1 PROGRAM SOCIETY FOR UTOPIAN STUDIES TORONTO OCTOBER 4-7, 2012 THURSDAY October 4 Registration 3rd floor corridor 9:00-12:00 Nathaniel Coleman, Architecture and Utopia Master Class Turner Although architecture seems an obvious companion of Utopia, often providing frameworks for speculation, the association between Utopia and architecture remains under-theorized, despite continuing, and even increasing, interest in the relationship between the two. It is precisely this aporia that is the subject of the Toronto Utopian Studies Master Class on Architecture and Utopia: architecture and Utopia are clearly cognate, so why is Utopia largely invisible to architecture, and why is architectural practice mostly so little concerned with philosophical reflection on the nature of the "good life" and its settings? Special registration is required for the master class and entails forwarding a cv, short statement of interest indicating the relevance of the class to the applicant's work, as well as the abstract of the paper to be delivered at the upcoming SUS conference (if a paper is scheduled for presentation). Some familiarity with current work on Architecture and Utopia is encouraged. Contact
[email protected] 12:00-1:30 Lyman Tower Sargent, Seminar on Paper Presentation, Research, Publication, and Building a Career Wren The session starts with a discussion of presentation, followed by a consideration of research, or how you get to the point of presentation, followed by things to do afterward, such as publication of the paper, other ways of publication and the issues involved, some advice on how to build a career, including teaching and relations with students, and then conclude with some points on professional ethics.