The Sea Canoeist Newsletter THE SEA CANOEIST NEWSLETTER Issue 68 April - May 1997 Editor: P Caffyn, RD 1, Runanga. West Coast .N.Z. Ph/Fax: (03) 7311806 E Mail address:
[email protected] The Sea Canoeist Newsletter is published 6 times a year as the official newsletter of the Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers (N.Z.) Inc. Subscriptions are $20.00 per annum & should be made out to K.A.S.K. (NZ) Inc. & sent to the Treasurer: Phil Handford, 104 Lake Rd, Hamilton. Ph: (07) 834 3395 home Correspondence to the Secretary: Peter Sullivan, 7 Monowai Cres, North New Brighton, Christchurch. Ph.(03) 388 3380. INDEX KASK AGM At the debriefing on the Sunday, EDITORIAL p. 1 The 1997 KASK AGM was well at- Mapua was chosen as the site of the 1997 KASK AGM p. 1 tended with over 60 paddlers attend- 10th Anniversary KASKForum. ing - what a cunning plan to hold the Mapua, a clothing optional camping PRODUCT REVIEW AGM prior to the dinner - and the ground some 20 minutes drive west of Self Rescue Sponsons p.2 following committee was elected for Nelson is where Graham Eggar held reviewed by: Peter Sullivan the 1997/98 year: the first New Zealand sea kayak fo- President: Paul Caffyn rum back in 1988. And following pass- 1997 KASK FORUM Secretary: Peter Sullivan ing of the motion (3) relating to the Report by Paul Caffyn p. 4 Treasurer: Phil Handford position of forum organizer, John Kamikaze Kayaker Committee: Dobbie was accepted this role for the by Grant Rochfort p.