30YEARS OF IMPACT WOMEN POWERING WOMEN Impact Report 2018/19 Contents “The process of women working together and solving problems, With women, for women: 30 years of sisterhood 4 of learning by doing, will lead to 30 years of impact & commemorative bookmark 6 empowerment, both collective Our impact 2018/19 7 and individual.” Our vision for change 8 Dr Kate Young, Womankind Worldwide’s first Chief Executive Ending 10 Together we stand: combatting violence 11 against women with disabilities in Nepal Championing women’s political participation 12 and leadership Together we strive: young feminists forging 13 their futures in Realising women’s economic rights 14 Together we rise: claiming economic power 15 in Together we resist: the power of feminist 16 movements to change the world Meet some of our partners 18 Meet some of our team 19 Our supporters 20 Financing 22 Thank you 23

3 With women, for women: 30 years of sisterhood

When Womankind Worldwide and expertise to transform the was established in 1989, it was landscape at all levels, from with a clear and distinctive vision: the grassroots to the global. to achieve a world where the It is women’s movements that rights of all women and girls are champion the path to change, respected, valued and realised. As an demanding governments do more organisation we’ve always believed to ensure the rights of women that women are powerful agents and girls. So we are proud to of change. They have the power work with diverse women’s rights to shift the world on its axis and organisations and movements that overthrow the laws, systems and cover a wide spectrum of women’s norms that oppress them. Ever since experiences. our beginnings 30 years ago, this notion has been the driving force of This approach continues to guide Womankind: the notion that when us to this day. This year, we’ve women come together in all their worked with our partners on 18 diversities, they can change their projects and with them engaged worlds – and the world. in influencing spaces across the world. Together with our partners 30 years ago women’s rights we have documented violence looked quite different and in one against the most marginalised generation, huge strides have been women in order to change made. In 1993 the Declaration legislation in . We have on the Elimination of Violence encouraged political participation in Against Women categorically Nepal through building networks of declared women’s rights are women who learn how to advocate human rights. Almost 25 years for their rights. And in Ethiopia we ago the Beijing Platform for Action have supported women to have imagined a world where every violence free lives through skills woman and girl can exercise her training. freedoms and choices and realise her rights – and provided a clear To date we’ve stood in solidarity path for governments to follow. with over 30 million people as Following this path leads to change: they transform their lives. At this from committing government to 30 year mark I am proud to lead introducing laws against violence an organisation that champions against women to increasing women in all their diversities and women’s political participation, believes in the force of women international frameworks can form powering women. Our heart the bedrocks of cementing women’s has been beating to the drum of rights. women powering women for 30 years. And it will continue to beat Women working together side to the sound of that drum for years by side results in progress - we’ve to come. Beating until the rights of always known this. Women coming all women and girls are respected, together forms the foundations valued and realised. of movements, movements that build, grow and go on to change the world. Collective action is key. When women and women-led www.womankind.org.uk organisations work collaboratively, Caroline Haworth, Chief Executive they share the skills, experiences Womankind Worldwide 4 5 We’re marking 30 years of Womankind with this commemorative bookmark celebrating the impact on women’s rights globally.

For 30 years we have worked in solidarity with women’s rights Our impact 2018/19 organisations and movements around the world. We’re proud to say that during this time we have worked alongside a variety of change makers towards a better world where the This past year has been an exciting one. The voices of women in unison rights of all women are realised. is being heard around the world. Together we are not allowing our demands to go unnoticed. Alongside our partner organisations we are 30 years continuing to strengthen diverse women’s movements all around the world. of impact We’ve united behind women making decisions. In Kenya, our support contributed to a 121% increase in the number of women standing for 2013 elections.

We worked with partners in our We worked with 48 women’s We’ve contributed to ending five focus countries (Ethiopia, organisations. We worked domestic violence. After years Kenya, Nepal, Uganda and collaboratively with our of lobbying, Womankind and ), regionally and partners to bring diverse and partners helped enact domestic completed a project in . innovative programmes to violence legislation in communities. 3 countries paving the way for women to access redress to violence against them.

We’ve bolstered the In our 30 year history global women’s Over 15,420 women Women’s movements have have been directly supported the power to transform whole we’ve supported over movement in its through our projects with communities. In 2018/19 more pursuit of equality. We’ve partners. facilitated activists to engage than 753,000 individuals 30 million in international spheres of have been indirectly impacted individuals, transforming influence. by our work with women’s the lives and communities movements. of women and girls across the world.

We’ve worked with over

282 partners across We supported 11 partners We demanded reform to national to engage in advocacy spaces, and international frameworks to 37 countries, standing side by side with them tackle violence against women strengthening as they made sure their voices and promote women’s economic women’s movements were heard and influenced rights by submitting over international policy. 11statements internationally. to world powers.

Charity number: 328206 6 Company number: 2404121 7 Our vision for change

There has been huge strides made for women in the last 30 years, yet still there is no IN 2018/19 WE HAD: country in the world where women are equal to men. This has to change, so we stand with women’s movements globally who are determined to create a world where the rights of all women are respected, valued and realised. Projects responding to violence 9 against women and girls. In partnership with women’s movements we work towards:

1 An end to all 2 Realising 3 Women having Projects s upporting women’s political forms of violence women’s full equal influence in 7 participation and leadership. against women economic rights decision making and girls. and control over and ability to resources. exercise political Projects advancing women’s power. 2 economic rights.

Policy briefings with a focus on 2 violence against women and women’s economic rights.

Globally 1 in 3 Women own less than Fewer than 20% women experience 20% of the of all parliamentarians violence in their lifetime. worlds land. are women.

The power of partnerships: how we make change happen CHANGE PATHWAYS

Working together towards a INFORMING AND Funding & INFLUENCING Policies and laws that shared goal is the best way Self-care & DECISION-MAKERS for women to achieve their Financing Well being tackle discrimination Women’s and protect women rights. We work in equal movements in are implemented partnership with women’s Womankind’s DEMANDING Connection EFFECTIVE, rights organisations, knowing between focus countries they are best placed to movement have strenght, EVIDENCE-BASED Universal access to Connection to actors SERVICES FOR understand the barriers to wider platforms resilience services that protect and achieving women’s rights in and collective WOMEN restore women’s rights their communities. Through power

extensive consultation with PRIMARY OUTCOMES SUPPORTING Communication over 100 women’s rights & ICT support WOMEN TO ASSERT Social change that activists we’ve identified 7 Feminist THEIR RIGHTS support the rights of key pillars that guide the documentation women and girls & Research SECONDARY OUTCOMES ways we collaborate with our Mapping & partners most effectively for Intersectionality CHANGE PATHWAYS change. 8 9 1 Ending violence against women Together we stand: Last year we continued to support partners working to prevent and respond to violence against women. Through work with women to raise awareness of their combatting violence rights and engaging with community leaders, police and government officials they led efforts for more effective responses to violence. against women with disabilities in Nepal In Ethiopia, Setaweet has developed Gendershops, bespoke training for girls and boys of secondary school age. Workshops were delivered in schools across Ethiopia’s capital city . The curriculum covers everyday sexism, healthy relationships, Suntali Baram developed a hearing impairment as masculinity and the power of sisterhood and aimed to empower participants with the a child. In a country where women with disabilities skills to recognise sexist behaviour, challenge biases against women and ultimately are often socially excluded, Suntali never learned reduce incidences of violence. to communicate through sign language. Through support from our partner the Nepal Disabled The three year project, ‘Community Responses to Violence Against Women’ with Women Association (NDWA) Suntali is seeking justice against her abuser. Federation of Women Lawyers Kenya (FIDA Kenya) and Women’s Legal Aid Centre (WLAC) in Tanzania came to an end during the year. The project aimed to challenge community norms of violence against women and to eradicate harmful practices such as Due to my disability I did not get chance to female genital mutilation (FGM) and child early forced marriage. Funded through the UK receive basic education. I work in farms and Aid Match scheme of the Department for International Development’s (DFID) the project fields, often alone. One day one of the men was awarded an A++ score in recognition of project achievements. “ there raped me. The Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) concluded research on the type This continued to happen from time to time last and prevalence of violence against women and girls with disabilities in Nepal. The key year. I couldn’t share my problems or tell anyone findings underscored the multiple forms of violence experienced including psychological, because of his intimidation. Because of this sexual, and physical. They also confirm that the perpetrators are often family members sexual violence, I eventually became pregnant. and even partners, people on whom women and girls with disabilities are often reliant. Still I was not able to tell any of my family about The study will be used in advocacy and lobbying efforts to promote their rights and my pregnancy. My family only found out about highlight their particular risk of violence. what had happened after I had given birth to my daughter. Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) led a project to document the lived experiences My family started to search for the perpetrator. of lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) people and provide evidence to support demands They went to the police and appealed for help in for greater legal protection for women. FARUG also launched an online campaign to women’s groups. I began to talk about all of the help to strengthen the LBQ movement in Uganda to advocate for their rights to a life abuse I had experienced but the man responsible free from violence. denied everything including being the father of my daughter. People in the community started In Zimbabwe Pakasipiti developed a lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (LBTQ) to judge me and question my character. People Charter setting out their demands for the rights of LBTQ women. The process helped build even blamed me for what happened, saying that a network of influencers who now champion the rights of LBTQ people. The LBTQ Charter my disability meant I was at fault. They don’t also enabled the LBTQ community in Zimbabwe to consolidate their needs and demands, blame the man who did this. This hurts me a lot. and created space to advocate at local, regional and global levels. Because of my lack of education it’s hard for me to communicate with others, the man knows this and uses this as a way to convince people not to believe me.

Then one day NDWA got involved. They helped me to register my case with the district. NDWA has

Sowing seeds of change: policy and advocacy also helped to support me financially with access to funds like the Gender Based Violence Fund As well as working with partners through project work, we’ve also engaged in international for Women and Children. Now that my case is “ advocacy including through the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. registered with the district courts legal proceedings We launched, ‘Breaking the Silence: Ending online violence and abuse against women’s have begun. My daughter and I must get justice rights activists’ which highlighted how women’s rights activists experience online violence and the perpetrator should be punished according and the impact that this has on their work and lives. The briefing is being used to advocate to the law. I need the support from organisations for stronger protections for women online including in advice to the UK government like NDWA who are working for social justice legal through DFID’s Helpdesk on violence against women and girls (VAWG). justice and support for my livelihood.

10 – Suntali Baram 11 Together we strive: 2 young feminists forging their futures in Kenya Championing women’s political Women’s movements are a powerful force for participation and leadership change yet so often young women in Kenya feel excluded. Responding to the call from young feminists to have a space to coalesce and strategise with peers we resourced the Young Feminist In order to reach a truly fair society, women must be involved in decision Convening. Participants attended sessions that making at all levels – from decisions within their households to taking up included tracing the history of women’s movements, leadership positions in the highest offices in the country. In 2018/19 we worked highlighting the work already being done by young with partners to break down the barriers that prevent women from exercising feminists and planning new and effective ways to control over their lives. work together. Here’s what two attendees thought of the event.

In Zimbabwe Deaf Women Included (DWI) worked to amplify the voices of women with The event rejuvenated my passion for disabilities in the community. Through workshops, women with disabilities are learning women’s rights. about the laws in place to protect them, how to become leaders and how to shape a more open and fair society for women with disabilities. The workshops have already seen women report an increase in confidence and a new desire to fight to achieve their full rights. Despite the contentions, difference in opinions and “ raw pain, I was reminded that organising against

patriarchy is not easy and it can get messy. I was In October 2018 we supported Women’s International Peace Centre (WIPC formerly fascinated by the amazing work that the young

known as Isis WICCE) in Uganda to collaborate with feminist organisations to strengthen feminists are engaging in. Whether visibly and the women’s movement in Uganda. It takes collective power to effect change. This project collectively through mobilising around a specific injustice, or individually resisting gender inequality brought together women human rights defenders, activists and women’s organisations, by “ providing space and scope for meetings and discussions. This led to the development of a through local actions that hardly make it to the strategy for the newly formed Women Human Rights Defenders Network (WHRDN-U) in public eye. As I spoke to the young women formally Uganda. and informally throughout the event, I was inspired. I know the event has birthed new relationships, friendships, and networks. The event is a step In Nepal Mitini work to support lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women from the towards building and affirming the solidarity of the discrimination they face. To tackle this, they brought together LBT women to form advocacy feminist movement in Kenya. groups that increased leadership, advocacy and holistic wellbeing skills. The women involved are now aware of their rights and how to put forward their issues and have organised sexual – Ruth Nekura awareness programmes in their communities. The LBT community has also gained increased visibility and participation in local government bodies, thanks to interaction programmes [The Young Feminist Convening] is very significant with the Nepal Police. Enhancing LBT women’s capacity to take action is paving the way for because through this platform we are able to social and political inclusion of LBT women in Nepal. network, understand each other deeply and we’re “ able to connect with each other at the same time. The convening has been important because it was a healing space for some of us. Also this young feminist convening was a rescue space for some of us because

there are so many young women here under threat and being able to come to this space makes it a

safe space where we can share our different issues and everyone can understand us because we easily connect. Sowing seeds of change: policy and advocacy “ Women are woefully neglected from peace processes. Between 2000 and 2016, only 25 of It was very unique bringing different women especially the 1500 peace and political agreements adopted have engaged women in the negotiation from the grassroots, women with disabilities and queer or implementation. Yet, women are affected by conflict in unique ways and must be part women together. It is difficult to find such a convening of the process to achieve sustained peace. In March 2019, together with some members in Kenya, with women sitting down together and of the Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS) network, we launched ‘Beyond understanding our challenges and our struggle - it has Consultations’, a new tool to support more meaningful engagement with women in been a unique thing. fragile and conflict-affected states. Representatives of the UK Government were present at the launch at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and fully endorses the – Editar Ochieng tool, describing it as an essential guide for governments.

12 13 3 Together we rise: claiming economic Realising women’s economic rights power in Ethiopia Facing financial difficulties and forced to borrow money at high interest rates, Serkalem was struggling Having an independent income and ownership of resources such as land is key for to send her children to school and pay for daily women to exercise more control over their own lives. When women lack economic necessities. She joined Siiqqee, and together autonomy, they face an increased risk of violence and limitations to their life choices. alongside other women, has transformed her life for Over the last year we have continued to work with partners and advocate for the the better through a savings group. economic security of women. The Centre for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) has been supporting Before I joined Siiqqee, I had five children women-led businesses since their inception. Last year we started a project with CAWEE to look I couldn’t raise or provide for. I had a very into barriers that women who run small businesses face. CAWEE has conducted research to desperate life. look into the barriers, from struggling to access credit to the lack of affordable childcare, and have engaged with 106 small scale women entrepreneurs to learn more. These findings will be “ I borrowed from individuals at very high interest presented to policy makers to make recommendations to support women to enter the business rates; I’d borrow 100birr and pay 200birr in return. space. I had to borrow for school materials and medicine for my children. I couldn’t afford to save so had to When women experience violence and are forced to flee for their lives, they often lose any borrow money to survive. I didn’t know about family financial support they may have once had. As part of their now completed three year Comic planning. I was not educated. This was the way I was Relief funded project the Association for Women’s Sanctuary and Development (AWSAD) living. has been supporting women who have escaped violence to build their livelihoods and become financially independent. Last year a total of 169 women received skills training and through I heard about Siiqqee after meeting a woman called AWSAD’s partnerships with employers 47% of women secured employment, eventually Wolala. She was going door-to-door inviting women enabling them to leave the shelter and begin new financially independent lives free from to come form a group. I very hesitatingly went to the violence. first meeting. When I joined Siiqqee, it was wonderful. Siiqqee gave us training, and then we organised into groups to save every week. I met other women like me. I came together with other women. We shared; we had concern for one another. Our children got a better Sowing seeds of change: policy and advocacy chance and we are really happy because our lives All women should have access to and control over their finances and other economic resources – are being changed. We have a different way of life such as land and decent work. Yet the current global economy prevents women from being able to now and know how to manage our families and our assert their economic power. businesses.

In March 2019 we launched ‘Towards a just, feminist economy: The role of decent work, public I consider myself privileged to be involved in this services, progressive taxation and corporate accountability in achieving women’s rights’ at the group. I couldn’t afford to educate my children. I United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The briefing looked at the key economic couldn’t give them what they needed. Now, my areas that need to be addressed in order for women to fully achieve their economic rights. We have children have an education. The women in Siiqqee continued advocacy alongside our allies for a United Nations (UN) binding treaty that would hold came to know ourselves. I built confidence because of corporations to account and ensure women’s economic rights are realised. the cash in my pocket. Before I was dependent on my husband to provide for everything. He would decide

to give it to me or not. If not, I would go to get a loan Deepening roots: Womankind and partners at CSW with double repayment. We are so much better off

The annual CSW is an important space for governments and women’s rights now. activists to promote women’s rights, document the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shape global standards on gender equality and the We have come far: we now have a shop to sell our “ empowerment of women. Womankind supports the participation of partners products. Our income will grow from selling and as it is crucial that the voices of all women are heard at important decision producing. We want to be known so that the media making spaces like this. will come and capture our story and share it with . other women. I wish for other women who are in This year, Womankind participated in key events alongside our partners low-paying jobs and living destitute lives to get the drawing attention to a wide range of issues. From Deaf Women Included’s same chance that I got. I hope that Siiqqee expands. focus on access to justice for women with disabilities to Women’s International Peace Centre on responsive social protection for women in – Serkalem conflict affected areas, we ensured that diverse women were represented.

14 15 Together we resist: the “In polarised times we are turning against each other and the concept of sisterhood has become unfashionable. Yet power of feminist movements sisterhood in the political way is precisely the idea that is to change the world needed to transfer our frustrations into purposeful change.” Minna Salami, writer and founder of MsAfropolitan.com

The last 30 years have seen huge efforts made all over the world to improve the But women everywhere continue to resist. They are coming together in women’s lives and rights of women. From the criminalisation of female genital mutilation movements, bringing their expertise, diverse experiences and energy to create (FGM) in Kenya in 2011 to the appointment of the first woman president in new innovative ways to ensure the call for women’s rights will not be ignored or Ethiopia in 2018, women’s movements have done an enormous amount to build silenced. These vibrant movements are unrelenting in their commitments to the safe, inclusive societies where women have the same opportunities and rights as rights of women in their communities and globally. men. Women’s movements continue to be on the frontlines, ensuring their governments Yet despite the achievements made, there is still a long way to go. Latest reports recognise and protect women’s rights. Amidst the environment of increasing from the United Nations indicate that no single country is set to achieve the backlash it is more important now than ever before that women’s movements have goal of gender equality by the target year of 2030. Across the globe women are the resources and support they need to flourish. In the spirit of political sisterhood, facing ever increasing backlash. we stand in solidarity with our partners at international levels, encourage the building of networks between partners that will strengthen movements, and share A rise in anti-rights groups threaten to erase hard won rights and strip power knowledge of the effectiveness of working with women’s movements. from women and those most marginalised. Women’s rights activists and their organisations and movements are experiencing an increasingly hostile One way we’re sharing knowledge to strengthen women’s movements is through environment with more and more restrictions placed on them in an effort to halt our new series of learning papers, the first of which was published in March - the wheel of progress. ‘Stronger Together: The power of feminist programmes to strengthen women’s movements in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe’. The learning paper demonstrates that responsive feminist programming in collaboration with women’s rights organisations will lead to stronger more resilient women’s movements. Movements that will ensure the wheel of progress continues to turn. We are committed to working collaboratively with the women leading the way to change. We hope that the next 30 years will see global gender equality and a world where women and girls can live free from violence, control their economic resources and participate in leadership and decision making. To do that it is vital that support, be it financial, strategic or political, is shared between women’s movements and organisations everywhere. In an uncertain climate we are determined to stand in solidarity with our sisters propelling each other to a world where the rights of all women are respected valued and realised.

16 17 Meet some of our partners Meet some of our team

Pakasipiti began in 2011 when activists came together seeking to challenge Womankind is made up of a small but dedicated team who are patriarchy, embrace diversity and use dialogue for transformation for lesbian, passionate about working towards a world where the rights of all bisexual and transgender persons. Patience Mandishana, Executive Director of women are respected, valued and realised. Find out what drives Pakasipiti reflects on the developments to women’s rights over the 30 years two members of our team, Alicia and Roos, below. and their partnership with Womankind. What is your role at Womankind and what do you enjoy about it? I believe the changes in the women’s movement that have happened globally [over the last I am the Philanthropy Manager at Womankind – I am responsible for our Major 30 years] is that women have now moved into different positions of power, they are now “ Donor and Corporate Partnerships fundraising, which includes our annual Gala. “ challenging patriarchy. In most spaces women can now vote, which was not the case before, I wouldn’t be a fundraiser if I didn’t say getting a nice chunk of money in! and they are now challenging issues around gender based violence. In Zimbabwe I feel the But that’s because I believe so strongly in our cause. We have a database of major thing is women now know their rights. They’re moving into a space where they know potential projects that we want to support our partners to deliver. I get to they have the right to work, the right to education, they are challenging violence read about the incredible impact these projects could have and then persuade and participating in political spaces and taking up positions of power. people to support them! There is no better feeling than getting the news that a new or existing supporter wants to invest in Womankind and a brilliant new Our partnership with Womankind has seen our organisation grow because project can now get started. of their support. We’ve also had guidance from Womankind, there’s been solidarity. We value our partnership with Womankind because it’s also opened Why is working to achieve women’s rights important to you?

up spaces for us to access which we could have never accessed and their It’s important to me because everyone should be able to enjoy and exercise

constant communication and constant updates have also seen our organisation their rights in the same way. We know that the underlying causes of gender collaborating with others and accessing spaces which we’ve never had. inequality and discrimination won’t be solved easily or quickly. But I really trust “ in Womankind’s approach to working directly with partners on movement To the women of the world our message is that we’re a movement by ourselves building… It’s great to know that I am contributing in a small way. And I get but we’re a force when we’re together so let’s keep fostering the spirit of to work with an incredibly passionate group of people that make me excited to ‘Ubuntu’ which is togetherness. come to work– so that’s a real bonus!

What do you hope for the next 30 years of Womankind and women’s rights? I hope that we continue to go from strength to strength“ in supporting women’s movements and organisations to strengthen and grow. But ultimately I hope that we achieve women’s rights and gender equality. I hope that we bring down the patriarchy and have a global celebration! Saathi is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation which was established in 1992 to address contemporary challenges being faced by Nepali women. Alicia Luther-Jones, Philanthropy Manager They provide services such as counselling, medical care and temporary shelter to women survivors of violence. Uma Shah, President of Saathi, speaks to us about the gains of the women’s movement in Nepal and how support from Womankind led to the implementation of the domestic violence legislation. What is your role at Womankind and what do you enjoy about it? I am Policy and Advocacy Manager on Women’s Economic Rights, I love this In Nepali ‘Saathi’ means ‘friend’. We were the first organisation to raise the issue of domestic “ role as it allows me to use my knowledge on feminist economics and advocacy violence in this country. In the last three decades the issues related to women’s rights remain skills strategically working with amazing activists, women human rights “ in the headlines: increasing women’s literacy around the globe and improved political defenders and feminists all over the world to demand better from those in participation of women are some of the key achievements of women’s rights. Nepali women positions of power. have achieved many milestones over the past 30 years. Women have become more aware with the increase in literacy rate. The new constitutional provision that reserves quotas for women’s Why is working to achieve women’s rights important to you? political participation is a real achievement for us. Women are often marginalised in policy and decision-making and I believe we will only achieve human rights for all if we apply a feminist approach to Womankind was very kind to support us in the time of our need, with this our lives. I am using my privilege to demand change and hold governments

support Saathi was able to extend a national network against domestic to account in solidarity with women worldwide. I cannot accept any policy

violence. This network was instrumental in the implementation of the domestic or actions from a government or a business that means people suffer on my

violence act in Nepal in 2009. Womankind was the first“ support organisation behalf. to ever to provide flexible funding which was used for the institutional development of Saathi. To the women across the world we would like to say What do you hope“ for the next 30 years of Womankind and women’s rights? let’s work together towards a gender equal world. Strong feminist movements around the world creating societies in which everyone can truly be themselves in safe, joyful societies in harmony with the environment.

Roosje Saalbrink, Policy and Advocacy Manager: Women’s Economic Rights 18 19 Community support Our supporters Our supporters are the back bone of Womankind. Each year they come up with challenging, fun and creative ideas to raise money and awareness for the rights and lives of women across the world and 2018/19 was no different. In September 2018, 17 year old Dammy organised ‘Rush for Rights’, an event that included Over the past 30 years we have been generously supported by a range of a bubble run obstacle course, games, stalls, and festival style hair and make-up styling. Both individuals, trusts, foundations, statutory donors, community organisations, students and teachers gave musical and dance performances, while guest speakers shared schools and companies who, like us, are passionate about equality and believe empowering words and spoke about equality. Dammy raised an impressive £2,100! in the power of women coming together to transform their lives.

In March 2019 we held our second International Women’s Day gala dinner in St Pauls Leaving a legacy Cathedral. Thanks to the companies and individuals who donated prizes and bought tables, A growing number of Womankind supporters are generously leaving a gift in their the gala committee and the event sponsors EY, Goldman Sachs and Weil, Gotshall and Manges will, allowing their passion and commitment for women’s rights to have a long lasting (London) LLP we raised an incredible £337,109 with an additional £140,000 matched by the UK reach and impact on women around the world. People like Anita are keen for the Government through our Reclaiming Stolen Livelihoods 2019 UK Aid Match campaign. work to realise women’s rights to continue: Hi Anita! How long have you been a supporter of Womankind Worldwide? “ For 11 or 12 years now.

Was there a particular aspect of Womankind’s work that prompted you to leave a gift in

your will? It was Womankind’s commitment to empowering women that particularly resonated with me. I know that any money I leave in my will to Womankind“ will go towards empowering women, Corporate partnerships educating them about their rights and developing their skills for a sustainable livelihood. I’ve had a will for many years and change it regularly. It’s not set in stone. I don’t associate it Long term support allows us to better plan the work we do, which is why we’re with dying, I just want my money to do good. delighted to have been supported by OptiBac Probiotics for the last five years. In 2018/19 alone they donated over £85,900 from their ‘For Women’ probiotics bringing their total donations to Womankind up to over £192,000. We spoke to them about why standing for women’s rights are so important to them. When and why did you first get involved with Womankind? We first got involved with Womankind Worldwide when we were planning the launch of “ our ‘For Women’ probiotic supplement. It’s an incredible product and we wanted to boost its appeal even further by including an ‘on pack’ donation as part of our company values to do good and support others where we can. We were keen to support a women’s charity in particular, and felt that would tie in with the product. Womankind Worldwide felt an amazing fit, as a relatively small organisation but working with partners all over the world and with grassroots level organisations. They seem to really hear and support their partner organisations – being flexible and adapting to different ways of working in different countries, rather than try to go into a country pushing their own agenda or ways of working.

What does the partnership between OptiBac Probiotics and Womankind mean to you? As a board of directors we are all thrilled to be supporting Womankind’s incredible work. Our family all feel strongly about feminism and women’s rights and we’re so happy to know that we can support people’s health, but also contribute in this small way to the global fight for women’s rights. It also feels like one small area where we can get a little bit more political with our contributions and communications! As for our wider team here, they are super engaged and enthused about the fact we support Womankind. Our colleagues are so engaged with this cause. Whilst we actually

donate to a number of organisations as a business, it’s always

Womankind that sticks in the minds of the team here – everyone seems proud to back this cause, and keen that our contributions continue. “

What would you like to see achieved in the next 30 years for women’s rights globally? Equality! Respect! Peace and Happiness!

20 21 Income and expenditure Thank you Of every £1 we spent:

37p Our partners is invested into fundraising ETHIOPIA (WLZ) Our long term supporters give us 58p 1. Addis Continental Institute of Public 40. Women in Politics Support Unit stability and allow us to be sustainable goes to our programmes, Health (AC-IPH) (WiPSU) and strategic in our approach to 5p 2. Association for Women’s Sanctuary 41. Women’s Action Group (WAG) ending violence against women and policy & advocacy work goes to governance and Development (AWSAD) 42. Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe girls, securing women’s economic 3. Association of Women In Business (WCoZ) rights and increasing women political (AWiB) 43. Zimbabwe Chamber of Informal participation. On our anniversary 4. Centre for Accelerated Women’s Economy Associations (ZCIEA) we give special thanks to those who Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) 44. Zimbabwe Women Lawyers have supported us for ten or more 5. Ethiopian Women Lawyers Associa- Association (ZWLA) years over the last 30 years: For every £1 invested in fundraising tion (EWLA) 6. Ethiopian Women with Disability PAN-AFRICA/REGIONAL Andre Bernheim Charitable Trust Womankind generate £5 National Association (EWDNA) 45. African Women’s Development and Bryan Guinness Charitable Trust Ltd 7. Organisation for Women in Self Communication Network (FEMNET) Comic Relief Employment (WISE) 46. Eastern African Sub-regional Sup- Dasvandh Trust 8. Setaweet port Initiative for the Advancement of The David Cutforth Charitable Trust 9. Siiqqee Women’s Development Women (EASSI) The Department for International Association (Siiqqee) 47. Strategic Initiative for Women in Development (DFID) the Horn of Africa (SIHA) The Dorfred Charitable Trust 17% 3% KENYA Downton Banister Charitable Trust Trusts, foundations Other trading activities 10. Federation of Women Lawyers – OTHER Eva Reckitt Trust Fund & major donors Kenya (FIDA Kenya) 48. Tanzania: Women’s Legal Aid The Evan Cornish Foundation £172,000 11. Minority Women in Action (MWA) Centre (WLAC) The Gunter Charitable Trust £891,966 12. Polycom Development Project JAR Innes Trust (Polycom) Our Supporters Mactaggart Third Fund 13. Women Challenged to Challenge All donors and guests at Womankind’s The Madeline Mabey Trust 9% 26% (WCC) Gala Dinner Miss K M Harbinson Charitable Trust Institutional grants Baker McKenzie LLP The Miss S M G Ross Trust Individual giving NEPAL Breitling The Niniski Trust (including Comic Relief) (including Gift Aid) 14. ABC Nepal Bryan Guinness Charitable Trust Ltd The Persula Foundation £453,534 15. Community Action Center (CAC) Cathy Moore The Rest-Harrow Trust £1,326,749 Nepal The Cruach Trust The Roger Vere Foundation 16. Feminist Dalit Organisation (FEDO) The Dischma Charitable Trust Souter Charitable Trust 17. LOOM The Dorfred Charitable Trust Sir Halley Stewart Trust 18. Mitini Nepal Education Services 2010 0.05% 45% 19. National Indigenous Women’s EY Over the last 30 years the following Investments Other Federation (NIWF) The Foreign Service of the Faroes trustS have given generously, a 20. Nepal Disabled Women’s Associa- Formula 1 special thank you goes to: £2,885 (including legacies & events) tion (NDWA) Funderbirds Ajahma Charitable Trust

INCOME 2018/19 21. Saathi Girl-India The Balcombe Charitable Trust £2,352,026 22. Sankalpa - Women’s Alliance for Goldman Sachs International The Baring Foundation Total £5,199,130 Peace, Justice, and Democracy The Goyder Family Trust The Bromley Trust 23. Tewa The Gunter Charitable Trust OptiBac Probiotics 1 24. Voices of Women Media (VOW The Heald Charitable Trust The Staples Trust Media) Helen Carter The Sigrid Rausing Trust 25. Women for Human Rights (WHR) Jane and Gavin Anderson Wates Foundation JA Trust UGANDA Mactaggart Third Fund Our Founder 26. Centre for Domestic Violence McKay Williamson Sir Alec Reed Prevention (CEDOVIP) Modern Pantry 5% 27. Freedom and Roam Uganda Morrison & Foerster (UK) LLP Trustees Governance costs (FARUG) The Niniski Trust Annie Kelly 28. Forum for Women in Democracy O & F Wells Charitable Trust Dr Fenella Porter £147,289 (FOWODE) The Persula Foundation Jennifer Margaret Jones 29. Women’s International Peace Players of the People’s Postcode Lottery Juanita Rosenior 58% Centre (WIPC) [ formerly Isis-Women’s through the Postcode Equality Trust Laura Hucks Ending violence against International Cross-Cultural Exchange The Rhododendron Trust Lia Larson women, ensuring (Isis-WICCE)] Sidley Austin (London) LLP Lubna Qunash 30. Mentoring & Empowerment for Sir Halley Stewart Trust Maggie Baxter OBE women have a say in Young Women (MEMPROW) The St Christopher’s Trust Noelia Serrano ACA DCHA 37% decisions and enabling 31. National Association for Women’s St Clare and St Francis Trust Roshana Arasaratnam Cost of generating women to take control Action in Development (NAWAD) The Staples Trust Siobhan Allen income 32. National Association of Professional Stella McCartney Ltd Susana Leith-Smith of their livelihoods. Environmentalists (NAPE) The Tula Trust Limited Tania Cohen £1,062,241 33. National Association of Women’s Weil, Gotshall and Manges (London) LLP £1,643,989 Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) W F Southall Trust Gala committee 34. National Union of Women with The Westcroft Trust Denise Gibson Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU) YSC Consulting Emma Barrier Lia Larson ZIMBABWE Ambassadors Lubna Qunash EXPENDITURE 2018/19 Total £2,853,518 35. Deaf Women Included (DWI) Agnès Ayekpa Maria Andrisani 36. Female Prisoners Support Trust Paloma Faith Roxana Mirica (Femprist) Zulekha Rahman Susana Leith-Smith 1 We were very fortunate to receive a generous legacy donation from a committed supporter towards the 37. Musasa Dr Kate Young Yasmine Bassili end of the financial year. We have planned to spend this donation over the next five years on projects that 38. Pakasipiti Baroness Helena Kennedy QC deliver impact and sustainability for Womankind and our partners in honour of our generous supporter. 39. Women and Land in Zimbabwe

22 23 Womankind Worldwide Wenlock Studios 50-52 Wharf Road London N1 7EU 020 3567 5930 Company number: 2404121 Registered with Charity number: 328206 Twitter @woman_kind Facebook Womankind Worldwide Instagram @womankindworldiwde www.womankind.org.uk