ActionAid Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop a campaign to defend the territorial rights and livelihoods of indigenous and traditional populations in the Cerrado AMOUNT: $100,048.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: December 2016

Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase and improve news media coverage of deforestation and land use issues in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $155,279.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2016

Agroicone – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to develop an implementation roadmap for mainstreaming verified deforestation‐free beef production in AMOUNT: $422,077.00 DURATION: 20 months / Start date: December 2014

Alternativas para Pequena Agricultura no Tocantins (APATO) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to improve territorial management of traditional production systems of Quilombola communities in Tocantins state through the development of social maps and collective Environmental Rural Registries AMOUNT: $94,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: December 2016

Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural de Juruena (ADERJUR) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to consolidate the sustainable Brazil Nut production system in the Juruena region of Mato Grosso, through the creation of a Rotating Fund to scale up annual production benefiting family farmers and indigenous people AMOUNT: $230,000.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: May 2017

Association of the Interstate Movement of the Babassu Coconut Breakers (MIQCB) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen the Interstate Movement of Babassu Coconut Breakers and build its members’ capacity to advocate for their rights over the babassu forests AMOUNT: $600,000.00 DURATION: 23 months / Start date: February 2015

Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (IBASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to promote indigenous peoples’ oversight and participation in National Bank for Social and Economic Development (BNDES) policies AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: September 2015

Cardume Socioambiental – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop a spatial database of CLUA’s Brazil Initiative projects to help inform strategic planning and future portfolio monitoring AMOUNT: $9,954.00 DURATION: 3 months / Start date: January 2017

Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro Para O Desenvolvimento Sustentavel S/C (CEBDS) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture’s strategic planning and governance revision, and to promote and facilitate member and non‐member NGO and social movements’ participation in the discussions AMOUNT: $100,516.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: December 2016

Conservation International Brasil (Conservação Internacional) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support and monitor the implementation of the Environmental Rural Registry (CAR) and the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA) in the Amazon region AMOUNT: $636,502.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: February 2015

Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) – Good Energies Grant PURPOSE: to help prevent deforestation and mitigate climate change by supporting the effective implementation of tradeable forest credits (CRA) in Bahia and other Brazil states AMOUNT: $111,745.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: January 2017

Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to build indigenous peoples' organizations institutional capacity to defend their rights in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $428,000.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: August 2016

Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) actions to defend indigenous peoples’ territorial rights in the context of a federal government transition AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: June 2015

Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras na Agricultura Familiar do Brasil (FETRAF) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to ensure effective implementation of the Forest Code in family farm areas of the Amazon region AMOUNT: $113,960.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: December 2015

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) ‐ Institute on Urban and Regional Research and Planning (IPURR) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to conduct the second phase of an applied research project on the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES) AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: March 2015

Federation of Agencies for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to promote exchange of experiences among community based natural resources projects AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: January 2017

Federation of Agencies for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to enable rural communities to participate in the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: May 2016

Ford Foundation ‐ Brazil – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to support the coordination of CLUA's Brazil Initiative AMOUNT: $473,201.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: January 2017

Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa (FUNDEP) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to educate key stakeholders on the potential for the Environmental Reserve Quota (CRA) market and its expanded version (CRA‐PES) to advance zero deforestation, emissions reductions and biodiversity targets AMOUNT: $199,755.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: July 2016

Fundação Getulio Varga (FGV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to expand the adoption of the Low Carbon Agriculture Program in the Amazon region AMOUNT: $400,775.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: December 2015

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to monitor the implementation of and foment debate around Brazil's NDC commitments, including the generation of high quality data on GHC emissions AMOUNT: $391,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: June 2017

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to monitor implementation of Brazil’s National Climate Change Policy, including commitments made during COP21 in Paris and the revised National Anti‐Deforestation Plan AMOUNT: $390,422.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: June 2016

Greenpeace Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop future strategies for monitoring supply chain commitments in the Amazon and Cerrado AMOUNT: $179,550.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: December 2016

Indigenous Council of Roraimal (CIR) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to provide legal defense to indigenous people to guarantee the officially recognized indigenous lands that are threatened by agribusiness and mining, strengthen the indigenous peoples' women's movement in the Amazon, and improve their communications capac AMOUNT: $275,000.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: March 2016

Instituto BVRio (BVRio) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase markets for legal timber through the expansion of BVRio’s Responsible Timber Exchange Platform, targeting domestic and foreign markets AMOUNT: $178,834.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: November 2016

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to foster Forest Code scaling up in Mato Grosso state by implementing three municipal‐level pilot projects and unlocking settlements’ CAR validation AMOUNT: $310,158.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: July 2017

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to provide a cost extension which will continue to support a zero illegal deforestation strategy in Mato Grosso state AMOUNT: $80,210.00 DURATION: 2 months / Start date: May 2017

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the implementation of a zero illegal deforestation strategy in Mato Grosso AMOUNT: $440,500.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: June 2016

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the testing of a scalable model to cost‐effectively accelerate verified deforestation‐free beef production in the Alta Floresta region in Mato Grosso, Brazil AMOUNT: $1,800,000.00 DURATION: 26 months / Start date: November 2014

Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to assess the implementation of Open Government (OG) practices in the environmental sector in Brazil, develop action plans and roadmaps to increase OG practices, and increase the capacity of civil society coalitions and government bodies to embed these pr AMOUNT: $229,909.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: November 2016

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the development of a financial mechanism and pilot program to compensate the owners of Legal Reserve surplus in Mato Grosso AMOUNT: $150,102.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: March 2017

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to reduce deforestation in Mato Grosso and Amazonas states, and at the Federal level, by expanding implementation and monitoring of State Plans to Reduce Deforestation AMOUNT: $150,092.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: December 2016

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote a national science‐based political debate on pathways to zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon before 2030 AMOUNT: $50,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: November 2016

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop a five‐year Family Farming Plan for socioeconomic inclusion and reducing deforestation in Mato Grosso AMOUNT: $250,000.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: July 2016

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to reduce deforestation and foster low emissions development in the Amazon region by improving local environment governance, supporting Forest Code implementation and promoting economic incentives AMOUNT: $475,000.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: July 2015

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to engage civil society and social movements in the development, implementation and monitoring of the Green Settlements Program (PAV) AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: October 2015

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support civil society stakeholders in an effort to ensure a strengthened and permanent Soy Moratorium or alternative mechanism that affords robust forest protection in the Amazon AMOUNT: $235,749.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: December 2015

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop a strategy for implementation of the Zero Net Deforestation (ZND) commitment of Pará State from 2020 onwards AMOUNT: $193,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: October 2015

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to reduce illegal deforestation associated with land speculation in the Para State of Brazil AMOUNT: $245,000.00 DURATION: 20 months / Start date: June 2015

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to enhance the effectiveness of zero‐deforestation beef and grain commitments in the Amazon by increasing transparency into their implementation AMOUNT: $1,040,275.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: December 2015

Instituto Escolhas – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop and disseminate an assessment of the macroeconomic, social and environmental impacts and tradeoffs of at least three alternatives for zeroing deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $249,786.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: July 2016

Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to provide technical assistance to the community forest management operations of six communities of the Extractive Reserve Verde para Sempre in Pará state AMOUNT: $149,057.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: December 2016

Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop a Forest Residency Program aimed at improving community forest management practices in the Virola Jatoba Settlement in Pará State AMOUNT: $84,718.00 DURATION: 21 months / Start date: July 2016

Instituto Internacional de Educação do Brasil (IEB) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop a community forestry observatory to monitor policies, capacity, and commercial agreements with communities in Pará State AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: December 2016

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to improve transparency and compliance with Forest Code implementation, particularly regarding traditional peoples’ rights AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DURATION: 20 months / Start date: November 2015

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to bolster traditional peoples’ capacity and actions to guarantee their rights, and guarantee public awareness of traditional peoples’ rights in both the national and the global sustainable development agenda AMOUNT: $205,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: March 2016

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to raise public awareness on traditional peoples’ territorial rights in the Brazilian Amazon through research, advocacy, and communications activities AMOUNT: $340,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: May 2015

National Wildlife Federation (NWF) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to engage global commodity buyers around sourcing commitment and standards, and developing commodity financing solutions as part of the Collaboration for Forests and Agriculture (CFA) AMOUNT: $3,572,100.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: February 2016

Operação Amazônia Nativa (OPAN) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to build the capacity of a key civil society network in Mato Grosso state to advocate for better implementation, participation and transparency of socioenvironmental policies, including the State’s plan to reduce deforestation AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: December 2016

Para State Public Ministry – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to implement Land Conflict Management Chambers to resolve land disputes in critical municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $400,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2016

Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) – Good Energies Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen indigenous peoples' right to their native lands as a key strategy for protecting large, contiguous areas of rainforest in selected parts of the Amazon AMOUNT: $782,215.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: January 2017

Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais de Santarém (STTR) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to enable rural communities' participation in the Green Rural Settlements Program AMOUNT: $216,000.00 DURATION: 29 months / Start date: December 2014

Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais de Santarém (STTR) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to implement the Rural Environment Registry (CAR) for community lands AMOUNT: $380,000.00 DURATION: 32 months / Start date: September 2013

Solidaridad – Good Energies Grant PURPOSE: to incubate climate smart rural business alternatives in four landscapes (including the Brazilian Amazon) and develop a digital platform to monitor and to scale the intervention AMOUNT: $1,117,450.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2016

Stanford University, Institute of Environment – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the design of effective supply chain and policy instruments that can avoid future deforestation through beef and soy intensification in South America AMOUNT: $551,329.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2014

State Secretariat for Family Agriculture of the State of Maranhão (SAF) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to guarantee better implementation of land regularization policies and to guarantee land rights for rural communities in the Brazilian state of Maranhão AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: May 2016

Terras App Solutions – Good Energies Grant PURPOSE: to improve transparency and traceability of key agricultural supply chains through the use of geospatial apps, allowing for more sustainable and deforestation‐free farm‐level AMOUNT: $335,235.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: April 2017

The Nature Conservancy, Inc. (TNC) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to engage global commodity buyers around sourcing commitment and standards, and developing commodity financing solutions as part of the Collaboration for Forests and Agriculture (CFA) initiative AMOUNT: $9,407,305.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: February 2016

Uma Gota no Oceano – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen the capacity of Uma Gota no Oceano as a Brazilian communications organization specialized in socio‐environmental causes in the Amazon AMOUNT: $42,283.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: August 2016

Uma Gota no Oceano – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to raise public awareness on indigenous peoples’ and traditional peoples’ territorial rights in Brazil through a nationwide campaign AMOUNT: $220,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: April 2016

Uma Gota no Oceano – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to raise public awareness on indigenous peoples’ and traditional peoples’ territorial rights through a nationwide campaign AMOUNT: $190,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: January 2015

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão ‐ UEMA – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to implement a social mapping initiative to depict the effects of government policies and agricultural strategies on traditional peoples and communities, particularly in the state of Maranhão AMOUNT: $250,000.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: September 2016

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote traditional productive practices of rural communities in Pará and Maranhão states that help combat deforestation by addressing gaps in relevant regulations and their implementation AMOUNT: $172,046.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: December 2016

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to support government efforts to regulate and guarantee land rights in the Amazon through the expansion of a database integrating land, agrarian and environmental data AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2015

University of Goiás – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the measurement, validation and accurate mapping of pasture degradation, productivity, and provision of related ecosystem services in Brazil AMOUNT: $544,500.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2014

University of Wisconsin – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to assess and monitor the impact of supply chain interventions for deforestation‐free cattle and soy production in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes AMOUNT: $2,140,836.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: January 2016

World Resources Institute Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to encourage government and private sector to improve their climate mitigation strategies by incorporating land use emissions monitoring and accounting in their practices AMOUNT: $160,000.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: December 2016

World Resources Institute Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to deploy the GHG Protocol Calculation Toolset for Agriculture and Livestock and mobilize Amazonian beef supply chains towards sustainable agriculture and cattle ranching techniques AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: December 2014

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to engage global commodity buyers around sourcing commitment and standards, and developing commodity financing solutions as part of the Collaboration for Forests and Agriculture (CFA) initiative AMOUNT: $11,119,830.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: February 2016


Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase and improve news media coverage of deforestation and land use issues in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $315,260.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: April 2015

Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase and improve the news media coverage of deforestation and land use policies in the Brazilian Amazon, AMOUNT: $426,516.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: December 2013

Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop media analysis and capacity building for Brazilian and international media vehicles on key Brazilian deforestation issues AMOUNT: $249,681.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: November 2012

Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to expand journalists' access to high‐quality information on the proposed Brazilian Forest Code AMOUNT: $121,859.00 DURATION: 6 months / Start date: October 2011

Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (ANDI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to analyze media coverage of the Forest Code debate AMOUNT: $33,310.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: August 2011

Agro‐Satelite – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to improve the understanding of current deforestation dynamics and the potential for future conversion from crop expansion in the Cerrado biome, Brazil AMOUNT: $400,520.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: October 2014

Alianca da Terra – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to test the implementation of two transparent supply chains, for responsible beef and soybeans, in Brazil, and to create the conditions for scalability AMOUNT: $817,500.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2013

Amigos da Terra‐ Amazonia – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop economic incentives proposals for zero‐deforestation livestock production in Brazil AMOUNT: $149,997.00 DURATION: 9 months / Start date: October 2012

Amigos da Terra‐ Amazonia – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: analysis and dialogue to advance policy and market mechanisms to intensify ranching with the intent of reducing GHG emissions from cattle ranching and its expansion AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: December 2010

Associacao O Eco – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to analyze the use and effectiveness of federal and state governments’ public spending to reduce deforestation between 2007 and 2013, particularly in Brazil’s Pará and Mato Grosso states. AMOUNT: $53,296.00 DURATION: 9 months / Start date: September 2014

Association of the Interstate Movement of the Babassu Coconut Breakers (MIQCB) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to create a fund to support sustainable community‐based projects and to support the development of a large‐scale proposal for the Amazon Fund AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 31 months / Start date: July 2012

Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (IBASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to analyze the Brazilian government‐launched Bolsa Verde Program AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 8 months / Start date: April 2012

California Environmental Associates (CEA) – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to complete an assessment of potential opportunities and challenges for reducing deforestation in the Cerrado biome, Brazil AMOUNT: $111,180.00 DURATION: 7 months / Start date: January 2016

California Environmental Associates (CEA) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to conduct a comprehensive conservation assessment of the Cerrado biome in Brazil AMOUNT: $371,000.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: November 2014

Canumà Consultoria e Assessoria Empresarial LTDA – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop an analysis on the integration of anti‐deforestation policies at State and National levels in Brazil as well as civil society organization initiatives to monitor them to inform CLUA priorities AMOUNT: $43,900.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: July 2013

Centro de Jornalismo Investigativo (Pública) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote community land use rights in the Amazon region through public debate and mainstream media coverage of key public policies AMOUNT: $86,525.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: October 2015

Centro de Jornalismo Investigativo (Pública) – ClimateWorks GrantPURPOSE: to expand dissemination of a series of multimedia reports on the impacts of infrastructure investments in the Amazon Region AMOUNT: $70,884.00 DURATION: 8 months / Start date: July 2013

Centro de Jornalismo Investigativo (Pública) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to produce a series of multimedia reports on infrastructure projects in the Amazon Region AMOUNT: $54,690.00 DURATION: 7 months / Start date: June 2012

Cidadania Estudos Urbanos, Ltd (CEU) – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to assess the role of Brazilian civil society organizations in climate change policy since Copenhagen AMOUNT: $62,342.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: April 2013

Cidadania Estudos Urbanos, Ltd (CEU) – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to evaluate civil society’s efforts to influence the Forest Code debate in order to develop short‐and long‐term strategies moving forward AMOUNT: $35,668.00 DURATION: 3 months / Start date: March 2012

Conservation International Brasil (Conservação Internacional) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to monitor and support effective and transparent implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR, in Portuguese) as part of the new Forest Code AMOUNT: $532,258.00 DURATION: 21 months / Start date: May 2013

Editora Globo S.A. – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to increase of the profile of Amazon deforestation and land use issues in the Brazilian media through two published special supplements in the weekly magazine, Época AMOUNT: $170,000.00 DURATION: 8 months / Start date: September 2014

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to reduce deforestation and forest degradation through protected area and watershed management in Xingu River Basin, Brazil AMOUNT: $2,419,735.00 DURATION: 30 months / Start date: November 2011

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) ‐ Research Institute on Urban and Regional Research and Planning (IPURR) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to research and analyze the role of BNDES and its impact on social and environmental justice AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 30 months / Start date: January 2012

Federation of Agencies for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to enable community access to Amazon Fund financial resources by strengthening the DEMA Fund and creating a new community fund managed by women’s social movements AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 17 months / Start date: August 2013

Federation of Agencies for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen Fundo DEMA's management, monitoring and evaluation systems and develop a communications strategy for the fund AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 39 months / Start date: March 2011

Federation of Agencies for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen civil society articulations on climate and forests at the local, national and international level AMOUNT: $120,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: February 2011

Folha de S. Paulo (FSP) – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to promote public dialogue on the topic of eliminating AMOUNT: $226,000.00 DURATION: 5 months / Start date: June 2015

Forest Trends Association – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the development of scalable private‐public co‐investment opportunities for the reduction of deforestation in Brazil AMOUNT: $170,660.00 DURATION: 21 months / Start date: June 2011

Foundation Administered Program (FAP) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to build capacity of locally‐based civil society and social movement organizations to prepare proposals for the Amazon Fund AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 36 months / Start date: January 2011

Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa (FUNDEP) – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to analyze the economic and financial feasibility of a potential Environmental Reserve Quota (CRA) Market in Brazil AMOUNT: $168,128.00 DURATION: 8 months / Start date: May 2014

Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa (FUNDEP) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop comprehensive, integrated, and spatially explicit data and policy recommendations to move the beef , in particular in the Amazon Region, from its current extensive production to a more efficient, value‐added, and environmental AMOUNT: $552,978.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: June 2013

Fundação de Empreendimentos Científicos e Tecnológicos (FINATEC)/ Universidade de Brasília – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop an agenda and roadmap for the scientific community on the inclusion of regrowth, restoration and degradation in carbon accounting models for forest and other land use sectors AMOUNT: $87,656.00 DURATION: 31 months / Start date: February 2014

Fundação Getulio Varga (FGV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to improve the implementation of the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan and expand the adoption of the Program in the Amazon Region AMOUNT: $562,810.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: November 2013

Fundação Getulio Varga (FGV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to establish a civil society initiative to contribute to the implementation of the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan and Program AMOUNT: $363,975.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: September 2012

Fundacao Roberto Marinho (FRM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop and operate a community forest management pilot program that will provide technical assistance to rural extension agents in Para State AMOUNT: $350,000.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: December 2015

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to continue work on the System to Estimate Greenhouse Gases Emissions (SEEG) platform as an information source to promote climate change mitigation within the Brazilian government AMOUNT: $60,000.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: October 2015

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to produce an improved version of the System to Estimate Greenhouse Gases Emissions (SEEG) platform as an information source to promote climate change mitigation within the Brazilian government’s long‐term development plans AMOUNT: $218,900.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: October 2014

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to establish a system and an open‐source platform to enable the Climate Change Observatory (OC) to estimate, analyze and disseminate information on Brazilian GHG emissions AMOUNT: $192,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: August 2013

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: research and analysis for the Ministry of Environment to support the implementation of the Brazil's National Climate Change Policy with emphasis on opportunities to reduce emissions from land use AMOUNT: $40,000.00 DURATION: 5 months / Start date: November 2012

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support research and analysis for the Ministry of Environment related to Brazil's national climate change policy with emphasis on opportunities to reduce emissions from land use AMOUNT: $103,500.00 DURATION: 11 months / Start date: November 2011

Fundaçion Avina – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for support of advising the Brazilian Ministry of Environment on REDD initiatives AMOUNT: $132,000.00 DURATION: 20 months / Start date: March 2010

Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Funbio) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop an analysis of potential financial mechanisms for the development of the Amazon region AMOUNT: $250,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: July 2012

Geoplus LTDA – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to support Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA)’s efforts to reduce deforestation in rural settlements in the Amazon by 80% through an Amazon Fund proposal aimed at implementing INCRA’s Green Settlements Program (PAV) AMOUNT: $120,870.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: September 2014

Gondwana ME – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to improve the Climate Observatory’s outreach work through the development and initial implementation of a communications strategy, with particular attention to Brazil's National Climate Change Plan, sectoral mitigation plans, and post 2020 targets AMOUNT: $133,680.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: December 2014

Greenpeace Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for critical analysis of the National Climate Change Policy AMOUNT: $102,574.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: September 2012

Greenpeace Brasil – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support a workshop to develop a roadmap for the political, economic and sectoral measures necessary for Brazil to develop and implement zero deforestation AMOUNT: $92,365.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: April 2012

Grupo de Trabalho Amazonico (GTA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to inform and build the capacity of GTA members regarding the REDD+ agenda AMOUNT: $400,000.00 DURATION: 32 months / Start date: May 2012

Grupo de Trabalho Amazonico (GTA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen its capacity to influence public policies that affect traditional peoples in the Amazon, particularly in relation to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiatives and the recently created Fundo Amazonia AMOUNT: $400,000.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: June 2010

Instituto Análise – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to analyze public awareness and opinion about issues affecting the Amazon Region, including development and deforestation, the role of agribusiness, the new Forest Code, and the Amazon's traditional peoples AMOUNT: $119,855.00 DURATION: 7 months / Start date: December 2013

Instituto BVRio (BVRio) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote the Forest Legal Reserve Credits (CRA, in Portuguese) mechanism in Pará and Mato Grosso States AMOUNT: $120,000.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: September 2013

Instituto BVRio (BVRio) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support a platform for tradable forest legal reserve credits, a mechanism already authorized by the Brazilian Forest Code AMOUNT: $238,610.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: August 2012

Instituto BVRio (BVRio) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the establishment of the social, institutional and legal conditions for the consolidation and expansion of the Green Trade Platform as a market‐based mechanism that will allow landowners to comply with current forest code regulations in key Bra AMOUNT: $600,143.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: September 2013

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to reduce deforestation in Mato Grosso by strengthening compliance with environmental laws and engaging key stakeholders in a "zero deforestation" agenda AMOUNT: $250,000.00 DURATION: 9 months / Start date: September 2015

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to lower deforestation rates in Mato Grosso by monitoring and strengthening forest related policies, empowering local civil society and increasing the national level media outreach of ICV and its partners AMOUNT: $165,000.00 DURATION: 6 months / Start date: January 2015

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase transparency in the regulatory framework of environmental agencies in the Amazon region AMOUNT: $74,000.00 DURATION: 7 months / Start date: November 2014

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to lower deforestation rates in Mato Grosso by monitoring and strengthening forest related policies, empowering local civil society and increasing the national level media outreach of ICV and its partners AMOUNT: $389,000.00 DURATION: 11 months / Start date: April 2014

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to consolidate the reduction in deforestation and forest degradation in Mato Grosso* AMOUNT: $112,500.00 DURATION: 5 months / Start date: January 2014

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to consolidate the reduction in deforestation and forest degradation in Mato Grosso AMOUNT: $450,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: November 2012

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote implementation of Mato Grosso's State plan to control deforestation and support the construction of the state's REDD program AMOUNT: $420,000.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: September 2011

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for support of project to make REDD work in state of Mato Grosso AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: August 2010

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support six municipalities in northern Mato Grosso state to structure land management plans, control deforestation, and create conditions for sustainable local development AMOUNT: $755,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: October 2013

Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support an integrated approach to promote deforestation‐free beef and soy value chains in Mato Grosso State AMOUNT: $1,907,319.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2012

Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos (INESC) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for REDE‐Brazil to coordinate input from leading Brazilian NGOs and from the network involved in monitoring BNDES projects AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: December 2010

Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos (INESC) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to work with public budget and monitoring of actions at the National Congress in Brazil AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: December 2010

Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to inform rural producers how to apply the new Forest Code on their properties AMOUNT: $97,625.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: November 2013

Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to increase awareness and engagement about revisions to the Brazilian Forest Code, especially amongst Brazilian youth AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DURATION: 7 months / Start date: August 2011

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen municipal‐level environmental governance, contribute to the implementation of the Forest Code, and identify opportunities to redirect tax policies and economic incentives to support sustainable activities in the Amazon Region (cost extension AMOUNT: $231,566.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: April 2015

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen municipal‐level environmental governance, contribute to the implementation of the Forest Code, and identify opportunities to redirect tax policies and economic incentives to support sustainable activities in the Amazon Region (cost extension AMOUNT: $219,163.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: December 2014

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen municipal‐level environmental governance, contribute to the implementation of the Forest Code, and identify opportunities to redirect tax policies and economic incentives to support sustainable activities in the Amazon Region

AMOUNT: $1,004,334.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: November 2013

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for research, analysis and the development of policy recommendations for a special tax system for reforestation and forest conservation AMOUNT: $138,950.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: April 2013

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote the implementation of the National Climate Change Policy, develop a proposal of fiscal reform and contribute to the implementation of the new Forest Code AMOUNT: $1,006,000.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: September 2012

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to create the enabling conditions for achieving the goals of Brazil's National Climate Change Plan AMOUNT: $1,906,948.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2011

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: One year of counterpart funding to support the implementation of a major smallholder payment for environmental services project financed by the Amazon Fund AMOUNT: $295,000.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: December 2010

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: Accelerating Brazil's transition to sustainable low‐emission development AMOUNT: $1,783,349.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: July 2010

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to support the implementation of the Green Rural Settlement Program (PAV) in the Amazon AMOUNT: $400,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: July 2014

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to enable the participation of rural communities in the implementation of INCRA's Green Rural Settlements Program AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: April 2013

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to evaluate and quantify the socio‐environmental shortcomings of rural settlements in the Amazon to help shape National Land Institute (INCRA) policy AMOUNT: $500,000.00 DURATION: 27 months / Start date: January 2012

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support civil society stakeholders in developing a post‐2014 Soy Moratorium alternative that affords robust protection in the Amazon and, potentially, the Cerrado biome AMOUNT: $224,256.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: October 2014

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support analyses of the impact of state policies to reduce deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, the establishment of a stakeholder supported platform for continuous monitoring of validated, ground‐truthed indicators of policy impact, and the operatio AMOUNT: $2,314,034.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2012

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to promote sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazonia as an issue for presidential and gubernatorial candidates to address during the 2014 election campaign AMOUNT: $221,000.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: June 2014

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to ensure that the Green Municipalities Program (PMV) has an appropriate management and governance structure in place to implement the Amazon Fund project; and to support Pará State implementation of the new Forest Code AMOUNT: $220,000.00 DURATION: 11 months / Start date: June 2014

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the government of Pará state with the implementation of the illegal deforestation embargo list AMOUNT: $170,000.00 DURATION: 11 months / Start date: April 2014

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to enhance the use of Imazon's deforestation alert system to monitor key municipalities in Para State and estimate carbon emissions and land degradation in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $422,801.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: January 2014

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support capacity building for the use of the SAD system to monitor deforestation at key municipalities of Para State AMOUNT: $595,465.00 DURATION: 15 months / Start date: October 2012

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to accelerate the implementation of the Green Municipalities Program (PMV) and Low Carbon Agriculture (ABC) Plan and Program in Pará State AMOUNT: $902,260.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: September 2012

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support the Deforestation Alert System (SAD) and its coupled Carbon Emission Simulator, as well as training to apply this information in regulatory and law enforcement processes AMOUNT: $500,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: September 2011

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to analyze the changed relationship between revenue from agricultural commodities and Amazon deforestation AMOUNT: $80,225.00 DURATION: 17 months / Start date: August 2011

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: Deforestation monitoring in the Brazilian Amazon with a focus on deforestation hotspot municipalities AMOUNT: $494,628.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: July 2010

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to support research and mapping of rural settlements and quilombos in Pará and the development of policy and environmental licensing pilot programs AMOUNT: $350,000.00 DURATION: 30 months / Start date: May 2012

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to assess potential policies and environmental tools created by the national climate change policy and new forest code to be incorporated in the Green Municipalities Program aimed at reducing deforestation in Pará AMOUNT: $210,000.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: November 2013

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to assess, monitor and enhance the effectiveness, impact and durability of current policy instruments related to sustainable sourcing of beef, and to design and promote ways of streamlining environmental licensing in the Pará state in order to reduce envi AMOUNT: $424,511.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2012

Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazonia (Imazon) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support of reduced deforestation and forest degradation in protected areas of the Amazon Basin, the implementation of management plans in production forests of the Calha Norte Protected Area mosaic, and the establishment of deforestation‐free cattle pr AMOUNT: $1,149,009.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: August 2010

Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support of the establishment of reduced impact logging practices and the elimination of illegal, conventional logging in Brazilian frontiers of deforestation AMOUNT: $586,832.00 DURATION: 9 months / Start date: July 2011

Instituto Internacional de Educação do Brasil (IEB) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to support implementation of community forest management plans by leaders and community organizations in potentially threatened areas in Pará State AMOUNT: $249,900.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: October 2015

Instituto Internacional de Educação do Brasil (IEB) – M.A. Cargill Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen community and family forest management in the BR‐163 region of Para State, Brazil to serve as an effective land‐use model for low‐carbon development AMOUNT: $650,000.00 DURATION: 18 months / Start date: September 2013

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to ensure the application of the new forest code does not lead to an increase in deforestation by supporting the Forest Code Observatory, monitoring implementation and related judicial action, and promoting the inclusion of economic incentives in key agri AMOUNT: $250,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: October 2013

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to create a partnership with the indigenous federal agency to support the environmental management of indigenous people's lands and strengthen conflict management instruments within the Sustainable Amazon Forum (FAS) AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: May 2012

Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to ensure public awareness of the possible negative impacts of Forest Code revisions and ensure the design and implementation of REDD instruments benefit traditional communities AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: March 2011

Marupiara Estudos Projectos – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop an analysis of lessons learned and next steps for removing municipalities in the Amazon region from the deforestation blacklist AMOUNT: $150,468.00 DURATION: 11 months / Start date: August 2013

Move – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to conduct an external evaluation of CLUA’s grants to Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de Amazonia (IPAM) aimed at transitioning to a low‐emissions economy, implementing Brazil’s National Climate Change Policy and reducing deforestation in the Brazilian Am AMOUNT: $131,916.00 DURATION: 6 months / Start date: July 2014

National Wildlife Federation (NWF) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support implementation of Consumers Goods Forum members’ commitments to sourcing zero‐deforestation beef from the Amazon by 2020, coordinate related affiliate groups, and facilitate the sharing of lessons learned AMOUNT: $484,188.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: July 2013

New Forests Advisory – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the design, and advise on the implementation, of market based conservation incentives to private landowners in the Amazon aimed at developing ecosystem service products and incentives for private landowners in Brazil AMOUNT: $566,953.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: October 2010

Officium Projetos Especiais – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to provide input and recommendations for redefining CLUA’s Brazil Objective focused on increasing media attention AMOUNT: $20,200.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: September 2016

Officium Projetos Especiais – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop and manage content for the ABC Observatory's website and social media to support the implementation and refinement of the Federal Government's Low Carbon Agriculture Plan AMOUNT: $16,730.00 DURATION: 3 months / Start date: May 2015

Officium Projetos Especiais – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to assist with internal and external communications for the CLUA Brazil Initiative AMOUNT: $76,470.00 DURATION: 17 months / Start date: February 2015

Officium Projetos Especiais – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop and manage content for the ABC Observatory's website and social media to support the implementation and refinement of the Federal Government's Low Carbon Agriculture Plan AMOUNT: $70,000.00 DURATION: 13 months / Start date: April 2014

Pindorama Filmes Ltda – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to develop and exhibit a TV series on how to sustain the reduction in deforestation and develop a green‐growth development model for the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $493,062.00 DURATION: 14 months / Start date: March 2014

Pivotal Advisory do Brasil Ltda ME – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to convene a multi‐stakeholder coalition to promote a Third Way vision and alternative economic development model for the Amazon based on its biological and biomimetic assets AMOUNT: $100,000.00 DURATION: 6 months / Start date: December 2016

Pólen Socioambiental e Cultural Ltda. – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to conduct an external evaluation of CLUA’s grants to Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) between 2010‐2015. AMOUNT: $41,354.00 DURATION: 6 months / Start date: July 2015

Proforest – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to improve the governance and define the strategic vision for the Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock (GTPS) in order to strengthen its effectiveness in advancing the sustainability of the cattle value chain in Brazil AMOUNT: $400,500.00 DURATION: 19 months / Start date: December 2013

State University of Foundation (Funcamp) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to produce baseline data for carbon stocks and potential CO2 emissions reductions of natural pastures and pastures that integrate crop, livestock and forestry in the Amazon Region AMOUNT: $240,000.00 DURATION: 16 months / Start date: December 2012

The Nature Conservancy, Inc. (TNC) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the establishment of a scalable integrated supply chain for responsible beef in the São Félix do Xingu micro‐region of the southeastern Amazon, by strengthening incentives for responsible sourcing and production, and reducing barriers for ranch AMOUNT: $2,461,385.00 DURATION: 32 months / Start date: August 2013

Trindade, Lavratti & Advogados Associados – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to support legal analysis of the New Forest Code and Provisional Measure AMOUNT: $20,000.00 DURATION: 2 months / Start date: July 2012

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to develop and implement a comprehensive land database to enable better implementation of the Rural Environmental License (CAR) and land tenure regularization in the State of Pará AMOUNT: $1,000,000.00 DURATION: 34 months / Start date: June 2013

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to develop a comprehensive economic analysis of new potential markets for environmental services that include local communities AMOUNT: $300,000.00 DURATION: 51 months / Start date: May 2010

University of Wisconsin – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to enhance the effectiveness and impact of current public policy and voluntary instruments related to sustainable sourcing of beef and soy in Pará and Mato Grosso, Brazil AMOUNT: $752,002.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: December 2012

Valor Economico – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to promote public awareness and debate about sustaining deforestation reductions and developing a new economic model for the Amazon AMOUNT: $420,000.00 DURATION: 12 months / Start date: June 2014

Valor Economico – ClimateWorks Contract PURPOSE: to organize and facilitate an event to promote discussion and dialogue on the Forest Code amongst leaders of government, civil society organizations and business AMOUNT: $135,000.00 DURATION: 3 months / Start date: October 2011

Virginia Tech, Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to support the development of economic incentives for sustainable cattle and timber production AMOUNT: $591,863.00 DURATION: 21 months / Start date: July 2011

Vitae Civilis – Ford Grant PURPOSE: to strengthen Brazil's domestic climate change campaign, with emphasis on emissions from deforestation and agricultural land conversion AMOUNT: $200,000.00 DURATION: 27 months / Start date: August 2010

Wageningen University – Moore Grant PURPOSE: to enhance forest monitoring capacity in Pará, Brazil with radar remote sensing AMOUNT: $450,016.00 DURATION: 25 months / Start date: November 2012

Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for continued work with IPAM to create the enabling conditions for achieving the goals of Brazil’s National Climate Change Plan AMOUNT: $16,500.00 DURATION: 4 months / Start date: July 2012

Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for analysis, outreach, and advocacy to support implementation of Brazil's emission reduction targets in the land‐use sectors AMOUNT: $365,111.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: July 2010

Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: for support of securing and expanding REDD successes in Brazil AMOUNT: $550,000.00 DURATION: 10 months / Start date: March 2010

Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) – Moore Grant PURPOSE: funding for an integrated science, people, and policy approach to supporting REDD across scales in the Brazilian Amazon AMOUNT: $2,883,150.00 DURATION: 37 months / Start date: February 2010

World Resources Institute (WRI) – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to build capacity and establish a national greenhouse gas accounting methodology for the agriculture sector AMOUNT: $386,641.00 DURATION: 22 months / Start date: September 2012

Yale University – ClimateWorks Grant PURPOSE: to develop and disseminate an analysis of the legal verification mechanisms adopted in the timber and cattle ranching sectors AMOUNT: $99,995.00 DURATION: 24 months / Start date: August 2013