SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2011 About the Report This report elaborates Toyota have opened our doors to an all- The target audiences for this report Kirloskar Motor [TKM] Pvt. Ltd. round perspective of our efforts are our internal and external India's, sustainability initiatives from towards sustainability using the G3.1 stakeholders comprising our April 2010 to March 2011. TKM's guidelines as a foundation to the employees, suppliers, dealers, manufacturing facility is located at reporting approach. Since our last customers, government, educational Bidadi, Karnataka. The content of Sustainability Report in 2010, we institutions, the media, local this report is drawn primarily from have established exhaustive community, Toyota Motor instances and processes applicable organization to consolidate data Corporation and other organizations to the fiscal year 2010-2011, and from all stakeholders. that are deemed to influence wherever necessary dates back to sustainability initiatives. the financial year 2008-09. Toyota We understand that stakeholders Kirloskar Motor published its first play a crucial role in the success of We welcome your feedback on this annual report in 2003 dedicated to our business. We have processes in report. Please email us at: environment initiatives and has been place to obtain frequent feedback
[email protected] publishing sustainability reports from stakeholders about satisfaction since 2010. and expectation levels. This forms An online copy is available at: the key criteria in determining Transparency and accountability are process improvements and work life environment/index.asp among top priorities of Toyota enhancement. Kirloskar Motor. With this edition, we Cover design: The tree on the cover represents the Toyota Global Vision.