(Affix identification label here) 2018 URN: Cystoscopy & Retrograde Family name: Pyelogram +/- Insertion of Given name(s): Ureteric Stent Address: Date of birth: Sex: M F I Facility: A. Interpreter / cultural needs • Rarely damage to the urethra. A false passage may be produced causing leakage of urine or in the long term, a An Interpreter Service is required? Yes No narrowing that may affect flow of urine. If Yes, is a qualified Interpreter present? Yes No • Damage to the bladder by puncturing the bladder wall. This may need further surgery. A Cultural Support Person is required? Yes No © The State of Queensland (Queensland Health), Health), (Queensland Queensland of State The © • Swelling at the exit of the bladder which may stop If Yes, is a Cultural Support Person present? Yes No passage of urine. A tube (catheter) may need to be inserted to drain the urine until the swelling goes down. B. Condition and treatment • Bacteria may get into the blood stream with the The doctor has explained that you have the following development of septicaemia. Further treatment with condition: (Doctor to document in patient’s own words) antibiotics may be necessary. Permission to reproduce should be sought from
[email protected] from sought be should reproduce to Permission • The tube may pass outside the ureter into the tissues. .......................................................................................................................................................................... This may need further surgery to remove and replace This condition requires the following procedure. (Doctor to the tube. document - include site and/or side where relevant to the • Bleeding which may stain the urine colour and procedure) sometimes cause blockage of urine flow.