Fulton Daily Leader, January 17, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader
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Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 1-17-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, January 17, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, January 17, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 560. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/560 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 91Irrinigrrlow1191101110911.11111,1,101111RIEtwrIgegignejgrotemes1 eerie, seweet..e.saaeo..,• ,,,reattviv tuary 76, 1947 !eh sel: at fan- FORECAST: Kentucky: Cioudy with rain, /hist priests were occasionally mixed with snow REACH THE CUSTOMERS direct the boycott portion afternoon. south this In Fulton and the Fulton trade Rain mouth and rain or snow north portion tonight. Saturday territory by adverting in the M. Reid occasional rain. Not much change Daih Leader. In temperature. fattroll EtOtr IFRACTOR rIONAL SANK Volume NLVIII Associated Press Leased Wire Fulton, ILDING Kentucky, Friday Evening, January 17, 1947 Fire Cents Per Copy No. 25 to 12 — 2 to 5 )NE 97 Waterfield In War And Navy Calif. Train London Strike Armin. Dispossessed, Sets I p Office Iii Rotunda 2 Governors .i Appointment I die Therapy Merger Settled Jumps Track; Is Settled al Treatments Race To Stay Of Georgia I Plan Announced Normal Again; For Nomination By White House; 8 Are Dead Many Postpone Swap Insults - Does Not Want Reaction Good 55 Known Hurt 'Return To Work /IVA!. Washington, Jan. 17— ( Ap(— London, Jan. l7--AP---Neat I Antall Called Evangelist State Committee An agreement on "unification" Many Crushed; normal conditions were restored of the army and navy under a at most London market cents; "Hog" By Dyke*, GRIBBLES To Decide Issues secretary of national defense, Aid Is Rushed today following settlement of t , with separate air, sea and land city's crieniing transport strike, Talmadge Lieut.' kt the LET PEOPLE SAY ' forces—has been reached by the,HOSPITAL HALLS FUJI but st least 35.000 of the 50,000 2H- OF GOI) two services. President Truman men involved in the 11-day dis- ALL IN THE ACT Louisville, Ky., Jan. 17— has given this compromise his Bakersreld, Califs Jan. 17— pute until tomorrow their re (AP/ Atlanta, Jan. 17—(AP/—Her- ty This Week —Harry Lee Waterfield blessing. (API—Eight persons were known turn to work. of Clin- man Talmadge seized complete ton said here today The plan announced to be dead, many others were More than 15,000 truckers, I at 7:00 P. M that he by the control of Georgia's capitol to- planned to run for White House crusned beneath cars and an es- whose wages and hours strike the Demo- last night ended a day and forced Ellis Arnall to cratic nomination months-long controversy timated 55 persons were being and the subsequent use of troop; RE INVITED for governor be- move to a downtown ofrce build- of Kentucky tween the treated for injuries in the wreck to transport the city's food sup- , this year, regard- army and navy over ing. less of any proposals for merger of a Southern Pacific passenger plies precipitated a series of i action taken at a of the two Arnall. who has been gover- meeting of the services. The merger train 12 miles northwest of here sympathy walkouts, agreed yes- party's state cen- has been nor for the past four years and tral committee advocated by army ear:y today, reported Sheriff's terday to resume work Satur- leaders and claims he is still the state's i The committee, resisted by naval Deputy Jack Klethley, the first day morning. however, met chiefs. legal executive despite the state li this morning to officer to return from All work in the g'ant port of hear two pro- While the plan is yet to be the scenr• legislature's naming of Tal- A posals Klethley said an uncounted London remained at a standstill for selecting the party's laid formally before congress, madge, announced his intention state ticket number of passengers wese as 20,000 dockers, stevedores and without a hard first reaction on Capitol H111 was to establish the Arnall capitol '1 hurled through train windows Thames lightermen decided to fought primary election. generaily favorable. downtown after a brief encoun- "I am not in and crushed beneath the weight wait te-...11 tomorrow, too, to re- favor of letting The White House, in an- ter with a Talmadge lieutenant a party committee of four coaches and a tourist turn te their jobs. decide issues nouncing the aparent end of at the state house. between (Rep. sleeper wh'ch were derailed and In Earle C./ Cle- the bitter inter-service rivalry the meantiml, troops con- The Talmadge lieutenant. ments, myself overturned when the Ow!, night and the people," over merger, last night made tinued to move .00d from the' State Rep. Jimmy Dykes, earn- Waterfield said in a statement train southbound from San markets to the shops public a letter Mr. Trtunan pending er had seized the desk in th,. to newsmen "I Francisco to Los Angeles, hit a the am in the race wrote the two secretaries ex- truckers' return. capitol rotunda which Antall to stay." broken rail. Troops, pressing his pleasure at their welcoming the pros- occupied yesterday after being. Rep Clements, who also has pect of dismissal from emer- "full and complete agreement The sheriff's deputy excluded from the executive'. announced plans for making the reported gency transport arrangements, on a plan for unification of the that the wreckage was a ghastly chambers. race for governor, was not avail- hailed the strike settlement with armed services." scene and that legs and arms Arnall walked Jauntily up tbs.i able immediately for comment. such signs as "the strike Is were torn from ga marble steps and extered the'. J. Lyter Donaldson of Carroll- In the main, congressional some of the vic- over-back to Monty." tims. Ellis Arnall (center. upraised arm), dispmowsked from capitol door at 10:16 a. m. ton, chairman of the state com- comment also followed the line the caccutive chambers in the state capital In of gartification that the dis- Atlanta, Ga., when Herman Talmadge, claiment to gove-norship. took over He headed directly for the mittee. said he did not know Dr. Robert J. Douds, district the offices. waves from pute had been resolved, But behind his desk in the capital rotunda. A crowd capitol rotunda where he occu- Wat.field was going to make surgeon 'sr the Fulton Man Killed of curious surrounds the glass enclosed space. many lawmakers said they want Southern Paci- pied temporary offices yester- his aLgernent. fic, said that as far as time to examine in detail the he could day. "It n vessarily will have con- determine there On Virgin Islands draft of the merger proposal be- were five or six Talmadge (dread) had seized.. siderable bearing on what the dead. He placed the Hotel In Kentucky fore endorsing the plan itself. number of Fire, 1Mrs. Arnall's desk and installed committee does today," Donald- Injured at Robert J. T. Evans, son of Box Dies The service which seemingly 27, saying 25 were State Representative s Jimmy son said. taken to Kern County Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans of By The Associated Press I stands to win most is the army Hospital • Dykes there. The committee was ekoected to and two Fulton Rural Route, and a U. I Frankfort.-The Slate air forces. It would become au- to Mercy Hospital Irtoion N. Y• Also.: Arnall strode up to Rep act on two proposals of a sub- He said two or three were S. Civil Service employee. was holic Beverage Thurs. Ntght tonomous—no longer a unit of dead Control Board, desk and said "Jimmie, na committee for selecting the in one coach and rescuers killed in a car wreck on St. 44 the war depaltment but thil had yesterday denied an applicat.on ! -- governor." Party's state ticket. been unable to extricate Thomss Island, one of the Vir- 3 Dead, 2 Injured ; W 14 "United States Air Force"—and them. of Red Top Brewing 69 Years Old: Dykes interrupted to sof The two plans call for an ad- -The halls are full of gin Chain. Jan. 10. 22 Flee Company.! would be on equal footing in injured Safely: Survived Be Husband "Ellis Arnall, you remind me 01 visory convention of delegates and we are working on them des- Besides his pareets he leaves Cincinnati, for a Kentucky beer. strategy and buying with its Cause Unknown Anti a hog. You got your head In chosen by Waterfield, Clements perately," said an attendant at his wife, Mrs. Audrey Faye Hat distrIbutor s license for its Coy- I Many Relatives trough and you Just can't stop. and the committee to name the sister services, the army and the Kern County Hospital here. per Evans, and one son, James. Watertown, N. Y.. Jan. 17-- ington outlet ar,d granted a re-, Arnall asked "have you takint" candidates navy. Mrs. Effie Griggs Box, wife of or an advisory con- One of the injured was a young- Donald Evans, of Martin, Tenn. (APi—Three persons died today my officer The navy appeared to tail beer permit to Mrs. Grace ; William Robert Box vention of elected delegates to have ster whose leg was severed in He also leaves three brothers and two others were injured of Fulton, Dykes replied "I have, I'm make been victorious on a strongly Jennings, operator of the "Log ; the choices.