NO. REG. 170705035








Signed :

Date : Mei 05th’ 2021








Signed :

Date : Mei 05th, 2021



It was such a long journey but a rewarding experience to work on this thesis. This thesis will be impossible without the support of many people. First of all, I would like to thank to Allah Subhanahu wa ta‟ala for his blessing and for giving me health, strength in the process of accomplishing this paper. Shalawat and salam to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wasalam along with his family and his companions.

My very special gratitude is for my beloved my parents, Ayuddin Nasution and Bahriatun Nur Harahap who always pray and support me in every single thing that I do also care and love to encourage me to learn and work hard in order to finish my study in English Department, University of Sumatera Utara. Thank you for my brothers, Bahrinuddin Nasution, Irwan Manasti Nasution and my sisters, Lidya Wahyuni Nasution, Ayu Septika Nasution for their prayer. I love you.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. and my co-supervisor, Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd., M.A. , who have given me a lot of advices in the process of finishing this thesis. I am thankful for your valuable time in guiding and teaching me to complete this thesis. Wishing both of you always stay healthy and happy.

My gratitude also goes to the Head of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, MA., Ph.D. and all of the lecturers and the staffs of English Department for the knowledge, experiences, facilities, and opportunities given during my study in this faculty. I would also like to give much appreciation to Mr. Sukirno as the administrator of English Department and Mr. Ponisan as the administrator of English Extension program who has helped me much.

Thank you to my friend Ratih Utami for your help, and thank you for my friends Elsa Indryati Harahap, Lou-Lou in Syarqiah, Annisa inriani Harahap , windy Atika which helped me during my studies, told me what I didn't understand in studying and helped me when I was in trouble.

Special thanks to my lovely, Prido Singarimbun Special thanks to my partner who have given me joy, support, laughter, and many other things. Thank you for always supporting me in


every situation and for always being by my side. Thank you for being the best companion I've ever met. Being a good listener, good motivation, as well as a partner who understands about me. We have passed all the joys and sorrows. May our differences make us united on the right day. Hopefully my family we can accept your presence and your family too. You really means to me. Thanks for being my second home. I love you.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who is important to the successful of this research. This research is far from perfect, but it is expected that will be useful for all the readers. Therefore, the constructive thought full suggestions and criticism are very welcome.

Medan, Mei 05th, 2021


Puja Indriana Nasution

Reg. No. 170705035



Webtoon is one of the mediums in delivering thoughts, point of view and life values with others; one of them is sweet home webtoon. By using visual semiotics analysis, this research aimed to identify sign used in webtoon Sweet Home and to interpret the meaning of semiotics sign used in webtoon Sweet Home. Sweet Home webtoon as the data of the research is collected by using qualitative research and visual materials from the application as the source of the data. They are twenty six data analyzed by using visual semiotics with the theory proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce. This research use descriptive qualitative data analysis as the method of the study. Each data of this research consists of the sign and interpreting meaning. The signs identified based on Charles Sanders Peirce Triadic sign (Representamen, Object and Interpretant) and there are three steps in interpreting the sign namely, non-verbal communicative legisign, framing techniques and communicative act. Keywords : Sweet Home webtoon. LINE Webtoon, Visual Semiotics, Peirce, Sign, Meaning



Webtoon merupakan salah satu media penyampaian pemikiran, sudut pandang dan nilai-nilai kehidupan dengan sesama, salah satunya sweet home webtoon. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika visual, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tanda yang digunakan dalam webtoon Sweet Home dan menginterpretasikan makna semiotika. Sweet Home sebagai data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan material visual kualitatif dari LINE Webtoon sebagai sumber datanya. Ada dua puluh enam data yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan semiotika visual dengan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Sanders Peirce. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data kualitatif. Setiap data penelitian ini terdiri dari tanda dan makna penafsiran. Tanda-tanda yang diidentifikasi berdasarkan tanda Triadik Charles Sanders Peirce (Representamen, Objek dan Interpretant) dan terdapat tiga tahapan dalam menginterpretasika tandanya yaitu, non-verbal communication legisign, framing techniques dan communicative act. Kata kunci: Sweet Home. LINE Webtoon, Semiotika Visual, Peirce, Tanda, Arti



AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ………………………………………………………………...…….… iv COPYRIGHT DECLARATION …………………………………...………………………...... … v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………...……………………………….…… vi ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………….……………………..…………….. viii ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………………………...……………..… ix TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………………………x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Of The Study…………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 Problem Of The Study………………………………………………………… 5 1.3 Objectives Of The Study……………………………………………………… 5 1.4 Scope Of The Study…………………………………………………………… 6 1.5 Significances Of The Study…………………………………………………… 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Semiotics………………………………………………………………………. 7 2.1.1 Charles Sanders Pierce‟s Triadic Theory…………………………………….. 8 2.2 Visual Semiotics……………………………………………………………….. 11 2.3 Webtoon Sweet Home…………………………………………………………. 13 2.4 Relevant Studies……………………………………………………………….. 15 2.5 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………… 18 CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design………………………………………………………………... 19 3.2 Data and Data Source…………………………………………………………... 19 3.3 Data Collecting Technique…………………………………………………….. 20 3.4 Data Analysis Technique………………………………………………………. 20 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 The Data Analysis………………………………………..………..…………………23 4.2 Findings………………………………………………………….……………………56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….……………61 5.2 Suggestion………………………………………………………………………..……63 REFERENCES……………………………..…………………………….………….……………64



1.1 Background of the Study

Human do communication in verbal and non-verbal communication. People communicate to convey their thoughts, emotion, and ideas to each other. By using verbal communication means that convey their thought through sound, words, and etc. While using non-verbal communication means that we convey our thought though unsaid things such as body language or eye movements. Visual semiotics communication can be a tool for making the reader easier to get the message through image, symbol, design graphic, and etc. Generally, we know semiotics as study of sign. Semiotics is a study of examining or analyzing a sign contained in an object in order to determine the meaning. According to Kress (2003: 3) semiotics is a science of the sign, a fusion of form (signifier) and meaning (signified). Furthermore, sign refers to something which represents meaning or other things depends on social convention. Sign itself might bring the meaning depends on object‟s background itself. According to Pierce, he defined sign as something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. Visual semiotics refers to sub-domain of semiotics which discuss about the way visual images communicate a message. There are 3 popular philosophers in this field, they are Ferdinand de Saussure, Roland Barthes and Charles Sanders Pierce. Semiotic lenses are more developed, nowadays semiotics is used to examine text and even artifacts. This field is also used to examine other things, images, interior design, and etc. Based on the explanation above, we cannot say that visual semiotics is only a sub-field of semiotics, but we still have a wide understanding that visual semiotics has been modified and adapted across disciplines, such as art history and design, media studies, cultural studies, media studies and communication, and etc. Sometimes people are too lazy to convey the meaning by words, so they can use symbol or sign to convey the meaning.


Nowadays people can entertain themselves from many things. The field of entertainment is not only from television who perform comedy, variety show, drama, and etc. Nowadays the field of entertainment has been wider, we can entertain ourselves by reading book, novel, manga, comic, and etc. Now, one of the popular readings is comic. Comics have become one of the most popular readings and are increasingly popular. Besides providing interesting and intriguing stories, comics also provide us with eye-catching illustrations that spoil the readers. Comic itself has some types and every country has their own comics, such as manga from Japan and (Korean comic). Manhwa is the Korean term for comics. Manga and Manhwa are comics that come from different countries, but all these comics still have something in common, they are from countries in Asia. Manhwa is not only read by children, but almost all people, such as teenagers and adults. Manhwa offers reading in many genres such as drama, thriller, adventure, romance, fantasy and etc. According to Hayman and Pratt (2005), comic is a sequence of discrete, juxtaposed pictures that comprise a narrative, either in their own right or when combined with text. Furthermore, according to While Eisner (1985:7) said that comics communicate in a language that relies on a visual experience common to both creator and audience. Based the explanations above we can say comic is media that is used to express or convey ideas and thought through the picture, and generally it will be combined with the text or other visual information. By reading comics, readers are indirectly trained to improve their visual and verbal interpretive abilities to get the meaning behind the drawing. Because, some people found difficulties to interpret the meaning of the comic itself because sometimes we will be confused about which part to read first to get a clear meaning. Comics have really experienced rapid development, starting with comic which were booked but presented in black-and-white images until now we can read online comic and presented in color pictures. In this sophisticated era we don't need to spend our energy or time to go to bookstores to be able to read comics, now we can read online comic and one of the applications for reading comics online that is currently booming is webtoon. This flexible nature has attracted many people to read and create online comics. Webtoon


is known as an online comic that originated in . In South Korea, a webtoon is called a manhwa. In South Korea, the webtoon becomes an online comic that is being loved by young people. However, the term webtoon is synonymous with the mobile application issued by the company NAVER because it has the same name. Daum created a webtoon portal in 2003, followed by Naver in 2004. then a few years later, in 2014 Naver launched LINE Webtoon. But Webtoon entered Indonesia in 2015. Not only Indonesia, there are several countries that can also enjoy webtoon applications such as Thailand, China, Taiwan and Japan.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

The pictures above are examples of online comics that we can read on the webtoon. We can see from the comic above where now comic is made in a more colorful form. To read comics online on a webtoon, we can change the language settings needed, as in Figure 1, it is a comic entitled Si Ocong with the comedy genre, where the comic is read in settings. Furthermore, in


figure 2, it is a horror comic with the title Bloody Gaze which is also read in Indonesian language setting, and figure 3 which is a romance comic titled To Love Your Enemy which is read in English language setting.

In this research, the researcher will analyze webtoon entitled Sweet Home by Using Pierce‟s Theory triadic sign, where he proposed trichotomy namely, Representamen, Object and Interpretant to identify the sign and rhetorical function of verbal and non-verbal sign since comic combined text and picture. Pierce stated that the process of semiosis involves a triadic relationship between a sign or representamen (a first), an object (a second) and an interpretant (a third). The representamen here stands for another thing (object). The representamen can be a qualisign (firstness), a sinsign (secondness), and a legisign (thirdness). The object can be symbol, index or may be icon that has relation between sign an and its object. While interpretant can be divided into a rheme (firstness), a dicisign or dicent sign (secondness) and an argument or reasoning (thirdness). This is why the author applied sign theory by Pierce, because the purpose of this study is to find out how the Webtoon used in verbal and non-verbal communication since the comic combined text and picture.

The reason why Sweet Home used in this research is because currently the webtoon is being considered as one of the reading media used by many people. The word becomes a film because the topic of the story is interested to read. Owner of webtoon help readers to better understand a story and can make the story feel more real because it is illustrated in pictures. Then, this research can also help the connoisseurs of the Sweet Home story to understand the verbal and non-verbal signs in this comic. Moreover, semiotics has been widely used to analyze posters and advertisement, so this research will analyze objects that are not widely discussed, namely the webtoon.

Sweet Home is a South Korean webtoon series that was created by Youngchan Hwang and Kimcarnby and it was released on February 10, 2018. It has published 141 episodes with the last episode was aired on July 25, 2020. Sweet Homeis a featured Horror Webtoon which tells about a group of ghosts tell stories of horror,


sadness, and survive in their lifetimes. There are several characters in the story but the creator does not mention their name. Sweet home tells the story of a high school student named Cha Hyun Soo who moves into the Green Home apartment complex. Hyun Soo moves into the apartment after a family member passes away.

Below is one of the panel in Sweet Home webtoon :

(Figure 4. Example of Sweet Home Webtoon)

Based on the example above that is taken from one of episode in Sweet Home webtoon, we an see the verbal sign and visual sign in that picture. Then we will apply the theory to analyze the symbol and sign that is found on the webtoon. So, if we apply the Pierce‟s theory on that picture we can get the result as below :

1. Sign (Legisign) : someone is scared 2. Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo (the student) and 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows Cha Hyun Soo feels scared for being chased by zombie. 1.2 Problems of The Study Based on the background above, there are two problems in this study, they are :


1. What are the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home? 2. How are the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home interpreted? 1.3 Objectives of The Study Concerning with the questions above, the objectives of the study are; 1. To identify the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home 2. To interpret the meaning of the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home.

1.4 Scope of The Study The scope of this study object is limited. This research is focused semiotic sign used and how it will be interpreted on webtoon Sweet Home. And the data that will be analyzed is 7th episode which was published on 18th February 2018. 1.5 Significances of The Study By conducting this study, the writer expects it will give contribution both theoretically and practically. a. Theoretically This research is intended be help in improving the analysis of sign by using semiotics field. By reading this research the author is expected the reader can get better understanding to interpret the meaning of an object b. Practically This research is expected to be helpful for the students and new researchers. a. Student This research is expected to give more information for the students especially English students for helping them to know how to use visual semiotic to interpret the meaning from object that contained picture and text. b. Researcher This research is expected to be useful for the new researcher who is interested in researching visual semiotics analysis and expected to be useful for the comic-readers and comic-creator.



2.1 Semiotics

Semiotics is a study of sign. Analysis of semiotics theory was introduced by 2 people, they are a Swiss Linguist name Ferdinand de Saussure and an American Philosopher named Charles Senders Pierce. They are known as the founder of semiotics itself. Their theory is frequently used to do semiotics analysis. According to Saussure semiotics is combination of concept and sound-image, it means that according to Saussure sign itself doesn't link things and its name. for better understanding, we can see the figure below :

Based on the figure above, semiotics consists of the signifier and signified. Signifier refers to sound associated or image (level of expression), while signified refers to the concept of thing (level of meaning). According to Saussure, semiotics has two important natures, they are linearity and arbitrariness. The arbitrariness refers to the combination of a signifier, while a signified refers to arbitrary.

Charles Sanders Pierce introduced semiotics in a meaning triangle which consist of three elements, they are sign, objects, and interpretations. According to Peirce (2009, 2016: 41) sign is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. Pierce said that sign 7

might be simple or complex. Object refers to what the sign represents, and interpretation a concept of though of someone about the object which is provided by sign.

According to Peirce, there are 3 elements of semiotics which is called as triadic theory. It involved three ways relation consists of:

1. The representamen or sign, the form which the sign takes.

2. The object, the absent entity which it represents

3. The interpretant, the effect the sign produces.

2.1.1 Charles Sanders Pierce’s Triadic Theory In his theory, Pierce defined three important elements in a meaning triangle, they are sign, object, and interpretations. A signor representamentstands for something or somebody in capacity. The sign stands for something or its object. Reperenstament is classified into qualisign, sinsign, and lesisign. The first division is three subclasses of signs. According to Sobur (2009:41), based on its representamen, Peirce has classified signs into three :  A Qualisign is a quality which is in the sign. It cannot actually act as a sign until it is embodied such as the loud voice and the sweet voice.  .ASinsign is an actual event with a sign, for example, a girl who screams means that she is probably in a dangerous situation or getting hurt.


 A Legisign is a law that is in a sign. This law is usually established by men and it has been agreed, such as traffic lights. The second division of sign, Pierce divided into three orders, they are icon, index and symbol. The following is Peirce‟s formulated (Peirce, 1931:102)definition of each subclass of sign:  An icon is a sign which refers to the object that it denotes merely by virtue of character of its own, and which it possesses, just the same, whether any such object actually exist or not.  An index is a sign which refers to the object that it denotes by virtue of being really affected by the object.  A symbol is a sign which refers to the object that it denotes by virtue of law, usually an association of general ideas, which operates to cause the symbol to be interpreted as referring to that object.

The last division showed sign based on the interpetant can be divided into three elements.According Sobur (2009: 42), based on its interpretant, signs consist of a rheme, a dicent, and an argument. 1. A rheme is a sign which is understood to represent its object in its characters merely. 2. A dicent is a sign to describe the fact of interpretant. 3. An argument is a logical reasoning of interpretant or sign of law.

See the table below about Charles Pierce Classification of Sign CATEGORY FIRSTNESS SECONDNESS THIRDNESS TRICHOTOMY Representament Qualisign Sinsign Legisign Object Icon Index Symbol Interpretant Rheme Dicisign Argument


The object of this research is picture. Based on the reason, the researcher needs to identify lesisign or more properly the case of picture, verbal and non-verbal communication lesisign. The next step is to identify the system of non verbal communication which involves the framing technique and the communicative act. In visual arts the term of framing technique is the presentation of visual elements in an image, especially the placement of the subject in relation to other objects. A communicative act is an utterance, or set of utterances which is used to perform the linguistic action or function in communication. For example. when we use language to invite someone or complain about something.

Non-verbal communication legisigns can be analyzed by these followings: a) Bodily contact:this is culturally variable and determines who touches whom, where and in what circumstances. b) Proximity or interpersonal spacing: this is culturally variable and determines how far the space between one and another. c) Facial expression: usually accompanied to speech and like posture is a reliable indication of someone‟s semotional state. d) Gestures: body movement with meaning and some gestures are culturally distributed. e) Posture: interpersonal attitude and can be an indication of one‟s emotional state along atense-relaxed dimension. f) Apperance: self representation that is sanding out signals about the self such as, one‟s personality, mood,


social status, occupation, or the social group one belong to.

Example :

(Figure 2.2 Data Analysis example)

Following are found in the data :

 Sign (Lesisign) : a girl is shocked, the man is upset, while the boy fainted

 Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Yoon Ji Su.  Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows Hyung Soo fainted, then Sang Wook and Ji Sugot confused and upset at the same time about his condition.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then interpretating the meaning through three steps.

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication lesisignIn this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook and Ji Su‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang-Wook shows upset expression. Upset can be shown by the heads of the eyebrows move down, and the jaw is tensed into biting posture that pushes the lower lip forward and makes the mouth curve down. While Yi-Kyung shows shocked expressions. Shocked here is seen as an expression of total disbelief. This is seen from the jaw drops, the eyebrows lift a lot, the eyes are at their widest and irises free.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes the girl asked to the man how to handle the fainted man.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “Then what do we do to this boy?”. The sentence is a question it ends with question 11

mark. The girl is shocked that‟s why she asked the man since she worried about the boy. 2.2 Visual Semiotics As the explanation above semiotics is the study of sign. Nowadays, semiotics is not only used in linguistics field, but also in psychology, communication, and etc. all of the things in this word is sign that has meaning. The data in this research is the picture and its caption from webtoon entitled sweet home. Due to that reason the researcher needs to use visual semiotics to analyze the data, because the researcher will analyze the combination picture and text at the same time.

Visual semiotics is sub-branch of semiotics which study how an image convey a message or meaning. Visual Semiotics based on Ferdinand de Saussure(Piliang Amir. Y, Hipersemiotika 2001, p: 256) is course in General Linguistic as knowledge explains about sign as a part from social live. If semiotics studies about the sign and symbols, then visual semiotics studies about the symbol and sign we see. Because the meaning of sign is not given but constructed. In visual semiotics we cannot define objects while it is not common, because in this field a photo or image will be indexed due to the presence of a sign. Whereas in semiotics, they are icons because the sign is similar to the object. Signs can be interpreted as anything, signs will be interpreted differently by each individual. But in visual signs, it cannot be interpreted haphazardly. Visual semiotics emphasize the way visual communicate to convey the message.

Mostly work of art perform images rather than text, or maybe sometimes they can have both. Then, connecting the image and text by reading the text on the picture can affect the reader‟s understanding, so the meaning of words and images or picture influence each other. That‟s why visual signals are not arbitrary.

Pierce's semiotics has been used to analyze design and art especially the concept of trichotomy. Pierce has divided the patterns of meaning in signs as iconic, symbolic and indexical The icon refers to the signifier which has the similarities with the signified. Icon is defined as a direct imitation of the object because it has a


physical similarity to what it will represent.An index explained the connection between signifier and signified. With an index, the signifier can't exist without the presence of the signified. An Index showed the evidence of what‟s being represented.A Symbol has no similariteis between the signifier and the signified. That's why their relation must be culturallly learned. There‟s no logical connection between a symbol and what it represents.

In visual semiotics, iconic sign has similarities with the object. for example, taking the pucture of balloon, the resulting image will look like that balloon. The indexical sign doesn't resemble the object being represented. For example, dark clouds are an index of rain. The symbol sign is at the opposite end from icons. For example, symbol of "black suit" is a symbol of "mourning" where we will use black clothes on the funeral, in a different culture this color of flower may not signify „mourning'.

In visual semiotic, the constitution of sign to Peirce divided into monad (icon), dyad (index) and triad (symbol). Icon is monadic since the character is independent whether it has object or representamen, since icon is a sign which existence can be exist or not. Index affected by its object existential. It is impossible to have an index without the object. Therefore, an index is dyadic since thecharacter structure is determined by an existent object independently of the interpretant.And symbol is triadic since the sign and object require the representation of something together to be more general.

According to Freadman (1903) signs in general can be classified into

1. Rhematic iconic qualisign. 2. Rhematic iconic sinsign. 3. Rhematic indexical sinsign. 4. Dicent indexicalsinsign. 5. Rhematic iconic legisign. 6. Rhematic indexical legisign. 7. Dicentindexicallegisign. 8. Rhematic symbol legisign. 13

9. Dicent symbol legisign. 10. Argument symbol legisign.

2.3 Webtoon Sweet Home

Sweet Home is a webtoon series that is written by Carnby Kim and Youngchan Hwang. This webtoon was released on 15th January 2018 and the last episode was released on 29th September 2020. Sweet Home is feature thriller webtoon that tell about a senior high school student who is very closed, even with his family he is very closed off. One day he was forced to leave his home because of unexpected incident. This is how it all changed. There are 141 sub stories in this webtoon, and the researcher takes the 7th series to be analyzed.

Below are the characters in 7th Episode

a. Cha Hyun Soo (The Student)

(Figure 2.3a The Student)

Cha Hyun Soo is main cast in this story. He is known as lone boy.

b. Yoon Ji Su


(Figure 2.3b Yoon Ji Su)

Ji Su lives in flat number 1510, one floor above Cha Hyun Soo. He is 20 years old and is the bassist of an Indie band.

c. Pyun Sang Wook

(Figure 2.3c Pyun Sang Wook)

He plays a mysterious and fierce man in Sweet Home.

d. Lee Eun Hyuk

(Figure 2.3d Lee Eun Hyuk)

He is Lee EunYu's older brother. He's smart and fast.

e. Lee Eun Yu


(Figure 2.3e Lee Eun Yu)

Lee EunHyu never gave up on her dream of becoming a ballerina.

2.4 Relevant Studies A number of studies have been conducted related to the use of semiotics and visual semiotics analysis. They are mentioned as follows : Fenti Mariska Yohana (2015) conducted a journal entitled A Semiotic Analysis Based On Peirce Triadic Theory On Taglines Of Nokia, Honda, Airasia, Lg And You C 1000 Advertising. The aim of this journal is to find out the relation among the signs of the representament, interpretant, and object in Peircetheory. The researcher used a semiotic-analysis triadic theory approach is needed to analysis the taglines. I KadekAgusMahendra Putra, Sang AyuIsnu Maharani, and I Made Netra (2017) conducted the journal entitled Semiotic Analysis of Four Popular “Memes” in Memecenter.com. The aim of this journal is to find out the signified and signifier of the four memes used, as well as to find out the function and description of each meme according to the problem formulation applied.The theory used to analyze signified and signifier in each meme is the theory of semiotics by Ferdinand de Saussure (1983), to analyze the function of the meme itself using theory by Pierce (1885), and to analyze the description of the meme according to the context of the situation. theory put forward by Dell Hymes about S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model. DeslianaDwita and IsnaWijayani (2018) conducted a research entitled Gender Equality In Media Television (Semiotics Analysis Of Fair And Lovely Advertisement Issue Of Marriage Or Master Degree). This journal aims to explain an analysis on a courageous “Fair and Lovely” advertisementin Indonesia that conveys the message of gender equality. This journal used theory of Roland Barthes to analyze "fair and lovely" advertisement. DwiBagusNurrohman and YudhaWirawanda (2018) conducted the journal entitled Gender In Social Media: Semiotic Study OfGender Construction Of Women In InstagramAccount @Moduskeras Postings MuhammadiyahSurakarta University. 16

The aim of this journal is to find out how gender constructions occur in social media Instagram by tracing the semiotic elements on images uploaded by @moduskeras account. This journal used Peirce's semiotic analysis that carries three elements: signs, objects, and interpretations. Peter Ardhiantoa and William Manuel Son (2019) conducted the journal entitled "Visual Semiotics Analysis on Television Ads UHT Ultra Milk “Love Life, Love Milk”. The aim of this journal is to review the meaning of a modern advertisement, especially milk advertisements which are usually for children but aimed at all ages. This journal used Roland Barthe's Theory to analyze the advertisement on television. Robingah (2020) conducted a journal entitled Pierce‟s Semiotics Analysis On Benny‟s Cartoons Related To Covid 19 Issues. This journal aims to find the meaning contained Kartun Benny regarding to the coronavirus issues. This journal used Pierce's theory to analyze Benny cartoons. M. RizkiHawan (2018) conducted a thesis entitled An Analysis Of Semiotic Signs Found In Movie Poster Of Pirates Of The Caribbean. He aims to find semiotic signs and how the meaning of semiotic signs are realized in these movie posters.The researcher uses the theory of Charles Sanders Peirce‟s Triadic Semiosis to analyze the semiotic signs found in this poster.The researcher found that the semiotic signs found in the movie poster of Pirates of the Caribbean are visual and verbal signs and the meaning of semiotic signs in the movie posters are realized through using Peirce‟s Triadic semiosis which are representamen, object and interpretant. Demi Murtaisah(2020) conducted a thesis entitled Semiotic Analysis of Meme for Woman at @9gaggirly Instagram Account. The aim of this study is to find out the message behind the humor implied the picture. The researcher used semiotic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. The researche got the result that advertising images (icons) impacted the researcher's interpretation of the implicit meanings of memes. The researcher took 6 journals and 2 theses as references in making this research, where the six journals discussed semiotic and visual semiotic analysis, the difference was that there were two articles using Roland Barthes's theory to analyze. Both journals can also be used as references since the researcher gets better understanding


of semiotics and what is the difference between Pierce's theory used and Barthes' theory. Meanwhile, the two theses used both Pierce's theory, it's just that the researcher and the previous researcher used different objects.


2.5 Conceptual Framework









PIERCES (1931)









3.1 Research Design

Research method has been one of important elements in conducting the research. Actually, there are 2 types of research method, they are qualitative method and quantitative method. In this research, the researcher uses qualitative method. According to Denzin and Lincoln (2000) qualitative research involves an interpretive and naturalistic approach, it means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. In addition, according to Creswell (2002) quantitative research is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the results of a study, while qualitative research is the approach to data collection, analysis, and report writing differing from the traditional, quantitative approaches.

Based on that explanations above, that‟s why the researcher uses qualitative method in order to help the researcher collect and analyze the data deeply. Furthermore, the data in this research is not the number, then this method is suit to be used in this research. Besides, this method is used to describe and interpret the results and explain about the signs expressed in webtoon Sweet Home.This qualitative method aims to analyze and interpret the data about social phenomena that were collected from webtoon Sweet Home with reference to Peirce‟s theory of semiotics as its theoretical framework.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

The data is 7th episode which is published in June 12thFeburary 2018 and it was accessed on (www.webtoons.com). The source of data used in this research is taken from the webtoon entitled Sweet Home written by Carnby Kim and Youngchan Hwang. The genre of this webtoon is thriller which is told about the condition of the world where turned into monsters due to their deepest desires. The data are


visual and verbal signs in webtoon Sweet Home. The verbal signs are the written texts of the panel in the webtoon consist of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The visual signs are the images in the webtoon.

3.3 Data Collection Technique

The data in this research will be taken from 7th episode of webtoon Sweet Home that were collected in some steps below: a. The researcher needs to download the webtoon Sweet Home to get the softcopy data. b. The researcher needs to read all of the episodes in this webtoon and choose one of the episodes to be analyzed. c. The researcher takes some panels from the chosen episode of the webtoonSweet Home. d. The researcher noted the verbal and non-verbal signs and analyzed the meaning.

3.4 Data Analysis Technique

The data is analyzed based on interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). Based on Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) the data analysis will be divided into three phases. It consists of data condensation, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusions. The data analysis used the theory Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) concept. The figure can see below :





a. Data Condensation According to Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) data condensation is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, and abstracting the data available at the time of the original observation, then transforming the condensed data into a data set that can be analyzed. In the first flow, it is divided into five processes which are selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming.  Selecting The data were selected based on the scope of this research is the visual semiotics in webtoon Sweet Homeon 7th episodewhich is released on 12thFebruary 2018. Visual and Verbal data be using Pierce‟s Theory in this research.  Focusing The next step is focusing on the visual and verbal signs which is found in the webtoon Sweet Home on 7th episode selected the data as data collection.  Simplifying The data would be divided into verbal and visual sign. Then, the verbal and visual sign can be classified and analyzed by using Pierce‟s semiotics analysis.  Abstracting The data is analyzed by using semiotics theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce (1931) which is called triadic theory.


In this step the researcher needs to abstract the analysis of visual and verbal sign by indicating the result if the research, then the researcher summarizing the data analysis in finding and discussion.  Transforming The last step is transforming the data based on Charles Pierce Trichotomy model b. Data Display A display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and the action (Miles and Huberman, 1994).

The researcher displays the visual signs using the trichotomy model theory as follow: 1. Sign (Legisign) : 2. Object (Icon) : 3. Interpretant (Rheme) :

The next step is analyze the meaning through three steps into paragraph. Webtoon Sweet Home used some characters as the figure of the story. In webtoon Sweet Home the sign found is lesisign and the character is a figurative picture where there is no real object exist, therefore must be an icon. Webtoon Sweet Home used some characters as the figure of the story. In webtoon Sweet Home the sign found is lesisign and the character is a figurative picture where there is no real object exist, therefore must be an icon. For the reason that the webtoon is based on the imagination of the author, the interpretant is based on one's personal or rheme

c. Drawing/Verifying Conclusion The last activity is conclusing, drawing and verification. Conclusion form this research focused on the semiotic sign in the webtoon Sweet


Home also a way of semiotic signs realized the message as a language for communication in order to draw the interest of the people.




4.1 The Data Analysis

This chapter describes how to analyze the data by transforming raw data into the useful information. The result of the data analysis is to answer the problem of the study : what are the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home? And how are the semiotic signs used in webtoon Sweet Home interpreted? The raw data in this research is 8th episode of webtoon of sweet home and there are 31 pictures of webtoon sweet home. These following are the analysis of the data by using Pierce‟s visual semiotic analysis. The sign which is found in the 8th episode of webtoon sweet home is displayed in a table as the answer of the first problem and followed by meaning as the answer of the second problem.

Data 1 (Figure 4.1A)


Following are the signs that found in data 1

1. Sign (Legisign) : The girl surprised and the man is mad and confused

2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook and Yoon Ji Su

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows Ji Su worried and tried to give suggestion, while the man was mad and confused at the same time

The sign found is legisign because the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of surprised and confused The object categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook and Ji Su‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang-Wook shows upset expression and Ji Su shows worried expression. Worried can be shown by the head is usually simultaneously jerked back, the mouth puckers, wide and rounded eyes, and the mouth may be slightly open. Upset is milder than anger, but it is clear that there is a disturbance felt by the person. Upset can be seen from the head of the eyebrows moving downward, the jaw tense, and the watchful eye.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes the girl gave suggestion to the man for calling the police, but the man found a network problem that cause them couldn‟t call the police  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “Maybe we should call the police instead…”, “we can‟t call the police either…” and


“I think it‟s a problem with the network carrier, I can‟t make a call at all”. The sentence is a suggestion and statement. The girl is surprised with their condition and tried to help by giving suggestion but it didn‟t work because of network problem.

Data 2 (Figure 4.1B)

Following are the signs that found in data 2

1. Sign (Legisign) : The girl is hopeful and the man is frustrated

2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows Ji Su checked Hyun Soo and she was curious, while the boy felt frustrated about something


The sign found is legisign because the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of frustrated. The object categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook and Ji Su‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang-Wook shows frustated expression while Ji Su shows curious expression. Frustated can be shown by the eyebrow heads try to frown and rise at the same time, and the mouth is frowning or looks a little open and the brain will work hard to find a solution that causes eyebrows to strain. Curious can be seen by the change of face from blank face to interior face. The eyebrows will lift. the eyes will be in focus and will open a little or more, the mouth will also open slightly.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes the girl checked Hyun Soo and the man frustrated about Hyun Soo condition, so we can conclude this picture focused on their facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “He‟s breathing ok” “H e seems he just fell asleep” “well he suddenly collapsed…what should I do?” and “it wouldn‟t be easy to carry him all the way down 14 floors and take him to the hospital. On top of that the elevator shut down”. The sentence is statement and question which is ended by question mark. We can conclude that the girl made sure that Hyun Soo was okay and the man thought the way to bring Hyun Soo to the hospital.


Data 3 (Figure 4.1C)

Following are the signs that found in data 3

1. Sign (Legisign) : they are shock

2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that they were struck by something

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of shocked. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook and Ji Su‟s facial expression and gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang-Wook shows puzzle expression while Ji Su shows uncertain or worried expression. Puzzle expression can be seen by narrowed eyes and wrinkled eyebrows, reflexively the eyebrows will be raised because of worry or anxiety. Uncertain or shocked expression of Ji Su can be seen by her facial expression and her body gesture. Ji Su's expressions and gestures can be seen by his jaw dropping, mouth still narrow but open, eyebrows raised, 29

and gestures he makes by facing sideways, towards something he is suspicious of.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes both of them are curious and worried on something happened out of the door.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “the security guard‟s not answering…” “Maybe, I should go to the security office myself” “no, if something really is in this building, it‟s dangerous for you to go alone” and “you‟ve seen the door just now, right?” The sentence is statement and a question which ended by question mark. We can conclude they just feel curious and worried whether it‟s okay or not to go out. Data 4 (Figure 4.1D)

Following are the signs that found in data 4

1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling confused

2. Object (Icon) : Yoon Ji Su 30

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows Ji Su was confused.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of confused. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality

After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Ji Su‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Ji Su shows worried expression. Worry close to frustration and fear. It's just that on the level of worry, we have a little anger but a lot of fear about something. It can be seen by the raised eyebrows, the curvature of which is also raised, and creates a frown on the forehead, as well as the slightly open mouth position.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Ji Su‟s facial face, so that it is focusing on what Ji Su worried about.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “That could never be caused by a human” and “…then what should we do…?”. The sentence is statement and a question which ended by question mark. We can conclude that Ji Su worried and confused what should they do.

Data 5 (Figure 4.1E)


Following are the signs that found in data 5

1. Sign (Legisign) : Someone is about to go out

2. Object (Icon) : Yoon Ji Su, Cha Hyun Soo, and Pyeon Sang Wook.

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows Ji Su saw Sang Wook who was about to go out.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general body gesture of going out. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Ji Su‟s gesture and posture. Ji Su was seeing whee Sang Wook was about to go, and Sang Wook walk towards the door.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Ji Su‟s gesture to see Sang Wook.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “I‟ll go to the security office”. The sentence is statement. We can conclude that Sang Wokk told him where he wanted to go.

Data 6 (Figure 4.1F)


Following are the signs that found in data 7

1. Sign (Legisign) : Puzzling person.

2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows that Sang Wook asked Ji Su to wait in the room

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of puzzled. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in he data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang Wook shows puzzled expression. Puzzled here can be seen by his raised eyebrows and a slightly confused expression on his face. This seemed clearer than what he said to Ji Su. Sang Wook looked confused until finally he decided to just tell them to wait in the room.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Sang Wook‟s face, so that it‟s focusing on his face or facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “So you wait here for now”. This sentence is statement. We can conclude that Sang Wook just want to save then by asking them to stay in the room.

Data 7 (Figure 4.1 G)


Following are the signs that found in data 8

1. Sign (Legisign) : Door is knocked by someone

2. Object (Icon) : Someone‟s hand

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : The picture shows a door is knocked by someone‟s hand.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general body gesture of knocking the door. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on someone‟s hand gesture that knocked the door  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes a door is knocked by someone‟s hand, so that is focusing on the door.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the picture is bang bang which shows how a door is knocked sounds like. we can conclude that this scene is focusing on the knocking door.


Data 8 (Figure 4.1 H)

Following are the signs that found in data 8

1. Sign (Legisign) : People feeling mad

2. Object (Icon) : An old man and people

3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows an old man and people tried to get know who is inside the room by knocking the door

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of mad. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. 35

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on an old man‟s facial expression and his gesture, and people‟s gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), an old man shows angry expression, it can be seen by a frown on the forehead, flaring nostrils, red in the ears and face is one of anger, and another sign of anger is a clenched fist. While people around him showing that they were curious, this was seen from those who were standing facing the door that an old man was knocking on.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes an old man who is mad and people which feel curious about something. So, it is focusing on the old man who knocked the door,  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “hey!” “hey!” “anyone inside?!” and “where‟s everyone?!”. Those sentence are questions. We can conclude that the old man feels curious and mad at the same time.

Data 9 (Figure 4.1. 9 )


Following are the signs that found in data 9 1. Sign (Legisign) : People feeling upset 2. Object (Icon) :Lee Eun Yu and other people 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows Eun Yu listen to what other people talking about.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of upset. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Lee Eun Yu‟s facial expression and other people gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Eun Yu shows puzzled expression, it can be seen by eyebrows that creased at the same time raised in the worry as a sign of curiosity, lips pursed, and Eun Yu's eyes seemed to be watching around. The gesture of people around who are muttering and the posture of the male body that folds his arms indicates arrogance towards something or makes him look manly in a difficult situation, this indicates that they are wondering about something that is happening.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Eun Yu who was trying to hear people muttering about something. So, that is focusing on Eun Yu‟s facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “so, what‟s this all about?” and “what‟s going on?”. Those sentence are questions. We can conclude they felt curious on something.


Data 10 (Figure 4.1 10)

Following are the signs that found in data 10 1. Sign (Legisign) : the sound of someone's footsteps 2. Object (Icon) : people 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : people were curious towards someone‟s footsteps

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general body gesture of semeone walking . The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :


 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on people gesture, where they were mumbling and looked so curious towards someone‟s footstep.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes people mumbling, so we can conclude it is focusing on people wonder who came.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “huh?!”. This sentence is question which is ended by question mark, it shows their curiosity.

Data 11 (Figure 4.1 11)

Following are the signs that found in data 11


1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling Ecstatic 2. Object (Icon) : Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Eun Yu was hhappy to see Sang Wook while Sang Wook was confused..

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of ecstatic. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Lee Eun Yu‟s facial expression and Sang Wook‟s expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com) Eun Yu shows ecstatic expression, it can be seen by her true broad smile, visible teeth that are a strong sign of happiness. While Sang Wook shows worried expression, it can be seen by furrowed forehead and raised eyebrows.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Eun Yu was happy for seeing Sang Wook. So, that‟s focusing on Eun Yu‟s facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech „Mr. Gangster!” “Hey, Kid” and “Why‟s everyone here…?”. This sentence is and statement and question which is ended by question mark, it shows Eun Yu‟s happiness and Sang Wook‟s confussion.

Data 12 (Figure 4.1 12)


Following are the signs that found in data 12 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling worried 2. Object (Icon) : Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Sang Wook was worried for Eun Yu‟s coming

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of worried. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :

 The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com) Sang Wook shows worried expression, it can be seen by his eyebrow looks frustrated, which rises and creates a frown on the forehead, and the direction of sight looks worried.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Sang Wook was worried, so that‟s focusing on Sang Wook‟s facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech „Huh?!” this sentence is question which show Sang Wook‟s confusion on the situation.

Data 13 (Figure 2.1 13)


Following are the signs that found in data 13 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling puzzled 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Sang Wook was wondering about something

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of puzzled. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first steps is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com) Sang Wook shows puzzled expression, it can be seen by his eyebrows raised as a sign that he was looking for something, eyebrows and forehead wrinkled, mouth slightly opened and eyes slightly narrowed.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Sang Wook was wondering about somehting, so that‟s focusing on Sang Wook‟s facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech „what…” and “why is the shutter…‟ this sentence is question which show Sang Wook was wondering about the shutter.


Data 14 (Figure 4.1 14)

Following are the signs that found in data 14 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling curious 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Eun Yu told and explained something to Sang Wook

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of curious. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Eun Yu‟s facial expression and her body gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com) Eun Yu shows curious expression, it can be seen by an ordinary expression turning into an expression of interest that is expressed in the eye area, the eyebrows raised, the eyes become alert and focus is further clarified by Eun Yu's body gesture which points at something that makes them curious and her mouth opens as if to take in more.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Eun Yu told something to Sang Wook, so that‟s focusing on Eun Yu‟s facial expression and body gesture.


 The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “hey little kid, what‟s going on?” “the elevator is broken and all entrances of the building are blocked with shutters,” “the security office is locked, and no one is answering,” “besides, the phones…” and “aren‟t working”. Those sentences are statement and question. We can conclude that they were talking about the broken elevator. Data 15 (Figure 4.1 15)

Following are the signs that found in data 15 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling shocked 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook, Lee Eun Yu, and other 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows they were locked in the room

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of shocked. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative 44

picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook‟s facial expression and his body gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com). Sang Wook shows shocked expression, it can be seen by a gaping jaw, but the mouth remains narrow, the eyebrows raised and the eyes widened and it can be seen from Sang Wook's body gesture that looks worried.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes he was checking whether they were locked or not, so that‟s focusing on Sang Wook‟s facial expression.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “so we‟re locked out?” “it seems…I think so” and “How about the old security guard?”. Those sentences are statement and question. We can conclude that they felt worried for being locked in the room.

Data 16 (Figure 4.1 16)


Following are the signs that found in data 16 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling puzzled 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook and the police 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Sang Wook were talking to the police

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of puzzled. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook‟s facial expression and Police‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang Wook shows puzzled expression, it can be seen by his eyebrows raised as a sign that he was looking for something, eyebrows and forehead wrinkled, mouth slightly opened and eyes slightly narrowed. While the police shows so-so expression, it can be seen by The so-so expression is an almost neutral facial expression, but beyond that it has a slight hint that things are not all right.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes they were talking about someone.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “no one‟s seen him since yesterday” “no sound from the security office‟ and “the back door?”. Those sentences are statement and question. We can conclude that they were talking and looking for someone.


Data 17 (Figure 4.1 17)

Following are the signs that found in data 17 1. Sign (Legisign) : an empty room 2. Object (Icon) : a room 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that there was possibility the people are locked in the room.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by the quiet situation. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on the room situation.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes an empty room


 The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “the doors to the trail and to the parking lot. They‟re all locked” and “and even to the stairs to the underground parking lot are all locked”. Those sentences are statement. We can conclude all the room were locked.

Data 18 (Figure 4.1 18)

Following are the signs that found in data 18 1. Sign (Legisign) : a blocked building 2. Object (Icon) : a building 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that the entire building was locked from the outside

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by the building‟s situation. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :


 The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on the building‟s situation.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes there was a blocked building  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “this entire building” and “I think it‟s completely blocked from outside”. Those sentences are statements. We can conclude that all of the room in the building were blocked from outside.

Data 19 (Figure 4.1 19)

Following are the signs that found in data 19 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling puzzled 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that they ere wondering about something

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of puzzled. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :


 The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Eun Yu‟s facial expression and Pyeon Sang Wook‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Sang Wook shows puzzled expression, it can be seen by his eyebrows raised as a sign that he was looking for something, eyebrows and forehead wrinkled, mouth slightly opened, eyes slightly narrowed, and men tend rub their chins with their hand. While Eun Yu shows curious expression, it can be seen by raised eyebrows, eyes in focus and eyes expressing interest in the eye region.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes they were guessing something.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “maybe…” “it‟s elated to the…” and “monster…”. Those sentences are the statement. We can conclude that they ere curious.


Data 20 (Figure 4.1 20)

Following are the signs that found in data 20 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling wonder 2. Object (Icon) : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that they were guessing something

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of wonder The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Eun Yu‟s facial expression and Sang Wook‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Eun Yu shows shocked expression, it can be seen by a gaping jaw, but the mouth remains narrow, the eyebrows raised and the eyes widened. While Sang Wook shows puzzled expression, it can be seen by his eyebrows raised as 51

a sign that he was looking for something, eyebrows and forehead wrinkled, mouth slightly opened, and eyes slightly narrowed.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes they were guessing someone.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “what‟d you say?” “no, nothing” and “what about your brother”. Those sentences are statement and question. So we can conclude, they were guessing whether it was monster or her brother.

Data 21 (Figure 4.1 21)

Following are the signs that found in data 21 1. Sign (Legisign) : fire extinguisher was put on the floor. 2. Object (Icon) : fire extinguisher 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that someone brought and put the fire extinguisher on the floor

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by fire extinguisher was put on the floor. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality.


After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on someone who brought the fire extinguisher.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes the fire extinguisher on the floor.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “oh, he went out to pick up something…” and “pick up…what?”. Those sentences are statement and question. So we can conclude that the writer is telling about someone who come bringing fire extinguisher.

Data 22 (Figure 4.1 22)

Following are the signs that found in data 22 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling shocked 2. Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows Hyun Soo walking towards them.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of puzzled. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. 53

After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Hyun Soo‟s facial expression and his body gesture, Sang Wook and Eun Yu‟s body gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Hyun Soo shows so-so expression. The so-so expression is an almost neutral facial expression, but beyond that it has a slight hint that things are not all right and his body gesture when walking towards Sang Wook and Eun Yu. While Sang Wook and Eun Yu look shocked for his coming.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Hyun Soo walking towards them, so it‟s focusing on Hyun Soo‟s body gesture.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “bro?!” . this sentence is statement, we can conclude that they were shocked for Hyun Soo‟s coming.

Data 23 (Figure 4.1 23)

Following are the signs that found in data 23 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling curious 2. Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture show that they were curious why Hyun Soo bring fire extinguisher.


The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of curious. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Sang Wook‟s body gesture and Hyu Soo‟s body gesture. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Hyun Soo shows so-so gesture because he walked casually without any suspicious movements, while Sang Wook and Eun Yu looked curious on Hyun Soo.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Sang Wook and Eun Yu were looking at Hyun Soo.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “fire extinguisher?”. This sentence is question. We can conclude that they were wondering why Hyun Soo brought fire extinguisher.


Data 24 (Figure 4.1 24)

Following are the signs that found in data 24 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling awkward 2. Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo, and old man, and others 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Hyun Soo looked awkward in front of the old man.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of awkward. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Hyun Soo‟s facial expression and an old man‟s facial expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Hyun Soo show ecstatic expression, it can be seen by his true broad smile, visible teeth that are a strong sign of happiness, but he also looks awkward in front of the old man. While the old man looks upset, it can be seen by the heads of the eyebrows move down, and the jaw is tensed into biting posture that pushes the lower lip forward and makes the mouth curve down.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Hyun Soo smile awkwardly.


 The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “sir, could you excuse me for a moment?” and “huh?!!” . Those sentences are questions. We can conclude that the situation was so awkward and confusing.

Data 25 (Figure 4.1 25)

Following are the signs that found in data 25 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling oppressed 2. Object (Icon) : Cha Hyun Soo 3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Hyun Soo lift something

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of oppressed. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Hyun Soo‟s facial expression. According to


Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com) , Hyun Soo shows sneering expression. Sneering expression is response to something despised, be it physical or moral. It can be seen by the lower lip pushes up, curving the mouth down, and the eyes are alert but narrowed.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Hyun Soo lift something.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech “Huh!”. That sentence is exclamation sentence. We can conclude that Hyun Soo was feeling was feeling uncomfortable about something.

Data 26 (Figure 4.1 26)

Following are the signs that found in data 26 1. Sign (Legisign) : Feeling shocked 2. Object (Icon) : Hyun Soo and an old man


3. Interpretant (Rheme) : the picture shows that Hyun Soo threw the fire extinguisher.

The sign used is legisign since the webtoon shows the meaning through an object by general expression of shocked. The object can be categorized as icon because icon is a sign which resembles the object, while the character in webtoon is figurative picture and resembles the object, therefore it is an icon. Rheme stands for its object in respect of quality. After identifying the signs found in the data, then analyzing through 3 steps :  The first step is analyzing non-verbal communication legisign. In this webtoon it is analyzed based on Hyun Soo‟s movement and his expression. According to Joumana Medlej in human anatomy fundamentals series (http://design.tutsplus.com), Hyun Soo shows angry expression, it can be seen by a frown on the forehead, flaring nostrils, red in the ears and face is one of anger, and another sign of anger is a clenched fist.  The next step is analyzing the framing technique. The frame takes Hyun Soo threw fire extinguisher and made the old man shocked.  The last step is analyzing the communicative act. The verbal sign that found in the webtoon is the caption in the balloon speech „Hey!”. This sentence is exclamation sentence, we can conclude that an old man was shocked on what Hyun Soo was doing.

4.2 Findings From the result of the data analysis based on Charles Sander Peirce‟s theory (1931), each panel of the webtoon consists of sign (legisign), object (icon) and interpretant (rheme) which stand for a meaning or idea conveyed by the webtoon creator. There are 26 signs found in the webtoon Sweet Home episode 7th , as follow:

The sign found in the data 1 are Lesisign the girl surprised and the man is mad and confused, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook and Yoon Ji Su, and the interpretant is they are surprised and mad. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, they are facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act. 59

The sign found in the data 2 are Lesisign The girl is hopeful and the man is frustrated, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo, and the interpretant is Ji Su checked Hyun Soo. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, they are facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 3 are Lesisign they are shock, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo, and the interpretant is they were struck by something. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression and gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 4 are Legisign is Feeling confused, the icon is Yoon Ji Su, and the interpretant is Ji Su was confused. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 5 are Legisign Someone is about to go out, the icon is Yoon Ji Su, Cha Hyun Soo, and Pyeon Sang Wook, and the interpretant is Ji Su saw Sang Wook who was about to go out. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, gesture and posture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 6 are Legisign is giving an order. The icon is Pyeon Sang Wook, and the interpretant is Sang Wook asked Ji Su to wait in the room. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, they are facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 7 are Legisign is Door is knocked by someone, the icon is Someone‟s hand, and the interpretant is door is knocked by someone‟s hand. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 8 are Legisign is People feeling mad, the icon is An old man and people, and the interpretant is an old man and people tried to get know


who is inside the room. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression and his gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 9 are Legisign is people feeling upset, the icon is Lee Eun Yu and other people, and the interpretant is Eun Yu listen to what other people talking about. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 10 are Legisign is the sound of someone's footsteps, the icon is people, and the interpretant is people were curious towards someone‟s footsteps. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 11 are Legisign is Feeling Ecstatic, the icon is Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook, and the interpretant is Eun Yu was hhappy to see Sang Wook while Sang Wook was confused. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 12 are Legisign is Feeling worried, the icon is Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook, and the interpretant is Sang Wook was worried for Eun Yu‟s coming. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 13 are Legisign is Feeling puzzled, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook, and the interpretant is Sang Wook was wondering about something. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 14 are Legisign is Eun Yu told something, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, and the interpretant is Eun Yu told and explained something to Sang Wook. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression and her body gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.


The sign found in the data 15 are Legisign is Feeling shocked, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook, Lee Eun Yu, and other, and the interpretant is they were locked in the room. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression and his body gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 16 are Legisign is Feeling puzzled, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook and the police, and the interpretant is Sang Wook were talking to the police. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 17 are Legisign is an empty room, the icon is a room, and the interpretant is there was possibility the people are locked in the room. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 18 are Legisign is a blocked building, the icon is a building, and the interpretant is the entire building was locked from the outside. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 19 are Legisign is Feeling puzzled, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, and the interpretant is they ere wondering about something. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, facial expression, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 20 are Legisign is Feeling wonder, the icon is Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, and the interpretant is they were guessing something. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 21 are Legisign is fire extinguisher was put on the floor, the icon is fire extinguisher, and the interpretant is someone brought and put the fire extinguisher on the floor. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.


The sign found in the data 22 are Legisign is Feeling shocked, the icon is Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu, and the interpretant is Hyun Soo walking towards them. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 23 are Legisign is Feeling curious, the icon is Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu, and the interpretant is they were curious why Hyun Soo. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, body gesture, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 24 are Legisign is Feeling awkward, the icon is Cha Hyun Soo, and old man, and others, and the interpretant is Hyun Soo looked awkward in front of the old man. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 25 are Legisign is Feeling oppressed, the icon is Cha Hyun Soo, and the interpretant is Hyun Soo lift something. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.

The sign found in the data 26 are Legisign is Feeling shocked, the icon is Hyun Soo and an old man, and the interpretant is Hyun Soo threw the fire extinguisher. While the interpretation of sign on this webtoon through 3 steps, certain situation, framing technique, and communicative act.



5.1 CONCLUSION After analyzing the webtoon Sweet Home episode 7th, the researcher concludes some points. They are :

1. First, the researcher found that the signs found in the webtoon are representamen (legisign), object (icon), and interpretant (rheme). The researcher found that the writer chose to use lesisign since the panels in webtoon Sweet Home has general information that the weiter wants to tell the reader. The legisign represents the meaning of the picture in the webtoon. They are :  Data 1 : Legisign : a surprised girl, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook and Yoon Ji Su, interpretant : they are surpr:ed

 Data 2 : Legisign : a frustrated man, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo, interpretant : a man is frustrated.

 Data 3 ; Legisign :they are shock, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Su, and Cha Hyun Soo, interpretant : they are shock.

 Data 4 : Legisign : a confused girl, icon : Yoon Ji Su, interpretant : Ji Su was confused.

 Data 5 : Legisign : someone : about to go out, icon : Yoon Ji Su, Cha Hyun Soo, and Pyeon Sang Wook, interpretant : Ji Su saw someone‟s gone.

 Data 6 : Legisign : Someone giving an order, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook, interpretant : Sang Wook asked Ji Su to wait in the room.

 Data 7 : Legisign : door is knocked by someone, icon : someone‟s hand, interpretant : door is knocked by someone‟s hand.


 Data 8 : Legisign : angry, icon : An old man and people, interpretant : people get mad

 Data 9 : Legisign : people are upset, the icon : Lee Eun Yu and other people, interpretant : The girl listen to the people

 Data 10 : Legisign : Curious people , icon : people, interpretant : people were curious

 Data 11 :Legisign : Someone feeling Ecstatic, icon : Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook, interpretant : the girl is happy.

 Data 12 : Legisign : Someone feeling worried, icon : Lee Eun Yu and Pyeon Sang Wook, interpretant : Sang Wook was worried

 Data 13 : Legisign : Feeling puzzled, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook, interpretant : Sang Wook was puzzled

 Data 14 : Legisign : Telling something, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, interpretant : The girl talking to the man.

 Data 15 : Legisign : Someone feeling shocked, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook, Lee Eun Yu, and other, interpretant : they were locked in the room.

 Data 16 : Legisign : Someone feeling puzzled, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook police, interpretant : Sang Wook were talking to the police.

 Data 17 : Legisign : an empty room, icon : a room, interpretant : people are locked

 Data 18 : Legisign : a blocked building, icon : a building, interpretant : the building was locked

 Data 19 : Legisign : Someone feeling puzzled, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, interpretant : they were puzzled.


 Data 20 : Legisign : Someone feeling wonder, icon : Pyeon Sang Wook and Lee Eun Yu, interpretant : they were curious.

 Data 21 : Legisign : Someone brings a thing, icon : fire extinguisher, interpretant :someone bring a fire extinghisher.

 Data 22 : Legisign : Someone feeling shock, icon : Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu, interpretant : they were shock.

 Data 23 : Legisign : Someone feeling curious, icon : Cha Hyun Soo, Pyeon Sang Wook, and Lee Eun Yu, interpretant : they were curious.

 Data 24 : Legisign : Someone feeling awkward, icon : Cha Hyun Soo, and old man, and others, interpretant : Hyun Soo looked awkward.

 Data 25 : Legisign : Someone feeling oppressed, icon : Cha Hyun Soo, interpretant : someone is oppressed.

 Data 26 : Legisign : Someone feeling shock, icon : Hyun Soo and an old man, interpretant : someone is shock.

2. The meaning of Webtoon Sweet Home episode 7th is analyzed based on non- verbal communication legisign, framing techniques, and communicative act. The non-verbal communication lesisign is identified based on facial expression, body language, posture and gesture. The framing technique is analyzed based on what picture shows, and the communicative act is analyzed based on the verbal sign found the webtoon Sweet Home.


The researcher suggests to the next researcher who wants to conduct the research about visual semiotic to enlarge the analysis. The researcher also suggests the next researcher to use Pierce‟s theory but using different object and do analysis deeper. There are still many object can be analyzed by using visual semiotic such as another webtoon, meme, movie, and etc.



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