8: G€rerot: 0471- 2312910, 2318153, 2318154, 2318155 Chairman: 2318150 Member Secretary: 2318151 E-mail:
[email protected] FAX: 0471- 23L8134, 2318152 web: www,keralapcb.nic.in KER;ALA STATE POLLUTION CONTROIJ BOARD Gorog ouofilJocm oeilm"leroem m'laor[rnnem G5ruc6ruy Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 PCB/HO/EE 1 NGT I 67 3 I2OI8 Date: 2310212019 From The Member Secretary To The Chairman Cqntral Pollution Control Board Parivesh Bhavan East Arjun Nagar Delhi .110032. Sub: OA No. 67312018 - Polluted River Stretches Program Report - Reg.r Ref :1. Order dated 2010912018 of Hon'ble NGT in OA No. 67312018 2. This Offrce letter of evenNo. dated l3ll2l20l8 3. Letter No. 1401 llll20l9 - WQM-V5096 dated l0l0Il20l9 Sir, In compliance with the order dated 2010912018 of the Hon'ble NGT in OA No. 67312018, River Rejuvenation Committee, State Level Special Environment Surveillance Task Force and District Level Special Environment Surveillance Task Force were constituted vide Govt. Order No. G.O. (Rt) No. l35l20l8lEnvt dated l2ll2/2018. The draft report prepared by Board was submitted to CPCB vide rbf. (2) above. The Task Team of CPCB after reviewing the report requested to submit revised version of action plans upon approval of River Rejuvenation Committee, vide ref. (3) above. In this connection the presentation arranged by the Task Team CPCB was attended by the SPCB on lll02l20l9 at Delhi. Accordingly revised draft action plan prepared as per the recommendations referred (3) is submitted herewith. Yours faithfully MEMBER SECRETARY Encl: As above Copy to; The Principal Se aretary Envi ron ment Department KARAMANA RIVER ACTION PLAN KERALA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD DEPARTMENT OF IRRIGATION KERALA WATER AUTHORITY THIRUVANANTHAPURAM CORPORTION KERALA STATE REMOTE SENSING AND ENVIRONMENT CENTRE KERALA SOCIO ECONOMIC FOUNDATION FEBRUARY 2019 1 CONTENTS No.