Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 Volume 26, 2019 The Experience of Dukkha and Domanassa among Puthujjanas Ashin Sumanacara Mahidol University Copyright Notice: Digital copies of this work may be made and distributed provided no change is made and no alteration is made to the content. Reproduction in any other format, with the exception of a single copy for private study, requires the written permission of the author. All en- quiries to:
[email protected]. The Experience of Dukkha and Domanassa among Puthujjanas Ashin Sumanacara 1 Abstract In the Pāli canon, the terms dukkha and domanassa are used with reference to different types and degrees of suf- fering that must be understood according to context. This article first examines the meaning of puthujjana in the Pāli Nikāyas. It then analyses the contextual meanings of duk- kha and domanassa, including a discussion of their types based on a thorough investigation of the Pāli Nikāyas. Fi- nally, it examines the explanation in the Pāli Nikāyas of the arising of dukkha and domanassa, and, in particular, how lust, hatred, delusion and some other negative emo- tions are considered to cause physical pain and mental pain among puthujjanas. 1 Mahidol University. Email:
[email protected]. I am indebted to Professors Peter Harvey and S. Vijitha Kumara for offering useful suggestions and comments. I am also indebted to Daniel Cozort, Victor Forte, and Dion Peoples for their editorial comments and suggestions. 110 Sumanacara, The Experience of Dukkha and Domanassa among Puthujjanas Introduction Dukkha characterizes the life of all sentient beings.