2006.05-Oak Leaves

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2006.05-Oak Leaves Oak Leaves Newsletter of the ELS Historical Society Volume 10 Spring (May) 2006 Issue 1 A Passing Generation n the past two years several pastors and These spiritual ancestors of ours stood I members who were alive when our Synod firmly on orthodox teaching of Law and Gos- was reorganized in 1918 have now entered pel and had pastoral hearts for our Synod and their eternal rest: Prof. Bjarne Teigen, Pastor for all people. They worked diligently to help Milton Tweit, Pastor Walther Gullixson, to one another. They were not sinless. There mention a few. were difficulties and discussions. But the What does this mean for our Synod? His- Gospel of Christ continued to be the center of tory and heritage are not only in written re- all discussion and teaching. cords. They are alive among us through peo- It is easy for us to become complacent in ple who can give us firsthand accounts and our situation, to become lazy in continuing to help us remember what happened and why. draw from the wellsprings of salvation, the Those of us who have been privileged to pure fountain of Israel, God’s holy Word. But know some of these older members gained our forefathers have so admonished and en- new insights into the church, and we were of- couraged us by the authority and command of ten reminded of where we came from and the our Lord Himself: “If you abide in My word, great legacy of Christian doctrine and practice you are My disciples indeed. And you shall passed on to us. know the truth, and the truth shall make you The founders of the old Norwegian Synod free” (John 8:31-32). have long been gone from us. The original 13 In this issue you will read about several pastors from Lime Creek are gone as well. who served our Synod in various ways and Now the next generation is quickly passing, now enjoy eternal rest. and the mantle is being placed on our shoul- May God continue to raise up for us lead- ders to continue to proclaim salvation by ers who will point us to Jesus our Savior and grace, through faith, for the sake of Christ, not to themselves or any human efforts. “One apart from works or any human effort. ought not talk about oneself, it may hide Jesus from view” (Bo Giertz in Hammer of God). ELS Pastoral Conference in Buffalo, MN, 1976(?) Oak Leaves — Page 2 Two Faithful Servants: Valborg Nesseth and Gerhard Lee life to her family, her church, and various charities. She was a member of Mt. Olive Lu- theran Church in Trail, MN and later Our Sav- ior’s Lutheran Church in Bagley, MN. Valborg is survived by two nieces, Wauneta Averill of Duluth, MN, Phyllis (Har- old) Seelye of Red Wing, MN, one great niece - Sandra (Jon) Barnes of Phoenix, AZ, two great nephews - Clark (Julie) Averill of Proc- tor, MN, Jason Averill of St. Paul, MN, two cousins - Albert (Emma) Satran of Clear- Valborg Nesseth was the daughter of Pas- brook, MN, Clara DeCatheleneau of Roches- tor G. P. Nesseth, one of the original 13 pas- ter, MN tors of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Valborg was preceded in death by her par- 1918. ents, her brother - Noble and wife Verle Porter Nesseth, her sisters - Inga and husband Tom Valborg Signe Nesseth, 95, of Bagley, MN Jackson and sister Palma and husband Everett died on February 28, 2006 at the Greensview Angstman. Health Care Center in Bagley, MN. Valborg was born on July 6, 1910 in Eddy Township, Clearwater County, the daughter of Reverend G. P. and Bertha Nesseth. She was baptized on July 24, 1910. She was confirmed at First English Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Fosston, MN. She graduated from Central High School in Minneapolis, MN. She attended Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. While still a student at DMLC, she taught at Brownston, MN from 1938-1939. After graduating from DMLC in 1940, she was a Christian Day School teacher Gerhard Lee was a charter member of the in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod ELS Historical Society. for 32 years. She was privileged to teach at Trinity Lutheran of Caledonia, Wisconsin Emeritus Professor Gerhard B. Lee, age (1940-1942), St. Stephen's of Beaver Dam, 88, of Madison, died on Sunday, Feb. 19, Wisconsin (1942-1954), St. John's Lutheran 2006, at St. Mary’s Hospital with his family School of St. Paul, MN (1954-1956), St. Ste- present. He was born Nov. 27, 1917, on the phen's of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (1956- family dairy farm near Deerfield, the second 1963), and St. John's Lutheran of Milwaukee, oldest son of Peter and Agnes (Grevstad) Lee. Wisconsin (1963-1972). He attended Liberty Prairie School, served in After her retirement in 1972 she returned the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1937 and to Bagley. From 1972-1973, she attended Be- graduated from Deerfield High School in midji State University, graduating in Decem- 1938. From 1938 to 1942, he managed the ber 1973 with a degree in Early Childhood family farm. He served in the U.S. Army from Education. She devoted the remainder of her 1942 through 1946; he was trained as an engi- Spring 2006 — Page 3 neer and was assigned to the 730th Engineer- these endeavors, he was able to put into prac- ing Company in New Guinea and the Philip- tice many of the principles he taught in his pines. After the war, he returned to UW- courses at the University. Gerhard was a life Madison and graduated with a B.S. degree in long member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Agriculture (soils) in 1948. On June 16, 1948, He was active in the Koshkonong Prairie His- he married Mildred Stitgen at St. John's Lu- torical Society. He also wrote a memoir about theran Church in Madison. He received his his life growing up on a farm. Gerhard loved M.S. degree in soil science from the Univer- the land, especially the area where he grew up. sity of Wisconsin in 1949 and served as assis- He was a much-loved husband, father, grand- tant agronomist at South Dakota State from father, brother, uncle, neighbor and friend; he 1949 to 1951. He returned to UW-Madison in will be sorely missed, but remembered with 1951 where he continued his graduate work in great affection by those whose lives he soils, served as an instructor in the Soils De- touched. Survivors include Mildred, loving partment and worked part-time for the Wis- wife of 57 years; four daughters, Susan (Jim) consin Geological and Natural History Survey Conant of Fairfax Station, Va., Rebecca Lee and the Soil Conservation Service of the U. S. (Jack Theel) of Madison, Nancy (Fred) Strat- Department of Agriculture. He completed his man of Dodgeville and Judith Lee of Madison; Ph.D. in Soil Science in 1955 and was ap- grandchildren, Jennifer and Stephanie Conant, pointed assistant professor in the Department Abigail Lee, Nicholai, Carl and Lee Stratman; of Soil Science at UW-Madison in the fall of sisters, Elizabeth (Frank) Anderson of Davis, 1956. He was promoted to associate professor Calif., and Eunice (Tom) Phillips of McFar- in 1960 and to professor of soils science and land; brothers, Sigurd Lee of Mankato, Minn. environmental studies in 1974. He helped cre- and Peter (Chieko) Lee of Clemson, S.C.; and ate and was the first chair of the Land Re- several nieces and nephews. He was preceded sources graduate program and he served in in death by his parents; and brother, Olaf. that position for six years. He was appointed a Funeral services were held on Friday, Feb. Fellow of the American Association for the 24, 2006, at 11 a.m., at Holy Cross Lutheran Advancement of Science and won awards for Church, Madison, WI, with the Rev. Mark teaching and advising. He was a member of Bartels presiding. Burial was at Deerfield Lu- and held leadership positions in a variety of theran Cemetery. professional associations including the Amer- ica Registry of Certified Professionals in Too old to plant trees for my own gratifi- Agronomy, Crops and Soils (ARCPACS), the cation, Soil Conservation Society of America, and the I shall do it for posterity... Wisconsin Society of Professional Soil Scien- Though an old man, tists. He retired in 1988 with Emeritus status. I am a young gardener. In retirement, Gerhard spent a great deal of Thomas Jefferson (age 83) time managing and improving his farm near Cambridge. He planted several acres of trees Treat the earth well, and restored a wetland. He became a certified For it is not given to you by your parents, master gardener, and volunteered as a docent It is lent to you by your children. at Olbrich Gardens. As he had throughout his Kenyan Proverb adult life, he maintained a garden and fruit trees at the family home in Madison. In all Oak Leaves — Page 4 Gerhard B. Lee By George Orvick These remarks were made at the funeral for Mr. hold fast to my Lord. It is good to know the Gerhard Lee at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, power of the Lord’s Sacrament.” Madison, WI, Feb. 24, 2006. His daughter, Agnes Grevstad, graduated from Deerfield High School in l906. Attended Dear Christian Friends and members of Lutheran Normal School, taught school for a the Lee family, especially you, Mildred and few years. And later married Peter Lee. They the children: lived on the family farm just south of A quiet, gentle man, an example, mentor, Deerfield and raised six children.
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