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A PERSPECTIVE ON TT1E UI{ITED T\-ATIONS APPLTCAT]ON OF SA}]CTIONS AGAINST RHODESIA I965-L979 A TI]ESTS Submitted by GODI^7I}J TYOAIINE ABARI to THE I¡ACLILTY OF GRADUATE STUD]FS IN PARTIÃL FLILFILL}IENT OJI TFIE F.EQLTIREI,IEIITS FOR TI]E DEGTìEE OI' }ß.STER OF AF.TS DEtrART}4EN{T OF trOLITICAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF I"1ÀNITOBA itINNTPEG, CAI'IADA OCTOBER 19BO A PTRSPTCTIVE ON THE UNiTED NATIONS APPLICATIOI! OF SANCTIONS AGAINST RHODES IA I 965-I 979 BY GOD|/IIN TYOAPINE ABARi A thesis subluitted to the Faculty of Gradr¡ate StLrdies of the Uuiversity of lvlanitoba in ¡:artial fì¡lfillment of the requirerr-rents of thc' dcgree of I'IASTER 0F ARTS o 1980 Pernrission has been granted to the LIBRARy oF TI-IE UNIVER- SITY O[ì MANITOBA to le nd or sell copics ol this ihesis, to the I''IATIONAL LIIIRAIìY OF CANADA ro nricrofilrn tliis the sis and to lend or selì copics of'the lilm, and UNiVERSITy i\{ICROFtrLMS to publish an abstract ol this ilresis. The author reserves other prrblication rights, ancl 'either the thcsis'or extensivc extracts lrorn it may bc prirted or other- rvise reilroclLrced withoLrt the aLrthor's rvrittell pernrission. T4? r,E_ _oE _c_Oi'r'l,jj flr s -ABSTRÀCT f AC KN OI^] I,E DGE¡1]]}I T iii P R]JI¡,ACE iv c_UlrPltlE¡ PAG]JS OIJE .ryllloD_uc'¿':l_q\ I A Shott Polii,jcal IJistory of Rhodesia" I Rhoclesi-a's f nteL:nati-onal Status Bef ore UDf 2 Summary and Conclusion 5 Stateirent of i-he Research Pr obl.em 7 Jusl-ification for 1-l-le'Iì-iree Cases CÌ¡r:r;en t0 filioor-l-ance of- i:he'il-lcsi,s 1I Peri odi zation IZ l'ietl-iooology l3 'lli'Jo Ti]E 'I}iEOR].ES O}- SA}]CT]ONS r6 Lni-rocluction - . 16 The 'iÌ-leories of Sancti- ons L7 A Rcr¡iew of the Pas-u Airplj ca{:ion of SancLions LL')'l Staccs in í-he ¡-pplicai- ion of Sanctions ¡eainst Rirodesia 25 Riroics.ia's lìr:sponse to l-he UfJ Appl j ca ti on of S¿:¡'rci.,i-ons acai-rrst Fer and Co¡rcl-usi-on ?( ììREE : POI,I.,IILìAL AìJD D] PI,O}/A,I] C x]iI,zYIIONS I^]IìICH ÌìI]ODJ-ìSIA I''/\]NTÄ ]-NJìD i!ITI'J OT]II'R COLIìì I}ìI}IS A}iD OJìGA}ìI ZÀT ]-ONS 40 - Intr ocluction 40 'liie PoIj tical Philosophv of 1,he I'rÌhite it{inor:i1-y r,1,1 r\L:jI ìr ìrr^rru . 4L I/hf i-he i'il-iit'-e lfi nori';1r regime fef t i:he Ay:pJ i ca1-ion of S:¡lrc't,ions agai nst Rhodes j a r','as Tll cgitrira'ce 43 ì'iìry i he Lrl-iii c IÍ:iloril-y r cgì ire f clt j t rlr:se rved '.!::j:1' -.: :';'i,-:::f"'",". Ri-' tto ¡ lt.i l-,'i on ..:.. ,. , .. 4 6 _ -'- .. '-: ' " !-: -, \ ::.::'::.,'t-. _,t: \, , .1.r, .:j t i,ì it: ,á r;3.. tti/ i:. , :'. -i . - :j /"¡r *r_';ì.:ï: : ,,-¿;r PÄG]]S Fo::mal and Informaf Pol i ti cal I-i nk ages Phodesia maini-ained r¿ith other Couni-ries and Organizations 50 (1) Official and Unofficial Visits s0 (2) Overseas Infornration Offlces 55 ( 3 ) I'ri en ds of Rhodes i an Soci ei-y 56 tro Regional and I1i litar:y Co-o¡:eration. JJ 'Iìre Problens of Rhodesia. o¿a^ A1,ti t-ude of Couni-ries that haC pof itical Relations witn iìhodesia 67 Cor-l c.l-us ion 72 Ì¡ouF. : BCONO}{IC AND SOCIAL RELAI]IONS IIÌJ]CH RIJODESIA }.IAINTA]NED I{ITH OT]J]IR STATPS ÀND ORGAII I ZA ]',I ONS Õz /ri-m of tìre Chapi-er B2 Problenrs of ILhodesi a B5 ( 1) tr ro}¡ I em wi th Sou-uh Af ri ca B5 (2) Prob.'l.em ivj-ih l,iozambique B6 (3) Pr,oblem of Guerrilla I'Jarfare OOoo The Byrd A-nend"ment: A Case Study l-:oz (1) Argu:nents in favour and against the Byrd Änrendment 104 (2) Interests i-hat Supported the Bizrd Àmendnent 106 (3 ) Ef fects of the B)rr:d Ar,rendment on lhil-e RhoCcs,i ans 107 (4) Rcne,.^,'ed Debate on the tsyrd 1tmcnclnent I0B SociaI Rel ations ivl-ricl-r Rhodesia rnai ntai ned rvith o{-her Staì:es and Organi zations . .11-'1 (I) Aim of t.his Section llI (2) Iin¡:oriance of Sporl-s 1-o iìhodcsia r_13 (3 ) Rhodes.ia' s Attempt to Parti cioat.e i n the 19 6 B and I9l2 Olyrnpì c Game s 116 (4) pitodcsia's Probfelrrs in her al-tcr,r.ot to ¡rarticipa't-e in tÌte O11,1¡tr1" G¿ines .ll.B Cor-l c -1 rrs i on 122 i) /-Lrc ^ ¡.IVE : TIIE ROLE OF THE I'iU],']'INATTO}JAL COI{PATJIES IN RHODESTA L29 Justification for examining the role of the llultinational- Companies in Rhodesia \29 Genera] Comments on t.he l{ultinational Comoanies . 130 The Main Multinational Companies in Rhodesia after UDI L32 Muftinational Companies and Sanction- breaking in PJrodesi a af ter LIDI :137 The Rhodesian Lobby .-I3B Conclusion -t46 CCNCI-Uq ]ON l_50 APPENDICES: A Proclamation Broadcast of UDI By fan Smith on November 11, 1965. I6I B UN Resol-utions. 164 C Transport and Communications llap of Southern Africa. 166 D Lists ef some important l.liultinational Companies operating in Southern Africa r67 E Tnterview questions. 168 BTBLTO_cR4!HY 112 ABSTRÀCT The aim of the study is to identify and determine how, and unCer rçhat circumstances, the White l4inority regime in Rhodesia, on which t-ìre UN imposed sancLions, was able to maintain and establish international contacts with other countries and organizations inspite of these sanctions. ft is the assumption of this study 1-hat international contacts \.vere of great irnportance to Rhodesia for her diplo- matic, political, and soci-o-economic survival. Tl-leref ore, the study v¡ill concentrate on the comÐlex processes of horv the UN tried to prevent lù-rodesia from having international- contacts on the one hancL, and how Rhodesia tried in a very subtle manner to avoid international isolation and thus avoid l-he total impacts of t,he UN sanctions on the other hand. The thesis is divided into five chapters and a con- clusion. Chapter one is an introductory one. It examanes the international s't-atus of Rhodesia before UDI and explains certain words and conce¡:ts used in the study" Chapter tr,uo reviews the general theories of sanctions and. refates them to the Rhodesian situation. Chapters three, four and five are cases chosen to demonstrate n"r" and under what circumstances, the tr^/lrite tlinory regi-me r,vas able to establish and maintain inl-ernational coni-ac1*s inspite of sc-ìnctions. tl The Conclusion exanines the main argumenls of the Chapters, and explores how each actor, the lfhite I'iinority regir,ie and the U"N. r-.¡as. able to achieve its aims. Specific- ally, the study examines and discusses the effectiveness of sanctions as an instrument of U.N. policy. ll]. ACKNOWLEDGtrMENT r would like to extend a special thanks to my Advisor, Professor o;P . st. John, who gave me direction and. encourage- ment during the various stages of thís thesis; professor A. Lambert, who read the manuscript and gave me useful advice; my wife Esther and daughter Juliet who were my constant source of inspiration and were always present when r needed them. f would also like to express my thanks to al_l those people and organizations who have assisted in gathering data which have been used in this study, particularry, the Efizabeth Dafoe Library, university of Manitoba, winnipeg; university of Ottawa Library; University of London Library; Professor Arno1d smith of the Department of rnternational Affairs, carlton university ottawa; Ambassador chief Lukumburza, Tanzania Hígh commissioner, ottawat Mr. canas K. Ncube, winnipeg; Mrs. Jeba Loxley, chairperson, Manitoba Anti-Apartheid coalition for the Liberation of southe::n Africai and many students from East, centrar and southern Africa for kindly consenting to be interviewed and for providing information which has contrlbuted to a better understanding of this study. My thanks al-so gioes to the authorities of the Murtala college of Arts, science and Technology, Makurdi, Nigeria for the study leave they granted me, which has enabled me to conduct this study. The concrusions reached in this study, however, are entirely my own responsibility. -tv PREFÄCE A brief word of explanation is important concerning the words, "Southern Rhodesia" , "Rhodesia" , " ZíntbabvJe" , "UDf" and the period chosen in this study. After the Referendum of 1922, Rhodesia was renamed Southern Rhotfesia. The government of Southern Rhodesia re- assumed. the name Rhodesia early in l_965 (before UDI) "Rhodesia" is the prevalent usuagie. United Nations documents and British Constitutional documents retain the use of "Southern Rhodesia". African nationalists use the term "Zimbabwe" when referring to Rhodesia. On Aprit l-7, t9B0 Rhodesia gained independence tegally from Great Britain under the leadership of Mr. Robert Mugabe, one of the leading Rhodesian nationalists. The name "Zimbabwe" was adopted as the legal name of that country. In this study, the world "Rhodesia" and "southern Rhodesia" are used interchangeabry. Throughout this Study, t.he word "UDI", stands for the I'Unilateral Declaration of Independence. " This event resulted in t-he application of Sanctions against.