Analyzing Teacher-Student Relationships in the Life and Thought of William James to Inform Educators Today
Analyzing Teacher-Student Relationships in the Life and Thought of William James to Inform Educators Today DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Julia Teal Novakowski, M.Ed, MA Graduate Program in Educational Studies The Ohio State University 2019 Dissertation Committee: Bryan Warnick, Advisor Jackie Blount Antoinette Errante Copyrighted by Julia Teal Novakowski 2019 Abstract Enriching teacher-student relationships is timely considering the increase in school violence, the changing demographics in schools, and the fact that educational aims focused on high-stakes testing often ignore relationships. When applying philosophy to teacher-student relationships, we must ask both whose voices are missing from our current conversation and how we can apply their insights to improve education. While philosophers such as John Dewey, Paulo Freire, and Nel Noddings have all contributed to that conversation, William James’s philosophy and pedagogy provide a unique perspective on teacher-student relationships that is largely absent within the field of philosophy of education. In this dissertation, I explore the relationship between the philosophy of James, his personality, and the productive relationships he had with students. I suggest that there is a link between his pragmatism, pluralism, and psychology, and the way he interacted with students. His philosophy can be evaluated from its actual effects in the world and by how it changes us as individuals. I suggest that the cash value, or impact in real life, of James’s philosophy in the context of education, plays out in particular forms of relationships of openness, experimentation, curiosity about others, spontaneity, and communication.
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