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The Prospector, January 07, 1966

UTEP Student Publications

Follow this and additional works at: Comments: This file is atherr large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. THE Coverage P/i'SPECT'Rl'ROI/IECTII Page 6 "Assayer.,ASSB)'er 01 Student Opinion" VOL.VOL. XXXIlxxxn EL PASO, TEXAS, JANUARY 7.19667, 1966 No. 14 en Of Mines Mines Announced ----...- ■-F-~--■-'!!11-_-;--=.:-:.-=..-:..:..------♦ 23 Outstanding Men Chosen Twenty-three outstanding graduating senior men have bbeeneen named to Men of Mines, Dean of Men Carlos Garcia announced this week. Those selected on the basis of their leadership and service to the College were: Earl Wynn Anderson Jr.,Jr., John Charles Blazier, Kenneth Edward Calabrese, William Norman Carter Carter, , Luis L. Castellanos and Winfred------Winfred ••---.:------: ----- Owens Craft Jr. V. Also Lester Wynn Grau, .John John.L' ,I_' reewaVreewa'1f Albert Hafen, AliredAlfred J o os s e e p ph'" h 'J Hulbert, BBruce rue e Dewey Janet, Randolph LeRoy KKe e 11 II e yY and C' LaL ~~ Ralph Lynn Kennedy. ",,anuesn ~S Also Martin Louis Laurel, Jos- 'O · eph Roles Mays Jr., Samuel R k• · Richard Paredes, Joseph C. Rice, 0we ln~ Carlos Ruiz, S t e e p p he hen n Lewis o•'n,.zn~ • •la; Saltzman, Joe Edwin Shirley, Robert Lee Thomas.Thomas, Duane Ros- WithWith VeteransVeterans circle now by Tinkler, James Ro~rt ~ownes turned into a temporary parking and Jon Carleton Weisheit. WeiSheIt. lot and the extension of Schus- Anderson,Anderson, a geology major, ter Avenue begun, the construe- VICTORY A LA DOBBS .. _ BUly stevens (15)(I5) accepts the Most Valuable Player trophy camedearned major, ter Avenue begun, the construe­ was named to Who's Who and tion for the College interchange in TexasTe W Western's m's apsetups t win over Texas Christian University in the Sun Bowl game. ('They''They is chairman of the SAB Evalua- with Interstate 10 is anticipated.anticipated. lustjust dou'tdon't know whenwheu to quit!" huhbIedbubbled Coach Bobby Dobbs about his Miners who started a tio~tions Committee, vic.e-presid~tvice-president However, the only word so far rash of upsetaupsets toin the followingfollowtnr bowl games games.. RouRon Nixon (72) of TCU holds the Most Valuable of Sigma SIgma G~aGamma Epsilon, chair- is that construction will begin LiDemanLinem award. Seeee page 6 for details detalls of the Miner win. (Photo by Lee Cain) man of the ~morSenior Fund for Ex- Ex·early this year. Completion is cellencecellence,, and ISis a member of the expected late in 1968. Lloyd A. Nelson Geology Club, The College interchange will and AIME. be constructed below the old TW Witnesses Witnesses Semester Blazier,Bl~er, who is majoring in Veterans Village. The freeway at education, was also named to this point will run above the in-in­ Who's Who~~ and is a~ Sup!eme Supreme terchangeterehange street (Schuster Ave­ Ave- Court Justice justice,, a Distinguished nue nue).). Schuster is to hebe extended Military Student, and a member west from Hawthorne Street and Of Surprises, Traditions o!of Scabbard & Blade, Student Stude»t eventually make a 45 degree T~achersT7achers Association and TWC'!'We turn towards the Campus. After 1965 I d D R I d I P f. VIllagersVillagers. 1 t·ti th turnt ··tt will TheThe fall a11 semester semest er 0of f 1965 was ler er anand Dr.r. Roland0 an I. . Perusseerusse of------0 ------CalabCal&b b' 1 I ..;.....• 1 sci 1 compcamp e mg e urn, , 1 I crosscro s a term of progressprogr spiced by the the Government Department. ences :.:;;r,a~, a isisio'O :~dent-Stud"" t- Wiggins street near the _present present ed TW hed .•• I I" "hili" S ill ences m...,or, a en C II h I ill unexpectunexpected. . TW reacreached its I~ Of recent interest was a black-black­ neneligihility Igl ty Still t sSup u pr rem em e Coc O u rtr t justlee,justice, ~ollegeto ege w_are_house.wtilare.touse·chtw It will h concon­ - highest enrollment enrollment.. Fans flocked out which engulfed much of the pledge trainer of stemas 1 gm a tmuemue ununtil ..1 it reareaches es t~e t.e o!d o. 1d to the Sun BowlBo I to watch the El PasoPaso Southwest,Southwest. and greatly Undernder Scrutiny Alpha.A 1 p ha E)llliIonEpsilon fraternity,fraternity Veterans Village where .Itit will Miners in their firstfir·t winning affected the Campus.Campus. Classes and has beeubeeIl a member 01of make another turn ((this this tunetime season in many a year. The Lib- were d dismissedismissed while a panty By press time late Wednesday the Student SenateSenate. away from the Campus) and rary recreceivedeived a million dollars r raidaid was foiled.foiled. afternoon, no further develop-develop­ A c iv i v i 1I engineering major, form an approximate "Y" with for building.building. Faculty and stu- Sports-mindedSports-minded El Paspas o0 aans n s ments had occurred concerning Carter is president of the Amer- the pr~en~ Sun Sun. . Bowl road.road. dent membersmembe alike protested were awedawed by the success of the ineligibility of Miner grid-grid­ leanican Society of Civil Engineers From this Intersection,intersection, Schuster againsagainstt the conflict in Viet Nam. CoachCoach BobbyBobby Dobbs' Orangemen. ders Bob Wallace and an honorary member of th~the will continue until it runs into Fall of 1965 saw the revival The Miners who had failed to irt the Sun Bowl game. Their American Society for Testing the freeway access roads, form­ form- of seveseveralral old traditions.traditions. T. T.N.T. .T. win a g gameame last year came back ineligibility was was. brought ~tointo and Materials, and was president ing the interchange. O'Kelly reappearedreapp ared with the with a 7.37-3 record this year, and the open by PhoeruxPhoenix sports writ-writ­ of the Young Americans for This information was released Freedom last year. Monday burro-mascotburro-mascot Clyde.Clyde. The pres-a victory over the Southwest er Dick Smith. . Freedom last year. Monday in an interview with . Castellanos, a pre-med entation of the Silver Spade Conference' Conference'ss number two team,team, -InIn a statemen~ ISSUedWednes-issued Wednes­ Castellanos, a pre-moo major, Oscar H. McMahon, professor of was mademade to the winner of the TCU day, TWC President .Joseph Joseph M. is treasurer of Circle K, and a physics.physics. Mr.Mr. McMahon Isis the Mlner-NMSU game. .' ., Ray said that the matter was out memhermember of Scabbard & Blade. Chairman of the Campus Build- ., Miner-NMSU game. B'il St ns the Miner's so- Ray said that the matter was out . Billy1 Y Stevens,eve · the Miner s so- of the College's hands and was Craft, a pre - law major, is ing and Planning Committee Committee,. The SAB also inauguratedmaugurated a pph ho0 mmoore re strongarmstrongarm, , brou~htbrought nowb being • g investigated.· vestigated by the president of the Student Assocla-Associa- which is a committee appointed tradition~.ra~tion with~ith the presentationpresentation_ of much publicity to EIEl Paso. Billy ;~AA. NCAA. e~r. Dr. Ray:ay would make no tion, 2nd Lt. Operations Officer by the Board of Regents of the "Big:'31g Joe"J o ' the cannon which was the number two quarterback other comment. in Pershing Rifles, a Distinguish·Distinguish- University of Texas. ,. firesfll'eS at all the TW home foot- in the nation and was featured A rule concerning the transfer ed Military student, and state The pressing problems of ball gagames.mes. in Sports Illustrated.Illu trated. of junior college athletes was parliamentarian of the Texas 10-In- growth were also discussed as Judy Smith reigned over the Other outstanding Miners in- the basis upon which Smith tercollegiate StuS tu dentd e nt Associa- Mr. McMahon added that a team succsuccessful ful Homecoming festivi-fe tivi- cludeelude the Coca-Cola Gold Hel- made the charges. tion.tion. of architects hired by the Uni- ties. The colorful parade leatur~featur- met w winners:inners: Larry Rumsey,Rumsey, Grau was named to Who'sWhci versity of Texas system will can·con- elled U. S.S. CongressmanCongr man Richard Curt Parsons, Jack Caldarella, Orientation Week Who and is a government duct a two week study of the C. White,White, College President Jos- two time winner Chuck Hughes,Hughes, Orientation Week major, a DistinguishedDistingulsh~d Mill- Mlll- Texas Western Campus either eph Ray, Outstanding Ex Brooks Ron Bostwick Bostwick,, Bob Wallace and Begin.s January 24 tary studeul,student, executive exeeutive offt-offi- late this month or early Feb- Travis,Travis. and homecoming chair-Fred Carr.Carr. Beg~s January 24 eercer in PershlncPershing- RiDes,Rifles, and ruary. Their purpose will be to man C Coleole Holderman. TW students were entertained Freshmen orientation for the a member of Scabbard & develop a master plan for the Blade and_ the Ju~o C~ub. Campus to accommodate . PoliP lit'tics played Itt a great part by several fl'nefine performers this spring semester will be January Blade and. the JU~oC~ub. Campus to accommodatefuture . 0 JCS P ayed a grea par , be January . A mecham.calmecharu_cal engm~nngengm~g ma~ma- construction until 1985. Inm Campu life this emester. The past semester. Philip Hanson's 24-25 in Magoffin Campus life this semester. The past semester. Philip Hanson s 24-25 in Magoffin Auditorium. lor,JOr, Hafen is15 ad~ertismgadvert1smg man- During theirthe' tw two weekk study,t d StudentStUdent Association, led by Fred One Man Show was memorable A General Assembly will be-be­ ager of The Westsider Westslder,., secretary- secretary~ this. . committeeir will. 0 conductwee s u sev- Y, Craft,Cra!~ helped.helped to promote voter as was the vocal treat presented gin at 8:30 a.a. ffi.m. on Monday, treasurer of Mechanical Engl-Engi- thisI' c~mmit~eete' will 'th_conduct th sev­ t participationP~rticipation in the Texas Con- by the Lettermen.Lettermen. The FordFo~ Car- JanuaryJanu~y 24.2~. The ,freshmen freshmen willwfll neering Society and warden of eraeral mmtel"Vlews rvJews '!1.with thee stu­ S.u. stitutionalst1tutional Amendment electionelection. avan of Stars appeared inm Me- be given instructions for regis-regis­ Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. dents, College offiCIalsofficials and m-in- The votervoter drive was to interest morial Gym and included -EarlEarl tering. There will be ROTC or-or­ Hulbert, a physics major, was st:Uctors st~ctors of ~exas'J'.exas Western al_ong more people in the election and Hines, Hendra and UIIet,Ullet, and the ientationientation. and _ArtsArts and~d Sciences named to Who's Who and is WIthwith talks WIthwith the State High­ Hlgh- to urgeurge them to vote\.'Ote for Amend-Serendipity Singers. The TW and Enginee~Engmeenn_g orientationonentation by president of Sardonyx, vice v Ice _- way Dep~ment. :he. The. entire rnentsments Ohe and Six, amendments Drama Department presented the two acadeltUCdeans..academic deans. . president of Honors Council,Council. and Campus willWlll ~ StudIedstudied Inm order beneficialbeneficial to higher education. "Brigadoon" and "As You Like In the afte~o~nafter~~n there will WIll be vice-president of Sigma Pi Sig•Sig. to develop thlSthis master plan for AccordingAccording to Craft the voter It." a panel consIStIngconsisting of. student the College.College. When completed, drive waswa a great succe success. s. Forums and lectures were an leaders to answer~nswer questions that A mining engineering majormajor, this plan willwi)) be a blueprint for Campus life this the entering freshmen may Janet was named to Who's Who:Who, future construction on Campus. The Viet Nam controversy integral part of Campus li_fe this the entenng freshmen construction on Campus. he Viet Nam controversy may is a member of Honors Council, (Continued(C Un eel P 5) was tak C D pastast semester.semester Included inm the have. is a member of Honon Council, on u on Pageage 5) Was taken up on Campus. Dr. P 'w d On Tuesday, January 25, there AIME d Kldd Ul_' __ CI b R'Richard en Trexlerup on andampus. Harry r. list. of government· t offiCIfficials anand On Tuesday, January 25, there AIME anand Kidd ...... Mining Club. u. 8~chard Trexler . and Harry hs~~f ~~:;~e:,h~who spoke on will be speech testing for busi-busi­ Kelley, 81lan economiesoeOIlOIlIIes --ma­ LlBKABYLIB&ARY BOtlB8BOUBS Bowen of the History Depart- noted lecturers1 d . . trat' h of - rnten of the History Dep~rt- Campusno us this semester were Da- ness aadministration, mInIS lon, speech, speec ,mu- mu­ Jjor, or, Is --)II' president .... - ~ ol TWC .."'" This year the TWC IJbraryLibrary Ument ~ spo~e. spoke outou~ o~nly_ openly against c_'::°PB 11 administrator off ththe sic,sic, and education majors he-be­ VIIJaprs,Villagers, 81llland a • member of will closeclooe at Itaits regu1arregular time, 10 U. S. Part,'cI'pation in V,'et Nam. vid Bell, adminlstnlt<;>r 0 D e ....---- ...... Or A. · part1C1~at1on m Viet_ Nam. vi e • or InternationalI Ie t ona1 De- e ginning at 8:30 a. m. Freshmen Sanlonyx,~-""A, Alpba ~_ ~_Chi. Or­ • p.m.,p.m.. during the period of final 11.J ~emonstrahondemonstration W8Iwas held inm San Agency fc for K n·t rna, C Morrissey - will also go to their major de- pabatloulganisational CoomeIl,Coanell, aa/Iand ...tlle examinations Inste8dinstead of nmaID-remain­ Jscintoacinto Plaza to proteelprotest. DebatesDebate velopment;velopment;S Kennlted~ C.·t M:~e~,Brande~ partment for departmental ad- Lea4enI1IpLeadenblp (loomeD.CoaDeiL ing open untlluntil midnight,midnight. as 81 .....was wereWere held on CamptlllCampus and Dean of Studentstu en s a at ran elS.. ., (Continued(COIlUnueo1011Pace on Page 4) the polleypolicy of previous ,.....years. throughoutthtoughout the city by Dr. Trex- «(laDtIDlIt'(Ccmtlnaed OIlOD Pa&ePaP 4)•> VlSmg.v1S1ng. December 17, 1965 PagePage 1212 THETHE PROSPECTORPROSPECTOR DobbsmenDobbsrnen vsvs revTCU -- InIn SunSun BowlBowl BattleBattle Halfback Andrew Johnso (Continued(Continued fromfrom PagePage 11)11) Halfback Andrew Johnson'sn's broken arm has pulled the shade Wilkinson,Wilkinson, whowho spelledspelled disasterdisaster broken arm has pulled the shade on any hopes he had of playing. forfor thethe MinersMiners earlierearlier inin thethe sea-sea­ on any hopes he had of playing. sonson inin Wyoming'sWyoming's 38-1438-14 CoachCoach Dobbs,Dobbs, whenwhen asked,asked Meanwhile Texas Western's Meanwhile Texas Western's aboutabout TWCTWC beingbeing thethe "underdog""underdog" defense should be at full strength defense should be at full strength inin thethe SunSun Bowl~owl game,game, replied,replied, with all starters in good with all starters in good 'We"We don'tdon't mi.??JTU.?? thatthat POSitionatposition at But Steve Lewicke, backup manman But Steve Lewicke, backup alt.all. Actually,Act1;1ally, It1t s aa goodg_ood positionPosition forfor defensivedefensive endend EugeneEugene Jack-Jack­ toto bebe inm becauseb cause it1t givesgives USus son,son, willwill notnot bebe ableable toto somethingsomething toto workwork for."for." BobBob Wallace,Wallace, thethe speedyspeedy MinerMiner splitsplit endend shouldshould bebe runningrunning atat BothBoth teamsteams havehave shownshown highhigh fullfull steamsteam byby gamegame time,time, headhead regardregard forfor eacheach other'sother's abilityability footballfootball coachcoach BobbyBobby DobbsDobbs and,and, asas aa locallocal sportscastersportscaster saYSsa:rs said.said. FullbackFullback DickDick Weeks,Weeks, whowho "this"this gamegame shouldhould bebe aa dandy>dandy." • missedmissed tbethe lastlast twotwo gamesgames ofof thethe seasonseason becausebecause ofof aa pulledpulled musclemuscle inin hishis leg,leg, willwill bebe backback Dr. C. C. CrawfordCrawford inin thethe formform hehe enjoyedenjoyed whenwhen hehe Dr. C. C. averagedaveraged 4.24.2 yardsyards perper carrycarry thethe firstfirst eighteight gamesgames ofof thethe season.season. SpeaksSpeaks A.tAt Ft.Ft. BlissBliss Dr.Dr. C.C. C.C. Crawford,Crawford, professo.professor any unimposing target CARECARE TOTO DUEL?DUEL? •.• .•Texas Texas Western'sWestern's undefeatedundefeated marksmenmarksmen showshow whatwhat any unimposing target ofof philosophyphilosophy andand formerformer chair.chair­ Charles Hopkins, is. liableliable toto seesee onon matchmatch nights.nights. (L(L toto r)r) RichardRichard Telles,Telles, GeorgeGeorge Rodenherg,Rodenberg, Charles Bopkins, MerryMerry ChristmasChristmas manman ofof thethe departmentdepartment ofof philo-philo­ GeorgeGeorge WIlliamS,Williams, MartInMartin Weick,Weick, FrankFrank WalkerWalker andand DavidDavid Moore.Moore. sophysophy andand psychologyp ychology atat TexTex~ae WesternWestern CollegeCollege waswas aa guestguest ToTo TheThe speakerspeaker atat aa one-dayone-day religiousreligious retreatretreat TuesdayTuesday inin ChapelChapel FourFour End EIEl BurroBurro StaffStaff Ft.Ft. Bliss.Bliss. TheThe retreatretreat waswas spon~SPon~ Undefeated RiflemenRiflemen End sored by Ft. Bliss' 6th Artillery Undefeated sored by Ft. Bliss' 6th Artillery Group.Group. Dr.Dr. Crawford,Crawford, whowho waswas aa min-min­ Fall Session OfOf SeasonSeason isterister inin thethe ChristianChristian ChurchChurch forfor Fall Session 30 years hefore he began his 30 years before he began his career asas teacherteacher andand authorauthor DOUG CONWELL iveive shouldershoulder andand elbowelbow pads,pads, ad-ad- picpie riflerifle coach,coach, gavegave twotwo nightnight career DOUG CONWELL I spokespake onon "Does''Does HistoryHistory Mak~Mak~ to i?e riflemen. . . FinishingFinishing thethe firstfirst halfhalf ofof aa justjust theirtheir sightssights andand weaponweapon classescl~ses to the riflemen. Sense?,"Sense?," "The''The ChallengeChallenge ofof Le-Le­ w~ a. definite as­ brilliantbrilliant undefeatedundefeated season,season, thethe slings,slings, theythey areare readyready toto begin.begin. "Dr.'Dr. EdwinEdwin was a definite as- ninism"ninism" andand ''The''The ChallengeChallenge ofof said Sgt. Hel­ Texas WesternWestern GoldGold riflerifle teamteam! EachEach teamteam consistsconsists ofof sevenseven menmen setset tot~ thethe team,"team, said Sgt. Hel- Orientallsm."Oriental ism." Texas who can be tau~h,! hashas clinchedclinched thethe championshipchampionship ofof whowho firefire .Inin prone,prone, standingstanding andand ton.ton .. "Anyone Anyone who can be taught SeeSee YouYou FinallyFinally the El Paso Del Norte RifleRifle Lea-Lea- kneelingkneeling position.position. TheThe fourfour high-high- byby himhun cancan onlyonly hopehope toto benefit."benefit. Lt. Col. Albert B. V. McDon­ gue.the EIFinal Pasoscores Del Norte totaled up for est scores of each team are selec- Action for the Gold team is Lt. Col. Albert B. V. McDon- scores of each team are selcc- Action for the Gold team is G On ald of the 6th Artillery Group, thegue. record-settingFinal scores totaled riflemen up as-for ' tedest and graded by team captains. not by any means slowing down. Got One Ont ald of the 6th Artillery Group, riflemen as-. ted and graded by team captains. Nt.not by any meansh slowing I down. ot e Out whowho recentlyrecently returnedreturned fromfrom the record-setting they are planning on '-rbe s~ the MinersMiners thethe toptop po81-pad- TWO IVISIONS Nextex sprmgspring t ey are p arming duty in Viet Nam, spoke tionsured m the league. D several trips,trips, butbut theythey needneed fin-fin- duty in Viet Nam, spoke on "rhe tion in the league. TWO DIVI IONS severallal h I 1i!!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!~~C;h~all~e~ng~e~O~f~V~I~et~N~am.~~·;..,=.,Challenge of Viet Nam." TheThe GoldGold teamteam hashas firedfired sev-sev- TheThe championshipchampionship ofof thethe ELEL anctancial help.e p. Ii Team needs more enen matchesmatches thisthis yearyear inin thethe ElEl ~asoPaso DelDel NorteNorte Lea~~eLeague isis divideddivided ''The''The RifleRifle Team needs more for our Roswell trip PasoPaso DelDel NorteNorte LeagueLeague againstagainst intointo twotwo compebtl~ms.competitions. AfterAfter thanthan $200$200 for our ~swell trip for the University of thethe oppositionopposition ofof Ft.Ft. Bliss,Bliss WhiteWhite scoresscores areare compiledcompiled min thethe fall,fall, andand $400$400 for the University of AT THE MAYFAIRMAYFAIR this spring," AT THE SandsSands MissileMissile Range,Range, Biggs,Biggs, andand twotwo smallersmaller groupsgro':1ps areare ~o~ed.~o:~ed. T~xasTf.;xas InvitationalInvitational this spring," Helton. thethe RioRio GrandeGrande GunGun Club.Club. TheyThey TeamsTeams co:npeteco_mpete m.m_ thethe divisionsdiv1s1ons saidsaid Sgt.Sgt. Helton. CIIABGB hold the highest team score, to determine the WInner forfor each.each. TeamTeam membersmembers areare optimisticoptimistic hold the highest team score, to determme the wrnner PlaJdPllid reversingti versing toto IT future matches. "Our team 1,149out1,149 out ofof aa possiblepossible 1,200,net-1,200, net- TexasTexas WesternWestern GoldGold team,team, aboutabout future matches. "Our- team ted in is in of being the na­ plain. A ted in lastlast week'sweek's gamegame withwith thethe whichwhich is in thethe upperupper division,division, hashas possibilitiespossibilities of being the na- plain. A Wong,strong, Ft Bliss White riflemen. The is slated for eight more gamesgames tionaltional champion,"champion," RodenbergRodenberg en-en­ Fl Bliss White riflemen. The is slated for eight more agIle mounWn average 'Score for each team this spring in league competition.competition. thusiasticallythusiastically said.said. agile mounWn average core for each team this spring in league / to need more ' member waswas anan astronomicalastronomical 287287 ThisThis yearyear hashas beenbeen filledfilled withwith "But"But we'rewe're goinggoing to need more jacketjack,t ••••• ,W.UUku member more equipment to outout ofof 300300 totaltotal points.points. newnew honorshonors forfor thethe ThreeThree supportsupport and more equipment to Sgt. Helton. to the s{opes wIth "Without"Without aa doubtdoubt II feelfeel con.con- membersmembers traveledtraveled toto thethe Univer-Univer- dodo it,"it," added.added Sgt. Helton. to the s/op,s with the Texas West­ fident thatthat thethe GoldGold teamteam willwill sitysity ofof Arizo~a, inin Tucson,Tucson, toto LastLast Saturday,Saturday, the Texas West- fident Team competed OfymplVlOlympian prowess.prowess. place firstfirst inin thethe DelDel NorteNorte Lea-Lea- capture thethe firstfirst . expertexpert ernern GoldGold RifleRifle Team competed place against New gue," said Sgt. DaleDale Helton,Helton, teamteam tea:nte~ a~ard.a':"ard. TW.!ledTW. bed WIthwith thethe inin aa rillerifle matchmatch against New HaveHave coach.gue," said University of Artzona, but be- Mexico State UniversityUniversity, TTexas coach. Uruvers1ty ~f Anzona,. but be- Mexico State Texas State College Uke having two. HOBOUR S OFOF PRACTICEPRACTICE causecause of~f aa higherhigher standingstanding score,score, Tech,Tech, WestWest Texas State 'co:'; f.ike having UK . th.ethe MinersMiners were awardedawarded thethe andand NewNew MexicoMexico MIlitaryMilitary Insti-Jnsti- every team but TheThe teamteam practiced ma~ymany tute.tute. TW beatbeat every team but and lost to them by hourshours w~eklYweekly toto achieve theirtheir SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONIN TRUCTION WestWest Texas,Texas, and lost to them by record this ye,ar. As George Rod~...... aa narrownarrow margin ofof fourfour points. record this year. As George Rod- was II enberg Jr' highest scormgscoring team PossIblyPossibly oneone of thethe declding

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JANUARYJANUARY 17-1 17·18·19·20,8-19-20, 1966


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Student Union Building January 7, 1966 _P_ag_e_2Page 2______THE__ PROSPECTORP_ R_O_S_P_E_C_T_O_R~------Crammed Examinations Summer Opportun Opportunitiesities Offered Result In Hardships For Change Of .Pace 'Pace,, Scenery Europe, the American Stu-tu­ the International CollegeCoIJege in TTSUALLY THE FINAL examination schedule is well For the college students Copenhagen has an expand.expand­ who don't wish to spend a dent Information Serviceervice is planned, but this year's is an exception. The sche~ule a jobJob placement organizationorga.nhation ed program for students in summer loafing (perish the their junior year of under_under­ released by the Registrar's office crams all of the ~mal thought) or attending classes which offers a wide variety exams into five days instead of the usual seven or eight. of jobs and countries. graduate .studystudy or advancedadvanced. at this love-love­ '" a special Students have a chance to students seeking a special In the past, students had two hours between exams to Iyly College short course in European they have work in Germany.Germany, Belgium, eateat, rest and do extra studying for their next test, but Studies. thisthi~ year the schedule allows the students only half an been attend­ attend- Switzerland, Holland, France, hour between exams. The change in schedule has also ing for nine England, S Spa p a i n, Luxem-Luxem­ ICC programsprorrams in includeclude for­ for. bourg, Finland, Nor way, doubled the number of finals a student can have per months, bourg, Finland, Norw a Y, mal an andd study-traveltudy-travel day. The usual two have been extended to four making manlfmanu oOlpp Sweden, AuAustria, s t ria, Italy, throughontthroughout Europe, D Danishanish day. The usual two have been Liechtenstein, Israel and San it possiblefor students with late afternoon classes to portunitiportuniti e ss area studies,tudies, family living,Uving, it possible are open for Marino. have exams from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m,p.m. folk scboolbool education, partl.partj. a change of Occupation areas include cipatlonin tbethe culturalcultural and If a student is taking more than the usual amount of cipation If a student is taking more than the pace and office work, farm, hospital, social llfelife of SeandinavlacandinaTLt hours this means that all his finals may come in two scenery. resort hotel, camp counsel-counsel­ and an all worldworld seminar.mlnar. days. 'This1This also holds true for those carrying the aver­ aver- The Pros- TODARO ing, construction, child care age amount of hours. Apparently whatwhat_ a student must pector often receives infer-infor­ and factory work. FurF u rtthe h e r information is do is taketalce tests all day and study all nightrught for the few mation about summer em­ em- The service provides such available in the Prospector he has ithe the next day. ployment and study oppor-oppor­ benefits as health and acci-acci­ office or w r i t e The Di-Di­ 140, amount of tunities. dent insurance for 95 days, rector, ICC, Dalstroget 140, The new schedule not only overlooks the amount of Soborg, Copenhagen,Den­ Den- also One of the opportunities student discount pass, and Soborg, Copenhagen, exhaustion the human mind and body can take, but also mark. the students' grade point average, which may not be im-im­ already printed was arch-arch­ college credits iriin some in­ in- mark. the students' grade point average, which aeologydigs in England. The aeology stances. In addition to these exam-exam­ portant to the few people working in the administrationadministrat~on program includes a seminar In addition to these Interestedstudents sbouldhould ples, bulletin boards over but which is important to the 7,000 students attending followed by three or more Interested ples, bulletin boards write ASIS, 22 Ave. de la T>VC.TWC. . weeks of digging. Students write ASIS, 22 Ave. de la the Campus offer other op­ op. weeks Llberte, Luxembourg City, According to the schedule the only valid reason for who applied before January Llberte, Luxembourg portunities for interesting Grand DncbyDuchy of Luxem-Luxem­ missing anexam is a conflict in time, so a student also 1 have a chance for a really summer travel, work, study missing an bourg for information. as well as study opportuni­opportuni, runs the risk of failing a course if he has a breakdown. different summer. as well as study runs the risk of failing a course ties for next year. lf a student doeshave a conflict he must travel several For those interested in For those interested in ties for If a student does study at a foreign university, --JEANNIE TODAROTOD.ABO miles back and forth between the dean's and his pro-pro­ 5s uumm merm e r jobs throughout study at a foreign university, fessor's office. In the end the one having final say-so about when a student can take his conflict final is his professor. It is Test Your Newsws KnowledgeKnowledge also up to the professor what final the student takes. Test Your Ne This means that a student may be made to take an exam different than that taken by his classmates--this classmates-'this for the inexperienced ones usually means a more difficult ex-ex­ WWithith T Timeime News ReviewReview Quiz amination. Why all this change? Why must the students go Every year Time, the week-week­ nesia weakened the 20-year America betwe Colamba,. through these extra hardships? Why, in fact, are the ly news magazine, produces rule of that country's ailing president. His name:-- students being punished? a News Review Quiz that president. His name:-- 17. Hurricane Betsy caused lets high school and college The only solution available was that if the exams lets high school and college 6. Although a cease-fire extensive damage and loss were not scheduled as they are those working in the students measureme as u re theirth e i r agreement was reached be­be- were not scheduled as knowledge of recent events. of lifelite in New Orleans.- Orleana.-- Records Department of the Administration would not tween India and-and Pakistan, What news made the autumn sporadic fighting continues IS.18. The Los Angeles Dodg.Dodg­ have enough time to do their work. of 1965 memorable? What A point that has been overlooked is that after finals between the countries. In ers lost the 1965 WorldWorld Se­Se- A point that has been overlooked were the headline happen-happen­ dispute is the territory, now end the administration has over a week to complete dispute is the territory, now ries to the Minnesota Twins. end the administration has over a week to ings? and the significant if a part of India, known as their work. If there is a shortage of workers, why not smaller events? --. hire more student helpers? Why don't you take the --. Why don't 7. Leading the op)106itloa 19. During the Presiden~.President's Of the many important facts thrownaside is that of quiz and test your knowl- 7. Leading the opposition Of the many important facts thrown quiz and test your knowl­ in the U.s. Seuate to the Ad· operation VicVi c e President the amount of consideration the students get. This Col-Col­ edge? You will find the an­an- in the U.S. Senate to the Ad­ the amount of consideration the students get. This edge? ministration-backed bbill ill to Humphrey was called on to lege is here to help the students not hamper them. NNeed­eed- swers on page 6. ministration-backed lege is here to help the students not hamper them. repeal the ''Right "Rigbt to Work" act as ChletChief Executive and less to say many good averages which students have 1. At the start of Itsits 20th20tb section of the Tart-Hartl7Tait-Hartly deal with a major crisis in worked for, will go down the drain during finals. session, the General Assem·Assem­ Act wasw a s Senate Minority tbethe Near East.--East.-- bly of tbethe United Nations Leader:-. seated three new members, seated 8. Last season's "Oliverl" bringing the total to 117. 8. Last season's "Oliveri" and tbe recently 0 pene d Seated were all but one of and the recently op en PhotosPhotos Wanted For StudentsCongratulate Broadway musical up''P i c k •a Students the following countrles:-- the following conntries:-- wick" are both British im­tm- A. Maldive Islands A. Maldive Islands ports based on cbaracterscharacters B. Singapore FlowsheetFlowsheet BeautyBeauty C. Malaysia from the novels of a famous BoBothth V1ictori'ousTeamsVictorious Tearns C. Malaysia English author. His name: D. Gambia --. All women students of Texas The Prospector joins the entire student body in con­ con- 2. Pope Paul VI made an --. Western College are asked to The Prospector joins the entire student body 2. Pope Paul 9. ''The "The Agony and the submit an 8 x 10 glossy photo- gratulatinggratula ting the Miner football and basketball teams for historic trip to tbethe United Ecstasy," a recently-released ubmit an 8 x 10 glossy photo· Ecstasy," graph of themselves for the winning the Sun Bowl game and the Sun Carnival Bas-Bas­ Nations and addressed the tbe movie based on a best-sell-best-sell­ graph of themselves Assembly witb a plea for movie Flowsbeet Queen Contest. The ketball Tournament, respectively. Assembly with a plea for ing biography by Ir I r v iin n g Flowsheet Queen Contest world peace. All but one of entries will be judged by a well· The Sun Bowl victory was the climax of a fine foot-foot­ world peace. All but Stone, is the story of a great entries will be judged by The Sun Bowl tbe following is true about Stone, known celebrity and the winner ball season which gained Texas Western the title of the following is true about 16th century Italian artist known celebrity and the winner ball season his visit:-- will be pictured on a full page "MostImproved Team" under the leadership of new and sculptor. His name:--. "Most A. He was tbe first Pope to in the 1966 Flowsheet.Fl.owsheet. coach, Bobby Dobbs. A. He was the first Pope to Each of the f o 11 l Lo oww Lni n g coach, Bobby Dobbs. cross the Atlantic Ocean and Winning the Sun Carnival Basketball Tournament, by cross the events A.A Happened B. Did Deadline for tbethe entries is Winning the Sun Carnival Basketball Tournament, by see the . not happen (put the letter February 7 and all pbotographsphotographs defeating the fourth-ranked team in the nation, Iowa, B. This was the longest B. This was A or B after each statement). sbouldshould be submitted to MIll.Mrs. and Loyola of the South, gained wide recognition for the tripin all his world travels. trip 10. PresideutPresident Johnson re-re­ Jean Ponsford in SUB 402. Miner basketball squad and the suggestion that Coach C. He was the tbe first Pope cently signed a bill provid-provid­ Don Haskins' team may be among the top-rated teams to address the United Na-Na­ ing for establishmentestabllshment of a this season. tions. National Foundation for the We realize the high price individual athletes have to D.D. He was the first Pope Arts and Humanitles~Bumanities.- THE to ,meet officially with a pay for victory-regarding the hours spent in practice to meet officially with a 11.II. A bill giving the Dis­Dis- which makes it harder for them to make their grades President of tbethe U n nit i t e d trict of Columbia the right PROSPECTORPROSPECTOR and takes them away from other activities. States. to elect a municipal govern­ govern- and takes them away from other activities. 3. As a result of Its con- "ASSA"ASSAYERY ER OOFF T>VC's athletic teams are a source of pride oto the stu- 3. As a result of its con­ ment and run its own local TWC's athletic teams are a source of pride io the stu­ flictmet with Britain over more dents of Texas Western and the citizens of El Paso, and affairs was passed by Con-Con­ STUDENSTUDENTT OPINION"OPlNlON" dents of Texas pollticalpolitical power for the tbe AfrI-Afri­ gress.-- we wish to join in thanking them for their fine efforts. can majority in Rhodesia, can majority in Rhodesia, ..12. 12. The Prseident has nego-nego­ PublL8bedPUbllahed bybJ Student tbethe white-minority govern­ govern. Publ1catlOnlPubllcatlon.e of Tau tI:>tedati~ted a treaty which recog-recog­ WesternWe tern College, College. Bl Puo,PuG. Tna,ITen8 ment of this self-governfnsself-governing ruzes Panama's sovereignty colony tbreatenedthreatened to:--to:- over the Panama Canal.-- Second-Cl8eeond·C1ass postage paidpatd at A. Join in a federation over the Panama Canal.-- Ell!:1 Paso.Paao. TuuTexas Billy Stevens Re Recognizedcognized A. .Join in a federation 13. The new immigration immIgratioa with the UulonUnion of South Soutb Af·Al· Subscr1ptIOna--$2Subecr1pttona---a per yeer,year. or with the law recently passed by Con­ Con- payment or Student A8lloclatloD rica. p&Jment or S udent Asaoctatlon gress restricts for the first fee B. Declare Itself fully In. THE PROSPBCTORPROSPECTOR sala pUbllsh-publish· For Record-BreakingBreaking YearYear B. Declare itself fully in• time the total number of im­1m. THE For Record- ed weekly during the academic dependent immediately. eel weekly during tbe academic migrants to tbethe United States yearJe&r ezcept eIcept durtng enmtnatlon aamlDatiOD C. Ban nuclear testing in fro m Western Hemispbere perlOdsperiOds 1.nd and holidays.bolldaJS. Special congratulations go to Billy Stevens, TWC Its territory. from Western Hemisphere its territory. countries.- OpIn1oneOplnlon.e expressedeXpreaaed benlDherein an are quarterback par excellence. Stevens was chosen Most D. Blockade tbe neigbbor. not neceuarUy those of tbe D. Blockade the netghbor­ I14. 4. Madame·Madame Chiang Kai-Kai­ not nee rtlJ those of tbe Valuable Player of the Sun Bowl game by the sports in.ging country of zambia.Zambia. faculty or administration.admlDlat1'1LtlOD. Let·Let-- shek in her recent visit to terstera to The Editor should be ad·ada writers and was also voted Most Valuable Player of the 4. Dead in Africa at 90 was writers and 4. Dead in Africa at 90 was tbethe U.S. publicly advocated dresseddrNSed to The Edttor. Editor. Tbe Year by T>VC students in an SAB sponsored poll held Albert Schweitzer, who in PROSPECTOR.PROSPECTOR, Tn..Tena WeatenlWe8tenl Year by TWC students Albert Schweitzer, the admission of Red China College. in December. his long lifelite was Was world-re­ world·re- to tbe United Nations.__ to the United Nations.-- MIlMBD Stevens' other achievements include second in the na-na­ nowned as all but one of the 15. Fidel Castro announced MnlBb following:-- 15. Fidel Castro announced TIIXA81'JD(A8 INTDCOLLmI.l."INTDCOLLIIOl.&ft tion in passing yardageyarVCshouldTWC should be able to look 5. A be- Historians ~ actteor _____ ..Jiluta SIOII• 5. A power struggle be­ ll forward to another great year for the Miner football 1515thth -turJcentmy mapma p wille"wblc :;"'" ...-- _...Bob " ...... to another great year for the Miner tween pro and anl:I-Com- ~ Wd!.tor Jc,baaall forward ~n pro and anti-Com­ o 0;:-p C'I:-----.Bob ~ ~ '= .... to Pl'OYe tat t1ae Vl­ - - to pnwe tJaat VI- : ···----.l'ldl-- l'UD squad. munist elementa elements Inin Indo- .:.,= a.-Cllla k1upk.lnp 1uuIbad arriYeolanhed Iala N....N-11a January 7, 7. 1966 THE PROSPECTOR Page 5 --- FREEWAY CHANGES (Continued from Page 1) New ROTC Course ""WhereWhere today we only have about 7 7,000,000 students enrolled in Ji.,raternitiesFraternities Support Texas Western, by 1985 we will Available To Men probably have well over 3000030 000 Available To Men sstudents,"tudents," said MrMr.. McMahon.'McMahon.' He Marines In Viet Nam A new two-year ROTC program is bein off ff added "This increase in Campus Western tosoph sophomoreomore s studentstudents approa approac~' 0 er~ at Texas populpopulationation will cre~tecreate numerous TheTh Marine M' C or p s Reserve ISigma Al ha Epsil western to ~ ~r~ problems. Where will the buiild- .. e ~me 0 r p s Reserve Si~a Alpha Epsil. • on, T,ambda ing. ThisThis program is intended for transfetransf c mg~ JUDlorJumor stand­ stand- ~roblebms. Where will the build- Civil AchonAction Fund for Viet Nam Chi Cb Alph/and Al h d Sigm~nA.lpr:m~ S inga be constructed? Will they receivedadded support fr from O m I p a an rgma Alphaa Mu. legesJeges and universities not offering ROTt ROTC r 5 S~d:ts from col-col­ mgs e constructed? Will they received and /::,ts h~ve?t too be three or four storie storiess members of several Texas West-Hatch, as spokesman for the at TWC who did .not wish to or could couId 'n~' t koskosee studentsstuden~s h~ve at TWC who did not ~ hi~hhi~h.? Wh Whatat about roads? Where ern em College fraternities recently. group, said, said. "We'We feel the Marine ROTC Course dunngduring their freshman anlo aha e the BasicBasIC will all these people park their Thesupport came in the fonnform Corps Reserve Civic Action FundJ"uDd Students taking the new two-.two- andsop sophomore omore years. will all these people park their The students taking the new cars?" of a check for $200, presented is an excellent means for us to year coursecourse will obtain a eom-com­ I ______..:,::..:.._.:..:______toto. Lt. Col. M. Diaz, USMCRUSMCR, by provide tangible evidence of the inissiomissionn as a Second Lieutenant Michael R. Hatch, a senior m'ech.mech· support of American policy in concurconcurrentlyrently with their gradua­ gradua- EB anical engineering student at Viet Nam, and show sympathysympathY liontion tro fromm college. These students E..... oms Be!u,·n TWC. on behalf of the fraternl- for the Vietnamese people." ~xams1 eein'O TWC, on behalf of the fraterni- for the Vietnamese people." will att attendend a Basic Summer 0 ties.ties. . The presentation to the fund camp of si sixx weeks duration be­be- Contributors.Co!ltnbutors_ were were._ the Interfra- came during Marine Corps birth-birtb­ tween theirtheir sophomore and [un-jun­ (Continued from Page 4) termtyterruty Council,Coun~, PhIPhi Kappa Tau, day ceremonies held at the Rode­Rocle-- ior yearsyears to make up for the 'ITS Tau Kappa Epsilon, Epsilon. Kappa Sigma, way Inn. usual Basic Course taken on TTThSSThS - 99-129-12 MWF - •10-12 campus a ass freshmen and sopho- - 9 MTWTF - 10 mores.rnores. MWF - 10 and Tu-1 Pay a att the six-weeksix-weeks Basic From 3 t 6 summer Camp is at the rate of If 1 p.m.p.m.t ~o O 6 p.m,p.m. From 7 p.m. 10to 10 p.m. $78 per month and a transporta- 'ITc ass a~~ mee s: : If class meets: ~ OnCanq,111 *1:- tion allowanceallowance ot of six cents per TT • - lO M.WMW 6 77' 30 P mile to and from camp is paldpaid TTS'ITS - 1010' -• - -.: p.m. .m. (By tk autlwr of "Rally Round tk Flag, Bop!", 7 3 to the student. Upon satisfactori-satiafactorl- TTS'ITS - 10 and M-1 M.WMW • - 7-8:-8: 30o p.m. "Dobie Gillu," elc.) comcompletingpleting the Basic Summer ThS - _ 10-11:30 MW -• 7 7-8:45-s: 45 p.m,p.m. lyIy 'ITS MW - 7-9 p.m. camp,Camp. the student is eligible to 'IT S -10-12 M.WMW _ 7-10 7 10 p.m. enrollenroU inin the Advanced Course - . - p.m. (MS mIII andand MS IV) justjust as oth- TT -• 4: 30-6 p.m. ROMAN IN THE GLOAMIN' er stude studentsnts who have satisfac- TT - 5.5.30-7 30-7 p.m. torily comc omp pie 1 et ted e d the Basic -Take exam on Tuesday,Tuuday, JantUJ.ryJanuary 18 . Now as the end of the first semester draws near, one fact emerges clearly: you are all going to flunk outof school. cOAurdsve.ancedCoursestudentsCourse. re-From IFfrom 8 a a.m·tto m to 11 a a.m. Fr From 11: 30 a.m. t 2 30 emerges clearly: you are all going to flunk out Advanced Course students re- If classc assJ mee~ · t s:• .m. Ifom It. 11: 30 a.m. to0: 2: 30 p.m,p.m. There are two things you can do about it. First, you can ceive $4$400 per month for a max-MW 11 ee s. If cclass ass meemeets: s. marry money. (I don't mean you marry the money itMlf:u-l/; I imumImum ofof 20 months. Pay while MWF 'ITTT • - 11 mean you marry a person who has moneymoney. • Weddings be-be­ at the s six-weekix-week Advanced ROTC MTWTF- 1l11 TTS - 11 tween people and currency have not been legal anywhere in SummSummerer C Cam a m p p, , attended be- - 11 the United States Stalas since the Smoot-Hawley Act. Personna~ Peraonna'" tween the student's junior and WF • 11 StainlessStaini .... Steel Blades, Blad es, on the other hand.hand, are legal every­ every- senior yearsyears is at the rate of F - 11 where and are, are. indeed, indeed. used with great pleasure and satis­ satis- $1~7.30$147.30 per month. The six-~ent six-cent From 3 p.m. p.m to 6 p.m. From 7 p.m p.m.. to 10 p.m. faction in all aU fifty statesatalas of the Union and Duluth. I bring mileage allowance also applies. If class p.m. mileage allowancE: also applies. If class m is.ts. If class meets: npup PereonnaPemonna Stainless Stain! .... Steel Blades Blad es because this tJUs column isia MonetaryMonetary benefits accruingaccnnng to MWF ~eeee · . ~ by the makera of PersonnaStainlEss Stain!Eos Steel Blades, Blad es, 12 TT - 8:8:30-10 30-10 p.m. apoDBOred by the maken of Personna students of the two-year Ad- MTWTF-• aDd they are inclined to get edgy if I omit to mention their 'IT - 8: 30-10: 20 p.m. and vanced ROTC Course approxi- MTWTF - 12 TT - 8: 30-10: 20 p.m. lll'Oduct.1IIOdnct. Some of them get edgy and some get double-edgy mate $1$1,100,100 counting the $300 WF - 12 beeauaebeea.- Penonna BbulBlades ... come both in Injector style and clothing allowance granted upon MW -12 Double EdgeEdce style.) .beingbeing Commissioned an Army F - -1 1 ButBat I digreas. digrale. I was saying oaying you can marry money but, of -. )'OQwill not because you are a high-minded, clean­ clean- ~~f.~e:t:,~ut:=~tse!te~ut:~8:e~ts should ob- -Take exam on Wednesday, JantUJ.ryJanuary 19 eoune, you ~fe~ living,Itring, pare-hearted,pure-hearted, freckle-faced American kid. Therefore, Therefore. tain an andd fiUfill ~~t an a'!plication81;'Plication ("roml4'rom 8 aa.m..m. to 11 a.m. From 11 11' · 30 a.m to 22' · 30 .In.m to bepIoeIp from flunking, you must tlytzy the second aecond method: blank at the Military Science De- Iflf Class Meets· lfIf 1 I · . ts· .' • · . p · . JOGJGIl moomust leamI.... how t.o to take lecture notes. nolM. partrnent,partment, Room 40 of Memorial MW l' · c ass meets.mee • 1 AccordincA-.:tinc t.oto. a recent_t IIllrVeY.survey, eleven out of ten American Gym dduringuring Februar,.Feb r u a r :, and MWF'· 1 'ITTT - 2 adeqraduawadeqraduat181 do not know the proper way to take lecture March. Upon review and ac- . MWF -• 1 MWF • 3 not.ea.IIOtA!B. To ilhatn.temu.trate thiothia appalling appal1ing statistic, statistic. let us BUppoee suppoee ceptance of application by the MMTWTFMTWTF - 1 TT • 1•2:1-2:30 30 ::rouJGIl are takinctaking a eowaecomae in hist.ory. hiatory. Let us further suppose suppoee ProfessorProfessor of Military Science at MWFWF - 1-3 thedoe lecwrer Jeelw6I isia lecturinglecturinlr onOD the ruling houses of England. TWC, a applicantspplicants will be requir-requir· MWM:W - 1-2: 30 From 7 p.m.p.m. to 10 p.m. You linenJIlI1IoIl intomtly.intantly. You writewrit.e diligently in your notebook, edcd to take a mental teattest to deter- MW - 1-5: 30 If class meets: malring_Irina: a topietopic outline outline.)'OQ u you have been taught. Like thia:this: mine the s student'student's qualification W - 1 M.WMW -8: 30-10 p.m. LLa-olPlan~ Home of Plantagenet. for officerofficer training. A medical MF - 1-4 MW - 8:30-10:20 8: 30-10: 20 p.m. ILn. Homea- of ol1.eDcallter. I.encaater. examination (at government ex- MW - 1 and F-2 examination (at government ex- MW - 1 and F-2 m.&.eolYork. (111,ltl pense) will also be required. M _ 1 m.U-olycn. LX IV ,!~.. pense) will also be required. M _ 1 J\I,. ,.t"'eeeum,ColosBeum, the Appian Way, and Techni­ Techni- J,. eolor.ooIor. So Rome stuck with Roman numerals-to numerala-to itB ita sorrow, as ThoThe eompetitioocompetition for 1oodIooc! jobojobs is a "fW1"'IfrT fut tnektraeIr t:ioda,y.todaT. itIt turned out. One day clay in the Forum, Cicero and Pliny got And you can't dordafford to juatjlllt otallatall>UDd, while"hiII otben.,.othora ... 1oto arguing about how much isia CDL timtimes ... MVIX. Well, sir, •• Jearnin1Ioarninc how to move ahead faster.f_. pretty soon everyone in town came around to join the has­ha&- Today.Today, tot.o get a goodIooc! joh,job, ;yooyou need a Iooc!good edueation.od_tloo. ale.ole. In all the excitement,excitement. nobody remembered to lock the YonYou really real\y can't get aheedahead without one. A Iooc!good educatlOlledueetiool north gate and-wham! before you could say ara ..... loRgo-inlonga-in 10f.t thefinl thing mootmost employ....employers askuk for. It pro-7'JOl'proves 7ou•~ .. msbedrushed the Goths,Goths. the VlSigotha,VJaigotba, and the GreenGreeD Bay Packers! PackenI! lOtgot "hatwhat it takes to handle a goodIooc! job •.• a roodIooc! ,__, -"" Well.Well, sir,lIir, that's the way doethe empire crumbles,crumbles. and I eli-di­ a:r-- Let's pt hack to lecture Let's also oaya word Mak. )'Ou.rt tripri p 10 to £11rop•£lII"'OI* pey for ltHII. ",..,. lffl!B. Let's get back to lecture not.ea.no_ Let's also say Mllce your joblob ••• .•• a johjob with a solid lOUd future. about Burma Shavee. WhyT~ Burma Shave ia is madeIllBde , So, Ifii you're in schoolschoolnow now ••. ... staystaY ththere! .... 1 LearnLoUD allaU :,CM&7'JOl about Burma Shave•. Why? Beeauae hy the makeraof Peraonna P6i80DD8 Bladee Blades who,wbo, it will be recalled,-.Iled, PAYING JOBS can for u .. long as you can. If you're out of school, you cancaD by the makers are the SPOIlBOlBsponao.ra of thisthio column. collDllllo They Tbe)o an are allloaIao the IJ)OD80rBapoII8lIIII atWltill cetpt plenty of valuablen1uable traininItraining outside the claasroom.cIaasroom. the of the ultimate in shaTIDgaha?ing luxury. FintFIra& coat«* yourJOUl kiaerkBsr IN EUROPE For the latest Information,information, visit the Youth Counsellor CouneeUor a&&& For with Burma Shave, regularrea:utar or mant.hol-or,_thol-or, ifIf you)'OQare are doethe Luxembourt_Luxembour&- 25000 26000 Jobljobs (of­ (of- ~ State Employment Service. Remember, a Iooc! echt- wit.h 7our State Emp1oyment Service. Remember, a good echa­ devil-may-eareaort,aomeofdevil-may-care aort, aome of each. TbeDThen whiskwhiakolfyoardab- olf your stub­ ficelice,, reoort,resort, farm,factory,farm, factory, ete.)etc.) eatiooeatioD isn't a hauryluxury today. It's aDan absolute neeessit)".necessity. araree available in III Europe with blehie withwitb ualDerediblyan ineredibly sharp,aharp, unbelievablyUIlbeIiavabI7 durable Pen,onnaPenoIlDa wages to 5400. Travel ...... ta Blade, IDjeetarInject.or or Double Edp-nmemberingEdce--beitta: :6ntlIM t.o to putpat 1'1Qe1 to UOO. Travel grant, the bIadIIin. _. The -.It: fMW felicity, eaa- are given to eacheacIl appllcaDt.applicant. TogetTo get a good job, get a good education educatioa tbe blade m a ruor. Tbe nnlt: facial felicity, cutaneous SendSebd S2n (hodllng(hadIbIC llDdand airmail) ..... aI1) ebeer, epidermalepI.w-llll)lliwa. elyaium. WbMblr ~ J'Oll ,... abaftaha"" -,-nary day,cIaJ', tt.t Dept. T, AlIIAmerku SttadlDtStadmt every-,- m daya,dlt.JBo or ffWJ' -,- vu.,...VII.,...'B.....,...... ,. find"'1'1"__ p....,,. laformiotloalnfonnaUoa ·Senlce. 2122 Aft.Aye. ..aDd Burma BunDa"••• Sba•a 1rilmiacoamllinatlall. · ' let' t' dtde laIa LIbertI,Ubert.6. 0.-40.-Gna4 0-J' ., LnelnboLn 1111 ,- a __,... 11--:. ~@ l'OHltlA-,.. ,_,..,..-. l'ea ,-la... --,_-. JMII\ ....·--~---- "r.,31 I I 1■ 1 ...... •• pablle witb ... I1aItrato4 IlMIIIa& • ...... - • pubUc ..n.~ ·®ill.ill _,.,.atioa The~ c....a. ,. ----__,_, 1'21tratet ltooldd llvlDI • ...... _,_...,.,....,...... ,.. ... ,.1-...... 3$ 'I ...... " ···- I111, liP January 7, 1966 THE PROSPECTOR January 7, 1966 Page 4 THE PROSPECTOR Page 4 \ 13 Faculty -- Leadership Is Trait ExamExam ScheduleSchedule \ 3 Faculty Leadership Is Trait ServeServe AsAs Listed below is the final examination schedule forfor thethe Li ted below is the final examination schedule Fall Semester, 1965. It is the student's responsibility toto Of Honor Students checkFall Semester, his schedule 1965. car.efully. It is the Confusion student's as toresponsibility time will not InstructorsInstructors carefully. Confusion as to time will not Students becheck accepted his schedule as a valid reason for missing an examination. Three Texas Western Colle e Of Honor reason for missing an examination. Thre Texa Western Colleg

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