Research Paper GEOSPHERE Orogen proximal sedimentation in the Permian foreland basin Graham M. Soto-Kerans1,2, Daniel F. Stockli1, Xavier Janson2, Timothy F. Lawton2, and Jacob A. Covault2 1Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA 2Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78758, USA GEOSPHERE, v. 16, no. 2 ABSTRACT ■ INTRODUCTION 15 figures; 1 table; 1 set of supplemental files The sedimentary fill of peripheral foreland basins has the potential to pre- Major tectonic and geologic events, such as ocean closure and continen- serve a record of the processes of ocean closure and continental collision, as tal collision, and the evolution of associated sediment-routing systems, are CORRESPONDENCE: well as the long-term (i.e., 107–108 yr) sediment-routing evolution associated recorded within the sedimentary fill of foreland basins (Jordan et al., 1988;
[email protected] with these processes; however, the detrital record of these deep-time tec- DeCelles and Giles, 1996; Ingersoll, 2012). Detrital zircon (D2) U-Pb geochronol- CITATION: Soto-Kerans, G.M., Stockli, D.F., Janson, tonic processes and the sedimentary response have rarely been documented ogy is a powerful provenance analysis tool for elucidating hinterland tectonic X., Lawton, T.F., and Covault, J.A., 2020, Orogen proxi- during the final stages of supercontinent assembly. The stratigraphy within and erosional processes and the associated depositional record (Dickinson, mal sedimentation in the Permian foreland basin: Geo- the southern margin of the Delaware Basin and Marathon fold and thrust 1988; Fedo et al., 2003; Gehrels, 2012; Gehrels, 2014).