»%T .’ii-i^' ^.tin^..i:; . d .

BATDBDAY, MABCH }8. U \ THE WBATHEB p a g e t w e l v e A ptd^strr Cvm ing E rrali AVEBAUE DAILY CIKC'LX.A'nON for the month of Febraary. ltS9 Porecaet of O. S._Broalte B«roo ------r Ttf«-minrtrel ihow of the M**- cheeter Fire Depertinent wUi prec- East Hampton Choir to Sing Here 6.210 aeaerally fair aad oororwhat cold- BOLTON CHURCH PINE AND DANCE Member of the Aodlt ABOUT TOWN Uc# tomorrow eflemoon at 8 o'clock ar tdalght and Twoday. In the department headquarter* Bnrean of Clrculattaaa The Mancheater Garden club will hulldlng. ___ "YOUTH SUNDAY MANCHESTER — A CITY OF Vn.LAC.E (HARM hold lU March meetln*. poatpqned ^ Griawold of the Man- DANTE'S RESTAURANT U Bm « OMtar M i m I OM FMtoira M M hi| VOL. LVIU., NO. 144 (UaoaUtod Advcrttolag oa Pagn Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 20,1J39 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 2 s . ; r , : x " M s r - f s n B A T im m o o u r h e a r o o D b a b i Servlut Ontora OlaoM Ob the IUIM mII Foarth Of Series Of Pre- m « h niliTiB Coektall Uitl CrahmeBt Cocktail be Profeaaor .1. S. Owens of Ccnnec- j OaoM u d Oyater Pries Membera of the Kpleda t'hapter, Oreheetra Bvery nmndajr aiid Saturday Night Rumania Feels Nazi Threat ticut State Cidlego, who will Ulk on , YDVA will attend the Inatallallon of Easter Evening Services "Solla and Fcrtlllr.ors ' nnd .O'lI'l nr* r ofTnera of the Windham Ooiinty WINBM-LMr Erlandson, 088 Perker street. DooitortaMa Oarl Daqahw de*ertb*d the nomtna- m i x PEICE CASE Prsstdsnt Brnest Btandrtag to Berlin to report" anu op Oannatty whiab would gtv* At AD Ita BnOod Chkkoa . Vool SaBopte oounead th* Fan * Rtvsr aad Now sack wm b* dmam. mg ABritlab * - Fried Oysters Oysters On the Half Shell Death; Today, Mlaa Erma Con­ Uea as *7iplsndtd” apd said Douglas Preneb Amhasssikir Robert Ooo- Bayal QnalaB Hsidsrs Rumanto aomaeritot tta Mntus e f r lo w -p riced H o m o Mad* Ravioli aad Othor T u ty Diahoa waa 'Ttighly quallilsd aad comps- londre, caned bach Saturday by hla Roast Beef Veal Chops Cacclatore way, ITS Sprues street Nla* A nurtcau drew Ucketo on Orffered-To R etin Horn Osrman aelony. Sovlat dmtamadnr Ivas Makfty, .\utomobile Insuranc* Oensua; 75 patients. teat.” JIFARn•aCwUur IN Uv rniiPT w W aa a I sttBoo cas asw wag* *gr**m*ni- government, already had left th* llMblggaet' nawa to govoramut Plat Wtaoa — LHinora ahd Baor Staodrtag said h* gav* th* firm cro- Royal Du lefi, o m of five favorites. who k u bean to eontoct with w tis Ruppert’a and Hanley’s On Tap Rates Reduced C IT Y T A X I King, however, had this to say: German capital. d r clu today w u tb* report that th* elga Secretary Vlacouat HaMBni Maak by th« Oak GriD Swiagatora ought to bav* appotatsd dsntlala to pass Its trucks through Only Qoeatl** Of Days Tbay erars: By StatO" Departneit DENNIS MUBray, PrsB ‘“T tiy SCra. Oeotg* Goddard, 1086 Bailor Brltlah ubtoat w u cooMdattag th* more fraquaatly Umn aay o tb u dtp- a man who had some Judldal *k- plebeta at tha stat* Uaa. Circumstantial svtdeno* Indies tod tonsnlt Wa Cater To Baaqaeta road, Ornssipnlnt, Mtch.; Joan. lomat ■tau Satorday, again ealled Resrmander^s Restaurant pstlsnra - a man itks Justic* Harold Win Fight Btrih* that ths reunloo of Meassl (Uantmu d w Fag* Iwa.) I Judge Diljr T§ Ghre DecMM Farcy F. Arnold, prsMdsnt o f tha Dotto, M u , Ineorporated. 1470 bt tba Foreign Offte* tor n dtoeasi 35 Oak Street Chaa. Reymander, Prop. JOHN H. LAPPEN Stephans of the Court of Appaals O ruter Germany I* only a Wasbtagton, March 30— (AP) — Mon with Lord Halltox at 3 p. A ; 44 Cone .81. lyL 7031 fbr the District o f ColumMa or .OofluneKtel Hxulen off HIkmH 1^ Uoa of days. Montgomery avsnus, tb* Bronx, New Tork; Trsaaurfr, R. R 3. The United Statu cloaed tto'legatloa 110 a. BL, a. X t ) O A K G R I L L Federal Circuit Judge Sam Brattsa (Memel, a BalUc diatrict of I j m In Prague today and ordered Ito CARD 0i PiwerOf $M« AA Tomahawk, Wteconsta; Clifford Chamberlain aru naked whettarj o f Now Mexico.’ square miles In area, w u detached minister to. CsefhoMovla to return A « « . A a *1 lanaMraoed tlwy would fight the Clark, 3304 CHaton avenue, Ala­ BLOODY UPRISING in view of Germany’s aoqulMtlon o f MOMS Hatch said th* sub-commlttse from Germany by ths VeraalDss to this country. CMchoslovakla’a w u mstartata, h*. wtodd oMCt at tha aarUset poastoi* namnier Un Aprn J. , tr u ly and later plaosd under Ltthu- meda, Calif.; BWy Boy, 060 Beink t JOHNSON ft UTTLE ^ i W srtjr tin tin g imtnw pteksta Tbs minister, Wilbur J. Carr, w u Intended tevlaing Brltato’* five year ^ for you! anton sovereignty with a maai----- Mt avanua, Brooklyn: W * Nssd dtrseted to turn ths lagatloh o v u to defenu program which startod u a PARTY MMlW B- « so Fag* Bfii) found frttght terminals and truck of autonomy.) Moasy Cor OoUsgs, carsnf Itoln, 06- American eonaulu officials WMANCBOUKDO f li800,000.000 (37.800,000,000) ptoa Bfanchaatar PrlraU Datr ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-rr PATS Hartford, March 3 0 -(A F )-A «.lS ?^ tootl. mxl no frright utov With ChaneeDor Hitler b u k Jn 10 3>tb avemis. Long laUnd City, Prague, capital of th* .latest country aad already h u been expanded u a ^ N . T .; Orra, 7104' South Honor* YOU TOO CAN SAVE Nursaa AModatioa. thority of the state mOk admtaU- hts world-watched chancellery and abaortMd -by GernMny*s “march to result o f past eriaea. _ _ Pollc* Supt. John J. Fatkar later the ptua hinting U a pnerihle can- street, Chicago: Hi Ho SUver, 1465 ths aasL" Chamberlain replied In mmsurafi 8 O’CLOCK TONIGHT trator to fix prices of ' milk reported that plckaU had prsvaatsd Waat Thomu atrsot, Chicago; challsiigsd in SnpsiltHr court today eaUatlon of the 1M5 BrlUto-Oet^ Tb* Urdu went from WaMiliigten 300 Bu£u Attack, Ca9> Y. M. C. A. FLASHES! aooM fuel at) and eoal trucks from m u Naval truly to teply.to Brl^ Charlas and Follda OlordaiM, 300 'Aa t stated in my spaub of Fri­ before Judge Edward J. Daly. maktog local doBvariss, aad said bs in th* aildat ef a reaawal of Con- (late MIstta* at the AF WIM) .1 ain’s etiff proteet over o m Mato ato Boot Olth atraat. Now York. gruatonal debate o v u Amortcan day jast. every ospact cf natlanta ON YOUR YEAR’S SUPPLY OF GASOLINE Ticketa At tha Door. Attoraey Albert Lavttt of Raddtog arottld haR au^ totarfSrsacw If hs Ntoo'Unltod Stotos ticket hoMar* qusstiaaad the power of the adatln- sorption of Caeehoalovahla foraiga poUcy. tare Headqnrtere Of Fo^ dafenu must now be revlaemg to had to send pollcrgnards with sadi w uk, this train of facto drew Kilator, the fkvorlte. Tbay the light of our national aafaty aadt 8FIES SENTENCED. latrator to fix prices, dsdartiig that truck. Raleaau Triagram bow the wind w u hlowtag: w*m : Btondi*, 0613 North Rockwell Tba State Dapartmut also ra- thii atatement. Of oourea, aoeoan Las Asgele*. .March 3*.— (AF) — priea-fixing waa uncoaatltntloaaL H* aru baeksd up by Gov. Wil­ l|lrh*el Osrta, Fselde oeast 1. G erm u newspaper editors told street. CWcagD; Suker. 7384 Paaa- laoaed a telegram from Carr, dated est Giarffs Near HoatieB. the nattonal defenu program." ' Alm ot Attorney Lsvltt to - rspresnnttag liam Vandsrtllt, artio declartd par- He Indicated also that tta go*' ev unvoewDy Kant Stodjtord, Nowtogton; Howard March 17, wMeb aald: Oar M ss fo r f r o f l l Trade In Your Old Tires! " goods and fud mould ba de- u Pag* fwg.j Fig* tw*.) ernment might eooatdu baataMi WE ARE BIDDING FOR YOUR BUSINESS anw y, wa* switoaeta LsUlar of B ut Haiaptoo and Hdoa m ’"Tbort ar* no official* of tta Mstoa Otstriet e*nrt hers today t* % th* data bad to dap la.' CssebsMovak govarnmant to which I Tokyo. Much 30 — (AP) — A sale to G erm u y o f BrlUMi pig Monthly Supper ScMion of New Brltato, offtesrs of H* did a d expand that stataoMBt scrap iroa, vital to tha Tho Maachcotor BaOdiaK ft agvv* six years to a Federal | tbs Spiteg Brook Farm Dairy toe., am aectadlted with whom I can bloody "Oemmuntst-bandlt" upris­ The town of Manchester is now buying You too can obtain this same gaaoUne tanttofy aad daed fitfiAfifi far Beach Agresamat Oa ftat maintato ralaUoos for tta protection ing In Kirin provtnu, central Man- ture of armaments. MON- MAR. 20 5:30 to 7:30 Loan AaaociatioB. lac. Special Prices Now On New Tires of Mawtagtoa. ebargad arlth vlolat- Later Oovaraer VanderbUt Coaserlattoa regular gaMiline, the product of one of at the kiwest price you have ever paid pteateu Bads Ssneh. Bw tag the milk act. of the toteraste o f tha Uatted Stetea cbouquo, w u reported today In a 9 U Mato St. Eat. AptO. IM l beta ax-navy lateBtoease ageht, aouaead ba bad laachpd an agree- and Ite dUasM." The qucaUoti o f the Urgent refineries in the industry for this grade of gasoline. You owe it CHURCH COMMUNITY Darlrisa Apifl t Youngsters Save Pennies Domel (Japaneu news agency) dla- vtefisd vrtth Oortm, was swteaeed t* meat with ualea Isadora for the fru scrlpUcn rapidly AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN HIS­ to yourself to inveMtigate why this gas­ HOUSE A sooca o f legal BMasuvsia war* Ia tha Hauu, Rspraasatatlv* patch from HMnkIng. movsm u t of tod trudu. DriU (IL, Wla.), dadarad ta n pollUcal Issue In Britain. i ■ueutsd this nwrwtog a r h t the T h ru hundred bandlta were aaU Chambertatn promised to TORY. oline is such a good bur. NORTH COVENTRY flMML*** * * * * * * ^ ■* Joasph 8 . Prior, praaldsat of th* To Beautify Their Church would vote to ‘taabtoU the United to Dave attoeked u d captured th* • 8 .» cau aru beard. ‘Ttaa judge atatsd Frovldenc* loeal of tha truck drlv. States ta tta coadag Buropsan the Houu with tlie text i t MENU: Ham, haksd ♦lift h* mould »fh« th* c a u uadar headquatters of Manchouquo forest agrum ent signed at Barlfal D fhFUTE c u m m p l a n t . a, aald tha drlkam wanted w u ." patatasa, graan Mideratloa.bsfer* rsadsrtag do- guuU near Huatlcn In aoutheastein 15 betwem RetetafuMuar 6:00x 16 Recut Tire ^ rpit, Meh:,Harch ffi— (AF) — wags toewarss averaging nine eaata "HlUsi'a aaveir league boots wtU Kirin. Six Mahehouquous were canton, Pa« March SO.— (A P )— hand the natghbnca’ boya and girls it roUa, eawss, i A libar dhpat* el***d th* dilott April Se and Emil Hartia. praeldant af dftf The Town Does Not Buy Gasoline On Price Alone! To Rettanrant Otm A 13-year-old his j w u Ideal for a church. load to anottar Buropsan. cenfiagra- aald to have been killed and 33 kid- solved CBechoalnvakla. Tha agffita Mtoirs FMtor Bady ptoat N*. 1 AJsM uitM ato’a AUotnay Hugh M. MsaawhUs, to Bostoo, Maatoeba- tleo," Tbm aald, amsrtlng America -Oeor Frias! Aleoia, Jr., ptassutsd wItaaaMa to gregatioB o f dO ahrlD-volcod Charlear dad thought they wau u ped In th* raid. meat plaead Bsbemta and MutaHH ' There are certain specifications which The town reserves the right to take a day far to* asaand ttato to tw* w*vk « r CrunwrissloBar Jam u F. am te up b u mind "w betbu eonit who t*«Hfisil that oa various youagatori uvad thalr pwnlu to­ on ^ ptoytog, aad wouldn’t tailld n Luving Mxtaan cf thMr number nithin the Fuehrar’a giowtog the gasoline must conform to. Our — ^ tog days aad ■ipriitsltly MfiO M ortal^ axprsased esaesn e day to beautify thalr back-yard, pulpft for Uiam at firat, but thav she will stay neutral or not." dead, tba bandlta war* said to have sample of our storage tank at any Una andHoMOwnen with good eating ■na wet* Mto. Tha plaat occaMon* during July aad Augurt. tw tbs strike afigbt mains u a protactorato of O*^ product was BETTER than the specifi­ chlekoo-coop bouu o f 'wunhto. Coattouad bavlag u i vlu a. Sunday fied with provtstons aad other toot. m u y . *' and have It analyzed. ThU U a GUAR­ l badtaa Im th* BtoMi dkrWaa. The itaa. th* dairy eoatoaay aoU milk > Msmsrhwswtts R ’s a y o u otau tb* uastdalnad aftar Banday. TO REMOVE STAFF cations called for. You need not ques­ BANBB BOCMIB AMD Manehoukuo autborlUu organlaed a "As fu u I am awar*.' for 11 cents a quart wtaa tha ad-' that If MaasachuMtU "pastor,” Chortoa Rockwell, kta Mo­ Aa aid tabla aanrad u aa altor. Prague, March 30—(A P )—Prepa ANTEE tkftt the gasoline yon buy here VKNTXLATINa I th* price at 14 punlUva expedlUon. bertain aald. “no written tion whether the ga.s you are getting is ALL OTHER SlZRa IN HtOPORTION I mlalatratar had fixed oa atrtka the a ie u af- tor, Jana, 14, (Mm^ ' argaiMat and A ttlu yiakted chain. Ruga cam* ratlOM wars underatood to ba under NEW! Anothu DomM Dispatch, from w u praaanted to Dr. Hadm the same as used by the local govern­ is just what we say it is—A FIRST r r s ■ q p y m K M T would 'be New idcnt of tba prlmaiy da- from a nalghbnr. A ship’s bell way today tor rnaxrval of tba Brit- laM aff Arthur J. Bayaa deputy milk ad- Harbto, reported that Sovlat trobps to bto acceptanu ef thla m ent. QUAUTY REGULAR GASOUNE. Tho World’s PlnC Fall RIvsr, Cape o f th* Buaday school) and can* the eoagragattan to worMUp. IMf Isgatlsn staff and awmbera of twice ernuid tta RuaMan-Muchou- y m m m -m oi mlnlstrator, tsdHUd that Om dairy awnt." ■ M S B Mgbt B*Mglg Dead Onpw. tta BHtteh eolony who erlMi to Have knou fronttor o v u the ereek-and The prtma mtntatu teU lha had sold milk tor U outs, u d|d' charch, mneh to Odd johs and aal* o T j ^ taload COLD - WALL AMD BTDAM TADIDB •haa* latoaM to ^ ta nulu Pragua. but war* repetoad by Manrtuwikuo MiADB TO OBDDB th* iwaiay to buy a aacend-band or­ No dsfintt* data w u sat but tt of the d *^ - bordu guaiw other nattou ovu tha R efrigerator gan and Charlaa paiatod tba wta- eru aald a dlplowaHc train would Campbell’s Service Station OraCUB FBTW l PEACE to reasaM* otatoad glsas. of Germaay’a sbaerptton TRY IT TODAY M N O a Aa Fkillwlr CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE pnh fE-HAT)—Aa- W hanbdhtC s the congiaErften ■ oa; to u a Prague wtthia a tew daya. Tqe Movakto. NSW Fitoijjilit Unttad Statu lagatlen agld It bad Shanghai, M u ^ 30 — (AP) — lads Oaly By P ^ M t o * OotofGftft fUtTfre Battery TroaUe Dial 4129 tto y u they to *tamUtod to tain apt yat tacMvad toatrucdwia on Squadrons Of Japaneu warplaau Apnoiesrily. 1 Shell Gan and Motor 00s* E. J. CAMPBEXiLp Pnqi* Aftar Mr. Atom adnd tha latln to the to raawto dropped u aafimatad 30Q bomba on rerrad givtag a toB It . P. AITKIN a CO. u l f B ^ b i li u t f l a a "W * ataulit Mr*. Marls Moltova. aoatol work Slaagyaag and Fanehcag today and Hsawnt o f Bril BOLAND OIL CO. ^ KEMP'S 8hao4 IM b I O w . ' wiha h u baan ta enstody to m faijlfil ligKVX duMffpt Ik IllOM wmdptt J SOCBNTBBSTBBBT 5 . loaM, would Ifiwra any mevoo of Um at tha Laurel Haights Btato hospltsl Madrid government except outright at Sbaltori, to spending a few days “Queen of the Air” FRANCO DEMANDS capitulation. MEN LOVE CAPTAIN SeHENDEL MEWi.’S FATE sowEcr REUEF COSTS UP Madrid Defense CotmcH Bat- FRENCH MASS with bar mother, Mrs. Ethel Blak^ MEMBERS OF DE M 0 IA Y ™ ts^ ^ c f RUMANIA READY addressed a poace offer CIRLSWITH CP i MOSCOW CALM DESPITE > r - ______. n il I mPDFNnitK ■>*8'*^ OF DIPUNUTSr PARUY r U L L j U I u V L n U U l . d i r e c t l y to the NsUonaUst govsn- LECTURES ON DOGS n BOLTON TOWN ' ment In a broadcast from Madrid. EM rsK rtaw *-*" TROOPS AGAIN ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE “ ^ ^ (Gen. Jos* MIJa, haad of tk* Ra- m TO GIVE NAZIS NAZI ARMY’S ADVANCE P M * D ) publlcan national dafanae couaetl, said In Madrid last night that ha thalr foraign colleagnaa privately BEGIN DRAWING stature and well-being. Jesus owed Rejects Requests Of Repub­ 8e Is w t vra ena s SHd piwfl Ten Carried To Death In bad received no reply to the appeal 4m1s, mwtslMr far 1 aweUs Ni H U Of h iic Neir Ap- calm conlldenee In Moaeow that tha Owner Of Prize that the absorption of Memri waa TRADJ^^RIGirrS ALONUORDER Selectmen To Ask $1,000 R er. James S. Neill Of S t much to bis mother, well might he for peace negotiatlona.) i chanree of Soviet oooporatlon with practlcall| aasurad. .■ting; ‘All this day thy hand has led Franco's praparatloM for aa of­ ' the we.tem democrarlM muat be (Oeuttnnad Cruns Pag* One.) (O a tin Bed from Flags Om .) lican Government For Uepott Tnwp Movsananta PRIZE TICKETS me and 1 thank thee for thy care Spectacnlar Phmse Of fensive agalnat .the Rapuhilean- ' eonUdered. Germaa Shepherd Speaks More TUs Year, Recon" Thou hast waimed me, clothed and MTMcli Of Troops Daring Varioua travalers raaehliw Ber­ plight of th* Balkans which He di­ see Foreign Mlnleter George* Bon­ Mary’s Preaches Special held zone continue rapidly. ProdlcUoa BaoaUed lin from the nortbeaat of Europe fed me. Listen to my evening pray­ BBffWM Q EDBVBiia ' Vice I>foo»e Oommlaaar U Z. rectly la th* path of the German net. er.' That Is the way to grow like New Stratoliner. ''Honorable Peace.” reported troop movements. Approve Dalsdier Demands m mend 21 Mifl Tax. I Mekhli'* preKllctlon waa r«:alled aa Before The JGwamt Chb. "drang naeh oaten’’—diivO to the FOR RACE Ppst Week WHlnn Sever­ 3. A meeting of the Memel Usnd- Sermon For Young Men Christ. I eapcclally algnlflcant today. In a 'The Chamber of Deputies on Sat­ tag or Diet Is scbsdulsd for March (Oanttaned froos Fag* One.) His Falber’s "Business.” POUCE COURT I recent ape«:h he aatd that any at­ Details Of Plan Cnl urday aad th* Senato yesterday—by "Thirdly and Anally—Jesus grew Alder. Wash., March 20—( A > ) - Hcndaye, France — (At the Span­ al Hmidred Miles. 35, and the date la ragarded in poli­ a 380 to 14 vote—approved Oala- The adjourned annual meeting Of John Mather Chapter. tempt to Invade Soviet Ruasla would Police Captain Herman O Rchen- tical circles aa pivotal in Memal'i ' Detalla of nagotlatlofia by which yunk avenue, Phllsdelphia: tha Five in favor or approval with God. Aviatlon experts came to thla moun ish Frontier) —March 20. (A P ) — (Uer’s demand* for sweeping power* and a special meeting of th* voters ______Ecclesiastes also said: 'Rememb^ Frank Rivard. 43, of 393 Rathbua ■vault only In ' M ultlpl^g the del stumped for hla hobby —doge— future btatory. Germany sought to- domlnata Ru­ Aases, 18S First strMt, Jersey City; tain village today to seek an ex Spanish Nationalists were reported number of .Sovlat republIcA" and with which to match quick deelsion* now thy C^ator In the days of UtvK street, Woonsocket, R. I„ waa ar­ and did It In an Intareiting talk 4. Tha diacuaalon betareen VoB manian Import and export markets I. Alexander, Jr., 8447 Ridge avenue, of the Town ef Bolton will be held planation for the crash of the new today to have refused the Republi­ rested for speeding at 1:0S p.m. yea- March *0— (AP)—Al- added: of dictators. Tb* only chack on thla In Bolton ball Saturday afternoon at John Mather Chapter, Order of youth.' So Mary taught him and four-motored Boeing atratollner I befors tha Klwanls club at Its reg­ RIbhentrop and Urbay'a was said almost t* the excluskm of the rest power, unprecedented In peace-time Philadelphia: J. Sarappa and P. can government's requests for an lervlay after Trooper Russell Olson tkoogh the KaxI ataamroner ad- ' "CloniradM' The tima la not far of the world were unknown to Ru­ 3 o’clock. 'The call was Issued to­ De Molay attended divine service at. Jerusalein In a genUc cUdlng which carried Its ten occupants to "honorable peace” and to have In- ular weekly meeting at the Hotel alao to havs touched upon tha ques­ France, to the approval that roust be lullucci, Waterford, N. J.; This ^ voice he reminded her 1st ye not, of the Ooleheater barracks of the eaaead laat week to wtthtn ecTeral j off when our armlea—International tion of Uthuanla'B rote In the Eu­ manians at large. day by Thomas W. Wilson, Joha death In a spectacular 10,000-foot si.sted on Madrid's unrondlUonal sur­ becauer of the Ideubjgy which doml- Sheridan thla noon. With him was given by the Cabinet, which be rule* Time, 1734 Lexington avenue. New Albael and Albert N. Skinner, sc-I Surday In a body at St. Mary’s how you prepared state police had c.loekod tha accusi^ ropean concert of nations. High official quarters ampha- York; Girlie and Girlie's Boy, 5807 plunge Saturday. render In the civil war. hUBdrad mllea oi the Soviet Ruwiian natea them—anawerlng Inaolant en­ with an iron hand, and by President lectmen. episcopal church. Rev. James Stuart | me to be about my Father's bust* Dispatches from Burgos, Nation­ man from the Bolton line to Man­ hla well known and wtdaly famed It was vigorously denied In rea- sixed, however, that Rumania bad Lebrun, arho supports hto "strong Chan street, Germantown, Pa.; Fllo- Victims' of the crash Included A. chester Green. It la charged tiiat herder. Moaeow hta remained aa emy atucka, will help the workora German thephard dog, Carlo, who ponalbla quarters that anything like There arc three sections in the Kelli, rector, taking his text from , Tma..— kw rsnH G. Von Baumhauer, aeronautic# en­ alist Generalissimo Franco's capital Moal eae of the calmeat capitala In of the aggreaaor countrlaa to throw not received any German ultima­ man” tactics. mens Boccella, KM West Wanheln call that will require attention. The V e S4 w« ..V . ^ 4W. • The approval of Jesus by God said that his answer to an offer to Rivard was .-drivtog at 80 miles per W o ha* won from (Ifty to sixty rlhbon* a protertnrata over Lithuania was tum. At the same time it waa mad* After the unusual Sunday Stnate Luke 2: 52. “Jesus Increased ^ preparation for his Cross. gineer for the Netherlands govern­ Call Far the world. off the KaaclBt yoke, fre. them from of merits In various shows through­ street, Philadelphia; and Bad Luck flrst section asks for an appropria­ open peace ncKotlallons, broadcaat hour in the aectlnn. He will appear Intended. known that the Rumanlana had re­ meeting, Daladler had a two-hour Andy, 43-68 Hunter street. Long Wisdom and In Stature and In Favor approval did not mean mere ment; Peter Gullonard, assistant In court on Friday night. OaUvor Ya Soviet dUaene learned laat nlfht tha capitaliati and liquidate capltal- out the Raat. Responsible circles bvllcated that tion of $1,800 for relief. This is manager of the Royal Dutch Air by the Madrid IVfense Cotinael, was that their gwverament had refuaed jected the latsat Oerman trade pro- cabinet meeting at which b* out­ Island City. nearly 81.000 more than was spent with God and Man.” spoke as fo l-] popularity. He was not studying 'surrender." Jeaae J. Williams of Main street Poctofto PiaoBrtpMaaal lat aurroundlnga,” Captain Bcbendel tald that he haa Memel was one of the chief topics Itoaal. Lines, and aeveral prominent Amer­ to recofnlse Adolf Hitler'* ahnorp- been Interested In dogs since a boy lined the first series of degrse law* United SUtes ticket holders on last year. The Increase Is mked ! about an old man's God. ss one The official brotnlcasUng station will appear In court tonight on a Tn other word*, the Soviet Union tmder dtecuaslon last night at a con As If to guard her rich oil «nd to be submitted to the Prudent at is always a pleasure to wcl- ; jouth aptly put it. ican airmen. WELOUN DRUG GO. tlea of Caecboalovalda aod had con- haa no objection to co-oparatlng and that he haa specialised In Ger­ ferenre of Hitler with various trust, Workman, another favorite, arere: because of an unforeseen altuatk at Burgos declared that "our lead­ charge of Intoxication. He w*a ar­ wheat lands pending some settle­ a cabinet meeting in Elysce Palace M. B. Doolan, Prlham Country club, A number of years ago the John Mather Chapter ot "God'to - . - him was a peraonal Presence of Von Baumhauer and rested .last week, but before trial de­ (leniTiei it aa ^arbitrary, violent and with other oountrlea agalnat an ag- man ahepherds. Ha raveSled that ed lieutenants. Gullonard In Seattle had not been er ha# prepared an army which will ment that would not obllterata her at 5 p. m. (13 noon eh.L). and "put Pelham Manor, N. Y.; Montano, born In Bolton married an al$ ’ Order of De Molay to Bt. Mary's Father related to hla own problems carry ^ the last village of Spain veloped a bad eold which neceoaltat- aggraaaive.- There waa no hint of gresoor. But If the Soviet Union hUi hobby la a costly one for Carlo It was also admitted that ihe pre­ graerally known. Von Baumhauer panic at tha near approach of Ger­ conauroes two pounds of meat and Independence, Rumania held at immediately Into execution.” 8950 White Plains avenue. New In doing so she tost her right enruriih. That welcome Is a genuine of youth. What a week that must the only honoreble peace, the peace ed hla transfer to the hospItaL haa tn light aingle-banded agalnat cariousstate of relations with least 500,000 men, called from a have been for the country boy In was a member of the Dutch air mis­ man troopa. an aggreaaor. than ao murh tha two quarts of milk cajeh day, with Rumania was considered In Pari* York: Jo Jo, 1165 Ho* avenue, th* citlsen. The family later mov arid constant repetition of our ap­ at arms. Great Britain waa likewise a major dosen army clasaes, at her fron­ diplomatic circles to b* the next out of Bolton and for a number of preciation of your noble Ideals and the Temple *at Jeruaalem All about sion to the United States. Gullo­ It I* a ^ n e t thU background of worae for the aggreaaor and Ui« a goodly portion of vegetables topic and that the recall of Ambas­ Bronx, New York; Harry Kamelos, "That Is the only means of mak­ thrown In for good measure. tiers. probable European danger spot. years aid haa baen glvan to the character building work among the waa despair and hoplessneas; Roman nard came on private business. ing certain that the war will not prlnclplea he repreaenta. sador Johannes Welcxak from Paris, There waa no general mobilisa­ 208 West 18th strCst. Nsw York; arrogancff and oppression, pagan Study Twisted Wreckage Oara M Braedliur. They said that the Rumanian gov. Lucky At Laat 178-04 Union Turn­ family by tha town to which they young men of this community. Your flare up again ’’ Much Diplomatic Activity aa a parallel measure to FraB^ tion though, nor were any of the ernment bad Informed London and had been living. * It. has been found sneers at .the helpleaa, hopeless God Federal and Boeing officials stud Franro, Nationalist dlspaUheS The apaaker said that ft la a dtf- Amhaaaador Coulondre'a departure pike, Jamaica, N. T.; An Appeal Influence will continue to grow and Deapite the outward calm there flcult task to produce a good dog, yearly elaaaca called In full. The Paris that It waa being subjected to that she had no legal residence of expand for the betterment not only of the Hebrews; doubt and Indiffer­ led the twisted wreckage of the First and Second Churches was much diplomatic activity. A from Berlin, was discussed. standing army formed the back­ pressure to fall Into the Oerman to Saint Rita, 1838 Madison avenue. that town and the care of the chil­ ence rampant. B'jt a stripling leads 8500.000 ship to determine whether care must nc taken to axaure proper New York; Two Happy Brother*. of Manchester but wherever your footnote to the *ituatlon waa given breeding and feeding. Good pa­ InlentlonB Not Learned bone of th* ,defcna*a. Authorities orbit dren now falls back upon BOIton maturity and opportunity may take the leaders and won the Approval of a structural fault was responsible by the hig maaquerade ball of Ital­ rentage la a prime requisite In rata Whether Germany actually would said enough soldiers wsr* at their Needs Franoh-Britlsh 180 Bast Fordham road, th* Bronx, During-the past year one child, who God Himself snd thereby Incrcaaed Thomas Hardin, of Washington of Christy Scientist abrogate the 19S5 naval agreement New York: Margaret *t al, 1064 yoti. ______y u w ian Augu*to Roaao. There were col­ Ing an Intelllgant, valuable dog and posts to prevent k surpiiss^ from With Frcnch-Brittoh help, Ru­ was paid for by the town, wax ‘'Your emphasis upon the rela­ In favor with Man. In spite of them­ D. C., vice chairman of the Air COUGHS Hartford, Connecticut orful eoatumea, champagne, gaiety the Investment In time and money with Britain could not be learned. any quarter. mania was understood to havs In­ Woodycreat avenue, the Bronx; Tin* taken from the town’s relirf rolls selves, they recognized In this youth, Safety Board of the Civil Aeronau; Informed German editors, however Stromer, 820 East 86th street New and a probata court haarlng to to tion of the boy to his mother Is so DUE TO PAINS? —and furtive conversations among paye dividends only In the aatlafac- Oonoantratad At Border formed the two capitals that ah* distinctive and Inclualve that It something. Like Galahad, 'his tics Authority, directed the Federal Announe* a diplomats In every secluded corner. predicted that Germany would taka York; Just Must Win. 1738 Annin be held tomorrow on another case strength waa sui the strength of ten, tlon that cornea In having a line Much of the Rumanian strstigth would resist. Otbsrwtoe sh* would co*uId well occupy our time this Investigation, while R. J. Mlnshall Foreign Commiaaar Ibudm Lit- animal. up the race tn naval armaments as waa ooncentrated along th* south­ have to give In. street Philadelphia. There are but three adults, resi­ because his heart was pure'. vice-president and assistant general Miss Helen Adams (above) Is one of many featured artists at th# vlnoff did the LambethHwalk wdth Captain Bchendal said the bIggMt noon as practicable, at the same dents of Bolton, who are receiving morning. This text Is one of the Btory of Columbanua Shrine cimts, State Armory, Hartford. March 27-April 1. COLDS ern border of Carpatbo-Ukralne, Dtplomattc dispatches indicated -evTVme Willow, another favoril*. most beautiful and Illuminating In manager of the Boeing • Aircraft 1 V» qaicUy lellev* dletiew- rob 10018- Free Lecture the reat of the crowd. Shortly altcr- thrill of hla life came when he took time bending every ounce of energy that London was arranging French. aid. The atory la told of Columbanua. now part of th* klngiilom of Hun­ waa drawn by: Will I Win, 681 East the New Testament. The story ot Company, headed the builder's ex ioa, wertBlnt Musterol* 00 jour ehect, wrarda ha went Into one huddle aft­ Carlo to a show In Madison Bquars toward keeping up tha strength of gary. This waa thA part of Cascho- Soviet Russian and British military Barkahlr* avenue, Pittsburgh; Four The queation of th* rat* of taxa­ one of the great Irish saints, who amlners. throat and back. er another with varioua envoys. Gardtn Ui Naw York City when the the air arm. staff talks to decide on means of tion will also be considered at th* Jesus and his mother. It Is the only decided to forsake the world and Mid. Guts stOVakia Hungary took In th* Hepafuto. 3831 Bancroft Place Neither would hazard an opinion HuatenI* ■ NOT "hat a aalva." It> on Christian Science Ones an attache of the Oerman em- dog wae ten months old and Carlo Maintaining the air strangth supporting Rumania. Thas* were Washington. D. C.; Army oa th* meeting. The rat* laat year was raoord of the boyhood of Jeeus. How adopt the Holy life. HU mother, a "®o«in»#r-lrrlfofir” coolalnlnx |ood ____ _ AhmttwU&mHH breakup of the republic laat week; 31 mills and the selectmen will rec­ he went down to Jerusalem with his _ j to the cause of the accident, by fmmfmi moouyrtfoDdsd. baaay appeared waving a document captured first prise in his division. would ba considered easy, beesuaa Germany got tha rest exp^ted to be tb* forerunner of Green, 9108 Third avenue, Brooklyh. unlike Mary, opposed the step and which stripped the Boeing companV Spring, Is Due Soon, old-laahionea leroedlta for diatraa el and aiklng, "Where la the ambaa- Ha aald that anyone Interested In Germany obtained an excellent col­ reported "Stop Hltleri' conference ommend a Uk* amount for th* eom- parents from hla little home town endeavored to keep him with her eolde oil ol mustard, nisnthol, campbec At Afthnr Drag Storea and. Rumania and Cscchoslovakia, Five Americana bald ticket* on of some of Its key men Including aador?" Thereupon the ambaaaador obtaining a dog should uss cars In lection of airplanes from Csacho- which would include Poland, Ru Royal Mall, another of the live fav­ of Na*arqth,.*-trip of about thirty and when he asked of her, permls: Test Pilots Earl Ferguson, 31. Julius aod othw helpful ingiediaBta - PAUL A. HARSCH, C. S. B. AO Oaad Drag Blarea Slovakia. with Yugoslavia, were partners la *''^%r^i*toctm*a will rooomwwnd and hla gaily costumed ntafl ratired getting one that suits the aurround- the LIttI* Entente and were bound manta, Greece. Turkey and Yugo­ orites. They were: Alroae. 714 or forty miles. Bion to depart, she threv/ herself to Barr, and William Doyle, all of Circus Opens March 27 That a why it i*U such floa rsaullw— of Toledo, Ohio to a cloakroom for a conferenca. For th* Immediate future, govern' slavia. that th* town make th* regular Famishes An Example the ground before the door; ao act better tbaa the old laabioaed miatari Ings, pointing out that a dpg Ilka bv Bon-aggraaaton traatlss. Now, North IStb street East St. Louis, application for funds tor th* build­ Seattle. plaster Musterot*p*a*tratnth*sarieM A Russian nota to Oarmany jraa- Qurlo It too big for.a amall apart- fnent spokeaman Intimated, (3ermaa Th* military maaauraa which ware ni.; My Heart 886 Bast » 6th atraat “And yet those few verse# give symbolic cf a closed home and her Other victims were Harlan Hull. Member of the Board of Lectureiihip of The Motbar propaganda would be turned upon along th* Carpatbo-Ukralne border, ing of stat* aid road*. ■kin, atlmulatea. warm* end eooUMi and terday—following elmllar action by mant. Ha aald that ha p ft»r n A • Rumania muat reckon with Hun­ aald to hav* bean prepared for New York; Ralph Davis, Room 403 an example to the Christian hpme; absolute dependence upon her son 33. Kansas City, Mo., chief test pilot The Shrine Circus makes Its tenth: and children get Into the Mg tent quickly help* to rslwv* local eoaewUea Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, an allagad aifort at London to bln President Lebrun’a signature includ­ the Britlah and French govern­ big dog because of night work that gary, which baa extensive territori- City Hall, Atlantic City, N. J.; unparalleled In all the records of his­ She was overhelmed with grief at for the Transcontinental and West­ annual appeqjrance at the State Ar- for a quarter. and pain. Uasd by inilhooi for 80 yean. in Boston, Massachusetts. COAL... ments—asserted that "tn tha ab­ leaves hla wife alone often aa Carli (Icr negotiations between Dr. H*I al claim* against the Bucharest ed retaining the conscripts sched Julia C Byrnaa, 778 Center street tory; the growth of a boy In a re- the thought of the separation. Aa he ern Airlines; John Kylatra, Seattle, Raeomrosnded by many doeton eito mutb Wohithat, German economic uled to be released from servie* stepped across the threshold of his Boeing chief engineer; Ralph L. mory, Hartford, during the week be­ Dunea ia 8 riraoxtba Recular. CkO- O li CeepsDy'* sence of any espresalon of the will la a One watchdog. government. Jamaica Plain, Mesa.; Forrest BANQUET IS ENJOYED Ugtoua home; the close sympathy Horace Bushnell Memorifll Hall of the Catch people, the occupation V^pert, and the Rumanian govern April 80; mobilisation of "dto- Patrick. StotUvllle. N. T. home and the proatrate form of hla Cram, 33, Seattle, Boeing aero­ ginning March 27 and running MATRIMONIAL BOUNTY dna's (MOdi and Extra StoDog. 40a Pot Through Paoea iibles," or th* last two claaaaa and understanding between a son L»fayfltto SquBTfl 0. B. WILLIS A SON. INC of Caeehla (Bohemla-Moravta) by Following hU UUc, Captain m ^ t for a trade agrasmant. aod hto mother. We hear a great mother, Columbanua gave proof of dynamics expert; Benjamin J. Pear- through April 1 . | bava eomptotod tbotr training aon, 32. Seattle, assistant Boeing t Mslii 8 t Phone 5125 Oerman trxwpa and aubtequent ac- Bchandal put Carlo through a serias \ To Resnma •‘HoMay” ON ST. jo s E n r s d a y deal to theae day# about the growfi that - strong resolution and moral Shrine Circus has become a tradi­ THURSDAY EVENnfG,‘MARCH SS. 19SS Report* that Hitler Intends soon r periods, and tb* Individual recall of courage which waa characteristic of salesmanager; and Harry T. West, ScottsviUe. Ky.— Bcottavllle I* Uona of tha Oarmsn govarnment of obadlanca taaU that ahowad tha ffrat-Une resarvtota. of youth In religion. tion in Hartford and Is as mueh the ' Bt eizht-Uftaen o’clock cannot be but connlder^ aa arbl- to lurnmon tha Reichstag wars dla- bis whole life. Jr„ 38. Seattle. Boeing foreman. protecting Ita married city worker*. Intalllgenca and training of tha dog. To Legalise Pewer*. BOLTON Hcmben Of St. John** . Parish "There is ao better starting point Nettber Crew Nor Plane "A t Fsnlt" harbinger of spring aa the robins. ' trar>-, violent aod aggressive." Tha speaker waa Introduted by Dr. pellad whs« It was announced that N. Y. Stocks than the Naaareth home. In one "So, Jesus, the brilliant boy of Once the tanbark echoes to tha, City council passed an ordinance A special edition of th* Offlclxl MRS. R. K. JONES Mlnshall aald he waa confident in­ You and jwur friends are cordifllly inviUd to attsaii^ The note added that "the abovt D. C. Y. Moore. riald Marah^ Harmann Wilbalm Coltbrato Th* Event At verse we are given the whole pro­ bi-UUant promise, prevailed. He went hoof-beat of the galloping horses, forbidding the employment of bocbc- Gosling Intend* to raaum* tomorrow Journal waa ordered printed today 8908, Maaebastar on annd on. And Mary, his mother, vestigation would "dlscloee neither remarks also refer In their entirety The attendance priae, donated by *0 that the parliamentary action Pnlasld HalL gram of -education to Religion. Edu­ the mighty elephant# go through lor* In city Job*. o a night hla "holiday" on th* Italian ms followed him, even when It brought the plane nor the flying pereonnel their ponderous evolutions and high ' ■ra tke W otira nrat to tha change In tha atatua of Blo- Ruaaall Potterton, waa won by J. C. conferring th* dictatorial power to cation Is growth. Increase, “to grow was In any way at fault." He said vakla, subordinating tha lattar to Riviera and at pi^ts further south. Air Reduc rule France until Nov. 30 could be Th* Education Commltto* wUl Bt John's Pariah -oboartrod Bt: her to the foot of the CroM. up above all, the aerial performers Cider, new manager of the Man­ older” as one translation puts it. Hla youth fulfllled God'a hope he had some "pretty deflnite Ideas" tha German .mptr., which waa not chester Qaa company, who joined He wAa aummoneiL back by th* Alaska JuB ... legalised at once. bold o hearing on Houa* BUI 419 In Joaapk’s day yastorday by a supper “First of all in wisdom: The dive and swing to the crash of the COLD-WALL Allegheny ‘And he went down with them (hto about what happened but declined to justinad by any axpresaton of tha the club today along ^ th Lawranca chancellor from theX'vaeatlon" just Laws do not taka effect until Room 418, 4th floor, west side In th* and program at Pulaski hall honor­ average boy add young man today hand below. before the entraneeXof German AU I^ Chem .. parents) And came to Nazareth and elaborate. Rtfri^ierotor will of th. Slovak people" and that Oonvtrsa, local BelaAman. Initia­ after publication In th* Journal., Capitol building to Hartford on ing th* momoiy of th* mrooMi gen- to surfeited with knowledge. The ) The atratollner, dealgnetj to carry Yes. the Circus is coming to town! *Tar from sllminating any dangsr troopa Into Moravla-BoBd^a. Am C a n ...... which normally to not printed on Tuesday, March 88. at 1:80 p. m. It oral, Joseph PltoudskL Tb* atmpar was subject unto them. But his 33 passengers and a crew of five on Big preparations have been under Mhia Only M j FrigMalral tion of tha naw marabara waa In Am Rad St S . prophet Eocleaiastae; well said:— mother kept all these sa;rings In her to tmivaraal psaes, (tha actional charge of Thomaa Bentley, past When b* cam* back than from Mondays. to Important that every rural town eonatotad of Fronch aUak. m ob "O f th* making of many hooka high altitude flights, bad been un­ way for months. New and atellar 1 1 n Oraataal Baneatten Italy, official oommantatm said Am Smalt ___ b* representad at this hearing. early potatoao, ntad* heart." attractions are aaaured. and th* Cir­ r! havs, on ths contrary, eraatsd and president of Klwanls. Both th* Benat* and the Chamber fhera to no end aad much study Is a dergoing a aeries of testa prepara­ anhancad this danger,, and dealt a that h* had "bv no means baw rest­ Am Tel and Tel recessed yesterday until March 38 ThU hearing haa to do with raisin braad and neatly aad oeffoe. tory to applying for a Federal li­ cus staff claim thla year’s ahow wfll Oa Dtaplaf Only At It was announesd that aeveral Am Tob B .... waariseas of the fleah.” You will all frash blow to ths security of peo­ ing, but had baea at work." N p i* after th* ftnal vote on th* decree rural supervisory servie*. Th* gov­ It was prepared by th* woman of glva devtmt approval to these wdrds cense. It took off from Seattle at outdo anything In year*- mambsrs visited Camp Woodstock Am Wat Wk* . th* perish under the direction of BILL TO REORGANIZE ples.” yasUrday to aaa tha damage remark aeemad to Indleat* th a t^ e powers. Th* chamber’s voU on ernor haa recommended on* super- of wtodom—especially just before 12:88 p. m. Thlrty-flve minutes Two performance# dally—after­ renewed "holiday" would Include a Anaconda . Mrs. MyeskL Man aad women wrought by th* hurrtoan* of laat the proposal waa 821 to 304. vtoor for a county . examination periods. later It was a mass of wreckage on noons and evenlnga—at 3 and S KEMP'S re|K>rl to Premier Muesoltal on the Armour 111 . ... A ir. and Mrs. Wright of Naw of the parish bearing tha'name of a logged-off hill about 68 mtlea to o’clock. General admiaaion la atlll RAT TO UORT FAIR asptsmber. It waa alao announesd tchtson .... Josapbto* or Joseph w on rad maas. Pniaoit of Wtodom RAILROADS COMPLETED that th* program commlttse of tb* new central European aUusUon and York, war* srsak-end guasta of Mr. "It to this very pursuit of wtodom the south. kept at the popular price' of 40c on Germany's attltud* .toward Ital­ AVlatlon Corp tied Mrs. L. D. Eaton. praaentad to them aa x tokan of ‘t H elub will meat Friday noon at th* Baldwin Ct ... —of faata—of oo-ordinated theories New York, March 30— (A P ) — a ian aspirations concerning French There are aeveral cases of measles frlendrtlp. They Included Joseph­ HOTEL BTBIKB ENDS Shsrtdan to plan th* activities for Balt and Ohio COLUMBIA __that to'miJclaf of ths youth— Would Establish Court Of eosmie ray snatchsd from Intar- oolOBlsil territory. tn town. The latest victims ars Ken ine Koaak, Jooapbltt* MyeakI, th* Spring and summer montha. BendljCv ...... WE8 TCOTT RICE Joseph Jaworakl, Joseph Olender. flrst class thinking machines. It Three Judges To Supervise stsllar apaca will be used to Ulumi- neth Bldnner and Allan Rogers. constitutes a danger; even to some. Washington, March 20.— (A P )— nata tbs New York World's Fair on Joint Meeting Beth 8tM .... 878-13, WtUlmantle Dlvtolon Joseph Orsyb, Joseph Bodnars. Capital Setup Changes. The Btrllm of union employee at 18 Oscar An-tarson, Jr., to recovering It points to a collapse of tha pres­ Us opening nigbt April 80. Tha laat The Itsutenant-ffovernor of the Borden y . ... capital hotels haa ended In a com- First District of KIwanIa will be one Can Pac .\.. from a serave cut on hto leg, caused ent acheiM of education. A college of a eerlta of tan flaahea atop tha A large congregation was present by an ax*. Dr. D. C. T. Moore of Waablngton, March 20.— (A P ) — promlae. Under an agreement an­ /loo will bava a brilliance equ|J of the gueata at th* joint msstinc Case (J. I.) ' BLOODY UPRISING hoy I know waa develtqilng s'splen­ Senators Wheeler eld princlpel ITBT rHO?rX M U PRAGUE LEGATION Hartford Fir* . . T8 77 Gan M otor*...... Mtba Batty Cobb waa the iaodar air attack on 800 Junks canytng tlea or properties and permit a sale not exceedinx 8too end J per cent Hartford Btaam Botlsr 54 SS GiUette ...... Mrs. Harold Griswold of Hart CTiInma troopa oerem th* Ran at definite partldpstlng development for Mr. H.lipa. t« call with of th* c i t i n g of tb* <3iristiaa Ea* In tb* knowledge and wtodom of at pubUc auction. ReorganisaUon monthly on any remainder. FREE DEUVERY Natleaal Firs ...... 58 61 Hacker Prod . — litad tn town raceaUv. Btaagyanf. plana could be advanced by the court StCeetwK Muitmer (Ikmltnued from Page One.) daavor iqdaty on Sunday avwitag God comas to a boy today before Fleer No. f Room No. 8 I Pboaatx ...... T8 78 Hudson Motors ... Th* town received the Stat* on Its own tnltlatl-v* or by 10 por DIAL 4486 In th* r t W Enumaratlon great racmtly whleh ho ontora tho school world? 7(1 Hein St.—Menebeater Travalera ...... 458 470 Hit Harv ...... Tb* mon^y Tri-Oouaty meeting Flrat Ut to 1808. a post flr* has' cent of any elaas of aacurity boldsra Phone Mo. (410. Lleenae Me. 1*1 I Thursday wa» relaased today, Offtoa* rdhHe vnnnm mt N ic k ...... was 1381.78. Ths town racalvm baan burning conatant^ la • way- "Wo can wen picture the homo at of th* New York Times, ssalsd sine* Ooaa. L t bad Row. .. SB 6* Int Tel and T*l ,, wiu be held to th* Hebron church 82.38 par pupil omimerated betwaaa Naaareth; bow Jesua was taught Re-Upholstered oa next Bunda^ evening to tha form aids tan on Dartmoor, Engtoad. TUESDAY Wednesday, were permitted to re Conn. Pow...... 48H SOU Johns MaavlUe...... 88 ago* 4 Slid 18. by hla mother. How else could he >'aw— Anp S-riaoe ael— open. Hartford Blac. U - . 5SH 47H Kannacott Of aa EsaUr pag*aaL Bavarsl from Th* FMlowrtlp group sad th* have been prepared to answer with thla church wiU t^k* part la th* Mow Oaahloa.. New Covortoiga, SPECIALS Natl* opened 35 »oup kitchens lUumlnatlng Sh*. ... 83ti 8SH Lshlfh Val Rd Bachalor club, anj^ad a aeavenger such charming simplicity and pana- formed by the "Bayarlan ***Utance Hartford Oaa ...... 84 ST U gg and Myers B ...... 108 pageant or stag In tb* TriCconty hunt Sunday afternoon, after which tratloo th* questions of th* great 39.00 train' which NaaU use at tha So. Eng. Tsl. Co. 188 187 l»e w * ...... 454 chorus. Th* meatlng >1U start at 8 a choir rebearaal under the loader- Ward E. Krauic theological doctors in th* Tempi* at s rr $ Lorillard ...... 81H p. ro. with a rahaarsal on th* asm* •blp of Mias Marlon Washburn w m j€niMLl#fn^ Nueinherx party rongreee and other Wsaisra Ms**...... OSH 8SH P o r k C h o p s afternoon at 4 p. m. tostfw iw “ He ‘grew oktor* another trans- NsrI ralliei ladoaMal Mont W a r d ...... 4SH held. Th* winning taara eeoalstad CLARINET AND ^ 1 If paid in 5 montha, no in- Aem* Wire . - ...... 38 81 Nash K a lv ...... 7 4 Thar* srUl b* a r^ v la r maatlng of AlUsen Las, Jean Munroe. R o b ^ totfcm reads. He waa the Ideal youth, SAXO PH O NE tb* Ideal religious boy, the product taratt or carrying charges. 1 8 c lb . Am. Hardware...... 34 88 Nat Btoe ...... 384 a f Oohimhia OraOg* on wadnoodoy Maaaey, Knaalaad Jonas. Jr,, anfl Arrow H add H, Com. 87 88 Nat-Caak Rag 884 ovoaiag In Taomaao HaU- The flrst Wasiay Rohbtns. They wUl b* gtvan B flls i tn Wakral Mraot of a rellgkNis home. He knew hla LONGER TERM MORTGAGE Nat Dairy ToL tm Btbto because hto mother took time BETTER HOMES HOSPITAL NOTES BUUng* and ■pMcar. OH aad aoeead dagroao o f the order wUl aa airplane rid*. Freeh or Bmnked Bristol Brass ...... 88 Nat DIatfil bo eeafarrod ea a class o f enadl- Rav. L Olbaon Doaieto, a totder to teach It to him. The wtodom of damand our batter fabrica Colt's Pat. Firsanaa. 80 U N T Oratral i daU* by tb* offlcsr*. ef youth la tha otato was th* guest youth to the product of the mother's work and prayer. SL Augustine In aad colora—a Joy to behold Admitted late Baturday: Mrs. Eagle Lock II Nortk Am .. Th* Bt Patrick’s Day whiat givah speaker Sunday evening. Packard ---- hto foolish and pagan youth ignored LOANS Naw AVAILABLE S h o u ld e r s Alolvis Kohlsr, North Coventry. Fafnlr Bsaring . . . . . •s 'J! !*****• ' th* girl aoouta at th* bona* cf Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Manuel are re­ —.aniy a few dollara more. TPESDAT • WEDNESDAY the prayers of hla Christian mother. L>lecharg*d let* Saturday: T*l Pay Statloa n Param Piet .. ra. Ra^h Weimar oa Friday aftar- covering from thalr recant Ulnam- Wa arc now offering a Naw Type of Mortgage Loan known aa “Direci 1 5 c lb. Dougan. 04 Valley street. Mr*. Rose­ Hart aad Cooley .... 1 0 0 118 Ptaa ...... 5noon eras vary succeaaful. natUng Buparvtoor I. B. Dunflald gave a Saint Monica, but those prayers and ITS ALL SO EASY! Your mary Bycholski. 35 Ridgewood Haadey Mach.. B. ... • ' 11 Pbalpa D e ^ tho organixatlon liB . T>*ro w *r* ala talk on tte "Velum of Bupervtoory her words brought him to bis glory ReduetioB Mortgage Ltwa’* that haa BMay advantages. aat la picked up at your door, -treel, Mr* Laura Kingsbury, North Leader*, Frary A Clk. 04H Pkn Pat* . . . . tahlas to play, and thlrty -aavan nt- Barvtea In th* Rural Towns", at th* la Christ New Brit. Mach., Com Pub Barr N J . ’ "The Order of DcMolay recogntoea Loans on New Howes will be made far teram ef Twenty Years— Sixteen mahad to our shop and order nilrMl Coventry. 30 tandlag, including th* aoouta. Prtsas North achool laat week. GIRGLE Admitted Rundey; Alfred Roven- do., pfd...... •5 Radla ...... war* wen by Mrs. Allaa Rohlaaon. facta and gives Its members Years snd Five BloBtha—and Eleven Y ean and Seven Months for aa conpletad in a week. burg. 18 Catherine etreet. Hertford North and Judd . . . . . 38 88 Ram Rand s u m GIANT SBOWt "participating duty to uphold and amonnt not to e x c ^ Eighty per cent of Appraised vainc. Rapub Btaal ...... 18 Brat, oonaolattoB and doer prlM by combination BACON Discharged Sunday; Jesse W l- Peek. Stow A Wileeu • 8 them, to Increase la the wisdom Raw Tob B ...... - 184 Mrs. TraasUlan Tucker. Cdfoo aad Loans oa Oldar Hoases will ba audt for tanas of Sixtcca Y ean aad Five llema. 876 Main atraet Mrs. WUfred Ruasall Mfg, Co...... 38 87 cakas wars aarvod by the scout* of them. HUI and Infant son. Andover. Miss IkovUl Mfg. C o ...... 88 84 Bafeway Btnraa ...... M Grew la Statare Months—aad Eleven Y ean aad Sevan Montha for aa aaMiaat not to exceed l l i c Ib- Sllex Co...... Behanlay D Is ...... 18 aftar tb* card pUytng. ■ t m ■ "flecoodly—Jesua laenaaad ia Grace MUler, 183 Spruce street, Gil­ lOH I4H At the BMtwg of t Seventy per cant of Appraised valne. Tkn Gr e a t WALLESDAS tkn pnmtUr k^h win artists aftka wartd Manchester bert Frye. 90 Hilliard etreet. Al­ Stanley Works ...... S8 H 40H Bears Roebuck ...... 78 , O lllO I atatura—Tn th* meaaura of a man’. do., pfd...... Bbetl Tinian ...... 184 elub ia th* chapel on Friday avonlag TOliOnoW AMD WED phonse aiflio. Bolton. Mrs. EIIm - 38 .TTio old picture of the meek and The reqnirfd monthly payment on theae loans is aa follows: _ beth Zelqnis, 195 Union street. Torriagtoa ...... 34 88 Boutit Pac ...... U 4 plaao wore aud* for a traek aMOt 'mild Jeoua, pallid and lanquld does ■oam Oa* In th* apriag whleh th* PLUSI BUTTER Admitted today; August Volga, Veeder Root ...... 48 48 South Rwy ...... 184 OUTS IN BOCOYY* sot appeal to youth. The Jeoua of ^Eleven Y ean and Seven Months ! Upholstering Naw York Panin St Brands ...... 8 4 to favorabllL On Saturday . * * and the TOP Combination , nau. TO* Main street, Herbert MUI- P L C T l ' MammUi woa an outdoor boy; a bin t i 9.OO.per One Thpoaand DoBan bury, 01 Beaton etreet. Bank of Naw Tsrk .. 400 480 Bt Oaa and El 8 4 th* beys wmit oa a hike to Wait lb . cHxibing youth. Ptctnm Um. as wo Discharged today: Mrs. FrancU Banksra Trust ...... 80 83 St Ou Oal ...... 8B atraat aad oookad. thalr iHnaar out parttenlarty remtmber him today, ^Sixteen Y aan aad Fiva Months 1 for more smoking pleasure is Co. Dlekanaon and infant ton, IS Wil­ Ceatral Hanover . . . . *0H 8SH BtOU N J ...... 484 at door*. Mr. Bauadara. Mr. Tauag, ‘ADVEMTCeS IK BAMABA' ■ ■ I fourth $8.00 per One Thowaad DoOan liam stract. Patar Kostsk, Wapplnx, Chase ...... 81 88 Tax C o rn ...... 4 3 4 aad Mr. Bmlth. laadara ef Uto dub, -I WAB A CONVICY" Dt Bttnday, feeding a aiob of 8,000 IS School Street Chemlcel ...... 44U Timkan tloDar B a e r ...... 48 ^Twenty Year Loan ■ $7.17 per Oaa Thonaaad DoOan Chesterfield {the can't-be-copied blend) FLORIDA ORANGES Cbriatlan Brown, 67 Eire street. 48H aooompaatod tha boya ea tho hike. M o^ huaciy 1 almost fanotlral Census; 71 patlsnts. a t y ...... 34 38 Trxas Amarics ...... 84 J o o ^ Hutehino loft OoliimMa oB tt Uiotr dovotkdovothm to him, tb * Week of Marrk 1* Continental ...... tS Untoo CarMd* Tha coat of oMainiag a baa tnm w b very small (UanaOy $20 ta $$0.) A BETTER PLACE IS • ...... 814 Friday for Now York, whan ' tha fir in g 2 rioz. 2 S c Tussday, 9 a. m— Dsntal cUnic. X Corn Exehang* . . . . S3 SS UniM Pac .... • 884 boarded a beat on Saturday for tho an a fun quota of physical bolp 1 to Far Taar Upholataring. First NaUonal...... iTOO Unit Aircraft . • 88 4 Thb b a Local Amodatbn that has baan making b a w on homes in Man* 10 a. m— TonaU and sdaaold clinic. 1780 Panama Canal Zono, wbora ha will Tkto boy sturdy cheatar aad vicinity for noniiy Ifty yoan with money~lhat reprcaonto tho The ffiin never sets on Chesterfield's pop­ Wednesday, 3 p. m —Well baby GuaraaW T r u s t...... 357 368 Unit Carp 84 ba otatlowod for th* naxt Urn moaUto •breag-•a a _ clinic at th* " T ’. Irving 'mist ...... 8 4 unit Oaa Imp a a * a a a e U 4 by the Pratt and Whltaoy AlAwaft youth to a aptoadld aovfags ef Manchester poepb . The Aooodatlon otroiigly recommends thb ularity because Chesterfield combines... Manufset Trust . . . . SSH Friday, 3 p. m.—WeU baby cUnle. U • Rubber .. 4 4 4 to Buporvto* th* ovochaalhif « f typo. to our racreatioe and Now Type of bon, aad nrgcfl thooo dosin w of obtaining money with which ' Manhattan ...... IT V ■ Basalt .. 18 •om* ef tlM oompanya motora. affyatVxi, I f tha pictur* tn pnrchoei or bnild a home to caB at the oflcc far fnrthflr information mmi blends together,, .the world's best cigarette N. T. T ru st...... *8 108 U ■ Btaal .... Sufepaaa youth today to tro*. Mr. aad Mra Ragmead Igm aa aa- — OM O B MHB n o w — Public NaU aokl...... 88 81 Vkk Cham .. tb wy tee, raootra tntniBliif, but.bu alas 1 ' Tltl* Ounraata*...... s WaataniXMan S’*tartalaod about taraety fttaada Dam tobaccos in R way that's different from any 8 ...... n DIO YOU KNOW T H A T - But Hartford. WothonBold. taffy I daotourttoo. U. •- T ru st...... 1880 1840 waat a Bad Mfg • .1004 WamU f ffwtoal Baood Cpoa lea d. Veleanle dust rcmalna la su* OdumMa at thair boam oa Batarday hut wanta tho other cigarette. ^ ^ K. of C.' Open Meeting X—Es-Dtetdand. Wool Wurth ...... 4T4 yooth •traag troo; alert , ,\ the blend that ean^t be copied paaaion in tb* upper atmosphere •vaalng with a Saint Patrick’s card Elec (C urt). 1 0 4 but 8 but con- fo r j^ r s . party. Pi tow won woa by **“ Lol&DIEr kiadly. tottorate of an dmhIr. We think THE MANCHESTER BUHJ)ING , , , the mm conmuivon o f the The tree frog can change its BoraiAifoni Gladys Mtoa, Mrs. Eaym ead B M EBTi THE BOSS* '’I When you try them you w ill hnow why color from dark hue to a Nikt A Thought aad Mrs. irftjsien i S w SM i i about M lautaa I W a rtfli world's best cigarettejehatem TONIGHTS o'clock B-—Official Th* sM aoMd traeg haM i out to LOAN ASSOCIATION, h e. Chesterfields give mUUems o f men snd Every atoto la tha tlaiea haa i day ataatlng oa Baturday dto- 055 Mab Stnot l i t l m U ^ guard or lU squIvalaaL fh igd . wlHi a hflm la Hto I ~ phyoleally women more smoking pleasure,,, Th* rrirgraiB (oewt of Mnrta Eravesk* atilL S M . Ton to tb* laneat toBfio m m lT S THBY8ATISFY , S t ftndget’s Parish Hafl eemUmru la Urn worM. tpaMi bat UtO* Human beads eoatlau* to grow wauM be adUaraad vatu eld I iasU ih . - L' —w. UANCHE8TEB CVENINO REBALD, IIANCRESTEB. OOMM. MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1980 liANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN MONDAY. MARCH 20. 193d PAGE raBEB

said, would Ignor* any moves o t tb* at tha Laui«l Height* StaU hoapltal Madrid government except outright MEMEL’S FATE SUBJECT at Bhalton, la spending a few day* CAPTAIN SCHENDEL RELIEF COSTS DP EXPERTS S1VDYING “Queen of the Air” FRANCO DEMANDS capitulation. MEN lOVE jgf* RUMANIA FRENCH MASS with bar mother, Mrs. Ethel Blake- MEMBERS OF DE M OUY Madrid Defenee <3oubc1I Bat- MOSCOW CALM DESPITE OF DIPLOMATSVPARLEY >y- I 1I I I I Q l T D D I i N n l i K turday night addressed a peace offer «niuwiiH rE P ' CAUSE OF CRASH F U L L U u I\IU j111/LR,directly tke NaUpnaUst govem- LECniRES ON DOCS TO GIVEN TROOPS AGAIN IN BOLTON TOWN 'ment in ato broadcast from Madrid. fiX T *** ZTSMsstofsortfr *** * * NAZI ARMY’S ADVANCE ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE ------i (Gen. Joao Mlja. head of tka Re publican national dafanaa council, thalr foreign coUaaguaa prtvataiy BEGIN DRAWING said in Madrid last night that ks 8e Is ew you sate s anO simnl m calm ronftdanca In Moacow that tha Owner Of Prize that the absorption of Mamal waa TRADJ^RIOfTS AL ONG BORDER Selectman To Ask $1,000 stature and well-being. Jeeua owed Ten Carried To Death In Rejects Requests Of Repub­ bad received no reply to tke appeal eoala. wsMwhw tar 1 swwsHasi Hi K m Of h m Near Ap- chance, of Soviet cooperation with practicalls aSMirsd. much to bis mother, well might be for peace negotiations.) maas baa told asatliw MV ta •* *ku Re?. James S. NeiH Of S t •ling: ’All thla day thy hand baa led the western democracies miiat be RapM Troop MoaomHrto (Oeuttauei from Pago Oos.) (f from Pag* o m L) Franco's preparation* (Dr aa of­ PRIZE TICKETS me and 1 thank thee for thy care Spectacular Plunge Of lican Government For fensive against .tke Republican- prudi Of Troops Daring eonat dared. German Sbepherd Speaks Vsriouo travolars rooehing Ber­ More This Y e ir, Recom- wuCBw U«n PredirUoa fteoalled plight of the Balkans which He dl- a«e Forelfn Minister Georges Bon­ Mary’s Preaches Special Thou bast warned me, clothed and held zone continue rapidly. M ^ ii|MM tmnm inm mmk Vice Defanae Oommlaaar 1- lin from tha northeast of Europe recUy la the path of the Oenaaa net. fed me. Listen to my evening pray­ wmlk Smvmtm, Z reported troop movements. ’’Honorable Peace.” Plut Week WHhb Serer- Mekhlt'i prediction waa recalled aa Before The Kiwanis Chib. "drang nach oaten’’—drive to the AppttnF Daladier Demaiids FOR m RACE mend 21 MiD T u . er.’ That is the way to grow like New Stratolner. 3. A meeting Of the Hemel Land­ aapectally aignifleant today. In a east. ’rha_Chaihber a t Deputies on Sat­ Sermon For Yoimg Men ChrUt. tag or Diet ia ocbadulad for March recent apeach ha said that any at­ DMalla Of riau Cwhoewu urday and tha Benat* ysstorday—by (OsoWaood from Pag* One.) His Father’* “ lUialiie**.” POUCE COURT al HmMred U e i 35, and the data is ragardsd In poli­ "Thirdly and finally—Jesus grew Alder. Wash., March 20— (A P )— Ilcndaye, France — (At the Span­ tempt to Invade Soviet Ruaala would ToMca C;Aptaln Harman O Behan- Detatla of negotiattoiia by which a 386 to 16 voto—approvod Data- The adjourned annual meeting tical circles as pivotal in Memal'a dier’s demands to r sweeping powers yunk avenue, PhUadelphlai tha fiv e Of John Mather Chapter. in favor or approval with God. Aviation experts came to this moun­ ish Frontier) —March 30. (A P ) — result only In ’ Multlpl}dng tha del stumped for hia bobby —dogs— future history. Germany sought to dominata Ru- and a special meeting of th* voters Frank Rivard. 43, of 398 Ratkbun number of Soviet republics" and with which to match quick decisions Aasea, 185 First etreet Jersey City; Ecclesiastes alao aald: 'Remembei tain village today to seek an ex­ Spanish Natlofisllsts were reported : and did It In an Intareatlng talk 4. Tha dlacuaaton between Von msataa import and nport markets of the Town of Bolton will be held now thy Oeator In the daya of thv street, Woonsocket, R. I., wraa ar­ UMoMT, March *0—(A P )—Al- added: a t dictators. ’The only check on this l. Alexander, Jr., Sift Ridge avenue. planation for the crash of the new today to have refused the Republi­ rested for speeding at 1:05 p.m. yes- before tha KIwanIa club at Its reg­ Rlbbentrop and Urbay’a was Said almost to the excluMoo of the rest power, unprecedented In peace-time in Bolton hall Saturday afternoon at John Mather Chapter, Order of youth.' 8o Mary taught him and four-motored Boeing stratoilner can government's requests for sn amigh the Ifazl ataamroner m i- •'Comrades' Tha Uma la not far of the world were unknown to Ru­ Philadelphia; J. Sarappa and P. tenlay after Trooper Ruasell Olson ular weakly mMtIng at the Hotal also to have touched upon the ques­ France, Is the approval that must be lullucci, Waterford, N. J.; This 3 o’clock. Tbe call waa iMued to­ De Molay attended divine service at Jerusalem in a gentle chiding which carried its ten occupants to honorable p«'are" and to have In­ casead laat w a ^ to within acveral off when our armies—International tion of Lithuania’s role In tha Eu- manians at large. day by Thomas W. Wilson, Jo68, voice he reminded her 'Wist ye not', of the Colchester barracks of the bacauar of the Ideology which domi­ Bbcrlilan thbi noon. With him waa given by the Cabinet, which be rules Time, 1734 Lexington avenue. New death In a spectacular 10.000-foot stated on Maclrlil'a unconditional sur­ hmdrod allaa of the Bovlat RuMlan roMsn concert of nations. Albasi and Albert N. Skinner; Sunday In a body at St. Mary's recall how you prepared state |K>llce had rIockiHl the accused nates them—anaweiing Inaolent en­ High official quarter* empha­ with an Iron hand, and by Presidant Torit; Girlie and Olrlle’a Boy, 5807 plunge Saturday. render In the civil war. hla wall known and widaly famed It was Tigoroualy denied In res­ sised, however, that Rumania had lectmen. ICTpiscopal church. Rev, Jamee Stuart me'to be about my Father's busi­ Dispatches from Burgoe, Nation­ man from the Bolton line to Man­ hOfdar, Moaoow haa ramalncd aa emy attacks, v^ll htip tha workers German shaphard dog, Carlo, who Lebrun, wbo supports hla “strong Chan etreet, Germantown, Pa.; FII0- Victims of the crash Included A. chester Green. It Is charged tkat an al n a of tha calmeat capitala In ponsible quarters that anything like not received any Orman uUtma- man" tactics. There are three section* In tha NeiU, rector, taking hi* text from ness?' G. Von Baumhauer, aeronautics en­ alist Generalla.ilmo Franco's capital of the aggressor countries to throw haa won from fifty to slaty ribbons a protectorate over Lithuania waa mena Boccella, 166 West Wanhetn call that will require attention. The "The approval of Jesus by God Rivard was driving at 60 mlleo per W* tiM worid. tum. At the aame Uma it was mada After the uniunia] Sunday Senate street Philadelphia; and Bad Luck Luke 2: 52, "Jesua Increased In gineer for the Netherlands govern­ aald that hla answer to an offer to off the Kaaclst yoke, free them from of merits In various abowa through­ Intended. known that the Rumanians had re­ first section asks for an appropria­ was a preparation for his Cross. open peace negot Int Iona, brondeast hour In the section. He will appear Call For floTlat dttaena laamed laat night tha capitalists and liquidate capital­ out the Rnst. meeting, Daladler had a two-hour Andy, 42-68 Hunter street Long tion of 11,800 for relief. Thla is Wisdom and In Stature and In Favor That approval did not mean mere ment; Peter Gullonard, asstatant in (Miirt on Frlda.y night. Oellvar Tear that thalr (araramant had refuiad Responsible circles Indicated that jected the latest German trade pro­ cabinet meeting at which Im out­ by the Ma-lrld IWenae Counsel, waa ist surroundings." Captain Bchandal said that ha baa Island City. nearly 81,000 more than was spent v1th God and Man." epoke aa lol- popularity. He was not studying manager of the Royal Dutch Air Jesse J. Williams of Main atreet to l aeognlaa Adolf Hltlrr'a abaorp- Mamal was one of the chief topics posal. lined the first series of degree law* Lines, and several prominent Amer­ Burrender." Pector*# In other words, the Soviet Union been interrsted in dogi since a boy under dIaciuMton last night at a con­ United Statea ticket holdere on laat year. The Increase la o il low atmut an old man's God. as one The official hoi.-idcnatlng station will appear In court tonight on a ttee of Caeclu&lovakia and had con- and that be has spaclalUad In Oar- As If to guard her rich on und to be submitted to the Prudent at ican airmen. has no objection to co-oparatlng ference of Hitler with various tnist. wheat lands pending some setUe- Workmen, another favorite, were: because of an unforeseen altnstk R la always a pleasure to wel- youth aptly put It. at Burgos declared that "our lead­ charge of Intoxication. He was ar­ WELDON DRUG CO. danmad it aa *hrbltrary, violaat and with other countries agalnkt an ag- ' man shepherds. Ha ravaSled that a cabinet meeting In Elyses Palace "God to him was a personal Presence of Von Baumhauer and PfVMffPQMI ed lieutenants. ment that would not obliteraU her M. B. Doolan, Pelham Country club, A number of years ago a the John Mather Chapter ot er ha* prepared an army which will rested last week, but before trial de­ aggraaelve." Thara waa no hint of greaaor. But If the ^ v le l Union j his hobby Is a costly one for Carlo at 8 p. m. (12 noon e*.t.), and “put Pelham Manor, N. Y.; Montano, bom in Bolton married an Torder of De Molay to St. Mary’* Father related to his own problems Gullonard in Seattle had not been 988 Mak pa^e at tha naar approach of Oar- It was also admitted that ihe pre­ Independenre, Rumania held at Immediately Into execution." carry to the last village of Spain veloped a bad cold which necesaltet- haa to light single-handed against Icontumaa two pounds of meat and carious state of relations with 8950 White Plains avenue. New In doing so she lost her right ; djurch. That welcome la a genuine of youth. What a week that must generally known. Von Baumhauer the only honorable peare, the p.'ace ed hla transfer lo the hospital. man troepa. an aggressor, than so much the { two quarts of milk each day, with least .300.000 men, called from a Rumania waa conatdered In Paris cltisen. Tbe family later was s member of the Dutch air mis­ Great Britain was Ukawtse a major dosen army claaacs, at her fron- York: Jo Jo, 1165 Ho* avenue, tbe ^ d constant repetition of our ap­ have been for the country boy In ck arma. It ia aghtnat thla background of worse for the aggressor and the : a goodly portion of vegetables diplomatic clrclea to be the next out of Bolton and for a number of the Temple "at JenuiaJem All about sion to the United States. Oullo- topic and that tha recall of Ambas­ Uars. probable Ehu-opean danger spot. Bronx, New Tork; Harry Kameloa, preciation of your noble ideals and "That Is the only means of mak­ principles he represents. ' thrown In (or good measure. sador Johannes Welcsak from Farts, 305 West 18th atreet. New" York; year* aid has been given to the character building work among the was despair and hoplessness; Roman nard came on private business. ing certain that the war will not Oars ia BraediBg. ’There waa no general mobillaa- They said that tha Rumanian gov. Mooh Diplomatic Arllvlty as a parallel measure to French Lucky At Last 179-04 Union Turn­ family by the town bi which they young men of this community. Your arrogance and oppression, pagan Study Hristed Wreckage flare up again " The apsakar said that ft la a dif­ Uon though, nor were any of the emment had informed London and had been living. ■ It has been found Despite the outward calm there Ambassador OMiloadre's departure pike, Jamaica, N. T.; An Appeal Influence will continue to grow and sneers at the helpless, hopetese God Federal and Boeing officials stud Franco, Nationalist dlapatchei ficult task to produce a good dog, yearly classea called In full. ’The Paris that It was being subjected to that she had no legal residence of of the Hebrews: doubt and Indiffer­ was much diplomatic activity A from Berlin, waa discussed. stanort to Premier MuasoUal on the Armour I I I ...... of the parish bearing Ui*' aame of examination periods. later It was a mass o f ,wreckage on noons and evenings—at 2 and 8 RAT TO UORT FAIR Baptambar. It waa alao announced Atchison ...... Ifr . and Mrs. Wright at New a logged-off hill about 55 miles to o’clock. General admission Is stUI that the program eommlttaa of tbs new central European eituatlon and York, were week-end gusete of Mr. Joeopblne or Joseph wor* red races, PnrMit of Wledom RAILROADS COMPLETED on Germany’s attitude toward Ital Aviation Corp ...... iroaented to them aa a tokon of “fft Is ihta very pursuit of wisdom the south. kept at the popular price a t 60e club will mast Friday noon at tha Baldwin Ct ...... nad Mrs. L. D. Eaton. New Tork, March 20.—(AP) — A Sheridan to plan tha acUvIties for Ian aspirations concerning French COLUMBIA There are eeveral cases of measles riendshlp. They Included Joseph­ —4ff facte—of oo-Mdlnatod theorlea eotmle ray snatchad from Inter- colonial territory. Balt and Ohio ...... ine Kosak, Joaephlne Myeski, —that is »«»irtng of tbs youth— WooM Establish Coart Of HOTEL BTHKE ENDS tha Spring and summer months Bendlx ...... WE8TCOTT RICE In town. The latest victims art Ken­ stellar space will be used to illumi­ kl, Joseph Olender, flrst claas thinking machines. It Joint Moating Beth Steel ...... neth Skinner and Allan Rogera, Three Jadges To Superrise Washington, March 20.— (A P )— nate tha Kew York World'a Fair on 8T5-12, WUllmantte Division Oacap An-isrson, Jr., ia recovering Joseph Bednars. constitutes a danger; even to some, lU opening nif bt April 80. Tha last Tha llsutenant-govarBor of tha Borden ...... Capital Setup Changes. The strike a t union employes at 18 First Diatrict of KiwanU will b. one Can Pac ...... from a sereve cut on his leg, caused it points to a collapse a t the pres­ sarlaa of tan flaabas atop the A largs congregation was pressnt capital hotels has ended In a com­ of tha guaaU at tha joint masting Case (J. I.) ...... by an ax*. Dr. D. C. T. bfoore of ent scheme a t education. A college Washington, March 20.— (A P ) — promise. Under an agreement an­ trylon will have a brillianea equal at the Sunday morning servlcs In BLOODY UPRISING of the local club ami tha Chamber Cerro De Pae ...... Manchester attended tke wound. boy I know waa devel(H>lng a splen­ Senators Wheeler (D-Mont) and nounced laat night by John K. to a million 100-watt lamps andnd be Local Stocks ths local church, whan following ths Th* Democratic club met recent­ did creatlv* sense with a candid vlslbls for 30 mllaa. of (lommarca at tha HoUl Sheridan Chea and O h io...... Truman (D-Mo) completed today a Steelman, Labor Department con- naxt Monday night. Mambara ware Chrysler ...... usual order of worablp aiid sermon, ly at tb* home of Mrs. R. Rich. Sev­ IN MANCHOUKUO camera. He is now so overwhelmed bill to revise tbe reorganization pro­ dilation chief, the hotels retained renilmlad to sand coiuiratulatory Col Oaa and E l ...... tha congregation joined in a dedlcs' eral matters of Ic^latlon were with an over-crowded and over­ cedure of flnanctally-dtstressed rail­ their right to psomote, transfer or By GEO. HOLMES Furnished by Putnam and Co. ComI Inv T r ...... tory service of the new steeple re­ studied and discuased. stuffed curriculum program that the cards or msMsgas to Dr. Thomas roads. discharge employes but agreed to } ‘-1 Dteorativt Uphobtarer H. Weldon, a former mambar of the • Central Row Coml Bolv ...... cently completed. The Rev. Ralph The fellowabip group of tbe Cen­ (OsatUiaae froe* Pat* ana^) camera is gathering dust. There is The measure is the first of a aeries give p^erence \p union member* club, who cslabratad his TIth birth­ Hartford, Ooaa. Cons Edison ...... Rowland led the dedIcaUon with r«- ter ekurch and the Bachelor's club, another element of neglect, far more PHONE 3615 furnished the flowers for tks Cwitsr a t on railroad problems which th* twro la fllling vacancies. day yaaterday. TelepkoM Cons O il...... sponses by tbe entire congregation Cktnas* military baaao aorthweot serious and fundamentaL Tbe story Senators said they plan to Introduce P o p u l a r I ;00 p. m. queUUons Cent (^n ...... ■rhe aervice closed with a prayer in church morning qnd evening ser­ Hankow. of the text puts a linger directly IIRS. noVBCWlFEt Claantag During . tha dinner hour. Tony vices Sunday. Because most of ths lahabUaate this aeaaion. O Bright entertained with aelertlona Com Prod ...... unison. Miss Carol Lyman sang a upon I t That a th* educaUon In The principal change proposed to teas* op t* 8)0*. po«r Ihiag roam famltara Is ao Del Lack and W e s t...... Mr*. Catherine Marshall purckaa- had (led, caeuaittea were compara­ >n tha xylophone. Insnranee Htoeka solo, "Cast -n iy Bread Upon the Religion in the home. Aside from establlimment of a thm-judg* court Os year sleae. Slmpla sad aa aaay to heap elaaa M a r k e t Bid Asked Douglas Aircraft ...... Watero." *d tk* bouquet for the Fdlowshlp tively few. the little baby prayer—"Now I lay lef*. « Ih'e** al ali aM fra all loaktag aftar yoa have Aetna Casualty ...... lOS 110 Du Pont ...... and Rev. A. 8. Kiln* for th* Bache­ Japanese naval eomaiaadera aatd to supervise all railroad reorganisa­ MONEY buiaate oa* wile. : 865 Main Straet Several people from out of town me down to rteep"—how much con­ tions within limits prescribed by tk* pow M l, wora aphelatory re- Aetna Fire ...... 44 H 46W Eastman K odak...... were present at the aervice, Mrs. lor club. a (tolnea* couator-oSansiya aloeg structive religious teaching does th* 5463 alasad wtHi ear gay, glertoaa sow Rublnow Building Aetna Life ...... 38«G 30 H Elec Auto U t a ...... Ik * rowers were sent to Etka tbs Haa rivar, ia oaotrsl Hupeh Interstate Commerce Commission. Y AMERlUaOSES (Tecil Gates and Mias Gertruda Oatea youth receive today from his moth­ To reduce capitalisation of dis­ “Where Thrifty Automobile ...... 33 85 Gen Elec ...... of Hartford and Mlse Leone Qarko Maaasy who la In th* Manchastar provlnc* had been emartiad. A . er. Of course, there la th# back­ Rate of Inter- Memorial hospital recovarlng from tressed railroads, tke court could efit S per cent Shopera Shop" Conn. General ...... 36H *84 Gen Foods ...... of WUlimanUc great toaa a t Hf* was reported la an ground of a Christian home and monthly oo an- ) : s \ s. ! 1 ■ . vAi’ \ s • jrST PHONT MIS Hartford Fire ...... 75 TT Gen M otor*...... an appeodleiUi* operation. fix “fair upset prices" on any securi­ ji PRAGUE LEGATION Miaa Betty Cobb waa tke loadar air attack on 800 JuaJn carrying; Christian example but bow much pnld principal tea Mr. Halmaa to call with Hartford Btaam Boiler 54 58 aillette ...... Mrs. Harold Griswold of Hartford (Tbiiiesa troops aeroa* th* Haa at definite participating development ties or properties and permit a aale not eiceedlne {MOO and S per cent of tka mooting of th* Cffirlatiaa En­ monthly on any romaindtr. U.O., Oil FREE DEUVERY NaUeual Firs ...... 69 61 Heeker P r o d ...... visited In town rocently. Slaagyaag. in the knowledge and wisdom of at public auction. Reorganisation (CVHitlnued from Page One.) Hudson M otoro...... deavor oooloty on Sunday aventng The town received th* State plans could be advanced by tb* court SlCtWwilL MintiNw Phoaatx ...... T8 T8 In tk* ek^^. (3od comes to a boy today before Floor No. 8 Room No. 8 DIAL 4486 Travelore ...... 456 6T0 tot Harv ...... Enumaratlco grant racaatly wkteb on Its own Initlattv* or by 10 per 741 Main Bt.—HenehMter I Thursday was reltased today. Offtoee Tkt montkly Trt-County mooung a peat i bo enters tbe school world? P«bMe UMHtlaa tot N ic k ...... was 8881.78. Tka town i*e«dyiia been buralng constant^ la a way- "W * can wen picture the home at cent a t any class of aacurlty koldara noBO No. S4ie. Lleenio No. 841 I I of the New York Times, sealed slnee Conn. L t and P«w. .. 55 68 Int Tel and Tel ...... will b* hold in tka Hobren ekurek <2.28 p*r pupil enumerated betwsaa Re-Upholstered ' Wednesday, were permitted to re- on next Sunday evening in tka form aids torn on Dartmoor, England. Naaaietb; bow Jesus kras taught TUESDAY Conn. Pow...... -. 48H 50U Jobaa ManviUe ...... X... ages 4 and 16. by hla mother. How else could he Uko Naw—Any 8-rtaoe Set— I “ pen. Hartford Elec. U. ... 68H 6T4 Keaneoolt ...... of aa Easter pagsaat Bovaral from Tb* FMlowabtp group and the i Nasit opened 86 soup kltehens tkls ekurch wiu taka part ia tka have been prepared to answer with Haw Oaaktoaa. New tovarhigs, SPEaALS lUumlnaUng Bhs. ... 5SH 554 Lehigh Val R d ...... :*S5 Baekalor club, *n j^*d a scavenger such diantiiBg simplicity and pana- ' formed by the "Baysrian asststance HarUerd Gas ...... 84 8T U gg and Myera B ...... pageant or slag in tk* TrtCouaty hunt Sunday afternoon, after which I train" which Nasit use at tha So. Bng. TsI. Co. 188 16T Loews ...... bkonu. Tk* masting will start at 8 • tratioo tk* quooUons of tb* great $ 3 9 . 0 0 a choir rebearaal under the leader- tkeologlcal doctors la th* T e m ^ at Nerg party congress and other Western Maas...... 88H 854 Lorlllard ...... p. m. with a rakaarsal on the sam* ibip of Miss Marion Washburn was Ward E. Krause Pork Chopi Nsri rallies Moot W a rd ...... afternoon at 6 p. m. bwlnwlof JOTUsalam? Industrial ksld. Tks winning team “He 'grew older' another trana- If paid in 5 months, no in- Acme Wlra ...... 38 SI Nash K e lv ...... Tkar* will b* a regular meeting CLABINCT AND e t AIHaen Ls*. Jean Munroe, Robert latkM reads. He was tbe ideal youth, tATMt or carrying charges- c lb. Aok Hardware...... 34 38 Nat BIsc ...... of Oelumhla Orange on Wodaooday Maaeey, Kneeland Jon**, Jr., an* 8AXOPHONE 18 Arrow H sHl H. ONB ST 89 Nat Cash Rag Btadtot 87 Wahral ttrsol tb* ideal religious boy, tbe product ovoatol in Teomaao Hall. Tk* Brat Waaley Bobbins. Thoy will b* given eff a rellgtoua borne. He knew hla HOSPITAL NOTES BUUngs and Bpadoer. 8H 4H Nat Dairy I ____ and aoeond dsgrssa of tk* erdar wtu an aliTlane rid*. LONGER TERM MORTGAGE BETTER HOMES Bible because hia mother took time Freeh er Smoked Brtatol Braaa ...... 88 as Nat DUtUI ...... b* eenferred oa a claas a t eaadl- Rav. L Qtbaoa Danlela, a laader Oolt't Fat flraanna. 80 M N T CJsatral...... to teach it to him. Tbe wisdom of damand our batter fabrica dale* by tb* officers. of youth ia tk* state waa tk* guest youth is the product of th* motber'a and colors—a Joy to bahold Admitted late Saturday: Mrs. Eagle Lock ...... IS 16 North Am ...... Tk* St. Patrick’s Day whlat given speaker Sunday evening. Shoulders Tandr Btsariag ...... 98 Packard ...... work and prayer. BL Augustine in —^ l y a faw dollars mors. Alolvia Kohler, North Covent^. * r tk* girl ooouta at tk* homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Manuel are re­ SPAT • WEDNESDAT his foolish and pagan youth Ignored LOANS NOW AVAILABLE Diseharged late Saturday: David Gray TMlPay BUtlou t 11 Param P ie t ...... Mr*. Ralpk Welmer on Friday after­ covering from thalr recent tunes*. Pean ...... tbe prayers of hla Christian mother, Dougan. »4 Valley street, Mrs. Rose­ Hart andlOoolsy .... lOO 118 noon waa very aucceasrul. netting Suporvlsor I. B. Dunfield gave a 15c lb. Hen day Matii. B. ... • 11 Phsipa D od gs...... Baint Monica, but those prayers and W« are now offering a Naw Typt of Mortgage Loan known aa “Direct ITS ALL SO EASY! Your mary B>Tholiiri. 35 Ridgewood talk OB tk* "Valuoo at Superriaory Laadero. lhaiF * ak. 84H NH Phil Pat* ...... tk* orgaatsaUenyllS. Tkars wore atn her words brought him to his glory Redaction Mortgage L inui’* that Iim maiiy advantagaa. aot b picked up at your door, street, Mrs. Laura Kingsbury, North tebico in playj/hnd (klrty-oavon at­ Borvte* In tk* Rural Towns", at tk* Slleeal Coventry New Brit. IMarh., Com 36 38 Pub Serr N J ...... in Christ. rvahod to our shop and order tending, including tk* aoouts. Priaea North oebeol laat Weak. CIRCLE •The Order of DeMolay recognises Loans on New Hawtes wiU be atade far tenm o f Twenty Yean—Sixteen Admitted Sunday: Alfred Roven- do-. Pfd.1...... 95 Radio ...... eonpbtcd in a w eek. North a ^ Judd...... 36 38 Ram R an d...... WOT* wen by Mr*. Allaa Rotalaaan, _ facte and gives Its members Yean and Five Montha - and Eltven Yaan and Seven Montha for an burg, 18 Catherine etreet, Hartford flrot eonaolatton and door priM by SUPER OIANT BBOWI BACON Dlscharge<1 Sunday: Jesse Wll- Pock.ik. BlowI B Wtleou 6 8 Repub Btsel ...... a participating duty to uphold and aaoant not to exceed Eighty per cent o f Appraiaed value. BuoiellI Mfg. Co. Rev Tob B ...... Mr*. TroooUian Tucker. Coffoo and kv* them, to Increase in the wisdom llama. 876 Main street. Mrs. Wilfred IT Loons on OMar Houaen wfli ba made for ternu o f Sixteen Yean and liv e Hill and Infant eon. Andover, Mies BeovUl Mfg. Co. . 33 *4 Safeway Btorea ... cakoa wor* earved I7 tk* aeoute o t them. l l j c lb. BUox Co...... 13H Bebenley D ie ...... after tk* card ptoytng. Grow kl Btakare Mentha—and Eleven Yean and Sevan Montha for aa anraont not to exceed 0™*e Miller. 163 Spruce street Gil­ 164 BOM m i i Manchester bert Frye. 90 Hilliard etreet, Al­ Btanlsy Works . S8H 404 Sears Roebuck .... A t tk* Baetlng of tka Plonaor BtAVII "Becondly—Jeoua increased in SlevSnty per cent of Appraioed vahm. 71# GREAT WALLENDAS tkt prtmUr high wirt trHsts tf tkt wrU OBISON- phonse Gtgllo. Bolton. Mrs. Elim- do., pfd...... n Shell Union ...... club In th* ekapel on Friday ovoninB TOMORHOW AMO WH& atotore—‘In tke measure of a man’. beth Zelonla, 196 Union street. Torrlagton ...... 34 South Pac ...... plana war* mad* for a traak nteol T h e old picture of tke meek and The reqnircd monthly pajrmcnt on theae htana is as foDowa: BUTTER Admitted today: August Volge- Veeder Root ...... 48 South Rwy ...... aom* UsM in tk* aprtng whiek tkd FLUB! "Lknut f6G«H ■did Jesus, pallid and lanquld does Upholstering nau, 709 Main etreet. Herbert MUI- Now York Bouhs 8t Brands ...... waatkor la favorakl*. On Saturday OUTB IN BOCUlll" not ^ipeal to youth. The Jesua of ^Eleven Yean aad Seven Montha! . •. and the T O P Combination bury, 51 Beaton street Bank of Mow Tork .. 400 410 Bt Gas and El . . . . tka boys wont oa a hike td Wdat FLTBl “ ^ Naaaroth wao aa outdoor boy: a km fiqJM) per One Thoosand DoHan Discharged today: Mrs. FraneU Bankors T ru s t...... 80 83 St GlI Oal ...... atroot and eoekad tkatr dtaaar eat youth. Fteturo Usa. as wo 2S « 'b- Ceatral Hanover . . . . 90H Bt OU N J ...... NOWl remsmber him today, 0 Sixtean Yaan aad fiv a Mentha 1 in— for more smoking pleasure is G>. Dlckenaon and Infant eon. IS Wil- 934 of dam*. Mr. Baundara, Mr. Touag. 'ADYRNTCRB DC BAHAHA’ ; Uam street. Peter Koatek, Wapping, Chase ...... 81 S3 Tex O orp ...... and Mr. Braltk, loadar* of tk* dub, fourth Buaday la Lout, Refrsob- 98.00 per One Thonaaad DoUan IS School Street Chemleal ...... 44H 664 Timken Roller Bear T WAS A OONVlCt* SMat Bunday, fooding a mob o t OfiOO FLORIDA ORANGES Christian Brown. 67 Eire street. aeoompaalod tka boya on tko hUn. ^Tw enty Year Loan $7.17 per One Thoosand DoUnn Chesterfield {the canU-be-copied hUnd) Onaus; 71 patients City ...... 24 36 Trane America .... Jooi^ Hutchtna loft Oliimbla on people, hungry and almost fanatical L Week of March 19 Continental ...... IS IS . Union Carbide . . . . s - A BETTER PLACE Friday for Now X oitL, whirs kd m tkatr deeotkm to him. taking th* Tha cost of oMaialng a ban from as is very amalL (Usnally $20 to $90.) 2 doz. 2 S c Tuaeday. 9 a. ra.—Dental eUnic. a Cora Exebaag* . 53 68 Union P a e ...... beard** a boat on Saturday (or tha hmvsa and tka flttMo and giving to Per Your Uphebteriag. 10 a. m.—TonaU and adenoid clinic. Flrot Nattonal .. . ITOO 1T50 Unit A irc ra ft...... an a fun q^iota e t physical batp and Thb b a Local Aawriatbn that has baea making baaa on homes In Man* Guarsa^ Trust . . 8ST 368 Unit Corp ...... Panama Canal Zoom, wbar* ba wUl Th e sun never sets on CSietterfield's pop­ Wednesday. 3 p. m— Well baby ba aistinnsd for the nont tow noniko kaaltk. TUs boy grow sturdy and Irving 'Trust .... • 84 114 Unit Oaa Imp ..... sln*2* chaatar and vidaity for naarly fifty yean with money that repreoenta the clinic at the "Y". by tb* Pratt and Wkltaoy Alitintt Friday, 3 p. m.—Well baby clinic. Manufaet Trust . 184 404 U 8 Rubber...... "Amatiaaa youth to a sptondld aaviags o f Manchester paeple. TIm Aaaodatien strongly recommeskis thb ularity because CSiesterfield combines.. « . IT IS U 8 S a o l t ...... On, to auporvia* tk* ovorkauUnf df typ*. tkaaks to o if t roersatkm and New Type e f 'ban, aad urges those dcaireus of obtaining money with w h id i' K. T. Trust...... 88 103 U 8 Stool r th* eoapany** aaotem phystoal oflocatloB. If tks ptetore to pnrn^aei er bnild a home to caU at the oAce for fnrther information and blends together,, .the ??orld*s befit cigarette ^btte Natiaoal .. . 18 81 VIek Cboaa .. ■*800**8*e**« Mr. and Mr*. RayaosM Lyaaa w — O H ' e t ICiiropsau youth today to tru*. mo YOU INOW TH AT- TtOa Onaraatas .. 8 8 WootamUBlea ..*•***♦••****• tertatasd about tin n ty firlMde Atom . ' too, raeatoa traluliigr but. tobaccofi in n w«y thst*i different from any U. B. T R M t...... 1880 1860 Bast Hartfosd. Wathacaflald. and WaotEiaadMflg ***•***«** BaM i Cpm osdy t o t orar and dosflrueuae. Amor Chesterfield K. of C. Open Meeting Veleanie dust remains, iu sue- a—Bs-nridsad. Weotworth ...... OotomWa at tkotr kom* osi Saturday but araate tk* other cigarette. pansion, ia the upper atmosphere Eloe Bond Sad Bkare (Curb), ateonliig with a Baint PatrlcICa card yootk to bo (Mo; alert , , ,the blend that can’t be copied (o r j^ r s . patty. Friaso wot* worn by Mias but ktodly. but con- The tree frog can change its “BL0NDIE?» THE MANCHESTER BUILDING and " s w o S l w i " Giadya Biea. Mrs. Baymoad Sqtdsr, MnTCTHfBoaa* ttdarate o< aa paopi*. W * tktnk , , , the RMNT coMMNAiiON sf the color from dark hue to a Bgbt A Thought and M r*. M adalina Mttcfaan. I o( that test battalkm o( When you try them you will know why ana in about 30 miButae TONIGHTS o^clock n— CHktal Tks b M aoeot traop httd aa sB HOBATi yototb’l to o ( tk* WosM war. LOAN ASSOCIATION, Inc. worUTs best dgwrette f baccm Bvoty atate la tha Union haa a A Sail a66ssSCh aB Ms i tie« hsa hooB gtw m day BteaUng oa Bituiday in tks bow mi oat to (tootnw tkai. Chesterfields give miUions e f men and aaUoual guard or its equlvaloBt. a «M 8 aMa BsagalB tt M thattotoodiniiili etapsL wttk a kflai tottw alteeaoon. 95$ Main Stnit 1991 arociiBUi terwt of BUurta ssarda. Trovorta IS ilL A women more smokingplensnre,,,why tt the la n M Magto aoM 3 DatsM Raat of Wosasetor B air MBtthotsattiaai Sl Kidget’s Pariih HaO eoBlfara la the world. ^i^l^Mk|hat Uttla aaS wsU If THBY8ATISFY . R u b m headt ooutlnua to grow T. sad Mm. O a r BBtn old ago oota Bl / &- L.< .'rtAu a'::!6if\-^ t - .1

• V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1939 IIANCUESTER EVENING JERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONOAT. MARCH 20. 1982 JPAGE FX>UB ’\. "Dearest Jesus” ...... Schapp BEETHOVEN aEE CLUB "Fight” ...... Faltln NEW HAVEN rOUCE • SERIAL STORY Insect Giants From a 'Lost World' ‘'Mariner’s H.vmn" ...... Robson Franca, wttli vletoty bi hla hands, .WmMkhtgttm Dtyb—h~ SEEK TO RELOCATE to ths rulbif elssias of both Brltstat •'Lullaby" ...... Brnhms Jbittrlffat»r and Franco. would net make any such promlaa, ccmiiaHT. itJ»a GIVES 233RD CONCEBT Beethoven Glee Club HUNT LONE BANOn Russia, whatsrar may bo o«m'b svae though to ^eontlnua ths war 'MRS. DOC' NKA SCRVICK. INC Selected Sacred Solos PRESTON GROVER BUS, CAR STATIONS Alfred B. Lange oplnlOB of ths Bolshstlst methoils might maaili tha" loss of great num­ BY TOM HORNER Prwenla Proffram in Sims­ Holds Up Girl Attendant In ; Ctmiftig Bfralb bers of hla own men. Offertory or tha morality by which aha at- Of course you can afford bury; I.ocnl OrKiint/ntion Is "The Blind Ploughman” . . . . Clarke Telegniph Office In Broad PUBUSHBD BT THB That appaars to be just what has Washington —Aa CongraM ap-gof the EngUab and Firaneb la araak ■>e**AU> PHINTINU COUPANT, INC tainsd he^ poalUoB. Is now a freat Tbe characters and situations In 14 S'ears Old. "Celtic Hymn" ...... RoherLson Daylight At Busy Comer. transplrsd as a result of hla inhu­ proachaa debate of our nautraatyI«»«‘ . ‘V the laolatloalat nature of "I'm going home right away. Would Establish T a r ” In­ "The Se#".^...... Prosser II Bm m II Strut and stroiix nation, both militarily our Neutrality Act. OppowaU ot thl* story are wholly fictional. .Mama says so", TIra answered. llABohutu. Coon. and aconomlcany. 8hs haa rait manity. It has just been diecloeed poUcy It beeomas plain aa day that tba Prasldant's policy bare aald aa Watkins Grand Rapids made The Beethoven Glee Club present­ "One Hundred and Twenty-First New Haven, March 30.— (AF)-r- ^ THOMAS FEROUSON C.AST OF CH.%B.\CTERS "No more sleds, and po more Psalm " ...... LaForge that tha Cartagana uprising, engi­ tbs admlnlatration wants all legUla- mueb. But the preaant admlnlstra- stead Of *"Near” Stops At er! Its 233rd oonrerl In fourteen PoIlM hunted here today for a tans a«n«rAi Minactr manpowar and Un|ltleaa roaources. ALAN W.AHBEN — Anihltlmw crashing into trees, or you'll but! "In a Monastery Garden" . Ketelby bandit who held up a girl attendaat Foundtd Oeiolxr I. Itll Shs ti heavily armed. In such a neered by FrancoUt agents within live sbacklaa r*moved wherever they tion thinka dlffarsntly. It has not young country doctor. that noggin ot yours wade open' , years at the Oingregnllonsl church ■aid ao epealy but It baa Indicated Beethoven Glee (Tlub at a Western Union branch oStos PdbllAhAd Burr Bvtnina Erupt front ns western Europe Is hoping Loyalist territory, eoet seven thou­ inUrfere wrltb the free axerclas of Pendleton Furniture! EMILY W.ABKEN — Alan * wife. Alan admoniahed the child. In Simsbury Inst night before a In broad daylight at a busy inter­ Bandayt and Hotldrya Bntarad at tha diplomatic action. ■o In more waya tban one. ERIC R.ANE—Ton.tnirllon engi­ "Noggin's all right Doctor Alan, Intersections In Town. go«Fl-sl*ed sndlrnre The club was for she might qulU posalbly proVb sand lives In the two or three days NF..\TNEHS PERSONIFIED section. and fled with $48 while s Post Otrioa at Manetiaatar, Conn., aa Just now It wants to ba abla to: It wants Its diplomats to bs able neer. have you got one?" dlrecteil by Robert Knox Cliapman. patrolman atood on duty In tha Suond Claaa Mall Mattar.______to be the No. 1 factor. But In she of Its contlniianoe—and more than 1. Qpfuaa suppUao to aggressor to hint, wrltbout neoessarlly speak­ DR. F.ARKELI, — Alan's elderly "One what? " Alan feigned ignor­ Alfred E. I.,ange w-as the sointst and fircon B4iy. Win.—A Inll, elderly ■treet a few yards sway. subscription r ate s likely to accept the Munich type of half of them were those of Franco’s naUans. Tha only acUva aggrasaor ing out, that If troubto oomsa this aaaoclate. ance, although he well knew whst For quit# a p#rlod of flm# th#rv Fred K. Werner the accnnipanist. The bandit, brandishing a ahlay Om Taar by Mall ...... •• i*« country Is more Uksly to bs Msndiy Yesterday: Emily demand* to the boy meant. man with lanky \egs wAlketl along leadership? troops. now la Japan, but llkaly Italy and ha* b##n local discussion concern­ Tonight the Berlhovens will ob­ piatel, ao thoroughly frightened Par Month by Mall ...... • *2 to Engisnd and Francs tbsn to Ger­ knot, whether .Aton I* going to HI. "Ice cream cone nickel. Ice cream serve "Ladles' Night" *t Iheir re­ F. Walnut kicking hiud »nd SiBBla Copy ...... f «• Ths Nationalist leader bad under­ Germany wiU ba Includad If they dis­ ing th# stop-station locations for Jean Miller, the attendant at tha yesterday, today and tomorrow. many snd Italy. Louts. When he ■ays, "No." *he cone nickel! " Tim chanted hearsal at the Emanuel I.ulheran ici* off car fcmIcrR. and wiping off telegraph office located In the Taft PalTurad Ona Tur ...... t» 0* taken a great troop landing move­ turb the pressnt qulat public buses and trolley cars. On head and tail lighta. Nobody could In Europe, are not to be aegregated 3. Ksep foreign diplomsts from With tbs NstttraUty Act on the tell* him that Eric klaaed her. Alan Alan reached In hts po Mambar Atnarlean Nawapapar Pob- the President to shut off all mili­ ■uaslva weight abroad la leaMTAd- Days were too short for Emily. ment on a proposal that, excepting Itahara Aaaoclallon. ______prompted the state highway com proaching a normal regard for hu­ one. The letter to Peterson writ- tary supplies to nations at wrar, Tbalr warnings—temperate t^mgn lien. in the mail, but thr sallsfac- Although no word had come from fhr a few Instances, all transporta­ Publiahara Rapraaantativaa: Tha missloner, Wllltam J. Cox, to write manity would make It Impossible American nations excepted. He con­ they may be—carry leas WelgTt 6 pieces including llon Alan had hoped for ■ r>-i still Dr. Peterson, she was alreadj' tion stops should be on the far side Jullua Malhawf Snaclal Aaancy —Naw to us telling us that we have not sidered It certain that existence of against nations looking for a chance planning on what furniture she of Intersection*. WHEN IT Tork. Chiraao. Dai roll and Buaton. for the rebel leader to deny the lacking been correctly Informed as to cer meagre terms of mere security of the Neutrality Act had eontrlbutad to leap. . "So you vc really decided to uiake would move to St. Louis first, whdt niustratioa* more towrard wrar than towrard It la this administration attitude she would put In storage until her In adopting Its view that far side MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF tain aspect* of the situation Rays life asked by the LoyaJIate. But the change'. Farrell asked as he CIRCIM.ATIONB. peace. that forma Uit baala of tbe uncom- 3 smart tables - - sat In Alans office. A -amed pic­ ^ream home there became a reality. stops should be made mandatory In Mr. Cox: two and a half years of the kind of COMES TO Tha Harnid Prlnilns Company Ine., Rhoto Off All Help Ing debate. At times the Neutrality ture of Alan's father looked down Her days were full. Letters to old town. The Herald points out the fol­ aaaumaa no dnanelal raaponalhlllty You express a reasonable thing that has been going on in Why? Ha did not say, but hla Ilna Act Itself becomes little more than s from the wall, over the desk friends, plans for farewell parties lowing considerations, two of which hopes for the future kept her from These two fearsome Inhabitants of the Idyllic “lost world" discov for typofrapblcal arrora appaarins to aatonUhroent that the bridge will Spain seem to have destroyed every of reasoning Is plain. England and side Issue. Some members of Con­ You know Grand Rapids quality !■ aupd* "Yes, I'm off to the city to be­ argue for the change, and one ot adyartlaamania In tha Manchaatar gress who crlttclss the administra­ come famous" Alan amlled. "Dr. mlsstng Alan. And he had kept bis which I* a deterrent. However, In ered In British Guiana by Dr. Paul Zahl of Union Collegt, Schenec* SMOKING PLEASURE Eunina Herald. ^ , not be openeo to through traffic attribute of bumMIty. France, rightly or wrongly, count rior. But this is more than Grand Rapidg tody, N. Y , are among the less attractiv* feature* of tha country. tion policy nevertheleaa agree with Alan Warren, youngest professor of promtoe, too, to try to spend more tbe latter case, tbe drawback to not during the next two years and at this country probably eympatbetlc They sre In ing speclmenr of the Olnoponera Orandts, largstt of ths our proceeding to build s large Extend this poMn over the whole [>oaslbly an ally, in any tilra y break­ tbe admlnlatration that tha Neu­ Furniture! It is furniture made for na by obstetrics of any medical school In time with her. Even a steady two- contidered to be aa Important oa tbe MONDAY. MARCH JO day downpour failed to quell her snt family. Note how they compare to ths paper clip. Oblong bridge without "full assurance world and tn tea yeara the human ing out In Europe. trality Act Is bad legislation- Irwin o f Grand Rapids, famous for more the country. Man. hav T fooled advantages that would be derived AT ITS BEST... They don't Uke tba NeuUallty Ihem" * bubbling spirits. from the first two Illustrations. object to cocoon that Its farther approach Was not race will ba back with the wmlvea The Neutrality Act makes that than 60 years as the creator of exclusive The rain reminded her of Eric going to wtnd up In somebody'a "alliance" leas certain and lesa valu­ AcL But even more they don't like "You are young ’. L>r. Farrell In the first two Instances, we will TOMORROW. YESTERDAY said seriously. "But It's ablltly, not and ahe wondered how the work at back yard at a 'No Thoroughfare’ able t6 them'. It would lock up all tbe administration's Implied reasons decorator’B pieces. Now the same auperior tbe dam was prograoalng. She had consider first a trolley car which said today that he Is not opposed i< c made to fit Individual clrcum- Aa Eduard Benes, former preai­ sign.” MEXICAN OIL DEAL American arms and ammunition the for not liking It. They look upon age, that counts, and Peterson comes to a stop at present on the I’LL TAKE CAMELS artistry, the same loyalty to design, the flame knows It Do you think he'd be of­ not seen Eric since that last night, far side stops, although rules should lance*. dant of Ctechoalovakla, said on Rat- May I say tn thla connection very day war broke out. President Kngland, France and the whole but ahe had beard of htm tndlrei^y near side of a highwray Intersection. President Cardenas of Mexico European scene aa a sour job, out of careful craftsmanahlp is available to all in fering you this place If he thought urday. It is wholly futile now to that you have been Incorrectly llooaevclt has knowm that the two you weren't able to fill It ? He from th# Price boya, from Harry In this case following traffic which asserts that he la confident of which this country should keep Its talk of any pendli^ Issue of war or Informol as to these particular natlnaa considered the act a handi­ Watkins Pendleton Furniture! knows what he’s doing, all right. Brown, who was working at the might want to turn right or left EVERY TIME matters. The bridge and a road reaching a settlement with the cap to their diplomatic position. hands. dam Every unemployed man In tbe down a lateral street, has to wait panes In Europe. There le no peace. I’ve seen the bes_t. studied with from the eastern end of the bridge British and American oil com­ They coneldered It—and ao did their Thus tbs fight In that rsapect be­ them, and you are" as good” or bet­ county waa working up there. Alan In line until the trolley starts again There Is arar—a aiar of oonquest, to a point on the Boston Post comes again the old battle over (he Solid Honduras mahogany is used for all panies. whose properties he expro­ foes—aa a factor contributing to ter than any of them, had siUd. and crosses the Intersection. t»n s*it»» • • • t• of organized banditry, of marching road In Milford will Inith be eom- tbelr weakness as Munich. l„ragiie of Nalloi.s. That affair last- "You've got the same asset your Emily hoped Eric would beat the In the case of a bus making a priated last year, through the ea- Iflgs and frames; all cotton Ailing; down-and* armies and of military succeaaea in pleted prior to July 1, 1P40. The II may be that this country should (m| many, many months, and ths father had—the ability to win your rain. That dam was his entire life near side stop, It pulls over to the bridge and this road will then tabllshment of a sort of partnerahip Isolations won, bands down. feather seats in softs. Iticluded in eddition —now. which It is a mere negligible Inci­ not give a rap whether the position paUent’s full confidence— plus a curb, and traffic can pass It by. but, aarve aa the direct connection be­ arrangement whereby the title to to tbe pieces shown are a Pendleton Coffee lot of knowledge and technlnue that Alan came tn. his raincoat drip­ If a car Is coming from behind the dent that DO Shota have been tired tween the Meriitt Parkway and ping. A small stream ran from the Mexico's oU lands wrould remain Table of Sheraton design and two slider* neither he—nor I—over hoped to .bus, and desires to swing around tn Hi battle. It la no longer a ques­ the Poet road. No oommitment have. Your patients know ^ u and brim of hla hat down over her head front of It to turn Into a lateral vested In Mexico but the Industrial she was supposed to slsp Holly­ finally there comes a period of *Tet tion of bow to prevent war, but of whatever with respect to the wood's ten-miUlon-doIIsr baby bard dowm" when the glaitda are more UM 16th Century Lamp Tables I love you. They know that you’ll do and neck as be kissed her. street running off to the right, there bridge eras made until It had been and commercial management would "1 hope you can stay at home to bow to stop It, how to keep It from acrosa the face. Miss Nash said she nr less tired out and do no# perform your best, and they never have any Is much danger that the bus, sud­ ascertained that the road oould be In the bands of the experienced tbelr work efficiently. thought that that 'sn’t tbe best tbe night", shs told him. 'This Is the denly swinging out from the curb sweeping from bloodless victory to be saUsfaotorlly oonatnicted at a wouldn't do It; nothing would Induce kind of a night for popcorn and ap­ operating companlea There Is a her to hit Hhirley Ro this unpopulmr The chief symptom complained of medical profession has to offer. It’s again, may hit tbs private car aa It bleodleM victory until ths whole fair and reasonable cost. AcquI- by these patlente la a feeling of ab­ a gift the Great Physician bestows ples and a good book.” turns into the lateral street. altlon of the necessary right-of- disposition Id certain clrclaa In this sequence was deleted. "I’m afraid you’ll have to enjoy world Ues under the heel of totali­ Mlsa Nash sxpisini that her ada­ normal tiredness. Aa aoon as ae only on a chosen few.” Far side, instead of near side way U baing carrlad out by pur- country to discredit this declara­ "Going to the medical school that alone—and I envy you", he an­ tarianism. mant stand harks back to "Heidi," tivlty la undertaken, the patient la stopa would eliminate both of the ehaae nr condemnation In waya tion; to aesuma that tha companies bothered by a feeling of weakness wont rob me of that—If I have It— swered. ■ "I’ve a night at tha hos­ which will Insure that the atate In which she did smack Hhirley pital ahead of me. Mrs. HowlaSd preceding dangers and Incon­ ■o tha Second World War Is no will not consent to any such ar­ Because of this, he Is unable to do S ly le i Dr. Farrell. There'll sttU be pa­ veniences. C E m c l—the cigarette of Costlier Tobaccos does not luffer. around. She received so much Irate tients to take care of there, just aa Is In.” T s A s D s a s r’t D stl(^ longer to be referred to In the fu­ mall, berating her cruelty to chil­ as much as a normal person would It Is pleasant to know that Com­ rangement. do. . there are here. I’ll be doing more "They lost their first baby, didn’t Against the far side stop for trol­ eew ibe Jwrmele •! d* IMkBl ture tenw. It le of the present. We dren. that she decliled to guard her they?” ley cars. It may be said that follow­ »rilmli« !• dMM msggeHmm missioner Cox's mind U completely That seems to ua to be somewhat Th£ functional hypoadrenia wrork—better work.” Bre living along with it—and the reputation. Striking Shirley, even C h a irs "Tour technique probably will Im­ Alan nodded. "Premature. Dead ing traffic might string out behind tf* trtklM ^ •ftMT Dtcuw m4 at esse aa to any possibility of the of a bittar-rnder attitude. There arc for fun, IS no joke! have been describing la found tn ;treedom of mankind la dying before both children and adults, and Is de­ prove greatly, Alan. You’ll be do- at birth. I’m not expecting trouble, the trolley so aa to block the stop. a couple of^factnra In this expropri­ hut I’m not taking any chances. ptHttltag MM •pMiKl MdMlflM, Hts etlll cold cannon mouth*. eastern approach to the new bridge pendent upon a weakness of the 4 Pull-Up Chairs big 20 deliveries to every one you Thl*. however Is not considered to being blocked by the concerted op ation matter that the oil compahlca Gabby GaMiles adrensle which keeps them from would do here. You'll develop new The doorbell's ringing Interrupted be a aerious problem, and probably m • Mdftc trial* With devastating, corroding war Next to the excitable pilots of him. Emily, answei^ It. In a mo­ posltl'in of land owners or a bunch rsallza well enough, even If moat throwing enough adrenalin Into ths methods, pass them on to ycair stu­ would''not Impede traffic Mce in a aMMt dMt ihartim m aMwiMna jn present actuality in Central Kii- 'arts hacka, Manhattan's taxi driv­ blood stream. dents and, In time, you will be tbe ment she returned, waving a yellow hundred times. of obstinate lawsuits. He probably Americana do not. One Is that they envelope. iyo ^ It would be of small utility In- ers are the moat whimsical and An Interesting thing te note le Over 100 Covers great obstetrician—Dr. Alan War­ The Board ,of Selectmen naa al­ lakato dM Oecier’eaSeeHirery has reason for hta confidence that bought, from a former Mexican dic­ most conversational. John Anthony ren. "Telegram—for you. Alan." .daad to stop at this time to survey that doctora now aacribe the bet­ ready talked over the car and bus 4aal vtili ftaaarrtia «a$MaM M the righl-of-way will be acquired tator, for aa inflnUealmal fraction tell of halting a cab the other day terment often felt by those who But it will be different then, Alan (To Be CMtlnaed) atop situation, and It has been dis­ ' ttmtmmt, m m M Mt mm the broad field of errors that haa of thalr value, oU lands that he had driven by an unkempt, unwashed take "tonict” to the effect of such Every patient will just be another cussed by the Board of Police Com­ "at a fair and reasonable cost. elmmtktUmttm ftksmmmism yeduced Europe to Its present state, certainly no moral right and prob­ charioteer with a sociable air. tnnlce upon the adrenals. In this peraon under a white sheet—not missioners, which hss authority In But. with all consideration for that They were driving down Fifth manners the glands are stimulated Tuesday Night some girl you’ve watched grow Into a»ad*t stmif. TIm ineiirw Bactar t f there were no other purpose than ably not even a technical legal right HOMELESS BOYS’ PUGHT towm traffic rule making. kaaavaryfacUttffor hem confidence, we lake It from his oam Avenue and the cabbie was chatter­ and the patient feela better for the womanhood. You’ll probably never Previously it has been understood ;to allocate the blames. But the Im- know her name; you'fl never see tbe -4a atalifl raw watt Maa letter that he Is. as the TImes-Star to aall to them. Another Is that ing about matters sundry. Sudden­ time being. Bkary Tuesday night la “ Young that the Public Utilities ftommisslon fm$ wall msdlato future of Europe, and the In planning a diet for the patient Hamamaban rnghl" at Watkins, baby mfter she leaves the hoepltal. THEME OF VIVID FILM article stated, building a bridgs three quarters of the so-called for­ ly he turneil to his fare and, apro­ to set against far side stops, but thr .erorld, as well as tha present, ts In­ pos to nothing, derlared, "What I with this trouble, tt Win be found ■tare epen.imtn P P. M. Opea They coma and they go, and where Claa f m Oartar aa af^artaalty without any complete eseurance eign Investments In Mexican oil an- Thuradaya, also, TU P. Cloaad they coma from and where they go following letter, received by The fa lataiidji tkmk lav mp sm4 extricably tangled with the Imme- nerd la plenty of good advice. I that an excessive amount of msSJ WATKINS How a group of jroungsters from terpriaes were merely plowed-ln Wsdnaedaye at IS, Noon. Fraa to will remain a mystery to you, Herald from Commissioner Joseph kmp raa faadai d^M ' that he la going to be able to run need It bad. What am I goln’ to mav he harmful, but that meat In • ROTHSRS I N C ten to twenty yeara of age, brought .dlate past. And In any attempt to profits that had already come out of moderation, taken dally, may do Parking at raar of atare. Youll be a specialist, not a country W. Atoop, explains the Commis­ a road to It. Because, In the above do? De women, dey won't lot mo togetber through loneliness, stealing sion's view. foresee what may happen tomor­ Mexican soil. much good These patients are doctor.” extract fron) hla letter, Mr. Oox alone!" "You make it sound pretty bad. to keep themselves from starvation, Qfflrtal View row we are compelled to weigh I can match Anthony's report therefore advtaed to use from one- and pitting their wita against citi­ says: "Acquisition of the right of It la highly probable that the fourth tn one-belf a pound of laaa Doctor.” Farrell’a arm was around "Yours of March Ifi has come to what happened yesterday. with another. After circuiting the zens and the law are finally trapped way Is being carried out.” It baa oU companies can get out of Gar- meat a day. his shoulder—tbe way hla father's my attention, and I note that you Qium ii.^^£W m acy. town. I hired a taxi near Undy’a Whenever a functional under-ac* would have been, bad he lived. and unwittingly xleitvered Into vir­ are Intending to take up tbe matter Beyond shadow of doubt a tre­ not. In other words, been cpmplete- danas an excallent buskirsa ar­ and setMed back In the tonneau. tual slavery In a notorious' turpen­ 637 MAIN STREET mendous cflTort I* Iwing made at tivlty of th* adrenals Is present, I " I’m not trying to discourage of establishing bus and trolley stops ly acquired. And that la preclaely rangement, though 'they will prob­ Approaching Central Park, the suggest that the patient trv a short you, eon”, Farrell said. "1 Jult tine camp to vividly presented In PHONE 7057 this moment to organize an over­ driver, who has chauffeured me be­ "Boy Slaves", a grim slice of film In your towm on the far aide of In­ the point that our editorial mads. ably not bt allowed to walk off fast. During ths fast, ths bodv want you to be prepared. Think of tersections, and that you would like whelmingly powerful united front fore, yelled back. "I'm klnda lone­ etlmlnaea quantities of toxic mate the advantages you'll have. No fare. The Merritt Parkway was atarted with everything In eight, as In the "Boy Slaves” will be shown at tbe ths views of this commission In re­ of interested nations to "stop Hit­ some this morning. Mr. R.'*Whad- rial and the adrenals aasma to Im . more long drives; no more rushing and mllllona of public money were past. And when a Mg oil company daya say I put the flag down snd State Theater tomorrow and gard to the matter. prove from this sUminatlon. to ihe hospital In the middle of the ‘The law provides that stopping Velum * 2 9 .9 5 ler." Potentialities In such a com- can't get It all It Is pretty likely to we cut tl^nigh the park and talk!" In many casaa, etpeclally wber Wednesday. spent on It, without the right of nIgbL No more carrying the load places for buaea shall be determined fctnatlon are Poland, Rumania, Bul­ accept what It can gat. If what it low blood pretatire la a promlnem of your patlent’a personal troubles What happens when the boys dis­ way having been completely ac­ by ths local traffic authorities sub­ SAU PRICB garia, Jugoslavia, Turkey, Greece Feline Pharmacy part of the picture, the uaa of the , ■a wen aa her pbysloai ills. That cover their ztatuz as prlaonerp and 17.75 quired We all Know tha conae- can get means a nlca profit futllely endeavor to secure aid from ject to tbe approval of this Commis­ Add to Manhattan’s crowded ag­ straight milk diet will prova bene win be a reUef. You can call your and—by far mood-cunUtng picture and Mr. Olson. Now If the Herald will a ooU. don’t tahef AOJUBTABLC AUTOMATIC IRON mender in one of thi,se seoindary occupy no such strategic vantage equally exciting to me I s ^ e storv Claes; Oalery, spinaob. email ririag forget hto worries about the future Magic Maid. streamlinMl model states who doesn't know It. Does of how it cams to bs photfigrapbM. Health and Diet beans, asparagus, summer squaeh. and live only In the work of the print this I will attempt to show a point as when the etate muit deal cucumbers. eggMant. beet tope- tur­ few additional facts. When sonlng It seem probably that nations like A year and a half ago, the nmk present. ^ with speedy 750-wati unit oulo- with them after It has gone along nip tope, small beats, amall earreta Grandma Frank's thin, quavering went into effect Aaron Oook asked era of "CriJls" went Into Caechoslo LEXINGTON .1 I) 1 0 1 v n I HI H . OIM Of ® motic lemperature control regu­ Polan^. Kumanla, Turkey, who arc Advice ■man turnips, lettuce. Okra, oystar with the Job ao far as to be Irre- vskla to film the country and It* vote# greeted him as he entered'her to have hto land aoned for bualnaaa. completely aware of the kind of plant, kale. zueoWnl, parsley, endive IT vocnbly committed to Its nomple- people for American eyes and sara. By OB. FBANH Mc4X>f room. He did not ask to have Robinson's lated lor diiiercnt iobrios leader^hii that Britain and France and wnell green peas and baby Uiaa "1 do declare, AlUe Warren”,— land zoned for buzlneaa. Mr. Robin- tlon. They wranted to show svary aspect beans. BEDDING gave on that occasion, wUl mobUlze' of the country, Its physleal beauty, WKAKNBU o r THB ADBENAL ,sbe never felled to use-his Iboybood aon did not aak to have hto land TURNOVER TOASTER, Wgflii We have ao quarrel with Onsn- jitckname—"you’re getting more zoned for business. Therefore tf 120 their srmtrs, sropty their ' trsaa- ita Industries, culture and populi^ GLANDS. (Bairris W m m m } ^___ PUNIMlNONlOp Inghouse Pacemaker model with mlssloner Oox and no wish to dls- tloo. " t e your father every day. Fine ft. of RoUnaon’s 250 ft. lot to shown urles, reorganize their economic Question: Mrs. O. V. taquhaa: cijsdlt him In any way. B 't we Jo Then as tbs peaceful filming of There ere two adrenal glands In man he was, and a fine d o ^ r too. to be zoned for business who can .WIUIAMPl. ' g modern chromium tinlsh and poi- “Could you tell me something abent You’ll never know aa much as be structurea—and dump the whole of believe In doetng every poesible these native scenes was under way. the human body one on top of each eczema In bablaa? M y email eon m coven used ordinarily doubt that It to a draftsman's error? Uhed wood base. did. You and all your crasy con­ But now os to tbe injured sir. their poeeeeelona and manpower In­ door to real estate sUekupe In con­ the lid flew off ths .boiling cauldron kidney Theee glands sre about has a skin eruptioa on tha face two Incbaa long and are a yellow traptions, tying me up here tn bed Olson. He bsd ptons drawn up for to a jackpot with either Chamber- In tha Sudatanland. Instantly, tba srhich seems to Itch as be la always with pulleys and weights. When are nection with highway and bridge caraerea were rushed Into the trou tsh-brown in color. They ara ab ■eratchtag. Wa Hve thirty-two on mattresses up to S45m a 136 fL building to stand 70 ft. Utr. or Daladler dealing the cards building—and that the best way to ■olutely necessary to life. \ ■ you going to stop all this tomfoolery from the west boundary line of the ble area, then to Prague and to mili­ milea from a doctor or nurse. A and let me go home?” against the crooked garablen of do that te to get the Und firat. tak­ tary fortifications In all parts of tba Each gland has two different friend told me to arrtto to you and Robinson lot which showed 120 f t the Reich? parte and tba cantral part secretes But her chart belled her cheertnl- ing no chances. land. maybe you srouM help.” When our biggest truck eame in fYom Boeton neaa Alan noted tbe high tempera­ aoned for bustness. Why did ba go to *1.75 IlflMt— *2.04 pgfl ttsuik With Your Elaetrk Bill That ts the leadership that for As ths Czech crizis grew more a remarkable eubstence called adre­ Answer: BcMma la one oC tbs loeded with mattresses we knew we were going this expense before tbe biisinsss aons Meantime It Is pleasing to know nalin. You have possibly read most Imporiant of all shin dtaor-. ture, fast pulse. "She’s steadily _____ ad M i many years played off Japan grave, the film makera' pUgbt ba- to see Bomething choice because the “ boss” growing weaker” , the nurse told extensian waa granted? Didn't ha An Atmosphere that tha Houaatunic river link to about adrenalin In various newspa ders seen In early Ufa It ts ileoet know that hto buBdtng wouldn’t go . to is Hs trial oast ex- The $17.75 price lor this bargain package is came wore* and worse, Paople—on doesn’t buy heavily unless the inducement is pret­ $ him. terisr wUdi h r i ^ together l|galnst^ Ruisla tn the East, In panic the Merritt Parkway wiU be ready both atdea of the military Unas per articlee reporting how a doctor common In tba fat. baaltUy-looktag 19.75 on tbe land already aoned for bual- of Privacy Maryannc Brown, In the obstet­ ■Mdiflad CaiasM sod Cope Cad available only to homes connected with the lines fisar of the growth of Communum. had raason to bt suaptdous of cam- haa Injected adrenalin in a patient Infant, and to mada wotm by a«or- ty strong. When the men began to take the mat< neas and that ths dectotoo might go for uaa ao many months earlier la whom tbe heert has stopped. rical ward, beamed with prtda aa ■MhitsctsrsI fast area ts farai X is the leadership that ao recent­ erea The camera crew risked life faedlng. Ton are weleema to write treesss out of the cartons we understood what ■ithar way? Why does ha talk of of the Connecticui Power Company, and pay­ than tha 'nmee-Star was led to be- When there Is a decreased activ­ again and ask for my artJela en Alan took her two-day old, eight- and Peace s basM o f wrii halssred pro- ly as Munich undertook to actue and limb taking plcturea of guerilla ity of tbe adrenals the patient de­ It waa all about- Never have we seen e more pound aon from tba nurse; told him suing the town when It was hto own ■arriass Osa Mda o f the dis- ments are made with your regular electric bill Ueve. warfare. But by stealth and shrewd BABY'S ECEEMA. Thla Infetma- Tbare to aaougb of sooe the affaire of Central Europe In velops the condition called hypoadr- tIon srin be seat te aay reader who handsome collection of tic k in g Tb be sure, o f tba UcMaga te mebs e bMf In hla motber'a amw. fault to go to any sapanaa wtthout BarTadaa tha isg rsoM U made fatts a large The Electric Bargain Package is displayed and maneuvering, the whole story of tba "What are you calling him, Mary- first being aon of hto lahd, or did hay win das, sMssStsm as ahss- Much a way aa to shift tha pert] of nla. aMreaaea roe in care «ff this nawa- there are only one or two o f a kind, but neverthe­ sprtaig to match or. a pair o f Qoiah FUMral sold by leading merchants. WAR’S POISON Csech crlzla was photographed right This decrease tn activity may paper and eneloeee a targe, self- ■ane?” Alan had wberied Maiw- be go to any sxpaaasT I wouldn’t dast aspi l y a| e ^ g h c All Hitlertam to the Ckratna. la It In up to ths day of Munich. less that is the rseaon we can use such high ■naa ia bar oam narrlage—for the ■akliW it th« ■r tha rsesw apes ■■ s satafl oome ae a reaiilt of continued over­ addressed, stamped enyolapa I am ptoU with boeopetaga Yob know- art ting for thaj SpoiBMrMl By THE CONNECTICUT POWER COMPANY tba remoteat dagrea llkaly that It is One of tbe most dUsstruusly But even then the probism of ax work. of old age, or poor nutrition. Sony that you did aat ineHei yaw quality material oq these mattreseee. Ih e can prebatiHr Save a tavo^ dime bar motber pah) hlia—When abe Now Mr. ItobUMoa and Mr. Olson a - » H teaderahlp which Russia srui so- demoraUxlng effects of war la the porting the film from Pragiia ' Tba daflctancy In adrenal aacretion name and addreaa with yaur tret tkldags reprssent what wag left at varloae pieces tto eeier If you OMba oB waa aearcaly laiirR' than tlito Uny are two Injured partlsa I join the Its oonpkta fe graat A rigorous cansoimp bad may be mild or aevere. In the mtld letter, aa thla wau)d hays mada N aarty setorttoe child. ranks aa htjurad party number Biay ba Bead h y 1 thrso^ other eept? almost tncrodlbla dUregard for hu­ o f ipeteiials after enough was uaed to BUdu up a m rr and add>■ddifig. srivacy. bean sM up and makaif of "CiMs'' tbe patient la abla to get p ^ b le to aaad you tba lafoimatlen “Ws thought—Harry and 1—U three. Injured net by the attitoda of B t t ^ . Thera may bs a ooefartnea of man Ufa that. In any long armed ware farced to hide tbelr preeleua along fairly wen ae long aa ha la DeLuxe outAt for some well-to-do Boston cus­ you doer mind ward Uka to can WE DO A L L TYPB8 OF REMODELINQ SOLD BY THESE MERCHANTS tmmedlataly. tomer. either e.un, A D yiSR 1^ ;|N THE H ERAU)^ PAYS Wi'Jl.,^ ),»!l»^5*f


ended a conference with Prior wltti wo* no voconcy during bio flrot HOI conetary, RockvUlo and te r *i*- t*r*in>l«w Is Of—awodd eeiMtary. th* annouBoeBMnt thM nothing baf LADIES DRESS SHOP tens. been sold "which vroUld load me to PRAYER IS TOPIC American Armed Forces New England To Bear Key Another voeoaey would permit ORDERS WPA CUT UolonytU*. 3,000 R .L DRIVERS PLANTING OF TREES ABOUT TOWN OBITUARY Wilbur H. Conway, brotbor of beilov* th e n would be aa early set­ him to non* o majority of the' tlement." FOR THE NORTH END bench. Chlof JuoUo* Chorlo* Evona r Iflaa OoBseoy ond buobaad of Mro. DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS Th» HufU«ri group of th^ Wei- OoBway, wn* ugoblo to otUad th* Saul aald be vraa to join Governor OF LENTEN SERMON To Be In Peak Condition Load Equipping Defense Hughea will b* 77 on April 11, Juo- FIRST OF APRIL GO ON STRIKE; Vanderbilt end a group of truck TO BE DONE HERE Uyn Oulld wlU moot ot U>o South tice Jama* C. McReynoIde-oiready f)E A tH 8 || funerol ho 1* o potlent ot the MethodUt church tomorrow tnomlog operators at a second - conference Washington. March 20.—(AP)— ' Mrs. George 8. WUeon Oeen- 1* 77, ond Juatlc* Piero* BuUor U c Hortford hospital. Washington. March 30.—(AP) —Achusetta haa tte gisataat numter *■ at 9 o'clock. WaNMb scheduled tor 3 p. m. Administration military advisers In- plee Store Recently Vacated 72. rredorlek W. WolUn of M It TRUCmiALTED Meanwhlla tte union eant out Of the 10,000 induatri** th* United which th* Army and Navy must dee Thar* hi* boon •peculotloo over lev. H. H. Tower Of Provi­ dieatad today that completion of th* At Depot Square. pand, a total a t 7U. Ocnnacttcut B Tho Young Pooplo'o ooctcty of th« Unleu Confren Appropri­ John o t r ^ d M ot I tiU this of- Tho ftmerol of Joooph Brloaco, pickets to halt Moomlng tatorstat* arms reinforcement program, al­ Stataa depends on for war auppUaa, G ric Bodies To Take Part lo Nozorono church will hold Ito annual the p<^blIUy of McReynoMo leav­ tomooa. Ho wo* bofs <' ta Troer- fOiaWaaii from Page ooo.) trucks at th* Masaaebusatta auta ona-aeventh era located in Now ■acond oa th* Ust wtth S4S, but sosss ing the bench, but oom* of b!h svbo died tn Norwich iMt Monday, WTIC WDRC ready partially approved by Con­ J mooting ot tho church tomorrow brtdgo, Bnglud, BB yoor* ago ond U.m Una in Eaat Provldance, Pawtuekat dence Is Goes! Speaker Mr*. Georg* 8. Wilson of Lake England, but their production la far o t thea* Oonnectleut pUuita In UM (liehda believe ho moy remain until ate! More Money 400,000 hold ytetarday afternoon ot th* gress. would put the nation's pesce- opinion of military a x p ^ foam tte Program Schedoled For ovonlng at 7:80. Tho buoinooo wUI m. as 0 boy of Biao yeon cam* to th* T. 1P. HoIIoron funerol homo, 170 Ood, Worceoter ^ poaaibly Spring- ond Woonoockot. T te lorgoat group m v*l*r* Broadcostlng Sei'vice. « 8 HarttorS, Uoaa. lies Um* land, ae* and air forces in th* ■tract, ha* opened a dress shop tn more Important than tha flguras In- cludo report* ond oloction of offlcero oftor tho 1940 prooldontlol oleetlon Unlitd fltAlM AAo BftdA blf bOHM ttl r^Anl flald. dteaU. kay to our whole datona* program In the hop* that an ontl-Now Doolor Center street. Before entering th* area oa th* main rood to Boston la Horttiinl. Luna Eastern StaaSafU ClaM At The South MethodivL teat oondlUon In history. tte ators r«cantly vacated by Karl WiQ Haro To Go bff Relief Rockvtll* for M yoore. l i v i n g inaUtutim la Noiwieh bo s ru Should th* driven tn th* Bprteg- Powtuetet, wtero 100 tmek driver* eeaeo w. iu4o k c la z m Prasidant Roossvslt's $892,000,000 I Under the new expanslOtt pro­ for which Congfsas has baan or wUI Paat Chief Doughtor of Helon would b* oloeted to oppolnt hU ouc- llockvUt* to awvM to Bprlagflold Ident of Bolton ond First, Belectmon field dlatriet, whoa* agreement ex­ ICaUar at 30 Dapot Square. It la to gram* ot tha Army and Navy the bs aakad at thla sasrian to appro- April 8. cooior when ho rotlrod. gathered. Baatan AtaadarS rua* .Moteay, March 38. dafana* program, coupled with the Davldaon L«dgo, No. 91 D. of 8. wher* to reawlaod uatU fiveIt* yaorsyoore Thomas WUaon of Bolton made on piree AprU 1, call a aympathy atrike. Repreeentotlvee of 1,100 truck Navy's roqueat (or about 8750,000,- i te known a* tha nuvla Dress Shop {New England factories, navy yards 1 at* $1,080,000,000, ot which $800,- will meet tomorrow evening ot the Dougta* boa boon cholrmon of the ogo whoa to cam* to Manebaater to effort to locate two daughters, but P. M. Th* Rev. H. H. Tower of New­ and will ipactalU* In mlasas and | and urceitals will bear the key load 00,000 1* for th* Army and 8780.- Woahington, March 30—(API— It waa estimated that 7,000 Maaaa- owner* employing lO.OW drtvom » Mondav. March 20 4:00—Wild Ufe Quiz Week. 000 ond the Army's annual appro- | Civic bodiea and vorioua orgonlio- home of Ml*o Morgaret Sutherland' Securities Commloilon, which regu- make hla honoa srith hi* doughtare. we* not eueceesful. Rev. J. L. Rose- chusetta driver* might be Involved. port. R. I., waa the gu**t spsaker >riation of 1490.000,000, promit*' woman's draaaes. It la the Intantlon I In equipping the nation's arnwd 000,000 for tte Navy. 36 MadUon atroet. , “curity markeU, since The WPA Informed Its stot* odmln- th* three New England otata* had P. M. . 4:15—Not So Long Ago. at the Lenten service lest evening at tlono of Moncheater will participate Mrs. Irma L. Itothloson aad Mrs. nagto, of Norwich, officiated at th* No Flaa For BatUammt turned down th* agreement Satur­ 4:49—Nan Wynn, songa. hese raaulte srithin two years: I of Mrs. Wilson to.later add notions i forces. , ,, | In other Nsw England itata* tte I 1930- tatretora today that thay would Oroa* W. Hoffar- He has not been acrvlc*#. Th* burial wo* tn th* 4:00—Backstage Wife the South church. Hla topic was to hsr stock. In the Hartford, Coon., ' area War and Navy Departmema or* da- in the tree-plontlng program ached- since the odmlnlstrotUm hsgon Its have to throw 400,000 peroon* off Morlarty eaid that at preaent, be day ofter on on day eonforooo* to 4:19—Stella Dollaa. 5:00—Ad Liner. Common Sense and Prayar”. Dr. 1. The strongest American Navy ulod for April 8. under auaplcea of Compony No. 8 of tns South Man- ■ettvely employed alne* coming to Quonyrill* cemetery, Bolton. In history, rivaled tn might only b y ' This U th* only *tor* tf this kind ! alone Army efftclals dUclosad th*r* pondant on tte following number ot current effort to reossura ond sttmu work relief during th* wreek begin­ bad no dafinlt* plan for a aatUement Boston srith union leader* o»»n 4:30—Vie ond Bade. 9:30—"Build. Buy or Modernise on Tower gave oom* very practl^ U- ■t the north end and is axpected to [were SOO plants employing 300.000 the StoU Robabtllutlon committee I chestor firs daportmant was colled Manchester. del* of th* three out** but offertd FHA "—Daniel C. Walsh Britain's. PrivaU factoriaa which hav* sgraad late business, th* commission rslox- ning April 8 unless Oongres* appro­ WbU* a retident ot RodnrUI* he of tha diffareneaa batwean th* union / 4:49—Girl Alone. luatratloni of hi* chief pCinte. supply----- . . . ------a needed------w ant- 'men which have agreed to perform and the different county Form Bu- > Saturdoy night to 219 Porter street priated oddltloaal funds bafor* then. and th* drivara, hinging primarily to submit th* problem to orblti%j 5:00—Dick Tracy. i 5:40—Louts Pedlmontl. Accor­ Prayer I* the cry of th* hungry 3. An Army Air corps of 6.000 wartime tasks under the provtalona to perform •«rvtooa needed to supply reoui. to extinguish o roof Brs started by ed It* rule* concerning "ehort” solas became connected with Court dionist. planes, among tbe world's largest, material* and mohltloM: of securities. Douglas bolksd in­ Col. F. C. Haddington, tb* WPA Heart* of O ^, F. ot A.. o< that d ty IMILK PRICE CASE on proposal* to aquallse th* hitherto tlon. 9:15—Your Family and Mine. heart: It la the Hand of th* •pint of edurnllonsl orders for which The locol committee will have a sparks from th# chimney The fire edmlnlatrotor, mod* public o state- varying pay sealea obtaining In dif­ :80—Jock Armstrong. 8:45—The Mighty Show reaching up to the hand of 0 ^;" and a Naval air force of possibly 331,000,000 hs* been allocated. Main*. 07; New Hampehtrs, 80; meeting Wednearlay at 8 p. m In the on the roof ond in tho chimney were dignantly 0 few doys ogo, however, and ratalaad Ms mamtertelp a t th* 6:00—Esso Reporter — New*. ,600 planes. VarmOaL 88: and Rbod* Island, 148. at e propnsol from the netionol ex- by-etoto Hot of the reductions h* tlm* Ms death. Hla autTlTeca or* ferent clUaa Tli* storo or* Invlalbl# from th* 8:49—Little Orphan Annie. ]>ray*r la an asperience approaching To In*loll Squlpmant municipal building to formulote oxtlnguUbod boforo much domoge ot HEARD IN COURT Weather. Ji* divine, th* near**! to th* divin* E A regular Army of 209,000 of- Y, M, C . A. Notes Thla provlalon, apmsered by Itop- Aaalatant Sscistary Jobnaca M changes to make further cbenge* tn aold would te r* to to mad* la tte Ms two duifhtora, UMat M Morlarty said Provtdene* author!- plMsU Jupiter ond Veauo due to 4:00—News and Weathsr. floor* ana men, fully equipped for lona. It la hoped tbot repreaento- bod boon dooo. roll* If OoagroM follod to a c t ties had Informed him that truck the opaque atmosphere of thoa* e:18—Talk by SUte Official. 6:09—The World of Sports— Jack that a human baing can hava. It re*«ntatlve Smith- (D., Conn.), a tte War Dapartaiaat haa aald that ivea from all the organlzatlona will trodlng mie*. He cborged that th* ond graadaoB. T te body Zalman. ■cam*. We should pray according th* first time with modem weapons, B;00-S;30—Burinesamsn'a volley­ a heavy load srould faU aa tte Hart­ g proposed changes seoutd not help Th* Ust sroa laausd whll* Proal- sriu b* takaa to tte Byron funarol (Oeotimsea frees Page Oae.) openton there bad agreed to keep two berilea. 6:80—"Melodic Strings." Lsrry membar of tbe Houoe Milltarv bo presant Included tn the Hat At o speclol sotolon of the Town dant Roooovolt wroa trying to obtaln Husrd, baritone. 6:15—Howte Wing. to our emotional age, and Intel­ and a National Guard of the same ball daaa with BUI Fleming. Affair* Oommitteo, provtdas for the ford area alona, aatlmatlng that will be Superintendent Arthur H. a.iirl held Saturday ofUrnoon How­ legitimate business but would bene­ hoint. SDrlncfl^hls thli if f rpoop their tmeks off tha road, except for There are upward of 6:80—"Today" with Bob TrouL lectual understanding." sis* batter armed than at any time from th* lagislotur* on oddltlonot ironiportatlon of perishable___ __good*. house trailer* for motor con. Lowell Thomas. YJI.C-A. Intermediate bssketbsll Federal government to Inatali naariy oae-third of Ui* aarly produo- lUlng. representing .Manchester ard Wamock, charged with Intoxlca- fit "munlpulaUirs" instead. and burial sriu b* In VlUago HIUlo church, Mr. Levitt sold thot thoy 6:49—Jamea tlartln, songs. Dr. Tower cited the Illustration of ■Inc* th* World War. Much equip­ Itfqpie. f)n I.,eav* From Vole appropriation of 1160,000,000 to comaUry, WlUlomaburf, Mo**., atlll wor* not quoliflod. State Labor Director Harvey Soul use throughout tb* United 8t Amos 'n' Andy. lONlg equipment for the maaufaatur* and Uon ot small arms la eaa* tf war achools; Mayor David Chambers. | tlnn. wa, sentenced tn Jail fnr 30 Edwin C. Hill. 7:00—"County Seat" staning Ray th* buatnaas man who elalmad h* ment also will be on hand (or sn t:S0~-Ttg*r* va. Cant*. Springs. procesalng of various munition* and would hava to aofte fton that 8ae- representing the Board of Select­ days Douglos hee toen on leave from carry on work rollof to July 1. His whar* bU wife, srho died ate year* "Jf you do not tell tb* truth, what CoIIlna. waa daaply rallglous although te Army of 1 ,000,000 in avsnt of smar- roquoot for this aum waa rofuaad ■go, U buriod. win happen to you?” Mr. Levitt Inside of Sport* srith Jock 7;S0—Sulcldaa va. Hawk*. anna the plant* ordinarily would tlon. men; delegotea from the Teachers' Yale, where he had taught law 7:16—Lum *and Abnar. naver found time te attend &uroh. ganoy. eampalga tor funds to construct a I:o0—Vernon vt. Pirates. not mak* In paaeatlmoa. Threaof •van tour machlas fuiM. Loogue, the Park Department. Man­ since 11*27. sortlor this aasalen. ■aked Mr. Hayts A Stsvens. 7:80—Eddi* Cantor'* Cam*l Cara­ Why evary night h* knelt down by 4. Indiutry geared to turn out 13,- Eleanors Duie U>dge. Daughters Moat PUa Oa Praeeat FUada 18—Jack Says. "Ask Me Anoth­ ■eparats building for tte eohlbit, 7:00>--Psyehology cl*t* for young­ A total of 1.8M Now England 80 to 80 par esat tf an gaugas would chester Grange, Manchester Garden of Italy, win meet at the Sons of Bom Oct. 16. 1898. In Main*. Mro, IfataU* UadaO I would go to hell," replied M r van. hla badslds and aold: "Now I Uy 000 warplane* a year sod ready to now housed bi th* Intsrnstlaaal plants have agreed to aid th* War club, Manchester Mothers' Club. In a Uttar to atota WPA odmla- er.” 8:00—Cavalcade of America. me down to sleep . . .' Just what er girl* with Ml** Tlnkar. com* from th* SOO plaats to that Italy rlubrooms on Birch street to­ Minn , he graduated from Whitman 8:00—A1 Psarcs end his Gang. start a vast flow of munitions on building. S:SO-—Weavtng cl*** In th* *e«ond Department In supplying war tlm* Coomopolilan club, Orford Parish 1 ci'llege at Walla Walla, Wash., and latrotora, Harrington montlonod Attorney Leritt otked Mr. Borne# 8:80—Model Minstrel*—Tom How­ he thought he derived from thla short notice. area. h« said. Each ot thasa pUUita Chopter. D. A K.. The Educotlonal night at 7:30 o'clock thot tb* odditlonol appropriation ot Adolph Undall dlad Sunday night tte ■«"-« oueatioa. and Mr. Borne* 8:80—Alfred Wallenstein's orcbee- ard and Georg* Shaitan. "If Washington istusss to so- floor weaving room with Ulm Tin* need* for arms, gtm* and maehinary ha* b«*n aaaigsed wartUas taste. then Coluroblo University. mechanical gaatur* was not quite 0. Stronger permanent defen*** to cotton and woolen clothing and club, Manchester Chamber of Com- woo boforo th* Houo* Approprio- ot th* homo of her d a t^ to r. Mia. mui, arm bellevor would boUov* 77te Town*s Biggest tr*. 9:00—Lux Radio Tnaater. clear." for the AUantie and Pacific coasts, knowlsdg* th* isgallty a t H ltlsrit ktr* A daughter was bom Saturday Bofoto coming eaat. he taught In T. R. Olanaay, 88 WoaMagtoo that thay sreuld go to bolt' 8:00—Hour of Charm with Dor­ conqusat t f th* CMChs, w* Out bar* S;S6—YM.Ga . Monday ovonlng ■hoes and laathar product*. Unltad Stotas air transport aara* morce. Boy and Girl Scout troops, the high school of Yakima, Wash. ttona Commltto*. Ponding oetlen on 10:00—Guy Lembardc's drebsatra. Ol'va* Unatmtian th* Panama Canal, and Hawaii, and Monebeater Klwanlo club, Amoricon morning at the Hortford hospital to It, hs said. It wos noeeaasry to plan streeL Bom In Vaato, Jutlaad. "Do you think you srould If you othy Thompson, commenta­ 10:80—The CCIumbla WcrkahCp — TTian thar* waa th* Ulustratien ef ■hould do somsthlng for th* GasCho- bowling laOgu*. Key Te Whol* Program panlss hav* a four-te-ana laag to Mr. itod Mrs. Joseph Wiley of 626 While at Columbia he waa editor numerous new sir and Naval baoss. A breakdown of th* Naw England Logion Post and Votorana of For* oporotion of th* sverka program for Ssradaa, Boptambar IT, tSdO. ate did not toU tte truth?" Mr. Lmrltt tor. "A Letter From Home.’' tb* amall boy being brought up by B*qusiti Awaiting Approval Slovakian sxhibit on Trsaiur* Is­ Morlartya va. Howard Oil Co. volume of activity 6vsr any Otter elgn Wart, all of whom or* Intoroot- Contor street. Before bor morrioge, of the Columbto Low Review. He bad Uvad hare tor dl yaora. Bte asted. 8:30—Eddie Duchin's oreheitro. 11:00—Baao Itaporter — Nawa, two maiden aunts. With oomplste land," Crssl dselarsd. Mailman v*. Raid*. Industrial plants ahosra ICasaa- nation In tte world. Mro. Wiley was Miss Jeannette we* admitted to the New York her April on a bsala of fund* actually OongisMional approval of legisla­ Ing In civic work. ovallobi*. era* a ebortar member of Bmonuel T do," Mr. Bom** eold. }0;00—Contented program. Waatter. mlsundaratendlng thay brought tte tion embodying War Department r*. ^ e commltto* bopoa to plont Seb oiler In 1926 and lectured *t Columbt* Lutberoa ebureb and th* Lodlea Aid Olastoabary Wemoa Taatidea i0:S(V—Guy Hodlund Players 1 1 :00—Sammy Kayo's Orchestra. llttl* fallow downateira on* night to three yeor* before becoming on as­ If th* reduetlen became neces­ 11:06—News and Weather. quest* will prorid* th* army with: troos In the parka, ocboolo ond per- sary, hs sold. It should be occoro- Boelaty. Mrs. K/ B. Reed of Olostonbury 31:80—Cab Calloways Orcheetra. ■ay hie preyere In front ef a All Mulpmeht for 84 modern apU- bops olong aomt of the blfbwayi. Mrs Ann Comphell of Ann's sociate professor ot Yale Sb* leaves two other daughter*, ^ tif lo d that during July ond Aug- TIRE SALE l}:l!L->EMdlt Rogers' orchestra. 13:00—Clyda Lueaa' Orehaatra full of company. T te UtU* etep A slender sondy-halred roan. pushed by these methods: Slrsrsn raglmente, although *em* ond will endeovor to tneourago prt- Boouty Salon la spending three 1. Reducing employmont on pro­ Mra. Emonuol PeUroon ond Mr*. loot year. "I paid U conU a 1:80—Orobsatra. 13:30—Henry King's Orchestra. waa ambarrasaad sad forgot hi* srill b* Inactive of ikeletonlasd. vote owners to plont troeo on tnatr doys In New York at the Hotel Douglas Is known as an expert on jects whrrs this would BOt affect ef- Eric Weiman of tblo town; two .... , 1S:06—Buddy Flabsr's orchoatra. adult prayar taught to him by rote. Pennsylvania for the hairdressers' bankruptcy low. Ho collaborated I f ;86—Fletcher Henderson's orchsa- ToaM>rrew*a Pregtam. In daaperatlon te cried: "Doer Sufficient **ml-*utom*Uc rUI**. own property, to roploc* thooa tbot flcisney seiihusty. aioter*. Mrs. Jooephtne Lomborg ondi onn-taak gun*. conununiecUon wore destroyed In tho September 31 convention. with the Deportment of Commero* 2 Discontinuing "Least desir­ Mr*, r ...... tra. A. M. Jaaua, make m* Ute you waa whea In bankruptcy studies for tbres 13:55—New*. 7:00—Sheppore SpaetaL you was e UtUe bey six: yeerayaara eidtel ' •qutpmaat, nsw or nwdsnilsed artil* hurricane. It wlU aloo try to oocur* able'' project* at the completion of brother. u. m w i..-- g , —— Kelly $H -00 Isra, CM msate and othar arm* far Information about troo* thot oro Eighty memhsr* of the Holy years. 7:38 Es*o tU p in tr — N*wa A porfoet *xampl* of riacartty James's church work on useful units. At ite ooeaaloa. That 4 MriO lead tore* t f 400.00O. aicnf ovoUobli for plontlng, ond pooatbly Name aoclety of fit H* morrlod Mildred M. Riddle of I. Discontinuing project* on which S S l ^ ^ i r S l S u d ^ ^ BhTJSd that Oftor Mr. Stoddard Tomeiiaw** Pr«s**ni 7:30—SbSppars Spaelal. boy. as doTOlTO o purehooo nlon wboroby received eommunlon In a body at La Grange, Ore . In 1923. They hsv* A. M. 7:8S—E**o Iteporter — Nesrt, man, probably n*v*r prayod m with n*c***sry r***nr** of ammunL the 8 o'clock mas* yesterday morn­ Fedaral eontribuueni to labor cotta *T?ie toS S S ^iriT te told Wodaea- sincerely than that night, said th* tIOll- proporty ownoro eon buy trooa ot two children. were unueually high. eiOO—Ravellls with Jak* and Carl. Wsathsr. Here’s a way we can bring reooonoolo rotot. ing. It waa the regular quarterly toy p iw w /a Mr. Btoddard hen took th* etand. Springfields S’.SfV—FTancii Cronin, organist. 8:00—Shoppers Special. •peakar. Mot* than 180,000 of tb* nsw It U doubtful, howovor. In view of communion of the society. At Hie 4. "Poselbly” dlaeontlnulng WPA horn# ot 2 oelote, ohd a t 1:80 at ho teetlfled that he "had had noth- 7:06—Morning Watob. 8:80—Baso Iteporter — News. "W* would do batter ot atop ‘harp­ •ami-automatic riflaa, which th* next fothering of this kind a eom­ work In areas wher* projects were the Emaautl ehurol^ R#v. {m ijut troubit with Bv b m ttset ing* on our sin* urban sra pray thus Anny oansldan th* world'* teat in- proooat woothor condition* ond tho to few or email thot odmlnutratlv* In That Popalar 6.00x16 Slsa g:00—Nawa and Weathsr 8:80—Shoppers SpeclaL opproooh of Co*tor, if tho doto of munlon braokfasl wUI be served K. E. EiiclUMMi wiU offUstAtA* BurlAl ||g w tst to work for ui.'“ •:1S -H I B oy. 3:00—Sunny Meledlie. making on t**u* out tf ttem. What faatiy waapcn, are to b* turned out Proatdsnt Patrick Carroll announced cotta were axeeealv*. will be In the Boat Cametary. Ho Mid tbot bo hod "novor" told I* tte uaa of asking forglvontat for la two ysars. April S will bold, espociollv If It U B. Discontinuing project# on Tire and Tube S:S6—ItodlO Baasar. 3:1B—IfopM polks FtoVC- doeldod ot tho mooting thot oomo of to th# mambors preaent Sundoy ARMS AND GAS BamM to tall* Iom thoa 14 eenta g:4S—Ittythm ef th* Day. 8;3S—News Herriee. something we know we ahaU turn PraildSBt Itocoavalt hac aakad an MORE DOLLARS that ho had arranged for a program which ‘‘exeaaslv*'' Federal funds a quart for milk. 9:80—Olrt Interne —Jeyee Jerdaa. around aad do aU ovar sgala ahort- OBMrgcaoy tho trooo oholl bo plontod with o wor* ntceeoory for tb* troneporto- Joha A- hsreMMi Complete . • •*00 C ash 8:00—MlUw Way. appropriation tf glio,- UtUo ooromony. ot th# April mooting of the soclotv SilS—Food Nawa 8:48—Tropical Mooda lyf For If wa did not Uk* It, sshy OOD,OM tor tte anoamant program, to b* bold tn It. Jomea'a hall with tion ot wrorktra to ond from thoir Nesva baa ^4an rocelvad b an ef did w* do tt? SALES COMMON th* death l^t Uddavoll*, Bsroden 8:80—Oratobaa McMuUan 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. aad aa addltloeal 888.000,000 la In­ Ltoutonont Poul Lovin of th* fitota job*. 10:18—Us Ob a Bus. T te a w* oooM to Ood srith Anotter davelopmsnt wo* on an- Fobruory II, ef John A. Bwenoson, S;4S—Tte Happy OUmans to tte War OepartmcBt'a BRITAIN WILL REVIEW PoUea daportmant aa the prlnetpol PUBLIC RECORDS 10:00 ^Cantral aly - 10:48—itepmotber. prayar that wa urant aemathbig. aad aaaual supply bOL ■paakar. nounrsmeat by Dovld Lasaor, prasl- 70, fermierty a photogropbar la this U;00—WtmC Utrtof Basembl* If w* eaa have It, w* wUi serve G ^ Connecticuf this year” TO HUGE HRMS dent of the Workers Alllonc* of town. MT- Swensaon srorkod for 10:l»-Joba‘a Other Wtf*. forever . . . th* Implleetloa belnt If 10:10—Just Plain BUL 11 ;1B—Ueattergocd Babies. Maapowsr la eauatag tte War Ds- PROGRAM OF DEFENSE Paul A Harsch, C. B B , of To­ Amorlco. that 100 delsgotsa from soma tlto* ot Cheney Brothers, ond Warranto* Depot Square Garage 1 1 :80—Big Slettf. w* do not get It, w* w o rt serve ledo. Ohio, will lecture In Buahnell K'ontlDued from Pag* One) ■outhem unit* of bU organization U.en went into the buslnaaa at According to a war.-ante* dood 10:40—Tte Woman In White. partmaat Uttla eoneera. 0«a. 1:00—David Harum. 11 ;45—Aunt Jenny's Real Lif* Stor- at aU. And that should not b*. Mamorlal hall next TbursUoy eve­ had arrived her* to urge congres­ photography, eatobllshlng tha New recorded today by Town Clerk Sam­ Ernast Roy, Prop. lee. Bargslahig With Ood MaUa Ckalg told a Hout* Oommlt- ning. March 23 ot 8:16 o'clock. Mr shotguns with 8.7*4 rounds of ahot sional approval of President Rm s*- Studio now operated by John IQuck. uel J. Turklngton. Samuol Nolaon, U:10—Lerauao Jonaa "W* ebould not eentlaually taa r*e«atly that thla was tte IN ANSWER TO NAZIS 11:80—Young Widow Brown. 18:00—Kate Umtth. Horach la o member of th* Boord gun sbslls. 143 gas guns with 4, vslt'e request for odditlonol WPA a decasoed roturoed to Sweden Jr., hsa conveyed to Louise M. DaSoto and Plymouth Daslar P. M. for matorial thlnxa urban wa pray. army's "aatoUast probiaaL" of Lectureship of the Mother Church 033 gaa projectiles, ond 2,707 bond ■b<»it 1832. He leave* tiro children Mcrenino a lot on Porter otroet. 11:4&—Ika Road tf Ufa In that way, wa dleatpate our spir­ Tte Anay Air Corps la starting (Oooaooad Iroo Pogo Ooo) money. 13:10—Her Hener, Nancy Jaases. In Boston, Maas. Th* subject of grsnsdes He sold thle group would appeal in Ssveden. Norma ond Jorto Swens­ Stamps Indleota a consldorotlon ef 241 No. Main StrMt TakphoM 111! U:00 Noon—Noontim* VarieUaa. 13:80—Romaaee ef Helea Trent itual fereee. Why do w* go to Ood a rsarultlag eampalga to doubto lu the lecture Is "Christian Sclence- Out of 3400,998 worth of got partleuloriy to aeuthem merobero o n. •500. P, M. 13:48—Our Gal Sunday. urlth a bargaining attltuda—tiUnk- supply of mUltary pOou, la advaae* tmUl the response* of other notion* It'B Discoverer and Founder” ond purcheaed by the 80 lorgset privote in Congros*. U:18-HIUtop Houm. 1:00—Esso Iteporter — Nessa lag luboonseioualy of our virtua*— of tb* admlnUtratlon program to IndleaUd their views on o unlUd It under th* oueplcs* of th* First Latfor aold the Alllonc*. on or- 13:80—Myrt and Marge. church attendanee, school and olub glv* primary avlatioa tralntog to Itont purchoaeri between January, 1988, 13:40—Slsgis Sam. Weather. ond Booond Church** of Christ Bet- ond Jua*. 1887," th* commltto* gontsotlon of WPA employe* and FUNERALS 1:08—Strictly Swing—OU Bajrek. aatlvltlaa, ear* of the sick, etc.—*U i0.00(S eoUeg* atudeata eaeh year. Th* onnounesmont thot on oco- ontlst Hertford. th* unemployed, was printing 8,000,- J 1:00—Jf owe aad Waatter. things God Is supposed to look wtth Oa* awjor r*armamaat dUBculty, Bomlc mlsilon would b* sont to ■old, "•401,137 woe bought during l:18~^Jfe Oen Be Btautiful. etrlkoo or srhon •trlkos wor* threat- 000 ballots for o poll of oil WpA Mloo Irma Ctenvay l:lS-0*o* Includto th* effloere of tte union from taking ever MBS, thalr wtth the Klag altloa. i i York World's Fedr In 1 8 ^ That aoMna flItMn tions Included cancellation of leaves a reheortal of th* foney drill th* eoutrol of tte local was to to win te raaebed this yaar. aad tte [u o i t u r v d i d I to certain Army. .Navy and Airforce following otoUments; ■ad Quaan to a eoauaaad patform- loeal committot anHctta t t e support CNsl a rmtloa-wlds million paepln at Connnetfeut't doontap.' And It review It tn present ot th* stot* teard tn Federal District court to- aao* at Oovaat Oardn ever Wjg. koaoolooo units. cjDvcntlon at th* Hotel Bond, "Wleh a bell of a strike would get 6ay. tf an who havs Pi^vsd Om maona a big opportunity for us to bring mor* dollars "The whole sltustion at present Hartford. May 6. under way. 1 bop* that this otrite Tuesday Meat Specials NBC a t 4:45 and S:0S a. m. Wadi aad otban who win te gtvsa develop* ond mature* on^ tbot It At least e score ot men euSeied day. aad a WABO-CBt oomm*etary Of oom ocncD T* under review by the British govern­ Lean T ender Beef, cut up fo r n te w ln ff...... 25c Ih. Moody neeee, hlaek eyes or loee- £ Into Coonaetleut thla yaar. Kara'a how: ment." Cham'^erlaln re.'ponded to s The V\ B A Dm. 1 and Bugle will be o damn bed one; wf* need th* mad teeth la fiettc hettlea whlea from Leadca a t S:S0, also on Wad- question whe'diir B.-italn 'Vjontem- Corps will have a procUc* period to­ money. We ere lurrounOed with Chuck Baef G round, all lean m e a t...... 25c lb, krek* out at a mass rally of tte neadey. OIrl Scouta who aaaistad hi fhid' "Among tbaaa World’s Fair viaitora wOI ba hun* plated "consillation w.th other gov- night at ’ 7 o'clock at the home ot strike* but they ere tod peaceful to V eal cu t up fo r ntew ing, all lean m e a t ...... 25c lb. local a t th* Amariean Legloa ate- Mr etel prepariag tte lattara tor emmeni* ihcnnc to tn, prinii'fdcs suit me." Tender Cahrea’ Liver, Western ...... S5c lb. dtum yeetarday. PoUea, arnad Half and half recaption tor the Bwlttar toeludadEstsUa Tboatossa. drads ol thousands of our own friands, ralotlvaa and Mrs. Ethel Cow lea on Hudson atreet. week endbig next CBAd of the Deagut n-,;:,ant.t and Ina Ralph Von Deck will Instmct The committee sold thot employ­ Wb Corned Beef, sugar cured ...... 14c lb. srith Bight atlcke sad holdtag tear : BiaidBy is forecast Naaey Jaaa Aadarsoe, Bids N stti. buainaaa ooquointanoaa In othar atotaa. Kellogg peace pact to secure com er* often furnish munlUona to lew bomba in readlaaee. quallad for tte abort A. IL Baitara CMna, Jaaa Rutehhwaa. raon measures of dcfer.ee sgalnst enforcement egencle* during atiikea. SpodsI on Vnsl, Beef and Pork Ground for L oaf ...... flgbtlng. Brown. NBC saglneer, prediets: Marian Lardsr, CaraiyB iSu^ At the regular meeting of th* K Barbara Stovsesen aad "Lat ua do avarythlng wa eon—by avary maona unprovoked-sggre«»:.-.n American Logion euxlllory toolfbt Dlscuielng specific 'ocUvlUe*, the a...25c lb., 2 lbs. 4!c ‘Ttocapttea preba^ srUI te sow A Laoonte i.emLrr pointed out to committee reported that during tn* tte tre t half t f tte sreek, but eos' Straughaa. In our powar—to hava tbam vlait Connacticut ba- ; at the state armory, th* alscUon of "UtU* Steel” strike vlrtuolty ou tb* smniigkl ae- Stanley *hs' a trade n.i.t-,on lo Ru-’ I one officer srill tok* piece ond a AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT COOGAN ACCEPTS TERMS dttlcos tor tte latter p«rt tf tte fora or altar thay aaa tha Fcdr. Or battar atlll, to hava mania cad h» .-. ur.dri corjlderatlon full ottendooce Is hoped for. weapons :^ia*d tn th* torelbl* dls- week are lUcely to be only fair be- eosuDodoiioQS tai for ee\rr*l weeks and >'asktd perool of a ^pickot line ot Monro*, J c ^ D o n u ts ...... t i e im . oaua* ot a ategaetle dtstarbaaea ex, tbam Ihra In Connactleut during thalr Tocotions, and Mich., were furnished low oniforc*- TYte Poet's Column holds, laas. fans- whether ' in •■•i- .i; ,,., iou* Tbe Private Duty Nurses' Assod IM m, assorted if you w ith ...... 15c des., S d ^ 2tc IN SUIT OVER EARNINGS peeted to davriep ca Friday. hwMSS fltod compa economic dema.id' that have been ation will hold a public card party ment authorities by Republic Steal Cnpcakoe, s choice of Idnge ...... 23c dos. ^ maka thalr trlpa to tha Fair frm baral 1 Corporation. 1119 mode on P.un-.stila b\ Germany It i» tomorrew evening at 8 o'clock at Home Made Cooklee, a nice aseortment to diboM freai IJctcalng tcolfbt: _ rmm eovtm er d o o m m l now worth ".br.e' (. ■> Br'-aln to ‘ the Manchester YMCA. Mra. Cecelia Reporting on goo purchaoos in Angelas, March 30—(API— (Dadlratad to Dr. Thomas Watdon CftertUttteLfuirWte "Our viaitora wUi qpand monay hara. Thay will 15c dos., 2 dos te e 25c I Obogan. "Th* Kid" of sUant WEAP-NBC, 8—Al Paaroe; 8:S0 on his 78th birthday.) 8KL000A00 •end It ■ Wandt Is chairman of the commlt- Son Francisco, tbs committee sold: —Margaret Speaks, aopraao: buy food, clothing, omuaamant. Thay will ahoro tha leg delhlag. food. Stanb v ar.- ■ tee asiisled by Mra. LUltan Keeney. 'day films, axpraaolng hlmaalf aa H* mad* hla rounds to faithfully ■ Buy For Public Aothoritieo “sorry thara tin t mor* meaey left," PhU ■pltelny's Girls; S:S0—Bddy OBdellMrBuppUM I thi.-ik that 15 one nt ••i- nsi Ruth Whitcomb, Ruth Cheney, 'The largest smoubt of goo ond ireUITS AND VEGETABLES hOTM aad bugiy d ^ coat of our govammant through tha toxas thay pety sriU seek from the' Superior oeurt, Duehia ersteetrai 10—Marsh Weber And Just aa soon a* te appaarsd te ia ntodl sleraK rsasoi.- '1 ; . so Ib-tty and .Mary Morlarty, Doris gas equipment ever purchased by F reeh G reen P e a s ...... 2 q ta. 29e ooncort. Pledge -Support For Polio , Turklngton and Muriel Palmer ' private lunds (or public authoritiOO peobebly today, hla attocnaye eeid. saaated to mnooCh UfSk ways. on goaellna, dgarattat and erthar purehaaaa. Thay Young Tender CarreOe...... 5c buBCh SMfovtl tf an agraameot under WABC-C88, 7:80—Eddie Caator For with hla MieyaBt. h s ^ way, Labor ir.d liberal opp sitioi. lead Ticket, tor tbe card party may be was the 320,1)00 worth of squlpmant It It A Good Time will halp to craata amploymant And tha dollars thay tSAOOXOO •re. n'.eonwnUe, were under-lood to 1 P uebaaed from the abo\'e commit- supplied to the San Francisco police Fancy Eating Applea ...... 4 Ibu. 25c v n ^ te sriU obtain approxlmataly (west repeat 10-86); 8—Cm iead* and with hla suany aaUla Pubbard Squash ...... 5c lb. $13S,000 from Us ste^tbar and of Aaierica: 880—Howard aad Ha marnad to amanats good haalth •pand hara wUi halp avaryona—bacxniaa whot foraM otoiantfau- have pledged support for the g o v - 1 **** door, department during the months of and mate Ufa sssm worth whOa. To Toko emmenl'a new p.ilicy ni reei-tante j May. June and July. 1934, during ■ether, Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Bera- •beltce; S—CUrk Oahla la I t hiilpa buainaaa halpa us oll- taato and loodifafo Uie maiittme and longshoremen'* eSsia. ^0^ Oa* Night"; 10—Guy Lem- to any further Nazi move towards TUESDAY GROCERY VALUES Teuag Oeegaa had sued tte Ben- Down thraugh tte ptars te tofth- Advantage Of European dominotlon strikes. funy did Ms appeatad task "Furtharmoro, whan ear vlsttoni arriva, 1st us so In addition to communlcotmg with DOUGUS IS NAMED The committee said tbe Watsr- Butter, Fairmont’s (Better B atter) ...... 2 Iba. 55c a t e is s f t e (UlJIOOJIOO. claiming thle WJg-NBC, 780—JU aay Krinperk amsuat waa da* him a* bis aannupi s o m ; 8—BoMaaea'a ~ ...... or awfclaf room hen strsM LOW INTEREST Moscow and Warsaw, the Cabinet front Employers Union gave the Pure Lard (First Prixe)...... 2 ibu. I t c waU. toteal was an te'd atfi impraaa tham with our oourtaay ond old-faahienad 13,200,000 San Franclwo chief of police on ae a child actor. Ho aigaod aa —CMvalaad pra-opera oeaoart: lO - fo r was said to have decided on op- j TO HIGH TRIBUNAL; 2 pkge. KcDogg’e C om F lakes and 1 pkg. P e p ...... agresaiiBt Saturday srith Ms par- To do hla bast and flgM ------t Naw England halphilnaaS thot thay will want to pro.'u'hes to Rumocla, 'Yugoalovlo, order to receive up to $90,000 worth Tru* or Pala*; 1080—Itadle Fhnim, work with God down ter* RA TES A N D rw eraoU oa a n d of gaa from the Lake Erie Chemical ...... An three (or lie oata after a receiver tor tte estate Nathaa Strans on "Lew B«et Hous­ coma to Connacticut ogodn—and ogcdnl Turkey and Bulgan* in lU attempt j 2 pkga. H.-0. Oats and 1 pkg. Hoeker’s Furluu ...... ing." In briaglag tiny souls to ssrtk aad SpOftK to veld • onti-oggresBor" nations In­ ON YALE FACULH Company. Deliveries from the EM* n^Mtsd tte vain* at spprMtiautriy thus much Joy aad ekssr. AVAILABLE to a bloc.. Company totaled $9,500. It said...... A n tk re e u le 22e What to expoet Tuaaday *Won't ytia do your part te faring your friands and Circumstances surrounding pay­ MBg-Ctela. S88 a. The cabinet met at 10:80 a. m. (Contlnoad from Fng* Quo.) Campben’a Soups (except Chickeu aiid Muekroom) . .. . MORTGAGE oequaintaneas to Coonaetleut in 1839?" ment for various purchases of gas...... 8 CUBS 25c ttca arrival a t n«a. _ _ . lor aswsFapars. (8:30 a. ro., e. a. t.t In tbe second tbe report said, ' furnish an extra­ emergency session in two days tor time and "tf bearings or* deeired .Mixed Vegetabka for Soup. Royal S ca^t, No. 2 caim ... Fraae* la Leedea. WBAP-NBO, 380 a s totter-haart dM eeaktort giva. FUNDS asgaslBss.gifis, ordinary example of political In- . m. Fadesattea e< Wearia’s etnba; te laid. "It was God’sGod*a —risy."^ ergent couehlerotlon of Chamber­ they will be held." trigu* and blackmail tbot ore latent ...... 2 f a r 25c candy. Ilowars, lain's new ''program of blunt r-- Cbolrmon Aeburet eold tbe Judi­ S:18—Ma PttWae: S ;l8-jfaleelm Wtea dsatb want atanriBg through tn tbe practice of private purchoa* • 1 aatr**B atotleai W A B O ^S i our team mess t " “ ^ i^ysaw riotonce to aggreaalon. ciary Committee would give the of munitions (or public use.” n Tbe Cobliiet .conoldared the latest nomination tbe "some thorough aad SPRING CLEANING SUPPLIES Musle HOOT, 'n Qaer t taa Bi •go. Govamor of Conneetfeot coroful considerotloo thot woo given Tbs committee reported thei* tte Senate; 6 8 0 -ite p . T. V. E Ha werimd so hard both d _ te aad toporta of Its diplomatic and defenae were close coonecUone between Sturdy Brooms, 37c. 45c. High Grade, $1.15 and Me RADIO sight sad boat this deadlyy ton. l^terta ond the views of the Doniln- to Mr. Justice Block.' Mr. Juotlo* aad Sea. Itohart A. Taft ea T te Reed and Mra. Justice Frankfurter.'' munitions companlet and etrik* L em on O i l ...... p t. b u ttle 16c Court*." WJg-HBC. 1 3 8 0 - P a m k« goveramenU, wboae London breaking agencies. Strikebroaklng F loor W sx, No R u b ...... p in t cu a S7c AH tenor to yon, Daaa tf an tte mpreaentoUveo bad been urgently Supporter ot New DeoL SERVICE aad Horn* Hour; 1:30 Wdcteatac Douglas Is known as ■ congletent organizations. It eras sold, have Windex. ^asheu windows without w atur ...... b u ttls 16c Befpns Monday, March 27 in The CMC orahestm: S 8 I ■D*a*riftlva doctors M ear town, euwnmned by Dominion* Secretory served os soles ogenta for muntUono CBaaiacluuB Takas wa graat yen. Dr. Walden, our The Monchetfer New Deal ouppotter. Dnuo, CUB 19c. Oxydol, 2 Igu. pkgu. 2$e » PhdBa 4457 program from Fteaii Mr TkOBtas Inaklp. ResenUy, be denounced no a concomo. Doctor tf riBisra, I t 3to* boUevod that the domlnjona OuklU,2 pkgs. l$c: 1 smanpkg. Ifnu wtthcach8pkgu. seaa* TiModay riiart wfwai DJU “pbooiT" a proFoool frocn tte atoek Barlta. 5:i8-8iareh*s: S o Boses. And sssa tte msoA that you 1 Tmet Company >Od doetded to bock Cbomberialn's oxchaago* to ehangs tradiag rulas. Eegle* are tralnod to bunt gazoo B * K m l i TtfftMtoMARl tm ^ - doo* tor an tha Aaoeia heira pevonuaent tn any move to.fojrm a TW* was Frosfdent Rcoaevelt'a ta 'furkeatoa Numborod among Rstnni this happy 1 against further aggres- DUL 5137 — FREE DELIVERY lE upntns I^FraU i n DahusBt Straat G8DMC OtB Leadca, U 80- F ste il DspouH iBto Cocf. fourth appototmont In loos than two their kills or* toxe*. ganeUao, gaota, *lite Last Toen la jroai* to the alne-moa court. There hare* and wolves. T’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OUNN. MONDAY, MARCH 20. 198» PAGE EIGHT MANCHESfrER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1939 PAGE NINE

Governor Atlends Local Banquets OVER 200 ARE PRESENT -'M STATE’S SMALL BUSINESS |I AT BANQUET, ELECTION Ted Williams of Red Sox News irom Maiuliesta’s Neighbors Rated As Rookie of Year Twilight League To Meet Wednesday BACKBONE OF INDUSTRY Membem Of Brilinh-American Club Select Fred Dickoon As By GAYXJE TALBOT AcontroL but he handle* himself with DODGERS REGARDED Its President. STAFFORD the assurance of a veteran. I no­ Bassick Wins N. E. Title Browns, As Usual, Pace PLANS FOR SEASON GoT.BiM«iii In KiUiiid GOVERNOR PRESENT ROCKVILLE TO OBSERVE Tampa, Fla., March 29—(A P)— ticed that Ju*t aa he deliver* the Fred Dtekaon of ISJ Center SPRINGS Having stuck out my neck to tbe ball hi* arm glvra a peculiar sort of AS STRONGER BALL street was elected president of the sxteat of picking Cincinnati to win “ fluttery” motion, but I don't know With 40-38 Cage Victory The Grapefruit League TO BE FORMDUTED FWkMdrmD«liresh AT JOINT BANQUET British American club yesterday JOHN C. NETTO th* National Lrague flag, 1 might whether thst’s Importoat. Probably 472. Stafford WILDLIFE STAMP WEEK a* wall go ahead and name you the afternoon at the 17th annual elec­ nOL tion of ofllceri and banquet held In cookl* of tbe year, tbe one most Whenever an Amaricaa Aesocia- ConaecUout lupremaoy la tbe :and Manchester in 1938 It was CLUB THIS SEASON New York. March 20.— (AP) — gfset that the Giants hkve been bat- Tm e Of Streii They Are — tllng the Philadelphia Athletics aad A T FIRST SESSION Orange hall. Other oOcers elect­ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hunter and al church on Sunday evening, April likely to star for hla first day In the tion man and an Intornatleoal New England Intoracholaatio baa also tbe ninth time that Nutmeg It’s the asms old grapefruit league hetball ehamptonshlpe was upheld teams have annexed the champion­ their own Jersey Cttv farmhands ed were Gerald Donovan, vice presi­ family of New London have moved 2, with a special program. Mg show and bring new color to the League man gat togather dewn bar* they hax’o down In the citrus belt, Best Able To Sanriye. AndersoihShea Post, Auxil­ dent: Ellla Callls. treasurer: W il­ Groups Of Young People To game. there’* *ure to be a hot argument Saturday night as Baaaick High of ship. hasn’t subdued bli enUluaiaam. to High street. Mra. Hunter la the On Easter Sunday. April 0. "Th# folks. The first 10 days of the exhibi­ liam Brennan, flnanclal secretary: Lord’s Prayer," a play, will be p ^ I take Ted Williams, the loose- about tbe respective abUIUra of Bridgeport nosed out Hope High of Hope High romped away to a 13- Providence, R. I., in the finals of 0 lead In the opening minutes of Brooklyn Still Daily But Vet­ You can tell by the fact that the tion season producad some ehowy Six Onbt To Be Repreicil- iary Hold Social; Gov. Fred Baker, corresponding secre­ former Miss Lillian Waaserman Canvass; Half Of Funds sente ••Snwll bu»in»M t» th» b«rkbon» daughter of Mr. and Mra. David ' lowshlp. pions. are setting the pace. After tra-tnning te*«loni, flv* shutouto Records of the organlution yes­ the Boston Red Sox. Maybe It’s the Rochester pilot In recent' year* Springfield, Maas., tn a hair-raising then the Bridgeporters «xvift!y over- erans Lazzeri And Sewell Waaserman of High Street. the 16 major league niuba have and one no-hlt extravagania. ed In Circiiil, PA’t, GA't» of tedustrj’ in ***** terday showed 240 active members unch, but 1 take him ox-er De- saw more than be liked of Keller at encounter that rivaled Manchester's hauled their rivals and the score Baldwin Pays Respects. Mra. A. Murawskl of Somersvllle, To Remain In City; Supe­ played 56 exhibition game* the The no-hlt job wa* the contri­ En(]Mid and In tlm fs of atrtaa l» M In the club which was organized tn t’a Fred Hutchinson and Frank Newark, raved about him for 10 thrilling triumph over Pawrtucket w a * deadlocked at 31-all midway Stephen Marvonek of StaHordvtlle In last year's title event. The final In the third period. It xvaa nip Brown* are on top with alx victor­ bution of VVhltey kloore and rookie brat abl* to mir^ve," declared Gov­ March. 1922. Fred Baker, corre- ucher, the Yankee*’ Charlie Kel­ minutes. Should Help Out Immense­ Bluelieldi, Green, North apondlng aecretary, began hla 17th and Mrs. Bert Schnare of Hatard- WILLINGTON score was 40 to 88. and tuck all the way after that but ies and no defeat*. Gene Thompaon of the Cincinnati ernor Rayrnond E. Baldwin, Knent The nlnfh annual joint banquet of Keeping a promise made before election. Governor Raymond E. vllle were admitted for treatment at rior Court Sits Tomorrow ler and Joe Gallagher, the Cardinals’ Keller Tops Oordoa consecutive term In that office MISS JENNIE H CHURCH By virtue of Its triumph, Bassick . baskets by Robert Northcott and There are three other undefeated Reds, who go In tor that aort ot speaker at lh» annua! banquet and Anderson-.“Shea Post, Veterana of Baldwin attended the annual employees party Saturday night of Case Work will begin soon on a new the Johnson Memorial hospital. Sat­ Tom Sunkal, and all tbe rest. "He’s the greatest I ever saw out­ extended tbe winning etieak of Malcolm Baxter in the last minute* ly In Flag Race. club*— the New York Giants with thing (Johnny vander User wa* in End And Morkrtyt. smoker of the employee* of the Cane Brothers at Highland I*ark Seat- I on Governor Baldwin’s right urday. Aura of Oreatneas side the big laaguea," be declared five xictortes, ths Chicago Cubs wito Foreign Wars and Auxiliary was clubhouse on Maple street to coat A t the town meeting last-Thurs­ ConnOeUcut entries to seven I of ^lay cUnched victory for Bassick. bed ill and couldn’t handle th* Brother* Paper Manufacturing Com­ (above) Is Toastmaster Rev Elmer Thienes and on his left Lawrence nearly $9,000, Construction will be Mlsi Mona Small daughter of Rockville. March 20.—(Speclali Tad, who hit .366 a.id flavored bis “Joe McCarthy can Just put him In straight as Bristol woo in 1983, iVan (3tssln and Rlchtel featured for three and tbe Washington Benator* chore.) The Brooklyn Dodger*, al- held Ssturday night in the Manche* (>ae. president and treasurer of the Case Brothers company. day evening George V. Smith y 'with 43 home runs last year, tha outfield and forget all about pany In the Highland Park Com­ by David Chambers, contractor and Rev. and Mra. Clayton B. Small of — In connection with Wildlife Week « Bridgeport Central In 1084, Meriden the winner* and Corry and .Simon By BABRY GRAYSON with two. ways clumsy, nearly meaaed up the Although th* ground afid wenthsr munity Houae, Highland Park Sat­ ter Green Po«t Home, with over 130 ------e- chairman of the Board of Select­ Staffordville haa been confined to stamps win be sold In Rockville moderator and Mrs, Paul itpr* than mechanical ability, him. In my opinion, he's a better in 1935 and 1936, Hlllhouse In 1937 'for the loaer*. Fred Haney, the new manager of script when Pete Cascarart dou­ player than Joe Gordon. Not only NE.A Service Sport* Editor aren't auttable for baseball at this urday night. member* and guests present. Dur­ men, her home by an attack of the grip. clerk. A 12-mill tax was lsB(/"ao fs rare young bird, desUned to the St. Louis American ■ Leaguers, bled. but hs forgot to touch first next week by several groups of |i* a character around the ball can be hit and field, but I, doubt Clearwater, Fla., March 20 — writing tbe officials of th* Twilight The governor aald that while there ing the evening Governor Raymond Two hundred members of the club A aoclal meeting of Court Isa­ the grand list and It was voted^SOO wasn’t Interested in getting such a and everything was all right. were present yesterday afternoon young people. Funds from the There’s an aura of greatness there’s a faster man In th* Ameri­ They’re the same old Dodgers. fast start because he sensed an There have been many eacellent League will meet Wedneaday eve­ have been dlllerencea In the matter E. Baldvrtn paid his respects by at­ bella, Catholic Daughter* of Amer­ for election of officers and the an­ stamp sales will be divided between for care-of the remetertea, $100 fo* about him, tinged slightly with can league. Fm aura be can do a Pete Coacarart launched th* ex­ ominous connection between ths pitching performances, m b Fellar, ning at the West Side Recreation of policy in political parties, the tending the party and look part In ica will be -held tonight, Monday at nual banquet. the town library and $50 for observ­ gooflnsss, and the fans are going to hundred tn 10 Stconda flat tn hla unl- hibition game season by doubling Browns finishing' flrst In ths 1938 tha (2levland Indians’ speedeter. building at T o'clock sitarp. Nick hury-the-hstchet candidates ahmild the dancing with the unit relebra- the home of Mr*. George Rosebuah the National Federation and local ance of Memorial Day. The grand love him. fprm.’’ MORIARTYS RUNNER-UPS into e no-hlt, no-run game .... grapefruit grind and seventh In the made hii first start yeitsrday and Angelo, secretary of th* leagus, con. ouUlne their platform and carry out on Prospect streeL tors. Governor Baldwin was ac­ organization making the sales. neglected to touch flret base on the Amciicnn l.,eagiie. But playing was credited with a victory ovel ■lilted with Prexy Jack Dt^er and Eugene A. Ralnville of Los An- list shrunk $80.(K)0 last year. The "Just think,” he said the other To which Donle Buah, WlUlama' their promises. companied hv Stale Senator William The following ire in charge of only thing that even faintly re­ the Athletics. He gave one hit m thee# offlelala decided that to order "In this country the election re­ town is tn debt $13,00ost and auxiliary re­ Methodist church will present "The day night In EaglevlUe Mrs. Emms 0 conn, e ...... 5 0-0 lU the Pennsylvania entry gained its are stronger In every department. And Hartford 8t. Patar’a In sional ski Jumping title with two^ so Trucking Company, et al. 0 Kennedy, r g ...... 7 Th* Dodgers scarcely can be JImsay Poley. former aisnter e f tha take part In public sTalrs. be de- spectively. Vice Ciimmander Frank Family Album" and a one act farce, Crandall of South Willlngton won a COACH DENIES RUMORS 8 2-1 fixth straight championship in the Pair Of Cara OflmM, mg W edieidaj To Ditr VallussI WSJ In charge of the en­ DURING PAST WEEK-END POLICE POWER IN SYRIA leaps totaling 389 feet on Cole- WIU Collect XaxM 1 Bucher, rg ...... 4 0-0 8 referred to aa ths Old Gentleman BluefleldA will pilot Moriarty Broth* "The Bad E gg” « t the church vestry Town Tax (Collector Henry P. prize. There were eight table* In event. Manchester competed In five "W e are a nation of minorities, tertainment program. brook river hill here. Olsen la the 0 Server, Ig ...... 7 0-0 14 from tbe banka of tbe dowanua, era' entry thla siaacn aad h* la a ' on Tuesday night, Mgrch 28th. Hoermann haa announced that he play and the lunch was doughnuts, matches In all and won three of The CTisrter-Welli went down In he satd. "Although the wishes of the ’The Auxiliary presented the Gold eastern pro chsmp also. His (or the average age of tba regu enn Plant For SeaieiL floiy-tomperad, ahiawd aad capahla ■ Damascus, Syria, March 20 Rev. Frederic R, Murray, rector will be at the towm clerk'a office in cbeeee and coffee. them, bowing twice to th* defending defeat twice during th* past week handler of pimren. Johaay Hsdluhd - minority doesn’t always prevail, they Star Mothers present and President .Norwich Coupir Die Of Burn^ brother Clarence was second. An The the annual meeting of th# H E U QUIT CARNEGIE 3 38 2-1 57 lara U only 27. with th* second .^Pl The French government of Trinity Church, Collinsville will the Memorial building each Monday Utlists, who have been runner-ups end, taking a bad drubbing at th* are respected and so long a* they Gustafson with corsages of flower*. While Boy And Man Victim- injury to Billy Pulaski of Bridge­ Wllllmantlc Poultry Assoclatloa Hawha (18) baaing combination providing tbs will take over the aanto duUea at tha ink over all police and aecnrlty be the guest preacher at the Lenten from 7 to 8 p. m. A t this time those In the nationale for several yeare. bands of tha Bristol Boys dub Sat­ Green. The alight, deader Hadhiad arc respected—Just so long will we Table decorations were potted O f Auto CrBsheis. port marred the meet. Pulaski re­ Thursday night Louis Zalcek ot P. B. r. T. youngest and oldest .... Leo lowers from the Syrian government service of the Grace Episcopal who desire to pay their old age as­ "little CUpper" Smith stepped out Moriarty* etarted the trip to urday snd then coming back to lose After a lap** of many years, th* Is a smart hassball awa aad aught have a republic." plants presenteil by Chief Gordon, ceived lacerations of the face and West Willlngton wa* elected a di­ 0 P. Murphy, r f ...... 8 Durocher at 82 and ooscarart lO loday and F’rench Irmips began mili­ church. Thursday night at 7:30 sistance tax, old property taxes, of the head coaching place at Du- 2-1 7 Camden at midnight Friday and the a close decision to tbs strong Bt North Ead, which h4)S produced to All to Zapatka’s diesa during tte B0*'. Tlrteaea Taaslmaaler Darning Enjoyed other cuts. rector. A tU d k Troubles Spread To 1 J. Brown, If ...... 1 0-0 2 players snatched only three hours of years his Junior. tary occupation of Damnacus. o’clock. taxes on automobiles and tbe like, quran*. He said It waa “for the best Peter* aggregation of Hartford last many e f th* town’e leading attlotoa coming oampalga. It la rsaaoaahflr LAwreoce W. Case, president and Dancing was '•njoyed. until mbl- By ’THE ASSOCIA’TED PRESS. This action was decided upon in New Haven—Death claimed Sig­ Mrs. Valentine Alison of Tolland Interest* of the univenity.’’ a 0 8. Holmes, If ...... 2 0-0 4 sleep before going into their flret nlghL Superior foul shooUag gav* treasurer of the Case Brothers Com­ mund Bauer, 92, He waa a Civil Members of the Hospital Aid so­ may do so. The tax collector la pre­ Mt'NOO 8HOW8 PROMISE of the past. Is to be again reprsaent- certain tkat the vttoraa Endl P h f nlght and u[>un the arrival of the Four person* lost their lives in view of a growing revolt in various ciety will meet at an all day aea- paring warrants for those who have will be a speaker at the wromen’s Tech But Grid Mentor Bill graduate system of coaching waa 0 E. Wilson, c ...... 0 0-0 0 match against Harrisburg, Ps., the Hartford quintet the edge after pany Introduced the toastmaster. Connecticut over the week-end war veteran. Hla death leaves only Lenten service Wednesday after­ which resulted In a hard-fought tri­ OF RCGAININO FORM wlU again pilot UM Oomwaa. Ha I Governor Bchrend’s Orchestra play­ section* of Syria and continued slon Tuesday at the Nurses’ Home failed to pay the old age aasiatance ^ Inaugurated, and Aldo T. (Buff) 0 W. Vlttner, r g ...... 1 0-0 3 tbe Ideal* had led at haU-Ume. ed In the rsaims of local baasbaU. aa satuto isadtr. Rev. Elmer Thienes of Marlborough, ed the National Anthem as he en­ winter's last due to fire and moto>- rioting in Damascus. Homs. 100 four living member* of the Admiral noon at the Willlngton Hill church. umph for the locale by Scores of Macpball made Durocher manager on East street, starting at 10 a.m. tax which was due last month- If 0 Rice, rg ...... 0 0-0 U This coloful squad naxt takes on Under a ebeporaUv* effort at the from A nd B and 8 at the same time stating that It was tered with Senator Shea. He was vehicles. miles north of Damasriia. and other Foote polfl. O. A. R., In New Haven. The topic will be "W hat the Church 15-7, t-15 and 15-10. xrith an eye to getting good yean The Stafford Fire Department one baa failed to pay and does ao Kern Says He Wont 0 Mc<:^rthy, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 th* Briatol Boya club In a return lA tht thHh aC Um piflMBt the J2Ui annual banquet of tbe com­ eacorted to jh c head table where he cities. Danbury—The Danbury Guardi Doe# for the Membera". In their respective first tesmi, out of one of the finest defensive Y.M.P.A., a group of High Bdioel Mr. and Mrs. .lames Fen died ot No I of Staffordville will sponsor a before the warrants ate issued, the 6 Osofis, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 gam* Wedneeday at tbe Rec at 8:00 during th* past two yaafA pany employee* met Commander Redman, the Gold Rioting la-gan Salurday. Moat captuted the Connecticut atate bas­ Mrs. Merrltte Usher entertained Naugatuck whipped Washington, shortstops whoever played the game, and Trad* Bchod playtra with a few burns early Saturday when their minstrel show and dance to be pre­ charge will be $4, but 11 a warrant 0 R. Harrington, Ig .. 2 0-0 4 p.m. Just who vrtll dhaet the destiny ef Opening hi* remark*. Toastmaster Star Mothers and President Gustaf­ home (jn- tl)e outskirts of that cltv of the demonatratora in Damascus ketball league play-off champlon- the Valley Bridge club last week at catr, Pitt And Dnqnesne D. C , by 17-15, 17-16: North Phila­ and Uppy Leo ha* hla noble athlete* older, eapertencod player* hav* .shlp defeating the West Haven Red sented by the members oj Brirofleld Is issued tbe bill will be increased huatllnig like himself. Box scores: Um PJK.’a la not esrtaia. rs to Thieves declafed that Fascism bad son of the Auxiliary. was wrecked bs’ lire have been Syrian Natlonallata an­ her home In South Willlngton. 1 delphia turned back New York, 15-4, banded together la what promises to deatroysd the "middle of the road" gered by France's failure fo ratify Devils. .12 to 49. In a hard fought Grange on Friday night. April 21st $7 more. 9 2-1 19 Brooklyn has a wealth of fine Bristol Boys Ohflt (48) fOetoha did the Jab last year aa* The lP.31i Joint parly of piwl and On SsturdaV. Theodore Relsi h ' Prize* were awarded Mrs. Emms OUST BLACKHAWKS 15-4; Wilmington defaulted to Ger­ be a worthy aggrogatloa to enter policy and urged all to have faith the 1936 treaty giving Syria Inde- battle In which the lead changed at the Memorial Hall. Stafford Lecture Tuesday Pilots Are Throngh. Boor* at half 30-4 (Center Springs. talent. P B r T oonddortog Um lash of sultabla am* auxiliary unils wa» the hiat ever l.a. son of the Rev and Mrs. Conrad Crandall of South Willlngton and mantown. Philadelphia Central beat U s local T w iu ^ t IsaguA WkaUvor "Here we have a community of ‘/'l’l‘.";‘, ; pendence. Autonomy movemenfa hands four limes and the teama .lollow. The second In the series of lec­ Referees, Lukas and flOutberglll. If Van Ungie Mungo continues 0 Btepp, t f ...... 3 8-8 8 tonal dM a remarkaMo job. Tbs PJL held, the second galheimg to be Relach of Bridgeport was Mrs. George Re>-nolda of EaglevlUe. Camden, 15-6, 18-4; and Richmond class that may b* lacktag from In- understanding: we exemplify the ; have been behind distnrhanres else­ were deadlocked on five occasions. tures for the teacher* of Ellington. OUT OFJRINK PLA Y defeated Wilkes-Barre, 15-11, 7-lS to throw with tha same easy over­ 8 OoulstU, tf . ... .1 0-0 3 sxperlene* will, ba more Uan mad* taam waa ksttousiy hatidloapBad hy held In the post home when struck by a taxicab Vernon and vicinity which la ar­ A t the InatoUatlon of officers Sukldra (28) 0 Hittlsman, If ... brat In Amerlian traditions. Faith where. Danhury won three of the four Wednesday night of Climax Chap­ Pittsburgh, March 20 — (A P )— and 15-lA hand delivery that has characur- .2 1-1 0 up In that weU known a^rit which the abssace ef Haraburd* at sboct Out of town guests of Hie Auxil­ Kaily Sunday. Silvia ,S Percl. games in the play-off aeries ranged by I. Burton Dunfield, state Athletic trouble* that echoed i P. B. F. T. 8 HarrigSA If .... .6 0-0 13 and fltoh Opalarti * t aaooad, tb*>' confirms tbai nothing fails like alKiut 40, of New Ix^ndon. wa.a ter. Elastem Star the retiring patron The tournament was run on . a ized hla warmupa to date, th* ent- tbs boys from "God’s Omntry" bavs iary were Mrs Liny Brewer of GIVEN N.VZI BOOHS supervisor, and Philip M, Howe, through Pitt'* skyscraper sciiool- 1 Bac)ius, i f ...... 8 0-0 ft double-elimination basis. Wllmtni;- whlle fireball king will quickly 2 Leany, c ...... S 1-3 7 kevetoee plMtei* of their infleig. If brutality,” he eald Hartford. Department l|r>spltal killed when the automobile he op­ TOLLAND and matron were presented with always bad in th* pasL Joseph fiterllng. an enjptoy** °* AWAITINO BEUNfON superintendent of schools for the houae -and onto Duquesne’* bluff { Last Year’s Champs EKmi- 0 Frye, If ...... 2 0-0 4 ton lost to Wilkes-Barre on default regain hU old aalary and poMUoa 8 Oolleta, r g ...... 3 0-0 4 MUm g a v w ^ dees detids to i*to*B - Chairman and Miss Ann Weekly. erated collided with a truck on th.' MRS. JOHN H. STEELE town of Vernon, will be held on past matron’s and past patron's Tbs group i* now ssaklng tha asr- the Highland Park plant lauded the Mexico City. March 20 - lA P i Jewels, ilrs. Henry LaBonte Of campus th* past two weeks today S UariM, If ...... 1 4-8 5 In th* loser* brackst and Camden aa the outfit’* No. 1 pitcher. He 0 Johnson I g ...... 4 3-3 10 to Um PJL outflt tt will add a e m e tt President of Ihi- Uciil. ('aldwell Boston Post road, Waterford O rm an Minister Baron M Rudt F r v t'ily of Danztg, March 20 • 839-4, Rockville Tuesday, March 21. at 4:15 p. m., 1 Holmes, c ...... 4 0-0 8 vlcM of oa* et th* leadiag flguroa la arabto streagtb to th* team. spirit of cooperation between the In addition. .lohn PIch, 3.'i. Fast South WUllngton was given a gold spread to Carnegie Tech but Bill Dated bowed to New York. Harrisburg to easily could be the top lllnger in local baseball to sarv* as their worker* and the management and Colt Auxiliary. .N’o. 2.S4 of Haiitord. \’on ('olienberg delivered today 1.- (API A Danrlg government at the Rockville High school. Kem aaifl bo wouldn't complete the From Stanley Cnp 2 Jolinson, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 Waeblngton and Richmond to Ger­ the business. 11 30 TT 48 The bustoe** bator* tte aMSlBto Brunswick. N J , truck driver, dl.vt The speaker at the second lecture compact. Mrs. Marion Pardus, alse coach. NegeUatlons have also bdea Frank Jackson of the Woodland Siinday of Internal injuries received 500 volumes of Nazi literature and spokesman declared today that the Miss Alice E. Hall of Tolland of South Willlngton was a aololsL cycle of oo4M!blng change*. 0 Lucas, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 mantown. Then North Philadelphia Mungo should be ably assitted Maaebester Charter-Wslla (28) this weak wtU be to elect dgtom German srlenllfic ami eiiltural works j Free City was watting anxiously for will be Paul D. Collier,. aupcrvltor Report* spotting him a* the next u 16-6 started to aoeur* m m of th* North tor the eomtog year, nomtoato oem- plant also spoke of the company- ! Friday night while repairing the and Eaet Haven with friends from Local member# were the refresh­ E?ent For Ice Title. 0 Tenney, I g ...... 0 0-0 tripped Naugatuck by and I6-1, by Luka Hamlin, J. Whitlow P B F T End’a leading business man to spoa. employee relations. Clarence A to the Congress library The books reunion with Germany but "our best Naugatuck were on a buelneee trip of Secondary Education of the to go to Pittsburgh’s rapidly chang­ 0 Conran ...... ^ ... 2 8-1 5 whil* Manchester edged Pbiladel- Wyatt, and fat red FttsaUnroons. 2 Server, t f ...... 3 1-5 5 mlttera to draw iq» « *ch*diilA • CAMPBELL COUNCIL. K. C.,' brakes on his vehicle In Greenwicn State Board of Education and hla ment committee, Mra LaBonte, M ra eat ths team. Goodrich, business manager, said incar the Stamford line. included Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf I Information Is that the time has not to Hartford Saturday. John R. Edward# and Mra. Ernest ing Intercollegiate sports picture }hla Central, 15-18 and 15-11. And not one of 11 othen can .1 2-8 4 eommittos tor opsbtag gam ott** that It had been said the present and were donnied l)y the Reichstag rome for such a step," Mr*. Jamas Rhodes Is convalesc­ subject will be “ Challenge of Lei­ coincided with roqueats of 15 Car­ 7 7-4 38 Wilkes-Barre took a bard match be counted out at thla writing, The local schoolboy stars who ia* aad oUmt raum* huMa«A Wilson. By A880C1ATKO PBB88 2 H. Gryk, e . .1 0-0 8 genertUon Is a laey one but that ing from a serious attack of scia­ sure: How the Schools Must Meet negie sophomore griddera for a Piratea (18< from Waahington and Naugy elim­ Hugh Casey aad RusseU BvanA 0 Obi#, rg ... .1 1-8 8 bavs been signed with the team will offlaan of Um laagu* are: Prssl- PLANS OPEN SESSION It." The subject of the sermon Sunday The business of eliminating the give an Indleatloa of th* probabl* new youths taken Into the plants tn tic*. Her many friends are pleased was "The Church at Sardis." “ Olear understanding of their P. a F. T. inated Philadelphia Central. up from the floutbern Association, 1 Belflore, Ig .8 8*8 8 r d*ht Jaek Dwyer, VIO* prsKdeat, Or, Chicago Blackbawks, 1988 world recent months have made good, to hear she Is somewhat Improved. Parent Teacher Meeting status.” 0 1 Tbe unbeaten leadera then col­ and Ira Hutchinson, formerly of strength e f th* array. "Pat" Mur Oeerg* OaUlouetto, and asenitoiY The fifth Lenten mid-week meet­ champions, from the National 1 Brown ...... 3-1 0 Murphy, ig .3 0-1 4 which contradicts the statement. To M fft In St. K rid K «r» Hull Miss LucOe Agard t* attending to Representative Jarvia N. Oapp CoUag* offlclola, denying there 0 Bulllvan ...... I 0-0 2 lided and North Philadelphia turned the Boston Bess, look especially dock, captain and atar Infleider at and tr**snr*r, Nlek Aagete. Dispute Over American will address the meeting of the El­ ing will be held at the paraonag* Hockey League's 1889 playoffs for the High Sehoe); Herman WIers- Robert E Punnton, secretary of Recreation her work at the Tolland library had been a revolt, admitted a liberal 0 Gallnst ...... 0 0-0 U back Manchester by 15-8 snd 15-12 formidable. Vito TamuUs, husky 10 8-14 28 Tonljfhl To Make Hid For lington Parent-Teacher Aasoelstion Thursday evening.’ Dr. Horace B. th* ancient and battered Stanley bickl. stoilar inhelder snd the firm, spoke briefly after several days spent out of plan of preaidant Robert E. Doherty 0 (Senovesl ...... 0 0-0 U after two gruelling, thrilling games. southpaw, won 12 games for the ReftrsA Boyar. Umpire, floaila, >Jemhers. to be held this evening at the El­ Bloat will explain "W hat la Meant Cim, finally la over'. That sanf Manchester Into the of tba loe*keie. I boxing from 7 to 9 oclock ‘ esn foreign polley. | Ing patron of Climax Chapter, Or­ Card Partv _Joalgh t with their etudie*. phia aad Manehrater were prraeated 1 SltarA c .., I A motion picture showing the man- I The smsll gym la reserved for The Boeton BruUw, wbe elinched seem to have rid themselves of arm 0 Defaslo, rg Tony QuartuS who this seasen la in T n HifUiMl Ptok Cigart Administration ofllclal* were ' der of Eastern S ^ of Merrow at The secondI In the asrles of set­ This caueed speculation over the league champkmahlp and TIgen (18) with flret aad second prizes re­ troubi*. the south with a minor league out- II __ W in i I * ! " hlch aulomobilr tires sre fencing from 9 to 10 o’clock silent pending disclosure of Jhc text their Inatallatlon- » P. B. F. T. spectively, the locela receiving e 8 aevets, Ig . HarUor^ March 20 - .AP> - Imamifsctuied w in al„. is- shown. 1 back and whist parties sponsored WAFPING future grid material in tbe wake of Prinoe of Wales trophy a oouple at Durocher has no Ids* of giving flL aad who, by his performaacet The Junior boys’ plunge period of a formal protest to Germany I Mr*. Lulu Johnson of ToUasd east by the Vernon Civic Betterment As­ a threataned depletion of player* 0 ZamaiUs, r f ...... 1 0-0 8 fln* trophy. . Tourney offlclalt 0 Parone, Ig . Aai Member* of the producer* advisory , xhe meeting is held to miriest men ^ will be from 6 to 6.45. over its absorption of most of I MRS. W. W. G R AN T weeks ago, taka on th* aeccnd-plsee up on Kamp Wicker, a aouthpaw with th* Trad* flehooT last ssason By 3V1S Al Dim committee to the imlk board were i of Manchesl.-r who sre .digible for! side baa been a recent guest of out sociation takes place this evening through Stiff •eholastlc requirement* 1 flnmlelaakl, r f ...... 4 OK) 8 lauded MoHartyi for their fln< play. discartod by th* Taa|i*es. gives promts* to follow in th* feet- The junior boye’ room will be open Czechoslovakia. I of town relative*. 8809. Manchester New York lUagara In a best four- Naugy was sMrt a man la its flrst 14 11-15 19 ordered to meet here today by 9 ! membership in ihi- Knights of . at the Dobsonvllle school. There that brought about dismissal at o m of-stvan aerls* opcaMff at Nsw 0 B. Kaesmareyk, l f . . l 8 BlU Crouch, who rsported lato, etepe e f hla elder brethsr; "Pruddy" from 6 to 9 o’clock On Capitol HUl. -..however, leglala- Among the latest cases to be tried will be prizes awarded during the 1 Wtarshlekl. t f ...... 8 0-0 8 m atd aad Je* KlUai ebUgtaflIy sub- -Wells (88) Witoi Fmtirt, . McLean Buckingham. Mate mljk I Columbnn The sewing class will meet In the tom quickly were taking sides for sartftjr pertermsr aad two freshman York. Tha T5Nato M a ^ Laats be­ was Naahvttls’s ace la tying Red MaJewsM, who starred last in the Tolland Justice Court was evening. A t a meeting of a special com­ 1 Parebtok, i f ...... 1 0-0 sUtuUd aad tumad ia a nifty Jab as P B P T administrator. In ronnretton Refi'e^hmcnt# uill aervetl fol- sewing room at 7 o'clock. or against a bl|j by Chairman Pitt- U Wpon#0uie gin a two-out-of-thrae tussle against 8 Evana and ths B t Louie Cardl with Um Merlarty'a football learn, _ _ _ 4 ^ the New York milk war. / ' lowing the ehouinp th»* plrtvirea that ot Oliver Klism of Marble­ Mrs. Drasilla Brown mittee of the Board of Selectmen, Kara. blMid formsr Pitt taekis, 0 Vlncak, e ...... 4 3-1 0 a aat-up man. Othara who made 1 OMa rf ...... 3 8-8 7 I The Rec room In the Franklin 1* man (D., Nev.)' of the Senate For­ head Mass., fined $10 and costs for the Nsw York Amsrieans at Twronte Tom Bunkel in leading che and who built up a reputation oa a Buckingham aald yemterday tj>at and the t«lke Mra. Onisilla Brow-n, 87, of the board of finance, and the board of only rseantly signed for another 8 RubaekA o ...... 8 0-0 8 the trip and took pert la the tour­ 3 Server, I f ...... 3 0-1 4 The Eagles took tomporaiy soo- I reserved f(sr the It-atlsn Junior eign Relations Committee to let ! speeding. He was arrested by the education they failed to find any and th* Detroit Red Wlng*, ehooe- ney were Georg* Gibbons, Frank flouthsm AaKxtoUon in victories ■lugger by his work with ths flL repreaentattvas of producera^^ and' Snipsic Lake section of 'Tolland, year at the job where be broke into 0 Katkavaek. r g ...... 1 0-0 3 with 21. 0 W. Murray, I f ...... 1 1-1 8 oeralMi o f flrst plara to Um YM i^ t.e*gue w-ai^ng nation* buy arms in this state police. way the budget of the selectmen Ing to start oa tfe8 roao. play th* Moeflavsky, lU y HoUaad, Prank John’s seftbail t«am last diitributor^ hav*- bes-n requested to The .Speedboy* will practice baa- country If thay pay cash and ship died at the home of her brother on aatloael feotbaU apeUlght last ■aa' 1 Osnofll, r g ...... 8 8-3 8 Tbs glgantle IL Oordon Phelps, 8 Belflore, e ...... 8 0-0 8 Frank Gam a, who was tbs guUbhg flealor Lsagu* flaturday alght by The subject for the Sunday morn­ Sunday. She was born in Bath. Me., could be reduced. Another meeting aoo. H* rsfisstd an Offer from Boa- Montrsal CsnadMaa la ai)oth*r btst- Miller, I t Tatre, R Carlson snd W. 8 Murphy, rg ...... 8 1-8 7 gather beie Tuesday. , k.ethsU from 5 to 6 o'clock them In their own vessels ing sermon by Rev. Valentine All- 0 Hyoholakl. I g ...... 8 3-1 11 a rouatog hlttar, WUI do the bulk hand at th* Pertarflalds last trounelag Hl^itoBd Park, fll-M. tha MEXICO SEEKING on OcL 35, 1851. She had bera re­ wUI be held at the South Windsor ton eaUeg* to stay at Toeh, saying Cf-thro* affair. 0-0 Thoi 8 H. Gryk, I g ...... 8 0-0 8 The milk head atated thv The Meteors will prsetire from 6 Shipments Now Banned eon. pastor, waa "Thou Art. Thou Tbe only business wbkb waa left O 'enbert, I g ...... 1 8 Of ths catching with Luke Sewell aad la expsetsd to carry thaI spsar- Eagles moved Into Um Isad at th* purpoee of the conferences waa to I The present neutrality law bana siding with her brother for the Tm^Ti Hall Wednesday evening. h* owed tha school that bscause it I to 6 45 Shalt Be." Mrs. Eugene W. Platt and three incomplet* .mtU th* flaal atght and Ray Haywortk In reserve. head at th* attack from the hitting outsat sad ware never beaded as make plana to counteract any detri­ such ahlpmshis w-hene\-er the Pres­ past nine months. She leave* hfr gav* him hla first big-time assign 8 87 7-4 58 12 14 5-7 88 ngte. FULL CONTROL OF OIL The women's gym class will In connection with Wild Life children are ill at their home with the matter ot Detiait’a rllnchlng Adolph CamilU give* the club Davis and Wilson paood th* soortog mental effect of the New York Milk ! ident finds that a state of war brother. William Fiah, a daughter. meat. RatereA Greenberg. Score at Bedd meet from 7 to f o’clock • Week there are being distributed the grip. Mrs. Hattie Lane, a nurse fifth place aad thus gatttag tbs right VataM (U ) JOHN PONTILLO COPS a home-run hitter aad a floaty Idee thee* luminaries som* at attack sad Ford* featured tor UM war on Connerti'^nt producer* and ^ ! The men's gym class will meet exlsta. Miss Annie L. Browm of Tolland and Wants To Beoada flelder at flist baU-tl0M, 18*18 MandMsUr. Um other players who have bsen eh- losers. Ttab bor score: the Wild Life poster stamps con­ from Pleasant Valley, la earing to eheoat wbar* tha aatliM would P. B. P. T. dietribvjtx'r* Mexico (ity , Mnn-h -lAPi I from 8 to 9 ocl'M-k Senator Borah iR.. Idaho) took several nephews and nieces. ^TbU is his reply to report* hs 0 Phillips, I t ...... 0 Oosoarart, a stlek doubt* play Ustod s n "Yoah" Vtooeh. who hMa BagMs (81) tributed by America’s foremost na­ them. start. Th* wlaga did that by eait- 8-1 X : .New y<*rk di-xlrii'iitora rul the The Mexlrsti gov'-rnnu-nt uppsri-nlly A game period will he held for Issue with Pittman’s proposal, ad­ The body was taken to Gardiner, >uld not renew his ooatraet: CRAVAT ALUr T d U maker with Duroebar, batted 416 the ball as hard aa aayena could ea- P B ture artist*. These stamps Include Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Ju quorlag ths Blackbawks 8-8 while 0 J. Nielsen, i f ...... 8 (H> 8 r T . price of milk over the week-end seeks * settlement of the oil expro­ men In the gym from 9 to 10 vocating Instead a prohibition on eighty subjects tn color. Thrao Me., today and funeral aervice* will ' like it her*. I want to stay. It’a 0-0 for NashvlUe. SHUTE^ARK ANNEX pact; Harold Mlkoleit former Trad* 8 Davis, r f ...... - .. .4 the sale ’directly or Indirectly of moved into their new apartment th* canadiaas w en dreppiag a 7-* 8 DeecA If ••••••,.. 8 8 0*1 g priation lontroverey whereby It The men's plunge period will he stamps can be procured from Rev. be held.on Tuesday at 2 o'clock at ’ to tklnk of things like that. Fee 1 Siegel, if .• ..• .• • • « 1 Od) i WbU* be ioavaa consIderaM* to School twtrter who Is expactod to 4 WlUon, If ...... 4 8-4 It would retain full ■onlrol of the from 7 to 8 o’clock all Instruments of war to any and the White funeral home. Burial will IVapplng Center last Saturday. got a lot of things to worry about ovettlBM dedstoa at Boetoa. Detroit John PontUlo captured top Indi­ ValenUne S. Allaon. secretary Tol­ John B. HcNary, passed away oa 1 LaChappellA e . . . . '8 8-0 4 be desired offsnsively, Oooki* provide plenty of relief pitching ) Kosak, if ...... 0 8-B 8 petroleum tndustrv and demand ad- The women’s plunge period will b* all nationa engaged In armed con­ be at ML Hope cemetery. South before that time—spring football, thus flniatiad Urns points ahead of vidual honors la th* recently com- BEST B A H TOURNEY land Grange. Thursday at St. Francis bospitoL He 1 R. Tyler, r g ...... 0 1-0 0 Lavagttto U adequeU at third. wet) aa hitting; "2 4 " Olbeit, prom­ S Brown, e ...... 0 0-1 0 EXPECT ARRAIGNMENT dltiona! ra.«h mve-.tments from the from 8 to 9 o’clock flict." Beeistsr Borah Gardiner. Montreal. Those gasMa. laddantaUy, pletod Cravat Laagu* bowling sea- Mies Marguerite Du Fore who haa xvas born In South Windsor. The getttav hoys eligible, putting them 0 C. Nielson, r g ...... 1 0-0 8 Goodwin R oain. who iseks ising High school thrower; the 4 Derrick, e ...... 1 1*1 8 expropnsted roncenis In exchange A Isle plunge period for men will We will not contribute to maas Funerals marked Boatoe’a eighth ccnaeeutive ■on. it waa aanoiinoad today. He murder,” declared Borah, senior been III with Influenza for two funeral waa held Saturday. He on the field next fall and ao forth. 8 a . Murphy, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 participated in 68 gaaiea aad turn- power, was th* best Breoklyn fly- 8 t AugusttoA Pla.. March 20.— Orysb brothers. Btsn snd - Henry, 0 Sout)MrgiU, Ig ...... 2 0-8 8 for s share of t!i- earning* follow the gym class The funeral of Gustave Glass, 43, victory and Chicago’s sisth straight Republican on the Foreign Rela­ the neutrality debate, cutting across weeks, is now able to attend her leaves a slater, Mias Annie M cNsry “I haven’t a thing to say la ad ia aa average of 118.88 with a ehaaer in 1981. He U now a re­ (A P )—Bang-up partnerahlp golf standouts to th* "Y " leagus last sea- 1 Hemmlngway, rg ...,1 1-1 8 ON FUGITIVE’S RETURN The women member* will ns* the of the Hartford Turnpike, urns held This wa.* the analysis drawn by tions CoifTmlttac. party lines, would becoms one of the duties at the Anderson home In Tol­ of South Windsor and thres aassrer to tbe report that Fm think­ 7 8 8-1 18 total pinfall of 7818. PontlUo also servist, which givea you a fine put 81400 to Um pocket at D#nny Jelin HUInskt, star cagemsn m obeerxer* from a speech yesterday bowitng alleys at 8 o'clock That committee will meet Wed­ most bitter of the congreeetonal land center. at bU home on Saturday afternoon. ing of ^ U l a g oecauaa the time is In the only othsr gasa* th* Hang­ took high ainglo with IM aad high Idea of bow far the club has corns hut# and a trophy to hands at Bill snd relief pitcher tor the High 15 1 18 T-15 81 All member* who desire to eo«n- brothers, WiUiam F. and Chris­ Scots at half, 30-7, Tigers. M- by Preeldent Laiaro I'ardena* be­ nesday to consider change* In the situation. The Tolland Federated churen Rev. Warl Otto Klctte, pastor of topher C. M cNsry of South Windsor too far off to even think of such ars, racking up flv* goals in the sec­ t r ^ with 414. along tn that departmanL Rlark when they routed the favor- school. Highland Park (IS) MUton. N. H March 20.— (A P i pet* In an elimination ping pong officers an<1 members who attended eresA Lukas and Harrington. fore some 35.000 persons celebrat­ neutr^lty act, following Prealdenb the First Lutheran church, officiat­ and Charles P. M cNsry o f Boston. pemlbUity.’’ ond period, walloped Toronto 6-8, to Bill Diets, Sr... amargad aa run- Tuck Stalnback aad Gen* lira from Um aatloael amateur-pro- The Smith brothers, Frank, for­ —County authorities said today tournament, should register at tbe Former President Hoover laid In the Tolland County Institute In P B r T ing the first anniversary of tbe con­ Roosevelt’s comment that European ed. Burial was tn Grove Hill ceme­ The Condition at Chiiatopher Acroc* th* atreet from Tech th* even up for a 1-1 defeat ^ th* sama aar-up with aa average of 111.42. Moor*, the latter obtained from feadonal four ball tournament ye&- mer Trad* School captain snd short­ 1 Hyde, tf ...... 1 0-1 a John Howland. 25. charged in a fiscation of properties valued at School street office. In the Brat an Interview yesterday at Riverside, Christian Leadership Friday evening tery. Joseph Robb of Vernon Cen­ Pitt board of trustee* gathers to­ club Saturday nlghL developments showed revision of the Calif., that the United States should Nary, who has been seriously lU of B «u y Baagaten waa third with tba Beet, have esBtor and rlgbt terday. stop, sad Walter, who proved to be 3 Porde, rt ...... 8 0-0 8 . Strafford county grand Jury In­ round of the pool tournament at the were high in praise of the meeting ter sounded Ups at the grave and night In the eathsdra) of Issralag $400,000,000 by the 17 American statute was needed. Some adminis­ follow a policy of peaceful meana double pneumonia ta r a we^, re­ Wbll* It acaoH odd. at least, to PATTY BERG IN FORM 108.42. Max Schubert fourth with fields clinched, whU* Emls Koy Sbute, former BrIUata Open aad th* leading fence-buster with tbe 0 Porterfield, I f ...... 1 0-0 8 dictment with the murder of Miss and British compvuea concerned. School street Rec, Mnorchnuse de­ and of Dr. Malcolm S. Pitt in hla a firing squad from the Manchester with todteations It will pick a suc­ and Fred Slngton, the Alabama Maude Home. 61. probably would tration adviaers have pointed out rather than one of force, tn handling mains unchanged. devote a whole rasa no tp eilmtaating 107JS2 and BUI Brennan fifth with American P. G. A.' champion from St John’e taam last ssason; "A l" 1 Niese, e ...... 1 1-7 8 Donald Richberg. rounael for the feated Ostrtnsky McCormick de­ talk on 'T h e Inner U fe of the Armory fired threS volleys at ths cessor to hc4ul football coach Dr. 108JM. Taam N a 8 had high team alumnuA fight It out la taft. be arraigned at the irurrent teaslon that It BOW wrould stop sale e f anna foreign problem*. Troop 61 Boy Rcouto, plan* to one team tram ths playoSA it's aa ______high t West Newton, Maas., 'and Stark. (towles who ws* one of the atsnd- 0 Agard, c ...... 0 1-8 1 companlee. remained silent on Car­ feated P. Btaum. DePuntpo de­ Church." Tolland has a good rep­ grave. Mr. Glass was a World War John B. (Jock) Bnthsrtaad. slagl* wlUi SIB and Team Ito. 4 They're tbe earn* old DodgerA JackaenvUle, FIs., Insurance man of SuperloT Court upon hi* return to European democracies as well aa Tbe administration, meanwrhilc build aeveral patrol cabins on th* old hockey euatem ead th* ^ FOR MID-SOUTH P U Y outs to Um "Y " league last season '4 Joe DonabuA eg ...,0 0-0 0 dens*’ speech He had said Friday feated J. Walker L, Poulin de­ resentation to these Friday evening veteran. Charlsa Bowrnr, former ooaSb at h ip thra* at ring_ with 1878. Th* but riatbush flrastors kav* run ouated tfsrvln Btsbl of Lsnaing as a twtrlsr and slugger and la ex­ here from Corpus Chrlstl. Texas, feated M. Brorowskt Green de­ to the totalitarian nation* m event appeared to be going ahead with aenricra to be held during March. troop campground this spring, ac- aad club ewaara taka It, ad i 0 Chapman, r g ...... 0 0 4 0 - that neither party had "oommitted Tbe funeral of Antonio CSaatl pt corffink to 8<»utmaater Uoyd 8. Bowdoln aad Oreiw City ooUege. is stcioaaijr. A t oM ttaM tk* flaal was average* follow high la th* pereentag* standings Mich., snd Chick Karbsrt of BstU# pected to be a leading candldsto for where he was captured feated Relmer. Ohuchowski de- of wrar. what the President last January Mrs. Caroline Kimmel Metcalf ■eutbeni PIm a V. C. Maitb SO 1 Rod DonahuA Ig ...,0 0-0 0 hlraaelf to agreement ” and none Snipaic street was held at 8L Ber­ QranL In order to earn the money ees ceded the tufd* track. He sarv' aa iatar4*afiiav8ffair kitwain aast-1 O. Platon Av*. before . . . aad whan ths Ifa- Ctosk. Mich., 8 and 8 In Um S5-h*l# Um High School this eesson barring Federal Bureau of Investigation feeted SsTerick. Enrico defeated BcMilti Not OmaMered termed “short of war. but stronger has been appointed administratrix — (AP)-~Patty Baiir> af MHwaap* 4 Jack DonahiM, Ig . . . .0 14 1 agents were expected to start could "be assumed' until "expreasly and more effective than mere words, nard’s idiurcb on Saturday. Rev. to do thla, the Scouts will collect ed under SutharlaDd ea two eoea' am aad weaum tikaapMoa e f Oaaa- 8—Mntffie ...88 78U lU J O tvonsl Uegue eras net popularly MimJs. a reoeeurreac* of a knee injury Vojeck Pittman, who aald he bad not con­ of her late mother, M ra Alvina Kim- Edward Qulnp, pastoi of the church aICQS aad was a star center aac oHa aftsr two praetle* rooads at >~OMABr. ..73 8061 U1.43 referred to as aaotbar miaor. Btsbl got $800 and hla smataur north today with Howland, a for- stated by both." ot bringing home to aggressor ns- meFs estate. Mrs. Kimmel passed old newspapers sad rags,, aad sell da. but Kao* an tk* baat which kept him on th* Kdellne* dur­ sulted ths prsstdsnt In drafting hla officiated. The bearers wmre JUex quartarhack on "Pop" Wamerk old 78, afli atsokaa uadar waama’a pitf, 8»B*Bgstoa . .78 7880 10*.48 psrtotr also took a trophy, 18 T M 8 u raer asUor. and his 15-year-old | ' ----- —------tions the aggregate aentimenta of away three vreek* ago. them. They wtU be about town aext talent aow Is oeaceotratafl ki tka ing the recent basketball campaign blU. daclarM that the qusstloD ot DartdeL Geenc DarailtL Christ4>- n ath ar aquad- appiarsd to ba la ^ t ^ ffwpo to- 4_s>ehub*rt . . . T il 7T88 107ns ghuto was off hla gam* to the Boor* at half 18-7 BagI cousin. Aid* Butler, who was cap- our own psople." The Tolland Orange public set­ Saturday. March 25. for this pur- National LeafUA of the High School. Deaths Last Night benefiting France and « Britain eras phef Jones, John McOernick, to; tor th* Utb anaual weat«’s 8—Btoaaaa ...78 7818 100.58 omtog and th* SUbl-Harbort team srss SunMnkl n d ' lured with him Friday whan police Ordats TBrtff Batasd. back party Friday night last at tlCtpAtMe There wU be a mssHng held at Ini-estigated a box car sltereatlon CURB QUOTATIONS not a conaldermtlan. George Marchack. Burial was in Thla evealng at 7 oclock. a 8pofto Jock's rsstgnatlcn S o w in g Bdd-aoath te n tournamawt bars. 6— ’.Vsreer ....78 78881084 took a twe-up adg*. It would The Treasury on Saturday order­ the Community House vraa a suc­ Just as aa ladlsatloa of k*w katd the Y Wednesday to the banquet ln\-olvtng the couple and two men. "The neutrality act has only one SL Bemard’a oemetery. night consisting a t basketball gaaraa lar astten by fisnr saslstaata climax­ Rauato today, tsorarrow sad 7— Owyar ...... 80 104.48 bava boM far greitter hot' tor the ed an additional 25 per cent tarUt cess as eleven and one half tables tbsy try to wIa asarly eeary tsfla hall. Anjroo* who wish** a tryout Palm Beach. Fla.—Irving Bro- purpose and that is to eliminate Taniig Pespte’a Msat by nMmbcrs a t the girls’ and boys' ed two years cC wfiuMBag ever Pitt wm ooiwlata tka 88- I Isknoon .. .78 108.4 flao work of Storfe, i Bj ASiiOCLATEP PRESS on many produeta from Qsnnaiiy, were In play. A social time fol­ In the playoffk haa coOeetsd a faw Last NIghra for the team Is askad to reprat at k*w, 69, former national lee skat­ which might arouse contro- The Toung People’s FsUowahip toams win be held. Tba girla who athleUc polley. A strictly emats-or avabt Th* flsld In- 8— OiatA Jr. ..78 10248 moot at the burden. Boston, acareh 8*.— (A P ) Am Cit* Pow- and Lt B ...... effective April 28. Tbs aetioa vraa lowed with refreshments. Mr. aad extra idayers from miaor 10—U w l* ...... 88 8 M the meeting,. A t this nMeUng cb* 'QCAMC b o c k s JAPAN ing champion and painter. wrhich would force us into ot th* UBioa cburHi wrill hoM a are to graduate la June wlU p'ay basis baa kami ssHMIaheil by Chaa- maet top-aotdisrs as Mto. 100.82 (By Um But In Um aftmnoon Bhut# w«nt Csnadlsns bald N*w Enginni Asad Gas and El A ...... taken under ths ItSO tariff net. Mrs. Ivan West and Mr. aad M ra ») plans for tba ssason will ba-dlscuae- Tarpon Springs. Fla__ John K. fOrsign war," he aald. the team members who arc under- "ctilor Join O* Bowmoii. aourcM for tk* LawaonPaffAef Oupel HUl. U —Nlalaen ....8 8 i t a 10048 to work. He wiped out Um defleit cIMI Cita Serv ...... vrhlch autborisss the ratra "coua- Rupert West were the conaalttce. meeting on ’Tuesday svcntiig at 7:80 18—La rd s r...... 78 7007 *d. Tbs mostiog will b* at 7:80. Tekyo. March 20. — (A P) — An Cbeyney, 82, founder of the sponge o’clock. The blstoiy at (^angrcjair The senior boys an 1 Swim eeacb Pat J. Omew, 18 ycara Tha flnal ataadkiM iflnflil fkanipinn. Deborah 0748 Natlsaal langwA on the flrst two hole* with btrdira Tad PMhwk at Cits Serv., pfd ...... A prsdicUca that OofigTsss would tenralUag’’ duty on foreign products 18—TidMrd . ...88 8801 earthquake described by the central Industry her* and first president of othara on tha boys’ taam then at Pitt Uk* ButBsrlaad. B tk* iatast W. U T. PI*, NSW York Ranger**. TBrento 8. the flrM on a 80 feat and the see om hM ttUs by El Bond and S h a re...... adept Pittman’s policy or repeal the subsidlWd tn mamifaeturs or export CHOIBSB Oi;i«KBAI. MBS t tonal lam will be preasiitad M lia . Batty 18-Pan ...... n 8008 roctarolagical observatory a* the the Tarpon Springs sponge ex- conmst*. Th* proceeds will bs ussd to niuidisw. Ho jamad Jack m *a- ffooton ...... la U 8 78 Boatoa 7, Montinal • (avarttoM). end ea a 80 toot Bn it resnaan e f ' Nlag Hud P o w ...... neutnllty act w w mads by Bsnator by th* go*r*nuB«at of th* eountry Nertaae Lsaslg, Mias WorsfKS* Nno- IB—Tsenaea ...8* 8818 stmiigrat tn five yaar* rockad ;haagc. which b* belidpsd orgaalM. A social tagrttM ssalors for their WasUagton with th* M. T Rsagaca...... 88 18 8 88 Datiott 8, CMeaffa E was oear Bbato was three P A ’a t m m N O hm tat tsanlB______eoQtharn Japan to d ^ , ^ e e tm lM Penn Road ...... Ktag (t>-Vtah)- He coiqilsd this with of otigiii. Sbaagkat. March 20 — (A P ) — mana aial Qaacia ,78 0888 8847 AUanto—Waddy Thot trip. TtaOBto ...... 18 fli • 8T holes aad Stork took a Oeitpio with teOw teS at tUT canunumcatioiu and peiPtr tiara Pltney-Bowe* ...... author of AnMiiean hlptory text­ a ftstb denuhctqtien of ths sxpaa- Attsmsy OsBwsl Mkrphy h*u MaJ. Qsn. Tbeedksnth Tn, ML ditee- hour wW feOoar. Mrdioa to enmnlete the rout a Palish-American AthleUe toomsy. 8 g s | iil Mrs- ChaHc* GrUfla la aaitoualy Ql ■srtkiB ’ 1 tisM 1 can k t « c ■ # * * ara- N. Y. AmarlsMM ....C T U 18 88 and damaging bundraA af hasnaa Sagal Lock ...... book* which are standard in many s4

h a n d y .TH tU t ARfc SOMW MOtJlt BUY SE (u id B E R I I i^ iln /he SENSE and NONSENSE VTY T 8 a Y i< o «tA v ^ STOT^R/ ' j e m '.' a o e e t p o ^ v v a T ’ w ' THE MODEL HUSBAND . Teachei^Sursly you know what r \ the word “ mirror" means. Junior. M i H w it J J • / / Thsy say that women tire of men A fter you’ve washed what do you w who come too near perfection. look at to see if your face la clean ? Tbe modem male must have bis Junior—The towel. Miss. Normal scored M 1.8 points to win faults If he would pass inspec­ M. Alexander .. 81 78 77— 281 tion AUTUMUBILES FOB ^ALE 4 BUSINESS SERVICES MACHINERY AND 78— 288 team tlUa. B. Laurence .. 88 78 GALENTO REGARDED But you need have no worriee, dear, Jasper—Spouter says all the pro­ OFFERED 13 TOOLS 62 RAMBLERS CREATE T. Faulkner .. ..131 102 92—828 Indianapolis—Milt Psdwsy, Wta\ RIGGS COOKE COP posed ways to Increase the purchas­ 1W8 NASH LAFAYETTE 1938 consin, pole vaults 14 feet at But­ you'd surely stand the test, Oldimobllr 6. J934 Naiih «, 1933 h o u s e h o l d \ND commercial re­ LARGE GARDEN tractor, Oliver Tou scatter ashes on the nig. you ing power of the massea are so 368 334 329 1028 ler relays to better world indoor much foollshneos. Dodge pe'nel truck. Mcs.strr Nm »i, frigerator service at reaajinable spreaders. Used Fordaons, Farm- __ spill things on your vosL NO. 1 CHALLENGER dirt-runway record; Ed Smith BERMUDA DOUBLES Casper—Is he an authority on 10 Hendereon Roed. Tel. 7288. rales. tVayne W. I’hllllps. 83 Walk­ alls, CHetrac tractors. Dublin Trac­ ICE SCORWC MARK You're always late to meals, and Evergreene (4) equals 60-yard high hurdles record purchasing power? er street. Telephone 4978. tor Company, Wllllmantic. o f 7.4 seconds. Michigan takes team then you hide behind the news. A. Morrell .. .. 67 97 68—227 Jasper—>lo, but? he is an author­ G tlAR AN TE ED USED cers, 19.36 honors for sixth straight 'year with M y nicest guest towel you devote to J. Faulkner .. 86 88 82—288 ity on 'foolishness. caievrolet tudor. newly pelnted. 46 points. polishing your shoes. .. 66 69 89—226 radio, heater, new Urea, 19.38 Ford MOVING—TRUCKING WANTED—TO HUY 5H I Philadelphia G oses Int-Am J. Cheney .. NBA Pots Tooy At Top O f Denver—Denver Nuggeta win Partners Clash T oday In Fi­ Tou leave s ring around the tub, E. Wilson .. ..124 134 114—872 coupe, excellent condition, radio STORAGE 20 SPRING C LEA N IN G brings out the National A.A.U. basketball title, you yodel while you shave, Steinberg—My word. Jacob, that and heater. Cole Motora—tU63, Junk. Convert It Into cash by call­ beating Bartleavlle, Okla., Phillips, way you throw your clothes Is a beautiful diamond you have In AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS f/hen you 345 385 348 1078 List B at Says H e’s Cinch n als F or S in gles T itle;' ing Wm. Ostrlnsky, 182 Blssell. League Season W ith 213 23-22 In final. abniit would make an angel your pin. How much did It cost. want the beat In Local and Long M u m (0) Tel. 8879. Kansas City—Southwestern col­ rave. Jacob—One thousand dollars. BUSINESS SERVICES Distance Moving. Dally Expreaa V. Glia wold .. 79 84 83—246 ______By Fontaine Fox 13 G oals T o Its C redit. For Joe Louis To W hip. lege, Winfield, Kans., conquers San O ther R esnits. Steinberg—One thousand dollara! oonerville Folks OFI-'EREU Hartford. Manchester, Kockviua. L. Fortin .. .. 74 72 78—224 Diego, Calif., State, 32-31, to win Good gracloua: Vy. I did not know Phone 62611.—68 Hollister street. Low Man ... .. 67 69 63— 199 n u a iD A IR K MILK cooling aye- ROOMS WITHOUT national Intercollegiate baoketball , strange as It may seem my you ver vorth ao much money. “W iSECRACKER” WORTLE AT HIS VERY WORST !j ^ B. Kinsman .. 89 95 97—281 dear. I’d stand for no correction tema and commercial Itefrlgeratnm BOARD 59 Washington,' March 20— (A P I — tournament. Hamilton, Bermuda, March 20.— Jacob--Vell, you eee. ven dcr old OUR BOARDING HOUSE ('A L V IN C. TA(5GAIIT.—Moving B.T A8NOC1ATED I'REAK To me you always have been tops in of all typea. See ua for qiiotatlona Philadelphia—Ohio State takes (A P I— ot Chicago and man died, he left one thousand dol­ amt tnicKlnij- 311 Woodinml street. FOR R E NT— W ARM sunny room, I f the demands of Nations: 309 320 821 950 The National Boxing Aseodatlon husbandly perfection. on new and used eqtilpnteni. Expert eastern division title In national of Portland; S Q M B O D Y S C A P IT A L IS lars for a stone to be erected to his E fflM ?, L teosf X AAA eOM O TO RETURN TO AAV Telephone furnlsmd, also downstairs living lidiague teams, calling for aid for the again has named Tony Gslento the collegiate A. A. basketball tourney, memorv, and dls is der stone. aendee. Kemp'a Incorporated. Stanley Cup playoffs, don’t take too who teamed together to wh^Hb* JUP IN EACH OF THOSE room IfXealred, off hall. 61 New St. Mums No. 1 challenger to the heavyweight beating VlUanova, S3-36. « ■FIRST LOVE AND TXD A SNACK OP SAlM^Jia TMIS IpUE ACCOUNTS WE ARE much nut of the top six teams, an 114— 264 men's doubles crown, meet tatH jRh V. Grtawold . .. 73 77 Hanover, N. H.—Seton Hall col­ 3W IN PAYIN G . The Irishman had been having a PAINFING— p a p e r in g 21 other exciting playoff series Is In 86—281 boxing title. the final of tbe men's singles n ^ h c SUMMER ----- AAY ORBAreST FEAT U Fortin .. .. 78 87 lege retains eastern conference Bermuda championship^^ great argument and meant to finish APAH^ENTS, FLATS. sight for the Intematlonal-Amerlcan 102—283 The Association's rating commit­ S o H IN SEAAAAMSMIP WAS THE TIME X ftAILEO TH * 1 R E C A U . r H o l’EKTY OWNERS Httfiillon. B. Kinsman .. 99 82 fencing title, winning foils, sabre Riggs, tbe top-seeded player and All new Jobs are hard. Thai per­ off his opponent once^and for all. Manchester T E M ^ M E N T S league. 92-^261 tee filed a notation, however, say­ |f> 98 rcpiipcrs room, celling ps|ier D. Jensen .. . . 87 82 and epee events to total 101 points. No. 1 in the United States ranking. haps Is one of tbe reasons so many BARKENTIME," m a IsIC V j a n e " a r o u n d t h e h o »v j RBADING The circuit cloecrl Its books on the ing it neither sponsored Oalento nor Irishman—The sooner I never sae eil or kslsomlnrd. Mslerlal, .labor New Haven, Conn.--Cleveland Is favored to take bis third title o f of us shirk unfamiliar la.aks. Evening Herald FOR REa^T—TH REE OR four room regular campaign of 54 games for conceded him much chance of top­ your face again the better it will be DURING A TYPHOON THAT CARRIED AWAY BVBRV A B O U T complete. Inside, outside painting 337 328 894 1089 American -Legjon hockey team tKe tournament. A fter he and apartment: fumlahqd or unfurnish­ each club— the longest It ever had pling Joe Louis' tlUe crown. Com­ for both of us when we meet. Large savings. Work gusranteed Shmbe turns back Minnesota Gophers, 4-3, Cooke turned bock o f BIT OF HER RIGGING'--'^MAW / AADUNTAIMOUe T H A T - ^ M X I CLASSIFIED ed. Call Centennial 4)31. attempted— with three contests last mitteeman Joe T rk e r of .^Illnols READ IT OB NOT Phone .3692 r. Burkbardt .. 72 60 46— 178 to win National A. A. U. crown. Portland and John Shostrom o f The Invention and development of WAVES KEPT HER DECK AWASM SO LONG B W A L L O W B D advertisements night. BInce all the playoff posttlona voted to leave the No. 1 position FOR RENT—ONE ROpM (very Low Man ., .. 7.3 82 86— 241 New Haven—Princeton Universi­ Chicago, 6-2, 3-6, 7-5, in the men's had been determined during the vacant. tbe type«'riter ha.x opened more THAT A SCHOOL OF RORPOlSBS S B T UF» S O AAUCM target apt. with shower hath and G. Clee ___ .1 18 108 112—335 ty team seta new American record final, Bobby teamed up with Marta Count Ola av«rkg* Rmrds to a lino, previous week, there wssn't much, Bob Pastor, suspended by the Jote to women than any other ma­ tnitlala. numbers and abbreviatiune REPAIRING 23 kitchenette. Available March 18lh. Low Man ... .. 78 77 92—247 of 2:81.9 for 300-yard medley relay Barnett, clever young -Florida chine. housekeeping i n T H S SAIT WATBR St stake. committee st Its lost quarterly sit­ • STORIES aacb count a* a word and compound Orford Bldg. 869 Main street. Ap­ Id eastern oolleglate swimming player, to win the mixed doubles FORECASTLE f Y o u ’v e B B M irorda aa two words Minimum coat ta ROOFINO A SPECIALTY. Also The Hershey Bears, western divi­ ting. was rated No. 2 contender ply Marlows. 338 827 336 1001 league Individual champlonabtp crowm. With Miss Barnett showing ONLY ONE OF HER PROPH­ B U R P lN a prlea of three llnee siding, carpentry and mason work. sion champions, walloped the Provi­ when the offldaU learned the New Une ratee per dsjr fo r irsnaient Evergreena meet. promise of becoming a topflight IN STAMPS dence Reds, winners of the 1938 Jersey boxing commission bad re­ ECIES HAVE FAILED OF E V E R - ada. Krasnnahir Time payments ar­ FOR R E N T—6 ROOM Duplex A. Morrell . . . . 8 0 82 88—247 Lancaster, Pa.—Oklahoma A. and woman player, they had little trou­ FRUITITION B«e«>t1ee Hareb If. ranged. W. V’anrmir, 88 Wells St. house, on West Center street. In'- pIsynITs, 6-3, In the final game for J. Faulkner .. . 88 95 85— 288 stored him to good standing. M. wrestlers score 33 points to take ble defeating Cooke and Florence s i n c e / Cash ('harga the best feat of the evening. Since Others in the first ten heavy­ One of the strangest list of Phone .3.3.38, quire 140 Oak street. Tel. 3314. J. Cheney .. .. 73 79 88—240 national collegiate A. A. team LebouUlller. 6-4, 6-4. prophesies of all times Is . that of • Couaacwiive Dare .•! ? IJershey hsd beaten New Haven I-O 100 95— 284 weight, In order of their ranking, I Contacotlee Dayc -.I ^ o** E. Wilson ,, .. 89 championship for third year. Helen Bernhard of New York also Mother Sblpton, first published In WE SPEC IALIZE In applying roots FOR RENT— FURNISHED five sXurday, the victory put the Bears were Lou Nova, Max Baer, Red t Oaf ...... I 11 eta< 11 ote seeks a second title today os sha IMgland ip 1488, before America All ordara for Irragulai inewrtiona and siding. Workmanship guaran­ room flat, steam heat, garage. 16 only two points behind the Phlla- 330 856 388 1039 Burman, Maurice Strickland, CRAVAT LEAGUE faces o f Los Angelcei, was discovered and. of oourae, be­ will b« charged at the one time rate teed Time payments arranged St. Lawrence street. Tel. 6419 be­ delpXa Ramblers, eastern division Boses 1 Nathan Mann, Roacoe Tolea, Johnny flpaclal ralae fot long 'erm every (Murphy's Alleya) United States Indoor champion, la fore the discoveries and Inventions Painting and carpentry. A. A. Dion tween 6 and 6 p. m. Champa who threatened early In the Low Man ...... 7 3 79 85— 237 Paycheck and Tony Muato. dgy advartlalng given opwn reguest the women's singles fir at. Mltw forecast there. Elverythlng she pre- Adi ordered before ibe third or fifth Inc., 81 Wells street. Tel. 4860. season N? outstrip all other eJuba. M. Alexander . . 68 81 82—228 The committee also recommended Team No. 3 went to town in a big Bernhard and Mllllcent Hirsh o f dlCted has corns true except the last U day will be charged nnly foi the ac* HEATED APARTMENTS — 8 The Rnmhlers wound up Saturday B. Laurence . . --- 78 77— 155 that the winner of a 18-round bout way and came from far behind to New York won the women's doubles two Unea Read the ancient proph- tuml BUfobet of thner the ad appvsr- rooms, 4 rooms. 3 rooms. 22-30 with a 4-2 victory over Providence T. Faulkner .1 16 104 109—329 between Little Dado and Peter take four points from Team No. 2, crown with a rather surprising vic­ ad. charging gt the rata earned but to rstahllsh a new scoring record of to tie for the leadership. Team No. eelea and remember the date of When the Red Cross B# allowance ar rafunde can be made HELP WANTED— Birch street. A. Bareasa. Low Man ... .. 80 — ----- 80 Kane, 01 Jackie Jurick and Kane, tory over Norma Taubel* and Oraos CB all time ada atopped after tba 2-3 goals. be declared world's flyweight 4 taking 3 points from Team No. 1. Surber, also of New York, 6-2, 4-6, their maklDg: Started at Geneva FEMALE 35 FOR RENT—MODERN 8 w m Carriages without horses shall go. \ ilth day New Haven, I ^ t In the easte*-n 334 342 383 1029 champion. It suggested that the Team No. 3 hit a new high team 6-3. Ko **1111 forblda' display lines not apartment, 38 Maple atreet. Inquire And accidents All the world with epHE borrors ot the battle at Sot- WA.NTED - G IRL FOR general group and out o f ^hc playoffs, had a winner of the Leo Rodak-Joey singl. of 518. Johnson hit high The favorites In the women's dou­ solA 42 Maple street. In rear. Tel. 6817. woe. ferino first gave Hsarl Dunant Tbs Hsratd win not be reaptmsible h'MiHework. Inquire .Mrs. .Scranton, final fling by beating the third-place Archibald featherweight champion­ single'with 153. Pontlllo high 3 bles. Katherine Wlntbrop and Mrs. Springfield Indians, 6-2. Cleveland's Around the world thoughts shall the idea of a permanent rcUst for more than one incorrect insertion 160 Tolland Tiirnp.ke. Tel. 3379. M ID-W EST TEAM S VIE ship bout should meet Petcy Scalzo string with 371. Vir^nla Rice Johnson of Boston, of any advarllaement ordered for FOR KENT— ATTRACTIVE foiTr Barons, third in the Western group, Final Standings senriee tor soldiers. By 1863 he room tenement, centrally localeil, In a title match within 30 days. were forced to default to Miss Bern- was able to enlist the Interest et atom than one time outpointed (he second^place .Syra- W tbe twinkling of an eye. The Inadvertent oroiaaiun or incur* all Improvements. Inquire 701 .Main hard and Miss Hirsh In the semi­ several nations In a ipesUng at HELP WANTED--MALB 36 euae Stars, 2-1, with the qid of Phil W ITH EASTERN RIVALS Team No. 1 ...... *30 final because Miss Wlntbrop was Waters shall yet more wonders do. raat publication ot advartlalng will be street Geneva to establish such a body.' rooilicd oBly by canoallaiion of the Hergeshelmrr’s 34th goat of the Teame No. 3 ...... 30 suffering from grippe. N ow strange, yet shall be true. charge made for the aervtce rendered MAN FOR COFFEE ROUTE. Up to campaign. Lex Chisholm, a rookie The world upside down shall be. The convention drew up 10 arti­ New York. March 20 —(API Team No. 4 ...... 19 Prior to their defeat In the mixed All advarttaementa muar eonfurm $45 nnit week. Autnmohite ^tven replacing Pete I.,iingelle who went IVeek End Sports And gold be found at root of tree cles and prescribed a unifocin IB Btyla, copy and typography wiib HOUSES FOR RENT 65 Two of the strongest mtd-westem Team No. 2 ...... 17 doubles final, Cooke and Miss Le- HR homiii. Write MHIh, 7105 Mon­ up to Toronto for the playoffs, made Through bills nuui shall ride. and “a white arm badge with rcgulalloiic enforced by the pubtieh* basketball teams step Into the New *Team No. 1 won rolloff. boutllller ran out the third set of mouth. CTlni'lnniitl. O. the Syrariiso tally. By ASSOCIATED PRESS And no horse or ass bs at bis side. a red crosa in IL" cro aad they raaarve the right to FOR RENT SEVEN RtXIM Kliigle York basketball 'vrlters' national In­ Team No. 4 (I) their Interrupted semi-final match, cUU mvtge or reject anv ropy cob* Sprlngfleld, Hershey and Provi­ St. Augustine, Fla.—Denny Shute besting of Florida Under water man shall walk, So waa tha teed ot the Rad house, siinporch, all lmprov<'m<-iits. vitation tournament tonight. Nielsen . • . . • ..107 90 108—305 Croaa Soeiaty sown. It was to ■Idcrad ehJactlonabla dence all face goal-tending problems and Bill Stark win national ama­ and Helen Pedersen o' Stamford, Shall ride, ahall sleep, shall talk. CLOtlKO ROURS-xClaastded ada D0(;H— HIRUS— PETS—41 Inquire 67 Oak street. Bradley Tech of Peoria, 111., and Fox ...... 103 133 84—319 grow rapidly. The next year, D OAJCr during the playoffs. Bennie Grant, teur-pro best ball golf tournament, Conn., 6-4, 8-7, 6-2. In the air man shall be seen, Id ba pabllcbi^ aama day muat be m* Lpyola of Chicago, which drew byea defeating Marvin Stahl and Chick Dwyer ...... 90 100 104— 394 1864, moat ot the nations ot Eu­ "V o^ced by 14 e’clocb noon: Baturdaya kp w SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM Indian goalie, suffered a broken An­ In white, in black, In green. FOR SALE A : ffooO getter through the first round of the six- Bengstoa — . .108 117 118—340 t«:M. single houHes, also two family flats. ger In the rough nnd tumble game Harbert, 6 and 4, in 36-hole final. CRAVAT LEAGUE Iron Ip the water eball float. rope aad tha United Statea, rap- pUpploR ('h)I lifter 5:30 at 71 team event, Gke on a pair of Metro­ rasantad unaAcially, met in In excellent localVna Apply E<1- with New Haven nnd was replaced Hamilton, Bermuda—B o b b y In a one-^game rolloff to decide the As easy as a wooden beat. t e l e p h o n e yo u r LyneHR «tm*t. politan rivals which won tbe open­ 403 439 414 1238 neva again. This time the oon- ward J. Holt. Telephone Manches­ by defen.Heman Jim Orlando Alfle Rigga and Elwood Cooke defeat winner of the second half. Team No. Gold s W i be found In mid stona ing matches. Bradley faces un Team No. 1 ( 1) vention draw up tha famous 1884 lIM, ty fsatelM Psi) w a n t a d s ter 4642 or 8028. Moore, regular Herahey net minder, Wayne Sabin and John Shostrom, 1 beat Team No. 3 by 47 pllis, Dietz, In load that's now unknown, beaten Long Island university while Ritchie ...... 99 92 83— 37S “(Sanava Trea^" which wrola ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 has been recalled by the New York 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, 7-8, In men's doubles Jr„ had high single In tbte game n r e and water shall wonders do, Ada am aooeptad oaar the lalapboaa Loyola, also undefeated this season, final of Bermuda tennis champion­ Larder • e e • e •...1 0 2 114 88-308 tha rl8hta of dia wounded and of SCORCHY SIvllTH Baboon Buster By JO H N C at tba CBAAOB RATE given above Americans because of an injury to with 120. England shall at last admit the Jew. FOR SALE HORSE collarg. new plays Bt. John's of Brooklyn. The ships; Riggs and Martha Barnett Dietz, Jr. . . . 88 109 100—397 those who succor them Into the ag a aoueaDlaBca to advartlaara b«t RKAL KSTATE FOR Earl Robertson. Hershey In turn re­ Team No. 1 Aad this world to an end shall come, am! imeil team hiirneaaeH narneng winners will meet In the final game win mixed doubles; women's dou­ Dietz, Sr...... 130 103 118— 380 laws of natlona te r t h a t bc A tessoN to THe tbc GABH HATiM wlU ba aooap'ed aa KXaiAN(;K 76 called Nick Damorc; who had been Ritchie 84 In eighteen hundred and eighty-one. FlSlaL PATMENT If paid at tba bual- repiiirinK. auto tops ami < urtainn loaned to Providence for the season. Wednesday night while the loaera bles title to Helen Bernhard and Larder ...... Ill Thata riihU included the neu­ OF YOU MONKCVSi THf W%T ONC rtaac cElca om or before the aeventb repalreil. rhoric* 4710. «M) ('ambrltlKe l HAVE A C LIE N T who wUhm to will play off fo> third place. 419 417 389 1233 trality of tha medical eorpa, tha THAT arts SASSY WITH WE day following the imt inacrtlon at Pudgy Bill Beveridge, who hiui been Mllllcent Hirsh. Dietz, Sr, 110 each ad otbarwlaa tbe CHARiiK atreet. ('hna. l.saklnK. rxchauBc a 2 family houne for a serving ns Spare Man for the en­ Roanoke Colleg* of Virginia and Cairo, Ekypt—Don McNeill beats Team No. 8 (4) Dietz, Jr, 120 woundad, tha ambulances, mU- CHOFPep RATE will be aollaoiad Nc meponat* modem single house. The 2 family tire league, will All In for the Reds. New Mexico State, which loatto St Baron , 6-3. Torrance • • • •...116 99 114—339 tary boapltala, parsonnel, and DOWN-/ blltty far arrum la talaphoaad ada house Is In good condition and well John’s and L.I.U., reapectlvely. ap­ 3-6, 7-8, in final of International Johnson ...... 108 S3 183 -344 tvan tha eivUians in tha war zona will ba aaauBMd aad tbalr Boeuraey Philadelphia also lost a couple of Total ...... 428 FUEI AND FEED 49 A located and brings In a goorl rental. players to the New York Rangers pear In a conaolatlon game tonight. tennis tournament. Pontlllo ...... 117 116 188—371 Team No. 8 renderins aid to the wounded. cannot ba guamntaad They werp deciaratioos that ware FOR ^ALK ABOUT 3 tun of Imy. Tlic single must t>e In a cood loca­ but replaced them with good rooklea Bradley, winning 18 of 20 games, San Francisco- Klllan and Vopel Warner ...... 9 7 117 110—324 Torrance ...... 78 INDEX OF tion and In the $6,(XM) to $7.0IH) from the amateur New York Rovers conquered such rivals aa New York win alx-day bike race. Johnson ...... 88 t6 go far toward bringing hu­ Inquire at 3.82 WoiHlInnd street Gus manity to the batUaflald. .SchBlIer. Tel. 6432. pric e range. Arthur A. Knotta, Dial of the same chain. Cleveland, with University. Pittsburgh, Duquesne. New York—New York Rovers 438 418 518 1368 PwntlUo 94 CLASSIFICATIONS 5440 or 503M. H75 Main street. no big league affiliations. hasn't ,'febraska and Oregon. Loyola won defeat Detroit Holrbauch-Fords 3-0 Team No. S d $4..80 |>er lonil. Apply Ed\var I'.tJS Sprlngfleld ...... ifl 29 Tha Oanava convantioo ia eam- Paraonalg ...... r,«.td WII.I.IAM 9 IIVDE, Em. memorated by a currant sat ot ABt*M»bl1»B J-idai- New Haven ...... 14 30 Aut«moblU» foi baU .... FOR SA LE — SEASONED hard liiitiit. of Jearpli rrn.a lat. of Man- Western Division stamps from Finland, ona of * AtttomoblUv foi fCachangg w<.Tlr«i .. For Furnace EdwanI Buscaglla I’ I'on aiudlratlori of Itnth tl. t'roaa Aut* Ropaltlng-^Polnting • I.r-tiliiK lliat l.tirra nf adnit n lat ra- Syracuse ...... 26 19 FLAPPER FANNY By SyNia B y C iydt Tel .8639. C.evelnnd ...... 23 22 Auto Schools ...... on 1... arant.d on aald ratutr, aa par -COM. imsTsestcimca.Me. t.« ste.ua*st.o>p.- HOLD EVERYTHING Lawia WASHINGTON TUBBS B y Crane OUT OUR W AY AutoB ' Bhl|» b> Truck .... IMtlloatloti on ni. It la P ittsb u rgh ...... 22 28 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser IL Aaiob—For UIrs ...... ttltltKIlKIt:—I'hat tha foraffolnc X HAMf WrWH, I YHoueir vou OgragsB Ht v Uo—Btoragg GARDEN—FARM- apidtr.vMon ha haard and datarmlnad OH. WORRY WART 0 lfbtortyels»*Bieyelss ...... DAIRY PRODUCTS tha I’rohata otIIca In Manahaatar BI RR M'R.SERY LE.AOI'E ASIWIPLV HERE so AMXtOUS TD AM ID EAf 3 : ^ Wan tod Autos—Moioreyelss aaUI Itlatrirt. o n tha 35th day of (V Alleya) MtMMtLOUS M U T W46MPS fATHCe. HOW DO VOU Miiirh. It, IDS!*, at 9 o'clock In tha mm4 Pvwfsooliiool FROM 2U0 T o 40U quarts of milk, VieflfrfMD UKB MV NBW BuglasM Bsrvioss Offsrsd noon, and that notlea ha sivan to Maim (2) Bousshold Ssrviccs Offsrsd after April 1st, within 2 miles, all i.ar.otta Inl.raaf9d In aald aatata PUktMKDFOB, SU»TT ItalldtBg—^SoBirBctlDg ...... Mpnchesler Write liox G. Herald. I I ha ’ ji. ndrnay of .aald appllaatlon V. GrUwuld . . . 78 77 96—281 K vcklbs US M T K I ami 111. lima and placa of haartnc L Fortin ... .. 74 77 90—241 AND LAI20 Plortgtg—Nurssrlss ...... Ihcr.ort, hy piihtlahins a aopy of thia eouunv. Ptumral Dlrsotom ...... rdar In aoma nawapapar havlnx a D. Jensen . . . .. 87 114 74— 278 HAD THEIR ■•AtiBg—PlurablBg—ItooBag HOUSKHULD (aMH)S rlranl.itinh In aald dlatrlat. at Icaat B. Kinsman . .. 94 124 00—808 S O t ^ loaarBWM ...... flva dava hafora the (lay nf aald haar- PUBLiSHKC MllllBsry->Omssmaklr)g .. • SKK THK- "MONKYMOON* — a ina to appear If tnay aat rauia at Moving—Tr«ebing—gu>rsgs 333 392 330 1078 ANO rooms of riiiturt* SITi.n iH) flOUO .aid time ami place and ba haard Public Paassrigsr Bsrvtes .• lallva thereto, and maka rattirn to Row thonmghly rccToidltluned, and Mimiw guarnnlec.: nnd up. Wayne Trt onty-foiir hours later a burglar ( 1) alarm aoiinded from the same ware­ F. Biirkhardt .. 73 75 66—214 Rhoc MY ovea« Tbu M tef tvm m/ IStlT FfCLSM r U W Phillips. 53 Walker strW . Tel. Low Man .. .. 75 74 89—338 NI9HT B A 0 . AhJp Be _ AIMAY T H A T 497 house. CMMKT, v t e v w t a Police In two squad cars hurrltd M. Tyler ... .. 98 102 98—298 SUI2£ TOU IN(UjUOe , jEEVES^ve ALREAtSY FOjt SALK 10 PIKt'K dining room to the place. They walked Inside, ex- . MY TOP HAT AKIO TAlLSf VMORM T T O n c e ! o h . .***t very gcKid corulitlon. Price $25. [terllng to surprise a thief. 346 351 383 .750 AMO HAVB MORACe GtT YES. JEEVES— THBKfS Tcl«’]'hone 4722. It was only the rat again. THE T&WN OLR. ONE OTHER.THINS Niube (0 ) RPAOY/ ’lOU SO / KuK s a l e ^KELVINATOR re- GUOD-BV TO .\LL 'M AT F. Burkbardt .. 76 60 64—200 frigerat-'r. also Easy washing ma- Salt Lake City--M arjorie Schnut Low Mar. .. . . SI 7x*I 77—231 cb.me and complete set of Harvard troth. 17. Isn't going lo wax’s good- Low man .. .. 6S 78 78—221 C^.i.sslcs. Tel. 6224. by to friends from a bus any more, G. Clee ...... 89 93 84— '268 She w aa waving w hen the bus round­ wniiinuTinpraiiB. ed a comer and her arm went 314 3M 800 918 "Wake him np! He's frowHn*, ao ha must be dreamin* he’a through the window. She went to a Roves (4) te a IMit.** *Tm jo8t afraid life wouldn’t bold much for Boeworth hoepitel with a lacerated band. H. Henry .. .. 68 81 83— 234 • V u h l What if ha*a wiaiiin’ V if it wasn’t for hb poetry.” THE HAND-DOWNS MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Attempted Murder By THOMPSON AND COLL W s M A L L E Y O O P Step Rifliit In, Oop SMCC. tOMCU DIO THOSE, SO V eU WERE A O-MAAX gtTEAOV. DOU.V/ H E b MOT aieos THMK Tvev COULD INHERE AOe you LOOM S/FES. lOMG G U I, NOW y o u WOOS/ EHf W«LL,MJHaOT OSAO VST/ THE lULLET W hip Me u p a oextet-e- , TVY P A D -B L M tn S D O U oi^ACli^5 W1M AM AROuanEarr wrm MOTvnAI* OAI U S -Q M JUST MISMID H « HEA0T- CHOGCXATE SUMOhK.AMO IN A TMATtL oN iy oer STR«TEC>y ATIUIQC/ ftJT aNETJ. H « M - E ) LOW. wELLr Moouucrso voce, ^ caocooiCEAr WHEN I you 90 TR O U B L E HAS BECM ------EAST/ BIND 1M, XM OOtONA Ahiyv/gy, w u xrs SUCCESSFUL. RBhO Me Twe l a t e s t s t o c k K N O C K MPA a l l ^ M E - O O M B f ' T H e ORJCn K T O N S / TP t t C E S S LAUMOSY 1121X34, FU2STT TO r e a c h t h e OATE, BLOCKS TH E PHTTM O F THE FLEEN« UMOUSUOE i ;