Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The gut microbiota profile of adults with kidney disease and kidney stones: a systematic review of the literature Jordan Stanford1,2*, Karen Charlton1,3, Anita Stefoska-Needham1,3, Rukayat Ibrahim4 and Kelly Lambert1,3

Abstract Background: There is mounting evidence that individuals with kidney disease and kidney stones have an abnormal gut microbiota composition. No studies to date have summarised the evidence to categorise how the gut microbiota profile of these individuals may differ from controls. Synthesis of this evidence is essential to inform future clinical trials. This systematic review aims to characterise differences of the gut microbial community in adults with kidney disease and kidney stones, as well as to describe the functional capacity of the gut microbiota and reporting of diet as a confounder in these studies. Methods: Included studies were those that investigated the gut microbial community in adults with kidney disease or kidney stones and compared this to the profile of controls. Six scientific databases (CINHAL, Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library), as well as selected grey literature sources, were searched. Quality assessment was undertaken independently by three authors. The system of evidence level criteria was employed to quantitatively evaluate the alteration of microbiota by strictly considering the number, methodological quality and consistency of the findings. Additional findings relating to altered functions of the gut microbiota, dietary intakes and dietary methodologies used were qualitatively summarised. Results: Twenty-five articles met the eligibility criteria and included data from a total of 892 adults with kidney disease or kidney stones and 1400 controls. Compared to controls, adults with kidney disease had increased abundances of several microbes including Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcaceae, Streptococcus and decreased abundances of Prevotellaceae, Prevotella, Prevotella 9 and Roseburia among other taxa. Adults with kidney stones also had an altered microbial composition with variations to Bacteroides, NK4A136 group, Ruminiclostridium 5 group, Dorea, Enterobacter, Christensenellaceae and its genus Christensenellaceae R7 group. Differences in the functional potential of the microbial community between controls and adults with kidney disease or kidney stones were also identified. Only three of the 25 articles presented dietary data, and of these studies, only two used a valid dietary assessment method. (Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1University of Wollongong, School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia 2Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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(Continued from previous page) Conclusions: The gut microbiota profile of adults with kidney disease and kidney stones differs from controls. Future study designs should include adequate reporting of important confounders such as dietary intake to assist with interpretation of findings. Keywords: Gastrointestinal microbiome, Kidney diseases, Nephrolithiasis, Systematic review, Diet therapy

Background with adverse complications, all of which negatively im- The link between the gut microbiome and human dis- pact on the quality of life for individuals living with kidney eases continues to emerge in recent literature and has disease. These complications include accelerated disease become a focus for global scientific endeavours to miti- progression [14, 15], increased risk of cardiovascular- gate kidney disease development and progression [1]. related mortality [15–17] and common symptoms such as The human microbiome is a complex ecosystem com- constipation and cognitive decline [18]. Currently, the prising of all the genetic material inside the trillions of only known mechanism for reducing uraemic toxins in microorganisms that live within and on us. Whereas, the CKD is dialysis. Nevertheless, existing evidence indicates microbiota is the community of micro-organisms found that only the free fraction of the protein-bound toxins in a particular sample or location, which includes bac- pCS and IS can diffuse across the dialysis membrane, teria, bacteriophage, viruses, fungi, and protozoa [2, 3]. resulting in a limited capacity for removal [11]. Therefore, Advancements in microbial characterisation methods the development of novel strategies (other than dialysis) have facilitated our understanding of the complex mech- to reduce the production of major uraemic toxins, particu- anistic links between the microbiome and disease. There larly in the earlier stages of CKD, is warranted. are numerous methods to categorise gut microbial com- The role of the gut microbiota in kidney stone disease position and measure diversity. For instance, some historically focused on the presence of for- methods are based on sequence divergences of the small migeme [19], a gram-negative bacterium with the func- subunit ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) [4, 5], which pro- tional ability to degrade oxalate. Thus, a deficiency of vide helpful insights into the diversity of the gut micro- Oxalobacter formigene present in stool samples was pre- biota, as well as qualitative and quantitative information viously assumed to be a risk factor for kidney stone dis- based on what microbes are present. Examples of this ease [20–22]. However, clinical studies provided technique include fluorescence in situ hybridization questionable results, as Oxalobacter formigene has also (FISH), DNA microarrays, and next-generation sequen- been isolated from samples of recurrent stone formers cing of the 16S rRNA gene or its amplicons [5]. Metage- [23, 24]. Since advancements in culture-independent nomic or shotgun sequencing is another type of analysis methods for gut microbiota investigations that have be- which randomly sequences all extracted DNA in a given come more available in the last decade [5], studies have sample. This technique offers a higher taxonomic reso- made attempts to evaluate the relationship between gut lution by allowing the identification of microbial taxa microbiota and kidney stone formation in more compre- present in a community at the and strain level, hensive ways, shedding new light on the gut-kidney axis in addition to providing information on the functional in nephrolithiasis. potential of the microbial community [4–6]. Diet forms a critical component in the overall medical The microbiota encompasses far more metabolic genes strategy for kidney disease and plays a fundamental role than that of the human genome [2] and offers humans in determining the composition and functional activity with additional unique functional capabilities via specific of the human gut microbiota [25], with implications for enzymes and metabolic pathways. Typically, these mi- uraemic toxin production [11, 13, 26–28]. Moreover, crobes have a harmonious relationship with their host diet-based approaches such as ensuring adequate intake [7] and contribute to several functional activities includ- of fluid and dietary calcium, while avoiding high intakes ing micronutrient and immune homeostasis, energy me- of sodium and animal protein are crucial non- tabolism, and host defences against pathogens [2, 8, 9]. pharmacological prevention strategies for kidney stone However, in individuals with chronic kidney disease disease. Therefore, dietary interventions and targeted (CKD), evidence suggests that a microbial imbalance nutritional therapies offer a potential approach to (dysbiosis) leads to an increase in harmful nephrovascu- microbiota-associated diseases and mitigate uraemic lar uraemic toxins [10–13]. The retention of these ur- toxin generation and kidney stone formation. Investiga- aemic toxins, particularly indoxyl sulphate (IS), p-Cresyl tions into how the gut microbiota differs with disease sulphate (pCS), phenylacetylglutamine (PAG) and tri- and lifestyle factors such as diet will enhance not only methylamine N-oxide (TMAO) have been associated our understandings of the contribution these microbes Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 3 of 23

have in host biology but also understandings of the com- which were reported in other sites, such as the ur- plicated exchange between diet and disease. eter or urethra. Differences in the composition of the gut microbiota in kidney disease and kidney stone populations com- Search strategy and study selection pared to controls remains unclear due to the lack of a Six scientific databases including CINHAL, Medline, quantitative overview of existing evidence. The investiga- PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library tion into how the microbial signatures of adults with as well as grey literature sources: Trove, the National Kid- kidney disease or kidney stones may deviate from controls ney Foundation Website, Google Scholar,, is essential to inform future trials. Hence, this review aims National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and TRIP to systematically characterise the gut microbial compos- Medical Database, were searched up until 7th August ition in adults with kidney disease or kidney stones com- 2018. A research librarian was consulted to refine search pared to controls and gain a better understanding of the terms and selection of databases. Reference lists of manu- functional capacity of the microbiota and reporting of diet scripts were also scanned to discover additional relevant as a confounder in these studies. articles. A full-updated search using the original search strategy was undertaken on the 3rd October 2019 using Methods the same six scientific databases as well as Google Scholar. Protocol The search strategy for all databases can be found in Item The systematic literature review was reported following 1 of this manuscript’s supplementary information (Add- the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and itional file 1). All citations were imported by one member Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [29] and registered at of the research team in Endnote (Endnote X8, Thomson PROSPERO (No. CRD42018109173, http://www.crd.york. Reuters, 2016) for review. Two reviewers [JS, RI] independently screened the titles, abstracts and full texts for inclusion in this review. Dis- Article selection crepancies were resolved by consensus or adjudication by The inclusion criteria were as follows: other members of the research team [KC, KL]. At the stage of full-text review, the decision to restrict articles to (1) Original research that examined the gut microbial only those that included at least one of the following community from adults with kidney disease or methods was made: Metagenomic sequencing (shotgun kidney stones and compared that to controls. This sequencing), amplicon-based sequencing methods includ- encompassed studies which reported to include ing 16S rRNA sequencing, quantitative real-time polymer- adults with CKD; end-stage kidney disease (ESKD); ase chain reaction (qPCR) sequencing, DNA microarray glomerulonephritis; nephrotic syndrome; IgA or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. nephropathy (IgAN); polycystic kidney disease; These methods are culture-independent methods that en- diabetic nephropathy (DN); Alport syndrome; Fabry able phylogenetic identification and quantification, which disease; individuals who are receiving renal will help to provide novel insights into the composition replacement therapies such as haemodialysis and/or diversity of the microbiota. (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD), kidney transplant (KT); or adults with kidney stones (any stone Summary measures type). The overall microbiota structure (α-diversity and β- (2) Studies reporting on the microbial community from diversity) and differences in the abundance of microbes stool or intestinal biopsy samples; at specific taxonomic levels (phylum, order, class, family, (3) Full-text articles available in English. genus, species, OTU) were the primary outcomes of this paper. The secondary outcomes were descriptions of the Studies for exclusion were: real or predicted functional capacity of the microbiota, details on dietary intake and the dietary assessment (1) Animal or in-vitro studies, case reports, abstracts, methods used in each study. commentaries, review articles, editorials, expert opinion, letters, guidelines, protocols, seminars, Data extraction and quality assessment reports, books or book chapters; Relevant data in all eligible studies were extracted into (2) Study populations which included children; an excel spreadsheet by one investigator, and another (3) Study populations which included adults with acute member of the research team cross-checked 25% of the conditions (haemolytic uremic syndrome, acute input. Only statistically significant results (p < 0.05) that kidney injury or urinary tract infections), renal reported compositional differences of the gut microbiota cancer, kidney-yin deficiency syndrome or stones between the groups of interest compared to controls, at Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 4 of 23

each taxonomic level, were imported into excel. Add- search provided an additional 1388 papers, of which nine itional information was also extracted: country of study, full-text articles were suitable for inclusion. A total of 25 demographics (age, gender, and ethnicity), sample col- articles met the eligibility criteria (Fig. 1). All 25 papers lection and storage methods, description of antibiotic reported cross-sectional data on 722 adults with kid- and medication use, type of taxonomic database used, ney disease, 170 adults with kidney stones and 1400 microbial characterisation method, microbial diversity control participants (Table 2). Only different results metrics, and dietary methods. obtained from the papers using the same study popula- To assess the quality of studies, three independent re- tions [36–38, 48] were extracted to avoid duplication. viewers [JS, KL, ASN] used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale Majority of articles reported on adults with CKD who (NOS) [30]. Appraisal items in the NOS tool were were not receiving a renal replacement therapy, includ- grouped into three categories: the selection of the study ing studies that exclusively investigated IgAN [39] and groups; the comparability of the groups; and the ascer- DN cohorts [40, 41] (Table 2, n = 10). Three papers in- tainment of the exposure (the collection and assessment vestigated adults undertaking HD, and another study in- of samples for microbial communities) as the outcome cluded individuals receiving PD therapy. Five additional of interest [30]. Overall, studies which scored seven or articles included mixed kidney disease cohorts within above using the NOS tool was considered to be of ‘high- their sample. No studies reported to exclusively investi- quality’ [30–32]. gate the gut microbiota profile in individuals with glom- erulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, polycystic kidney Data synthesis disease, Alport syndrome, Fabry disease, and compared Due to the heterogeneity of study methods and the ab- that to a control group. The remaining six articles inves- sence of raw sequencing data, it was not possible to under- tigated adults with kidney stones. The age structure of take a meta-analysis. Instead, a quantitative assessment of cohorts did vary; although there was some overlap across the microbial composition was performed. The quantita- studies, including a mean sample population age be- tive approach applied the system of evidence level criteria tween 41 and 64.5 years. The portion of males ranged (Table 1), according to a ranking-based system docu- from 22 to 100%. Overall, studies were predominately mented elsewhere [33–35]. Benefits of this approach are from China (n = 12/25), followed by the United States of that it considers the number and methodological quality of America (n = 3/25) and Italy (n = 2/25). included studies, as well as the consistency of reported All eligible studies used stools samples for their gut findings. Study findings were deemed highly consistent microbiota analysis. Eighteen articles reported using fro- and graded as ‘strong evidence’ when 75% or more of the zen stool samples for their analysis, where storage temper- studies that reported a particular were in agree- atures ranged from − 20 °C to − 80 °C. Others reported ment, whereby the same trend in microbial alteration (in- that samples were processed within 24 h of receipt [42]or creased or decreased) relative to controls was found in at kept on ice and processed within 1 h of defecation [43]. least two high-quality studies as determined by the NOS The remaining articles failed to provide sufficient details quality score. Finally, data on the functional potential of the regarding the storage and processing methods utilised [36, microbial community, dietary intakes and dietary assess- 44–46, 48]. Four articles assessed the gut microbiota using ment methodologies used were qualitatively summarised. only qPCR [41, 43, 47, 49]. The remaining studies assessed gut microbiota via high-throughput molecular approaches: Results Illumina platforms (MiSeq, NextSeq, HiSeq), Iron Torrent Summary of included studies PGM system or bTEFAP using 454 FLX sequencer, DNA The original literature search yielded 4155 articles, of microarray analysis performed using PhyloChip assay. which 110 full-text articles were evaluated. The updated However, three papers did not report the sequencing plat- form used [44, 45, 55]. Among these studies, four Table 1 The system of evidence level criteria employed a combination of microbial characterisation Grading Criteria techniques in addition to 16S rRNA sequencing, includ- Strong Consistent findings (≥75%) in at least 2 ing: shotgun sequencing [50]; qPCR [38, 37, 51]; denatur- high-quality studies ing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting Moderate Consistent findings (≥75%) in one high-quality [38] as well as gene-targeted amplicon sequencing of func- study and at least one low-quality study tional genes involved in oxalate and butyrate metabolism Weak Findings of one high-quality study or consistent (frc- [37, 38], but-andbuk- gene [37]). Two research findings (≥75%) in at least 3 or more low-quality groups also utilised fungal specific primers for their qPCR studies analysis [41], as well as 18S rRNA and fungal ITS1 region Inconclusive Inconsistent findings, or consistent findings primers for amplicon sequencing [37] to explore members (≥75%) reported in less than 3 low-quality studies of the microbial communities other than just bacteria. Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 5 of 23

Fig. 1 PRISMA flow diagram

Risk of bias and heterogeneity of participants and the recruitment of controls. For in- Using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, of the 25 final arti- stance, one study only recruited males [38], while seven of cles, 11 were considered high-quality with a score of the eight papers that reported ethnicity recruited one eth- seven or above (Table 3). There were multiple sources of nic group: Chinese [40, 47, 51–53, 56] or Caucasian [39]. heterogeneity among studies, including: the collection, Details relating to the recruitment of control groups were handling and storage temperature of samples, DNA ex- often missing or differed across studies, with some articles traction method, the primer used for PCR, the variable reporting that their controls were hospital or clinic staff. region of the conserved genes (for instance the 16S Furthermore, the classification of ‘controls’,thetimingof rRNA gene) and the sequencing platform used. Also, antibiotic usage before study participation, reporting of some methods employed cannot evaluate the whole mi- medications and other co-existing conditions was not con- crobial community, such as qPCR, which can only detect sistent across studies and more often poorly defined. selected microbes. Moreover, although there were some consistencies, many papers differed with their statisti- Microbial diversity and richness cally analysis and presentation of the gut microbial data. Alpha (α) diversity is the measure of the number (richness) A few articles were also not consistent in reporting the and distribution (evenness) of taxa within a sample [54]. CKD stage of their participants or details of the diagnostic Sixteen articles reported results for α-diversity, of which five criteria used for the classification of CKD. Other sources observed no significant difference between groups [38, 45, of heterogeneity included the age, gender, ethnicity 48, 51, 53]. Eight articles reported that α-diversity was Table 2 Characteristics of included studies Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage ADULTS WITH KIDNEY STONES (n= 6 articles) Ticinesi 2018 Italy N =52 N =48 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported SILVA (16S 16S ribosomal ↓ α-diversity in KS EPIC FFQ delivered by [50] recurrent Age: 47 ± Delivered to taken in rRNA), whole RNA gene group vs. controls a nutritionist; Calcium idiopathic 13yrs, 58% clinic within prior 30 NCBI nr sequencing (Chao1 index; p<0.05); intake lower in adults calcium stones male; ethnicity 2 hours from days. (shotgun) (V3 region) β-diversity significantly with KS (p<0.04). Age: 48 ± not reported. collection Illumina MiSeq & different between Calcium intake (2020)21:215 11yrs, 60% and stored at shotgun groups (p=0.002 with considered as a male; ethnicity -22°C; metagenomics PERMANOVA and p= covariate in the not reported Processed ≤ on sub-sample 0.004 with Adonis test analysis of gut 2 weeks of (n=10) based on Bray-Curtis microbiota data. receipt Illumina NextSeq and weighted UniFrac metrics) Stern 2016 USA N = 23; all N =6 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported Greengenes 16S ribosomal Not reported Not reported [58] stone types Age: 53.5 ± Flash-frozen taken in RNA gene included 16.0yrs, 67% with dry ice prior 2 sequencing Age: 53.7 ± male; 50% & stored weeks. (V4 region) 15.4yrs, 22% African -80°C Illumina MiSeq male; 13% American and African 50% Caucasian. American, 35% Hispanic, 52% Caucasian. Tang 2018 [53] China N = 13; stone N =13 Self-sampled; Control None of the adults RDP 16S ribosomal α-diversity reported Not reported types not Age: 55.81 ± Immediately group did with kidney stones RNA amplicon not significantly reported. 5.79yrs, frozen & not have were reported to be sequencing different (Chao1, Age: 52.25 ± 38% male; stored -80°C. antibiotics in on any medications (V4 region) Shannon, Simpson’s 7.25yrs, 38% 100% Chinese. (DNA prior 3 before sample Illumina Hiseq and Good’s coverage male; 100% samples months; collection. 2500 platform indices, p>0.05) Chinese. stored at unclear if Overall, β-diversity was -20°C) this was the distinct but not same for significantly different kidney stone (p=0.096 with ANOSIM group. and p=0.058 with MPRR based on Bray- Curtis distance metric) Suryavanshi India N =24 N =15 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported Greengenes 16S ribosomal α-diversity reported Reported number of 2016 [38] recurrent Age: 22-52yrs, Stored -80°C taken in (16S rRNA) & RNA gene and not significantly participants who calcium oxalate 100% male; prior 3 M5NR frc-gene different (Chao1, follow a vegetarian stones. ethnicity not months. database amplicon observed species/OTUs, diet; dietary intake Age: 22-50yrs, reported. (frc-gene) sequencing; phylogenetic diversity, results and

100% male; quantitative Shannon and assessment methods 23 of 6 Page ethnicity not polymerase chain Simpson’s indices) not reported. reported. reaction & PCR- β-diversity metrics DGGE reported to reveal (V3 region of 16S compositional Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage rRNA gene) differences between Iron Torrent PGM groups (PCoA plots of system weighted and unweighted UniFrac results; statistical test

and p-value not (2020)21:215 reported). Suryavanshi India Same as the N =48 Not reported Not reported Not reported Greengenes Targeted α-diversity investigated Not reported 2018 [37] population (Additional n = sequencing (frc-, in selected sub-sample above 33 controls but- and buk-, (n = 7 KSD, n =7 N =24 recruited). 16S and 18S controls); authors recurrent Age and ribosomal RNA reported significant calcium oxalate gender only genes as well as decrease observed in stones. reported for a fungal ITS1 KSD group (Chao1, Age: 22-50yrs, subset of n = region) & Shannon and 100% male; 15 (as above); quantitative Simpson’s indices; p- ethnicity not ethnicity not polymerase chain value not reported). reported. reported. reaction β-diversity not Iron Torrent PGM reported. system Tavasoli 2019 Iran N =58 N =29 Self-sampled; Excluded if Medications not N/A Real-time N/A Not reported [49] (majority Age: 41.42 ± stored -20°C taken in reported; individuals polymerase chain confirmed to 11.48yrs, prior 2 excluded from the reaction have calcium 89.7 % male; months. study if taking stones) ethnicity not calcium, n =29 reported. magnesium, recurrent potassium or stones with pyridoxine hyperoxaluria supplementation. Age: 44.21 ± 9.58yrs, 62.1% male. n =29 recurrent stones without hyperoxaluria Age: 48.07 ± 9.20yrs, 72.4% male. Ethnicity not reported

ADULTS WITH KIDNEY DISEASE (n =19 articles) 23 of 7 Page Individuals not reported to be undertaking a renal replacement therapy (n=10) Al-Obaide USA N = 20 CKD* N =20 Self-sampled; Excluded if Participants of the Curated 16S ribosomal Not reported. Dietary assessment 2017 [42] (CKD stage not Age:54.3± Processed taken for T2DM-CKD group database RNA gene methods not stated. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage reported, all 3.2yrs; ≤24hrs of atleast 3 treated with insulin, from sequencing Macronutrient data were reported eGFR, gender receipt consecutive OHAs, ranitidine, PPI, Greengenes, (V3-V4 region) presented as a to have T2DM) and ethnicity days in the ACEi, ARBs, statin RDPII & NCBI Illumina MiSeq percentage of total eGFR: 16.54 ± not reported. prior month therapy energy intake; protein 3.01; Age: 64.4 intake higher in

± 2.3yrs. controls (p<0.05) and (2020)21:215 Gender and fat intake higher in ethnicity not CKD group (p<0.01) reported. *Stool samples of n=18/20 were analysed to identify the gut microbial profile Barrios 2015 UK N = 62 (CKD N = 793 Self-sampled; Data on Not reported Greengenes 16S ribosomal Not reported Dietary scores were [61] stage not eGFR >60; Refrigerated antibiotics RNA gene obtained from EPIC reported). Age, gender up to 2 days usage was sequencing FFQ generated eGFR: reported and ethnicity prior to clinic collected for (V4 region) through PCA. Diet ≤60; not reported visit; Stored the prior Illumina MiSeq scores were Age, gender for sub-sample. at -80°C month; data considered as and ethnicity available for covariates in the linear not reported only 11% of mixed effects for sub-sample. study regression models; no participants. significant results reported. De Angelis Italy N = 32 IgAN N =16 Self-sampled; Excluded if All IgAN participants RDP Bacterial tag- ↓ α-diversity in IgAN Reported no 2014 [39] (CKD stage not eGFR: 96 ± 7; Stored -80°C taken in treated with ACEi. encoded FLX- group vs. controls remarkable changes reported) Age: 43 ± 8yrs, prior 3 Other medications titanium (Chao1, observed to participant’s diet in n = 16 non- 60% male. months. undefined; no amplicon species/OTUs and prior month. Dietary progressors, 100% remarkable changes pyrosequencing Shannon indices; p< assessment method eGFR: 76 ± 15; Caucasian reported to bTEFTAP 0.05) or results not Age: 41 ± medications in prior (V1-V3 region) β-diversity not reported. 10yrs, 69% month. 454 FLX reported. males. Sequencer n=16 progressors, eGFR: 30±18; Age:45 ± 6 yrs, 63% male. 100%

Caucasian. 23 of 8 Page Jiang 2016 China N = 65 (CKD N =20 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported N/A Quantitative N/A Not reported [47] stage 1-5 ) eGFR: 104.99 ± Stored at taken in polymerase chain eGFR: 55.61 ± 19.82; Age: -80°C prior 4 reaction 52.55; 43.05 ± weeks. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage Age: 43.45 ± 9.88yrs, 16.90 yrs, 46% 30% male. male. 100% 100% Chinese Chinese Xu 2017 China N = 32 (CKD N =32 Sample Excluded if Not reported Not reported 16S rDNA and ↓ α-diversity in CKD Not reported [56] stages 4-5) eGFR: reported collection taken in the rRNA sequencing group vs. controls (2020)21:215 eGFR: reported ≥90; Age: method prior month. (V4 region) (phylogenetic diversity <30; Age: 53.34 55.03 ± unclear; Illumina MiSeq and Shannon indices; ± 14.47yrs, 50% 10.38yrs, Stored at p<0.001) male; 100% 50% male; -40°C β-diversity significantly Chinese 100% Chinese different between groups (ADONIS analysis based on unweighted UniFrac metric, p<0.001) Wang 2012 China N =30 N =10 Not reported Excluded if Medications not SILVA 16S ribosomal ↑ α-diversity ESKD vs. Not reported [44] (reported Age: 55 (41- taken in reported; RNA gene controls (observed ESKD) 67yrs) yrs, 50% prior 3 Corticosteroids, pyrosequencing species/OTUs index; p= Age: 54 (37-71) male. eGFR weeks. statins, or cytotoxic (V1-V3 region) 0.017). yrs, 53% male. and ethnicity drugs were not Sequencing β-diversity not eGFR and not reported. taken in the prior 3 platform not reported. ethnicity not weeks. reported reported. Jiang 2017 China N = 52 (CKD N =60 Self-sampled; Excluded if ESKD participants Not reported Quantitative α-diversity reported Not reported [51] stage 5) eGFR: 98.03 ± Stored at taken in treated with polymerase chain not significantly eGFR: 6.86 ± 27.32; Age: -80°C prior 4 phosphate reaction different (Chao1, 2.87; 52.53 ± weeks. binders, anti- & observed species/OTUs, Age: 51.58 ± 13.98yrs, 42 % hypertensives and 16S ribosomal Shannon and 18.33yrs, 56% male. 100% various vitamin and/ RNA gene Simpson’s indices). male. 100% Han nationally or mineral pyrosequencing No difference in β- Han Chinese Chinese supplementation in sub-sample diversity reported nationality. (iron, calcium and (n = 27 ESKD between groups (PCoA vitamin D) and n =26 plot based on UniFrac controls) metric, statistical test or (V4-V6 region) p-value not reported). Illumina GAII Gradisteanu Romania N = 9 DN (CKD N =5 Self-sampled; Not reported Not reported N/A Real-time N/A Not reported 2019 [41] stage not eGFR, age, Stored at polymerase chain reported) gender and -20°C reaction eGFR, age, ethnicity not (Bacterial and

gender and reported. fungal group- 23 of 9 Page ethnicity not specific primers reported . were also used) Tao 2019 China N =14DN N =28 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported SILVA 16S ribosomal ↑ α-diversity richness Excluded if following [40] (CKD stage not n = 14 healthy stored at taken in the RNA gene DN vs. T2DM controls restrictive diets. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage reported) controls -80°C prior 30 pyrosequencing (observed species/ Reported similar/same eGFR: 93.26 ± eGFR: 96.01 ± days. (V3-V4 region) OTUs index, p= 0.023; eating habits across 17.0; 9.29; Age: Illumina MiSeq but no difference some of their groups; Age:52.93 ± 52.86 ± found for other α- however, no formal 9.98 yrs, 64% 9.91yrs, 64% diversity indices) dietary assessment β

male. 100% male. -diversity significantly was undertaken. (2020)21:215 Chinese. n = 14 T2DM different between controls groups (PERMANOVA without CKD based on Bray-Curtis eGFR: 93.48± metric, p = 0.02). 13.02; Age: 53.29yrs ± 9yrs, 64% male. 100% Chinese. Li 2019 [52] China N = 50 (CKD N =22 Self-sampled; Excluded Medications not RDP 16S ribosomal ↓ α-diversity in CKD Not reported stage not eGFR: 97.06 ± transported taken in reported; RNA gene group vs. controls reported) 12.98; on ice and prior 3 Immunosuppressive pyrosequencing (Phylogenic diversity eGFR: 22.39 ± Age:50.27 ± stored at months. drugs not to be (V3-V4 region) whole-tree index), p< 15.56; 7.77yrs, 55% -80°C taken in prior 3 Illumina HiSeq 0.05, and reduced but Age:52.4 ± male. 100% months. not significant for 13.49yrs, 54% Chinese Shannon or Simpson’s male. 100% indices p> 0.05). Chinese. β-diversity significantly different between groups (ANOSIM test based on unweighted UniFrac, p= 0.001) Individuals undertaking a renal replacement therapy: Haemodialysis (n=3 articles) Vaziri 2013 USA N =24 N =12 Not reported Excluded if HD patients were Greengenes Microarray Relative richness Strict fluid and dietary [48] & Wong eGFR not eGFR not taken in treated with (Wong) sequencing; 16S (assessed for sodium, phosphorus, 2014 [36] reported. reported. prior 3 phosphate binders, ribosomal RNA subfamilies at and potassium Dialysis Age: 51 ± 12 months. ESAs (Darbopoetin), gene PhyloChip subphylum level) was restrictions; Nutrition vintage: ≥3 yrs, vitamin & mineral analysis reported to be similar prescription, months, Kt/V = 33% male. supplementation. between groups (p- education or 1.5 ± 0.3. 33% Caucasian, Immunosuppressive value not reported). counselling methods Age: 57 ± 14 58% Hispanic, drugs not to be β-diversity revealed and results not yrs, 25% male. and 8% Asian. taken in prior 3 tighter clustering in the reported. 38% Caucasian, months. control group than HD 54% Hispanic, group (NMDS figure

and 8% Asian. based on Bray-Curtis 23 of 10 Page distance metric; statistical test or p- value not reported) Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage Miao 2018 China N =21 N = 20 (Unit Self-sampled; Not reported Medications at RDP, BLAST 16S ribosomal α-diversity not Diet reported being [45] Dialysis staff) storage not baseline not RNA gene significantly different ‘controlled for’, vintage: ≥3 Age:31 ± reported. reported; HD pyrosequencing (Shannon index; p= although methods months, spKt/V 9.1yrs, 50% patients had not (V1-V3 region) 0.429). and results were not reported >1.2 males. taken lanthanum Sequencing β-diversity not reported.

and regularly eGFR and carbonate in prior 3 platform not reported. (2020)21:215 monitored. ethnicity not months. reported Age: 53.0 ± reported. 9.0yrs, 57% male. eGFR and ethnicity not reported. Individuals undertaking a renal replacement therapy: Peritoneal dialysis (n=1 article) Wang 2012 Taiwan N =29 N =41 Self-sampled; Excluded if Not reported N/A Real-time N/A Not reported [43] eGFR: reported Age: 58.2 ± Immediately taken in polymerase chain <15; 12.8yrs, 37% put on ice; prior 30 reaction Dialysis male. Processed days. vintage: 49.7 ± eGFR and ≤1hr of 35.4 months, ethnicity not defecation Kt/V not reported. reported; Age: 53.7 ± 11.7yrs, 34% male. Ethnicity not reported. Mixed cohorts of individuals with chronic and end-stage kidney disease including those undertaking different renal replacement therapies (n= 5 articles) Shi 2014 China N =52 N =10 Details of Excluded if Medications not SILVA 16S ribosomal ↑ α-diversity in HD Not reported [55] n =22HD eGFR, age, sample taken in reported; RNA gene group vs. controls group gender and collection not prior 3 Corticosteroids, Pyrosequencing (average OTUs/ species, Dialysis ethnicity not reported; weeks. statins, cytotoxic (V1-V3 region) p=0.044) and Chao1 vintage: 6-40 reported. Samples drugs not taken in Sequencing index higher in three months, Kt/V immersed in prior 3 weeks. platform not HD samples (p-value not reported. 90% alcohol reported not reported). n =30 and stored at β-diversity not reported ESKD -20°C reported between not study groups. However, undertaking PCA plot of Unifrac dialysis. data from selected eGFR, age, samples at the genus gender and level exhibited a large 23 of 11 Page ethnicity not separation in the same reported. three HD samples vs. the other selected samples (p-value or Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage statistical test not report). Stadlbauer Austria N =30 N =21 Self-sampled; Not reported Participants from SILVA 16S ribosomal ↓ α-diversity in PD and Not reported 2017 [57] n =15PD GFR (ml/min): Stored at HD and PD groups RNA gene HD group compared to group 77.6 (73.4; -80°C treated with sequencing controls (Chao1 index, GFR (ml/min): 86.6). phosphate binders, (V1-V2 region) p<0.05, similar results (2020)21:215 7.9 (7.3; 14.0); Age: 58 yrs PPI, Illumina MiSeq reported for observed Dialysis (53-62), immunosuppressive species/OTUs and vintage: 25 (15- 43% male. drugs. Small phylogenic diversity) 74) months. Ethnicity not number of controls β-diversity significantly Age: 62yrs (54- reported. (n=2) also treated different between HD 69), 80% male. with PPI. vs. controls p=0.012 n =15HD and PD vs. controls p= group 0.003 (ANOSIM test GFR (ml/min): based on Bray Curtis, 6.0 (5.9; 9.3); weighted and Dialysis unweighted UniFrac vintage: 70 (40- metrics) 197) months, Kt/V not reported. Age: 61yrs (54- 71), 67% male; Ethnicity not reported. Lun 2019 China N =49(n =13 N =24 Self-sampled; Excluded Not reported Not reported 16S ribosomal α-diversity not Not reported [60] treated with Age: 56 ± 9 Stored at taken in RNA gene reported. HD) yrs, 67% males; -80°C prior 3 sequencing β-diversity reported Age: 54 ±14 eGFR and months. (V3-V4 region) being distinct between yrs, 76% male; ethnicity not Illumina HiSeq CKD vs. controls; eGFRand reported. (PE250) unclear if statistically ethnicity not significant (PCA plot reported. based on the Euclidean distance & NMDS based on the UniFrac distance metric; statistical test or p- value not reported) Li 2019 [62] China N =53 N =69 Collected in Excluded if HD and CKD Greengenes 16S ribosomal ↓ α-diversity in CKD Reported similar n =29HD eGFR: 126.07 sterile 2mL taken in participants were RNA gene and HD group vs. eating habits across – group (102.80 tube on ice, prior 4 treated with sequencing controls (Chao1, ACE the cohort, although 23 of 12 Page eGFR: 5.75 148.65); containing weeks. phosphate binders. (V1-V2 region) and Shannon indices methods and results (4.35–8.26); Age: 51yrs pure ethanol Medication history Illumina HiSeq p<0.001). were not reported. Dialysis vintage (39.5-64), 39 % and frozen of the last month 2500 system β-diversity reported and Kt/V not male. within 30 was collected, but being different reported. Ethnicity not minutes; results were not between groups (PCoA Table 2 Characteristics of included studies (Continued) Stanford Reference Country Demographics Demographics Stool Antibiotic Medications Taxonomy Microbiota Diversity metrics Dietary assessment of patients of controls collection, use database analysis ta.BCNephrology BMC al. et temp. & technique storage Age: 54yrs explicitly Stored at reported. plot presented data (41.5-69), 59% reported. -80°C based on weighted male. and unweighted n = 24 ESKD UniFrac metrics, group (stage 5) ANOSIM test, p-value

not not reported) (2020)21:215 undertaking dialysis. eGFR: 5.33 (4.31–7.72); Age: 55.5 yrs (48.25-64.5), 50% male. Ethnicity not explicitly reported. Guirong China N = 100 N =53 Collection None taken Not reported Not reported 16S ribosomal ↓ α-diversity in RT and Not reported 2018 [46] n =16KT Age: 54.7 ± and storage in prior 3 RNA gene HD vs. controls (Chao1 recipients 12.8yrs; eGFR, not reported. months. sequencing index p<0.001). (sampling gender and (V3 region) β-diversity reported reported ethnicity not Ion Personal being different within the first reported. Genome between groups month after Machine system (PERMANOVA based on transplantation) Bray-Curtis metric, p< Age: 42.8± 0.01) 11.5yrs. n = 84 CKD group (stage 3- 4) Age: 55.9±18.2 yrs. eGFR, gender and ethnicity not reported. Legend: ESKD End-stage kidney disease, HD Haemodialysis, HC Healthy controls, PD Peritoneal dialysis, KS Kidney stones, KT Kidney transplant, DN Diabetic nephropathy, OTU Operational Taxonomic Units, Wt Weight, Ht Height, WC Waist circumference, KSD Kidney stone disease, T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus, PPI Protein pump inhibitors, ESA Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, ACEi Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, ARBs Angiotensin II receptor blockers, OHA Oral hypoglycaemic agents, eGFR Estimated glomerular filtration rate (ml/min/1.73m2), GFR Glomerular filtration rate (ml/min), vs. versus; ↓= decreased, ↑= increased ae1 f23 of 13 Page Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 14 of 23

Table 3 Quality assessment of included articles (n = 25) Reference Sampling (4 points) Confounders controlled (2 points) Exposure (3 points) Total rating (9 points) [37] – −−− – − ++− 2 [60] – −−− + − ++− 3 [44, 46]+−−− – − +++ 4 [41] – −−− + − +++ 4 [36, 48]+−−− + − +++ 5 [55]++−− – − +++ 5 [45]+−−+ – − +++ 5 [38, 39, 47, 51]+−−− ++ +++ 6 [42]++−− + − +++ 6 [43, 53, 56, 57, 58, 61]++−− ++ +++ 7 [40, 49, 52, 62]+−−+ ++ +++ 7 [50] +++− ++ +++ 8 Legend: ‘+’ Quality criterion satisfied; ‘-’ Quality criterion not satisfied or insufficient information to adjudicate as satisfied. Studies with a quality score of seven or above were considered high-quality significantly reduced in adults with kidney disease or kidney Based on the moderate evidence criteria, nine other taxa stones relative to controls, among which seven papers re- were less abundant in comparison to controls including ported a statistically signficant p-value [39, 46, 50, 52, 56, Alcaligenaceae, Roseburia, Faecalibacterium and Faecali- 57, 62]. Interestingly, the remaining three studies observed bacterium prausnitzii.Incontrast,Bilophila, Desulfovibrio, a significant increase in α-diversity (observed species/ Klebsiella, Escherichia-Shigella, along with four other taxa OTUs) in individuals with ESKD, DN and those undergo- were more highly abundant (Fig. 2). ing HD therapy compared to controls [40, 44, 55]. The population of an additional 112 microbial taxa Beta (β) diversity, a measure of the diversity that repre- were altered, but this was based on weak evidence (data sents the similarity or difference in microbial composition not shown; Table S1, Additional file 1). Of these, 53 taxa between sites or different samples [54], was evaluated in were more abundant in individuals with kidney disease, 12 studies (using Bray-Curtis, weighted and unweighted while the remaining 59 were less abundant when com- UniFrac distance metrics). Ten studies reported compos- pared to controls. itional differences in the overall microbial communities between controls and kidney disease or kidney stone co- Microbiota profile of adults receiving dialysis therapy horts, of which six studies [40, 46, 50, 52, 56, 57]reported Data from the six articles included in this sub-analysis a statistically significant p-value (Table 2). identified that five microbial taxa including Alphapro- teobacteria, Streptococcaceae, and Streptococcus were Altered microbial composition more abundant in adults receiving dialysis than controls Alterations of the microbial composition were presented based on strong evidence criteria (Fig. 3). Based on mod- into two larger groups: adults with kidney disease and adults erate evidence criteria, the abundance of Bacteroidetes with kidney stones. To highlight alterations of the microbial was reduced, while Enterobacteriaceae was higher in composition specific to individuals receiving dialysis treat- adults undergoing dialysis therapy. Results from two ment, data from relevant articles that included adults under- other studies [46, 60] were not included in this sub- taking HD or PD therapy are presented as a sub-analysis. analysis because it was unclear if the CKD cohort were receiving haemodialysis at the time of sample collection Microbiota profile of adults with kidney disease compared [46], and whether the results of individuals undertaking to controls dialysis therapy were statistically significant compared to Figure 2 characterises the differences in the gut microbiota controls [60]. profile of individuals with kidney disease compared to con- Stadlbauer et al. [57] investigated differences in the mi- trols. Based on strong level of evidence criteria, 20 micro- crobial profile according to dialysis type. Compared to bial taxa were reported as being differentially abundant. For controls, adults receiving PD had reduced abundances of instance, adults with kidney disease had relatively increased Comamonadaceae and Campylobacteraceae and in- abundances of , Enterobacteriaceae, Strepto- creased abundances of Ruminococcaceae and Corpococcus. coccaceae, Streptococcus and decreased abundances of In HD participants, microbial families Comamonadaceae , Prevotellaceae, Prevotella, and Prevotella 9. and Campylobacteraceae were reportedly enriched, while Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 15 of 23

Fig. 2 Altered taxa based on strong and moderate level of evidence for adults with kidney disease compared to controls. Figure includes data from studies that investigated adults with CKD, IgAN, DN, ESKD, KT recipients and individuals receiving dialysis therapy (HD and PD)

Fig. 3 Sub-sample analysis of altered taxa based on strong and moderate level of evidence for adults with kidney disease receiving dialysis therapy compared to controls. Figure includes data only from the studies that investigated adults receiving HD or PD therapy Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 16 of 23

Fig. 4 Altered taxa based on strong and moderate level of evidence for adults with kidney stones compared to controls

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia intestinalis and The population of an additional 85 microbial taxa Clostridium nexile were depleted compared to controls. were altered in kidney stone populations compared to controls, but this was based on weak evidence (data not shown; Table S2, Additional file 1), of Microbiota profile of kidney transplant recipients which 32 microbes increased and 53 taxa decreased. One study in this review [46] included a sub-set of adults Presence and absence data of archaea, microeukar- who received a KT (n = 16) within the prior month of yotes and fungi from Survyanshi et al. [37]werenot study commencement. Their findings revealed that 54 included as it was unclear if results were statistically taxa were altered compared to controls: Firmicutes, Faeca- significant. Given this was the only paper that libacterium, Prevotella and three other bacterial members employed a high-throughput approach to examine were less abundance, while Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, different microbial community members (other than Alphaproteobacteria, Streptococcaceae, Streptococcus bacteria), it seemed relevant to summarise their find- along with 43 other taxa were enriched in individuals who ings in the manuscript's supplementary information received a KT (data not shown; Table S1, Additional file 1). (Table S3, Additional file 1). Authors reported that based on the abundance of major phyla, the overall gut microbial structure of KT recipients Microbial markers for the potential detection of kidney was more similar to the participants with CKD (stages 3–4) disease and kidney stones rather than the controls [46]. However, several microbial Six studies reported values of the area under the receiver taxa were unique to KT recipients. For example, Proteobac- operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC), ranging teria and Enterobacteriaceae were more highly abundant in between 0 and 1 [59]. The higher AUC value, the better KT recipients in comparison to the CKD cohort. the test or model is at distinguishing between partici- pants with disease and no disease [59]. Findings amongst Microbiota profile of adults with kidney stones compared to these studies were inconclusive. controls Li et al. [52] identified Akkermansia (AUC = 0.753) and Based on strong evidence criteria, seven taxa were ob- Lactobacillus (AUC = 0.792) was able to differentiate be- served to be altered in adults with kidney stones. Within tween adults with CKD and controls, while the combin- the phylum Firmicutes, Lachnospiraceae NK4A136 group, ation of both genera achieved the best result (AUC = Ruminiclostridium 5 group, Dorea, Christensenellaceae,its 0.830). Lun et al. [60]reportedthatLachnospira (AUC = genus Christensenellaceae R7 group, as well as Enterobac- 0.813) performed best for controls, while Ruminococcus ter (from the Proteobacteria phylum) were all significantly gnavus (AUC = 0.764) was best to detect adults with CKD. reduced compared to controls (Fig. 4). In contrast, Bacter- In another study [46], the presence of 4 genera from the oides wasmorehighlyabundantinadultswithkidney bacterial family Lachnospiraceae (Shuttleworthia, Pseudo- stones. Finally, the abundance of two other taxa, Bifido- butyrivibrio, Roseburia and Lachnospira)wereableto bacterium and Faecalibacterium were found to be signifi- identify adults with CKD from controls with high accuracy cantly reduced based on moderate evidence criteria in (AUC = 0.92). The model by Tao et al. [40], which in- adults with kidney stones (Fig. 4). cluded Escherichia Shigella and Prevotella 9, had an Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 17 of 23

AUC = 0.86 for predicting DN in their study population. In adults with kidney stones, shotgun sequencing ana- In adults with kidney stones, Tavasoli et al. [49]reported lysis found that functional genes involved in oxalate deg- that none of the bacteria examined in their study was able radation, such as formyl-CoA transferase and oxalyl-CoA to generate an acceptable AUC to differentiate from con- decarboxylase, were significantly reduced compared to trols, while Tang et al. [53]reportedthatPseudomonas controls [50]. The highest representation of these genes aeruginosa and Escherichia coli could be used to classify was detected in some Archaea and Bacteria, either with their nephrolithiasis patients accurately (AUC = 0.947 and known ()orpreviouslyunknown AUC = 0.840, respectively). oxalate-degrading properties (Escherichia coli, Eggerthella spp., Roseburia hominis, Bacteroides massiliensis, Clostrid- Altered genetic functions of the microbiota ium citroniae)[50]. Through the application of DGGE fin- Among nine studies, eight [37, 38, 40, 46, 50, 52, 56, 57] gerprinting and targeted-gene sequencing of the frc-gene, reported that the real or predicted functional capacity of Suryavanshi et al. [38] also confirmed that in addition to the gut microbiota in adults with kidney disease and kid- Oxalobacter formigenes, several gut inhabitants possessed ney stones were substantially different from controls. Only the ability to metabolise oxalate. However, Suryavanshi one of these study [50] undertook shotgun sequencing in et al. [38] findings using PICRUSt completely contrasted a subset of their study population (n = 10 participants) to the shotgun sequencing results [50], as several genes in- investigate the real functional potential of the microbial volved in oxalate degradation were reported to be communities for known metabolic pathways. Functional enriched rather than depleted in their kidney stone cohort gene-targeted amplicon sequencing was also employed by [38]: formate dehydrogenase (K08349), oxalate/formate another research group [37, 38]. However, the majority of antiporter (K08177), formyl-CoA transferase (K07749), studies predicted the functional capacity of the gut micro- oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase (K01577) and oxalate decarb- biota using the bioinformatic software platform PICRUSt oxylase (K01569). Tang et al. [53], who also investigated (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Recon- these same metabolic pathways relevant to oxalate degrad- struction of Unobserved States) [38, 40, 46, 52, 53, 56, 57]. ation, reported observing no significant difference between In adults with stage 4–5 CKD, using PICRUSt, functional groups. Other predicted functional activities of the gut genes relating to trimethylamine (TMA) metabolism were microbiota relating to energy metabolism, glycan synthe- increased (K07811, K07821, and K03532), while functional sis, metabolism of co-factors and vitamins were down- genes relevant to choline, betaine and L-carnitine metabol- regulated, while lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabol- ism (K07271, K01004, K00499, K00130 and K00540) were ism and xenobiotic degradation metabolism were upregu- found to be significantly reduced compared to controls lated in adults with kidney stones [38]. In more recent [56]. In another study investigating adults with CKD, mi- work [37], through targeted-gene sequencing of the buk- crobial genes associated with the circulatory system func- gene, numerous butyrate-producing bacterial species that tion were predicted to be significantly enriched, while were present in controls, were not found in samples from polyketide metabolism, as well as cell motility and secre- participants with kidney stones. tion, was reduced relative to controls [52]. Similarly, Guir- Wong et al. [36] employed a different approach to the ong et al. [46] also found that predicted microbial genes above methods. This research group adopted a targeted relevant to polyketides metabolism were also significantly approach using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and reduced in adults with CKD and KT recipients along with Genomes (KEGG) database as well as a literature review genetic information processing (involving the ribosome, to search for corresponding functional genes of interest homologous recombination, and aminoacyl-tRNA), metab- alongside the list of bacterial families that differed in olism of co-factors, vitamins,nucleotides,terpenoidsand relative abundance between adults receiving HD and cellular processes including pyrimidine metabolism. Com- controls [36]. In individuals undertaking HD therapy, 12 pared to controls, KT recipients and adults with CKD had of the 19 microbial families that were of highest abun- significantly greater predicted microbial genes associated dance were urease-possessing families, while an add- with the metabolism of carbohydrates, other amino acids, itional five families reportedly possessed the uricase gene and xenobiotics [46]. Differentially abundant bacterial func- (Cellulomonadaceae, Dermabacteraceaea, Micrococca- tions related to lipid metabolism were reported between ceae, Polyangiaceae, Xanthomonadaceae). Three bacter- DN, T2DM controls and controls [40]. In adults undergo- ial families were believed to contain the tryptophanase ing dialysis (HD or PD), four functional pathways relevant gene (Clostridiaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Verruco- to the renin-angiotensin system, glycosphingolipid biosyn- microbiaceae) and four were suspected to be capable of thesis, isoflavonoid biosynthesis and vasopressin regulated deaminating tyrosine into p-Cresol, a precursor of pCS. water reabsorption were different compared to controls Furthermore, two of three bacterial families (Lactobacil- [57]. However, the authors [57]didnotreportifthese laceae and Prevotellaceae) that were less abundant in functional pathways were upregulated or downregulated. adults receiving HD have reported butyrate-producing Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 18 of 23

functions, including members that possess phospho- this review also highlighted a significant gap in the current transbutyrylase and butyrate kinase genes. evidence-base regarding a lack of reporting to control for the potential confounding effects of dietary intakes. Dietary intake assessment and methodologies Lower bacterial diversity has been observed in a range of Three of the 25 articles (12%) presented dietary intake re- other clinical conditions, including inflammatory bowel sults, of which two considered diet in their analysis [50, 61]. disease (IBD), obesity, type 1 and 2 diabetes and coeliac The authors concluded that dietary factors did not seem to disease [63, 64]. However, differences in the diversity of mi- be involved in kidney disease− or nephrolithiasis−associ- crobial communities between cohorts with kidney disease ated abnormalities of the gut microbial composition. and kidney stones compared to controls remained incon- Of the three papers, two used the 131-item European clusive in this review. The overall dissimilarity in the mi- Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) crobial community structure as evaluated via β-diversity Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) [50, 61], one of which distance metrics was statistically significant in six studies. employed a trained research nutritionist to administer the However, conflicting results were found for α-diversity FFQ [50]. Barrios et al. [61] generated dietary scores from measures. Seven studies provided evidence that α-diversity the FFQ results through principal component analysis [61]. significantly reduced in adults with kidney disease or kid- These dietary scores were then considered as covariates in ney stones relative to controls. In contrast, three studies re- their analysis of the gut microbiota. In the second study, ported an increase in microbial richness in adults with Ticinesi et al. [50] assessed total energy (kcal), macronutri- CKD, two of which investigated adults with ESKD [44, 55], ent (protein, carbohydrates, fats in grams), dietary fibre including those receiving haemodialysis therapy [55]. It (grams), alcohol (grams) and micronutrient consumption was inferred that the increase of microbial richness might (grams) between groups (adults with kidney stones and reflect the proliferation of certain bacterial species [44, 55]. controls). Only dietary calcium intake, along with other out- The overgrowth of microbes with pathogenic potential comes such as BMI, age, the sex were adjusted as covariates (pathobiont) has been observed along with increases in in- in microbiota analyses [50].Thethirdstudypresented testinal concentrations of uraemic toxins [65] associated macronutrient percentage consumption of total energy in- with the progression of kidney disease, leading to the loss takes for carbohydrates, proteins and fats between groups, and breach in the intestinal epithelial barrier [65]. Dialysis but details relaying the methods used for data collection, or is believed to worsen this epithelial barrier injury caused by if the dietary data were considered in the analysis, were CKD [66], partly due to intra-dialysis or post-dialysis missing [42]. Other papers included in this review did not hypotension bowel ischemia, and bowel oedema attribut- present results or assess actual dietary intakes. For instance, able to intra-dialysis fluid retention. Shi et al. [55] detected authors simply reported that their cohort groups had simi- bacterial DNA in plasma samples of 27% of participants lar eating habits [40, 62], or noted which participants were undergoing haemodialysis and 20% of their pre-dialysis self-reported vegetarians [38]. Other articles stated their CKD subjects. Interestingly, most of the bacterial DNA participants had received dietary restrictions without detail- found in ESRD patients' blood was also found in their stool ing the specific nutrition prescription, nor the counselling samples, but not in the dialysate solutions [55]. The re- and compliance approaches used [48]. searchers proposed that the bloodstream bacteria was pri- marily derived from the dysbiotic intestinal microbiota, Discussion and that HD exacerbates micro-inflammation in these pa- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic re- tients to some degree by encouraging intestinal microbiota view to quantitatively summarise the composition of the translocation due to an impaired intestinal barrier [55]. gut microbiota profile in adults with kidney disease or kid- Changes at the phylum level with the elevation of Pro- ney stones compared to controls. There is consistent evi- teobacteria and decrease of Firmicutes was found in kid- dence that the gut microbial composition is altered in ney disease cohorts. Previous studies have reported this specific ways in adults with kidney disease and kidney enrichment of Proteobacteria is indicative of an unstable stones. However, more research in this area is required to microbial structure [67] and has been correlated to dis- establish the specific role that these microbes have in kid- eases of inflammatory phenotype [67] such as cardiovas- ney disease physiology and importantly, the clinical rele- cular disease and IBD [68]. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) vance in disease management. To further elucidate this, constitute the outer membranes of most Gram-negative studies should employ more sophisticated microbial char- bacteria [69], and bacterial members of Proteobacteria acterisation techniques appropriate for functional annota- have been reported as potent LPS producers [70]. A con- tion (for instance shotgun sequencing) with the integration nection between low-grade inflammation, sustained by of other multi-omic technology such as metabolomics, as LPS, and the development of metabolic disorders is well well as investigate the gut microbiota in larger sample sizes established, including evidence that indicates subclinical and different kidney disease populations. The findings from endotoxemia is a potential cause for inflammation in Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 19 of 23

individuals with CKD [65]. A mechanistic exploration in important uses for human health [75, 76]. For ex- male C57BL/6 mice showed that endotoxemia resulted in ample, polyketides that are widely used include anti- the activation of mTOR signalling in macrophages, lead- bacterials (erythromycin), antifungals (amphotericin), ing to progressive kidney inflammatory injuries and subse- anti-cancer agents (doxorubicin), immunosuppressants quent fibrosis [71]. Several other taxa that were reportedly (rapamycin) and cholesterol-lowering agents [76]. altered in adults with kidney disease have been linked to Adults with kidney stones also had a unique gut micro- various clinical outcomes. For instance, Streptococcus, biota profile compared to controls. For instance, Bacter- along with Klebsiella that was more abundant in kidney oides were consistently reported to be in increased disease populations, has been positively associated with abundance, while Dorea, Enterobacter, Christensenella- serum uraemic toxin TMAO levels [42]. Similarly, Strepto- ceae,anditsgenusChristensenellaceae R7 group, de- coccus and Blautia were found to be related to other ur- creased in adults with kidney stones. Discrepancies existed aemic toxins such as IS and pCS and inversely associated across studies concerning the up-regulation or down- with kidney function (eGFR) [62]. On the other hand, regulation of microbial genes involved in oxalate degrad- known commensal bacteria [9, 72]suchPrevotella, Rose- ation. Although in a small sample of kidney stone partici- buria [51]andFecalibacterium prausnitzii [47]thatwere pants, shotgun sequencing analysis did indicate that the depleted among kidney disease populations, were associ- expression of genes involved in oxalate degradation were ated with a better kidney function (eGFR) [47, 51] and de- significantly reduced [50]. However, findings across in- creases in Cystatin C levels [51]. Similarly, Prevotella, cluded studies did agree that several microbes possessed Prevotella 2, Prevotella 9 and Megamonas were also asso- functional oxalate-degrading properties, challenging the ciated with lower serum levels of IS and pCS [62], blood concept that the gut-nephrolithiasis-axis is merely limited urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine [46, 62]. to Oxalobacter formigenes [38, 50]. Other predicted func- Findings related to the predicted biological func- tional activities of the gut microbiota involved in energy tions of the microbial community in adults with kid- metabolism, glycan synthesis, lipid and carbohydrate me- ney disease supports the notion that the gut tabolism were also altered compared to controls [38]. microbiome may play an essential role in the produc- It is important to remark that predicting functional pro- tion of ammonia from urea, and formation of uraemic files through amplicon-based metagenomics (i.e. 16S toxin TMAO via the reduced decomposition of its rRNA sequencing), which was the most common ap- precursor TMA. Genes relevant to choline, betaine, proach employed by studies, offers only a limited reso- and L-carnitine metabolism were found to be down- lution of the microbial communities’ functional potential regulated [56], possibly resulting in the production of and does not substitute shotgun sequencing [4]. However, redundant TMA in the intestinal tract. In addition, the findings of both kidney disease and kidney stone pop- the predicted expression of genes related to trimethy- ulations uncovered through amplicon-based metage- lamine (TMA) metabolism were increased in adults nomics do provide valuable functional insights for future with CKD [56]. Moreover, the majority of microbial research to undertake more in-depth explorations through families that were enriched in a cohort of participants shotgun metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and meta- receiving HD possessed the urease gene, while other proteomics needed to further our understandings. highly abundant microbial families possessed the uri- Overall, the application of other multi-omic technolo- case gene, tryptophanase gene and p-cresol forming gies in gut microbiota-related investigations of adults with enzymes [36]. A reduction in bacterial families that kidney disease or kidney stones was uncommon among possess the butyrate-kinase gene and phosphotransbu- the included studies. Although, some research groups did tyrylase needed to produce butyrate, a four-carbon report results of their metabolomic analyses [39, 42, 56, SCFA [36] was also identified among adults receiving 61, 62], a technique that involves identifying a set of me- HD therapy. The capacity to produce SCFAs is crit- tabolites within a sample [77]. For instance, De Angelis ical physiologically as they are needed to provide the et al. [39] observed differences in faecal and urinary me- energy for the growth and proliferation of colonocytes tabolome composition between IgAN patients and con- [73]; protection of the colonic epithelium from trols. The authors suggested that elevated serum-free damage by reactive oxygen species and immune- amino acids detected in IgAN participants were possibly modulating prostaglandins [73]; and aid in processes associated with lower absorption of gastrointestinal pro- that reduce luminal pH associated with the inhibition teins, resulting in increased levels of faecal p-cresol of pathogenic microorganisms [74]. Interestingly, mi- due to enhanced microbial proteolytic metabolism crobial genes essential to polyketide metabolism were and changes in the microbiota [39]. In a separately also predicted to be significantly reduced in adults published paper with the same cohort already in- with CKD. Polyketides are a functionally diverse cluded in this review, Tao et al. [40]foundthat family of bioactive natural products and have many when using an untargeted metabolomics approach, Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 20 of 23

individuals with DN could be distinguished from age decreased over 12 weeks following the use of phosphate and gender-matched diabetic controls by serum L- binders (lanthanum carbonate). Hence, the impact of non- arginine (AUC = 0.824) and taurine (AUC = 0.789) levels. antibiotic drugs unique to people with CKD requires fur- Nevertheless, greater employment of multi-omic tech- ther exploration. nologies such as metabolomics needs to be integrated with Our study has several limitations. Overall, the evalu- comprehensive data on the functional capability of the ation of results relating to alterations in the gut micro- microbiome and dietary intake in order to uncover some biota was challenging to evaluate mainly due to of the most challenging questions concerning the preven- heterogeneity of the inclusion criteria of individuals re- tion and management of CKD and kidney disorders. cruited, methodologies used and reporting of results. It Modulation of the microbiome provides a new poten- was thus not possible to conduct a meta-analysis. The tial therapeutic target for preventing or personalising majority of cited studies had small sample sizes and treatment in kidney disease and disorders. Despite hy- background information relating to the classification of potheses that postulate deleterious effects of specific di- controls, diet, comorbidities, medications and other life- ets and nutrients on the gastrointestinal microbiota style factors (such as smoking status, alcohol consump- regarding uraemic toxin generation in kidney disease tion and physical activity) were poorly accounted for— [12, 26, 28, 78] and kidney stone formation [79], few ex- all of which may have influenced the results. The plored this. Only three studies considered diet in their strength of this review is reflected in its systematic ap- study design [42, 50, 61], of which only two provided ad- proach to highlight the existing state of evidence in the equate details of the dietary assessment methods used area of gut microbiota, kidney disease and kidney stone and considered diet as co-variates in the analysis of the disease. It serves to unify methods and study designs microbiota. Further limitations within these studies needed to produce complementary findings and progress existed. For instance, Barrios et al. [61] noted that infor- in this field of research. mation relating to dietary assessment and antibiotic use was only available for 11% of their sample, making inter- Conclusion pretations of their results difficult. To date, the majority The gut microbiota profile of adults with kidney disease of the published studies have focused mainly on the ef- and kidney stones was consistently reported to be sub- fect of nutritional supplements such as prebiotics and stantially different from controls. Evidence for altered probiotics to improve gut health and symptoms in indi- genetic functions of the gut microbiota suggests a poten- viduals with CKD or kidney stones. Unfortunately, these tial role of the gut microbiota in modulating host metab- types of therapies add further to the pill burden for this olism, particularly in the context of uraemic toxin patient group [80] and have produced inconsistent re- generation in adults with kidney disease—Although sults in either case [81–84]. Clinical trials that explore greater investigation is still required. Studies with high the effects of dietary components, such as dietary fibre statistical power, comparable and reproducible methods in other clinical conditions are emerging [85]. Neverthe- that include validated dietary assessment, as well as the less, few studies have examined the effect of dietary pat- combined utilisation of more sophisticated multi-omic terns on the gut microbiome in CKD or kidney stones. technologies, are required to map functional capabilities Because nutrients are not consumed in isolation [86], and more clearly elucidate the role of the microbiota in exploring the impact of whole foods and overall dietary kidney health. patterns on the gut microbiota may offer a superior and rigorous methodological approach. Supplementary information Further research into the lifestyle and environmental ex- Supplementary information accompanies this paper at posures that differ across the spectrum of kidney disease 1186/s12882-020-01805-w. conditions, and whether certain factors individually have a more significant impact, or whether there is a unifying ef- Additional file 1. Supplementary Data fect on the microbiome, is essential to advance this area of research. For instance, along with subsequent dietary re- Abbreviations AUC: Area under the ROC curve; BUN: Blood urea nitrogen; CKD: Chronic strictions, other drug therapies and the dialysis procedure kidney disease; DGGE: Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; DN: Diabetic itself may explain variations observed between dialysis and nephropathy; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; eGFR: Estimated glomerular non-dialysis CKD, but also between adults receiving PD filtration rate; EPIC FFQ: European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition Food Frequency Questionnaire; ESKD: End-stage kidney disease; compared to HD [1, 57]. For example, the clearance of FFQ: Food Frequency Questionnaire; FISH: Fluorescence in situ hybridization; metabolic wastes that may influence the microbiome dif- HD: Haemodialysis; IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease; IgAN: IgA nephropathy; fers as HD therapy is discontinuous, while PD works con- IS: Indoxyl sulphate; ITS: Internal transcribed spacer; KEGG database: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database; KT: Kidney Transplant; tinuously [1]. Maio et al. [45] noted that there were LPS: Lipopolysaccharides; NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale; significant differences in 58 bacterial taxa, seven of which PAG: Phenylacetylglutamine; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; pCS: p-Cresyl Stanford et al. BMC Nephrology (2020) 21:215 Page 21 of 23

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