, , , Alaskan adventure -page 7

VOL. XIV, NO. 49 an independent srudenr newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1979

Iranian students pour into US Lebanon Embassy

I3EIRUT (AP)- Iranian stu· Ab.out 40 Iranians invaded the dents chanting ''Death to the Beirut emba~sy garden, burned Americans! '' scaled a fence and an American flag and chanted poured into the U.S. Embassy slogans for about two hours garden in Beirut, Lebanon, Ulli il Syrian peacekeeping yesterday in support of the troops, swing clubs, routed 8-clay old embassy takeover in them in bloody melee. Tehran. Iran's new foreign When the unarmed students affairs chief declared there jumped over the embassy would be "no compromise, no fence, The U.S. Marine guards negotiation" to fr~e the Tehran did not try to repulse them and hostages. instead took to the embassy It was believed that behind­ roof with their light weapons the-scenes talks continued in and walkie talkies. the Iranian capital, however, Armed Lebanese police rein­ with the Palestine Liberation forcements arrived at the scene Organization and Moslem di­ but took no ;>rtion, apparently plomats as mediators. One waiting for the Syrians, the Arab report said hostages strongest armed force in fac­ might be freed by today, tion-ridden Lebanon. though an Iranian official said In Tehran, Abolhassan Bani he saw no ''omen'' that this Sadr, recently put in charge of would happen. Iran's Foreign Ministy by Aya­ The anti-American fervor in tollah Ruhollah Khomeini, told Tehran was unabated. French radio interviewers "no Cadet major Holguin coordinates with Manne "aggressors" dun·ng maneuvers on Saturday Some 200 uniformed air force compromise, no negotiation, is mornmg. [photo by Beth Prezio] men Sunday joined the thous­ possible," over Iran's demand ands of Iranian protesters who that the United States extradite 11 have flocked to the U.S. Embas­ the ousted Shah Mohammad College Life" group explored sy each day since a mob of Reza Pahlavi to Iran to stand student militants seized it and trial for his life. about 100 American and other Bani Sadr said he would not be hostages Nov. 4. The airmen satisfied if the deposed mon­ C£unpus Crusade reaches out demanded that all ties with the arch, hospitalized in New York United States be cut and all (continued on page 8) foreign capital be expropriated. by Tricia · Beaujean evangelize tfi_e world since 19) 1. The Crusad~'s StaffReporten full time sta.. •ww numbers over 7,000 arcordmg to the Notre Dame-Saint Mary's Chapter. Director Craig Valentine. Tensions stir on West Bank ''As the head of a large, international In a 'College Life'' Meeting Friday night, movement I am involved with thousands of Valentine attempted to communicate 'the clatms of ) esus Christ in a way that is relevant to others in a conspiracy to overthrow the worl~. as Israelis arrest Arab Each year we teach tens of thousands of high college students,'' he said. school and college students from more than half The organization is interdenominational and The compromise Cabinet de- of the major counrries ot the world in .he art of non-profit. designed to "help students grow in Jerusalem (AP) . The Israeli cis ion, accepted unanimously, revolution. and dailv rhese re"!olutiomst:> are at their relationship with Christ," Valentine said. army yesterday jailed without seemed aimed at heading off a work around the globe spreadifg ~~r philosophy In addition to meetings where students come to charge the Arab mayor of showdown and possible resig­ and strengthenmg our influence. share and enjov singing, reflective thinking and Nablus, and influential Pale- nation within Prime Minister These words appe,;.re·d to the :Weekly periodical conv_ersation, the organization has weekly ~ible stenian leader opposed to Is- Menachem Begin's fractured Cbnsliumt} Tr1tiul and were lspoken not bv a srudtes and leadership trammg classes. 'We rae!' s settlements policy and government. C)mmunis·r party· chairman bpt by William·~­ reach out toward the leadership on campus''. limited autonomy plans in the The Cabinet also chose a new Hnght. founder of the Campus Crusade tor said Valentine, 'to heip us extend a greater influence in reaching others.·' West Bank of the Jordan River. site for the Elon Moreh settle- Chnst. The revo!urion he spea~s of is a spiritual The arrest of Mayor Bassam ment a few miles from the one, and Bright and his workers have been out tn (continued on page 4) Shakaa, pending legal pro- campsite it now occupies over- cedures to deport him, touched looking Nablus. · off angry protests in the West The Israeli Supreme Court Bank. ruled Oct. 22 that private land Campus poll I~ another development likely for Elon Moreh was illegally to heighten tension in the seized and ordered the settle­ o-ccupied territories, the Israeli ment evacuated with 30 days. Cabinet adopted a general poli- The settlers. who have strong Students expect Kennedy in '80 cy decision calling for more right-wing support in the gov­ Jewish settlements and the ernment, have so far refused to by Kelli Flin.t with attention given w sex and Nuclear powerwasnamed by 13 enlargement of. existing out· budge, threatening a major StaffReporter year. percent as an issue of concern, posts in the West Bank, Gaza confrontation within the Cabin­ Students were first asked and 8 percent felt the health Strip and the Syrian Golan et that could topple Begin from Although a majority of Notr1e whether or not thev were insurance policy and the quality Heights. /\ Cabinet committee powl"r. Dame students claim to be familiar with the major issues of ?f leadership were important was left to work out details and After Shakaa was taken to tile familiar with the major carril­ the election. Sixty-five percent Issues. no number was set for new maximum-security Ramla Pri­ paign issues, most admit that answered yes while 28 percent \'X'hen asked whether they settlements son hear Tel Aviv, the Nablus they are not aware of tl:je said no. and 6 percent claimed were aware of the candidates' Following the decision, an town council resigned and other individual candidates' views qn some familiarttv with the positions on the issues, 31 organization of poor Israelis West Bank mayors consulted on these subjects. Sixty-thr

News in brief Monday, November 12, 19_79- page 2

Six derailed freight cars Kole to perform magic show erupt irl explosion featuring psychic phenotnena

CANTONMENT Fla. (AP) · Six propane.Jaden railroad Internationally known illusion­ operanons Without the use of Kole often appears as a special cars derailed and burst into flames in the Florida Panhandle ist Andre Kole will perform his medical instruments or anes­ traveling representative for early yesterday. civil defense official said the derailed freight two-hour "World of Illusion" thetics. Subsequent to his Campus Crusade for Christ was a time bomb that could tick for days. Florida highway Tuesday in Washington Hall at on- the-scene investigation, International, and interdenom­ patrol troopers said there were no injuries and called the 8:00p.m. The performance will Kole testified in court on behalf inational Christian organization situation "stable." But Buck Renfroe of the Escambia include Houdtni-like escapes of the U.S. Federal Trade founded in 1951. , - Coumy civil defense warned of the potential for an explosion. and transcendental levitation. Commission in its attempt to ''It could happen in several hours, it could happen Kole will also discuss his first­ stop the promotion of fraudu­ wmorrow," said Renfroe. "In Waverly, Tenn., they had hand investigation of the possi­ lent psychic healers in this one happen even after all the fires went out. They were bility of communication with country. Students cleaning up the area when one of the cars vented and killed the dead, the occult, the Bermu Several years ago, Kole was eight or nine people. That's what we're trying to prevent." da Triangle mystery and other challenged to examine the mir­ to hold psychic phenomena from India acles of Jesus Christ from the and Egypt. standpoint of an illusionist and Kole has achieved interna­ a skeptic to determine if the meeting Controversial movie stars tional fame through live perfor­ miracles of Christ could have mances to more than 76 million been the work of a master The Students Concerned for people in 7 3 countries through­ magician. Kole says he made Cambodia will hold an organ­ Redgrave as jewish heroine out the world. He has reached some discoveries then that izational meeting tomorrow millions more through televised changed the course of his life, night at 7 p.m. in the Nazz at HARRISBURG, PA, (AP) - Filming has starred at a pc;rformances in over 40 coun­ and he will share some of his LaFortune. All students who ramshackle section of a Pennsylvania military camp for a tnes. findings during his perfor­ are interested in the comroversial television movie starring Vanessa Redgrave as ''As an illusionist I do not mance. Cambodian crisis are welcome. a Jewish heroine. Miss Redgrave, who has supported the waste my time trying to accom­ Palestine Liberation Organization, is cast as Fania Fenelon, plish that which is possible, but who escaped execution at a Nazi death camp by j"oining a rather I concentrate on that prison orchestra. Jewish groups and individuals in the which is impossible," Kole United States and elsewhere, including Miss Fenelon, says. Quick Setvice biaerly opposed the selection of Miss Redgrave for the film, Kole is a recognized expert in "Playing for Time." But CBS refused to change its decision the area of psychic research. At at a Reasonab_le Ptice because of Miss Redgrave's political views. the request of Time magazine several years ago, he made a on all shoe tepalts study of the "psychic sur­ geion'' in the Phil!~pines ~!:>.0 zlppet tepaits Tankers spread fumes; claimed to pc;rform l!liraculous_ and residents evacuate homes Rotman leathet tepalts MISSISSAUGA, Ontario (AP) - Authorities began evacua­ We catty many styles of boots ting 100,000 residents from this townwestofTorontoyesterday to speak as sickening fumes poured from burning tanker cars of a also, Converse tennis shoes derailed train. One car was leaking deadly chlorine gas, today officials said. Some 10,000 residents had been moved by mid-afternoon to high schools and shopping centers in the Prof Brian Rotman of the area. No injuries were reported. Flames flared from seven University of Bristol and Tony's Shoe Shop tank cars and threatened another that had ruptured and was Cornell University will speak Unlvetsltg of Notte Dame leaking some chlorine gas, Ontario Attorney-General Roy today at 4 p.m. in room 120 of McMurtry said. Hayes-Healy on ''Zero, King Lear and Renaissance Abstrac­ I 283-1144 tion!' ' Hou~: This lecture will deal with the •Weathe-,··- .... shift from a medieval to a v ffion-Frl 8-5, renaissance mode of abstrac­ r:.:.:..:.;-- I Sat 8-1 tion as it occurred in phil­ Partly cloudy today through tomorrow. Chance of a few osophy, economy, psychology snow flurries late tonight and tommorrow. Highs around 40 and art. both today and tomorrow. Lows tonight in the mid to upper 20s. MATH -SCIENCE f-The Observer_

Night Editor: Pam Degnan Asst. Night Editors: Teri ~ichielutti, Randee J en­ nmgs Copy Editor: Lynne Daley News Editor: Mark Rust Editonal Layout: Tina Ter­ Jaak 3:30p.m. LECTURE "japan's world of work and industria Sports Layout: Mark Perry enterprise." by robert j. ballon, chairman of socio-economi Typists: Micheline Santelle, institute at sophia u. in tokyo. sponsored by n.d. college m Beth Willard, Marilyn Brod­ business admmistration. open to the public. erick, Cindy Jones, Paula Shea 6:-15 p.m. ROSARY daily at GROTTO. EMT: Terri Blazi Proofreader: Mike Onufrak 7:10p.m. FILM "lola montes," WASHINGTON HALL. SMC Day Editor: Lisa Stan­ czak 8:00 p.m. LECTURE prof. j. jacquard, sculptor from the Ad Design: David Wood, universitv of , bloomington, will give an illustrated Anne Fink lecture on his work. ARCHITECTURE AUD. Photographer: Chris Salvino Guest Appearances: Ryan Ask a Peace Corps volunteer why she teaches math and 8:00 p.m. COMEDY CLUB purdue calumet comedy club, "no longer hungover" V"er general science to high school students in Liberia, West performing skits and comedy routines. sponsored by student Berkmoes Africa ... Ask another volunteer why he teaches biology and union academic commission. LIBRARY AUD. free physics in the Pacific Islands. They'll probably say they admission. The Oburvtr [USPS • IZD] Ia want to help people, want to use their skills, travel, learn a published Monday tllrougll Frtay II· new language or experience another culture. Ask them: cept llurlng tum IIIII ncdlll ..... 9:00p.m. WSND call in program, "talk it up." speaker will The Observer Ia pulllillllcl br till be officer glear terry, director of n.d. security. phone 6400 or students of Natn Dlml _. 111111 REGISTER NOW AT PLACEMENT OFFICE 742). Miry's Cllllgl. Subscripllllll nay Ill FOR INTERVIEWS: puRIIIstd tor S20 per year !Sll per IIIMittrl from The Observer. 1'.0. biX FRI. NOV 16-NOTRE DAME 10-11 p.m. MEETING & DISCUSSION fellowship of Q. Natn bame,lndillll 41i556. Slcllld NOV 15-ST MARY'S christian athletes. DILLON CHAPEL. 'lau ~· paid, Natn Dame, ln- dialll ' The Observer 11 1 member of till ~- Aaeciatld Pras. All r•lilllh:tlen rlglltl lrl mtrvtd. ~------~., ~------~---

The Observer Monday, November 12, 1979 - page 3

ita~ eo find ·ilecorlla? " .ND-ROTC completes Ranger Go - • - . to J-t1or die Record, training utilizing tactical skills 'I!Dh,ose new specialty by Sal Granata Center, navi6ating by compass field you never know how it Staff Reporter recordmart (thousands of collectors and utilizing skills they had really is." albums and cutouts) will open SOON at The Irish Ranger C()mpan~ previously kriow~ only through Betsy Spinelli, a veteran IRC (IRC) of the Notre Dame ROTC classroom expenence. member from Farley Hall said LOEWS Merchandise Mart battalion completed their Accprding to Captain Robert that she learned how to assem­ · Next to bus station, downtown second fall semester Field Ciemens, all the goals of the ble and disassemble the M-16 Training Exercise on Saturday training were met. He said that rifle, a requirement at the morning. the training exercise was a Advance Camp all Army Cadets ATTENTION SEMESTER GRADUATES The IRC is a special unit of success since the students were participate in between their Army ROTC cadets distinguish­ given a chance to practice in the junior and senior years. ed by their black berets and field what they learn on the One freshman from Lewis was The Continued Growth of blackboard. An important as- enthusiastic about the early noted for their motivation and 1------'-- tactical proficiency. Saturday, pe~t' of the op~rauon is. the morning mission. "I was Ultimaster ----­ the company participated 10 tratts. of leadershtp esset;tttal to surprised, 1 really enjoyed it. I creatmg a good second heuten- thought it was going to be has created an outstanding opportunity on joint maneuvers with members ant ~swell as a good person. , rough. It wasn't easy but of the Navy's Marine Option the sales staff for a sales trainee. Initiallv, Program. The Army cadets Interviews of the cadets pro- everyone heip· ., ' out and all the duced a consensus of the learn- things we learned in the class­ the position will require a period of training conducted a number of informa­ ing _experience dimension of room jelled.'' tion-seeking reconnaissance/a­ so as to fully prepare the individual in all trois while the Marines acre as their training. As another cadet observed spoilers. John Plunkett, a junior from philosophically, "going out on facets of our industry and business. It is Holy Cross, said "although you on FTX makes you think how The Cadets maneuvered in the can: study this material in the nice it would be if you never anticipated that this position will lead to woods Northeast of Stepan classroom, until you try it in the have to do this for real.'' sales representative position. Compensation includes excellent salary plus liberal fringe benefit package ... We are .located approx. 25 minutes southeast of South Bend. If you are an enthusiastic and energetic individual who is · looking for an outstanding opportunity for personal and professional growth, Please contact: MR. BRIAN BRADY* ULTIMASTER DIVISION* HOLIDAY RAMBLER CORP.* 65526 ST. RD. 19, WAKARUSA* INDIANA. 46573. (219) 862-4551. An equal opportunity emolover. ' MARSON GRAPHICS Monday Tuesday November 12 November 13 11 am - 7 pm 10 am - 5 pm Cadet major Mica Holguin coo_rdinqtes with Man'ne ''aggressors'' during maneuvers on Saturday LaFortune Lobby morning. [photo by Beth Prezzo] - , Collection of original etchings, In Greensboro, '.N.C. woodcuts, lithographs, and serigraphs",,,,, by the following artists, ______CWP buries five slain in parade Chagall Daumier . Faniin-Latour Maillol Rouault Whistler Baskin Coughlin , GREENSBORO, NC (AP)-- prisoners included sym­ "Avenge the murder of the 1 About 350 demonstrators with P

------~ -- -~-----

The Observer Monday, November 12, 1979- page

Buy Observer Ads! NEW YORK (AP)-Exiled . WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. WASHINGTON (AP) - Ca Iranian politician Shahpour George McGovern called yes­ fornia Gov. Edmund Brown .J Bakhtiar, ousted when revol- terday for a moratorium of urged Americans yesterday utionary l'eader Ayatollah political debate over the seizure walk and pray today "to she Ruhollah Khomeini seized of American hostages at the the strength and unity of Am(: REMEMBER ROCKY'S! power, predicts Americans held U.S. Embassy in Iran, saying ican l'eople behind out Arne hostage in Tehran will be the United States should speak can citizens in Iran." released ''without blood, with- with one voice--and that must Brown, a candidate for t Political out hurt." be a calm one. Democratic nomination for l'r GFRANCO's' The former prime minister The South Dakota Democrat. sident, also said the Untt ISIIJIDI ...., East was interviewed recently. by interviewed on CBS' "Face the States should be prepared Comer Sample LW.L ABC-TV, which aired the Nation," heartily endorsed a live without Iranian oil. And South lend • 287-5344 leaders results Sunday on its "Issues questioner's suggestion that predicted it will be "ve TUESDAY and Answers' program. candi~ates ~void the Iranian difficult'' to continue dip lorn Bakhtiar said his feelings question unul the hostages are tice relations with Iran after t ltalial ...... licllt. • about the safe release was safe. present hostage situation Cup of Minestrone offer vtews based on his belief that the ''The fewer recQmmendations resolved. Italian Meat Balla Homemade Saua.... seiZure of the American we have now asto what course Answering question on t Served over Mostocciofi, topped embassy and the hostages was shou~d _be followed, particularly NBC television prograJ wit!, Rich Tomato Sauce and on "against the international trad- retahatton, the better off we'll "Meet the Press," Brown sa Melted Mozzeralla Cheese ition of the Iranian people." all be," McGovern said. the I~anian crisis could be '' Vegetable of tile Day "There is no government in "I would say to follow the opportunity to wake up tl Toned Salad Iran," ht" said. "The/eople are administration's lead on this, nation, to recreate in ourselv Italian Roll, and Buttee Iranian crisis excited, jobless, an the mob b_ecau_se it's such a d~lkate a spirit of strenth and unity.' Italian Bread & Butter are doing that. I am very sorry Sltuauon that we have to speak Brown refused to critici 95 that Khomeini and other with one voice .... The admini­ President Carter's handling ONLY $3 authority in Iran accept this stration under the circum­ the Iranian situation or procedure." stances is doing the best it can, suggest any alternatives exce CATEIII8 FACIUTIES He also said a "military force (and) the less criticism, the less his call, which he repeau TO ACCctaATE 1.. 78 landing in Iran is not the best suggestions of alternative three times in.the interview,£ way to settle down this dis- courses that come from others, a national day of prayer ar Entertainment Nightly in Our pure." the better." walking. FLAPPER'S LOUNGE Bakhtiar predicted the rule of McGovern also urged private ''I'm not going to offer tl, Double Bubble Khomeini would soon end be- citizens, labor unions, students presidt>nt any sug~estion ~ Every Weekday cause there is unrest in Iran and ' and other to stay calm and not long as American citizens al because ''politically Mr. aggravate the situation. Any held captive and in danger 1 Khomeini is on very bad terms demonstration must be peace- their lives," Brown said. ' with everybody." ful, he said. will support President Carter "I think Khomeini is going "I can certainly understand attempt, whatever it may be, 1 Wanted: down and down. He has lost a the anger," he said. "I don't secure the release of the Arne lot of people and the atmos- think anyone feels more of a ican citizens." ph ere of terror in Iran and some sense of outrage than I do .... Brown said later he did 01 sort of hysteria in Iran," he "But what good does it do for intend to suggest there shoul TWO SENIOR CLASS said. us to take some precipitous, be special demonstration < ''I am not waiting for the fall violent action that would marches opposing Iran. h of Mr. Khomeini," Bakhtiar give us the satisfaction of stead, he said, he was urgin TRIP CHAIRMEN added. "I have made my mind saying, 'well, we showed our citizens to take part in th up I am going to fight .. .I am muscle,' if we ended up with regularly scheduled Veterar fighting for liberty, indepen- the deaths of 61 innocent Day parades and other even1 dence and democracy." Americans?" around the country today. Sign up with Sandy in Student Activities Office ( 1st floor • • . Campus crusades LaFortune) by Thursday (continued from page I) conclusion· of his show, Kole wJJI share ho, Valentine cited research done at Carnegie Christ changed his life." He added that KoJ Nov_. 15 at 5 pm Institute which concluded that employers were was once asked to investigate the miracles q most frequently looking for ''character'' during Jesus Christ and through his illusionist kno~ intt"rviews. He added that the organization is ledge "came to the conclusion that Jesus Chri~ ''not a church but rather an organization was real, that he was who he said he was." designed to work alongside the church in The 50 or so members of the campus chapte1 Any questions? influencing young adults.'' share common reasons for their mvolvemet ''There are so many leaders on this campus with the Crusade for Christ. Notre Dam Call TOM BEHNEY at 1189 who are highly qualified academically, but it is student Beth Toomey said "everyone here feel imponant not only to have technical and the same way I do about Christ, and I a academic skills but a person needs character as impressed that everything is presented in such well," said Valentine. "We try to provide the normal way." Publicity Chairman for Andr right environment to build character.'' KoJe,JeffBlackburn said, "I enjoy sharing wit Campus Crusade for Christ holds annual people who believe as I do." Christmas conferences throughout the country. ''I came to the meetings to grow closer t these conferences involve university students Christ through what they can teach me," sai from around the country and include speakers, Rich Stevenson. Saint Mary's student Bet seminars and singing groups according to Krin Shmecker said she attended "to share thing Valentine, also a staff member. Announcement that I cannot share with some of my othe of a Conft"rence in Kalamazoo will be publicized friends.'' by the campus chapter. Bright, the man behind the national movemen The group has also invited Crusader illusionist traces its origin to "a call from God that came t AndreKoleto the Notre Dame campus Tuesday. me while I was studying for a Greek examinatio Valentine said of the coming event ''It will be an at Fuller Seminary,'' according to a publishe opportunity to contac! 5QO people. At the interview in Clmstianity Today.

LOYOLA UNIVERSITY • • The Graduate School of Business (continued from page 3 Offers An Evening MBA 1960s, had been calm throug out the weekend. Fourteen white men we arrested in the aftermath of t shooting, which killed fo • 12 course program for undergraduate business administration majors white men an.-J a hlark woma Killed at the scene we • 16 course program for undergraduate non-business administration majors Sandra Smith, 29, a texti WORLD RENOWNED ILLUSIONIST PRESENTS THE FANTASY worker and labor organiz AND REALITY OF THE SUPERNATURH WORLD • Classes meet once a week. Study full or part-time. from Piedmont, S.C.; Jam • Enter any quarter in Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn. Michael Waller, 37, a medic WORLD OF ILLUSION® • Applications are now being accepted for the Winter school graduate who had be A MAGICAL AND SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE .. . 1979-1980 and Spring 1980. working as a union organizer AS WITNESSED IN 73 COUNTRIES .. . • School Representative will be on·campus November 13th textile plants; Cesar Vince Cauce, 28, a Durham bospit worker; and William Sampso Tuesday, 31, ,a Greensboro labor org Nov. 13 izer who had attended Harv Divinity School. 8 pm Washington Hall Michael Roland Nathan, 33, Durham doctor, died two da


---~--- ~------The Observer Monday, November 12, 1979 - page 5 Trbovich, Miller in race ROCCOS-· Mine workers to vote for new- president men's and: women'F : was eased aside for Miller, who Then, last week, Miller trying to take his job, and he's hairstyling CHARLESTON, W. VA. at the time headed a vocal lashed out at Church during a been afraid of that ever since (AP)-To hear former United movement for improved black meeting in Charleston of the he was elected. at Mine Workers Vice Prc::sident lung benefits. Their feud did West Virginia chapter of "They needed a change in Mike Trbovich tell it, five:: years not become public, however, CONPAC, the union's political leadership in the last election. ·comfortable prices haven't changed things much in until some two years later. arm. Miller said Church had And tf they don't get new the UMW. Miller stripped Trvovich of been trying to spread dissent leadership soon, there's ~oing 531 N. Michigan Trbovich, who held the No. 2 all his duties and ordered him against him within the union's to be nothin~ left of the umon,'' spot during union President 1 to sign a sworn statement that leadership and had attempted a Trbovich satd. 233-4957---11 Arnold Miller's first term, was he would not seek the union secret meeting of the IEB to openly feuding with Miller presidency in 1977. confront him. some 2 1/z years after the.tr 1972 "He said that ifl would agree Church said he was "aston­ election. Miller charged not to run, and if I would Trbovich with planning to · support the administration on ished" by Miller's accusations . and by the Union president's · oppose him in the 1977 election. all policy decisions at board decision to find someone else to I Last week the 56-year-old 1 meetings, that I would be union chief accused his current permitted to run the safety: share his political ticket 1982. Presents, vice presdient, Sam Church, of division without interference. "Mr. Miller is a very sick THE ALBUM HOUR plotting to oust him from office 1 I refused to sign this and was man," Church said. Monday thru Thursday nite from 12-1 with the help of the union's dismissed from my final official "I don't think me or anyone ... Featuring a new release album played in its governing body, the Inter­ function.'' else I've talked to would seek I entirety. Brought to you by Camelot Music in national Executive Board. Despite his refusal to sign the Mr. Miller's ouster," he added. the Univ. Park Mall, where every 7.99 L.P.

"It's the identical problem," 1 statement, Trvobich never chal­ Like the public split between featured is offered to N.D. and S.M. C. for 5. 99 Trbovich said Friday in a tele­ lenged Miller for the presi­ Miller and Trbovich, the feud with I.D. And each Wednesday nite a new phone interview from idency. In the 1977 campaign, between Miller and Church has album is · away, all from Camelot Music. Clarksville, P A., where he lives 1 Miller was opposed by LeRoy apparently been building for in retirement. Patterson, a Kentucky strip months. It has become public "Sam Church is in the same miner, .. and Harry Patrick, about halfway through the position that I was in. I was Miller's secretary-treasurer officers' five year terms. doing a lot of work, a lot of during the 1972-77 term. Church was unwilling to die­ travel, for the membership. "I decided if the man didn't cuss the problems he and Miller But if someone within the union trust me, the hell with him," have been having. ·ON THURSDAY does something for the mem­ 1 Trbovich said. "I'm not going to air the bership (Miller) gets mad about Miller and Church apparently union's problems before the INOVEMBER IS'" it, because he wants all the got into an argument at an IEB media,'' Church told reporters. credit." meeting in Marion, Ill., two "If we've got problems, we'll iNOIFS, The relationship between weeks ago. At that same solve them.'' Give up cigarettes 1 Miller and Trbovich began meeting, the board rejected Two-and-a-half years away for just one day. You deteriorating shortly after their Miller's nominees for union from the union's Washington ·ANDS JUSt might give. ·em up election. Trbovich had ex­ 1 safety director, F.L. Philyaw headquarters have made for good. pected to lead the Miners for and David Lee Smith, respec­ Trbovich less reticent. OR THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT. Democracy reform ticket, but I tively. "Miller's afraid somebody is American Cancer Society. . . . Election I . - (continued from page 1) ot~er than Kennedy. candidates, and said that they _ _ . Fmally, students were asked hoped for a dark horse to enter This space contributed by the publisher Kennedy's policies wen: favor- 1 who they felt would win the later in the race. ed by 21 percent, while those of Presidential election. Kennedy. Baker received 11 J'ercent, , was favored by 63 percent, Reagan ) percent an Carter while Carter followed with 16 and Ford (a declared non-c.andi- , percent, Baker with 3 percent date) each garnered 3 percent. and Reagan wtth 1 percent. Other candtdares received only The most ardent supporters of River City Recotds Ptesents ... one vote from the students. ' incumbent Carter were found Of the students who supported among the science majors pol-

Kennedy's views, 69 percent of 1 led. twenty-five percent oi these claimed they were una- these favored the president. ware of the candtdates' posi- The remainder of those polled tions on major issues. Seventy- stated that they didn't want any r.ine percent of those surveyed of the present candidates to wiri .• , to '·· ... who said they were informed in 1 the election. They felt that it this area supported candidates was too early to judge the A FREE

While 1,500 coupons last, get a free Big mac tm' coupon with every album, tape, blank tape or concert ticket purchased at River City Records, 50970 U.S. 31 North- 3 miles North of campus!

Big mac/ coupons will only be honored at fficDonald's®of Roseland, TM 52665 U.S. 31 North- 1 mile ~orth of campus, and will be valid until November 16, 1979. River City Records ·'Northern Indiana's Largest Sel~ction·' of Roseland 50970 U.S. 31 North 271-4242 52665 U.S. 31 North 277-0810 owner: Peter J. Kernan owner: Chuck Watson (N.D. '65) N.D. '75 /-las this student found the Chns Sah·i,w l

.. ·... Editorials Monday, November 12, 1979- page 6 Heavy Mail Art Buchwald WASHINGTON--The mail I live in Key West and do a lot has been rather heavy this of Scuba diving off the coast of week. A lady in Manhattan Florida. For the past three writes: months I keep hearing a lot of Dear Mr. B., shoveling and digging when I just received my bank I'm under water. Is it possible statement from Manufacturers that the Russian Combat Bri­ Hanover Trust Co. and have gade is di~ging a tunnel from been credited with $3 billion to Cuba to M1ami? If so, should I my account. My husband said notify President Carter? it couldn't be the bank's fault Lee Fentress because they don· t make er­ rors. He said J must have Dear Lee, messed up my checkbook Please don't say anything. again. I went over every stub President Carter IS having e­ and could not find a $3 billion nough trouble getting his SALT mistake. I found one for $17. 50 Treaty through. If Sen. Frank and another for $60, but none Church hears about the tunnel for the larger amoun• he'll demand that the President I am certain someone put the do something about it. $3 billion in my account by The Soviets will maintain that mistake. My question is, they're only building the tunnel should I notify the bank or keep as a training exerc1se. Carter the information to myself in will have to take their word for hopes that Manufacturers Trust it because he still doesn't know doesn't discover it? what the Soviet brigade is doing P.O.BoxQ Please advise. in Cuba. Besides you're not Mrs. Paul Conway sure the tunnel is betng dug by the Russians. It could be our own CIA digging one to Havana Emergency Relief Dear Mrs. Conway, to find out what is going on Students Cont:erned for service which is in existence at Your husband is correct in there. Cambodia. Saint Mary's and now is avail­ saying that large banks do not Sincerely, Campaign for Cambodia We urge the student body to able at Notre Dame. If you are make mistakes. Therefore, it A.B. respond appropriately to all of parking your car in any student seems to me that you may have Begins our efforts in the next few days; parking lot- on campus an_d a~e deposited $3 billion in your Dear Mr. B., to respond appropriately to the alone or feel your secunty IS checking account and forgot to I'm a marshmallow salesman 2.25 million Cambodians who threatened, adhere to the fol­ keep the receipt. Or perhaps and I met this nice guy in a bar Dear Editor: face death; to respond approp­ lowing procedure. (1) ~top at someone with the same name in Bloomington, Minn. He said riately to an obligation for either gatehouse and mform deposited $3 billion in her he was the manager of the New On November 9, an ad-hoc humanity. them of the parking lot to which account and you were credited York Yankees and he bought committee, the Stude~ts Con­ you will be going. (2) Proceed with it. me a drink. Then I offered him cerned for Cambod1a, was to the parking lot and keep your I'd advise you not to tell the a free marshmallow and he hit formed in view of the situation Students Concernedfor doors locked and headlights on. Cambodia bank as they will get very upset me in the mouth. I had to have that: (3) Please wait in your car and with you fq,r bothering them on 18 stitches on my lip. Now he 1) Cambodia is a disaster of ------a security guard will escort you such a minor matter. They will wants me to do a Ltte beer TV immense magnitude and Prisoner Requests Mail to your dorm. We strongly either ask you to move your commercial with him. What do urgency; 2.25 million face star­ encourage you to take advan­ account to another bank or will you think? vation within months. tage of this service for your bill you with a service charge Yours truly, 2) Cambodia is a uni_que Dear Editor: protection. for making them go into their Bloody Manny instance of human suffenng, We would appreciate any computers. imminent starvation due to My name is Freddy Heistand, comments about the effective­ I would leave the $3 billion in recent political strife. I'm white and 32 years old. At ness of this service. If you have your account for six months.· If Dear Manny, 3} This disaster can be the present time I am in the any suggestions please contact: you don't hear from Manufac­ · As soon as your lip heals I'd averted if massive human­ Southern Ohio Correctional Donna Shannon, SMC-4868, turers Hanover by then you can do it. There is a lot m.'lre money itarian aid is forthcoming. Facility in Lucasville, Ohio. P.O. Box 1090LE. start writing large checks on the to be made in selling beer than The Students Concerned for ~I am doing a life sentence Cambodia, empathizing with assumption that, even if the in toasting marshmallows_. But here, and will spend many S.W.A.C. bank made such an unlikely tell him if he socks r.ou tn the University president Fr. years in this prison until I am Theodore Hesburgh, believe error, they will be too embar­ miJuth again, you wdl hit him eligible for release. It gets very rassed to admit it. over the head w .. i.· a beer that immediate action on behalf lonely here, especially since I Logan Center Children of Cambodia is a moral obliga­ Sincerely, bottle. don't get much mail. A.B. A.B. tion of this generation. Specif­ I am wondering if you would ically we believe, as does Fr. Need Tickets (c) 1979, Times please print this letter in your Dear Sir, Syndicate Hesb~rgh, that a direct relief school newspaper? I would love Dear Editor: effort on the part of the Notre to hear from anyone who would Dame student body has trem~n­ care to write. And I would also DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau dous potential to a1d Cambod1a. enjoy getting pictures of those It is that time of year again The Students Concerned for who write 1f they have any when we will hopefully take 300 Cambodia is launching an pictures they would care to kids from Logan Center and Big '.[) Kf{J(}fN6, emergency relief campaign t~ MAN? {)()f;S send. Brothers/Big Sisters to the H& ME.NTION begin now and last unul Thank you for your time and I Clemson football game. We Thanksgiving with all ~ollect~d M&IN hope you do this favor for me. need the help of the ND-SMC \ monies going to Catholic Rehef Hope I'll be hearing from some community, and ask that you Services. The CRS has proven new friends soon. donate your student football itself very effective in dealing ticket so that these kids may get with this emergency. the chance to watch and exper­ Among the fund-raising Freddy Heistand P.O. Box45699#144-853 ience a Notre Dame football events planned ar~: . Lucasvzlle, OH 45699 game. We will be collecting the l) direct collections outstde uckets at dinner in the North dining halls on Thursday, and South dinin~ halls and at Friday, and Saturday; New Security Services the Saint Mary s dining hall 2} a Clemson game conces­ starting Tuesday, Nov. 13. sion booth; 3)a schoolwide fast at for Women The game itself means a lot Monday dinner, November _19. to all the kids, with the chance There will be an orgamza­ Dear Editor: to cheer for the Irish and meet tional meeting Tuesday, the players afterward being a ''I~i ON M1 RflH We would like to inform the thrill they talk about for weeks. 'IF THAT 1-!3881.£ November 13 at 7:00PM in the TAB ANO IT toOK5 Hf3&, /Jifft:JECK/3P. SNIT Nazz for all' those willing to ND-SMC community of the The trip to the football game is H~A/..M05T UK& I'V& 8tEN RIPPW H&&! FI!J!Jt..e- 6AN&, 01~ 700. work on the campaign With existence of SW AC (Social one of our most popular events CH A6AIN. 7HI!3 511Jff (JIHIMSICI<. RJPPIZ I Work in Action Committee). and one that is looked forward 15 50 640 I'M NOT LUN$0Ur Our purpose is to work with the to all year. The kids are l3VCN 5LI&HTLY security departments on both the greatest fans in the world, 8/Ffl& 0/NKe!J!'' \ campuses to insure the safety of whether the Irish are up or I Apology all students. We are focusing down. So if you wish to donate on three areas of concern: (1} vour ticket, drop it off at dinner Due to a layout error, a off-campus emergency trans­ ·we will be extremely grateful. column by Rosemary Mills, portation, (2) improved security Once again, thank you for all entitled ''A lesson in misman­ on the ND-SMC road, and (3) your support. agement and confusion,'' awareness of the existing secur­ appeared in incorrect order on ity services. Walter Bankowski, Ed Loughery Fnday's editorial page. We We would also like to inform ND I SMC Counczl tor the apologize for this error. all Notre·,-Dame women of a Retarded . ------~ ' ..

Features Monday, November 12, 1979- page 7 Chime~s are s1veet when the metal is sound Mary Leavitt forties, Chimes published essays and "We want to print quality materi­ al." even some short stories dealing with national affairs, In these words, Dr. Max Westler, St. Mary's Chimes. bringing to the advisor of the Saint Mary's literary students a new awareness of life outside of Saint Mary's College. By magazine Chimes, summed up the VOL, I. St. M.ry'• Al:adem)', Notre D..me, Ind., September, 1I9J. NO.1. the fiftif's, Chimes was examining the I publication's editorial policy. West­ ~~~I''""' of l"'lo•d"o •~nd•••uo l.eltn~o. 'f'"""lh*t..­ .,f.,ohnnoo«>tolllM•o...w.londmonJ• controversial topics of thf' time::-, fer pointed out ~hat c_.bimes h~s co~e luol""'h.o"n•hcuk '·""''~ ...... oluo.-•ot•nl llw OnfiUoO <>f ...... ~ ••• hoofd taking on a worldly tone much in a long way smce tts conservative Nor1 ... 0<.h"'to ~.n~h.b '"'"'"or I •m•h lloo" I'"""""~ tn oM ,,_ ,.....,, • ,.... ~•· .~...... ~ •• , rr .. ~. '~''"'' 1oday, Chimes is a selective is good and noble in the heart of "'' ,... ""'' ,•••••• ,; ·• .. =· '"" ...... "' ~: .. ~''"'' ~·~~ .::~: .~ ::;. ~;.~·;~: .~.~.:· .. ;':':.~:::::: ':: """""'"'"' .. ~a .... ,...... ["''"'""'·""'''~ ...... ~ ..,.lf•·•lr""l"·"'""" t..Cr!ru """''~le.,. ... ~,. I •·•d""•~• .n,.,,., ""' •lm'"'' ,,...,, · '~' '''"""'' .tllon.l l«nll< !r l<•o<•"'l" "' 'oo•(l \\'r •ou .... , )l,,..fl " ...... ~ .... •loc ... ~lhplr ...... ~ '"''"'""~'"'.-.'1""""'-llropri­ them. driftwood fire, drank chilled wine and moss-carpeted hillside. Looking out ately named "The Tern Inn", at St. To feel that I had touched children played our guitars. Even at mid­ across Resurrection Bay, the sloping Theresa's Summer Camp in Soldotna who needed me and opened their night, the sky stili glowed- under mountains appeared hazy and prehis­ Alaska. In that two room hut, I and hearts to song and prayer fantastical­ the setting sun ana the mountams toric. I remember thinking that the four other students resided for the ly rewarded my efforts. Exchanging encircled our campsite. country was hazy and dreamlike--a summer. For two months I had the land for whose description the Eng­ glorious opportunity to work, play. lish language provided no words. and live in "The- Last Frontier"-­ At the end of the summer, the staff Alaska. Never have I been so utterly took a three-day trip to Mt. McKin - and simply content, and often I ly. The park represented the first wondered if I could be so again. The culture shock and undoubtedly we job, the campers, travel, the land and were all uncomfortable in the cramp· the incredible beauty aroused aJ spirit ed camring spot, especially when we that I never knew belonged to were used to seeing few people on me--the love for simplicity, nature our weekend excursions. We rode and God. the park bus to Eielson Lake, where Last spring I accepted a position at we climbed our last mountain. St. Theresa's Summer Camp, work­ Although it took much adjustment. ing as a counselor. Having never I am now home. I walk around the been a counselor or camper, the lakes on chilly, brisk October even­ thought of bein~ a friend, mpther, ings. The mist rises from the water, entertainer, dtsciplinarian, and just as it had done on St. Theresa's 1 teacher all at once excited me. 1 Lake, and fogs my mind. I recall the A new group of campers arrived at eagle that soared above my canoe, St. Theresa'~ each Sunday. The the brilliant blue sky as vast as my weeks required much work, especial­ love for Alaska, the spruce saluting lv since the staff had to remf1 mber the sculptured, royal mountains, the that even though we'd gone th ough sun dancing on turquoise water, the the activities numerous time , the pale blue emanating from the glaci­ camp was new to each week's group. ers Yet, the greatest treasure I worked most frequently

q fits:: !§ The Observer Monday, November 12, 1979- page 8

COSIMO'S HAIR DESIGN Remnants of Peoples Temple campsite It's worth passing many shops continue to haunt South African nation ND t N JONESTOWN; Guyana (AP) . covers the dirt floor where more Temple. Ryan was in Guvana to A ye<~;r of searins weather and than 900 bodies lay for nearly a investigate allegations: that * creepmg vegetauon has scour· week, bloating in the tropical Jones was keeping cult mem­ ST. RD. 23 ed away the signs of grisly heat. bers in Jones town against their horror, but the Peoples Temple Rows of benches face the will. 277-1875 deaths that shocked the world framework of the stage where An initial preliminary inquiry j 18461 State Road 23 left an indelible mark on Guy· the Rev. Jim Jones stood as he found probable cause for formal an~'s people, politics and repu· urged his followers forward to charges, but the inquiry has tattoo. dnnk cyanide-laced Fla-Vor· ruled invalid on a legal techni- Alleged government ties with Aid. cality. The main compound buildings The other cultist in Eteran, CONCERTS WEST l'RI:.~EP.. T cults have become a political issue as Guyana struggles with now house some of the farm Beikman is charged with mur· Jts worst economic and political workers and soldiers. One of der in the deaths of Sharon crisis since gaining independ­ the larger ones now bears the Amos, the cult's public rela- ence from Bntain in 1966. sign ''Jones town Police Sta· tions officer, and her three But 150 miles northwest of the tion" and is home to police: Cpl. children. EAGLES capital and its crisis, this colony Abdool Inshan, who heads the Mrs. Amos and her children carved from the jungle sleeps security detachment. had their throats slashed in the THE LONG Rl1N serenely beneath the tropical Bodies had also lain on the cult's Georgetown headquar· sun. stage, whose planks were rip· ters shortly after reportedly . The police officers and sold­ ped up and hurncd, soldiers receiving a radio message from Iers who guard Jones town and say. Th<.: ashes were buried Jones town on the night the the farm worker~ who maintain behind the pavillion, along with mass killings took place. TOUR 79 it do..:e through the midday topsoil soaked with fluid from Officials say Beikman is set for heat. "We're JUSt supposed to decomposing bodies. trial during the current court Last year, reporters with Rep. session which ends before n-m--. lTTTnrTrn nTml"!"fTTTT'l"m .-.-rmnnrn mmrrre 61 a o e • • ''a e • • a e a keep the grass down in the center," sa1d one. Leo Ryan, 0-Calif., on his Christma~But his trial has been But grass grows through the fact-finding mission to Jones- postponed at least rwice before. rotting wooden walkway con· town had seen scores of male The government of Prime f)on Henley • Glenn Frey necting pans of the compound; cultists sleeping on bunkbeds in Minister Forbes Burnham sections have collapsed into that building. Ryan, three seems unsure what to do with J)on Fl.,ldcr ·Joe ltalsh drainage trenches underneath. newsmen and a defecting cult the jungle site. Local officials complain it is member were killed at a nearby Chances of reactivating Jones· ~ri 111 ot h y B. s clnn i r ~ard to_ munster enough indiv· airstrip shortly before the mass town as an agricultural center 1duals trom the superstitious poisoning began here. seem remote due to the super· local people to mamtain the The small cabins were long stition surrounding the place, Friday Nov. 16 8pm compound. ago strip_ped of valuables. officia)s say. "People around here still call Inshan said about 20 persons Nothmg has been done with Notre Dame ACC it Ghost Town," said Richard· were caught breaking into the suggestions that it be turned into Cruickshank, agricultural su­ storehouses where salvageable a penal colony or maintained All seats reserved front stage $12.50 pervisors.'' items were locked up. He "as a curiosity, something like Rear Stage 10&$7.50 Cruickshank said he had only declined to speculate on whet· a museum or tourist attraction 46 workers to maintain the her the trespassers had been for its historical value," as tickets on salt. A CC Box Office 9am Jonestown compound,, harvest lured by tales of money, gold or recommended by Health, Hous· crops of platains and cassava jewels hidden at Jonestown. ing and Labor Minister Hamil· to 5pm also usual ACC outlets and and tend the hundreds of pigs Immediately after the murder· ton Green. .. and chickens left by nearly suicide, police recovered $1 Opposition political leaders 1,000 cultists. million in cash--mostly in $100 still demand an impartial in­ River City RecordsStores in So. Bend The main pavillion is restored bills ·-around the site. Two vestigation of the events at and Mishawaka ro how it may have looked survivors said later in Chicago Jones town and alleged ties before the Nov. 18 tragedy. A that an additional $600,000 may between cult members and fresh layer of crushed seashells still be found. government officials. Burnham Rumors and stories about named Chief Justice Alfred buried wealth circulate occa- Crane to head a commission of sionally in Georgetown. One inquiry, but the commission has local journalist said many peo· yet to ~egin ~ork. . pie ~elieve a group _of ~emple The Jssue _1s a mwor

Demonstrations lead to vicious pranks; COmmUNITY AOIONS ACORN needs organizers to work with low and moderate income fam~lies for political and youth dies harassing Iranian student economic justice in 19 states (AR, SD, TX, LA, 1N, MO, FL, CO, NV, PA, fA, OK, MI, AZ, been filed against Shariati. NC, GA, CA SC, C1). Direct action on DENVER, (AP)-An Iranian neighborhood deterioration, utility rates, chemistry student was held for A neighbor', Kelly Ryan, 21, taxes, health care, redlining, etc. Tangible questionmg yesterday after a said she was in bed "when I results and enduring rewards - long hours, low 16-year-old youth was shot and heard some people running and Qay. Trainif!g provided. killed and two companions were glass crashing. I heard them Contact Office of Volunteer Services for wounded after allegedly haras­ running across the top stairs intervies Tuesday November 13 or write Ann sing the man, pol.ice said. and then down the stairs. Then Lassen, ACORN, 628 Baronne, New Orleans, The shooting outside Afshin I heard two shots. I figured LA 70113. (504) 523-1691. Shariati's southwest . Denver somebody had been shot or apartment came after two days there had been a party or of demonstrations around something." Colorado related to Iranian students and the hostage sit­ uation in Iran, but police would 'Help me, man. not speculate whether the shooting was connected with those protests. I've been shot.' The dead youth, identified as Paul Nortiiky, died at the scene, Jim Castillo, 29, who lives in officers said. His two compan­ an adjacent house, said some­ .. ,'Today ions were identified as Steve one began beating on his front Roane, 17, and Michael Lopez, door early yesterday. 16, also of Denve:r. A young man, later identified l - Shariati, 21, is a student at as Lopez, stood bleeding on his Loretto Heights College, major­ doorstep, Castillo said. "Help ~ ing in chemtstry and petroleum me, man, I've been shot. Let ,! k{:i;G~,ff• .•\' engineering, said apartment me in," Castillo said the youth North manager Steve Gerhart, a 25- told him. Southland Plaj · year-old University of Denver % •I• •• tf loin D-.e "He said the Arabs had shot Edison' at· IH. 13 841 E. tnt.lll ~wotl graduate student. him," Castillo said. Costilla (219.)..291 .. 1OQl Police said no charges had called police, who arrived about (219) ~~-7222 ~===-=~~~

· © Contiillental Restaurant Systems 1979



Two ambitious :';;on·n Hall reszdents prepare for Screw- Your­ Roommate Semz-Formal. fphoto by Cl.in'.s Salvino)

Studen~~s express confusion over SlWC add/drop policy By Mary Leavitt and special permission is need­ ed. If permission is granted and the student has a passing Many Saint Mary's st~dents grade in the course, a with­ The most delicious, most sumptuous dinners our new menu could offer ... who express confusion about drawal appears on the student's Luscious entrees come complete with salad, vegetable, bread, and your the policy for dropping courses record. If the student has a choice of baked potato, rice, ·or french fries ... Our modest prices complete may wait too long to begin the failing grade in the course, an F this tasty picture • . • So add a ~ittle spice to y9ur dining. . procedure. This delay could appears on the record although result in a permanent blemish the F is not added into her ...ATION-FIGHTER: on the student's record. semester average. For the first seven days that a What many students do not student is enrollled in a class, realize is that there is no such thing as a withdrawal F. On a the class may be dt-opped Th'ose tasty creations that11 tickle your palate without the wilthdrawal being student's transcripts, the F. and tantallze•your pocketbook ... Imagine the recorded. In this case, there is appears to the unknowing view­ sirloin supreme, top sirloin covered with absolutely no evidence of a er as a final grade. The student Monterey Jack cheese, sauteed mushrooms, withdrawal on the student's must make it clear that this DINNER FOi $5.45 onions and peppers ... Or juicy beef brochette, grade is not a final one. charbroiled sirloin bits marinated in a delicious record. . When you're really hungry, order a complete burgundy sauce ... There's even a &esh catch For the next five weeks, the "If it looks hopeless for a dinner with all the trimmings at a price that of the day for seafood lovers ... They must be student has the option of drop­ student and she has absolutely tastes as good as the food ... There'/; tried to be believed ... ping a class and having a no chance of passing a course, succulent prime .rib, &esh fish, and saucy withdrawal appear on her re­ we will usually advise her to teriyaki chicken . •.. l,t's more than a cord. Permission is needed drop the course so she will have mouthful ... · 52885 u.s: 31 North ' from the teachf·r of the course more time to devote to her other ' classes," said' Dr. Dorothy Sunday · South 'end, 272-5478 to be dropped al[}d the Office of Noon to 4p.m. Academic Affairs or a doctor Feigl, chairman of the chemis when the withdrawal is for try and physics department. Mon. thru. Thurs. Phone lor reservations reasons of poor health. "Otherwtse, it really is better to 5p.m. to 7p.m. After this, dropping a class stick it out considering the becomes a more serious matter consequences." TM T__ bP._._o_~---~------M--onday,Novemb~1~1979-~elO [continued from page II]' With Friedmann in the penalty•,' a h at- t nc· k t or t h e mg· ht after mistake, but Notre Dame made s h ot o ff th e go alte. •s s t.tc k to g•ve· 1 box for elbowin~, Mtchigan: t·a k"mg a pass firom t e ammate the first one 49 seconds into the t h e I ns· h t h e 1ea d · went to work, an less than a.· M u r ray E aves an d bl as t"mg a tert"od when Meredt"th was cal- shott 1 y t h ereaft er, M ered 1t. hi minuter later Laurion was beat- s h ot past w h at seeme d to b e a ed for checking from behind . again ignited the crowd when en ror the second time by Lcrg; screened Laurion. d E . Irish h d I d fl at 14:22. Thirty-nine se·conds With the score h d Eight secon slater, aves con- • • e rna e .a~eat o ay to e ect 1 I . h d fi note e at nected on the Wolves 1courth J o h n F ne ann'~ s s h ot tirom: ater, ns e enseman Scott £our • b ot h Notre Dame an d powerplayaoal to regat"n the' lead t h e I e fi t pomt· mto· the cage past• fiCameron was sent to the sinbin M"1c h"tgan came out £or t h e fim al fior good. ,., On the play, naves an unexpectmg· F nc· k er. or holding, and Lerg picked up stanza 1oo ki ng to cas h m· on a was left all alone on the ~right ======edge of the crease and he slipped a pass from ever Michael Molinelli present Lerg into the exposed Molarity cage. For the remainder of the game, ir was all Fricker, as he stopped 15 shots in shutting out the Irish in the final stanza. Fricker made numerous glove saves on point blank shots, and left the Irish shaking their heads time after time. With 6:46 left in the contest, Baseotro scored an insurance goal to dampen Notre Dame's hopes for a comeback. Michi­ gan added icing on the cake at 19:35 with a short-handed em­ ·pty net goal and skated off with a hard-fought, well-played win .

• • . Vols

The Daily Crossword [continued from page 12) ACROSS 22 Withered 44 Catch a 8 Clamor touchdown would have given 1 Wine city 23 Rise liner 9 Playwright Notre Dame some added impe­ 5 Whirl 25 Seamstress 45 Moved on Sean • tus to build on and come back in 9 "Golden 27 "Rigoletto" a runway 10 Spreading the third quauer." Boy" play­ creator 47 Soothing the risks Instead the Volunteers added wright 29 Stew eor Bay acid 11 Always to their lead, and the defense 14 Hit man 33 Ghostly 49 Moldings 12 Radial, 15 Of flying 36 Capri or 51 Extols for one held Notre Dame in check for 16 War or Man 55 Nevada city 13 Cunning the rest of tht .::arne. rights 38 Hebrid,es 57 Wings 24 Tunney or "We played the way we are 17 Mine island 59 Alpine pool Rayburn capable of playing," said a entrance 39 Rhone 60 Colorful 26 Affliction jubilant Majors. ''It is a great 18 Beautiful feeder fabric 28 Computer day for Tennessee football be­ woman 40 Dined 61 Gristing knob 19 Olympics' 41 River of place 30 Kind of bag cause we beat a team with great Brundage song 62 Peculiar: 31 Organic tradition and class. You 20 Paderewski 42 Venetian comb. form compound couidn' r ask for anything better was one blind item 63 Expunge 32 Sally or than that.'' 21 Near in 43 Came to 64 Major or Ayn "It was our inability to tackle Nice earth kitchen 33 Aide: abbr. 65 Bread spread 34 Casa room and defend that hurt us mosr,'' Saturday's Puzzle Solved: 66 Endures 35 Dupe Devine commented. "when 67 Tinted 37 Mother of they got to the _go~l line they 68 Aerie I T I ,. REG A Apollo scored and we d1dn t. We just R U D E E X A L T'IN 0 B 0 E 41 In- couldn '1 slow them down at A T E N V I L L A M 'IU S E DOWN (troubled) all." a u o N s E r• o R sl!f~ s 1 Yawning 1-E L L. A U M E N. 43 Commotion AMII~MOTIVATES 2 City of 46 Educes D 0 NTS H A s• G E L A D A evil 48 Staggered L I o• S E N E G A Lll B E D 3 Sheer cloth 50 Crippled I A I S E S • B A N.U L N A 4 Global 52 Dipper meddler I~ u T I F u L.B L EsT 53 Essays SAT E o• S 0 u••• 5 Certain 54 Face: sl. • • P EA ST I S H trench 55 -avis © 1979 by Chicago Trlbune-N.Y. News Synd. Inc. 11112/79 C 0 V Ell T r•I T L EI' A R I A digger 56 Letters in All Rights Reserved A L E c• E S K E R T 0 L L 6 Equal Larissa [continued from page 12) BENT.SHOWN ENOL 7 Charisma, 58 "Der -" .... ~ ...... in a way 60 -canto Tripucka (18 points, 11 re­ bounds) and guards Rich Bran- ning (18 points) and Bill Hanz­ lik (8 points, 9 rebounds). The remainder of Notre Dame's team made up the Blue CELEBRATION/RIVER CITY squad. The game was run very Ptoudly Pt•a•nts RINK RIVERSIDE informally, as players were PRINTING, INC. shifted hetween the two squads 209 EAST COlFAX AVE. I SOUTH BEN:>, IN 46617 •once the Greens had opened a 116-poin 'i.rst· half lead. • FINE LITHOGRAPHY Fresh• n forward Bill Varner • COMMERCIAL PRINTING was d .eadmg scorer for the • INSTANT PRINTING Blue rters. He scored 16 Jlotly points 1 addition to collecting Phone 232-7935 See us about your resume ;;ix rt-:. unds. Junior guard Stan Wilcox and freshman pivot fim Ar free, also starters for the Blue, scored 11 each . ..------..--... Sophu. :lore guard Mike Mitch­ Jatchet ell and freshman cohort John !he_Purdue Calumet Comedy Club Paxson 'lld not see action in the ,is performing in the Library A torium affair. \1itcheli is recovering with Special Guc.3ts from k:-rw surgery, while Pax­ on son cou:J be out for two weeks Bovem~r 18. while resting a sprained ankle. Point Blank The time of the performance la Thutsday, Novembet 15 8:00pm 8:00p.m. monls Civic Audltotlum The club is performing South S.nd skits and comed]r rou,ines. ~I! S.ats R•a.tv•d 18.50 & S7.50 as• is lpODIIrtd by the BIIIIB Rlv.r City R•cord• (U.S. 31 Nortt., W••wrn An., ffil1hawaka Av•. S'fUD ••! v•JOB :30-10:30 I •••DAYS I Dvn•• Plaza In ffilchlgan City)

... - ... · ...... _._...... ,._. ~ .. -._,...... - .. ,...... - ...... ----;-- ...... ~------.-

I The Observer SportsBoard Monday, November 12, 1979- page li indiana 45, Illinois 14 Central Green Bay 19, Minnesota 7 Denver 45, New England 10 Indiana St. 33, NE Oklahoma 21 W L T Pet. PF P~l New Orleans 31, San Francisco 20 Monday's Game Nliami, Ohio 35, Kent St. 8 9 2 0 .819 294 160 ,Football Pittsburgh New York Giants 24, Atlanta 3 at Dallas, (N) - Michigan St. 31, Minnesota 17 Houston 8 3 0 .727 243 229 College Football Scores 18, Iowa St. 9 Cleveland 7 4 0 .636 259 253 ~E Illinois 28, Toledo 10 Cincinnati 2 9 0 .182 235 274 East Ohio U. 27, Cincinnati 7 West Ohio St. 34, Iowa 7 San Diego 8 3 0 .727 270 197 • • • Irish Colgate 20, Buckwell 2 Oklahoma 38, Kansas 0 Denver 8 3 0 .727 192 159 Cornell 24, Columbia 7 Purdue 24, Michigan 21 [continued from page 12] with a great performance," as Oakland 6 5 0 .545 245 225 was evident by his 37 saves for Dartmouth 24, Brown 10 iS. Illinois 22, Drake 21 Seattle 5 6 0 .455 232 257 ex~ra-man opportunities. De­ Harvard 41, Penn 26 Southern Meth. 34, Wichita St. 0 sptte numerous chances for the night, many of which were Kansas City 4 7 0 .364 160 182 nothing less than spectacular. Holy Cross 20, Massachusetts 18 Tulsa 38, New Mexico St. 16 National Conference both teams, the red lamp was Lock Haven St. 42, Slippery Rock 26 W. Michigan 20, Ball St. 10 Ea11t not lit until the 19:26 mark of After Baseotto/icked up his Rutgers 20, Army 0 Wisconsin 28. Northwestern 3 Dallas 8 2 0 .800 219 160 the period when Michigan cen­ own .rebound an foked it past Syracuse 30. Navy 14 Southwest Washington 7 4 0 .636 208 191 ter Dan Lerg, with Notre Launon at 2:31 o the second Temple 42, Akron 6 Philadelphia 6 4 0 .600 184 187 Dame's John Higgins off for pe~iod, the Irish attack sudden­ Yale 35, Princeton 10 Arkansas 29, Baylor 20 N.Y. Giants 5 6 0 455 186 198 boarding, beat goalie Dave ly jelled as they ran off a string South Texas Christian 3, Texas Tech 3, tie St. Louis 3 8 0 .273 219 236 -Laurion after receiving a pretty of four unanswered goals to Far West Central pass from freshman standout gain their first lead of the Alabama 3, LSU 0 Tampa Bay 8 3 0 .727 210 174 Bruno Baseotto. game. Sophomore Dave Poulin Auburn 14, Mississippi St. 3 'california 45, Washington St. 13 Chicago 6 5 0 .545 212 196 The Irish,. on the other hand, opened the scoring for the Irish Clemson 19, N. Carolina 10 New Mexico 24, Colorado St. 9 Green Bay 4 7 0 .364 171 210 were contmually frustrated by when he alertly snuck from E. Carolina 52, Richmond 10 Oklahoma St. 21, Colorado 20 Minnesota 4 7 0 .364 168 251 Fricker. He played an out­ behind the Michigan cage and Florida St. 27, S. Carolina 7 Oregon 16, Stanford 7 · Detroit 1 10 0 .091 162 261 standing game, shutting the stuffed the puck past a surpris­ Furman 23, W. Carolina 14 :San Jose St. 32, Pacific U. 31 West door repeatedly on the Irish ed Fricker, 4:26 into the period, Georgia 33. Florida 10 Southern Cal 24. Washington 17 New Orleans 6 5 0 .545 245 225 forwards, including several and the Irish were off and on Georgia Tech 21, Air Force 0 UCLA 31. Arizona St. 28 Los Angeles 5 6 0 .455 202 212 breakaway saves which left the their way. Kentucky 29, Vanderbilt 10 Utah 35, Texas-EI Paso 0 Atlanta 4 7 0 .364 208 250 crowd in amazement. Two minutes later, Michalek Memphis St. 10, Louisville 6 , Wyoming 17, Arkansas St. 14 San Francisco 1 10 0 .091 206 301 In commenting on the loss knotted the score at rwo-apiece Penn St. 9. N. Carolina St. 7 National Football League Sunday's Games after the game, Irish coach when he beat Fricker on a Pittsburgh 24, W. Virginia 17 American Conference Miami 19, Baltimore 0 Lefty Smith ·summarized Michi­ point-blank shot directly in Tennessee 40, Notre Dame 18 East Buffalo 14, New York Jets 10 gan as being a very strong club, front of the crease, as Meredith Tulane 49, Mississippi 15 W L T Pet. PF PA Pittsburgh 30, Kansas City 3 but added, "I think we're as and Lucia combined for the Virginia 20, Virginia Tech 18 New England 7 4 0 .636 271 200 Houston 31, Oakland 17 good, we had the opportunities assists in setting up the score. VMI 13, Marshall 3 Miami 7 4 0 .636 198 142 Washington 30, St. Louis 28 but we just couldn't cash in. At 8:41 of the period, Meridith William & Mary 9, Appalachian St 0 N.Y. Jets 5 6 0 .455 233 263 San Diego 26, Cincinnati 24 That was the difference." got i~ on the goal-scoring act as Midwest Buffalo 5 6 0 .455 233 263 Tampa Bay 16, Detroit 14 Smith felt that the key to the he ptcked up a loose puck in Buffalo 5 6 0 .455 214 197 Seattle 29, Cleveland 24 loss was Fricker, saying, front of the net and wristed a Bowling Green 31, S. Mississippi 27 · Baltimore 4 7 0 .364 171 226 Chicago 27, Los Angeles 23 ''Their goaltender came up [continued on page 101

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FOR SALE: Two L78-15 belted snow ,Need 1 student ticket for Clemson. tires. $50. Call Steve at 8661 or 1432. Contact John B. 8859. Happy 21st Monica! We think you are the Notices For Rent greatest. A Classic AR manual turntable with an Needed: 10-12 Clemson Tix (any kind) for Love and kisses, Mary and Eugene Furnished 4-6 bedroom house tor rent. Ortolan VMS20 Mkll cartridge for sale­ beautiful sisters & friends. Call 3579 or Used l:look Shop. Open Wed., Sat., Sun. CAMPUS/NEW YORK is coming!!! 9-7. Ralph Casperson 1303 Buchanan Rd. Now or next semester. Walking distance BEST OFFER - Call AHAB at 8857. 3650. Niles. 683-2888 to campus. Call 272-1729 after 5:00. For Sale: 78 VW Bus Champagne Wanted: GA tickets for any home games. CLASSIFIED ADS Payment: All classllleds must be pre­ Janie Byrne for Vice-President Commit­ Need a male to take over lease at Campus Edition. C. B., auxiliary heater, priced to Must be two or more together. call sell. Call 232-4060 after 5 pm, anytime 287-3311 Danny- Joe paid, either in person or through the tee regrets to announce that it will•cease View. 3 lovely apartment mates. $100 a mail. all official functions because of a general month. Call Pete 277-2723. weekends. Desperately need 2 GA tickets to Deadline: All classified ads must be lack of interest. Our endorsed faux pas received by 1:00 P.M. the day prior to the ticket remains Jerry & Janie because two Bedroom. Share kitchen, 2 bath.$75/ Invest in yourself instead of a landlord! Clemson! Please call 7831. Excellent investment opportunities avail­ issue in which the ad Is to be run. The flakes are better than one. As usual this month & 1/3 utilities. Bus service. Observer olice will accept classilieds is subject to change. Contact the Commit­ 233-2900. able now in duplex and triplex real estate. Help!! Desperately need 2 GA Clemson Your tenants will make your mortgage tix!! Call Susan 4-1-4796 Monday through Friday, 10:110 a.m. to tee for further details, including designer 5:110 p.m. T-shirts. · payments while you live free. Call today to learn the rest of the advantages: Joyce I need student tickets to Clemson. Please Watch for CAMPUS/NEW YORK! Typing. IBM Selectric. Call 277·0296. Kevorkian 232-1193 or ERA - Equity call Ken at 1821. Wanted Realty Assoc. 256-0263. Come enjoy an evening with Uvingston IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Badly need tickets to Soviets, & Clemson. Need 1,2,3, or 4 student or GA tickets for 1973 Plymouth Duster. Good condition, Clemson. Call Ed 1222. Taylor Wednesday, Nov. 14 Send $1.0~ f~ ~o3Q6-page"atalog of 1 Please call Bob at 283-1791. collegi1tfr~earch. 10,250 topics listed.· low mileage. Best offer call 288-9908 1 before 3. Clemson tix needed, GA or student. Call Mary Jane, Box 25097G, Los Angeles, California, Hey New Jerseyans: Anyone going home We care about you and we love you. 90025. (213)477-8226. Dan 8479. for Thanksgiving? I have ride home. Selling United Airlines half fare coupon, Love, US Need ride back out to SMC. Please call $30.00. 7550, 272-7180. DESPERATE! Need 2 GA Clemson tix. Will do typing. Neat-accurate Call: Angie 4-1-5465. CREAM OF GOONEY??? 287-5162. Big $$. Marie 4-1-4677 One United Airlines half price coupon for Keenanites need ride to Milwaukee the Dearest Patti, COZMIK PRODUCTIONS has "The sale. Make an offer. 272-8857. CLEMSON GA's MANY NEEDED . 20th or 21st. Will pay$. Caii3281(Bob) or GROUPS TOGETHER OR AT LEAST IN I'm back in town and wondering why you Humans"! Available now for dances & 3307 (robert). haven't called. You know I love hearing parties. Mick - 8212. For Sale: United Airlines 112 price PAIRS; CALL COLLECT ANY DAY coupon. Call Mike 3740. AFTER&:?? P.M. (716)-586-8690 from you. Need riders to Washington, D.C. on Nov. Love, Me Morrissey Loan Fund student loans, $20- 16 for the weekend. Call Tim 288-2465. $200. One percent interest. basement of For Sale: 1/2 fare coupon. Best offer call Clemson tickets (4) needed desperately­ 4-1-4161. $$ call 1735 - Randy SMC Sophomores: Are you Interested In LaFortune. 11:30-12:30 M-F. Waitress wanted. Age 21 & over. helping with SOPHOMORE PARENTS Oriental Restaurant 114 W. Ireland Rd. WEEKEND?? II so, join the Production GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS are Apply in person 2-5 P.M. One United Airlines coupon for sale. Call Help! Need 2 GA tix to Clemson game. Barry at 2752. Barb 7933. Crew lor the show. Call Anita (4280], sponsoring 3 one-week volunteer pro­ Trish [4367], or Cathy [5719] and get grams in the Appalachian area from Dec. Buspersons and dishpersons needed - involved! 15-21; Dec. 27-Jan.1,1980, or Jan. 2-7, male or female. Apply at the Carriage One United half fare coupon ($35). Call Need 1 student or GA ticket to Clemson. P.J. 3402 Call John 1840 1980. Stop in Volunteer Services, , House 24460 Adams Road. 272-9220. Ted, LaFortune Center for more information. Help! Need 2 GA Clemson tix. Call Happy Birthday, can't wait until you get Need ride to North Jersey area for break. (SMC) 5202 or 4708 to N.D. Will share$$$. Brian 3596. theN. D. girls Need a ride to and/or from Pittsburgh Tickets · Need 2 GA Clemson tix. Please help! Call Lost & Fo~und Kitty (SMC) 5413 Jeff, area over Thanksgiving break. Will share When are you goino to invite us over for expenses. Please call Mark. #1062. Need 4 GA tix for Clemson. Call Lost: Gold Ring w/Biack Stone. Coyle 277-4976. Need 3 Clemson student tix. Nick chicken pot gooney??? High School 1957. Extreme personal 233-6249 value. Reward. Please call Karen. 1#8163. Need ride to Minneapolis for Thanks­ KIZZY! Giving. Please call Mary Ann at 4-1-4347. I need 2 or 3 GA Clemson tickets. Please call Dave 8782. Need up to 5 Clemson GA tix. Will pay Celebrate your 20th with 2:30a.m. skinny Lost: Green American Congress notebook dio. (Close curtains - bring out canoes!) Riders needed to Omaha or any inter­ big$$$. Please call Darcy 232-7376! in the coat racks outside A-line. Please Need 2 GA Clemson tix. Please help. Call Love and K1sses, your Mexican buddies return the notes; the final is cumulative. mediate points. Leave Sun. Nov.18. Call 3173. 4-1-4280. Need 2 student tickets for Clemson. Call Call Bob at 8777. Kathy Patton at 7757 from 9-5 Monday­ Dear Marianne: Please sell me 4 GA Clemson tickets. Call Friday or at home 233-2624 A most happy 21st birthday to you' Lost: Blue jacket with white ND insignia. "PAYING $10 MEN'S $5 WOMEN'S 277-5261. Love from the family, Mom, Dad, Steve, At USC game. Gold watch was in pocket. FOR CLASS RINGS. ANY CONDITION. I have a student basketball season ticket Bob, Kathy, Patty. If found call Joe at 233-6024. WILL ARRANGE PICK-UP. PHONE (bleacher). Make me an offer for it. TOLL-FREE 1-800-835-2246 ANYTIME." Need at least 4 GA and 4 student Clemson tickets. Call 3328. Please!! Damian 1197. Today is the birthday of that sultan of sex Lost: 21arge blue duffle bags, stolen from himself -- Wilhelm Dingier VIII. Well­ car at South Carolina game, containing MONGOLIAN DOG SLED team crossing wishers may express their adoration for clothes. Desperately needed. $ Reward. the country stopping in South Bend on his majesty by calling 8424. Call 284-4975. For Sale the 17th. Need GA Clemson tickets & 1 Personals case of Alpo. Mick - 8212. Is Art Sharkey the max, or what? l Lost: Tl-55 Calculator. Call Mark 1#1062. For sale: 1 United discount ticket. Call Ryan, Reward. Too bad my personals are so obvious, Bill at 283-7627 or 272-5492. Need 2-4 floor tickets for Eagles Concert. So sorry I misted your birthday. I hope It Please calt 232-4462 after 5:30. was happy! . now I can't write anymore. l Lost: Gold link bracelet. Sentimental One United discount ticket ($40 each). Love, Margie j value. Reward offered- call Nancy 1#8034. Call Joe 3598 Desperately need several GA's for COHN FOR ROOMMATE! Clemson. Call 6i'47. - ~ Lost: Man's long, tan trenchcoat at Dillon Comics at discount - new and old. DC, SMC Sophomores: Are you interested in Formal. Please call1576 with Info. Marvel, Warren. Call 287-6920 evenings Help! I need two Clemson GA's (to­ helping with SOPHOMORE PARENTS and weekends. gether). Call Dick 8304 any night between WEEKEND?? If so, join the Production Lost: Gold charm bracelet on campus on 1 11 and 12. Crew for the show. Call Anita (4280) I October 27th. Finder please contact Judy , Free Catalog: Avon jewelry, cosmetics, Trish (4367), or Cathy (5719) and get j Gates, 3003 Rexford Way, Louisville, Ky. ' Christmas gifts for women, men, 'and Desperately need GA Clemson tix. Call mvolved! 40205. Reward!' ! children. 287-6920 evenings. · Sean 3114. I I S~orts Monday, November 12, 1979 - page 12 Vols' emotional victory dampens ND bowl hopes by Mark Perry plav brought the play back. Sports Editor Devine thought this might have been the turning point. KNOXVILLE - For Notre ''That would· have put us at Dame, Saturday's contest midfield, but instead we were against Tennessee was to be back at the 5." he noted. "We another step towards a posstble knew the way we were playing post-season bowl bid. defensively, we had to keep up But for the Volunteers, playing with them point for point. Then before a record crowd of 86,489 we dropped a pass that still in Neyland Stadium, the game would have got us our of that meant much more. For coach hole. Johnny Majors, the players, ''That was a series that we and the Tennessee fans, it was needed early to keep up. The possibly the most imporrarn game could have developed into g~me in their 89-year football an ~xc~~nge of points with that htsrory. senes. Riding that emotional wave, Instead it was Tennessee that the Vols took advantage of a was scoring all the points, as series of Notre Dame mistakes freshman tailback Hubert to roll to a 40-18 victory. Simpson ran for three second ''Give Tennessee credit for quarter touchdowns, and the playing a great game," praised Vols added a safety. Irish lmebacker Bob Crable. The two-pointer occured after "They w(.·re up and we were tailback Bernie Adell acciden­ tlar. for some reason. tally stepped out of bounds at "People don't realize how big Notre Dame's one-yard line on a pan emotion plays in football. a Tennessee kickoff. Lisch Fullback Ty Barb~r [12] and tight end Ni~k Vehr [951 ~ead the way for tazlback}im Stone [42] Southern Cal could come in durmg Saturday s loss to Tennessee m Knoxvzlfe s Neyland Stadium. [photo by Tim attempted a handoff to fullback Mckeough] here and get beat if they were John Sweeney to get the Irish down. You've got co have the out of the hole. but the pair discipline to be ready every collided in the end zone, and week. Not manv reams do." Lisch was tackled bv Brian But emotion is not all that wins Ingram attempting to r~ll out of Irish split high -scoring series football games, as Notre Dame trouble. coach Dan Devine noted. The Irish had an opportunity to by Michael Olenik confidence, especially after go­ taking a 7-5 advantage into the ·'Tennessee won because they get back within striking dis­ Sports Wn'ter ing down by three. Splitting final period. executed the fundamentals bet­ tance late in the first half, but with the number one team is The last stanza proved to be a ter than we did. When a team came up short. Vagas Fergu­ Notre Dame's hockev team good, bur we were hoping for a wide-open affair, with eight does that. it should be compli­ son scored on a two-yard run to battled the Michigan Wolver­ sweep.'' goals being scored by the two mented. make the score 30-12 with four ines to a series split this past Michigan opened the scoring teams along with hard hitting "We don't have any excuses minutes left. Tennessee weekend at the ACC, giving the in ~rand fashion, however, by and furious end-to-end action. whatsoever. We played a team quarterback Jimmy Streater Irish a 3-3 Western Collegiate registering three goals in the At 4:56 Michalek beat Fricker that played bercer football than was injured on the next series Hockey Association record first 10 minutes against fresh­ with a shorthanded goal after we d1d today. It's tough for all and backup Dave Rudder fum­ while handing Michigan irs man nerminder Bob McNa­ picking up a missed shot from of us to face up to that.'' bled the ball into the arms of initial loss of the season. Both mara. Humphreys to expand the Irish It appeared that the Irish had Steve Cichy on a scramble on Saturday's 11-9 Irish win and The Irish finally beat Wolver­ lead to three. Michigan retalia­ the upper hand early in the his first play. Friday's 7-4 Wolverine triumph ine goalie Paul Fricker at the ted less than a minute later on a game, as they rolled 80 yards A long pass by Lisch put the were characterized bv fast ska­ 17:50 mark of the first period, score by John Olver, bur Kevin on ten plays on their first Irish within scoring range, and ting and hard hitti-ng, as is when defenseman Jeff Brown­ Humphreys, at 6:43, scored possession to grab a 6-0 lead. they drove down to the Vols' evident by the fact that 31 goals schidle deked his way past the Notre Dame's second short­ But Chuck Male's miss on the two. But an alert play by were scored and 34 penalties Wolverine blueline before handed goal in less than two extra point try started a series linebacker Chris Bolton kept were whistled in the series. blasting a hard shot into the minutes, much to the delight of of Irish miscues that would help Ferguson from reaching the On Saturday night, 3,852 fans nets for an unassisted tally. the vocal Irish fan~'. Dave the Vols roll up a 30-12 halftime end zone on fourth down. were treated to a shootout as The Wolves rook a 4-1 lead Poulin increased the lead to lead. "We just had to stop them," Notre Dame's offense exploded 1:43 into the second period 10-6 at 13:37; with assists going Tennessee also drove for a Bolton noted. "They were to hand Michigan its fi.rst loss of when Murrav Eaves lifted a to Don Lucia and Bill Rothstein, touchdown on their first pos­ challenging us. I was chasing the season. Kevin Humphreys shot into the Notre Dame as rhe fans sensed a r0ut. session, and Alan Duncan's the ball, and saw Ferguson was the key factor in the twines. But after that score, lt was nor to be, L ..-.c:ver, as extra poinr gave them a 7-6 moving to the left. I shed a victory, scoring a hat-trick the Irish exploded for four Michigan erupted for three lead. On Notre Dame's tlrst block and stopped him." while adding three assists for consecutive scores, rhree of rallies in onlv 32 incredible play after the kickoff. quarter­ "I r was a bie; defensive series the Irish. which were on powerplays. seconds to tighten the score at back Rustv LisLh threw a screen for us," Ma1ors added. "A Humphreys seemed pleased Tom Michalek. Greg Meredith. 10-9 with four minutes to play. pass to 'fullback Ty Barber, with the team's play, sratmg Humphreys and Brownschidle Bur Notre Dame's defense rose good for 27 vards, but a holding [continued on page 10] "It's got to be good for our all lit the red light in that spree. to the occasion and shut out the giving Notre Dame its tirst Wolverines for the rema10der ot lead. play ro preserve the Irish win. Roger Bourne evened the In Friday night's action. Mich­ score at 1 '> :20 despite two igan's highly-toured powerplav beautiful initial saves by McNa­ unit lived up to irs reputation by mara. Notre Dame struck back cashing in on four of eight quickly, scoring two more goals before the period ended, and [wntinued on page 11] Greens win charity game

by Paul Mu:'/ ..mey what we had intended to-.'' said Assistant \1>orts Editor Phelps. "We were playing in from of a crowd, and we also Approximat• 8700 fans turn­ used the international rules that ed out last r '.!;tr to watch the we'll have to use on Thursday. Green ·qua.! post a 99-54 win "We tried to simulate things over the Blue squad in Notre that the Russians would do with Dame's annual inrrasquad their defenses, and execute our charity basketball game at the offense to heat their defenses.·' Athletic and Convocation Cen­ Junior center Orlando Wool­ ter. ridge led all scorers with 28 The game was the first public points - with all but two of his ..... appearance of the year for the 12 field goals coming on slam Irish. who open this Thursday dunks. A starter on the Green by hosting the Soviet Union squad, Woolridge also had nine National team. And Digger rebounds. Phelps, enteting his ninth year Woolridge was joined on the as coach of the Irish, used the Green squad by forwards Tracy intrasquad affair to prepare for Jackson (23 points) and Kelly sa the Notre Dame net as freshman goaltender Bob [photo by Greg Maurer] the Soviets [continued on page 10] "We definitely accomplished