RESUME Curriculum Vitae Ulisses F. Araujo

Rua Wanderley, 1223 apto. 101 , São Paulo, SP, , 05011-001 Phone: 55 (11) 994916070 (Cell) Email: [email protected] Webpage: Full Curriculum Vitae (Portuguese):


2005 – “Livre-docente” - School of Education (University of Sao Paulo). 1998 – Ph.D., Psychology, Institute of Psychology (University of São Paulo) 1994 – Master, Educational Psychology, School of Education (State University of ). 1988 – BA, Pedagogy, Catholic University of Goias.

Overseas academic experience

1996 – “Doctoral-sandwich”, School of Psychology, University of Barcelona (Spain) 2004 – Visiting Scholar, School of Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) 2008 – Visiting Scholar, School of Education, Stanford University (USA)


2005–Present - University of São Paulo, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities 2011 - Full professor 2005 – Associate Professor Yearly offer the undergraduate disciplines “Problems Resolution” and “Contemporary Issues, Psychology and Education”. These disciplines are offered using Design Thinking and Project and Problem-Based Learning methods.

2005–Present - University of São Paulo, School of Education Professor in the Graduate Program of the School of Education at the University of São Paulo, advising Master and Doctoral candidates, and offering a discipline named “New Pedagogical Architectures”.

2006-2009 - Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), School of Psychology Visiting Professor, offered the discipline “Epistemology, social methods and psychological investigation” in the Doctoral Program “Communication psychology, social interaction and human development”, in the academic years of 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

1996–2004 - State (UNICAMP), School of Education Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology Department 1990 – 1996 - Paulista State University (UNESP) 1994-1996 - Assistant Professor, Education Department 1990-1994 -Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology Department


2012-Present - Scientific Coordinator, Center “New Pedagogical Architectures”, composed by 16 researchers that study ways of reinventing time, form and relationships in education.

2005-Present - Director NASCE: Social, Cultural and Educational Center, dedicated to community and service learning at the east zone of São Paulo.

2011-2014 - Vice-Provost for Institutional Affairs

2008-2008 – President, Graduate and Research Committee, School of Arts, Science and Humanities.


2014-Present - President of the Pan-American Network for Problem-Based Learning – an active learning methods association (

2014-Present - Member of the Consultative committee of The Aalborg Center for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of Unesco (

2010-Present – Pedagogical Consultant of the Virtual University of São Paulo (UNIVESP), coordinating the implementation of Project and Problem- Based Learning strategies and new virtual technologies in the Bachelor’s degrees of Engineering and Science Teaching. From 2010 to 2014 directed the graduate program on “Ethics, Values and Citizenship in school”, offered to 3.000 K-12 teachers.

2009-Present – Fellowship in Research Productivity from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

2013-2016 – Executive Board Member of The Association for Moral Education.

2014–2017 – Editorial Board Member of the following Journals: The Journal of Moral Education (USA), Educar (Spain), Profissão Docente (BR), Educação e Linguagem (BR), Vertentes (BR), Veras (BR).

2014–2015 - Chair of the 41st Annual Conference of The Association for Moral Education, which will be held in Santos (Brazil), November 5-7, 2015.

SHORT BIO Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Scavarda do Carmo

Dr. Luiz Scavarda received his bachelor in Telecommunications Engineering (1967) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC- Rio Where he subsequently received his Master (1970) and Doctoral Degrees in Physics (1976). Since 1976, as a Professor in PUC-Rio, he has published more than 100 articles with his students and coworkers around the world and he started an outreach program for diffusing the Engineering Profession in High School. In the 90’s he served as Dean of Engineering in PUC-Rio, period when he participated actively in a process of Engineering Education reform in Brazil. During the last 10 years he has organized four international conferences on Engineering, presented contributions, many as key-note speaker, in international conferences, particularly aiming to foster the internationalization of Engineering Education. Presently he is full Professor of PUC-Rio and member of the Pan-American Academy of Engineering and member of the National Academy of Engineering in Brazil. He is serving as vice-President for Administrative affairs of PUC- Rio and is studying mechanisms for auto sufficiency of private research universities in , with special interest on those that contribute to innovation and to entrepreneurial development. He is a founder member of the INOVA program of Engineering modernization in Brazil, a program backed by the Brazilian Industry, Government, Civil Associations, and several Schools of Engineering. He conducted, within the INOVA program, a study of the Engineering profession as a mechanism for Brazilian economic and social development. He helped to create the OAS sponsored concept of “Engineering for the Americas” which aims to provide high level workforce for the technology based sustainable development of the Hemisphere of the Americas.

Luiz Carlos Scavarda do Carmo [email protected]