1 I 1 1 1 IN s pACK LI G l _ .._ Past, Present a _ _:_mre • g -e ." i t i 1! i at th: Marine Biological Laboratory "_ March 7 & 8, 1999 Marine Resources Center, Room 210 Fudedred obY;heaN;etA_: leAeerot NCCS2_ ce Adm,n,strat,on W The Marine Biological Laboratory and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have established a cooperative agreement with the formation of a Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sciences (CASSLS) at the MBL. l This Center serves as an interface between NASA and the basic science commu- nity, addressing issues of mutual interest. & The Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sciences provides a forum for scientists to think and discuss, often for the first time, the role that gravity and aspects of spaceflight may play in fundamental cellular and physiologic processes. In addition the Center will sponsor discussions on evolutionary biology. These J interactions will inform the community of research opportunities that are of interest j: to NASA. m This workshop is one of a series of symposia, workshops and seminars that will be held at the MBL to advise NASA on a wide variety of topics in the life sciences, including cell biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, neurobiology, plant biology and systems biology. For additional information about the Center please visit our website http://www.mbl.edu/htmlfNAS_.nasa.html or please contact Dr. Diana E.J. Blazis Phone: 508/289-7535 i Email:
[email protected] l __a i ? ! ! J Cells in Spaceflight: Past, Present and