'( OF'FICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH :1 OFF'ICER. SUIIDARGARH 6nr qsv 66qr 0 6'ogtgl aqotol q'ornjqrna, Eae6o Letter ruo:-..."5 ....., *rt#ilftry o ated:...Q /... / .. /2.. / zo:.s To Dy. Director (Advertisement) - cum- Secretary to Govt. I & PR Deptt., Odisha Bhubaneswar Sub: - Advertisement ofNotice Invitation Bid, (At6e0e OtO-6gtOOt. Sir, Please publish the advertisement (Annexure- A) using minimum space as per Govt. norms in one Odia & English newspaper for one day & single edition only. The bill will be submitted to the Collector & District Magistrate, Sundargarh for payment. Yours Faithfully Chi blic Memo No- copy . lr, NIC, Sundargath for information and you are tequested to upload the details information(Annexure- A) & publish the same in the district website. Memo No Date- I// / Copy forwatded to the Notice Board, Of the CDMo/RTo/Municipalityi OIpIO/ Collectorate Sundatgath for information and necessary acnon. They are requested to display the same in their notice boatd for wide pubJication. Health Officer, Sundarga rh T ,' OF'F'ICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PI]BLIC HEALTH : (' OF'F'ICER, SUNDARGARII Gnt qetv 66qr g G'G,qtgrt at{G,to1 q orgiqrna, go6r6to Email : dpm
[email protected] oated :...Q/. / ../. 4..lzoll. OFF'ICE OF THE CHIEF'DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH OFF'ICE& SUNDARGARH 6nr clslv 66ql 0 G,oqtgq aqotol G. c{dqt$o,ggo6q., Website: www.sundergarh.nic.in, E-mail:
[email protected] Bid Reference No. : '/1 Date: Ot /ta /Z NoncE tNVtnNG gto (areaae oro'Ggroet Bids are invited from eligible transporters to transport Khushi - Sanitary Napkins ( 61al - 96fl6 qlqq o6Qee ol6i') from the Block warehouses of sundargarh District to different Govt.