Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001 ! Volume 7, Number 25 Page 1 of 8 Leadership crucible The has lingering doubts Howey !"#$%&'%#()$%&'*+,'-.'/+0./('1+()22223 “Doing nothing may be the safest path; it certainly is the easiest path. Doing nothing will cost us nothing monetar- Political ily speaking, but for our community, doing nothing is a path that will lead us to nowhere.” - Columbus Mayor Fred Armstrong “All the mayors are wimps. I guess I wonder why you Report run for an office if you’re scared to do what needs to be done when you get there.” The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink - Indianapolis Councilor Beulah Coughenour Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is * * * an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis political process in Indiana. This state, at a variety of levels, is bearing witness to Brian A. Howey, publisher what could be called the “Leadership Crucible,” or the lack Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer thereof. The playing fields of leadership are established at the Jack E. Howey, editor U.S. Capitol in Washington, where Hoosiers are watching The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh stake out a course that could make him PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-466-0993 conciliator on President Bush’s ambitious tax cut proposal, Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 or a candidate for the White House himself. [email protected] There’s the Statehouse, where there seems to be an almost complete leadership void, with the slippery football Washington office: 202-775-3242; of revenue and tax structure akin to a punt landing among Business Office: 317-254-0535. three cautious players - Gov. Frank O’Bannon, Ways and Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or Means Chairman B. Patrick Bauer, and Senate Finance Chair fax. Call 317-254-1533. Larry Borst - none of them wanting to get their uniforms soiled. © 2001, The Howey Political Report. All rights And it’s playing out in a variety of city halls, where reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- the mayoral class of ‘99 is now confronted with an array of tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without tough decisions once fought out in Washington now set consent of the publisher. Continued on page 2

“I’d like to know if there was a quid pro quo. Ticker: Bayh, Lugar on Ashcroft p. 2 Maybe there wasn’t. I’d like to find out...” Bob Lang: W. and the Democrats p. 2 Bayh Watch: Taking helm of DLC p. 4 - U.S. Rep. Dan Burton, to CNN on Steve Goldsmith & p. 6 Wednesday on his coming investigation of Perhaps: Curt Kovener speaks p. 7 President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich Columnists: Colwell, Smith, Jones p. 8 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001 Page 2 of 8

SEN. RICHARD LUGAR’S STATEMENT ON ASHCROFT: " has the experience and qualifications to serve as attorney general. His career has included being Missouri attorney general, governor and U.S. senator. Democrats and Republicans have emphasized that they believe Sen. Ashcroft is honest, capable and a dedi- cated public official. He has stated unequivocally that as attorney general he would State, he said, ‘We have managed the enforce the law of the land. I Leadership, from page 1 state’s finances well.’ After our analysis, am confident that he under- we’ve decided the state is broke.” stands the centrality of the tling down on Main Street. Mayor Meeting with a dozen reporters on rule of law and the impor- Armstrong of Columbus, speaking in his tance of his conduct as annual state of the city address, was in the Jan. 26, Kiely said that the state can attorney general to all opening stages of coaxing his city council expect $9.447 billion in revenues with a Americans." into improving the city’s senior center. 2000-01 budget of $10.143 billion, creat- Councilor Coughenour’s quote at ing a $696 million shortfall. “We are no SEN. EVAN BAYH’S STATE- the top of this story was her reaction in longer a state of progress, we are a state MENT ON ASHCROFT: "I the Indianapolis Star to Mayor Bart of denial,” Kiely said. “This is not for a rise as someone who Peterson refusing to endorse an annual lack of understanding, we’re just not get- deplores the gridlock of $35 user fee to pay for storm sewer ting the full picture.” recent years and the politics of personal destruction, and updates. Kiely said that Medicaid is “eating yearns for a return to bipar- up half the growth and that’s in a low tisanship and principled State of Denial unemployment environment.” He said that compromise for the sake of Nowhere is the lack of leadership, caseworkers “don’t have a chance, they’re the United States of not too long ago a distant echo from the just shuffling paperwork and nobody’s America. Because of all of David McIntosh for governor campaign, watching. The feds are going to have to these things and all we can come in and whack it.” Kiely added, “The accomplish together, I also more vividly revealing than at the rise to express my opposi- Statehouse. reality is the economy is not going to take tion to the President's nomi- It was ignited by Pat Kiely, the for- care of our policy problems,” suggesting nation of John Ashcroft to mer Ways and Means Chairman who is that the only way out of the mess will be a be the next Attorney now president of the Indiana Manufact- tax increase. General. He will bring some urers Association. Saying that “Indiana Kiely said that options include the of his more strident views looks more like a than a govern- “gum and bandaids” approach of patching to bear in that office in ways ment,” Kiely warned that the state could things up, or forging ahead with a major that will cause great con- be facing a major financial crisis. “I was restructuring of the state’s tax code. “The frontation and controversy for this President and the amazed at the last forecast when there was governor gets one shot in eight years,” no surplus statement. That was unusual. Kiely said. “This is it. It will require more Continued on page 3 Then during the governor’s State of the fortitude than analysis.” Page 3 of 8 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001

A week later, the Indianapolis Star ture that Gov. John Engler did a reported that an “unlikely coaltion of busi- half decade ago. ness and labor leaders” was talking with Kiely makes a compelling case that the O’Bannon administration about tax since Michigan restructured, it now main- restructuring. tains a competitive advantage over But between Kiely’s pronounce- Indiana. The IMA noted 140,000 Indiana ment last Friday that the “governor gets employers contributed $1.4 billion in per- people of this country. As one shot” and any plan would have to sonal property taxes (1998 payable in attorney general he will “come from his lips,” the Democrats 1999), compared to 250,000 Michigan have to enforce the law. But were hardly stepping up to the plate. The employers paying $1.1 billion. Personal what does he consider the Star reported O’Bannon as saying, “I property tax dependence in Michigan law to be? Law is not carved in stone or immune think I’ve got to see that the legislature accounts for 12.7 percent of all property to dispute. In the Justice will really come up with a plan that’s taxes, compared to 30.79 percent in Department, hundreds of bipartisan. There’s always that chance.” Indiana. decisions will be made Bauer told The Star, “Neither party Meanwhile, there are fears that every day, about which has the will do do it.” The Associated Indiana-based companies such as there are varying interpreta- Press reported Bauer as saying, “I think American Trans Air are looking at pulling tions of the law. It will be they have come to the table too late with out, with ATA reportedly looking at mov- Mr. Ashcroft's law that will any proposal that increases any taxes.” ing its headquarters to Chicago. be put into effect for the American people." Borst told the Associated Press that it was “too early to hit the panic button” Playing the end-game GILROY SEEKS D.C. FUND- and added, “The problem around here is Kiely says the talks between the ING FOR ELECTION eventually we get to the point where we unholy business/labor alliance “are on- REFORM: Secretary of State equate good education with the amount of going. People are still trying to sort out Sue Anne Gilroy was in money we spend.” the base issues.” Washington this week exploring federal support Meanwhile, the most compelling for election reform in Governor’s will parlor game in Indiana is whether Indiana. Gilroy wants In the past, any restructuring or rev- O’Bannon will use his mandate. Washington to help pay part enue increases always came from the gov- O’Bannon has a propensity for playing the of the estimated $30 million ernor. Doc Bowen campaigned on his tax end-game in any given legislative session. it will take to upgrade punch plan throughout 1972 and used his victory That worked when he tied Colt and Pacer card and lever voting to push the plan through the following stadium plans to workers compensation machines through which year. Gov. Robert Orr shielded the state’s increases in 1997. about 61 percent of Hoosiers cast their ballots. dire fiscal straits until after the 1982 elec- It could be a different ballgame Gilroy attended a meeting of tion, then called a special session to enact when it comes to the complexity of the National Association of the largest tax increase in state history that restructuring the state’s entire tax code. Secretaries of State, whose December. Governors in the past laid out the issues, agenda is dominated by During the 1996 campaign, both lined up the constituencies, talked about election reform in the after- O’Bannon and vanquished Republican the issues, got public input, and then math of the Florida recount. Stephen Goldsmith talked about restruc- rammed their plans through. The group is putting togeth- turing the tax code. Goldsmith had legions Kiely said that with a part-time leg- er a set of principles to guide the reform process in of lawyers with brief cases packed with islature operating in an environment of a each state. "We all agree reforms ready to pounce on the State- complex global economy, the end-game is that we want fair and open house, but was upset by O’Bannon. “doable,” but that the governor is still the elections," said Gilroy. During the governor’s first term, there linchpin because “he’s the guy with the "What I want to avoid is a were more than a billion in peripheral tax knowledge. The governor is key to every- disorderly discussion." The cuts, including the unintended and disas- thing. It’s an interesting way to govern,” secretaries of state organi- trous personal property tax exemption, but Kiely observed. " zation recommendations nothing approaching the kind of restruc- continued on page 4 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001 Page 4 of 8 Bayh claims centrist mantle at DLC

By MARK SCHOEFF Jr. dential power to have a big roster of play- The Howey Political Report ers. "We have no focal point, no unified will "provide a structure WASHINGTON - Politics, like voice. We are a cacophony of voices," he from which we can work to nature, abhors a vacuum. After losing the told reporters after his speech. The DLC's bring election reform to presidency, Democrats may turn to several mandate is to ensure that Democrats sing Indiana." different people for leadership. One of from the "fiscal responsibility" and "pro them will be Sen. Evan Bayh, who has growth" song sheet. "The DLC is very PENCE BECOMES ‘YOUNG assumed a prominent national role in much the reform wing of the Democratic TURK’ ON TAX CUTS: Fox shaping his party's agenda. Party of my own generation." News’ Bill Kristol described On Wednesday, Bayh gave his inau- U.S. Rep. Mike Pence as one of the “young turks” gural speech as chairman of the Demo- Campaign Ambiance pushing the Bush tax cuts cratic Leadership Council (DLC). The Although Bayh will not say in the House GOP freshman organization, formed in 1985, has worked whether he plans to run for president in class. Pence described for to move the Democratic Party to the mid- 2004, his Wednesday speech at the HPR a weekend Republican dle of the political spectrum by generating National Press Club had the ambience of a retreat meeting he had with centrist themes and policies. Former presi- campaign event. More than 150 people, President Bush. “When dent once served as DLC including his wife, father, and many cur- President Bush arrived chair. Sen. Joseph Lieberman guided the rent and for- Friday at noon, I had the group for six years before Bayh. mer aides opportunity for a brief but direct conversation with him Since Clinton has been replaced in packed the on the subject of tax relief. I the White House by Republican President club ball- told the President that I was George W. Bush, the Democrats lack a room. joining with other freshmen universally acknowledged party leader. Dozens of members of Congress who That situation increases the cachet of the reporters, including national political believed that an across-the- DLC. "The role of the DLC chair be- columnists David Broder and Ron board tax cut must be our comes more important than it ever has Brownstein, as well as six television cam- first bill and our top priority before," said Joe Andrew, former Democ- eras were present. for economic growth. The ratic National Committee and Indiana In his speech, Bayh reviewed his President was enthusiastic record as a two-term Indiana governor. He about my comments and party chairman. "Each one of these groups pledged to take on marginal inside the party is more high profile. It's choked up while recalling an immigration cuts first and 'get it out of very clear that (Bayh) is the centrist. It ceremony he observed while serving as a the way' before anything gives him a real ideological platform." law clerk to Southern District Court Judge else. President Bush is a But the Democratic stage is crowd- Jim Nolan. "They'd be clutching a little very warm and approach- ed with politicians who want to sing arias. flag the court had given. And the look of able person. After I spoke Clinton is not going quietly into retire- pride upon their faces, at the prospect of with him, I was struck by ment. He handpicked the new DNC chair- joining us in this country, is something how common he seemed. I that's very hard to describe." suspect few of his prede- man and will remain a force in the party. cessors possessed this Former vice president Al Gore, who characteristic.” received more popular votes than Bush in Policy Priorities the 2000 election, could run again in In between, Bayh outlined his poli- DANIELS SAYS BUSH AIMS 2004. And former first lady Hillary cy priorities. The litany includes educa- TO SIGNIFICANTLY SLOW Rodham Clinton, who is a freshman sena- tion reform, retraining workers who lose GROWTH: New OMB tor from New York, may have national their jobs in the changing economy, and Director Mitch Daniels said ambitions. welfare reform that focuses on the role of that the Bush administration Bayh, who refuses to engage in fathers. will significantly slow the "We must have a radical rethink on rate of government growth. "finger pointing" over why Gore lost, said that it is natural for a party out of presi- how we educate our children," Bayh said continued on page 5 Page 5 of 8 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001 in his speech. "And realize that we can no ence were, of course, boffo. "It's his first longer define success by what we spend, speech in a national forum," said Ann but instead on how much our children DeLaney, former Indiana Democratic learn." Bayh has introduced an education Party chairman. "It was a powerful pre- bill, with Lieberman, that would stream- sentation of what the DLC can provide for line federal education programs, increase our country." In his first major interview federal education spending by $35 billion Bayh made a point, both in his since taking over OMB, over five years, and hold states and local speech and in talking to reporters after- Daniels told Glenn Kessler school districts accountable for results. ward, to emphasize his Midwestern roots. of the Washington Post that Bayh opposes the use of vouchers. Perhaps it was in part an effort to distin- every Cabinet agency expe- For workers left behind by the guish himself from the New York and Los rienced growth of between high-tech and increasing global economy, Angeles aura that surrounds the Clintons. 1.5 and 5 times the rate of Bayh advocates making permanent a tax "We don't want to become a party of inflation over the past three deduction for training and retraining, cre- bicoastal elites," he said. "There's a lot of years. Overall, the budget ating a voucher system for worker train- common sense in Indiana. We need to has grown by 6 percent a ing, targeting failing industries for produc- speak for all Americans." year in that period, which he said would add $1.4 trillion tivity improvements, and restructuring But Bayh's immediate task is to to the budget above infla- unemployment insurance to prevent work- help distinguish the Democrats from the tion if sustained and eat up ers from losing their jobs in the first place. Republicans. He says he will lead the a substantial chunk of the "I feel a real empathy for people who feel loyal opposition in a civilized debate. He projected budget surplus. threatened by changes in the economy," cited his and 41 other Senate Democrats' "The good news is that the Bayh said. "We have an obligation in our opposition to the nomination of John nation's fiscal future looks country to reach out to those people." Ashcroft for attorney general as an exam- strong enough to provide For his third priority, Bayh wants to ple. "When the president goes outside of growth at a more moderate move to a "second stage of welfare the mainstream, we will respectfully dis- rate and meet major long- reform." The first focused on custodial agree. We had a strong difference of opin- term goals" such as debt reduction and tax relief, parents, about 95 percent of whom are ion on (Ashcroft), but that's not going to Daniels said, adding that "in women. "But now the time has come to prevent us from working together on other a $1.867 trillion budget, an ask men to do their part. We have had an issues. Changing the tone in Washington astonishing thing would be epidemic of fatherlessness in this country is a necessary prerequisite, but changing that everything stayed the that has challenged women and children the substance is what we need to accom- same size." as never before." plish." .08 BAC SAILS THROUGH Mixed Reviews Benefits Accrue to Indiana HOUSE: After a decade of failure, the Indiana House Although the thrust of his speech Bayh's opposition to Ashcroft was on Monday voted 89-6 to was on formulating a Democratic agenda, seen by some as a way to curry favor with pass legislation that would the buzz of presidential politics follows the liberal wing of the party. His DLC lower the state's legal wherever Bayh goes. "It sounded like a position moves him to the middle. "If blood-alcohol level to 0.08 presidential speech to me," said Stuart you're going to run for president as a percent. The bill now goes Rothenberg, editor of the Rothenberg Democrat, you have to run from the cen- to the Senate, where similar Political Report, who attended the press ter," said Larry Sabato, a University of legislation is awaiting a sec- club event. "The tenor and tone of it was Virginia political science professor. "He ond hearing. Rep. Peggy Evan Bayh on a national stage." needs (the DLC chairmanship) after hav- Welch, D-Bloomington, reminded her colleagues But Rothenberg said Bayh needs to ing voted against Ashcroft." that the state would lose improve his delivery. "He still has a ways Ultimately, the benefits of Bayh's between $9.5 million and to go to become a truly effective commu- DLC leadership may accrue to his home $14 million in 2004 if they nicator. He does a good job of saying the state. "This does more for Indiana than for don't pass a 0.08 percent words, but I think he needs to show he Evan Bayh," said Andrew. "It puts him in law, and up to $56 million in really feels it." a position to have a broader range of 2007. She also noted that The reviews from Bayh's influence with his colleagues and interna- Democratic Hoosier friends in the audi- tional leaders." " continued on page 6 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001 Page 6 of 8 How Goldsmith botched a top notch By BRIAN A. HOWEY what CNN reported during December and So, what really did happen to January after Goldsmith was bypassed for Stephen Goldsmith on the way to the the HUD job. Bush cabinet, or at least the West Wing? The Goldsmith-DiIulio tandem while the money should be HPR deduced that the former was interesting in another way. Leading part of everyone's consider- Indianapolis mayor’s legendary interper- up to his 1996 run for governor, Mayor ation, it is not the reason sonal skills did him in, thanks to com- she authored the bill. "We Goldsmith warned Hoosiers of a coming need to pass this bill ments made to us from influential people wave of “super predator” juvenile crimi- because it's good public in the Bush campaign, the Republican nals that would stalk American cities. policy and good for public National Committee and Members of With DiIulio gaining national prominence, health," she said (Nikki Congress. When interviewed by the he also took some flak for using similar Kelly, Fort Wayne Journal Indianapolis Star and told of HPR’s language while predicting an uptick in Gazette). reporting last week, Goldsmith dead- marauding crime in urban areas. panned, “That surely means it's true." Obviously, he and Goldsmith were speak- LAKE COUNTY MAY CUT Then came this week’s edition of 200 JOBS: At a breakfast ing off the same page, even as violent the Weekly Standard, where Fred Barnes meeting with legislative crime began falling in big cities across leaders Saturday, all but reported an intriguing source for the America, including Indianapolis by 2000. two Lake County Council Goldsmith demise: Vice President Cheney. Barnes reported that Bush and members, who weren't in Barnes offered up this exchange DiIulio almost didn’t meet and that it was attendance, showed their as the reason: “Shortly after the inaugura- Goldsmith who connected the two. “When support for a plan to cut 200 tion, Vice President Dick Cheney an aide to then governor Bush tried to jobs -- or more than 10 per- explained to Stephen Goldsmith, the for- invite DiIulio to a meeting in Austin in cent of the county's work- mer mayor of Indianapolis, how the new early 1999, he didn't respond. A half- force -- through attrition, White House office of faith-based initia- dozen calls went unanswered. Finally, starting May 1 (Times of tives would be set up. But Goldsmith, Northwest Indiana). Goldsmith called, and he agreed to come. Bush's first choice to head the office, had Normally, DiIulio says, ‘I don't hang with his own ideas, a counterproposal that NEW PRISON FUNDS Republicans.’ And his experience with included bestowing cabinet status on the UNLIKELY: State correc- politicians was unsatisfactory. "They tions officials have been head of it. Cheney was surprised. ‘You invite you in, do 20 minutes, and hand told by key legislators that don't make a counterproposal to the presi- they are unlikely to open dent,’ he said. you off." But, from their first meeting, he two new prisons on sched- So John DiIulio, a Democrat, found Bush to be different. "He was ule later this year and next Catholic, scholar, and one-time adviser to engaged for the full two hours," DiIulio (Martin DeAgostino, South Al Gore, became the assistant to the presi- says.” Bend Tribune). The correc- dent in charge of faith-based initiatives. Barnes reported, “Later, in July tions officials have been “This is a signature project of the Bush 1999, Bush delivered a speech on com- told to find alternative pro- passionate conservatism in Indianapolis. grams to new prisons. "You presidency, touted early and often by Bush That morning, he called DiIulio, who was want us to build new pris- during the campaign,” Barnes reported. ons and we don’t want to," “And DiIulio seems perfectly suited to run vacationing at the Jersey shore, to thank said Rep. Jeffrey Espich, R- it: He knows more about grass-roots pro- him for his advice on the speech.” Uniondale, ranking minority grams run by churches than anyone and All this doesn’t leave Goldsmith member of the Ways and believes fervently in them. Goldsmith, the empty handed. This past week he became Means Committee. The DOC odd man out, will be an unpaid adviser the Bush point man on the faith-based plans to open a new 1,600- and chairman of the Corporation for program on CBS’s Face the Nation and bed Miami II Correctional on CNN’s Crossfire. The Weekly Standard Facility at Bunker Hill later National Service, which runs Americorps this year, but so far the bud- and other volunteer programs.” article served to show what could have get proposed by Rep. B. The Barnes claim that Goldsmith been. was seeking cabinet level status echoed Surely, it must be true. " Page 7 of 8 Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001

Unholy alliances speaker Morton Marcus, an economist with Indiana University (and a Crothers- and property taxes ville Times columnist) as well as House (Publisher’s Note: There’s only Speaker John Gregg and Senate Pro Tem Patrick Bauer, D-South Bend, one person I’d let wander for me and it’s Robert Garton - was the looming revamp- contains no money for the Curt Kovener, publisher of the Crothers- ing of Indiana assessment laws. opening. The 1,800-bed New Castle Correctional Facility ville Times, who penned this piece). The part of our tax system which gets people's panties in a wad is is scheduled to open in 2002. I attended a state newspaper con- There’s no money in the 'guvmunt' telling us what our property is ference Thursday and Friday in budget for it, either. Indianapolis. I got to see a bunch of old worth. Right away we are at odds. friends I only get to see once or twice a There's an old comic which shows Joe BUDGET WORRIES IPFW: year, but that wasn't the main reason for Taxpayer getting his assessment and fum- Gov. Frank O’Bannon’s ini- the gathering. It was to learn about what ing, "My property isn't worth that much!" tial budget request has no legislation is pending that will prevent A friend looking over his shoulder at his increase in funds for higher education, and Indiana you from learning about what govern- assessment offers, "Hey, I'll pay you that amount." Only to have Joe reply, University-Purdue University mental leaders apparently don't want you Fort Wayne officials are con- "Oh, no. It's worth more than that." to know about until it is too late. cerned (Tracy Turner, Fort One of the bills to be considered Currently, someone's property may be Wayne News-Sentinel). will be to do away with publishing in worth $100,000 but wouldn't sell for any Chancellor Michael A. local newspapers the annual school per- less than $150,000 and for tax purposes Wartell said the budget could formance report-that is the school's report they think it is only worth $50,000. result in loss of faculty card to the taxpayers. Some large lobby- So, who else knows better the value of because of low salaries, little ing groups - usually at opposite ends of our property but us. Let Indiana engage new full-time faculty hiring, negligible pay increases and some issues - are joining together to tell in self-assessment. We tell 'guvmunt' increased tuition. you that the public's business is none of what our property is worth. your business. However, there is one large differ- STATUS QUO FOR ST. JOE The Indiana State Teachers ence in this proposed self-assessment DEMOS: Owen D. "Butch" Association (of which our local teachers plan. We set our own property worth for Morgan is expected to be re- are a part), the Indiana School Board tax purposes, but - and this is the BIG elected St. Joseph County Association (of which our local school BUT - by telling 'guvmunt' what our chairman March 3, along board is a member) and the Indiana property is worth we then would be with all of the other officers Association of School Superintendents obliged to sell our property for that of the Democratic organiza- tion. (of which our school superintendent is a amount to anyone who made an offer for member) are in favor of doing away with that amount. MAYOR RICHARD BATTLES the law which says schools must publish How more fair can you get? FLU, DELIVERS STATE OF the results of how they are faring. This would prompt an annual re- CITY: Fort Wayne Mayor It is too early to tell but with that assessment by property owners them- Graham Richard fought off trio trumping the merits that schools selves. We couldn't argue with our assess- the flu and a 102-degree tem- should be left alone to educate as they ment since we set it ourselves. And it perature and delivered his see fit without you knowing anything would cause each of us to self -determine second State of the City address, saying the local about the results.well, unless you tell what that thin line between worth and economy is softening while selling price really is. your state legislator what you are think- laying out plans to get and ing, you may be left in the dark on how This too simple plan would never retain high-quality jobs last schools are measuring up. work, of course. It would remove our Thursday during his State of Another topic on everyone's lips- God given right to complain about the City address (Carey that included our Thursday luncheon our tax assessment. " continued on page 8 Thursday, Feb. 8 2001 Page 8 of 8

Max Jones, Terre Haute Tribune-Star 3rd. Chocola still could run in the 3rd. - Last week, I wrote about a proposed There is no residency requirement for Checca, Fort Wayne Journal state law to allow surveillance cameras at Congress. But realistically, after he made Gazette). Richard stressed traffic lights in order to catch motorists such a big deal of Roemer's family home job training for residents not being in the district, that would be a and nearly 800 inmates who who run red lights. The column brought a tough sell. He could of course buy a home will be released from pris- response from Eric Brown, who wrote: ons and will re-enter the "Once again we enter a stage where our in the 3rd if his present home is moved community during the next police forces and our government feel it is into the 4th. Owen D. "Butch" Morgan, two years. He reiterated the necessary to authorize cameras recording the St. Joseph County and 3rd District theme of cooperation public places. This is a complete violation Democratic chairman, says he will urge between city and Allen of the right to privacy. Perhaps it has the map makers representing his party to County officials from his never occurred to our trusted leaders that draw a 3rd District that will give a 2000 address and asked perhaps we, their constituents, don't want Democrat a chance to win, a darn good businesses to help improve chance. Some Democrats worry, however, the city. them to know where we are at all times. However, in their quest for more money that the 3rd won't get as much attention LAKE COUNTY GETS POOR from petty violations of petty laws, they now that there is no longer an incumbent AUDIT: The Indiana State feel they can justify their actions. I do congressman who could battle to keep his Board of Accounts recently have a pressing question to our representa- district competitive for re-election. State released the findings of its tives: How on earth will you be able to Democratic Chairman Robin Winston says audit of Lake County gov- determine that the person who owns the that won't matter. The state chairman ernment finances for 1999, car is actually the person driving? Perhaps promises to "make it a priority." " documenting a litany of it is a family member or friend. Should I deficiencies in the auditor's office (Rich Bird, Times of be punished because someone else broke Sylvia Smith, Fort Wayne Journal Northwest Indiana). Auditor the law? But, the biggest question of all is Gazette - Rep. Mark Souder was one of Peter Benjamin and other when will the all-knowing, all-seeing the two House members asked to join county financial advisers eyes, stop prying into our lives?" Well Bush on the field trip - and he was thrilled contend the results that said, Mr. Brown. " by spending 25 minutes in a three-way were released last week are conversation with Bush. Amid chat about old news, and all the defi- Jack Colwell, South Bend Tribune - It fighting drugs, using religious groups to ciencies have been addressed. Although the will have to become much larger because solve social problems and baseball - board compiled more than it hasn't grown as much in population as among Souder's favorite topics - Souder 150 pages documenting the some other districts and because there said he told Bush that the new president deficiencies, it issued no now will be only nine districts. Since it reminds him of former Presidents Clinton opinion on the report. can't move north into Michigan, it must and Reagan. Although Souder never spent Because the county "does take in areas to the east, west or south. time alone with Reagan, he did have con- not have an accurate or Most of those areas tend to be Republican. tact with Clinton in small groups. The complete accounting of But there are ways of drawing a new dis- similarity between Bush and Clinton, he financial activities and bal- said, is "that relaxed but passionate tone - ances being reported, we trict that would still leave it competitive. were not able to apply audit- For example, eliminating the overwhelm- everyone who came in contact with ing procedures to satisfy ingly Republican part of Kosciusko Clinton saw it." Souder said he told Bush ourselves as to the validity County in the expansion elsewhere could that the difference between him and of the balances and activity be a big help for a Democrat. Putting the Clinton, however, is "you have character." being reported," the state eastern portion of Elkhart County in the Souder's point is a good one. Only the agency noted. " 4th District also would be a plus for most rabid Clinton-haters refuse to Democratic prospects, with the biggest acknowledge that the former president plus being that it would also move was brilliant in many areas of his presi- Chocola, who lives in Bristol, out of the dential career. "