Shark World News

Produced by BFS 5th Grade Elementary Edition: December 20th, 2016

Winter Pageant: First -- Time BFS 5th Grade The Word Fight Band By: Kirill Lee

By: Nayoung Jang Ting! What! It’s wrong! “Fifth grade will finally introduce No way! As he blinks his first their instruments,” Sona tells the tears come out and pours out of his Shark World News. Last year for the eye. Wait Wait Wait do you think Winter Pageant, students sang and he actually did that and argued rang bells. However this year, band with judges? No no Jinsoo is a instruments are also in the show! brave kid. Fifth grade has been practicing a lot,

and now they will be performing in the Winter Pageant on Thursday, Taken from Allendale School District December fifteenth, in the Special Winter Break gymnasium. ​ By: Valentine Kim

It’s been four months since school started. And now, BFS students are ready for a winter break on Dec. 22nd!!! Everyone is excited at the winter break especially this year! That’s because lots of things are going around Of course, some of the the world! Trump is president elect, students are nervous to play on stage. President Park is impeached, and In addition, Sona feels the same way Christmas is almost here! Picture of Jinsoo Park also he goes to when she explains her feelings. “I’m BFS is also getting ready for school called Foreign School, … kind of nervous if I do a mistake,” winter break. Christmas decos are BFS!!!! reports Sona. “But I know Mr Chapa everywhere. Even statues are set. Ok so let’s actually meet told me some points to cover my The teachers are excited, too. Jinsoo Park and interview him. mistakes.” Ms. Wesen, the librarian said she is Q & A At the first quarter, the fifth going to do a lot of new things and that Who went to the Spelling Bee? graders got to choose their own she is very excited. “Amm… Nayoung and me went to instruments that they wanted to play. 5th grade teacher Mr. Hellman Spelling Bee and my name is According to the students, they enjoy said, “ This winter break is especially Jinsoo, “ he said. the instrument that they chose and special because I’m going on a trip to What word did you get wrong? like to play them. “I wanted to play Vietnam with my friend.” “I got the word oppressive wrong flute,” said Sona. “It looked very This winter break is special to yeah … o-p-p-e-r-e-s-s-i-v-e cool.” everyone. People are traveling, doing oppressive, “ he said. new things. What are your plans? Although students are -- When was the Spelling Bee nervous, they’re up for the challenge SOM November: Respect SKAC? and ready to play on stage. They are By: Nathan Soumphonphakdy “Amm… the Spelling Bee was in determined and hope for a great “And the winner goes to Micheal November 29th, “ he said. ​ show. “I’m fine,” says Sona. “I’m Jackson!” Where was the Spelling Bee? ready to play.” Have you ever won something? “Amm… the Spelling Bee was in Well there was November SOM ( KFS which means Kwangju Student Of the Month ) for the students International School, “ he said. Fifth Grade will finally who are most seen following a kind of How did you get the word introduce their instruments.” ESLR.This November the elementary wrong? -Sona grades focused on the ESLR of respect. “Amm… I was little nervous and I There were winners from every think I made a mistake,” he said. elementary class. I was able to Why did you go to Spelling Bee

interview two students, Kirill Lee ( 5th ) SCAC? and Danica Deleon ( k5 ). I managed to “Because I won the classroom get some questions from Danica, where Spelling Bee and my father wanted she then went away to play with her me to go to Spelling Bee, “ he friends…… said. Do you think you will win first M: “ What was it like to stand up place next time if you had a there?“ chance, why? “I think so.. Because I mean I D: “ I like it… My face is on the wall.“ won once so I think I’m used to it. M: “How about the certificate? Do you “ he said in his exciting voice. In ∞ VOLLEYBALL SHOWDOWN!! like it?“ The ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ By: David Park D: “ Wha… what is a certibacate????” fact he won 5th grade even though M: “ Certificate. Not certibacate. You he competed a lot of times besides Thunk! Doomp! Bang! The ​ know the paper with your name.“ there were about 17 people who whistle blows while the “opponent's” competed in KFS. blow their cover. D: “ OHH… I get it now… Yeah I like On Saturday, the volleyball it. It’s preeeeetty!!!!!” So until now, Jinsoo Park was a players compete in the SKAC great speller. competition. They were separated -- into two different teams, so they The Race could all play equally. There were 10 By: Jinsoo Park games, 5 pratice, and 5 normal. Let’s hear Gaetane about how she “Boom!” The race competed in the tournament. started and the boys were “I was nervous,” she said. running fast. The race was a “ I didn’t think we were going to 2.5 km course which was pretty lose,“ she also added. long. The sport had running and The tournament took place at DIS. ​ ​ ​ ​ International School. you needed lots of energy. The ​ ​ ​ sport was called cross country. We won some games and the reason was because we practiced really hard. One of the BFS cross country She left and went to go play with her Some players didn’t come so there boy called Youseung said “I ​ ​ was only 2 teams, not 3. friends. At school I was able to like running and I think I am Anyway, since we won some, and interview Kirill Lee from 5th grade. quite fast”, to Shark World ​ we lost some, we still had lot’s of fun. News. Now I will tell you the M: “ How did you feel? ” Try coming to the team if you want to K: “ I felt proud of myself. “ facts of the cross country meet have fun, and you want to eat pizza! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ M: “ How many awards have you and the practice. -- gotten before this one? “ K: “ Two. “ M: “ Do you like seeing your face on the wall? “ K: “ No, no. “ M: “ How about that certificate? “ K: “ Yes I like it, it’s ok.” M: “ Why do you think you won? “ K: “ I helped Markel ( other 5th grader) with his hard times. “ Winter Break ​ By: Sona Park The first cross country meet Kirill then said that he is really proud was in HIS()in August 8, It’s winter Break! Ready for of himself. He continued to keep being ​ ​ ​ some exciting free time! Teacher helpful and Danica went to go play with 2016. The course was at the ​ shouted out loud about the Winter her friends again… mountain. All of the cross Break! Can you feel how excited -- country players were being ready to race. The race started Winter Break will be?! Very exciting Cross Country to enjoy our free time! and the cross country players 4th grade Angie won 2nd place In Busan Foreign School, we By: Gaetane Slootweg ran fast. Youseung once said “I ​ will have Winter Break, on December felt very nervous about the Boom! The girls ran. Mud 22nd, two days before Christmas Eve. ​ race when we started and One week ago, we had Winter splattering everywhere. Soon they when we finished the race I Concert, where we sing and do some were out of sight. felt sort of good and sort of instrument. Everyone was excited 4th grade Angi won second place. bad because my place was about the Winter Break. Most of the The race took place September 8 bad.” During the race, the ​ families will go do some special stuff Thursday. This was a shocking win. cross country players breathed with there own child. Olivia, told the She ran fast and didn’t stop. Her legs heavily and were getting tired. Shark World News that she will be telling her to, but no it didn’t work. Finally, all of the races finished going to restaurant with her parents. Her team was team BFS. and everybody did great . All of In Christmas Eve, Olivia will “ The race was 2k,” said MR. Z. It was the cross country players tried decorate her house with a Christmas all in the forest beneath the trees. The their best and had fun, but tree, and some crafts in her room. path went around and along all the some players got injured during Winter Break can be really green. Before the race above the trees the race. There was one player important and exciting event in same rain started falling. Soon it landed on in our school that got silver time! Some family will be going to the forest grounds. The path was all medal which was Andie. After, ski, play with your parents or even go covered in mud and puddles everything finished the BFS to a vacation. It looks like it’s going everywhere. team went to their school. They to be really fun winter break on were going to be better next December 22nd! time. After, the first cross country Winter Break meet ended the BFS cross country team practiced hard. Schedule! They went to the reservoir and ran for about 3 km. It was very boring and tiring for the BFS Winter Break will be starting on They started training soon after cross country players. Weeks December 22 soccer. The training took place every passed and they were ready for the cross country meet. “The Winter Break will be ending on Tuesday and Friday. Someday’s they ​ January 17 would go to run up Jangsan mountain, training was easy sometimes others around the Reservoir. There when we did the playground runs it was only fun and it Have a great winter with your family are steps. First you jog distances so you get use to running far. Then when was hard when we had to do and hope you liked Winter Break! you get used to it you start running a the figure eights and the laps at the reservoir,” said bit more and training hard. Finally ​ you can start racing in tournaments. “ Youseung to the Shark World At first I liked sprinting, but when I News. joined the club i started jogging,” Angi The second cross country said. meet was in Daegu(DIS)in Angi made it. “I felt really excited of October 8,2016. The course what my friends would say when they was at the mountain. The BFS see my medal,” Angi said. cross country team was getting ready to race. The race started and the cross country players ran fast. During, the race the cross country players were getting tired. Finally, all of the races finished and it was the ceremony time. Two of the middle schoolers in our school got silver and bronze medal who was Alex and Hyun Jun. There was also one high school girl who got gold medal who was Jihong. As a result of practicing a lot in the reservoir most of the BFS cross country players did better. Everybody had fun and had a great experience.