U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PHOENIX BRAND MALATHION 5

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U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PHOENIX BRAND MALATHION 5 ... _-- .------ R\G:HT.• • • . II H' • \ .I\h,n·.'! .... \' i.l:l\~ ~'~:~ ... ·.. ri C.6l.U'~f'f (lp:-:.Ir"tCr,Icf.,:nH .......1J.U _ !1 .• JJy a.-Ju,UUii!~r:nl'fJ'lt~'t·~!I":;;i:Oj:JloHr:h3:e, .. '-JItOIlVt \ , PANS\.- " Wt\~ 'N Cr AN() ANn OCT£. ~1{l1€11&I\IT.s '. li~n~ful If iwal10w~d. ~void prulon~ed breathinG ---------_. --- ---- --".- -.--. - -------- Just o~st. Av.:>id prol.:>nbeJ or .epeated C":1t~ct with si<ln; wash thorollghly after using. Avoid contolmination of feed and foodstuff.. Keep O~t of reach of children. When container Is empty. wasil rhoroubhly dnd destroy. ~ever re-use. Stay Cr-oo r:-.sect Pest :-:<lxi.l1lum R.1tc Li:-;;itc1tions ~way from sno~e and fumes. ACTIVE I~GREDIENTS: Malathion*--------------------------- 5.004 INERT INGREDIENTS:---------·----------- 95.004 1',,;, ;,:)1\, id 2S to 30 lbs. Do not apply within ,\''>:TI DOTE S 100.004 Sl'~LL~J alfalfa per acre 7 days of harvest. IF SI,'ALLO'.';ED. Give a tablespoonful of salt in a *O,O-dimethyl Dithiophosphate of diethyl aphid Do not apply during glass of warm water and repeat until vomit fluid mercaptosuccinate. Cowpea aphid full bloom. is clear. Have victim lie down and keep quiet. Call a Physician Immediately! Broccoli Cabbage ap.lid 20 to 50 lbs. Do not apply within Brussels Turnip aphid per acre 7 days of harvest. CAUTION sprouts Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. Cabbage Do not contaminate feed or foodstuffs. Use only for recor.:r.'ended purposes at recorr:nended dosages. vJ-A~'N C- Cotton Cotton aphid 2S to 50 lbs. No time limitations. CALTION White flies per acre KEE{) DOT O~ REAC.~ O~ Southern garden , t t-l' h Keep out of lakes, streams, or ponds • • ~"lC 0 s. leafhopper C,t-\ \ L C R E.I\.J Lygus Cotton leaf perforator ---. I - " -, - I I ,. I Grapes Leafhoppers 20 to 50 lbs. Do not apply within • , I /2. - 2.0 ~s per acre 3 days of harves::. I -6r I ! I S"".2 6,- '12. g I i, Lettuce Green peach 20 to 50 lbs '. Do not apply within I - T-/ : - , I (head) aj:>hid per acre 7 days OI harves t. i I yair's , i <ifl1il.P I Thrips ----- - - . Potatoes Green peach 25 to 50 Ibs. aphid per acre Potato aphid t Leafhoppers I For further specific information, consu~t your State A~ri­ cultural Extension Service., ;-'OTICE s~;:C( mll"\:\ Jill VII.,Hr.lniY • ..:~;,rc~'cd or IIHpiicJ, ~l)I~('l·,nH)b ttl\! U\~ UI ihl\ phH..iuct other lholo lIloi~alcJ l1l1 (ile label. Bu)cc "~'unll'~ ail ri," oi u,~ and/I)r h.,ndltn,~ of ,hi, matenal when such usc andui hanJ:,n,: is ..:untrary to i~bd 1n"ructioD--? .,...". 1__- ~' -0- _ =';;':.0 =-- __ ~ ::1:1: "~mT~}t~~ ----- . .....---- -- --- • - ., !lTD P-READ I.ABEL O&::Fu~E U .... I .• tl I ] ", :' j r.<J n • ;t;iJ) ,~"';") ~,~ 1 n· :' ., r I ,-;/ l ) II ._. JJ '.; ,J,u I VI '. 11'1" fill' c:U~: IC:\l DISTlH"lnOR:' [. 1/ \', " .. I lui if " . ,II· '.' ~. t., .',,1 rro!'~'1 h... ':"; of dll~t cr , ,.':,j oro­ ~ . I . , ... \ J">,I I ! L'r 1 ;",.,.,,' C(':'Llct \':ith ,"I~: . ,h thllloughly r ,u \'dd . j ~ - , • \ l ...·.:"'.:::11 d .' ,I .:1 I,~,: ':~ ~,f, ':, ,p Ol.t ,If ., '11 I - t·· r; ~ ", I. ". "ll • '" . r' 'J ,- ;,'. ~ " .~ i ,'" ~ t. .': I • I i '~ \. l .~ . '. I .. I I '" • .' , .,,' ... ,. " I' ..;, ,~ ..... I, .1 7 ..:. c 1 ,(,.1'.", , ,., ~ P.e) ......... , ., .' , ... .' . 1311 f:'· ;UG .• ,'J ,i ~ ..; ·Ill , , ., :.sr. 110. j j/.j·'\z·1 ..C S,·"".... I (,",'·n."tl' '., ·edt u:~til VOi,lit fluid is c·' '1. d, ... 'e .... l:: ,'I' 'I ,'1111 .. i):tcian irT"ne:iiately! ." j{2 , r • 1 J r , i I rv~~lLP~"u~~ J[(] .-, '1 \ '- i i ,I' :1 I '. \ I ~'''J j . '\ ; I. ) t>1f :~: 2~ Out of·:.~c:; ',: <1 ~1p·.ats. no ~ot ,;c,~f;p·'inate feed I .. '. j \ ..) , J ; • .J , • I 1 iJ 1 • J II ~j\~ J\ ~, l ./ lrl, "'j-'uf!Il.\.." ~L I:', "'. J .:r r, . J. •. • ,_ , . 'k'~cC; lt re, .. n!;' :nded dosages. .'~ ." '~c?::""""4'",".11_...-- Tox1c to fish. Keep C'Jt of !~~es, stre(,l1s, or pontis. ACTIVE INGPEDIENT~;: [lo not u~e this proc;Jct for any uses c n's d.Jst s!.:'.!:d i:·.; ::i:~!:ed in a rnC:::!:1er to gi':e thorough coverage of the 5.00% a';:ted rortir;;is of the uop·plants. 2"jn applications when a damageable MJlathion* ............................... .. NOTE: Importa1t - Dl, not allo~'; dri or rN,entially ua:!":geable inf~staticn of ::-.~ in<;€ct pests (Ippear and continue INERT INGRrDIENTS . ............ ...... .. 95.00% . , its use is not regis!cl ed or to W'P' f .-. --~-~ tr~3t:-;lcnts as cc~'rol is needed. 100.00% application would"" ct(lser to Ii']!\',\ be applied as a fs';ar applicatiull I•. ,i, * 0, O-dimdhyl ()itl1"";'j"~ ,,), tJhdte of cij, ,th"1 rnerc.lptosuccinate I !I.'o'" cameraman s "' _to '.') poor copy [ ;" I i ., / / , . '! ' . .. I --------~--- • Mi 2 STOP-READ l.ABEL BEFcJ~E U:';I '0.)1 I' I , \ J /Jj f"O • til Clf] i;l ni\Ji1d (HE: ICAl DISTlU.IlJTORi OflA [ . , «ll1i~t ., ':' il1 pro­ ~ . ;ft·'r " I" ~·'I)id . L. '. \,JV , \ ~ , t: I " ,f ~, P.I) 'J. , 17 '('~:"'l I' ., ..:. " ' , -t.. t , ....... ' .... • 1J11 [ .·Lr ,.., f"''.U ' r :,. ;IF.G, .11l. 'i !",~lt , . :;sr. riO .• iU,\l·l ~ ,~t 1'.111 ,1 .lplcian -~ ! \ , I (-I , . J B[jcr'~ \:, ',!' I 1 ~ r' ". '))1, '~ li t .:ont'·""inate fl?ed ,'-'I 1'J I 1 nr~y rv'J~lJ'~ r~·L :::8~ ~ J ~ t ': ! I . :, I ) :' i ~) , , ;J , mrr::nded dosages. • J ••J di ' d • LJ~\J'J ~) l ......... \."J(' AC riVE INGPEDIENTS: h coverage of the 00 not u~e this pro(Jct for any uses other thai' L jse s~ <ified on thb L ',. Mulathion* .. Ihen a damageable ... _ .... --."'''''''''' --_ ... --- --- ............. -._ ... -..... ... 5.00% ppear and continue NOTE: Important - Du not alia':; drift of this Pi l'~Jct tel crops for w~ic; INERT INGReDIENTS -- .......... __ ..... _ .. --- ........ _- .. _--- 95.00% , _.. _- . ! its use is not register 2d or to crc'p<; for which its use n',ay be r":sistNcd but i 1 100.00% application would k closer to Ir.l! 1 ,[ than recom,t:f'Jded, Thi:· ploduct is to be applied as a f:'iar applicatiu:, \ dy 'k 0, O-c..:Jim.,.dhyl Dith'uj"! H)"t-J hate I)f eli: ,th,'1 merCJ p tosucci nate I 'I caa.eraman I 8 NOtf! FOOl' copy l """ ,' -------_. • ) " , . , . ... • . '.1 : • . I - _~_-__--_- __________---- ___~~_M ______-.'%~'''--' ~___ ~"~". __O ••.. *._'"'-U".W__ .. ,~,~~· _0'~~,.~,~,,_,,_~_~. _ ....., ••~,,~. _O, __,__ ~ __~ ____ n III "t1 I I 8 ~ •" l' I AD i. t· ORE UBI~GI '1 I ... • n=o - - . - .. - - ~ ( --- t--~:-:-:-----I---=-:--:-::--~ ::---i- Clor 'lSI C " .. -f ~ ~ 11 tr' , LIMITATIONS CROP CROP HST '< . lOr. lIMITATlO!I~ - -- .. - . ' . ' , "H't' •• I I.·. ,I - -----,- -- - .- - ----- . Aprly 10 .11,.11" in Lit vn cr I Aphids, miles ----_._----- ,. t·- I II , I, 1,.Jaligar Beets 2 00 n~1 ilP~IJ loIlhin 3 dlj~ in evrning or eJrl1 mornir.". belore harocst. ',IJ," n'lft~. 'tl t h . - . --, / t I. h t " Potaloes Lealhopp~r~ 20· 00------------------ nol apply v,ilh;n 3 dlJS - - -~ ~et ~ ----- - - -.- - -- - " .- ~ ,.. ' ... - belr,,! har;esl. ~ - -- - - ------- --------t.. ---------- .-. -- -- ~. .:...:.-C....;.:..:~ __ ------ ~; . :'. J JIL,II,. ~ - 'r', ..> l. It) , lJA!Iacco Aphids 20 • 30 ILl:'. 00 not IPP'y ."i'·.;" 7 ~ .J; .-- : A, . " before har~est. '>('~ ur'~' I t"'dr~!) . " . > -00 not al'rly wiUI!,-Od.1;- / 1 ... ." --f-7--c btlore h.llvr~l. T=-,;:0-.m-a7to-e-s---......-+-=.-oS-0-P"'hi::-I'--------- -30ib-~.' - --- -- -. - --. --_. - - - 00 nol apply v.,:, I"" •• t .' • i Rl)~t' 'l ~I~('~. 3phids 3'> Ibs. 00 not apply wilhin 1 ------ddy b~ lore ha r;~, t . .-~- before harvest. r.:-:-:-----t-=--:-:--:-------+-::-::-:: -- ---.- ---I . "- -- -- -- --- Vetch Pea aphids. 25 Ibs. None ~ S! ut't': .. ols 20 Ibs. None ~ vetch bruchlds -- .-- ---- - - -....-------1--:----:------... ------ ------- ~.) .~. Aph.d., r,I>~ 5CJles 35 Ibs. 00 not apply wilhin-- I day • ~termelons Cucumber beetles 25 Ibs. 00 a::!1IJ I,i~~ i~ . - LC' • ) .. ~ • , •• ~ not I ~t~~~~, -..~~' • before harvest. before t:":,o.;~t. ~-----.... ,i' -- - ----'- -- . - ----.-----t ~OCCOI. Caterpillar. 25 Ibs. 00 not apply within 3 days FDA USE IN AHD AROUND GREENHOUSES ANO GAR.~D~E~N~S:'____ _ . '----r ~ before harvest. '[sT DOSAGE RATE: L1MITATICh, --------------~ -. I -!'v~sels 5;'0"15, ( Cltffpillars 25 Ib$. 00 not apply within 7 days MilUpedes, 1 Ib./15O square feet of None. Cauliflo.\H - :, ' before harvest. UIS. soli surface or whe;e in· . -- j ~"'cu.~ Cucumber beetles 25 Ibs. 00 not apply within 1 day ~ Cn~tails sects concrecale. Repeat I~ before harvest. It 7 • 10 day Inlervals or .,. ~ ________~L- IS ___________needed • -L ________________ -L _______________ ~ I' ~Iover . Aphids. mites 25 • 30 Ibs. None .. ~I"d$ ( !1:lterpillars 25 Ibs. 00 not apply within 7 days FOR USE ON L1YESTOCK: before harvest. F;.;.;..;~lH=I~M~ALF~T~--:A:-:;H:;-:IM;;-A;-;L--;;;PE;oSc;T--- - ---=D""OS=-:A~G=-E-.:Rc:-A=:TE:-:..,U=S£·--..-------...,L:-;I-:-;M~iTA-;-;.T:-:-IO::-;~·"'iS,-----t I"I ~n Fill Armyworms, 25 • SO Ibs. None li~rden webworms Beef Ind ~ ~n flies 3 t~blespoons per ani~al. 00 not app:/ to n~n·l~cta!inol • I j non-milkinl cattlt.- Apply on back and neck of dairy anirT'als ."ilh:n 2 'I.eeks FIe.hoppers 10 - 20 Ibs. horses a~!!"al and repeat at 10 • 14 of fresheninol. Do not ap~~, ficicumtlers Cucumber beetles 35 Ibs.
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