Kick-Off Dance" Sat Nds Dedication Week
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OREXEL INSTITUTE OF t e c h n o l o g y PHIUDEIPHIA. pa. J M E X X X I X OCTOBER 5, 1962 NUMBER 21 Kick-Off Dance" Sat i M a x H . A n d r e w s Ribbon Cutting O pens Conducts Seminar nds Dedication Week On College Unions D IT's A ctivities C enter A full program of social anrl cultural activities will mark the close Mr. Max H. Andrews, Director of ,,i i.edioation Week at the Drexel Activities Center this week-end the Loeb Student Center at New lii. iilighted by the Kick-Off Dance, Saturday night. York T'nivorsity, and Vice-president This affair, held in the Center, is sponsored by Theta Chi Fraternitv of the College Union Association, ,,„a the Dedication AVeek Committee. Drexel’s Dance Rand will play conducted a seminar on the Role of in I lie Grand Hall, while jazz fans can enjoy hearing the K&K Quintet a College Union on Campus last i„ ihe cafeteria. For the rock ’n’ rollers, there will be a juke box in Tuesday. Various student leaders th. game room, while the hi-fi fans can retire to the music lounge for a participated in this seminar. ,1. inonstration of high fidelity equipment and music. Refreshment's Mr. Andrews stated that the will he served in the cafeteria and door prizes will be given out as well. Drexel Activities Center should The dance begins at 9 p.m and serve the entire college family, in will last till 1 a.m. Dress is semi- cluding day students, evening stu formal, and admission and refresh dents, faculty, alumni, and guests of Car D ecorations ments are free. the Institute. An effective activities The big week-end begins tonight center should be more than a build at 8:00 in the Main Lounge with ing and facilities and should encom New HC Feature the Casino Night party. An ex pass a complete program of activi hibition of card tricks and gam ties. l liis year, the Homecoming Com- bling will be staged, and Doc A college union program should niiltee has initiated a new contest, Irving, the gambling expert, will ir.ari'd to increase the spirit and be based on four principles, out be on hand as w'ell. Guests may lined by Mr. Andrews: articipation of the student body. try their luck at roulette, craps, 1.The Drexel Activities Center The Car Decoration Contest, under chuck-a-luck, “horse racing,” or should become the Institute’s III,, direction of Jerry Packer, is Chinese dice, and the big winner most powerful means of making I rjnht I'rank Jordon, Francis S. Friel, Dean Youhk. .loseph something that everyone can enter. of the night will receive a prize. itself known to others in the field * ' Farrel, President James Creese, Pal Barhera, Mayor All that is needed is a car (any Admission and “gambling money” of education, the surrounding James H. J. 'Fate and Charles Biddle, aid in ribbon cutting. y. ar, model, size) and some Home- are free, and the grille will be community, and prospective stu loming spirit. open for refreshments. dents. These cars will be in the pre-game A double feature matinee will On Tuesday afternoon, Octot)er 2. 1!)(52. the ribbon cutting cer(*- parade to the football field, starting i)righten up Saturday afternoon at 2. The Center should provide activi nionies w’ere held at 1:00 p.m. outside the new Drexel Activities (’enter. a! the Main Building at 12:15 p.m. the DAC. “Jubal” and “The Mouse ties for the entire college com Many prominent people in business and government attended the on Saturday. The cars will then be That Roared” are the features, munity. ceremonies, including the Hon. James II. J. Tate. Mayor of Philadel- driven around the field and will which w’ill begin at two in the 3. The program of the Center should l)hia; Mr. Jay duVon, Director of the Federal Housing and Home pass the judge’s reviewing bench Grand Hall. contribute to the development of Finance Agency; Mr. Charles Biddle, (Chairman of the Board of Trustees wiiich will be located in the Drexel Dedication Week will close Sun the student. of Drexel Institute; Dr. Ernst Weber, President of Polytechnic Institute Stands. Hopefully, parking will be day with a piano recital l)y the 4. The faculty and staff of the In of Brooklyn, as well as President Dr. James Creese. iihtained for cars in the parade. noted musician Stephen Kovacs, stitute should also rely on the Ac The ribbon cutting ceremonies included brief speeches by Mr. There are three categories for at the Grand Hall. The concert tivities Center and should use it Frank Jordan, Co-Chairman of participating cars. Students may will consist mainly of classical, to entertain personal friends. Dedication Day. Mayor Tate, Mr. I'litor in the contest any Monday or (Continued on I’age 3, Column 5) (Continued on Page 3, Column 3) Biddle, Dr. Frances S. Friel. Vice- French Civilization Is Tuesday on the Court from 1:00 to Chairman of the Board of Trustees 1::’)(» at the table so provided. A and Chairman of Buildings and number will be given to each entry. (Jrounds, Dean William Toombs, Subject Of Lectures Kscort Cars are needed to trans and President Creese. Through the combined efforts of port the Queen, her Court, and the University City the College of Home R]conomlcs, The >la.v«»r Talt* Spraks cheerleaders to the field. These cars Drexel Library, and the Institute must be convertibles. .Mayor Tate observed that, in Art Activities Committee, Drexel is Token cars may also enter the D rexel Plays Im portant Role In his experience, “ Drexel students j)rivileged to present a series of 30 Iiarade, whether registered or un on the whole are more serious- lectures illustrating French civiliza tion over the past 2000 years. These registered. Token cars may carry G row th and Expansion Program minded young men and women just a banner, a slogan, or some who know where they want to go lectures, composed of colored slides, simple form of decoration. by Paul J. Smith and who are willing to work in taped narrations, and recorded music are available to all Drexel Anyone may enter a car in the order to get there.” He also said, (Part I of a Series) students, faculty, staff, and friends. politest — organizations, groups of “We in the city administration are Growth and expansion are vital needs, not only for Drexel. but For the students’ convenience, these individuals, or an individual. Here proud and hai)i)y that we could for all of the educational and medical institutions in the West Phila 45-minute lectures will be presented is a chance for the Freshmen Class help make it possible.” delphia area. , , Dr. Creese invited Mayor Tate, five times weekly in the Drexel Ac to show their spirit and fully par Faced with an urgent need for new buildings, and a general tivity Center. ticipate in the Homecoming activi Mr. duVon, Dean Dorothy Young, decline in the surrounding neighborhood, Drexel, Penn. Presbyterian Approximately i:W students at ties. Dean Toombs, Miss Rlanche ('ain, Hospital. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and the Mr. Olson, .Mr. Jordan, .Miss I’atri- tended the first lecture—“Introduc (’ars entered in the contest will Philadelphia College of Osteopathy organized the West I hiladelphia tion to French Civilization” — on l>e judged on overall appearance and cia Harbera, (Jo-Chairman of Dedi Corporation to plan for the redevelopment of the entire area. cation Day, Dr. Friel, and Dr. Monday. "l ifiinality. The Homecoming theme Their plan is University City— an educational, scientific, and This week’s lecture, entitled “The "Foreign Fooling” and the op- Weber to help cut the ribbon. cultural complex covering the area Main Sources of Western Art,” w'ill l''>iient is l^MC. The judges will The Drexel ROT(^ Hand and KOTC from the Schuylkill River to 5 2nd be presented October 8 at 4 and award a trophy to both first and sec Color Guard were on hand to Street and from Haverford Ave (5 p.m. Included in this show Is the ond place winners. British Educator brighten the activities. nue to the railroad tracks. “Wingc'd Victory of Saniothrace,” University City’s planners en S(u(l4‘iit.s .Attend <’<‘reiuoni<*s which now stands in the Louvre .Museum. This .statue was carved in vision a community of 1 0 .0 0 0 V i s i t s D re x e l Approximately 5 00 students wit :U)5 B.C. for a ship’s bow to com people and a center for private Dr. Joseph Black. Head of the Disclaimer AFFidavit nessed the ceremonies from the memorate a (Jreek naval victory. Department of Aeronautical and and government research, as wel Science Center, (Miestnut Street, Drexel is fortunate to have a replica Mechanical Engineering of Rristol as an educational complex second and the grounds of the Activities of Saniothrace on the second floor l^epealcd by Congress College of Advanced Science and Center. Traffic was routed off to none. balcony of the Great Court. I lie Congress of the United States Technology, is visiting Drexel and Divxcl’s Hole (Miestnut Street during the cere Since French civilization has con- '' ;ik‘d the requirement of a Dis- other American educational institu monies. tribut(‘d so much to the Western iiier Affidavit when applying for Dre.xel will play a key role in tions to study our methods of teach Hefore the ceremonies, a World and it is so closely tied to 'iiii under the National lOefense the University City project.