16th Sunday After Pentecost Tone 7 September 16, 2018 SS. PETER & PAUL Lorain, OH | www.OrthodoxLorain.org | (440) 277-6266 Rev. Joseph McCartney, Rector Cell (440) 668 - 2209 ~ Email:
[email protected] ~ Home (440) 654-2831 Gospel Reading ~ Mark 8:34-9:1 Epistle Reading ~ Galatians 2:16-20 Sunday after Elevation of the Cross This Week at a Glance Gospel Meditation Sat, September 22nd There is no other way to be a follower of Jesus Christ than to 6:00 pm - Great Vespers follow Him on the road of the Cross. The Narrow Road is paved with Sun, September 23rd stones like these: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and 9:00 pm - 3rd & 6th Hours strength, love others more than yourself, give expecting nothing in Steuart & Michelle Pincombe Received as Catechumen return, turn the other cheek, give away your possessions to the poor, 9:30 am - Divine Liturgy be willing to die for the sake of the Gospel or for the life of another, Sunday School love your enemies, pray without ceasing, be peacemakers, rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep, lift up the oppressed, love justice, show mercy, deliberately and consciously and continuously choose the narrow path, be humble, “flee from the company of men”, control the tongue, put on the mind of Christ and repent of everything that is not His mind, nurture and love silence, love without condition, become pure in heart and mind, do everything necessary to think and to live in a way that pleases God. All of this seems too hard.