Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Restoration in Practice, Volume 2 Edited by Martin R
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-04775-3 - Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Restoration in Practice, Volume 2 Edited by Martin R. Perrow and Anthony J. Davy Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to information in a box, figure or table abalone (Haliotis rufescens)124 and heavy metals 95 Ammophila arenaria 209, 216, 218 Abandoned Mine Land (AML) and landscapes 32--33, 46, 47, 61--65, Amoco Cadiz oil spill 255 programme 18 113, 401, 402--403, 421 Amorpha nana 10 Abramis spp. 298, 299, 300, 314 livestock (see cattle; grazing; ancient woodlands 504, 505, 506, 521 Acacia spp. 71, 488, 489 pastoralism; sheep) see also old growth Acanthaster plancii 173, 176 organic 45, 53 Angola 60 Accipiter gentilis 505 pastoral (see pastoralism) ants 565, 568, 572 Acer spp. 7, 10 on reclaimed land 94, 94--95 Apis mellifera 574 acid rain 36, 341, 342 reclaiming land from 338, 340, Apteryx spp. 100 acidification/acid rain 36, 341, 342, 383, 406--407, 411--412, 541--543 Aqaba, Gulf of 186 406 and reedbeds 41 aquaculture 243 saltmarshes 246, 247, 255 subsidies, EU 46--50 Araucaria heterophylla 100 wetlands, freshwater 341--342, 343 sustainable 47, 477--478 arctic, oil development 6, 356--357, see also soils and tropical forests 540, 559 361--364 Acropora spp. 177, 178, 179, 180, 186 and water 45, 48 arctic ecosystems 355--358 acrotelm 331, 336 see also grazing arctic hare (Lepus arcticus)6 Action Plan for the Human agro-forestry systems 471, 479, 541, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 6, 357 Environment 101 545 Arctophila fulva 362 active/passive
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