Total Knee Arthroplasty
Total Knee Arthroplasty Jerey Bidwell, !"#, !"$, %$ Introduction are known to have side eects. More moderate epurposeofthisarticleistopresentabriefover- pain is treated with stronger NSAIDs and COX- view of the various aspects of a total knee arthro- 2 inhibitors. Cortisone injections are also given plasty. For surgical technology students and CSTs to the joint to relieve inammation, but this type with limited orthopedic experience, this article of relief is usually only short-term. provides an insight into the complexity of the pro- When pain, limping, and joint dysfunction cedure from the surgeon’s perspective. become so severe that none of these treatments Arthroplasty is an operation to restore motion provide adequate relief, surgery may be the next to a joint and function to the muscles, ligaments option. ere are several surgical alternatives to and other so tissue structures that control the knee replacement, such as arthroscopy, osteoto- joint.2 Total knee arthroplasty is indicated for my, and synovectomy. ese may be able to delay patients who demonstrate radiographic intraar- the necessity of a replacement, but when pain ticular disease and severe knee pain or other reaches the point that it becomes controlling, a symptoms that cannot be controlled with non- knee replacement is usually recommended.11 operative methods. For individuals with mild pain, over-the-counter medications such as History acetaminophen (eg, Tylenol®) and topical pain Early arthroplasty techniques initially utilized relievers (eg, Aspercreme®, Icy Hot®) might be the patient’s own tissues (skin, muscle, fascia) in sucient to provide relief. Nonsteroidal antiin- the joint, which improved ankylosed joints but ammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, did little to help arthritic joints.
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