»%T .’ii-i^' ^.tin^..i:; . d . BATDBDAY, MABCH }8. U \ THE WBATHEB p a g e t w e l v e A ptd^strr Cvm ing E rrali AVEBAUE DAILY CIKC'LX.A'nON for the month of Febraary. ltS9 Porecaet of O. S._Broalte B«roo -------- r Ttf«-minrtrel ihow of the M**- cheeter Fire Depertinent wUi prec- East Hampton Choir to Sing Here 6.210 aeaerally fair aad oororwhat cold- BOLTON CHURCH PINE AND DANCE Member of the Aodlt ABOUT TOWN Uc# tomorrow eflemoon at 8 o'clock ar tdalght and Twoday. In the department headquarter* Bnrean of Clrculattaaa The Mancheater Garden club will hulldlng. ___ "YOUTH SUNDAY MANCHESTER — A CITY OF Vn.LAC.E (HARM hold lU March meetln*. poatpqned ^ Griawold of the Man- DANTE'S RESTAURANT U Bm « OMtar M i m I OM FMtoira M M hi| VOL. LVIU., NO. 144 (UaoaUtod Advcrttolag oa Pagn Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 20,1J39 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 2 s . ; r , : x " M s r - f s n B A T im m o o u r h e a r o o D b a b i Servlut Ontora OlaoM Ob the IUIM mII Foarth Of Series Of Pre- m « h niliTiB Coektall Uitl CrahmeBt Cocktail be Profeaaor .1. S. Owens of Ccnnec- j OaoM u d Oyater Pries Membera of the Kpleda t'hapter, Oreheetra Bvery nmndajr aiid Saturday Night Rumania Feels Nazi Threat ticut State Cidlego, who will Ulk on , YDVA will attend the Inatallallon of Easter Evening Services "Solla and Fcrtlllr.ors ' nnd .O'lI'l nr* r ofTnera of the Windham Ooiinty WINBM-LM<i'nRH AND BEBRH .1 p\vpr questions. <-hapte.r YU tonight In Town Hall. In Nearby Township. ita BbmH Waddlag Partiea aad f DOUGLAS IS NAMED BRITAIN WILL REVIEW .Memorial Temple r.vTblan Sister*; Wllllmanllr. ___ at lU recent meeting enteilalne.11 ^nniinl kdnt banquet of the Grand fhlef MnhH I .shea IVvat an.l Auxiliary, "Youth Sunday" la the haala for TO HIGH TRIBUNAL; her staff. A delirious v k w will he held this evening at the fourth of the aerie* of Pre-E** i’":"; | ««nehe*ter oreen v f w ter evening service* to be held In PROGRAM OF DEFENSE eea Chambers mi behail of the Tem-1 Home the Congregational church of Bol­ pie presealeJ « gift to Gi.md Chut ton Center, tomorrow night at 7:30 AUTO OWNERS!, ON YALE FACULTY It waa announced today that over Hitenderson. 200 local persona on direct relief ere o'clock. "Organ Meditations" will available for WPA assignment, but be played at 7:10 o'clock by Mr* EXTRA VALUES ON YOUR AUTO Mrs. Charles .“t. Hoiiae, ehiurman Mildred T. MI!Ihou«e. She will ‘ p ATMEKT DDE SO LONG ^ IN ANSWER TO NAZIS due to lack of fiinda, they will not NEEDS FOR SPRING ASHAMED "TO OIVX NAME of the annual ICaater seal sale in lie so Hselgned but will remain e play "Deep River." "Faith” by Men­ Will Succeed Brandeis If He, Mancheater for the benefit of I he delssohn, and "Llebeatraiimn'' by ^direct charge to the public. Only 321 Charleston, 8. C„ March 30.— -NCDE WOMEN" FOUND 1 Connecticut .Society for crliipied liow are on WPA rolls, aa compared Lists. children, baa chosen to assist her Rev. Qlbaon 1. Daniels. State Con­ / i s Confirmed By S en te; (A P )—A man atopped John L. TO BE ONLY DUMMIES ! One (M Tkrce Slept D edM with .VK) laat fall. It la thought that the following eommlltee Mrs T gregational Associate In Religious Front row, left to right, Mra. LiUlao Kelaey, Mro. Eva Knapp, Mro. KUbourna Oateo, Organlat MeAIpinc, VAN'S PREMUM^ McQueen on a busy thorough­ FRENCH m s s Edward Brosnan, .Mrs “'red Cariien- with spring coming, many will find Education In Hartford, will speak fare here, handed him a 85 bill DaUaa. March 20. — (AP) — private employment in the tobacco Mr*. Moyna B. OunUier, Mrs. Robsrt Starr, Mias Edith Muller, Mrs. Gerald Wall. "You've got to do something fer, Mlsa Marjory ^eney, Mr.s. A. on the general theme of "l.Tiriat'a Second row: Donald FHch, Mn. Oemeat Wahl. Mrs. Gordon Bevin, Mrs. Porreot ThateW , Mrs. Har­ Danaher On Conmittee i and aa(d: "Pleaae give this to UpM By C ibiM t ChaG- tteidji. about It," the Breathless middle- H. filing. Mrs. John Plrkles, Mis Church Conquering Temptations.' riet Langdon, Mias Caroline Burkhaidt, Harry atrong. Wayne Denman. G A T O U N E r your father-in-law." Robert J. Smith. Hev. Watson Mr. Daniels la also Slate I.eader of "What forT" aakedMc Queen. ntOOFS AlUIN aged couple told Policeman E. B. A truck opfratpd by Clifford K. Third row: Forrest Thatcher, Kllbourne Oates, R o b ^ Starr. OUiere not appearing In the picture will To Consider Nommatioi. McDonald. "Nude women are berbki Telt Cm m n m ; Woodniff. Judge Harold Garrtly, Pilgrim Fellowship, which la the b* Mrs. Lillian Brooks, Miss Loulao Muller, Mloo Ruth Beckwith, Miss Kruger and Percy Markham. “I've owed It to him so long Mra. IJlItan S. Bowers, Mias Marion Scranton of 309 Spruce street waa Congregational Youth Group. ---------------------------------------^------------- ,* -------------------- that I am ashamed to say," re­ moving past that upstairs win­ Washburn, and Harold C. Alvord, badly damaged, but Scranton waa Members cif the Bolton Pilgrim * 7 G A L L O N S plied the stranger, hurrying ALONUONDER dow." Also To Rdly Arii-Ag- who will serve an treasurer. unhurt, when laat night near the Fellowship and Bachelors Club will Washington. March 20— (API — away. Three offloera tavesUgatod; fottad the "nude women" were Rogers Paper Mill on Charter Oak have full charge of the evening FLEMING, SPORTS CHIEF, The In t time this premium gaeoUne has ^ipcared ia WUUam O. Douglas, 40-year-oId And McQueen's father-in-law, street, the truck ran off the road, services Including flowers, ushering, ! Dr. Henry W. de Bauaoure la still dummies, used by a designer of frestor Naliois hto "Slip Rev. Raymond Kendrlek of Chrlsl To Present Cantata Manchester. We doR’t handle third grade ga»—or this chairman of the SecurlUea Oommls- I wondering to whom he should women’s clothes church Cathedral. Springlleld, will hit a atump and rolled down an In­ choir, presiding and devotions. Their Regional Mobiliadon Decid­ cline. It waa said that the brakes choir of twenty voices will alng TAKING LEAVE APRIL I ao-caDed 8 for 11.00 stuff. alon, waa nominated by President I cerdlt the money. preach at the service tomorrow af­ failed to hold, causing the accident. Hitler’ BIk A i ternoon at i o'clock at 81. Mary's "Smile and Bing and Pray*' and A t the North Methodist Rooaevelt today to be an, associate I ed Upon As Warning To Episcopal church. Mra. Kendrick "What a Friend We Have In Jesus. Justice of the Supreme Court. The Planning committee for th* Laat Sunday evening nine were Will Return Next September was a Manchester girl and will be 0 If the nomination la coollrmed by I Trade ffissrai To remembered by many as the former Easter Sunrise Service will meet at present after the guest speaker and To Take Charge Of Indoor ARMSTRONG TIRES the Senate, Douglaa will aucceed the RUMANIA READY the Center fkmgregatlonal church Sydney W. McAIplne of Henry .'Hide Thy Face From M et” A eo- Germany To Keep Hands Mias Sadie Hnpkinaon. snrolat had been notlfled not to come Athletics At Y.M.C.A. veteran Justice Louis D. Brandeis, ARMS AND GAS Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Elach due to an all day hllrxard. Brief atreet, who 1* organist of the Con- i prano solo will follow by Mrs. Oua- __ _ . ^ . i gregatlonal church In East Ham p-1 ther. STANDARD who retired Feb. 13 after 23 years | Pressure By G Sunset Hebekah Lodge will meet church Is asked to send representa­ services were held by those W on the high tribunal. Off Romanian Territory. tives from Its young people's organ- William Fleming, sports director ton, and the choir of that church I Part two tell* of the pardon aa- ..8 5 .0 8 TO GIVE NAZIS Monday evening In Odd Fellows came. of the Y. M. C. A., udil relinquish' present Maunder'a cantata, aured by Oqd of hla abundant 4*50x21 «*#**••*#«#*••*••* Although there had been a wide-1 SALES COMMON ban. 'The guard team merahera are Ixatlona Preceding the aenfl't*" tomorrow . 5.80 evening, the members of the Pil­ hla duties here on April Lbut will : •■penttonce, Pardon and Peace", to- mercy to all who sincerely seek it, 4«T5X10' dkkhkke********** BUUJCTINt requested to appear for rehearsal at return to take charge of the indoor niorrow evening at 7:30 at the opening with a baritone solo by Mr. 6.00 Pari*, H*rch 20.—(AP) — Th* T o'clock. The bualneaa session will Three hundred persona were pres grim Fellowiihlp and Bachelor's club 5*00x10 **#o****#****««ei TRADE RIGHTS tendon, Start* athletic program next September, North Methodist church . Walt. , 7.35 French government wu reported be followed by an entertainment In ent laat night at the HI. Patrick's will engage In a Treasure Hunt at he said today. Mr. Fleming stated 5*50x17 **•*•*••••••••••' TO H U ^ FIRMSI AutbarMatte* Day family party of 8t. Bridget's 2 p. m. Arrangements are In This wU be the third of the Happy Part three la a paean of pralae , 7.85 tars anld today diarge of Mlaa Emily KIsamann, that he came here to fill the unex- Hour oeties at the North Methodist.
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