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472 ~ORTH SHIELDS. NORTHU~1BERl.AND. {KELL\ 18 1*Nile 11treet, 5-3o,, 9-45· ro.3o & 11.30 a.m. & r, 3-Iercantile :\Iarine Oflice, ~ew quay, George Richardson. 2-45· 5- rs, 6. rs, 7-50, 9 k;. 9-30 p.m.; sunday, 4-30 supt.; T. R. Best, W. H. Walton, W. 0. Tate, James. & 8.30 p.m A bel &J J ames Rob son, deputy mperintendentfi; Pre~;ton, 5, ff, 9-IS & rr a.m. & r. 2.30, 3-3-o, 5, 6.30, RobPrt Walton, outdoor superintendent 7-45 & 9 p.m.; sunday, 4-I5 & 8.15 p.m Preston road, s., 9-IS & II a. m. & I. rs, 2.30, 3-30, TYNEMOUTH DISTRESS COM.MITTEE. s. 6.30, 7-45 & 9 p.m.; sunda)·, 4.15 & 8.15 p.m The Committee, consisting of 12 members of the Cor tFish Quay (Low Lights), s.r5, 8.15, 9-30 & rr.r5 a.m. poration, 8 nominated by the Board of Guardians & 5 & 12.45, 2.45, 3·4.'5, 5-IS, 6.30 & 9 p.m. week days; pPrsons experienced in the relief of distress, was ~undays, 4.30 p.m formed in 1905 Marked thus t is a Telegraph & TelPphouic ExprPss ~leetings are held at the Town hall, Saville street Delivery Office Chairman, Co~ncillor John Frater Marked thus t Telegrams are dispatched, but no~ Vice-Chairman, Stephen L. Robson, Preston avenue deliv&red Clerk, StanlPy Wilson, Town hall, Saville street Marked thus * are Telephone Call Office!! PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. COUNTY .M..A.GISTRATES County Comt Office, Xorfolk street, His H0nor Francis AGTI.l\'G FOR THE EAST DIVISION OF CASTLE WARD John Green well :\>LA. judge; Reginald Callaway PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. .A.damson, registrar &; high bailiff; the court is held Bell Henry Oswin V.D. 27 Grey st. Xewcastle, chairman monthly in the Town hall. The following places ar& Aitchison Henry Hyslop, Park villa, Wallsend within the jurisdiction of the County Court :-Back worth, Chirton, Earsdon. Hartley, Holywell, Howden, _<\skew Thnmas Hordon, r Park parade, Whitley Bay Bell Alfred Ernest, Lower Gosforth house, Newcastle ~fonkseaton, Murton, North Shields, Percy Main, Boyd William, Benton house, The Park, Cheltenham Preston, Seaton Delaval, Tynemouth, Wallsend, Whit Carr Robert Cornfoot, 14 Percy gardens, Tynemouth ley Bay, Willington ::Jees Robert Irwin, Beacon banks, Husthwaite, Easing- For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that wold, Yorks of Newcastle; Charles Woollett, Mosley chambers, Mosley street, :Newcastle, official receiver Dowling William Lap~ley, 1 I Linderi tPr. Whitley Bay Hag-gie .Arthur Jamieso·n, :\ianor house, Long Benton, Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendrrwni .Act," Francis John Haynes, IS Lindis Farne terrace, ~ewcastle North Shields; James Ogden, 75 Bamboro t~rrace, Hogg John Robt. Chirton cot. Chirton, ~orth Shields Hunter George Burton, Wallsend-on-Tyne North Shields, Whitley Bay & John Biggar, Melrose Mason Robert, Marden house, Whitley Bay avenue, Monkseaton Albart Edward Dock, Capt. George Tindle, dock IlliUlter Nelson James Brown, 9 Leazes terrace, ~ewcastle Robs on John Stewart, The Willows, :\ionksea ton, Whit Assembly Rooms, Norfolk street, Geo. Nicholson, keeper lPy Bay Batl-L~ & lVash-houses (Public), 2I Saville street, Georgtl' Spicer William, Lyndhun•t, Delaral road, Whitley-by Brown Wilson, manager Borough Police Station, Saville street, John Hall Hnish, the-Sea, Whitlev• Bav• Stevenson Ronald Cock ran, St. Os" in's, Front street, chief constable; Sergeant Tom Black burn, chief clerk; T,·nemouth 5 inspectors, I r sergeants & 62 constables • Weightman Francis Elliott, Studley mount, :Monksea Lawson StrPet Police Station, Sergeant George Murray ton, Whitley Bay Hird, in charge, & 3 constables Burial Board, St<Jnley Wilson, elerk, Town hall, Saville The chairmen of the Earsdon, Seghill. Seaton Delaval, ~treet; cemetery, Preston, Thomas Simpson, regis Whitley & Monkseaton L'rban District Councils, are trar & superintendent ex-officio magistrates Customs &; Excise Office, Norfolk street, Wi!liam ClNk to the Magistrates, Thomas Young Bramwell, 54 Gaughan, surveyor; Frederick Charles Browne & John Saville !'ltreet, North Shields h·ving-, officers Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Whitley Fire Engine Station, Norfolk street; supt. & 14 men Bay, on every alternate wedncsday at 10.30 a.m. The Harbour .Master's &, Ballast Office, New quay, William following places are includrd in the petty sessional W. C.' :Frith, harbour master divi~ion :-Backworth, Earsdon, Holywell, :\fonkseaton, Income Tax Oflice, 7 Northumbe,land square, Thomas .Murton, Seaton Drlanl. Seghil1' & Whitle:y Bay Hogg, surveyor; Cyril John Goring, assist. surveyor CONSULS. Labour Exchange (Board of Trade), corner of Howard Belgium, George Reid, r r Queen street, Newcastle street & Union street. T .A " L~bex " German Empire, Max Holzapfcl, D :\llilburn house, Dean Lighthouses-High Light, Duckwray square, Jaco\, street, N ewca~tle Harrison Nicholson, lighthouse keeper; Low Light. Corporation Fi~h quay, Thomas J ones Elliot, light VICE-COXSULS. house keeper .Austria-Hungary, Charles Robert Brightman, 8 ~ew qy Masonic Hall, 17 Norfolk street Bra7'il, Herbert Gardiner l-Yilhams,42 Sandhill,Newcastle Public Library, Howanl ~treet, Alfred Hair, librarian Greece, .Arthur Scholefield, 17 Sandhill, ~ ewcastle Ship-...recked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Turkey, J ames Cnthbert Forster, B :\Iilburn house, Society; hon. representatives, George Hadaway, 75 Dean street, Newcastle & & Howard .street Chairman Directors, Tvne• Sailors" CORPORATION. Home. Theatre Royal, William Dodds, propriPtor; Stanley See Tvnemouth• . Rogers. lessee & manager CU.STO~I HOUSE, :New quay. Town Hall, Saville street, Jarnes Clarke, kePper Collector, Registrar of Shipping & Receiver of W reek fur Tynemouth Insurance Committee, 7 Northumberland sq the Board of Trade, Robert Robson Edmenson W&ter Guard Superintendent, William Donaldson HOSPITALS & HOMES. Offi2ers of Customs -& Excise, John Buglass, James :\'[aster Mariners' Homes, Tynemonth rd.Geo.Hadaway,sec. Stuart Johnston, lYilliam Davidson & .Ethelbert H3ll North Shields & Tynernouth Dispensary, 20 Church. Chief Preventive Officer, E. T. Robimon street, John Hawkes Callmder M.R.C.S.Eng. & Jam~ PrPventive Officers, S. Carriline, A. :E. Brady, A. B. Harrison :M.D., :M.C., D.P.H. William Lister Tindle Ca~h. E. T. Craven, J. MacLean, S. Nott, J. Conway, M.B. & John .Alfred Wait M.B. ban. medical officers; R. W. Hogg, J. H. :Newby, G. AnriPrson, E. J. Shea, P. E. Fox, den tal surgeon ; Da vis Hew son Step hens J. B. Hall, G. T. Hoqg. J. Ril'hard~, J. Crothers, L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. resident medical officer;. J. W. Sennett, P. B. Thomas, B. Wandless, G. Alfred E. Hill esq. hon. sec Walker, T. W. Gardiner, W. H-Jih, J. W. Pearson & Tyne Sailors' Home, ~ew quay, The Duke of Northum G. T. Redhead berland K.G. patron; Richard Sims Donkin esq. pres.; Preventive Man. Thoma~ Gharlton RPv. H. L. Lloyd B.A. hon. chaplain; Barclay ~ Custom Hou~e Keeper, William Georg-e Kendall Company, hankers, ~orth Shields, treasurers; Jesse Board of Trade, New quay, W1lliam H. Woodthorpe, Mos~. supt principal district officer; w-. :\ic.Auslan, Thomas D. Tynemouth Victoria Jubil&e Infirmary, Hawkey's lane, Swan, H. Cockram, H. W. Barris, Capt. E. S. Edward Gofton ~LB., B.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S'. ~acLeod, James Hutchi~on, Thomas G. Wood, J. En g. Lachlan Geor~e Fraser M.D. & B. S. Robert J. Smith, J. H. Morgan, G. Brown & George Wishart. Weidner M.ll. & B.S.Durh. Frederick Charles Mear!J !'nrveyors; .John Tagg, Percy Anderson & J. M. :\LB., M.R.C.S.Eng. Henry Adams ~LA., M.B., Ch.B. BennPtt, clerks Aberd. & .Alexander Hav Bower Y.B. & B.S.Dnrh. Local Marine Board, 54 Saville street, Dramwell & medical officers; ~liss J. K. Tasker, matron; John Clayton, secs lV. Meadows, sec. 43 Howard street .