Chapter V Educational Provision in Wales Part
CHAPTER V EDUCATIONAL PROVISION IN WALES PART (i) : SCHOOLS In medieval Wales it was the Church which assumed the greatest responsibility for schooling, bardic schools and possibly the households of the Welsh lords being also centres of learning. The English universities, and to a lesser extent, the continental universities and the inns of court, provided further or higher 1 education for the ablest talents of Wales. In England, by the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, lay involvement in educati4n increased, as the needs of the Crown, the aristocracy and the towns expanded, and this was also faintly apparent in as scattered and 2 rural a society as Wales. The revival of classical learning emphasised anew the educational qualities required of administrators and all useful members of the state and which were also to be expected of gentlemen. At a time of social change, in Wales as in England, education became a 3 means of asserting and of reinforcing social distinctions. Neither the schools nor the universities were particularly suited 4 to the task of preparing young gentlemen. The newer grammar schools tried tEadapt, and there were a few signs that the universities and the inns of court, though still largely institutions of professional instruction, made some concessions towards providing a more general and 5 popular education. The essential conservatism of these places meant 6 that they were not in the van of intellectual progress. Rather, they were places for disseminating received and accepted truths intermixed with north European humanism and religious ideology, giving force to 333. 7 the ideal of wise and moral service and leadership.
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