* Santa Cruz - CE American Association for Artificial Intelligence Michigan State University - CS University of California, Michigan Technological University - Santa Cruz - CS CS University of Central Florida - CS Association for Computing Machinery Mississippi State University - CS University of Chicago - CS Montana State University - CS University of Cincinnati - ECECS Canadian Association of Computer Science (CACS/AIC) Naval Postgraduate School - CS* University of Colorado, Boulder - CS New Jersey Institute of Technology - University of Delaware - CIS CCS University of Denver - CS IEEE Computer Society New Mexico State University - CS University of Florida - CISE New York University - CS University of Georgia - CS North Carolina State University - University of Hawaii - ICS* Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics CS University of Houston - CS Northeastern University - CS University of Idaho - CS USENIX Association Northwestern University - CS University of Illinois, Chicago - CS *New members 2002-03 Page 7 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS September 2003

Title IX from Page 1 commitment to the principles set forth in the Title IX law. Undergraduate Awards principle in hiring, tenure, scholar- After I began advocating publicly ships, and the provision of lab space on this issue, I received an e-mail and equipment. It is the law on the from a professor on a search commit- books, and schools that are not tee for a chemistry professor. He was following it now should be put on lamenting the fact that out of 80 notice that Title IX will be enforced applicants for the position, only six as vigorously in the halls of academia were women. This frustrated educa- as it is on athletic fields. tor suggested that gender inequity Applied more comprehensively, had to be attacked much earlier in Title IX can serve as a valuable tool the process, and I agree—it must be in not only breaking down formal attacked much earlier, and in some barriers to entry, but in actually cases even outside the scope of Title ensuring that more women succeed IX. at math, science and engineering— In addition to the barriers women or any other disciplines they choose. face in the educational arena, cul- This will require a sea change in tural stereotypes discourage girls from the attitudes of many people at the math and science at a young age. nation’s educational institutions. In Young girls in their formative years my view, the Federal government too often receive the message that should move now to bring about that math and science are not meant for Pictured above receiving the female CRA Outstanding Undergraduate change in a number of ways—partic- them. In fact, one popular talking Award for 2003 is Bistra Dilkina, Simon Fraser University. The award doll on the market a few years ago ularly by helping to clearly define was presented by CRA's executive director, Andy Bernat, at ACM's actually spouted catch phrases like just how pervasive and how institu- awards banquet in San Diego in June. Looking on is Julie Thornton, tionalized discrimination in these “math is hard” and “shopping is fun.” Kansas State University, who received the female runner-up award. fields has become. Inside the classroom, a lack of expec- Despite a great deal of anecdotal tations and a shortage of female role evidence, there are few studies about models frequently perpetuate the just how often women are discour- problem. aged from studying math, science The good news is that the stereo- and engineering, and how regularly types can be overcome. Nancy women who do enter these fields Stueber, the president of the Oregon face discouragement from their Museum of Science and Industry, has supervisors and colleagues. That is told me stories of young girls who why Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) walked into the museum thinking and I have asked the General that science and math were for boys. Accounting Office to find out what When the girls were asked to draw is being done, if anything, to ensure pictures of a scientist, they all drew Title IX enforcement in math, an older white man in a lab coat. science, and engineering. However, after participating in pro- I also passed legislation requiring grams at the museum, those same a review of whether the National girls drew pictures of women in lab Science Foundation is meeting its coats. They had begun to imagine goals to expand opportunities in themselves as mathematicians, scien- these disciplines for women, minori- tists and engineers. My goal is to make sure that ties, and people with disabilities, par- Pictured above receiving the male CRA Outstanding ticularly in faculty hiring, when those young women choose Undergraduate Award for 2003 is Omar Khan, Cornell promotion, tenure, and allocation of their careers, this nation’s educa- University. The award was presented by CRA's executive lab space. Another section of my tional institutions are fully compli- amendment required a study to look ant with the law that guarantees director, Andy Bernat, at ACM's awards banquet in San at gender differences in the distribu- them equal access. Careers in math Diego in June. tion of Federal research and develop- and the hard sciences are their ment funds. right—and it is in our nation’s inter- COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS Shifting awareness in the govern- est to encourage them. The enforce- ment’s scientific culture may be just ment of Title IX may well be Vol. 15/No. 4 as critical as changes at our educa- America’s best hope to maintain our Computing Research News position at the forefront of key scien- (ISSN 1069-384X) is published five times per year, in January, March, May, tional institutions. As chair of the September, and November. Copyright 2003 by the Computing Research Science, Technology, and Space tific disciplines and our leadership in Association (CRA), 1100 Seventeenth Street, NW, Suite 507, Washington, DC Subcommittee in the previous the world community. 20036-4632; tel. 202-234-2111. All rights reserved. Material in CRN is not Congress, I held several hearings on endorsed by CRA nor intended to reflect any official positions of CRA or its board. Senator Wyden (D-OR) was elected to the topic of encouraging women to Subscriptions: Call 202-234-2111, send e-mail to [email protected], or mail subscription enter math and science fields. I the Senate in 1996 and is a former chair inquiries to CRA, 1100 17th Street, NW, Suite 507, Washington, DC 20036-4632. called on NASA Administrator of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee A free subscription is available to qualified subscribers. One-year paid subscriptions Sean O’Keefe and his agency to use a on Science, Technology and Space. are $30 in the United States, $45 (U.S.) in Canada, and $54 (U.S.) elsewhere. new education initiative to help [The Senator’s views do not necessarily Change of Address: Note that a change of address must include the old and new triple the number of women graduat- represent the views of CRA.] addresses with ZIP+4. Please include a street address or PO Box number. ing with math, science, and engi- th neering degrees by 2012. With clear “Expanding the Pipeline” is a regular Postmaster: Send address changes to: CRA, 1100 17 Street, NW, Suite 507, Washington, DC 20036-4632. Postage paid at Washington, DC. evidence of inequity, there was no feature in CRN, prepared by the CRA reason a Federal agency launching an Women’s Committee (CRA-W). It CRA Communications Committee education program should not do so serves as a vehicle for describing projects Jan Cuny (University of Oregon), Chair and issues related to women in CSE Doris Carver (Louisiana State University) with an eye to closing the gender Michael Jones (Microsoft Research) gap. and a source of information for issues Frank Tompa (University of Waterloo) I am committed to continuing to faced by underrepresented groups in Stuart Zweben (Ohio State University) push government agencies and insti- CSE. Computing Research Association Staff tutions receiving Federal funds to Andrew Bernat, Executive Director abide by and actively consider the Peter Harsha, Director of Government Affairs text and spirit of Title IX. That is Dana Neill, Business Manager why I have signed on as a co-sponsor Susanne Pile, Administrative Assistant Carla Romero, Director of Programs to two resolutions, one introduced by Jean Smith, Sr. Communications Associate and CRN Editor Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) and the Drew Sutter, Program Associate other by Senator Patty Murray Jay Vegso, Manager of Membership and Information Services (D-WA), both of whom reaffirm our


The Northern Report from Page 4 Accreditation Canadian universities, which was Such a broad definition would cer- concerned about academic freedom); tainly make it easier to “claim” soft- The Computer Science Accredi- research infrastructure, often with CIPS (which was concerned about ware engineering (as well as many tation Council of Canada matching funds from provincial gov- its members’ right to practice); and other areas not traditionally consid- (CSAC)—a joint body of the ernments and industry. While none CACS/AIC (which was concerned ered to be engineering). CIPS, Canadian academic computer of these programs is focused on com- about both). In 1999, the lawsuit was CSAC, and CACS/AIC are attempt- science community and the puter science specifically, computer suspended for a period of 5 years to ing to see if further revisions can be Canadian Information Processing science departments have certainly allow both sides to work out a com- made to these Engineering Acts to Society (CIPS), the Canadian organ- taken at least their fair share of these promise. Despite several early com- ensure that the right to practice soft- ization of software professionals—has funds. Overall, the general climate in promise proposals, it now appears ware engineering is clearly protected drafted revised standards for both Canada for research seems to be that no reconciliation will be for the wide variety of people who computer science and software engi- highly positive, with both levels of achieved, even though the morato- have the appropriate skills to do so, neering programs. At a recent meet- government actually supporting their rium expires in another year. whether or not they are professional ing of computer science department innovation agenda with real funding. The second front is the creation engineers. Negotiations with chairs, however, there was some and accreditation of software engi- engineering societies and govern- Enrollment Trends unrest with the conservative nature neering programs within and outside ments have not yet resulted in of these standards, and a wish on the A recent survey of Canadian of engineering. For the past several such protection. part of many departments to expand computer science departments has years, engineering schools across Given the size and importance of the notion of computer science to revealed a general leveling off in Canada have been creating their the software industry, and the impli- include much more broadly interdis- undergraduate enrollments with some own software engineering programs, cations for everything from the train- ciplinary perspectives and to have universities experiencing consider- variations on standard engineering ing of software professionals to the standards for a much wider variety of able decline, especially in the early programs and accredited by the final certification of software quality, programs. The new standards and years of their programs. It is also Canadian Engineering Accreditation the final reconciliation of the soft- these broader issues are now being increasingly difficult to get intern- Board (CEAB). Most engineering ware engineering dispute is of great discussed by CSAC and CACS/AIC. ship and co-op placements for stu- schools now have such programs, importance not only to Canadian dents, and the job market generally Software Engineering although the software-specific computer science departments, but for computer science graduates is courses are often provided by com- to the entire Canadian economy. Software engineering professional- soft. This seems to be at least a puter science departments. So far, Unfortunately, at the current time, it ism is still a hot issue in Canada. North America-wide phenomenon seven of these programs have been appears that it will be up to the Starting in the mid-90s, the engi- in the wake of the dot-com crash. accredited by CEAB. At the same courts to make the final decisions neering profession in Canada began On the other hand, graduate time, a number of computer science about the issues involved in the soft- to assert what it saw as its exclusive enrollments continue to surge, a departments have created their own ware engineering dispute, since no right to practice in the area of soft- natural enough result of increased software engineering programs, varia- appropriate compromise positions ware engineering, an assertion that numbers of faculty members and tions on standard science programs, seem to be on the horizon. has been hotly contested by the increased research funding. Unless five of which have been accredited So, that’s it for this year’s report. Canadian computer science commu- the job market turns around, an by CSAC. Hopefully I will be able to update nity. There are three interrelated obvious crunch point lies ahead, The third front involves the right you next year with lots of positive fronts to this dispute. with many freshly-minted Ph.D. to practice. Several years ago, engi- news from the far north. The first front has (nominally) graduates and not many new faculty neering associations across Canada been an argument about the use of Note: The word “department” is and industrial research positions for began to successfully lobby for the term “engineering.” In 1997, the used generically to refer to department, them. This is certainly worrisome. changes to their provincial and terri- engineering profession launched school, or faculty of computer science. One trend that may help to offset torial Engineering Acts (under legal action against Memorial this worry is a widespread movement which the engineering profession is University of Newfoundland (MUN) Gord McCalla ([email protected]) is among Canadian computer science granted exclusive right to practice for offering a software engineering President of the Canadian Association of departments to forge interdiscipli- engineering) to make it easier to program within their computer sci- Computer Science/Association informa- nary programs with a variety of other claim “emerging areas of engineering ence department in the faculty of tique canadienne (CACS/AIC) academic disciplines. New faculty practice.” These changes tended to science. The basis for this lawsuit, positions may become available to replace the existing description of was a 1989 trademark filed by the the Canadian organization of university support these interdisciplinary pro- the scope of engineering practice engineering profession on the terms computer science departments/schools/ grams, and many new students may (which heretofore had included a “engineer” and “engineering.” faculties. He is a Professor in the well be attracted to such programs, lengthy list of engineering works) Eventually, MUN was joined in its Department of Computer Science at the especially those who have not been with an essentially circular definition defense by the Association of University of Saskatchewan in attracted to traditional notions of of engineering as that discipline that Universities and Colleges of Canada Saskatoon. computer science. draws on engineering principles. (AUCC, the organization of

CRA Releases Two New Reports During the summer CRA released two reports, Grand Research Challenges in Information Systems, and Recruitment and Retention of Faculty in Computer Science and Engineering. The first is the report of the Grand Research Challenges Conference CRA held in June 2002. This conference, which focused on information systems, was the first of a series of conferences CRA plans to hold to address the grand research challenges in a variety of areas related to computer science and engi- neering. The next conference, on information security and assurance, will be held in November 2003 (see announcement elsewhere in this edition of CRN). The second report, Recruitment and Retention of Faculty in Computer Science and Engineering, addresses earlier concerns about the effect that departures of faculty to industry (e.g., dot-com companies) might have on the ability of uni- versities to carry out their research and teaching missions. Since this project Pictured above at CRA's Workshop on the Road Map for began, economic conditions have altered the landscape, especially for high- the Revitalization of High End Computing in June are (left to tech firms. However, the empirical data in this report provide a useful tool for right): Thomas Sterling, Center for Advanced Computing understanding the issues surrounding faculty recruiting and retention, both Research, California Institute of Technology/JPL; Dan Reed, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University now and in the future. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Workshop Chair); and Both projects were supported by the National Science Foundation. The David Nelson, Director, National Coordination Office for reports are posted on the CRA website (, and copies may Information Technology Research and Development, the be requested by e-mailing [email protected]. workshop's sponsor.


Service Awards Transitions and News Alfred V. Aho, previously Vice President of the Computing Sciences Research Center at Bell Labs, has returned to Columbia University as Professor of Computer Science. Marjory Blumenthal, Executive Director of the National Academies’ Computer Science and Telecommunications Board for the past 16 years, has recently become the Associate Provost (Academics) at Georgetown University. David Farber has joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University as Full Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy in the School of Computer Science, with secondary appointments in the Heinz School and the Engineering and Public Policy faculty. Dr. Farber was previously Alfred S. Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems at the University of Pennsylvania. and have been awarded the 2003 Gödel Prize for their paper “A Decision Theoretic Generalization of On-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting,” Journal of Computer and System Sciences 55 (1997), pp. 119-139. The Gödel Prize for outstanding papers in the area of theoretical computer science is sponsored jointly by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) and ACM-SIGACT. Ruzena Bajcsy, Director of CITRIS at UC Berkeley, was presented with Yoav Freund, formerly of Banter, Inc. and AT&T Research, has recently joined the Columbia University Center for Computational Learning Systems CRA's 2003 Distinguished Service Award at ACM's awards banquet in (CLASS) as a Senior Scientist. Robert Schapire is Professor of Computer San Diego in June. Pictured with Dr. Bajcsy are CRA board chair, Jim Science at Princeton University. Foley (l), and CRA executive director, Andy Bernat (r). Narain Gehani is the new chair of Computer Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Gehani was formerly Vice-President for Communications Software Research at Bell Laboratories. CRA board member Barbara Grosz, Professor of Engineering & Applied Sciences at Harvard University, has been elected to the American Philosophical Society. Election to the APS, this country’s first learned society, honors extraordinary accomplishments in all fields. The community mourns the death on May 15 of Rob Kling, Indiana University’s Professor of Information Systems and Information Science at the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science. , an inventor of the encryption technology that allows secure transactions over the Internet, has been appointed director of the Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC). Merkle will be joining the College of Computing faculty as Professor of Computing. Congratulations to Ian Munro, Professor in the School of Computer Science at Waterloo University, who was recently elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the country’s most prestigious academic honour. Congratulations to CRA board member, Larry Snyder, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Washington, on the publication of his new book. Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts and Capabilities provides students with the experience, knowledge, and capabilities needed to apply IT effectively throughout their lives. Details at http://www. CRA's A. Nico Habermann award for 2003 was presented to Rita David Waltz, former President of NEC Research Institute and a CRA board Rodriguez, Program Director in the Division of Experimental and member, has been named Director of the new Center for Computational Integrative Activities in the CISE directorate at NSF. Dr. Rodriguez is LeArning SystemS (CLASS) at Columbia University. CLASS will initially pictured above with Jim Foley, CRA board chair. The award was emphasize applications to biological and medical databases; natural language, presented at ACM's awards banquet in San Diego in June. speech and the Web; and computer systems security.

NSF Update from Page 4 As mentioned above, ITR funds currently being examined; however, placing on cyberinfrastructure. Just as will include CISE investments in our plan is to use CISE ITR funds supercomputing promised to revolu- such a vital part of national security. these thematic areas. In addition, it this year and in coming years to cre- tionize the conduct of science and Cyber Trust is an example of how is likely that rather than inviting a ate new initiatives and to strengthen engineering research several decades the new CISE structure and broad range of proposals in three the core research and education mis- ago, an advanced cyberinfrastructure processes will address important (small, medium, and large) size sions. An ITR FY 2004 program promises to revolutionize the con- themes, while reducing duplication classes, proposals will be solicited by announcement is anticipated in duct of science and engineering and staff workload, increasing the focus areas. October with an earliest due date in research and education in the 21st opportunities for collaboration and While details of the solicitation January. century. innovative research, and providing were not available at the time this the budget flexibility to make avail- article was written, we can offer Cyberinfrastructure Budget able appropriate duration and levels some insight into possible focus The envisioned cyberinfrastruc- NSF continues to enjoy broad of funding. areas. Since each of the NSF direc- ture presents a series of research support from both the administration torates provides ITR funding, one challenges for the CS&E community. and Congress. CISE received a very Evolution of ITR likely area of focus will be research The column in the May 2003 issue generous increase in appropriations The community has long known on domain-specific “cybertools” or of Computing Research News from Congress in 2003. The doubling that fiscal year 2004 would be the the front-end software, data- (“Cyberinfrastructure: Challenges for of the NSF budget by 2007 has been final year of the five-year resources, and other tools that Computer Science and Engineering authorized, and we will need annual Information Technology Research domain scientists use, in conjunction Research”) described the ultimate increases in our appropriations to (ITR) program as a designated “NSF with broadly available computational goal of cyberinfrastructure: “a trans- meet that target. Priority Area,” and has expressed a resources, to accomplish their spe- parent and seamless computation The fiscal/academic year 2004 is lot of interest in how it will evolve. cific research and education activi- and resource-sharing execution envi- shaping up to be a year of change and The success of the previous four ties. All NSF directorates would ronment for user-centric applica- great opportunity. The CISE staff years indicates that ITR should engage in this activity. tions.” The complexity of managing looks forward to working with its remain an important part of CISE In addition to the cybertools the massive scale of heterogeneous communities of researchers and edu- activities. Fiscal year 2004 will be a focus, there will be another focus computation, communication, and cators to seize those opportunities. transition year for the ITR program area central to the CISE research storage resources needed to achieve as we begin to make changes that: mission. In fiscal year 2005 and this future networked environment Sean Jackson ([email protected]) is a 1) focus the research in its last year, beyond, Information Technology will require significant, sustained Research Specialist in the CISE and 2) move toward the future. The Research will remain a critical com- innovation at the frontier. Directorate of the National Science format for the solicitation is still ponent of the CISE portfolio. A Most of the community is aware Foundation. under development. number of modalities for funding are of the importance that CISE is Page 10 September 2003 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS

Professional Opportunities

of disease-related proteins to help develop at least three references, to: new medicines and diagnostic techniques. CLSP Search Committee For a description of our research c/o Eric D. Young Ph.D. CRN Advertising Policy and papers, please visit: http://www.cs. Johns Hopkins University 720 Rutland Ave. Computer scientists, computational Baltimore, MD 21205, USA See geometers, and NMR spectroscopists are Applications will be accepted until the encouraged to apply for postdoctoral research position is filled. positions in our lab. Applicants with a Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University is an or equivalent experience should submit a C.V. EEO/AA employer. Case Western Reserve Chair and a brief statement of research accomplish- University, Cleveland, Ohio Holcombe Department of Electrical and ments and interests (not to exceed two pages), The National Academies Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and arrange for three letters of recommenda- 105 Riggs Hall, Box 340915 Division on Engineering and Physical Computer Science tion to be sent directly to the Principal Sciences (DEPS) Division of Computer Science Clemson University Investigator: Computer Science and Faculty Positions in Computer Science Clemson, SC 29634-0915 Professor Bruce R. Donald Telecommunications Board The Division of Computer Science (CS) Evaluation will begin October 1, 2003, 6211 Sudikoff Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering and will continue until the positions are Washington, DC Department of Computer Science Board Director and Computer Science (EECS) at Case filled. Clemson University is an Equal Dartmouth DEPS, a division of The National Western Reserve University (CWRU) invites Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Hanover, NH 03755-3510 Academies, is seeking a director for one of its applications for several faculty positions. email: [email protected] most vibrant, active, and influential programs, Appointments at all ranks, including an Columbia University Dartmouth has proved an excellent envi- the Computer Science and Telecommuni- endowed professorship, are of interest and will Center for Computational Learning ronment for research in Computational cations Board. The position of Board Director be considered. All applicants must either hold Systems Biology and Chemistry, and we have a distin- is the senior management official responsible great promise for or have a significant track Researcher Positions guished record of job placement for Donald for management and oversight of the board’s record of research leadership and grant fund- The new Center for Computational Lab alumni. For more information on our portfolio of independent assessments of tech- ing, as well as teaching excellence and service Learning Systems is seeking highly qualified laboratory, and details of the application nical and public policy issues relating to com- contributions. All applicants must have a researchers in and data min- process, please visit: puting and communications. Ph.D. in Computer Science or a closely ing, especially in the areas of bioinformatics; related field. Appointments will be made until natural language, speech, and text; and sys- For more information, visit our employ- the positions are filled, beginning as early as tems security. An ideal candidate will have ment website at, George Mason University Ref. #030103. Fall 2003. both theoretical strength and experience with School of Computational Sciences The department is pursuing the develop- applications to one or more of these specific The National Academies Tenure-Track Assistant Professorship National Academy of Sciences ment of leading academic programs and areas, an entrepreneurial spirit, and the The School of Computational Sciences research thrusts influenced by the Bio- proven ability to develop and lead a successful National Academy of Engineering (SCS) invites applications for a tenure-track Institute of Medicine Micro/Nano-Info theme. Bioinformatics, research program. Candidates should have a Assistant Professorship position in Machine including computational genomics and neuro- Ph.D. in Computer Science or engineering National Research Council Learning and Knowledge Mining. The 500 Fifth Street, NW sciences, is a designated growth area of the CS discipline related to their research area. successful candidates will be expected to have division, with world-class opportunities for Candidates at all levels should have a strong Washington, DC 20001 significant external funding support (more EOE,M/F/D/V impact through collaboration with the School record of publication. than 80%) for the first few years and an active of Medicine at CWRU. Two other designated If currently at a university, candidates for research agenda on such topics as advanced North Carolina State University growth areas are data mining and visualiza- Senior Research Scientist positions are rule learning, inductive databases, user model- tion, and pervasive networks and distributed expected to have a strong record of attracting Department of Computer Science ing, and evolutionary computation. It is Formal Methods, Software Engineering, systems. There are exceptional opportunities research grant support and supervising gradu- expected that the individual will be active in Programming Languages and Compilers for impact in these areas through exciting col- ate research. If at an industrial lab, SRS the Machine Learning and Inference laborations with a wide range of initiatives in candidates should have management experi- Laboratory, and provide an educational sup- The Department of Computer Science at the department (i.e., the ECE division) and ence, patents and previous success at technol- port of the Computational Intelligence and North Carolina State University seeks to fill on campus. Accordingly, special attention will ogy transfer. SRS candidates would typically Knowledge Mining (CIKM) concentration two tenure-track faculty positions starting be given to candidates with strong background have received prizes and been elected as a area in the Ph.D. degree program in the August 15, 2004 in the related areas of Formal in: computer algorithms; networks and distrib- fellow or officer of a professional society. School of Computational Sciences. The Methods, Software Engineering, Programming uted computing; data and knowledge manage- Research Scientist candidates are expected CIKM area addresses a wide range of topics Languages and Compilers. While the depart- ment; software engineering; human-computer to have the promise of growing to meet the concerned with deriving useful knowledge ment expects to hire faculty predominantly at interaction; graphics, visualization and multi- requirements of a Senior Research Scientist. If from any form of data and other knowledge, the Assistant Professor level, candidates with media; and computer architecture. Further from academia, candidates are expected to and related issues of Computational exceptional research record could be information about the positions and the have a strong record of attracting grant sup- Intelligence. For more detailed information considered for senior level positions. department is available at: port and supervising graduate research. If from about the CIKM Ph.D. concentration area Candidates with strong research industry, candidates should have a strong and the Machine Learning and Inference backgrounds in all subareas of Software Application packages must include: (i) a record of successful research and technology Laboratory, visit our website at: Engineering, Formal Methods, Programming current curriculum vitae; (ii) statement of transfer along with management experience. Languages and Compilers are invited to apply, research and teaching interests; and (iii) biog- For Associate Researcher positions, candi- Interested individuals should submit CV including candidates with research experience raphies of the references providing letters of dates are expected to have demonstrated inno- and letter of intent (including statements of in mostly theoretical aspects or mostly practi- recommendation. Applicants must arrange for vation and excellence in research, at least research and teaching interests and accom- cal aspects of these areas. It is expected that at least three letters of recommendation to be some publications in top journals and confer- plishments) to: the chosen candidates will add to and/or submitted directly. All applications and ences, and the promise of growing to meet the Professor James Gentle complement our current strengths in nominations should be sent to: requirements of a Senior Research Scientist. School of Computational Sciences Requirements Engineering, Extreme Faculty Search Committee Center members will be expected to seek MS 5C3 Programming, Software Reliability, Compilers Division of Computer Science support for their research, and will have con- George Mason University for embedded, scalar and parallel systems, Department of Electrical Engineering and siderable autonomy in creating their own Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Software model-checking, Concurrency Computer Science research programs. The Center aims to pro- Individuals should also arrange to have Theory and Security. Case Western Reserve University vide support services that will allow three letters of recommendation sent to the Research in the Department of Computer 10900 Euclid Avenue researchers to do their best work. Members same address. The application period will Science at NC State is sponsored by ARO, Cleveland, OH 44106-7071 will supervise Columbia grad students in their remain open until the position is filled; how- AFOSFR, DARPA, DOE, NSF, ABB, Cisco, In employment as in education, CWRU is projects. Members have the opportunity to ever, review of applications will commence on Ericsson, Fujitsu, IBM, MCNC, Nortel, NSA, committed to affirmative action and equal teach but teaching is not required. Joint September 5, 2003, with the intent of filling and the State of North Carolina. The opportunity. Women and minorities are projects with CS as well as interdisciplinary the position as quickly as possible. Salary will Department is in a period of rapid growth and encouraged to apply. activities with other Columbia University be commensurate with experience. advancement (more than half of our tenure- departments are strongly encouraged. George Mason University is an track faculty joined us during the last ten Clemson University Appointments to the Center will be for fixed Affirmative Action/Equal Employment years) and aims to build a highly reputable Department of Electrical and Computer renewable terms. Hiring is not necessarily Opportunity Employer. We strongly encourage and strong research program in Computer Engineering synchronized with the academic year. women and minority candidates to apply. Science. Applications are invited for faculty posi- Qualified applicants should submit a CV The University is located in Raleigh, tions in the Computer Engineering area of the and statement of research experience and The Johns Hopkins University which forms one vertex of the Research goals to: Triangle Park. The Research Triangle area was Department of Electrical and Computer The Whiting School of Engineering Center for Computational Learning recently recognized as one of the best places to Engineering. The Department has strong Faculty Position: Language and Speech research programs in wireless communications Systems live in the U.S. It also boasts of a high con- Processing and signal processing, mechatronics, computa- Columbia University centration of high technology companies. In The Johns Hopkins University, Whiting tional electromagnetics, solid-state device reli- 500 West 120th Street, Room 510 addition to the historical campus, the depart- School of Engineering, invites applications for ability, power systems, cluster-based New York, NY 10027 ment occupies substantial space on NCSU’s a tenure-track appointment in the area of computing, reconfigurable computing, and Electronic applications can be sent to: new Centennial Campus, an innovative co- speech processing at a rank dependent on the machine vision. [email protected]. location of university and industrial labs that experience and accomplishments of the candi- Exceptional candidates at all levels and in Columbia University is an affirmative intentionally fosters close collaboration. The date. Candidates must have an earned Ph.D. all research areas related to computer engi- action, equal opportunity employer. Women State of North Carolina recently passed a in electrical engineering, computer engineer- neering will be considered. However, we and minorities are encouraged to apply. major bond initiative that includes $83 mil- ing, computer science, biomedical engineer- intend to fill at least one position in the area lion for a new engineering campus on ing, or a closely related field; demonstrated of computer communication networks. For the Dartmouth Centennial Campus. A new 90,000 sq. ft. $36 research potential appropriate to rank; a com- other positions, we are interested in individu- Postdoctoral Positions in: million Computer Science/Electrical and mitment to teaching; and at least 5 years of als who can contribute to the Department’s Computer Engineering building is currently in Structural Genomics experience in the field. The School is seeking active research programs or who can serve as the design stage. Interested candidates should Computational Geometers a person who will play a leading role in the conduits for building interdisciplinary research Computer Scientists send a cover letter, their CV and names of Center for Language and Speech Processing, four references, preferably before January 15, teams in emerging areas at Clemson (e.g., NMR Spectroscopists and be in charge of its speech processing 2004, to: robotics/control, intelligent systems, and We are funded by the National Institutes computing systems. Faculty Recruitment Committee computer simulation). of Health under the auspices of the The interdepartmental Center for Department of Computer Science Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in National Institute of General Medical Language and Speech Processing has partici- North Carolina State University Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Sciences Protein Structure Initiative pation from 6 different university departments. Raleigh, NC 27695-8206 Computer Science, or a closely related field ( It includes 18 faculty members and approxi- or by e-mail to: and should have high potential for establish- to develop novel computational methods to mately 30 graduate students who are studying [email protected]. ing a sustained research program and quality enable high-throughput structural and func- for the Ph.D. degree. It is envisioned that the Candidates can obtain further information teaching. The individual selected will be tional studies of proteins. A key focus is struc- appointed candidate would join the faculty of about the department and its research pro- expected to contribute to both new and tural genomics, whose goal is (in the broadest one of the departments: Electrical and grams at the Department’s homepage ongoing research programs at Clemson and to terms) to determine the three-dimensional Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or ( Specific informa- teach both undergraduate and graduate structures of all proteins in nature, through a Biomedical Engineering. tion about the advertised positions can be courses. A detailed description of the combination of direct experiments and theo- Additional information on the Center for obtained via email ([email protected]). department is available at: retical analysis. Proteins are the worker mole- Language and Speech Processing and the NC State University is an Equal Send resume and cules in every living thing. By determining the Whiting School can be found at Opportunity and Affirmative Action names and addresses of five references to: structures of proteins, we are better able to and at employer. In addition, NC State welcomes all understand how each protein functions nor-, respectively. persons without regard to sexual mally and how faulty protein structures can Candidates should submit a complete orientation. Individuals with disabilities cause disease. Scientists can use the structures resume, including the names and addresses of desiring accommodations in the application

Page 11 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS September 2003

Professional Opportunities process should contact the Computer Science puting, with interest in strong collaborative opportunity employer and especially encour- Department at NCSU at (919) 515-2858. ties with the biotechnology and medical ages applications from women and minority joinstaff.html for details. research programs of the UAB campus. candidates. Please send a resume with cover letter and The Ohio State University Send four references, a complete CV, a Completed applications consisting of a three letters of recommendation to: The Department of Computer and one-page research plan, and a one-page teach- curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and Search #R17427 Information Science at The Ohio State ing plan via email to [email protected] or research interests, and the names of at least Claire Christopherson University seeks nominations and applications via regular mail to: three references should be submitted to: Computer Science Building, Room 100 for the position of Department Chair. Warren T. Jones, Chair Chair, CS Search Committee University of Massachusetts Applicants should have an established Department of Computer and Information c/o Ms. Diane Mier Amherst, MA 01003-9264 research reputation in Computer Science and Sciences 773 Anderson Hall Comprehensive benefits package included. Engineering or a closely related discipline, 115A Campbell Hall University of Kentucky The University of Massachusetts is an and possess strong leadership skills and 1300 University Blvd. Lexington, KY 40506 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity research vision. Birmingham, AL 35294-1170 Application review will begin on Employer. Women and members of minority The Department of Computer and Interviewing for the position will begin as September 1, 2003 and continue until the groups are encouraged to apply. Information Science has a very active research soon as qualified candidates are identified, position is filled. program, with a strong emphasis on multi-dis- and will continue until the position is filled. University of Nebraska ciplinary research. The department maintains The University of Alabama at University of Kentucky Lincoln Endowed Chaired Professorship and encourages active collaborations with the Birmingham is an equal opportunity/ Department of Computer Science in Software Engineering Ohio Supercomputer Center, Advanced affirmative action employer. Visualization and Vision Science Facility Software engineering is a thrust area of the Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Assistant Research Professor of Computer Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Center for Cognitive Science, Department of University of Illinois At Urbana- Science Department at the University of Nebraska- Electrical Engineering, Department of Champaign The Department of Computer Science Lincoln (UNL). We are embarking on Biomedical Informatics, and many other units Department of Computer Science anticipates an opening for an Assistant dynamic growth and seek applications for an in the university. We are also recruiting to fill Research Professor of Computer Science to Endowed Chaired Professorship in software several open positions, including two senior The Department of Computer Science, participate in the research programs of the engineering. We are committed to the chaired professor appointments. UIUC, invites applications for full-time, new Visualization and Vision Science Facility. development of a top-tier program in software Applicants are requested to send a tenure-track, and tenured professors. All areas This is a non-tenure-track position. engineering. curriculum vitae, preferably by e-mail to: of computer science research will be consid- Minimum qualifications include a doctorate in UNL is a comprehensive research univer- [email protected] ered, including, in particular, bioinformatics, computer science or a related discipline and sity with Carnegie I standing and membership or by mail to: HCI, NLP, operating systems, security and research experience with a focus in the area of in the elite Association of American Chair Search Committee theory. visualization. The person appointed will be Universities. The CSE Department offers BS, Department of Computer and Information Tenure-track applicants must have demon- expected to provide coordination for visualiza- MS, and PhD degree programs in computer Science strated excellence in research; tenured appli- tion research projects as assigned by the science, computer engineering, and software The Ohio State University cants must have recognized national and Director of the Visualization and Vision engineering. Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska, 2015 Neil Avenue, DL395 international stature. Science Facility, to direct student researchers is a prosperous community of over 250K Columbus, OH 43210-1277 Computer Science at Illinois is interna- involved in the projects, to actively partici- people and ranks high in quality-of-life. Review of applications will begin immedi- tionally recognized for its breadth and depth pate in publication and presentation of For complete position advertisements, ately and will continue until the position is of research and has strong collaborative rela- research results, and to participate in develop- visit, email filled. tions with many other departments on campus ment of proposals for new projects. [email protected], or phone (402) 472-2401. The Ohio State University is an Equal and the Beckman Institute for Advanced Continuation of employment is contingent Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Science. The department is targeted to grow upon satisfactory performance and on the University of North Texas Applicants from under-represented groups are aggressively to over 60 faculty and will occupy availability of external funding. Existing Computer Science and Engineering especially sought. the new Thomas M. Siebel Center for external funding will support this position for Lecturer/Advisor Computer Science in Fall 2003, becoming the two years. The job consists of both advising BS in Purdue University anchor of a new IT quadrangle on the UI To apply, please send a letter of applica- Computer Engineering students and teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering campus. tion, a curriculum vitae, and at least three 2 undergraduate level courses per semester Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Prof. Successful candidates must initiate and letters of reference to: either in Computer Science or in Computer The School of Electrical and Computer conduct independent research and perform Dr. Mirek Truszczynski Engineering. Advising responsibilities include Engineering at Purdue University invites academic duties associated with our BS, MS, University of Kentucky advising students, participating in departmen- applications for faculty positions across the and PhD programs. Qualifications: PhD in Computer Science Department tal orientations for new and prospective stu- breadth of computer science and engineering Computer Science or a closely related field (or 773 Anderson Hall dents, participate in curricular development, at all levels. The Computer Engineering Area imminent completion of degree), outstanding University of Kentucky maintain student records, certify graduating of the school ( academic credentials, and the ability to teach Lexington, KY 40506-0046 students to assure that they have met all Research/Areas/CompEngr) has eighteen fac- effectively at both the graduate and under- degree requirements, and help the department ulty members who have active research pro- graduate levels. Starting date: August 16, 2004 University of Kentucky in preparing for accreditation. grams in areas including: AI, architecture, or January 1, 2005. The salary is open, based Department of Computer Science Qualifications: A MS in Computer CAI, compilers, distributed systems, graphics, on qualifications. Visualization and Vision Science Facility Science, Computer Engineering or related haptics, HCI, machine learning, machine To ensure full consideration, applications Assistant Research Professor of Computer field is required. A PhD is desirable. vision, multimedia systems, networking, NLP, must be received by January 9, 2004. Early Science Candidates with some teaching and/or advis- OS, security, software engineering, and speech applications are strongly encouraged. The Department of Computer Science ing experience will be given preference. processing. We will consider outstanding Interviews may take place during the applica- anticipates an opening for an Assistant Patience in dealing with undergraduate stu- applicants in these and other areas. Minimal tion period, but a final decision will not be Research Professor of Computer Science to dents and good interpersonal skills to resolve qualifications include a PhD in computer sci- made until ad closing. participate in the medical application research problems faced by students are essential for ence/engineering or a related field and a sig- Applicants should submit an application programs of the new Visualization and Vision the job. nificant demonstrated research record letter, curriculum vitae and statement of Science Facility. The position is renewed year by year as commensurate with the level of position career objectives (PDF preferred) to This is a non-tenure-track position. needed and based on availability of funds. applied for. Request at Minimum qualifications include a doctorate in This is not a tenure earning position. Applications should consist of a cover let- least three letters of recommendation to be computer science or a related discipline and Salary Range. $40K - $45K for 9 months. ter, a cv, a research statement, names and sent separately to [email protected]. If you research experience with a focus in the area of Additional salary may be earned during sum- email addresses of five references, and URLs of or your recommenders do not have Internet visualization. Research experience with med- mer by teaching courses, based on need and three to five papers. Applications, in the form access, please contact Lori Melchi at ical applications is highly desirable. The per- availability of funds. of a single attached PDF file, and inquiries can [email protected]. son appointed will be expected to provide Submit a CV and have 3 letters of recom- be sent to [email protected]. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative coordination of research projects as assigned mendations sent directly to: Candidates should also arrange for five refer- Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. by the faculty member leading the medical Sally Pettyjohn ence letters to be sent directly to the above applications research, to manage student Department of Computer Science and email address. Applications will be considered University of Kentucky researchers involved in the projects, to Engineering as they are received. For full consideration, Department of Computer Science actively participate in publication and presen- PO Box 311366 applications should arrive by 1 January 2004. The Department of Computer Science tation of research results, and to participate in 225 Avenue B, Suite GAB 320 Purdue University is an equal access, equal invites applications for a tenure-track position development of proposals for new projects. The University of North Texas opportunity, affirmative action employer. to begin in January 2004. The new faculty Continuation of employment is contingent Denton, TX 76203 member will play an important role in the upon satisfactory performance and on the or electronically to [email protected] University of Alabama at new Visualization and Vision Science Facility, availability of external funding. Existing UNT is an AA/ADA/EOE. Birmingham (UAB) a research unit with over 9,000 sq. ft., and external funding will support this position for Department of Computer and Information over 5M in funding from state and federal two years. University of Virginia Sciences agencies. The goal of the Facility is to advance To apply, please send a letter of applica- Department of Computer Science Assistant Professor Position state-of-the-art visualization technologies tion, a curriculum vitae, and at least three The University of Virginia’s Department of through basic and applied research letters of reference to: Computer Science invites applications for a The University of Alabama Birmingham programs. To that end, we are particularly University of Kentucky senior, tenured faculty position. Truly out- (UAB) Department of Computer and interested in candidates with specialization in Computer Science Department standing candidates at the Full Professor Level Information Sciences is seeking highly quali- computer vision, computer graphics, distrib- c/o Ms. Diane Mier in software and experimental areas of fied candidates for a tenure track position in uted multimedia, scientific computation, or 773 Anderson Hall Computer Science will be considered. the area of Grid and distributed scientific human computer interaction. Applicants with Lexington, KY 40506-0046 Candidates should have achieved interna- computing, at the Assistant Professor level, credentials in other fields that will support the tional recognition as a key intellectual leader beginning as early as Fall 2003. Highly quali- goals of the Facility will also be considered. University of Massachusetts, in their discipline. The candidate should also fied candidates with a PhD in Computer The Department of Computer Science Amherst excel in teaching. Position is open until filled. Science, Computational Science, Compu- offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees. Our faculty Computer Science Department Send a resume and the names of three ref- are actively involved in research in artificial tational Engineering, or a closely related field Robotics Lab Manager erences to: intelligence, computer vision, networking, are encouraged to apply. A strong research The Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics Professor Jack Stankovic, Chair background, including advanced knowledge cryptography, numerical analysis, operating Department of Computer Science systems and theory. The Department is funded investigates planning and control methodolo- and demonstrated research results in grid com- gies for complex, multi-objective robotic sys- 151 Engineer’s Way puting, scientific and parallel computing, and by a number of external grants including P.O. Box 400740 DARPA projects, several NSF ITR awards, tems, geometric reasoning for automated scalable applications are required. Deep assembly planning and robot learning. University of Virginia knowledge of both distributed computing and an NSF Research Infrastructure award. Charlottesville, VA 22904 The Department is experiencing a period Research platforms include integrated (e.g., grid, OGSA, and multi-tier architec- hand/arm systems, mobile robots, legged sys- The University of Virginia is an Equal tures) as well as scientific computing (e.g., of dynamic growth, particularly in the areas of Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. multimedia, computer networking, and distrib- tems, and articulated stereo heads. computational methods, parallel numerical Senior Robotics Lab Manager 2: M.S. techniques, scalability, and parallelization) uted systems. In the previous five years, the Department has hired six new faculty mem- degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or are musts. Physical Science or related field, or a B.S. plus Proof of publication and potential for bers, three of which are NSF CAREER awardees. New members of the computer equivalent combination of education, training, research funding are important. Commitment and experience, and 5-7 years of applicable to excellence in teaching and service, in addi- science faculty will have access to significant new laboratory space, generous start-up experience, including analog/video/digital tion to research, are also highly valued in electronics; electronic equipment testing; prospective hires. Interest in multidisciplinary research funds, and will actively participate in the research activities of the Visualization and experience in project management and plan- collaboration is also very important. ning; strong interpersonal skills and an ability The UAB Department of Computer and Vision Science Facility. A new building for the Department and the Facility is in the to work effectively in a team. Hiring Salary Information Sciences is enhancing its research Range: $46,200-$59,400 (for exceptional capabilities in high performance computing, planning stage. The University of Kentucky is an equal candidates, consideration may be given for a scientific computing, grid and distributed com- salary up to $72,600). See

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