Heroes of the Nations
Heroes of the Nations A Series of Biographical Studies presenting the lives and work of certain representative histori cal characters, about whom have gathered the traditions of the nations to which they belong, and who have, in the majority of instances, been accepted as types of the several national ideals. 12°, Illustrated, cloth, each, s/ Half Leather, gilt top, each, 6/- FOR FULL LIST SE:!! END OF THIS VOLUME t,eroes of tbe 'Rations RDITED BY 't!. 'Wt. llarless lDavts, .m.:a. FELLOW OF BALLIOL COLLRGE1 OXFORD FACTA. DUCIS v,vENT OPEROSAQUC: GLOFII,\ RERUM.-ovro, IN 1.IVIAM, 265. THE: HERO'S DEEDS A.~D HA.RO.WON FAME 8HA.LL LIVE., CONSTANTINE CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. FROM THE BRITISH MUSEUM PRINT ROOM, Frontispiece. CONSTANTINE THE GREAT THE REORGANISATION OF THE EMPIRE AND THE TRIUMPH OF THE CHURCH BY JOHN B. FIRTH (SOMl!TIMB SCHOLAR OF QUERN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD) AUTHOR OF HAUGUSTUS C..-RSAR," uA TRANSLATION OF PLINV's LETTERS/' ETC. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 WRST TWENTY-THIRD STRERT 24, BHDFORD STRHE:T, STRAND ~te Jnidmbocku Jltm 1905 COPYRIGHT 1 IQ04 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Published, January, 1905 TO MY FATHER 8604 PREFACE N the following chapters, my object has been to I tell the story of the Life and Times of Constan tine the Great. Whether he deserves the epithet my readers will judge for themselves; certainly his place in the select list of the immortals is not among the highest. But whether he himself was'' great'' or not, under his auspices one of the most momentous changes in the history of the world was accom plished, and it is the first conversion of a Roman Emperor to Christianity, with all that such conver sion entailed, which makes his period so important and so well worth studying.
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