December 8, 2017 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Water and Light (BWL) up to 2:00 P.M., local time, Tuesday, 01/16/18, for furnishing: RFP Specification: L-5402a REFURBISHED COMBUSTION TURBINE GENERATOR (RCTG) Proposals must be in full accordance with the enclosed Request for Proposal. You are hereby invited to submit a firm fixed Price Proposal (not subject to economic price adjustment) on or before the Bid Due Date listed above, to furnish all design, engineering, labor, supervision, materials, supplies, equipment, and all other services necessary for the REBURBISHED COMBUSTION TURBINE GENERATOR as defined in this request. Proposals shall be submitted in a non-protected, Adobe format and e-mailed to
[email protected]. For ease of identification, enter “RFP Title- Bidder’s Name” in the subject line of your e-mail proposal. You will receive an automatic reply to your submittal which confirms the BWL has received your emailed message. Any electronic Proposals must be received by due date/time deadline to be accepted. Electronic Proposals received after deadline will be rejected. ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS SUBMITTED TO OTHER EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. DO NOT CARBON-COPY (CC) OTHER BWL, KRAMER MANAGEMENT, OR SARGENT & LUNDY REPRESENTATIVES ON PROPOSALS SUBMITTED TO THE SEALED BIDS INBOX. Hard copy proposals are required to be submitted by the next business day after the bid due date and in accordance with the following requirements: “ORIGINAL” Proposal, seven (7) copies and two (2) CD’s containing all proposal documents. Do not include copies of the other BWL RFP documents in your proposal package.