a current listing of contents Volume 4, Number 4,1984

Published by Susan Searing, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System 112A Memorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263- 5754 a current listing of contents Volume 4, Number 4, 1984

Periodical literature is the cutting edge of women's scholarship, , and much of women's culture. Feminist Periodicals : A Current Listinq of Contents is publ ished by the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in ; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to pro- vide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or' through inter1ibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials. ) - Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals, preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publ ication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical wi11 have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. .The annotated 1isting provides the fol lowing information on each journal :

Year of first publication. Frequency of publication. U.S. subscription price(s). Subscription address. Current editor. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). International Standard Serials Number (ISSN) . Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. Locations where the journal is held in the UW system. Publications in which the journal is indexed. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal.

Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. ii.

Our goal is to have represented in FP all English-language feminist periodicals with a substantial national or regional readership, with an emphasis on scholarly journals and small press offering. We do not in- clude publications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women ' s issues. Nor, with the exception of Ms., do we incl ude newsstand magazines. We are also forced to omit periodicals which 1ack a complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing femi nist 1i terature sorely needs.

Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in Guide to Women's Publishing by Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman (Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1978) ; The Annotated Guide to Women ' s Periodicals in the U.S. edited bi-annually by Terry Mehlman (5173 Turner Rd., Richmond, IN 47374); The Index/Directory of Women's Media publ ished annually by the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (3306 Ross Place, NW, Washington, 06 20008) ; and in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries, edited by James P. Oanky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher Noona, and Neil E. Strache (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982).

Suggestions for improvement of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appreciate assistance from readers in the UW-System with our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up-to-date. Pl ease 1et us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancel lations, or other pertinent information.

A1 ternative Cataloging fn Publication Data Feminfst perfodlcals: a current ltstfng of contents. Madison, US: Mum's Studies Librarian-at-Large. University of Wisconsfn System. quarterly. "Table of contents pays from current issues of majop feminist journals are repmduced.. .. . preceded,,by a canprehensive annotated 1isttnq of all journal 5.. . Frequently cited as FP. 1. Feminist periodicals--0frectories. 2. - Bi bl fography-Periodf cals. 3. Femi nist perfodicals-- Current awareness seyices. I. Vniversi ty of Uisconsin Library System. Yam s Studies Librarian-at-Large. , (courtesy of Sanford Berman) --

- Feminist Periodicals (ISSN 0742-7433) is published by Susan E. Searing, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large for the University of Wisconsin System, ll2A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone: (608) 263-5754. Compilers: Linda Shult, Brenda J. Marston. Graphics: Catharina Schimert. Pub- lications of the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large are available free of charge to Wisconsin residents. The sub- scription rate outside Wisconsin is $12.00/year for individuals and women's programs, $24.00/year for institutions. This fee covers a1 1 publ ications of the Office, including Feminist Col- lections, Feminist Periodicals, New Books on Women & Feminism, and bibl iographies , directories and occasional publ ications produced throughout the year. iii.

AMAZON 12. News; analysis; in-depth articles; fiction; 1. 1972. poetry; reviews. 'Broadsheet is a radical 2. 2/year. femini st magazine rhich C~n~Ciou~lystrives to 3. 56 (indlv.), $15 (inst.). Single copies: $1. be anti-racist and to incorporate the views of Free to prisoners. indigenous women. The main focus is on New 4. 2211 E. Kenwood Blvd., ffllwaukee, UI 53211. Zeal and women and events, with sane coverage of 5. Pmazon Collective. Paci fic concerns and issues facing men and 9. OCLC 2045999. feminists everywhere. 10. Madison; State Historical Society. 12. 'hazon is a bimonthly publication with BROOMSTICK. ams, poetry, short stories, etc. by women, 1. 1978. about women, from a feminist viewpoint.' 2. Bimonthly. 3. 310 (indiv.1.. - 520 (inst.). Single cooies: ATLANTI S $2.50. 1. 1976. 4. 3543 18th St., San Francisco, CA 94110. 2. 2/year. 5. fflckey Spencer and Polly Taylor. 3. $10 (indiv.), $16 (inst.). 10. State Historical Sodety. 4. Mourn Saint Vincent University, 166 Bedford 11. Alternative Press Index. Highway, Halifax, Nova Scotia, R3M 256, Canada. 12. 'Broanstick is a feminist political journal 5. Ors. Susan Clark. Margaret Conrad, Donna E. publishing material by, for and about men knyth. over forty. Our priorities are! to portray 7. ISSR 0702-7818. clear, positive images of older woam; to take 8. LC cn77-32338. a stand against the denigration of older women; 9. OCLC 3409640. to offer posltive alternatives in our lives. 10. State Historical Society. Our goal is to form a support network among 11. Historical Abstracts; Anarica: Hlstory and oldei mum." Life; The A1 ternat ive Press Index; fbsources for Fednist Rasearch. CALYX. 12. 'Atlantis is an interdisciplinary journal 1. 1976. dcvdtadto ritical and creative writing in 2. 3/year. English or 2rench on the topic of women. 3. $10 (indiv.), $15 ( ib. 6 inst.). Single Contains scholarly articles, review essays, copies: $4. book reviews, art and poetry.' 4. P.O. Box 0, Corvall s, OR 97339. 5. Margarita Donne1ly. AURORA 7. ISSN 0147-1627. 1. 1975. 8. LC 77-649570. 2. 3/ycar. .9. OCLC 3114927. 3. $6. 10. Madison. 4. P.O. Box 1624, Mdiron, MI 53701-1624. prican Humanities Index. 5. Edited by camittee; current col.littee chalr, Cal x publishes poetry, prase, art, reviews, Jeanne Gono1 1. t?&atias, and photography, and is camitted 7. ISSN 0197-775X. to providing a beautiful and creative journal 8. LC $1180-11853. format in wklch to thoease #m?n artists and 9. OCLC 6113633. writers. ' 12. Science fjction and fantasy with a fccninlst orientation. CMRA OBSCURA. 1976. BLACK MARIA 3/year. 1. 1971. $10.50 (indiv.), $21 ( inst.). Single copies: 2. Annual. $4. Double issuest $7 (issue 3/4), $11 (issue 3. $14 (indiv.), $16 (inst.). Single copies: $4. 8/9/10). 4. P.O. Box 25187, Chicago, IL 606250187. P.O. Box 25899. Los Angel es, CA 90025. 5. 81ack bria Collective. Camera Obscura Col 1ecti ve~ Janet Bergrtrm, 7. ISSN 0045-222X. Rf zabeth iyon, Constance Penley. 8. LC ~~77-1275. ISSN 0270-5346. 9. OCLC 2786249. LC sc79-4979. 10. Madison. OCLC 4818143. 12. 'Black Maria publishes work by emerging women Madison; Mlwaukee. writers that presents wanan as the complex, International Index to Film Periodicals; The positive beings they are.' Film Literature Index; The Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts and BROADSHEET. HuMnities. 1. 1972. Film theory and history; feminist theory; 2. lO/year. psychoanalytic theory; Marxist theory; 3. 539 (aimail), $31 (surface mail ). photography; video and performance. 4. P.O. Box 5799, Uellesly Street, Auckland, New Zealand. 5. The Broadsheet Collective. 7. ISSN 0110-8603. 9. OCLC 6578660. iv.

CANADIAN WOMAN STUDIES/LES CAHIERS DE LA FEMME. CONNEXIONS! AN INTERNATIONAL WOMEN' S OOARTERLY. 1. 1978. 1. 1981. 2. Quarterly. 2. Ouarterly. 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (Canadian inst.), 528 (inst. 3. $12 (indiv.), $24 (lnst. & lib.). Slngle outside Canada). Single copies: $4. copies: $3. 4. 204 Founders College, York Uni~~rsity,4700 4. 4228 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. CA 94609. Keele St.. Downsview, Ontario M3J lP3, Canada. 5. Editorial collective. 5. Shelagh Wllkinson. 9. OCLC 8015674. 7. ISSN 0713-3235. 11. Alternative Press index. 9. OCLC 8558872. 12. "...the collective product of feminists of 10. State Historical Society. diverse nationalities and political 12. "CWS/cf is a bilingual , interdisciplinary, perspectives conmitted to contr?buting to an femSnist journal that brings exciting international women's movement. Each issue scholarship about women to non-scholars. focuses on a specific theme through feature broadcasts our diverse experiences and bridges articles, lntervi ens and personal narratives, the gap bftween Canada's languages and often trans1ated from forei gn-language cultures. publications.

COMWN LIVES/LESBIAN LIVES. FS. FEMINIST STUDIES. 1. 1981. 1. 1972. 2. Quarterly. 2. 3/year. 3. $12 (indiv.), $20 (Inst.). Single copies: $4. 3. S13.50 (Natlonal Women's Studies Associ atlon 4. P.O. Box 1553. Iowa City. IA 52244. members), $18 (!ndiv.), $36 (inst.). Single 5. Edited collectively. copies: 58 (Indiv.), $16 (Inst.). 9. OCLC 8234014. 4. Managing Editor, FS, Feminist Studles, c/o 10. Medison. Wmn's Studies Program, University of 12. Hlstory; biography; correspondence; journal Maryland. College Park. 140 20742. entries; fiction; poetry; vlsual art. Camnon 5. Claire G. Moses. Llves/Lesbi an Lives seeks to document tmes 7. ISSU 0046-3663. of ordinary lesbians, and to reflect the 8. LC 78-645276; ~~76-192. diversity of the lesbian cmunlty--1esblans of 9. OCLC 1632609. color. of age and of youth. fat lesblans. 10. Eau Clal re; Madlson; Milwaukee; Plattevil le; disabled lesblans. poor and worklng-class Stevens Point. lesbians. CL/LL wishes to insure access and 11. Alternative Press Index; Amerlca: Hlstory and vlsibllity msbians who have never thought Life; herican Hlstorlcal Associ at1on Recently before of publlshlng the1 r work. Publlshed Articles; Bulletin Signaletlque- soclol ode; Historical Abstracts: Modern CONCERNS: NEWSLETTER OF THE WOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE ~anguageAssociation ~nternational MODERN LANGIJAGES. Blbllography; The Philosopher's Index; 1. 1971. Psychologlcal Abstracts ; Social oglcal 2. 3/year. Abstracts: Women Studies Abstracts. 3. Slidina scale based on incane. write for 12. ~istortcaland critical artlcles; poetry; art; detai 1;. reports from the women's movement; reviews. 4. Women's Studies. 209 It. Brooks St., Hadison. WI 'FS. Feminist Studles was founded to encourage 53715. analytic responses to femlnlst Issues and to 5. Mary Wyer and Annls Pratt. open new areas of research. crltlcism, and 9. OCLC 2259670. speculation. The editors are committed to 10. Milwaukee. provldlng a form for feminlst analysis. 12. News of the Modern Language Assoclatlon; debate, and exchange. " features; bibliographles; job information. FEMI NARY. CONDITIONS. 1. 1969. 1. 1976. 2. 3/year. 2. Semi annual. 3. $12 (Indlv.). $22 (inst.). Slngle copies: $4. 3. 3 issues: $9 (Indiv. hardshlp). $15 (Indlv.). Free to men in prisons and mental $25 (inst.). Single copies: $6 (Indlv.), $9 Institutions. (inst.). 4. 1945 20th Street. San Francisco. CA 94107. 4. P.O. Box 56A. Van Brunt Statlon. Brooklyn.- - NY 5. Canyon Sam, Tiana Arruda. Jean Swallow, Slm 11215. Kal 1an. 5. Dorothy Allison. Elly Bulkin, Cheryl Clarke. 10. Madlson. Nancy Clarke Otter. Adrienne Uaddy. 12. Previously a lesblan-fernlnlst journal for the 7. ISSN 0147-8311. South published in North Carolina, Feminary 8. LC 77-641895. will now be produced in San Franclscdur 9. OCLC 3232386. new editors. "As edltors wlth roots in 10. Medison: State Historical Society; Milwaukee. dl fferent communities we actively solicl t 11. ~lternativePress Index. writings that port ray the experiences, 12. Poetry; short fiction; novel excerpts; drama; viewpoints, and issues of a diversity of critical artlcles; revlews. "Conditions is a lesblan communities. We want to facilitate magazine of Hornen's writing wifi an emphasis on dl a1 ogue between women of dl f ferent races, writlng by lesblans." classes, cultural upbringings, political, spiritual vlewpolnts, ages and 1ifestyles; and by doing so offer a current, timely perspective on lesbian lives in the United States and internationally." FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: UOMEN'S STUDIES LIBRARY 8. LC cn79-30301. RESOURCES IN WISCONSIN. 9. OCLC 4677989. 1980. 12. Fireweed is a forum for feminist thought and Quarter1 y. dton. Free to Ulsconsin residents. Out-of-state subscriptions I $12 (indiv. and men's FRONTIERS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES. programs), $24 (inst.). Fee covers all 1. 1975. publications of the Office of the Women's 2. 3lyear. Studies Librarian-at-Large. 3. $11 (National Women's Studies Association (See p. it.) members), $14 (indiv.), $28 (inst.). Single 112A Plsmorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, copy prices. MI 53706. 4. Frontiers, Women Studies Program, University of Susan Searing and Cather!ne Loeb. tolorado, Boulder, CO 80309. OCLC 6467769. 5. Editorial Board, Editor: Kathi George. Eau Claire; Madison; State Historical Society; 7. ISSN 0160-9009. Stevens Point; Stout; Superior; Whltuater. 8. LC ~~78-317. Editorials; features; neus; bibliographies; 9. OCLC 2586280. book review. Focus on feminist li brarianship, 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Platteville; publ ishing, booksell ing, archiving, Stevens Point. researching--both in Wisconsl n and nationally. 11. Women Studies Abstracts; Pwrican Human1 ties Review essays strive to provide a guide to the Index; Wan Resources Abstracts; Historical literature an a particular topic, (e.g. Abstracts. sociobiology; uunen in developaant; western 12. Feature articles; book revlews; poetry; black women; lesbian studies; black *onen; feminist and white photography; short fiction. Each science fiction.) issue focuses on a theme, e.g., ~llltn'soral history; mothers and daughters; Chicanas; FEMINIST ISSUES Natlve American uomen; waacn as verbal artists; 1. 1980. who speaks for the woncn's movement; lesbian 2. 21year. history. 'The continulng goal of Frontiers is 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Single cqies: ($10 to publ ish a journal which bridges the gap mlnimum order) $7.50 (Indiv.). $12.50 (inst.). between university and cannunity wanen; to find 4. Transaction ~eriodicals~onsortium, %t. 80i0, a balance between academic and popular views on Rutgers University, New Brunswick, M1 08903. issues coamn to muen.' 5. Mary Jo Lakeland and Susan Ellis Wolf. 6. 2948 Hillegass, Berkeley, CA 94705. HARVARO WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL. 7. ISSN 0270-6679. 1. 1978. 10. Madison. 2. Annual. 12. A jmrnal of fcnlnist social and political 3. $7, $6 (student). theory, with enphesls on an international 4. Pub1lcatlons Office, Harvard Law School, exchange of ideas. It Includes articles by Cwbrldge, U4 02138. Engllsh-language feminists as ell as 5. Judith C. Mlles. translations of fnlnist texts by wanen of 6. Artlcles Edltors, Harvard Wanen's Law Journal, other countries. Harvard Law School, Wrldge, MA 02138. 7. ISSN 0270-1456. FEMINIST REYIEY. 8. LC 80-643769. 1. 1979. 9. OCLC 3967304. 2. year. 10. Madison. 3. $la (Indiv.), $50 (Inst.). Slngle copies: 11.--. Current. Law- Index: Index to Leaal kriodlcals. $7.75 (indlv.), $15.75 (Inst.). 12. 'The Harvard Uanei's Law ourn nil Is devoted to 4. 11 Carleton Gardens, Brecknock Road, London N19 the develounent of a feminist .furl S~rudence. 5AO. England. he main pbrpose is to provide-an in-depth 5. Edltorial collective. exploration of the impact of the law on muen 7. ISSN 0141-7789. and of wMncn on the law. Political, econanlc, 8. LC 800647745. historical and socfological perspectives are 9. OCLC 6191763. c-ined dth legal ones to present a realistic 10. Madison. picture of men's legal status.' 12. 'To develop the theory of Wanen's Liberation and debate the pol 1 tlcdl prspedivrs a4 HEALTHSHARING; A CANADIAN WOMEN'S HEALTH QIIARTERLY. strategy of the movement. To be a forum of 1. 1979.-~ -~ work in progress and currenr research and Quarter1y. debates in Uanen's Studles. Canada: $8 (indiv.), $15 (lib. L groups). Outside Canada: add $1.50. F IREWEED P.O. Box 230, Station M, Toronto, Ontario MS 1. 1978. 4T3. 2. Quarterly. El izabeth A1 lemang . 3. Canada: $12 (indlv.), $18 (inst.). Add $3 101 Niagara St., R200A, Toronto, Ontario, outs1de Canada. Canada M5V 1C3. 4. P.O. Box 279, Station 8, Toronto, Ontario, MT ISSN 0226-1510. 2W2, Canada. LC cn80-30707. 5. Fireweed col 1ect 1ve. OCLC 6295890. 7. -7-3857. Provides a critical analysis of wanen's health issues from a feminist perspective. vi.

HECATE: A WOMEN'S INTE!4lISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. 7. ISSN 0229-5385. 1. 1975. 8. LC cn81-30633. 2. Semi annual. 9. OCLC 8036553. 3. 58 (indiv.), $15 (inst.). Single copies: $4 10. State Historical Society. (indiv.), $7.50 (inst.). 12. "We try to provide a forum for social and 4. Engl ish Dept., University of Queensland, St. cultural issues of interest to women. We also Lucia, Brisbane 4067. Austral la. provide publishing space for creative feminist 5. Carole Ferrier. work -- fiction, poetry, graphic arts." 7. ISSN 0311-4198. 9. OCLC 2530248. IKON 10. adison. 1. 1982/83. 11. Women Studies Abstracts. 2. 2Iyear. 12. Historical and critical articles; creative 3. 2 issues $9.50 (indiv.), $15.00 (inst.). work; graphics; bib1iographies; reviews. 4. P.O. Box 1355, Stuyvesant Station, New York, NY "Hecate prints material relating to women. We 10009. a~ticnlarlyinterested in contri butions 5. Susan Sherman. which employ a feminlst, marxist, or other 12. "IKON is about 'creativity and change1--the radical methodology to focus on the position of i-arsbil ity of the creative process and women in relation to and cap4 talism. social change. It is a cultural magazine, a political magazine. a feminist magazine, which HELICON NINE: THE JCURNAL OF WOMEN'S ARTS AND shows the experiences of third world men, LETTERS . lesbians, Jewish and working wanen, men in 1. 1979. a1 1 our diversity." 2. 3/year. 3. $15. Single copies: $7.50 plus postage. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMEN' S STUDIES. 4. Helicon Nine, Inc. P.O. Box 22412. Kansas City. 1. 1978. 64113. 2. 5/year. 5. Gloria Vando Hickok. 3. $24 (indiv.). $45 (inst.). 7. ISSN 0197-3371. 4. Eden Press. P.O. Box 51, St. Albans. VT 05478. 8. LC 80-640624. 5. Sherri Clarkson. 9. OCLC 529R604. 7. ISSN 0703-8246. 10. Wdison. 9. OCLC 9275059. 12. Artlcles: poetry; fictlon; visual art. 10. Eau Clalre; Madison; Platteville; Stevens Interdisciplinary forum for the creative Point; Stout; Whitewater. accomplishments of women in the fields of 11. knerica: History and Llfe; Human Sexuallty 1 iterature, music, the visual and perfonnlng Update; Current Contents/Social 8 Behavioral arts; Includes color reproductions and a pull- Sciences ; Soci a1 Sciences Citation Index ; Women out soundsheet of a muslcal performance, Studies Abstracts; Cedex-RIC; Pmerican reading or intewiew; provides a documentation Psychologital Abstracts; MLA International of the ongoing history of men in arts and Bibliography; Directory of Perlodical s. 1etters. 12. Historical, critlcal , and feature articles; book reviews. HERESIES: A FEMINIST PUBLICATION ON ART d POLITICS. 1. 1977. ISIS INTERNATIOWAL WOMEN'S JOURNAL (Formerly Isis 2. Quarterly. International Bulletin). 3. $15 (tndiv.), $24 (inst.). Single copies: $5. 1, 1984. 4. P.O. Box 766, Canal Street Statlon, New York. 2. &a$erly. (ISIS International 'Jamen's Journal NY 11013. appears twice a year, as does its supplement, 5. Heresies Collective. Women in Action.) 7s ISSN 0146-3411. 3. 95 (indiv. or men's group, surface), $20 8. LC SC77-704. (indiv. or women's group, aimail ), $25 (inst., 9. OCLC 2917688. surface), $30 (inst.. aimail ). 10. Lacrosse; Madison; Milwaukee; Plattevi lle; 4. Via Santa Maria dell 'Anima, 30, 00186 Rome, Stevens Point, Italy. 11. Alternative Press Index. 5. Editorial collective. 12. Editorials; short articles; blbliographies; 9. OCLC 4286732. poetry. "Heresies Is an Idea-oriented journal 10. Platteville; Stout; Superior. devoted to'minatlon of art and politics 12. ISIS International Women's Journal "gives frm a feminist perspective." indepth coverage to the issues men around the world are working on: development, health. HYPATIA. (See WOMN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL work, violence against women, medl a, FORUM.) comnunication, methods of organization, models for action and more.... Each issue is produced HYSTERIA. jointly by Isis Internatlonal and one or mare 1. 1980. Third World women's groups." Articles; 2. Quarterly. edi torial s; conference reports; resource 3. Canadac $8 (indiv.), $15 (inst.). Add $2 guides. Isis-WICCE (Women 's International outside Canada. Sample copies: $2.50. Cross-Cul tural Exchange) is a sister 4. P.O. Box 2481, Station €3, Kitchener, Ontario organization located in Geneva, Switzerland. N2H 6M3, Canada. Its separate publicatlon, Women's World, 5. The Hysteria Collective? Catherine Edwards, appears four times a year in varying forms: as Becky Kane. Mw Lyons, Eliza Moore, Kathy a newsletter, dossier, or report. Zinger. vii.

JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND RELIGION. 24 Ellerdale Road. London NW3 6RB, England. 1. 1981. Parveen Adams . Beverly Brow, Elizabeth Cowi e. 2. 2/year. LC sn82-20378. 3. Only available with membership, which Includes OCLC 6036119. monthly mailings and a bibliography of women Madison. and religiort. Back Issues available for S3.50. 'A journal devoted to developing a theoretical 4. 2465 LeConte Ave., Berkeley. CA 94709. debate an mmnn's politics in relation to 5. Martha Ann Kirk (Spring 1984 only). existing social 1st and fanini st pol itlcs ." 7. ISSN 82-20870. Feature art1cl es ; book rev1ews ; 8. LC 82-20870-5. letters/cornnents. 9. OCLC 7863169. 12. "Each journal's focus differs. We have covered MANUSHI. areas such as mmen and power, noawn and 179. peace. -~thly. -8. $3(back issues). KALLIOPE: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S ART. ~nushlDistrlbuton, knerica. c/o Esther 1. 1979. m. 5008 Errlnger Place. Philadelphia. PA 2. Wear. 1144. 3. $9. $17. 2 years (indiv.). Single copies: ~dhuKlshwar. $3 .SO. 1/202 Lajpat Nagar 1. New Delhi -110024. 4. 3939 Roosevelt Boulevard. Jacksonvi 1le. FL ldia. 32205. Alternatlve Press Index. 5. Edltorlal collective. 'Manushi r A Journal About Wornen and Society 10. Fdlson. focuses an women's llfe sttuations In India and 12. Kalllo e devotes itself to wanen in the arts on struggles for change. " by-7d- otr shing their work aid snaring their ideas and opinions.' Poetry. fiction. art. MINERVA: QUARTERLY REPORT ON YOnEN AND THE graphics, essays. interviews with MIllen artists MILITARY. and writers. 1. 1983. 2. Quarterly. LILITH. 3. $30. Single copies: S7.50. 1. 1976. 4. 1101 5. Arlington Ridge Road 1210. Arlington. 2. Quarterly. VA 22202. 3. $12 (indiv.), S16 (Inst. and lib.). Single 5. Linda Grant De Pauw. copies! $3. 7. ISSN 0736-718X. 4. Lillth Publications. Inc.. 250 West 57th St.. 8. LC 83-644761; m83-249. Nawrk. NY 10019. 9. OCLC 9201074. 5; Susan Ueidman Schneider. 12. News. camnentary. book mvlews. 'The purpose 7. ISSl 0146-2334. of Mnerva is to provide an informtion center 8. LC 83-640009; Sc77-511. forf5imv7dual s and wgani rations concerned 9. OCLC 2694720. wlth some aspect of umen and the LO. State Historla1 Sodety; Mi lwdukee. mllitary.. .The edi toria1 policy emphasizes 11. Index to Jawish Parlodicals. dlversity rather than consensus. ' 12. Artlcles; revlews; poetry; flctlon. 'Llllth Is named for the legendary predecessor 0-0 MOTHEROOT JOURNAL? A W013EN8 S REVIEW OF SMALL inslsted on equaiity with Maa...As Jeulsh PRESSES. feminists continue to rediscover and mwork 1. 1979. Jewish practice. the contents of Lllith may 2. Quarterly. serve as an evolving Prepared Tabiefor a new 3. $5 (indiv.). Single copies? $1.25. code of behavior.' 4. 214 Dewey St.. Pittsburgh. PA 15218. 5. Anne Pride. LIP. 8. LC sn82-20180. 1. 1976. 9. OCLC 5280133. 2. Annually. LO. Lacrosse; Hadi son. 3. Australian dollarsl $7.95 (indiv.). $10 12. Feminist review of wanen's fiction, poetry. (inst.). serials from small presses. 4. P.O. Box 139. Parkville. Victoria 3052. - ~ustralla. - MOVING OUT: FEMINIST LITERARY 6 ARTS JOURNAL. 5. Board: Suzanne Davies. Andrea HcLaughlin. Lis 1971: Stoney . Jeannette ene el on. Freda ~reiherg. Kim Semi annual. Dona1dson . He1 en Sani ga . Meredith Rogers. $6 (indiv.). $9 (lib.). Single copies: S3. Carolyn Leuens. 467 W. Hancock, Room 214, Uayne State 12. "Li is a feminist arts journal dealing with University. Detroit, MI 48202. tgwork of wanen in the areas of film, visual Amy L. Cherry. Gloria Dyc. Joan Gartland. art, theatre, dance. etc. " Margaret Kamlnski, Paula Rabinokitr. OCLC 3428883. M/F: A FEMINIST JOURNAL. Madison; Milwaukee. 1. 1978. Features; fictfon. "We publlsh quality work by 2. Semiannual . women. Library Journal described our journal 3. $5.50 (Indlv.), $11 (inst.). Single copies: as one w'lth a 'well-deflned aesthetic sense $3. which conslders all facets of women's lives and literature'. .. * viii.

MS. 12. National and international news of interest to 1. 1972. fmlnists. Articles, editorlal s, letters, 2. Monthly. reviews. New Women's Times Feminist Review, a 3. $14 (indiv.). Single copies: $1.75. review of Titerature and the arts is issued six 4. Ms. hgazine, Subscription Dept., 123 Garden times a year as a supplement to New Women's ., Marion. OH 43302. Times. 5. Patricia Carbine, Sheree Crute, Joanne Edgar, Suzanne Braun Levine, Susan McHenry, Martha OFF OUR BACKS. Nelson, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Gloria Steinem, 1. 1970. Ruth Sullivan, Ellen Sweet, Mary Thorn. ll/year. 6. Editors, Ms. Magazine, 119 W. 40th St., New $11 (Indiv.), $15 (contributing), $20 (inst.). York, NY Sample issue! $1.50. Two subs.? $20. 7. ISSN 0047%::: Canadian8 U.S.311. Prisoners: free. 8. LC 72-624579. off our backs,'inc., 1841 Columbia Rd.. w. 9. OCLC 1285775. Room 212. Washington, DC 20009. lo. Green Bay; Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; off our backs collective. Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville; ISSN 0030-6m1. River Fa1 1s; Stevens Point; Stout; Superior; LC sn78-1596. Whi tewater. OCLC 1038241; 5729287. 11. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature; Wanen La Crosse; Madison; State Historical Society; Studies Abstracts; Abstracts of Popular Milwaukee; Platteville; Stevens Point; Culture; Wallace #emrial Library; Rochester Superi or. Institute of Technology. Pub1 1sher ' s Index (1970-1974) ; Wanen Stud1 es It. Features; letters; poetry and fiction; reviews; Abstracts; Alternative Press Index; New news. Per1odlcal Index. International and national news; feature NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN. articles Including regular reporting on work, 1. 1972. health, prison, education, and lesbian issues; Bimonthl y. revieus; letters ; coverage of the wanen's $10 (indiv.), $16 (inst.). movement -- conferences, actions, pol 1tics, 108 W. Palisade Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631. theory. Phyll is Kriegel . ISSN 0160-1075. LC sn80-52. 1977. OCLC 3617120. Month1y (excluding Feb. and Aug.). Madison ; Stevens Point. $10 (indlv.), $15 (contributing). 'We are a national feminist periodical written Box 8027, Grand Forks, NO 58202. for feminists and comnitted to reaching out to El1 zabeth Hampsten. those not yet dedicated to a feminist future.' ISSN 0148-9021. tC sC78-247. NEW WON: A JOURNAL OF SCIENCE FICTION AN0 CRITICAL OCLC 3400725. FEMINISM. State Historical Society. 1. 1981. Plalnswman pub11 shes articles, essays, 2. 2 to 4/year. Twtry,reviews, graphics for and 3. 4 issues: $10. Single copies: $3. about wolRen in the Plains region, focusing 4. P.O. Box 2056, Madison, WI 53701. especi a1 ly, but not excl usively, on 11 ves of 5. Janice M. Bogstad. rural women. 7. ISSN 0278-0852. 8. LC sn81-i678. PRIM1PARA. 9. DCLC 7701699. 1. 1974. 10. Madison. 2. Smlannual. 12. "To provide critical resources on the status of 3. $5, $8/1, 2 years (indiv.). Single ~0pleS1 feminist theory and wolaen's issues In science $2.75. fiction and fantasy genres. To publish and 4. P.O. Box 371, Oconto, UI 54153. encourage work of men writers and artists, 5. Jane Farrell, Ellen Kort, Diane Nichols. whenever possib?e, and to ensure the feminist 10. La Crosse; Madison; Whltewater. orientation of all work published in the 12. Poetry; drawings ; reviews; articles ; journal ." announcements; letters. "Contributors restricted to Wisconsin residents only -- we're NEW WOMEN1 S TIMES. trying to establish a ;fable informal network 1. 1975. for our state's men. 2. ll/year. 3. $15 (indiv.). $20 (supporting), $30 (inst.). 4. 804 Heigs st., Rochester. NY-14620. 5. Editorial collective. 7. ISSN 0161-164X. 8. LC sn79-4421: sn78-5963. 9. OCLC 3885912: 10. Madison; State Historical Society; Milwaukee. ix.

PSYCHOLOGY OF WONN QUARTERY. SEX ROLES1 A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. 1. 1976. 1. 1975. 2. Quarterly. 2. Monthly. 3. $54 (Inst.). Rates for lndlvlduals avallable 3. $22.50 (Indlv.), $llO (Inst.). upon request. ' 4. Plenum Pub1 1shing Corporation, 233 Sprl ng St.. 4. Hwn Sclences Press, 72 Flfth Ave., bwYork, Neu York, NY 10013. NY 10011. 5. Phyllis A. KatZ. 5. Ndncy Henley. 6. Instltute for Research on Soclal Problems, 520 6. Dapt. of Psychology, Unlverslty of Callfornla, Pearl St., Boulder, CO 80302. Lor Angeles, CA 90024. 7. ISSN 0360-0025. 7. ISSN 0361-6843. 8. LC 75-646987. 8. LC 76-12952; ~~76-790. 9. OCLC 2243426. 9. OCLC 2529664. 10. Eau Clalre; Madlson; Parkslda; Plattwllle; LO. Eau Clalre; La Crosse; Madlson; Milwaukee; Stevens Pol nt ; Stout ; Whltewater. Plattevll 1e; 'Stevens Polnt; Stout. 11. Abstracts on Crlmlnology and Penology; Chlld L1. Soclologlcal Abstracts; MaMn Resources Oevelopwnt Abstracts and 8lbl lography ; Abstracts; Psychologlcal Abstracts; Soclal Contemporary Sod 01 ogy ; Current Contents ; Sclences Cltatlon Index; Cwrent Excerpta hdlca ; Faml ly Plannlng Perspectl ves ; Contents/Sodal and Behavioral Scl ences ; Human Sexuality Update; Psychologlcal Current Index to Journals In Educatlon (CIJE); Abstracts; Referatlvnyl Zhurnal ; Sage Fmlly Chlcorel Abstracts to Read1 ng and tearnlng Studles Abstracts; Soclal Sclences Cltatlon Olsabllftles; Chlld bcvelopfnent Abstracts and Index; Sodologlcal Abstracts; The SIECUS Bfbl lography: Oevelopprnt and Ye1 fare Rcport; Studles on Wamn Abstracts. ( ~ndla);;Gn sexuai 1ty Update; Fan1 ly Revleu. 12. hrplrlcal research relatfng to sex roles; book L2. The Psycholog of YaM Quarterly Is s-ponsorrd revlews. by Dlvlf~on or the kmricrn Psvcholoalcal Assocfatlon. Enplrfcal studfo, crltlcil SIGNS, JOURWAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AN0 SOCIETY. revfws, theoretical artfcles, and Invlted book 1975. revleus are published In the Qu;yrlz ... The Owrterly. kfnds of problem addressed Inc u el $20 (students and Natlonal Yawn's Studles psychologlcal factors, behavf oral studles, role Assodatlon members), $27.50 (Indlv.), $55 developnent and change, career cholce and Sfngle copfes: $7 (fndlv.), $13.75 trafnlng, managgent varlables, rducatfon, dlscrfnlnatlon, therapeutfc processes, and The Unfverslty of Chlcago Press, Journals sexual f ty. Dfvfslm, P.O. Box 37005, Chlcago, IL 60637. Barbara Charlesworth Gel pl. RESOURCES FOR FENIWIST L.SEARQI/M)CUMEWTATIOW WR Barbara C. Gelpf , Sf s, Center for Research on LA RECHERCHE FEWINISTO. (Fonrrrly CanadIan -n, Serra House*nhrd Unl versl ty, Wewslettw of Research on Wa6n. 1972-1978.) Stanford. CA 94305. 1. 1979. ISSN 0097-9740. 2. Quarterly. LC 75-649469. 3. $25 (Indlv.), $40 (Inst.). OCLC 1362618. I. Centre for Yoren's Studles Educatlon, O.I.S.E., Green Bay; Eau Clalre; La Crosse; Madlson; 2?52 Blaor St. bat, Toronto, Ontarlo MS 1V6, MIlwaukee; Parkslde; Plattevf 1le; Othkosh; Canada. Rlver Fa1 1s ; Stevens Pol nt; Stout ; Superfor; 5. Marguerfte Andersen, Jcnnlfer t. )(anton, Betsy Mhftewater. Nuse, Frances Rooney, Joyce Scane, Jerl Ylne, nodern Language Abstracts ; HI storlcal Carol Zavftz, Suzanne Sflk Kldn, Ruth Roach Abstracts; Wanen Studles Abstracts; Current Plersm. Contents ; Psycho1oglcal Abstracts; Sbcfologlcal 7. ISSN 0707-8412. Abstracts; Soclal Scfence Cltatlm Index; 8. LC 84-641836; a79-31946. Amerlca; Hfstory and Llfe. 9. OCLC 5585549. Feature artlcles ; research; revleu essays; Ill. Hadlson; Stout. reports; hook revfews; letters/comacnts; 11. !dunen Studles Abstracts; Araerlcan Hlstory and archlval notes. Llfe; Canadfrn Educational Index; kerfcan MElllanftfeS Index ; Hlstorlcal Abstracts; SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL OF WORnS AND PICTURES Socf ologfcal Abstracts. FOR THE LES8IAN IMAGINATION IN ALL U)MEN. f2. Abstracts; book revlews; bfbl lographles; 1. 1976. perlodfcal resource gufde. An 2. Quarterly. fnterdlscfpllnary, lnternatlonal perfodlcal of 3. $14 (Indlv.), $26 (fnst.), $6(hardship). research on wornan and sex roles. Sf ngl e copfes : $4. lo. 4. P.O. Box 1023, Rockland, ME 04841. SAGE? A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ON BLACK WOMEN. 5. Helanfe Kaye/Kantrowitz, Mlchaele Uccel la. 1. 1984. 7. ISSN 0196-1853. 8. LC 82-640638; sn79-8096. 9. OCLC 3451636. 4. P.OIBOX 42741. ~tlanti.GA 30311-0741. LO. Madlson. 5. Patrlcla Be1 1 Scott and Beverly Guy-Shettall . 11. A1 ternati ve Press Index; Of rectory of Wanen ' s 7. ISSN 0741-8639. Medl a. 12. Interdlscfpl lnary forum for crltfcal dlscusslon 12. Theoretical artlcles ; poetry; drama; fiction; of Issues relating to Black men. revlews. SOJOURNER. 7. ISSN 0736-929X. 1. 1975. 8. LC 83-641534; sn83-1973. 2. Monthly. 9. OCLC 9247235. 3. $11 (indiv.), $19 (two yrs.), 522 (inst.). 10. Madlson. Slngle copies1 $1. 11. Alternatlve Press Index. 4. 143 Albany St., Cambridge. MA 02139. 12. Radical feminist theory, scholarship, and 5. Shane Snowdon. revlews. 7. ISSN 0191-8699. 8. LC sn79-2799. TULSA STUDIES IN WOMEN'S LITERATURE. 9. OCLC 4656277. 1. 1982. 10. Madison. 2. Z/year. 12. Feature articles; reviews of books, film. 3. $8 (indiv.), $9 (inst.). dance, theater, visual arts, and rnuslc; news; 4. The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104. poetry. "Our editorial policy is to conslder 5. Shari Benstock. for publlcation anything that is not raclst. 6. The University of Tulsa, 600 South College, sexist, or homophobic in content." Tulsa, OK 74104. 7. ISSH 0732-7730. SPARE RIB. 8. LC sn82-3788. 1. 1972. 9. OCLC 8426594. 2. Monthly. ---10. Madison. 3. Alrmail: $35 (indlv.), $52 (inst.), $23 12. "Tulsa ~:~diesIn ilmenls Literature includes (seamail, indiv.), $36 (seamail, inst.). artjcles, reviews, notes and queries from 4. 27 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1, England. scholars of every period, Including those 5. Editorial collective. reading in languages other than English and 7. ISSN 0306-7971. from students of poetry and prose In all Its 9. OCLC 5237209. forms, includlng essays, diaries, belles 10. Madlson; Milwaukee. lettres, and journal Ism. While articles need 12. Feature articles (e.g.. on politics, labor, not be exclusively concerned with female history, employment, media) ; fiction; poetry; writers the focus must be upon wanen and their reviews; letters; news. work. "

THIW) WOMAN. WLW JOURNAL. 1. 1981. 1. 1976. 2. 2/year. 2. Quarter1y. 3. $7 (indiv.), $10 (Inst.). 3. $15 (inst. and nonmembers of Women Library 4. C/O Chicano-Riqueno Studies, BH849. lndlana Uorkers),$Z(sample issues), $4 (back issues). University. Bl omlngton, IN 47405. 4. 2027 Parker St., Berkeley, U 94704. 5. Norma Alarcon. 5. Carol Starr. 9. OCLC 8342969. 7. ISSN 0272-1996. 12. "The journal is a forum for the creative and 10. Madlson; Stevens Point. critical work of, or on behalf of, Hispanic and 11. Library Literature. Third Yorl d Women tn general." 12. 800k, film and music revlens; feature articles; conference reports; news and notes. 13TH MOON: A FEMINlU LITERART MAGAZINE. 1. 1973. WOMAN'S ART JOURNAL. 2. Semiannual. 1. 1980. j, -Single copies: $6.50 plus 5.75 postage and 2. Semiannual. hand1 ing . 3. $9 (indlv.), $13 (inst.). 13th Won, Inc., 8ox 309, Cathedral Statlon, 4. 7008 Shenood Dr.. Knoxville, TN 37919. ken York. NY 10025. 5. Elsa Honlg Fine. Marilyn Hacker. 7. ISSN 0270-7993. ISSN 0094-3320. 8. LC 80-647891 ; m8O-1207. LC 76-647817. 9. OCLC 6497852. OCLC 2587697. 10. Madison. Wadi son; Mi lwaukee. 11. Art Bibliographies; RILA; ISI. Abstracts of Popular Culture; American 12. Crltical artlcles and revlews pertaining to Humanities Index; Index of herlcan Periodical women In the vlsual arts. 'Me are Interested Verse; MLA International Bib1iography. In a re-Interpretation of art history from our Feature articles; poetry; fiction; art ; new awareness as women...Umen1s Art Journal is reviews. "13th Noon is a literary magazine a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and for publishing quallty work by men. Eclectic, honest crltlcism." but particularly interested in feminist and worklng class lesblan literature.' WOMANSP IRIT. 1. 1924. TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS. 2. Quarterly. 1. 1982. 3. $8 (indiv.), $14 (inst.). Single copies: $3. 2. 3/year. 4. 2000 Klng Mountaln Trail, Wolf Creek, OR 97497- 3. $10 (indiv.), $16 (inst.), $4.50 (sample copy). 9799. 4. P.O. Box 606, N. Amherst, MA 01059. 5. Editorial collective. 5. Lise Weil, Anne G. Dellenbaugh. 9. OCLC 6065348. 6. P.O. Box 606, #. hherst, MA 01059. 11. Alternative Press Index. 12. Women8s$pirituality shared through articles, fiction, poetry, journals, songs, letters, and visual art. xi.

WOMEN AND ENV IRONMNTS. WOMEN L POLITICS. 1. 1976. 1. 1980. 2. 3/year. 2. Quarterly. 3, $9 (indiv.). $15 (inst.). Slngle coples: $3. 3. $ 16 (National Women's Studies Assoclatlon 4. Centre for Urban and Cannunity Studles. Room members). $30 (Indiv.), $74 (Inst.), $90 426. 455 Spadi na Ave.. Uni versi ty of Toronto. (lib.). Toronto, Canada M5S 268. 4. The Hawrth Press. Inc., 28 East 22nd St., Mew 5. Judlth Kjellberg. York. NY 10010. 7. ISSN 0229-4796. 5. Sarah Slavln. 8. LC cn81-30452. 6. Sarah Slavln, Pol itical Science Dept., State 9. OCLC 7966483. Unlverslty College at Buffalo. 1300 Elmwood 10. Wadison. Ave., Ruffalo. NY 14222. 12. Topics? planning, architecture, deslgn; housing 7. Ism 0195-7732. and comuni ty devel oprrent ; geography, urban 8. LC 80-644752; sn79-8972. soclology. envi ronmental psycho1ogy, energy and 9. OCLC 5661577. ecology. 10. Wadlson; Milwaukee. 11. International Pol itlcal Science Abstracts; Pals YOUEN IHEALTH. Bul letin. 1. 1976. 12. Feature articles; research; bibliographies; 2. Quarter1y. book reviews; news and notes. 3. Sl6 (National Wanen's Studles Assoclatlon membirs). 528 (fndfv.), r72 (inst.). tR8 WORN AND THERAPY. (llb.). 1. 1982. The Haworth Press, Inc.. 28 East 22nd St.. new 2. Quarterly. York. NY 10010. 3. $16 (Natlonal Women's Studles Association Sharon Golub. Ph.0. members). $30 findiv.), $55 (Inst.). $75 Sharon Golub, Dept. of Psychology. College of (lib.). New Rochelle. New Rochelle. NY 10801. 4. Subscrlptlon Dept.. The Hawrth Press. 75 ISSN 0363-0242. Grlswold St.. Mnghantm. NY 13904. LC 76648355. 5. Betts Collett. OCLC 2337206. 6. 435 Split Rock Road. Syorset, NY 11791. Madlson; Ul lwaukee; Plattevllle; Stevens Point. 7. ISSN 0270-3149. Abstracts of Health Care hnagement Studles; 8. LC 82-645607 ; sn80-13045. Alternative Press Index; Blbllographic Index of 9. OCLC 6394106. Health Education Perlodlcals (BIHEP); 10. Ew Claire; hdlson. Blbllography of the Hlstory of Medlclne (6 11. Abstracts of Research in Pastoral Care and HISTLINE) ; Bf o-scl ences Inf omatl on Sew1ces of Counsel lng; Biological Abstracts and Biosls Slologlcal Abstracts (BIOSIS) ; Bul letln Data Lse; Alternative Press Index. Slgnalatique; Cumulative Index to Ilursing and 12. *To facll itate dialogue about therapy A1 1led Health Literature (CINAHL); Current experiences mong theraplsts. consumers, and Contents: Social 8 Bchavloral Sclences; resaarchers. The journal 1s fealnlst in Excerpta hedica; Fad1 y Resource Database; orlentatlon and views therapy as an Falnlst Perlodlcals; Index Medlcus; educatl~nal. expdndlng process for personal Psychologlcal Abstracts (8 PsycIMFO) ; Pub1 ic growth. Affairs Info~tlonSewlce Bulletln (PAIS); RIC-CERDIC (Re1 lglous L Soda1 Sciences Index) ; YOUEN ARTISTS NEWS. Social Sclences Cltatlon Index; Social Wclfare, 1. 1975. Sod a1 Pl anning/Pol icy 6 Ma1Oevel opmcnt I. Blyear. Abstracts; Sod a1 Work Research 8 Abstracts; 3. $10 (indlv.), 514 (inst.). Single coples: Sociological Abstracts; Studles on Woncn $2.50. Abstracts; and YoRcn's Studies Abstracts. 4. P.O. 80x 3304. Grand Central Statlon, New York, Feature artlcles; research; blbl iographles; NY 10163. book revlews; news and notes. 5. Cynthla Navaretta. 7. ISSN 0149-7081. YDnEN IPERFOWlAWeE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST THEORY. 8. LC 81-642200; ~~78-127. 1. 1983. 9. OCLC 353670. 2. 2/year. 10. hdlson. 3. $9 (indiv.). Sl5 (Inst.). 12. 'News, artlcles and a canplete nation-wide 4. 51 W. 4th St.. R. 300, New York. NY 10012. almanac of exhibits, conferences. perfomances . 5. Jill Dolan. Julie Halnlg. Gig1 Rivkln. Judy R. and career opportunities by and for men Rosenthal, Trudy Scott. hne 8. Wyma. artists." 7. Issn 0704-7701. 8. LC ~1383-4500. 9. OCLC 9855579. in. nadison. 12. "Wanen L Performance is a feminist journal devoted to the study of theater. dance. film, music. vldeo. rltual and performance art. It includes discussions of feminlst aesthetics. photo essays. interviews. hlstorlcal materlal , reviews and scrfpts. WIP encourages dialogue among performers and tmrl sts. " xii.

WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NETWORK NEWS (WIN NEWS). 12. "Women's Studies provides a forum for the L, 1975. presentation of scholarship and criticisw about 2, Quarter1y. women in the fields of literature, history.-. 3, $20 (indiv.). $30 (inst.). art, soclol ogy, 1an, pol itical science, 4, 187 Grant St., Lexington, HA 02173. economics, anthropology and the sciences. 5. Fran P. Hosken. Also includes poetry. T, ISSN 0145-7895. 8, LC 77-641756. WOMEN'S STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION. 9. OCLC 2694733. 1. 1977. ID, Madison. 2. Zlyear. IZ, "WIN News is a worldwide, open, participatory 3. $8 (student), 512 (indiv.), $15 (Inst.), $3 comnunication system by, for, and about women (slngle coples, back issues). of all backgrounds, beliefs, nationalltles and 4. Rlta Rlce Flaningam, Dept. of Speech age groups. WIN News serves the general Comnunication, Montana State University, publ ic, instimandorgan1 zations by Boteman, MT 59717. transmitting internationally information about 5. Karen A. Foss and Sonja K. Foss. women and women's groups." 6. Karen A Foss, Dept. of Conraunicatlon Studles, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Anherst, ME WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS. MA 01003. 1. 1983. 9. OCLC 8848461. 2. Monthly. 10. Madlson. L $12 (indiv.), 525 (inst.),32 (back Issues). 12. "To publ lsh materlal related to gender and 4, Uellesley College, Center for Research on connwnicatlon deriving from any perspective. Uomen, We1 lesley, MA 02181-8255. includlng interpersonal carmunlcatlon, mall 5, Linda Gardlner. group comnunication, organizational 7.. ISSN 0738-1433. cormnunicatlon, the mass medla, and rhetoric.* 8, LC sn83-9538. 4. OCLC 9529447. WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORM (Fonaerly 10, Madlson. Women's Studies Internatlonal Quarterly). L1. Alternatlve Press Index; Left Index. 1. 1978. 12, "In-depth rev1w of current books, In all 2. Bimonthly. fields, by and/or about men." 3. $20 (Rational Women's Studies Associ atlon members), $30 (indiv.), $95 (inst.). WMEN'S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER. 4. Pergamon Press, Inc,, Raxwell House, Falrview 1. 1971. Patk, ilrllsforo, HY 18523. 2. Quarterly. 5. Dale Spender. 3. $15 (students), $18 (indfv.), $32 (inst.). 6. Rossetti House, Flood Street, London SU3, 5TF, Slngle copies? $5 (fndiv.), $9 (Inst.). England. 4. 15 Washington St., Newark, HI 07102. 7. ISSN 0277-5395. 5. Therese Tlschler. 8. LC 82643383; sn81-1570, 5. Women's Rtghts Law &porter, Rutgers Law 9. OCLC 7590245. School . 15 Washington St.. Newark. NJ 07102. 10. Eau Claire; Had1 son; State Hlstorlcal Sod ety; 7, ISSH 0085-8269. MIlwaukee. 8. LC 74-647333. 11. Women Studles Abstracts. 9. OCLC 1795817. 12. Research corm~lnlcatlons; review articles; book 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison. revlews. The journal strives to reflect the 11. Alternative Press Index; Current Law Index; multldlsclpllnary, internatlonal field of Index to Legal Periodicals; Legal Contents; women's studler, both Inslde and out of Legal Resource Index; Pub1i c Affai rs academia. It also aims to acknowledge cultural Information Service; Sodologlcal Abstracts; dlfferences and at the same tlme to encourage Women Studies Abstracts. an lnternatlonal exchange based on a shared I2. Full-length and feature articles, canments, femlnlst framework. One issue per year revlew essays, book reviews and bibliographies presents Hypatia? A Journal of 'femlnlst on all areas of the law affecting men's Phi 1osophy. rights and sex discriminatjon. WOMENg S STUDIES QUARTERLY. (Former1 y Wanen's WOMEN'S STUDIES. Studles Newsletter). 1. 1972. 1. 1972. 2. 3/year. 2. Quarter1y. 3. $16 (National Women's Studles Associatlon 3. $14 (National Women's Studles Assoclatlon members), $38 (indiv.). $102 (Inst.). members). $18 (indiv.), $25 (Inst.). 4. Gordon and Breach Sclence Publlshers, Ltd., 42 4. P.O. Rax 334. Old Westbury, NY 11568. Irlil llam IV St., London WC2. England. 5. Florence Howe. 5. hndy Martin. 7. ISSN 0732-1562. 6. Wendy Martln. Dept of English. [lueens College, 8. LC sc82-7058; sn82-20082. CUNY. Flushing. NY 11367. 9. OCLC 7387895. 7. ISSN 0049-7878. 10. Madison; Stevens Point; Stout. 8, LC 74-641303. 11. Women Stud1es Abstracts. 9. OCLC 1791887. 12. A publication of The Feminlrt Press and The LO. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Platteville; National Women's Studies Association (NWSA). Stevens Point. Editorials; letters; features; nem; reports; L1. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Wanen Studi~ revlews. Mainly relating to the theory and Abstracts. practlce of women's studies and to women in he academic professions. As of June 1984, will include international news and features. BROADSHEET

September 1984 Issue 122



- COWER ' QWOMAN'S WORK by Muriel Henriques by Hanya Marshal 1 L Mickey Spencer 6 SISTERS, MILWKEE ROAO CALLIGRAPHY thto~ghout by Sue Doro by Polly Taylor 40~PIGS, PIMPS, MD GIGOLOS by Hal en Fore11 e 6HERE COME THE NUNS CARTOONS pp. 2, 36, 38 by Elsen Lubetsky by bulbul 7 CHANGE ANO CRUTIVITY AT MIDLIFE by Rachel Josefowitz Siege1 IZFRAGILE HEARTS NO MORE TANGRAM p. 4 by Rebecca Sandridge by Polly Taylor 13 THE SHORT HAPPY HISTORY OF A LIBERATED YOMAN 15 LIBERATION DRAWINGS pp. 8, 9, 14, 17 by *lUry Pierce by Mary Pierce by Muriel Henriques -\bWRE INSANITY I~ASTRA ALBA CARTOONS PP. 11, 26, 34 by Alsha Eshe by Lorralne Horeau-Laverrlere by NIcole Hot lander IeASENSE OF CONTROL \7INHERITANCE DmWI:XiS ps. 20, 21 by Laura Portz Norberry by 5al:y OaVail by Coulse Hatflage 22 FINANCIAL STATMEM VnELEGACY by tian Shennan 20 - 21 C€mevrol.b . PITY THE WOMEN by Mlriam Offenberg THEY CALL IT EQUALITY by Fannle Carel 1i WHAT DOES SHE WANT, ANYHOW? by Elsen Lubetsky jLqCISTEN by Vera Krasner-Krug We ad2 3%- BRCOELFICX by MII- 29DAYS OF SWINE AND ROSES popit orga-tia bufk aaif, bao~1.a by Marifee 5. Niehoff it ir far OM' mag tho 2.0.t wadsa. But THE WST CFFICE DUES NOT TELL US IF cL1cx ! - STHE UNWENOABLES Pot' WE. Ya do not gat a notica; &ha SEARS CREM'T CARD by Bayfa Winters copir. ma not fomadai nor urn thq by Bertha Lubln ratxrrud. SO & maro rat w knw your hqaop &&..a, -=chcMS;: 24by Susan N. Faulkner 25by Wary Lou Skinner Ross 25cbwq1n worn by Fannl e %re1 1l 26 arr eswev by Roberta Sacfin Batt ;t71soWMT 'THREE GUINEAS" by Blanche Farfey Zsnanb3 anross mum by A. Grim Richardson

a 6imatfrCy national magazine by, for, gl about women overforty camera obscura A Journal of Femirrism and Film T\reory/lz Summer 1984.

Staggering Toward Modern Times by Denise Mann Leaving the 2Otti Ccntury: Intmiew with Max Almy Identity Anecdotes by Meaghan Morris "Desire Shifts thc Diffurnce": Figd Poetics and Figural Politics in rht Film Theory of Marie-Claire Ropvs by Dana Polan MarkClaire Ropars-Wuilleumier: A Bibliography Desire in An and Politics: The Theories of Jean-Fratqois Lyotard by Mauecn Turim Jean-Fmn~oisLyotard: A Partial Bibliography Philosophy and Painting in the Age of Their Experimentation: Contribution to an Idea of Postmodernity by Jean-Fqois Lyotard The Go/d Diggem: A Preview by Jonathan Rosenbaum Book Reviews Figures of Derin: A Theory and~na/$tiof Sutrealsirt Fdm by Lynne Kirby Wmen3 Pictures: Femintim and Cinema by Janet Walker LG Sylprpt6me et /e Savoir by Dana Polan Letter to the Editors: Personal Fig Erratum Contributors Books Received Index to Camera 0bxura / 11, 12 LESBIAN LIVES

a lesbian quarterly

CONTENTS Number Thirteen, Autumn 1984

2 Notes to our Readers 3 For Barbara, who said she couldn't visualize two women together, poem by Ellen Bass 6 With Love, Lena, by Teya ShaIfer 9 Time Passes On: A Present for Mercedes, by Jean Swallow 15 Photograph, by Deb Agapito 16 Whose Past Are We ? by Julia Penelope 37 From Across, poem by Gwyn Marilyn 38 Denise, photograph by Susan Iversen 39 Letting GdLetting Grow, by Terre Poppe with Lnrct Ulmschneider 47 On Lesbian Morality, by Nancy Benon 50 Azalea: A Short Meditation on Letting Go, by Suzanna J. Sturgis 56 Rozhinitza, graphic by Erosa Bylynka IYWings . 57 Too Personal or "I Don't Wand to Hear Thatmor Why Do You Dote on the Past So Much? Because I Got a Say, by Erosa Bylynka Wings 61 Take a Photo, by Judith Zineski 62 My Coming Out Story, by Robyn Weissman 66 *DykesLibrary, photograph by K. Madigan 67 The River Day, by Marlyn MacDonald 73 One for the Road, by Anne D. Crow 76 Self portrait, photograph by Becky Darr 77 It's a Bitch Being Butch, poem by Leslea Newman 81 Lightning, poem by Pat Kuras 82 My Chocolate Fairie, by Marjory Nelson 88 Notes from Landscape Drive: the Children, by Antoinette Walrus Azolakov 90 Separatist, poem by Caryatis Cardea 96 az you drive dong, poem by flying thundercloud, rdoc 100 American Women on the Right Side of the Fence at Greenham, by Jean Grossholtz 112 Punk Dykc Comix, by Michele Lloyd Drawings%? Shadow Catcher appear on pages 5, 60, 80, and 95. Vol. 14, No. 2 WCML Fall 1984 Concerns

NWSLE-R of the Women's Caucus


TABLE OF CONTENTS Roster ...... -...... 1 Letter from the President ...... '...... 3

Balloting for Officer8 ...... 5 A Selected Bibliography on May Sarton ...... 9 Research in Progress ...... 13 Announcements and Calls for Papers ...... 15 Recent Publications ...... 18 Dancing Thru the Mine Field ...... 21 Newsletter Form8 ...... 24 Fall 1984, No. 14

Inside and Out

0 Introduction 18 Belgium: She-Wolf Recollections of a lockebup adolescence 2 Egypt: Professional Rebellion A feminist look at psychiatry, mental 20 : Journeys institutions and prisons words of a detainee and an exile's poem 4 Nepal: Bureaucracy of Sorrows 21 El Salvador: What Do You Expect, A political prisoner serves her sentence We Organized with women charged on criminal offences An interview from inside a Salvadoran prison 6 Algeria: Whose Family Law? 22 Uruguay: All That Was and Is Brazil: Grand Finale Mothers, daughters and prison life

7 Italy: Against the Tides 24 Israel/Palestine: No Court, No Trial, An alternative to institutionalization No Jury is no institution at aU Laws,, prison strikes and town arrests 9 Brazil: Regarding Madness 26 hadPakistan: Blood Money A photographic record of Brazil's One woman equals haif of a man fist psychiatric institution 27 England: Watch Every Word 10 Taiwan: The Awakening Christmas in a mental institution Feminist LO Hsiu-lien in prison for her beliefs 29 Australia: Where Is the Justice? Her side of the story 12 South Africa: Guns in our Backs Relocating and rearranging people's lives 30 The Netherlands: The Furious Witch Building a house to run away to 14 Ireland: Armagh Daily life in Armagh Prison 31 Letters 16 West Germany: No Exit 32 Resources Where the elderly become inmates VOL 13. FALt 1%

A herFrom the New Collective 2

The Symbolism of Clothing &urnd piere Carla Schick 3 Taku skanskan mor~otos Paula Gunn Allen 6 October srory abouf disability NandStcm 8 Mrs. Rick pm Pam& Gny 12 One Out 04Three A History of Incest Sandra Burlcr 13 Some Places I've Bem With My Fatha poem rlishe Berger 18 Elsit pm Barbara Herringer 19 Book Review: We Am AU Part of One Anotber: A Batbara Oaming Reader Diane Spgh 20 Keeper of Acmunts by Irene K1epfb.z Pam& Gnv 21

Anotk Mot& Tongue by Judy Gnhn Jean Swallow 14

A Lesbian Loooks at the Week That Was phlu es-v JEB 25 If We Could Talk inrerviewcoiutnn on uwk Jean Swallow 30 Eveqnhng in rhis Story is True Except .u)'Parts thar .* Libelous nnrrnrizre C~~~thiaRid? 33 The Summer Olympics-1984 Style spom column Cvlvon 5;un 39 Self Defense poem Nin3 JO Smith 42 Theodore Rooseveft Island-Hallowns 9982 poem Susanna J. Srurgii 44 The Spisrer Tzkes A \We sbor? s:o~ Cathenne .%singslane ?.him 46 Girlfriends poem Andm R. Cmm 50 The Business of Moumng mwatire on loss and gnpLPLtngChnsrim McEwen 52 uornen's studies library resources in wisconsin vol. 6, no. 1, fall 1984 TRBLE OF CONTENTS

FRomMrnfs...... 3. Susan fearing reports on four sprlng conferences. TEN YWfS OF UKXT#PrS SNDES I ll&ONSlN...... 5 By Dr. Kam L. Mertltt. rnlNIShV1S10~...... 7 Feminist film for young people. by €llzabeth Ellsworth. UK)(TIEN AND M tw~~tmPRESS: ~01~...... 11 By Judith A. Lnade. IN^ ...... n Report on the First. International Feninist Book Fair, and announcement of the Third National (U.S.) Wauen In Print Con arenee, by Cathy Lo&. NRUREFERENCEU~ORMSI~SSNWES...... 18 Hew sources an: umen and the Brltlsh Empire; the status of wanen; mnWln and the American left; wanen and folklore; notable Britlsh warn; wanen crraposers; wanen In librarianship; language. gender and soclety; biographies of lrorpen for young people; working women's job rights; and the psychology of black women. P€R1001CAC NOTES...... a- He* Periodicals on: erotica for women; film and video; d*P~Pi~~tall~twriting; Hi spanlc women; International men' s 1~~~6s;U.S. defense policy; wanen In Central America; danestlc violence; wrwcn of color; wanen's health; English prostitutes; womhn'~ studies Dminstraaolngm; lesbian and gay liberation; and turn-of-the-century rannn. Special issues on: women's history; Native American/Latina art and 1lteratrrra; the rbetodc of feminist writlng; envlromental history; and gay and lesbian studles. Ceased publication: Bread d Roses. riENOFNOT€...... Pb A women's nen service; a radio serles on inmigrant warwn In the US.; reprint series on nurslng and marriage, sex and the family In England; a new software series on mmen In history; and a British femlnist dlgest for 01 ind uamen. UIXONSIN~IESMWOmENSWW...... ~ New tilbllographies of lesblan literature, 1980-1983, and new reference works in waen's studies, 1983/84. 800HAEVlEUlS...... -...Q8 Bl act and TM rd World Men Writers 1981-1984: Part I, by Bell le ncKay. Recent and Selected Femlnlst Scholarship on Autoblography. by Elaine Marks. Feminist


Articles Junko Wada Kuninobu The Development of Feminism in Modern Japan...... 3

SodHa&& From Koranic Law to Civil Law: Emancipation of Tunisian Women Since 1956...... 23

MoniqtK Wimg The Trojan Horse ...... 45

Monique Plw Psychoanalysis: Subtleties and Other Obfuscations ...... 5 1

Karhleen Mom Prcface to a Feminist Theory of Poverty ...... 59 I Feminist Issues Sociological Interview Bearrir Pesquera "Having a Job Gives You Some Sort of Power": Reflections of a Chicana Working Woman...... 79

All m&ons are by thc editors unless otherwise indicated. Copyright 8 1984 by Feminist Issues. All rights reserved. Editorial Challenging Imperial Feminism ValerieAmos and Pratibha Pannar Black Women, the Economic Crisis and the British State Amina Mama . To Deny Our Fullness: Asian Women in the Making of History Parita Trivedi

t Becoming Visible: Black Lesbian Discussions Cannen, Gail,Sh& and Pratibha Poetry Iyamide Hazeley ,Panninder Dhillon, Cannen Williams, Jackie Kay, Pratibha Pamar BkkWomen Organizing Autonomously Reviews Contributors A FEMINIST QUARTERLY FIREWEED

Theory Issue 19 Summer/Fal 1 1984 fire-weed n : a hardy perennial so called because it is the list growth to reappear in fire- scarred areas: a trhblesome Features weed which spreads like wild- fire invading clearings. bomb- 15 sites, waste land and other dis- Translation from turbed areas. Pour en finir avec Ie patriarut Armande St. Jean

26 BkkWomen in Taronto: Gender, R#c and class Dionne Brand 44 Fiction Reviews Departments Socialist-Feminism -A Challenge 5 to Muxism Editorial Camlyn Egan 86 54 Taiking Through Integrative Clres Feminism Donna Bannister Angela Miles 111 87 Acknowledgements 82 Gifts Talkin' Mnrxist- Lindsey Charlton Feminist Blues Announcements Robin Belitsky 88 102 Endres Woaun Sitting Frida: A Biography 112 at the Machine, of Frida Wo Contributors' Nota Thinking by Haydm Harera Karen Brodine Susan Sturman 114 Lettm to the 107 Collectin In Search of Ow Mothus' Gardens, An Evening at womanist Prose the Waldorf by Alice Walker Jan Clausen Marlene Philip 0 -2 IU


Vol. 5, Number 4, September 1984 I

FEATURES OUR I4EADERS WRITE _ .... _ ...... Why Women Brink ...... 9 My Story ...... 22 An exptorationof women and alcoholism Struggling with sexual confusion by Linda Rasmussen Letters ...... Om...... 26 TransformingErotic Power ...... 13 Thoughts on power in relationships by Mariana Valverde Failure of Free Enterprise ...... 18 A look at private dental practice by Deanna Geddo Collective Notes ...... 3 Healthwise ...... L ...... 8 Osteoporosis as a major public health problem NEWS by Viuiane Caplan II Reviews ...... iiiiiiiiiiii 23 Update ...... 4 For Health or for Profit? The Real Pvshers . I Minor Victory ...... ,,,, 6 I An overview of the Canada Health Act' Resources ...... / ...... 28 -- --. HECATE

Interdisciplinary- 4 Journal


Could "Wie the War Whner" Organhe Women? Problems of CPA Women During World War Il . Lyn Finch

Women, Workers, Ladies or Chicks? How the Courfer Mail Sees Women ...... Rosemary Harris

Why Does Freud GieWhen the Women ~ea& the Room? ...... Jane Gallop

Poems by Aaia Walwia and Kate Llewellyn, Lino cut by Silvana Gardner

"Letters" ...... Carolyn van Langenberg "Motherhood" ...... Eileen Haley

Poems by Jenny Boult

'The Old Order of Things": Women and Anthropology Reconsidered ...... Kay Saunden History in a Vacuum ...... Ann Curthoys Women's Struggles in the Third World ...... Janey Stone What's Wrong With 'Disarmament Feminism' . . Tom O'Lincoln "The Nun's Story" ...... Emily Hagg Poems by Megan Redfern, Kerry Scuffins and Beth Spencer

"Aurora AustraJis" ...... Carol Patterson Poems by Jutta Sieverding and Judy Evans

Ruth First: Banned, Detained, Exiled, Murdered ...... Duncan Innes The Journal of Women's Arts & Letters

Autumn.-- 1984 Number I I

Robert Erwin A Candle for Edna Millay David Ray A Portrait a poem Ruth Whitman Thmpoems Heat her J imenez A1 ice Pole: A Renaissance Woman in Baroque Opera Carolyne Wright Two poems The Gihon Art Collection Alexis Khoury Two poems Susan Wheeler Three poems Ellen Foscue Johnson and Gisela Gamper Studio: Two Vermont Photographers Ann Dunnington The Tomato Plant a short story Kenneth Johnson Hitchcock's Women Elizabeth Kray Mane Bullock: Founder of the Academy of Ameriun Poets an interwiew Suzanne M. Levine If Lenin Crosses the Street a poem Renata TreiteI Susana Thenon's distancias Susana Thenon Five poems translations by Renata Treitel Recording Selections fmm Susana Thenon's distancias a reading by the poet HERESIES # 17

Vol. 5, No. 1. HYS Volume 111, No. 2 August 1984 A feminist magazine by women in Kitchener- Waterloo

Table of Contents

Articles Confessions of a Small Magazine Editor by Susan Ioannou ...... 5 In Search of Female Strategics: Part Two of an Essay on Feminism & Media Violence by Lauren Mum...... 14 Direct Action: Vancouver Five Statement by Ann Hansen ...... 23

Fiction & Poetry Poems & Graphics by Robin Edwards Davies and Patricia R. Davies ...... 4 Whoppers & Fries Fiction by Becky Bradway ...... 9 "Pacifier" by Lude Angela Morreale Barker ...... 10 "Family Man" by Dale Loucareas ...... 11 "In Time" by E.L. Sutherland ...... 13

Regular Features Lettern to the Coilecfive ...... 2 Editorial ...... 3 Feminist Classics...... 7 Community Resources ...... 11 News ...... U Reviews ...... 26 New Resources Aboutwomen ...... 27 She's Just Being Hysterical! ...... 27 International Journal of Women's Studies Editor: Sherri Clarkson Volume 7, Number 4 Contents September/October 1984



GENDER AND THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. : ...... 322 Jeffrey M. Jeske & Kathleen Ovaman



SEX AS VIOLENCE: THE BODY ACAlNST INTIMACY ...... 352 Barbara Renchkovsky Ashley & David Ashley

WOMEN AND SLAVERY: A CROSSCULTURAL PERSPECTIVE...... -372 Dorothy C. Wem March 1984 in t erna tiona


To Kead~...... 1 Introduction...... 3 Inmgd Address ...... 6 Thew orkshops: Some Introductory Comments ...... 9 1.Health ...... 12 2.Chuach ...... 15 3.Family ...... 16 4.Powea ...... 18 5 . Development Programmes ...... 21 6.PaidWosk ...... 23 7.DomesticWork ...... 25 8. Peasant Women ...... 26 9 . Feminism and Daily Life ...... 27 10.Exile ...... 29 11. Violence and Sexual Slavery ...... 31 12.Sexuality ...... 33 13.Lesbianism ...... 35 14. Older Women ...... 37 15. Feminist Research ...... 39

a 16. Alternative Women's Communication ...... 41 17.Literature ...... 44 18.History ...... 46 19.Me%hodobgy ...... 48 20.Seif.Portrait ...... 50 21.Racism ...... 52 Reflections by the Oqpiihg Collective ,...... 53 Appendix...... 64 Resolutions and Motions of the Second Meeting ...... 64 Motions made at The Plenary of The Second':vleeting ...... 67 Resources: ~q&. Publications and .4 udiovisuals ...... 69 No. 24 (Vol. 4, No. 8) September-October, 1984


Give Employment, Not Liquor : Antiliquor Movement In Uttarakhand -Uma Bhatt Pam : Remembering The Madwomen Of The Plaza Dc Mayo -Marjorie Agosin Behind The Glitter :Zardozi Workers In Delhi -Deepti and Pushpa The Process Of Organising :One Woman's E~periena -Neelam Gorhe Making The Workplace A Better Place For Women -Sujatha Gothaskar and Rohini Banaji Struggling To Change Morality -Sham Maaav Letters To Manushi Law : Recent Amendments Of The Criminal Law -Pinky Anand Nominal ~hrngesIn The Dowry Prohibition Act -Ruth Vanita Sweet Voices, Bitter Feelings : Telephone Operators Despite Much Fanfare : The Actual Working Of The Legal Machinery Prawn Fish Head Cutters Of Haroa -Ariane Laning Short Story : Alone -Mannu Bhandari Folk Lore : Oh, Whar Shail i Po ? Films : Saransh -Madhu Kishwar Acltamillai, Achurnilkri (Tamilj -Rajeswari Sunder Rajan Dadima Jagi (TV Serial) -Soma Chatterjee Rebuilding Her Life -Nispruha Desai What Can Be Done ? -Y. Nirmala MINERVA BULLETIN BOARD...... 23 -RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST...... 65


Tinker, ed., Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Po~IcT...... ~~ -by Carolin B. Head

Heller, Women and Hen as Leaders...... 73 QUARmY REPORT ON --by CDR Barbara Williams, USN (Bet.) WOMEN AND THE MILITARY Fourcade, Noah's Ark: The Secret Underaround...... 77 --by COL Rose Stauber, USA (Ret.)

-FICTION Cheryh, 3 Pride qf Chanur ...... 82 by Mary Ann Tetreault

TABLE OF CONTXHTS Hackey, The Laat Warrior Volume-- XI, Number 3 Queen. and Chandler. The Lest Amazon...... 86 by Dr. Abby Wettan Kleinbaum ---LETTER TO THE READER...... -...... ill Women in Uniform: The Case of Greece...... 93 -NEWS by Dr. Jamee Brovn Testimony of Mary W. Gray George Washington University and Carolyn Becraft Submitted Sponsors Conference on Women to the Republican National in NATO FQ~c~s...... ~ Platform Committee...... ~.ll6 by LTC Patricia 8- Jernigan, USA -The Consciousness-Raising DACOWITS Chair Visits Service- of a Male Chauvinist Chaplain ...... 122 vomen Based in Europe...... 10 by BG Paul 0. Forsberg, USA by LCDR Nonna Cheatham, USN (Rat.) A Salute to Xilitary WOPA Begins 1984 as a Nursas...... 125 New Organization ...... 13 by Dr. Nora S. Kinzer by LCDR Deboarah Burnette, USH Letter to my Aunts...... l33 National Convention of Xavy by Ann McKernan Robinson Women Held in Washington, D. C...... 15 by ENS Joy Smith, USN "The Deviln (poem)...... 136 by Norma J. Boris Vietnam Veterans Women's Project Calls for "A Fev Good Women...... 18 by Marilyn Edgerton-Mallard LETTERS TO MIIERVA...... 139 Vietnam Nurses Memorial Project Raising Funds For Bronze Statua...... ZO ---THE LAST WORD...... lM

COVER STORY ?AR1E)SIW(a: Topby.-& SJ.cb I Tk C.trkp Th.t mnby Sw& 106 uv~mswam 37minion W- ... H~WTktnlldlIadae~- A New Cdkd Man7 ...... 47 Horrtk.'old~qa-~drmnd The Chokes Thrt Wn'@ by &a HeMlein, M.D...... -...-.... 136 Brought Ma Ham by Amanda Spske ...... -...... 48 PERWNALSnulr(&&tmr. .. Rlt..oII~~w~ ww n by ~d*.- -- ...... 140 For New P.opk by Beverly Stephen .-- ...... 5s Po€rRYl~~md WhenWy WnTrol Hk Wovdby umilou Adta...... -.. ---.. 143 ChoMins Mothrrhood by PhyUb Mack ..-..-...... b. fRAVtktrmlrrrl#t~V.ut)uhl Tk i4BestQtklor m(h my kn by WvyBrIkmu, -..-" -.... -.-.. iu Shd. Woman by Carl Abbot1 and Joan !jIarker 110 FUTURES BEWEEN REVOLUTlON AND UBERATlOW Wonm01 by June Carolyn Erlidr ...... 66 LOVE MEDlClNE mion by Loulae Erdrkh---...-.-.-.-...... 74 (ke -7 by Ziru Klappn s7 STLPPINQ ACROSS THE LINb VOW .I ...... Wbo'r Alnld et Cndl.l warm by Ann Chrmey -...... -.--. s@ Tok.rNdTok. ,.- ...... , ..-.-...... -.-.-.--.. u DEtARTMEISn LmERSFROM READERS -...... 4 WORIIn Your Hurt YouHnow You'm Rl&b Muitionan ebbsk@l by Natasha Jmeiowltz ...... 12 POUTICI: Epunr In Exh-the R.rgw, WU On Lpudlty hy Judith Paleraon ...... -...... -..-."...... 18 PWULISTM~~H~I~:ra.w ~w~y~1-- Ev~YwN..dtoKnow... I And Nothbq YwDon't by Julie CMdkr -...... 30 I STORIES FOR mEK CHILOREL A Hhtory d I Women t# CN#rm by Vl& Sheldon Epleh ...... 97 I

FrlUQ-Lrudbnrl5dwuak. -m by lkrtry Van Gekler ...... 111 Frhmt.--QNt.(rFm I(* hv Elkn SWPI ...... 114

COIW#&*/N* ~JtJiarn*S~~~..rby Ilwr# ~MLWIII

From the Hometown of Susan B. Anthonv

Vol X No 91 10 -October -- /Novanbar 1984

s of Contents Ed itoria Letters . News...... page 4 and more Centerfold Poster...... Page 6 Alternative Conceptions...... Page 8 plus calendar and announcements. volume xiv number 10 nowember 1984

Uarking far Yoaen In Bolivia...... 1 Ajow Ifateyo: Spesklng Up Fmnt rm iawrview with Crp of ttU fo* of UPFROiVl'. U M~~~RuLBhk mn'a sly mwp+r.. ...lo Fanlnist fm Japan ...... 12 Selective Abortion ...... 13 Porn 1s Subordinatfen?...... -20 Pomogqky reueh is nramalyzed

Brazilian Fmlnists kt...... 3 Tad1 Yorrn's League...... 4

WIOW YMOI'S STUDID ASSOCIATION COIBEREIICE: .StorrSlrgholzGurw in tkr080.a- Opening Sesslqn...... 1 81uk Uomen's Studl~...... lZ Phoenix. AZ Take Lck The Night.. .5 Planar).: Is Feminia the Apmda FBI Surveil lance Revealed...... 6 for UCM of color? ...... 13 Lesbian Fasbr h 'Pornographicm7 *Falnist Scimce': A bbmingful Yale Clericals Strike...... 8 Concept?...... -13 O.C. Grand Jury.. ..9 Alctmwmu &ti* ...... India: ksllm Ln, Challenged...... 6 lhtrodro* ...... 14 PoLftios of Rqing IS Pakistan: Law Oevalucs Yam's ...... Testlmny 6 -'a -t# Cll.fQtk ...... kvioo d tk cewium..... IS ~tkiopia: Yam Fue ~arlne..-----6 Kghting Mad Anti- Yeshlngron Corparable Yorth SpaitiR...... 28 ~nchallmged--Umtll Elution.. ..8 P.ainirn: M. mu# d Horn Video Grrs frcl the Bqs.. ..8 Making Babies in the Age of TechnoloPy 16 Ckzhn...... 17 Anti-brtion tnltlatlws on the ...... Rmdng: Wisrihtirn, Id.ntity. Bellot...... g d cmudty...... 18 of 19 Abortla Clinic Arronlrt Pleads Potitia SoarrrLi* ...... Innocent ...... 9 Heterosuuallty Ruansidwd. .. .r RQU Uam Uncom Abortlon ka..lO The Post-Fcalntst 6unratlon and Vlrgfnla Doctors Arrested for Nsed- tha MIa...... 28 less and Illegal Abortions... ..lo Lesbldn Nuns: Brnllrlng the Hational UMaen's Studies Confermce S1lm...... ?n?sld.ntial P~litl~SI T~...... 23 Coverage continued of tkn mic- .. tleteroseruall ty Reconsidered.. ..I8 #~#vLZLappminth~ Lesbian Huns ...... 19 --&- i.~.

POPIIIlROIe: .w Abortlon. the State and Freedom.. 15 Extended Dutlook...... 21 YomeR of a Certain Age ...... 22 Owning Minds...... 23

Tatyana Mmanova: Soviet Falnlst Chicken Lady...... Gops international ...... 5 Letters...... Advertisem~ts d Revisu: Lllllm d Rusaiu, ...... Chicken Lady ...... 25 &tad by TaQmrrr Elrmmn0ra--.8 Letters...... 26 Sonia Johnson: "The Anner Is Ads ...... 28 Femlnlrd...... 20 OCTOBER 1984 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 2

SEPTEMBER 1984 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 1 In this issue

USJ COIN MI0 -1 WILL In CIIVOIW*CI 7 atumE.wL.IWr -' 9 -bWlrm 15 -""' aL-- In this issue

NOVEMBER 1984 VOLUME 8. NUMBER 3 In this issue


CONTENTS Volume 8, Number 3 Spring 1984


I Abortion Outcome As A Function Of Sex-Role Identification Robin C. Alrcr 211

The Power War: Male Respvnse to I Power Lass Under, Equality Arnold Kahn 234

Feminity, Masculinity, and Adjustment to Divorce Among Women - - Robrrt 0.Humson Maritta F. Knopf E. Anne Do- Pa& R. Monroe Swan E. Stepun Donna 3. Wtdb 248

Group Process and Sex Differences Lpn Sad10 Kofrn

The Psychological !Veil-Being of Women in Their Middle Yean Sionag M. Bkk Clara E. Hifi 282

Lesbian Identities: An Examination of Sexual Behavior and Sex Role Auribution As Related to Age of Initial Same-Sex Sexual Encounter 3rd~K. Vancc Vicki Grtm 293 -;. -;. DOCUMENTA~N~ -%JR LARECHERCHE

table of contents/sommaire

Sport SaRob ad Sa Identit? M. Ann HJi

K- K- ad Japanear Womrn- An Analytic Biblio#rPpkicd GI&& hung Chun Koh. ad. Wiwa and Prop*: Ra(bnn of the Ncvricd Womcni Ifopny Low in Nincucnrh Ccd~England Lee Holmmbe Jilllan Rldinaon The Taking of TwenIjvighl: Wnmeq Challo~pr A3w en Rnir awo 1~patriarrol (he Con4lrlh Armnde hint-Jean Penney Kom Emily I#. Nett Smo11 expectation^ Socwty'r Bebayol of Oldor Women Marie Cwillard &#re lo kmihel l'ombre, l'uniuen pdlique d'Anne Hdbert ~athleenLahey Feminut Thmrirta: ThmCrnluriee of Women'r Lucille Roy Intellectual Tradition Dale Bpender Marjorie Cohan Hard Earned wage^: Women Fighting fiw Botler Work &I Stanotyping in Advertiring Jennrkr Penny Alice E. Courtauy and Thomu W. Whlpple

Cerlm Morris Woaten and Work The Scrval Dynomicr of Hulory: Men'r tbwer. Paul Phillip and Erln Phillip Women'r Reria&nca The London Feminist Hietory Group Helen J. Robinson Women ond tbliticr Vicky Randall Linda Chrl~iarwn.Ruffman Pluy hmSeen#& A Canadian WomonS Oufdr b Initialrng tblial Aclion Lucille Beaudry Pennay Koma Marlene Phllip Silenced Joan Manon Women Scientirlr: The Rood b Liberation Makeda Silvers Derek Richter The Women'r Rightr Mwment in Iran: Mulrny Cynihii Wright Ew and the New Jerudem: Socinli~m Aqpeasement and Reprrrrron /?om 1900 b Khomeini ond hminirm In the Nineteenth Centwy Elu Sansesrian Barbara Taylor Mar~aretRice A Working Mqrority: what women mu1 do Jbr pay & prix b payer pour 81m mare Pat Armtron& and Hugh Amtrong Manine Row Ann 8. Shteir Eighteenth Century Wotnew An Anthology Women of #he Engliah Rencu'rronce and Refirmation Bridget Hill Retha M. Warnicke Phvllis Jemn Repmductrvc Haaardr el Work -s Maxine Molyneur Behind the Veil in Arabio Nancy Miller Chernler Unnl Wikan Jeri Wine Women and the hyehiatric hrh Kathryn McPhereon Eunice &kc. Hoolth Care PIOMW P. Suan Penfold and Ollliam Walker Marion hyce Niroj Slnha Marriog* the Fomily and Women h India V. Rakaes Rao and V. Nandini Rno Barbara Godard Journal Inlime Lynne Swanick 40 Recant Theses on Microfiche Nicole Brossard Work in Prograss 43 Recherche en cours Forcwr Feminine: Women'r Mag~uinrrand the Ctt11 of Femininrty Abstracts I1 Prkis Marjorie Ferpuson Theses M Thesen Thelma McCormick The Aditicr of thr Second Elecbrale Jonl Lovenduski and Jill Hills. &. Periodicals and Networks 67 Journaur et rbaux Deirdre Memtel We Houe Already Cried Many Twr Caroline B. Brettel Periodrcals and Naiworks (education) 58 Jour~uxet rkaux (8ducation) La Papers Presented at the 62 &nf4renca annuelle I'ICRAF 1983 Marpuerite Andernen litl(rotun inlime du Qdbec Annual CRlAW Conference 1983 Frawuise Van Roey.Rour

Ruth Rodch Pierson The Publtc and the Prtwfe article Eva Camamikow. David Morgan. Juue Purvrs. and Daphne Taylorson, eda. Helen Lenekyj 86 Sport, Femintnily and Sesualrfy Gender. Clnsr & Work Eva Oamarnikow. Dtmd Morgan. June Purvis. and Daphne Tayloraon. edn. Bmkr Receiutd @ Liurrs recur Linda C. L. Szeto The Farmer Tuher a Wife Gisele Ireland

Micheline de Seve Fini lu fdminume? Cis& Malimi SEX ROLES SEX ROLESa A Journal of Research A Journal of Research Vul. II. Nos. 3/4 Alqd 1984 VoL 11. Nor. 5/6 -1984 CONTENTS Csunrhip in the Pc~arbCdurnn: Thc lnflunrr of Gendar and Suud Ortcolulen Koy lhnx wd RddHenna A comparko~or ths ~pcutbnror Cdlep Womcn Earulkd in a Funniorul Marriagc Course in 1%1. 1972. ud lQl8 nr. O'Nccrl Wcrfi and &rr A. caw Feminism aud the Wish for a Child Mary-Joan Ormw Sex Difracncer ia Fwors of Romanlk Auracairn Jejjery S. Nevid "\\'by (jirls Arc God": A Conurwlivin Vir Doru Ulliull Pcmn Perception: IWmr of Sex, hlaritd Status. and Sex-Typed Occupr~bn Claire EIau#h and Joanne Siern Auitder Toward W~~KII.Ptnoculity Rtgidi~y.and ldcalizcd Physique Prcfctraccr La Mak Rkhord A. Makr and Aprl J. Lovmkas Fqeid Exprcuivc Behavbrr or High Sclf-Moni~orrarc Less Scx-Typed Paul D. Chemldk and ~OberlM. Ewm Sex-Rde Orkatalion 8nd lnlimacy Slolur in Men and Womcn Siephank-A. Tesch Scx Dlfrercmr in Achicvemcnl/Carea Molivatiun of Iranian Boys and Olrk Na.mh Tohidl Gender Idemlty adSocial Cmpctenec John C. CMdry Emerpcnt Lccukrrbip as a Fmbnof Sex and Task Type Diane Ai)m IVmruvn~and Lynn R. Andcrs0(1

The lmpw of Sex-Role and Rdigiour Aui~udesUpun Forced Alwi~alln~rrcouru Norms Churks R. Jrjjwclo

ROO): REVIEWS SIGNS W N JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY 136 ltr Labor: IYIIJR~IIcord l'o~cwr in thr B~~tlrklace by Barbara Katz Ro~l~n~an Luq H. Alull,r~i 138 Il'unre~riR~li,wrrrll: Yulrcy ln~lpltrc~tiu~~sof Autumn 1984, Volume 10, Number 1 Rrrrnt Rrsr(rrrk edi~edby hlalrimilia~~e Sri~~ovicz

Ct1r11~nc. Pcrrllc~i 159 IVornctr Scrrntists in .~JIICJY~U:Stnrggles md 1 Editorial St~utegie~lu 1940 by Margaret W. Rossiter Mary FaidKulunrfein 4 Feminism and the Meaning of the Vote Svrca M. O'Cunrrur 161 Day Care: Scir~rtificund Svciol Pdiq lscrrrs edited by Edward F. Zigler and Ednlund Evelyn Blackwoad 27 Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native 3Y. Cordon; The Erution of Childhood by An~cricanTribrs: The Case of Valerie Polakow Suransky Cross-Gender Females Alartlra Vicirrus I69 Thc Nahonal Union of IGbmetri Slc//raff Susan Cubar 43 Sapphistries Sorielies. 1897-1911 by Leslie Parker Barbara S. Lindmaun 63 "To Ravish and Carnally Know": Rape in Hume; An Experienc~bf I-t'otnen: Pattern und Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts Change in Nineleenth-Century Europe by Priscilla Rohruon; A Ik'onrun's lsstre: The Pauline B. Bart and 83 Stopping Rape: Effective Avoidance Pvlilics of Fami!\' Law Rejonn by Dorothy hl. Patricia N. O'Briea Strategies Stetson; il'onren in Protesl, 1800-1850 by Malcolm 1. Thornis and Jennifer Grimmett VIEWPO~NT Esklle B. Frerdtnan and 102 lntroducrion to "The Feminist Sexuality Bam'e Thorne Dehtes" Jahn A. MilkJoan Ackcr 168 Can~mentson htackiinnon's "Feminism, Ann Ferguson, 106 Forum: The Feminist Sexuality Dehata and Kale Bu Mirinm M. Marxism. hlethod, and the State" Ilene Philipson. Jdnian. a?h A. Wnt 1rrne Diamond and Catldarine A. AlacKinnon 184 Reply to hfiller. Acker and Barry, Johnson, Lee Quinby, and West, and Gardiner Carole S. Vance and Ann Barr Snilow Kalhryn Pauly Morgan and 188 Comment on Bern's "Gender Schema Maryann Ayiwr Theory and Its lmplications for Child Revlslo~s/R~waTs Development: Raismg Gender-aschematic Children in a Gender-schematic Society" Marilyn L. Williamson 136 Toward a Feminist Literary History Sandra Lipsitz Bem 197 Reply to Morgan and Ayim BOOK REVIEWS 200 Abut the Contributors An Econuric Hulury of Women in America: 204 Nutice to Contributors tl'vtnen's Work. the Srxrral Divisivn of Lubur, and thc Dn~c1u)~lenlaf Capitalism by Julie -4. f:@ing &und Fair L'jt Tkc cula on ~hcliru page of rn artmk in this journal indkatn #heFUY) rklu nwncr's curwrit IIUIcopies uf 111c hlatthilei: 0111 tu Work: A Hislorytuf artnk way hc uiadc bewn~mlthou! prrnii~tnlby Senbns Ilhgc-eanriug Ilrumen in the L'wied Statts by 1U7 ur Ill8 14 the I!.S. Copyright bwpro\iiiecl thn c~tyinarc made unly for ~IPMIPIor iwcrnill US. or for Alice Kessler-Harris; NoIIlirrg Their Ousr: tkpersrm;d ur i~trrnrluu ul'specik rlicnir aid American Wo~ncrrin the 19302 by Susan prwLld llial lk ~op'icr A\ the UJIC~ lrrcup! Ice Ware; The ~IUIIICFro111 a~rd Uqu~rd: American thrtn~yhtbc (:yt!righi c:!:aranr;thtier. IIW. Opratitn~sCe~tter. Y.0. BOX165. Srltma-tallv. Sew Il'urne~irn rhe 1910's by Susan M. Harrmsnn Ywt 14301. I'o rqwst pcrnnssiu~nliu

Scoa~d.tlrrrInnlMc p~ida1 Clii.lye. Illincri* 9 198.1 In 1.11~tTni\cni~\ uf C11ka)p. All ri#Ills


NaclCbva Woracn's Eqdty Day 1w8l seneca Palls10 larL "The -Core ha Gotten Lost" 11 Katby ArdsJom "I'm Sorry I Mithe Fireworks" 12 Rprlo*c c. Gadnto HeL+rosexudityand Siknee -- 13 WSkpdm "How Do You Define Feminism?" U Marcia Kdk 5txu.l Love Cboband Regmerotion - LS EtIm Cimtomw Still More ~ougl~tson the Sexual Rerolulioe--- 16 hiwmfii Goodbye to the Women's Peace Movmcnt17 CoknSlerling: FdngPeople Out_- .--- 17 Xnk'Mh s J. GmJy Seond Waw: Cone, But Not Forgotten 23 lustlfying Ufe: Distinguishing Arl and Politics --20 EllrrrCmwor b- A Women's Movement Memoir 24 Do You Tbink Shaving Is Ned or The Pilot 22 K-W u.nr*dorr "1 Came Here to Work for Soda Ch.nge"f6 Feminist Kate Cnnlon's Chewy Humor 23


Hdth& Thunpy Directory 20 Help Wanted 33

Poetry C MiVfmoaCoclsqHorr O I- Robinmc/Sad a- r ~udlths~&crlond/~g DW 3 earbum ua#w/Bltpa Travel Directory 12 spare


27 Why I don't Imn by H.D.Likm 29 Boufas by Romarv Norman 49 Pocyr: Pma mvyay Fiom PluXethley


38 8mkx On Gcnda and Writnq -does baing a woman make I differem? How to Suopm Worn's Writhg by Jornm Run. and more.. . VidAru: Orfenmiid Exhbitb: Eumpean uusu punung Monh Africa an8 the Middle Em - why? A Woman's Phce ohomgnphy exhibition: Latin American calond silver.. . Mun: /amwmi - r women s iur band from Newcastle Films: Whrte Dog dirdby Sam Fuller: How ctn white man mined the white dog: Tatumenr, directed by Lynn LitLmm: a nuke film wtth a difference - and more REGULARS 4 Lctw: Far Liberauon: doaSmRib live in r 'cow lhmrrrlcal world'? . .. 9 Nmr Minm wwn orpncse. US rape uss repon, and mum more 30 Shortlist: camoaqns, puolicauons, rdks . .. 33 Clawficdr find a loo. a flak a rnerapm and pal.. . 56 Sub: get readv for summer readinp .. . a women's liberation magazine issue 147 october 1984

6 hrlioan' wivea idlr about men, politics and their growing coniidencs. 18 Sweeping askb the 'idler dust' ubartor - women in tmaata' dmzggk 20 Suniti Namj- writar, Isrbkn, teacher and Mythmkor tallu about her life d work. 49 CPmivrl- a glamorour dirpky of trlent md amadde. b a women's liberation maaazine 52 mas women: towrrdr 8 positive self-imw. 54 Azguably the bat known feminist today - but whrt is Gemaim Grwr saying? POLTRY 55 Untitled by GilhPP~M FIrnON 28 Art Is What I Like by Sibyl Ruth

REpEws 36 FWGet Out of 7'hat Garden, a film mdc with London Amugh Co-ordiin# Commitbs: Spring Symphony: ChnWeich. ttm other Schuqad mom. . . D.lra: Dance Thaah ofHarlem mtinirod by 49 Hahnt by Teni AwdI and ~nti~edby Dimnc Hudwick BLck fe-: Sw lhdemidswlo dance. Raien ndio% When by DdOm Po&y: paems from the stm& in Zimbabwe; Wild World, 8 new jouad of feminist po&y and rtoritr.. . 47 'Ihe Juyr of Uttlr Children by Jem F&r ChiMmn's Boob Mr. Sun in Charge - what 8 48 Haunted by Bcvedey Parkin bore! 50 The .Vatin# by Daphne CIaaier TV: the sexual polithof childbirth in Birth 52 Cw&d and Cwby Fnda Hdlin Rfght book^ faminiat8 .Id anti-femiaistr in Women WhoDo and Women Who Don't; 8 'daagerour' 37 W:me Ubmm 3 Olomd Su.\fattan, and .\'umber 73 book &out thr Pul, and 0th- . .. Vial W.hdom i Box u the Amdfii in Brkrol: and ViArt.: the Witchf Menin the Merseyside othen . . . Muuc: the ~rmisublefrank Chickens Garden Festival: Rome Gurard'r Between Theatre: Xpbm Behn'r The Lucky Chance, and Rebecca Oumlves; paiutingr by an Ethiopian woman. Sterru. comwdienne Elisabeth Atnafu; an exhibition in Am- . .. Fimr: Bitter Cane. about the Haitian economy and Ma:Spangeen. ten women from Edinburgh . . . xmgplc: Bleak .Woomenu. . . Theatre: a rare play about a -bled wow, Books: You'd Prelkr me not to Mention It. . . and Eue Abei'm muter. . Beion the Holocaust . . plur, we mice 8 look at what the Edinburgh Qlildren's Boob: Suwet-Tooth Swail. a phoro(lnphic Festival had to offer. in fir.theatre and art . . . story of the Hindu Diweli fcrtlrnl Poetry: Sub-.4nrmm Ydlt by Shrmn Dunham Dace: &i~a.vanr by Bhanm Satyam and the Panculmnl REG1ilAR.S 4 Letta: Outeidera Club reply. yostwoman's Me,co op exploibtion. and mymore 9 Piem: British government on women. obvious 4 Letten: costly women's erenu. homlvinq impiimuonr. equality in Zimbabwe. Chinese rechink . . . SIZ and rmnem' wives. wrong or right? 23 Shortljct. thingr to see and do 9 Sews: womer? in he miten' st-. !amah4 African 31 Ckdeds: fmm CR pups jobs, publications wemen. nrr!-?r?. -.vo+.rn rlnke and much mum . . . to 25 shonlut: of :tin@ to w and do and more 32 CluTmds: ior CR Rrnups. jobs and more 56 Subxz+wss: get a chsiEed ad kee ii you +%ice s(; S~~Mripannr:r cprrtal nif~rfor owfar.1111np r~ltden out a sub


POETRY JanQausen 1 73 Marie Ponsot 1 7 Anne Finger 1 87 Marilyn Krysl 1 34 Myriam Campello, translated by JulieFay 1 36 JacquelineLapidus 1 110 Nell Altizer 1 61 Nadja Tesich 1 114 Angela Jackson 1 64 Cheryl Clarke 1 133 HonorMoore I 66 ConnieFox 1 161 Tran Thi Nga 81Wendy Larsen 1 68 Sapphire 1 167 Agnes Gegely, translated by the Carol Ernshwiller 1 178 author with Larry Levis 1 101 JuliaiUvarez 1 122 ART JudithHall 1 142 Gina Gilrnour 1 cover. 6,126, Kristina McGrath 1 154 160.217 Deb Casey 1 158 Robyn Wiegman 1 174 Susan Fantl Spivack I 176 ESSAYS I TESTIMONY JoannaRuss 1 19 NanetteShaw 1 39 FlCllON JocelynFran~ois, interviewed by Linda Hogan 1 13 NanetteShaw 1 52 Galelackson 1 31 JudyGrahn I 127 Jocelyne Fransois, translated by SonnyWainwright 1 145 NanetteShaw 1 50 Mary Biggs 1 183 REVIEWS FRI DA: A BIOGRAPHY OF FRI DA KAHLO, by Hayden Henera 1 Harmony Hammond 1 219 AMERICAN PRIMITIVE, by Mary Oliver 1 Carolyne Wright 1 W THE WORDS OF A WOMAN WHO BREATHES FIRE, by Kitty Tsui 1 Gale Jackson 1 231 CUENTOS: TTORI ES BY LATINAS, Alma Comez, Cherrie Moraga & Ma riana RomoGrmona, eds., and HOME GIRLS, Barbara Smith, ed. 1 Catherine 7inker 1 235 THE LIZARD'S TAI L, by Luisa Valenzuela 1 Carol Olivia Herron 1 239 INTRODUCING EAVON BOLAND, by Eavon Boland, and ETRLKAN THINGS, by Rika Lesser 1 Mairi Maclnnes 1 241 BACKTALK, by Robin Becker 1 Katherine Kleitz I 245 BESIDE HERSELF: POCAHONTAS TO PAlTY HEARST, by Pamela White Hadas 1 JuliaAlvarez 1 247 NOVEMBER WOMAN, by ludith McRmiel, CALLING MYSELF HOME, by Linda Hogan, and DAUGHTERS.1 LOVEYOU, byLinda Hogan I JanClausen 1 251 l5P5YI mIAA JOURNAL OF IDEAS.

Fall 1984

Nicole Brossard Fsom Radical to Zntesal 6 m&ted by Miranda Hay and Lise Weil

MetFAlenberger The Dream Is tk Bridge 17 In Search of Lesbian Theatre

Jane Mqerding In Response On Nonviolence 60 and Feminism

Bonniest AndFews 7IUVW-LNES 70 Selma Ottiliana Louisa Lagerliif (1858- 1940)

Deihdre Neiren In Review Teaching a Stone 74 to Tak

Jane Caputi In Review Pure Lust 80 Elemental

Hannah QuiIlet Gadfly to the SmdCows 90 WLW JOURNAL VOL.~No. 3 NEWSVIM REVIEWS FOR WOMEN AND LIBRARIES JUIY - Sept. 1984

TABLE OF CONTENTS Comparable Worth & Job Evaluation - by Ilene Ingeho 1-4 Highlighting Women: A Profile on Library Services and Collections Scholarship and Women's History/ The Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, MA - by Mary-Elizabeth Murdock 5-6 Up Your Wages - by Helen Josephine (Guest Columnist Michelle Leber 7-8 Media Review Books - Kathy Burne tt , Kathleen Hirooka, Jane Scantlebury , Beth Sibley, & Karen Yamashita 9-16 Continuing Guide to Women's Serials - Jounne Costanza 17- 16 Framed - Isobel Schneider 19- 20 Records - Cam1 Starr 21 Finder's Sleepers - Carolyn Moskovitz 2 2 Women in Librarianship: Research - by Katharine Phenix 23-25 Women's News ( Feminist Librarianship /A LA Dallas 1984 Annual Report ; Margaret Myers Wins ALA Equality Award; Preserving Women's History Conferences; Women's Studies: A Recommended Core Bibliography Supplement; Did She Win? Yes and No; The Brown Papers) 26- 32 Send For's 32- 33 Vol. 5 No. 2

One Point Perspective. by Elsa Honig Fine ...... ii

ISSUES AND INSlGHTS Sexual Division 01 Labor In The Arts and Crafts Movement, by Anthea Callen ...... 1 The Modest Maiden in 19thCentury Art: Evolution of a Theme. by Hope B. Werness .. 7 Women Designers in the English Pottery Industry. 1919-1939. by Cheryl Buckley .... 11

PORfRA1TS Amalia Lindegren: Aspects of a 19thCentury Artist, by Eva-Lena Bengtsson ...... 16 Marie Bracquernond. by Jean-Paul Bouillon and Elizabeth Kane ...... 21 Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen and Anne Marie Teldnyi: Mother oRd Daughter. by Grethe Holmen ...... 28 Women and Art in Cuba: 'Feminism Is Not Our Issue." by Betty LaDuke ...... 34 Mary Lucier. by Shelley Rice ...... 41

REVIEWS Fn'da: A Biography of Fri& Kahlo. by Hayden Herrera Tina Modotti: A Ftaqc'k Life, by Mildred Constantine. Reviewed by Janet Kaplan ...... 45

a 'Paula Modersohn-Beckerw; Paulcr Modensdin-Beeker: TIte L.ettem cmd Joudedited by Ginter Busch and tilottevon Reinken: translated and edited by Arthur S. Wensinger and Carole Clew Hoey. Reviewed by Ellen C. Oppler ...... 48

a 'American Women Artists: 20th Century Pioneers": "American Women Artists: The .Rent Generation." Reveiwed by Joan Marter ...... 51

Irene Krugman. by Lawrence Alloway ...... 53 Women and Environments Vo1.6, N0.3, Fall 1984 Rotterdam-A City for Everyone?...... 8 By ~NRIETTEVAN EYS Maternal Emplo ent, Cornmunit Context and Pressures: tr" e Case of Child Eare...... 9 By WILLIAM MXCHELSON Constraints for Subsidized Daycare Users ...... 12 By MARIE TRUELOVE The Women's Centre That Grew and Grew...... 14 By MONA FOREST Catching Up with Ourselves...... 16 By SUZANNE MACEENZIE Women Planners...... 20 By ANNE BEAUMONT IN PRINT...... 22 REVIEWS ...... 25 1 EDITORIAL 2- 5 WOiYEFI AND THE UNITED NATIOFIS WORLD CONFERENCE TO REVIEW AXD APPRAISE THE ACHIEVENESTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR WONEN: Nalrobi, Kenya ?5-26 July 1985 WORLD CDNFZREXCE "FORL'?!: NGO Ccnference Opcn to All, Xairabl, 8-15 July INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POPULATION: .slexlCc; 6-13 August, ConfereIIce - Reuort LUESC~: Literacy for Xomen: A iong-neglected Issue reqllrlng basic changes by UNESCO 6- 7 WOMEN AND PEACE THE ROLE AND TASKS OF KOMEN IN THE ANTI-WAR YOVEYENT - Semlnar in Leningrad USSR NATIONAL WOMEN'S CONFEREXCC TO PRPVENT NUCLEAR WAR - Vashington, DC USA // WOMEN'S PARTY FOR SURVIVAL / / UNITED NATIONS NORLD D1SARWE::T CAMPAIGN 8-23 WOMEN AND DEVEWPMMT WOMEN, URBANIZATION AND CHANGE: From Sites and Services to New Communities Urbanrzatron // Sites and Services Projects // Development Criteria for Sites and Services Plans // Development of Human Resources // Education for Urban Living // Integration of Women: A Checklist // Summary and Conclusions WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT - ignores women WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT - stresses population YOUNG WOMEN WORKERS IN EXPORT INDUSTRIES: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry in Southeast Asia - Internatronal Labor Organization(1MI Study WOMEN WORKING WORLDWIDE - ElectronicslClothing and Textile Industries - Report by WAR ON WANT RURAL HOUSEHOLDS HEADED BY WOMEN: A Priority Concern for Development - an ILO Study WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT - CUSO Journal 1984 - Canada // Bulletin de Liaison - French Network on Women and Development // mrotech News - Asia and the Phillipines // Women and Dev+lopment ~ews1ettef;lAustralla 24-38 WOMEN AND HEALTH INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS AND REPORTS: International Council of Nurses World Conference // world Federation of Public Health Assocs. Conference // Report on WHO Women and Health Meeting // Women, Kork and Health Hazards // Internatronal WOmen and Health Meeting No. IV WOMEN9SHEALTH:Pregnant Patient's Bill of Rights // Brazil - Women's Health Grou~// A Critical Review of Women's Health in India REPRODUCTIVE~TECHNOLOGY: International Feminist Conference Planned // Test Tube Women: What Future for Motherhood - BOOK REVIEW // Prenatal Sex Choice - a Path to FRMILY PLANNING: Looking Ahead - Draper Fund Report // Sanger Center Inter national Family Planning Training Program // East Africa: Schoolgirl Pregnancies // IPPF Cooperative Information Service I/ China: Birth Control Efforts // Brazil: Changes in Family Planning policy // Colombia: Birth Control Battle Continues ABORTION: USA: The Historic Facts // Wave of Anti-Abortion Terrorism // National Abortion Action League Mobilizes // Abortion Clinics Harrass- mer.t Condemned // Abortion in Sri Lanka SEX EDDCATIOMI SIECUS 39-44 FWALE CIRCUNSISION: GENITAL AND SEXUAL MUTI LATION PROGRESS REPORT 1984: World Campaiqn aqainst Female Circuncision/Genital and Sexual Mutilation - the ~ntroduction and translation (into Arabzc of the CHILDBIRTH PICTURE BOOKS/program with additions to prevent exci-. sion and infibulation // The third edition of the HOSKEN REPORT: Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females - translation into French . KENYA: Women in Meru Area Reject Operations // LIBERIA: Report from a -rural clinic // UGANDA: Report from Sebei //Thealth Probelems re- sulting from FC/GM - examples from Ethiopia MODEL FOR A GRANT PROPOSAL - to Eradicate FC/GM WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NETWORK NEWS READER'S CONTINUED tmm in* fmn owr -45-54 AND VIOLENCE WIFE ABUSE: USA Task Porco on Family Violonco Publishes Report // Arrest of Wsljmds Best Romady for Wifo Abuse I/ A. Arrests of Violent Xusbmds Incroue, Rapeat Offoncos Decline I/ Hytha and Pacts // Har to Orqanlzo and Run a "Safe-ROUSO. Sholtor for Abused uoamn I/ Violent Pi- Incite Mon to Violonco // Experts Tostify at Abused Women's -If-doforue Trials RAPE VIOLMCE: Florida Man Convicted of Raping his wife // Women and Uzin India /I New *Anti-Cruelty* Act of India Providos Mxu Positivo Change // Crimes Against Woman in Pakistan // Ton Cmndmcnts of R.po Provention CHILD ABUSE: Predominantly Involvos Girls PROSTITUTIONr Perux Womn OppOSO Logal Roqulations // Germany: Forcod prostitution and Traffic in Woman 55-60 REPORTS FROfl AROUND THE WORLD: MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISUtC COUNTRIES: an Overviw IRANI l'ho Rights of Women in Islam - Fixed Tom and Pormanont Marriago I/ -Renewed Enforcement of Dross Cod. WOMEN OP SUBSAHAW AFRICA - Data and Statistics of 40 countries CAMEROON: Women Programs by Hinistry of Agriculture SOMALIA: Final Report of Somali Womon's Democratic Organization Craft Project -KENYA: Jam Kiano, loader of Maondeleo Ya Wanauako Rotiros 61-73---- REPORTS FROn AROUND THE WORLD: ASIA AND PACIFIC BANGLADESHI Tho People's School - Gono Patashala // A Quiet Rs~0hti0n~ TiA3n'Tn Transition in Rural Bangladesh by Martha Artor Chen,BoO~WIEW C~A:Chinese Wornen Advance in Many Areas // Controversy about mternity Lcavc // The Status of Women - Futuro Plans INDIA: Indian Women and the LAW by Pratibha Yavalkar - a Survey // SOS mldrcn's Villages // Bride Burning Increasing // Indian Government Fails to Act Effectively Against Wry // Streevani bkznen's Research Project // Status of Women I1 (I III Tours to India by Odyssey Tours // Oxfar America Women's Study Tour to India CAKISTAW: Women's Action Forum Opposes Discriminatory Islamic Laws NF ZEALAND: Some Positive Oovcloprmntaby New Government AUSTRALIA: Plans We to Increase Woman in Top Jobs // Sex Discrimination Outlawcd MWIYSJ_A: Study on Access of Wosen to Science Education and Careers JPAP: Xcw Tax Laus Bendit Women SM_LI\Nd4A: 3eva Vanitha* Women's Organization Formed 74-78---- REPORT FROM AIUUWD THE WORLD: EUROPE EUROPEAN COIWUNITY: Some Essential Facts // Women at Work - SO Questions, :OAnovors // Woacn in Statistics FRANCE: Advertising Campaign for Anti-Sexism Law // Association for Feminist Studies SWITZERLAND: ~o&n Elected in line for Presidency XED1 TERRANEAT WOMEN : Overriev SPAIN: Feminist Party Organized GERMANY: The Politics of Social Cuts // Demands for Cnange by *Cteensm

79-32 AEPORT FROM AROUND THE 'WORLD : AERICAS -.- WOMEN OF LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN: Data Survey DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: "Advancement of Womenm Department Organized GUATEMALA: IXQUIC Women's Rights Orqanized PERU: Creatividad yCambioOrganixation and Activities ~DA:Canadian Elections Bring Positive Results- for WOLnefI USA: The Gender Gap in US Politics // Conqresswoman Ferraro Vice Presi- dential candidate - an Example for women // National Women's Conference Committee // Child Support Payment Bill Enacted // Equal Pay for Cam- parable Work Argument Continues // WERL - Women's Equity Actlon League // International Women's Studies Institute // National Women's Studies Confcrcnce 83-84 INFORHAT ION OF INTEREST: INTERNATIONAL HUMAN NUUEERS - HUMAN NEEDS: A Primer on Population Crowth // 1984 World Population Facts and Issues and World Population Data Sheel OLYMPICS: Women AthletesTopplaMyths Volume I, number 9 - June 1984 CONTENTS E.M. Broner In My Mother's House: a Daughter's Story by Kim Chernin; Between Ourselves: Letters Between Mothers and Daughters edited by Karen Payne

Kate Eggleston Femininity by Susan Bro wnnriller

Valerie Miner Places in the World a Woman Could Walk by Janet Kauffman; Walking on the Moon by Barbara Wikon

Linda J. Nicholson Marxism and the Oppression of Women by Lke Vogei

Rebecca Allerton lbo Poems

Jane Flax Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory edited by Joyce Trebikot

Ellen Shapiro Madame Aurora by Sarah Aldridge; Beebo Brinker by Ann Bannon

Sarah Stueber Bishop Language, Gender and Society edited by Barrie Thorne. Cheris Kratnarae and Nancy Henley

Ruth Perry The Brink of AH We Hate: English Satires on Women, 1660-1750 by Felicity Nussbaum

Katie Campbell Spar'e Rib, 1972-1984 CONTENTS Cynthia H. Enloe My Country is the Whole Wdd by the Cambridge Women's Pmv Collecriw; Bnaehing the Peace: a collection of radii femlnist papers; Creenbam Women Everywhere by Alice Cook and Gwyn Kirk; Piecing It Together. Feminism and Non-Wence

Parnda Annas The Women Who Hate/Me by Dororhy Allism

Susan Hawthorne We Are Bosses Ourselves dted by Fay Gule: Daughters of the Dreaming by Diane Bell: An Aboriginal Mother Tells of the Old and the New by L abumom: Elsie Roughsey

Jacqueline Austin Witness to War by Antoinette May; Long Time Passing: Vietnam and the Haunted Generation by Mym Mucfherson; Home Before Morning by Lynda Van Lbanter Nellie McKay When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America by Paula Giddings

Irena Klepfisz Poem

Evdyn Fox Keller Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin edited by Katherine Haramundanir

Susan Groag Bell The Land Before Her by Annare Kolodny

Helm Longino Science and Gender by Ruth Bleier

Ellen Fitzpatrick Private Woman, Public State by Mary Kelley

Carolyn Shaw Bell A Dialogue on Companble Worth by ~WicliaelEI~ Gold: Compamble Worth and Wage Discrimination edired by Helen Remick Volume 11, number 1 October 1984 CONTENTS Gender Gap by Belhr Abgug with Mim Kdber; Why and How Women Will Elect the Next President by Eleanor SmmI: The Women's Vote: Beyond the Nineteenth Amendment by Mary Stone, Marlene Cohn and Matthew Freeman

Arlyn Diamond The Lecherous Professor: Sexud Harassment on Campus by Billie Wright Dgiech and Linda Weiner

Jan Clausen She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo; Flowers from the Volcano by Clclribel ~le~ria

Mary Me& We Are All Part of One Another: a Barbara Deming Header edited by Jane Meyerding

Valerie Miner First International Feminist Book Fair, June 1984

Katie Campbell Feminist Publishing in England: a Report

Helene V. Wend Learning Our Way: Essays in Feminist Education edited by Charlotte Bunch and Sandra Pollack

Tucker Farly New Feminist Essays on Virginia Wooif and Virginia Woolf: A Feminist Slant edited by Jane Marcus

Helene Kendler Two Poems

Mary E. Gila Jesus as Mother by Caroline Walker Bvnutn; Mystic and Pilgrim by Clarirsa Arkinson

Janet Golden Women and Health in America edited by Judith Wolzer Leovirr Vdumc II, numb 2 Nmrmb 1984

CONTENTS Pauy Schwrickart The Owdl Mystique: A Study in Male Ideology by Daphne Patai

h4-t Hatcm- Yours In Straggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Raism by EIIy BuIkin. Minnie BNC~Pratt and Barbara Smith

Rose Moss The Changemasters by Rcuabeth Mars Kantet; Powerploy: What Realty Happened at Bcndix by Mary Cunningham with Fran Schurner

Karen Roscnberg Red Emma Speaks edited by AIix Kata SchuIman: Love, Anarchy and Emma Goldman by Candace Falk: Ernma Goldman: An Intimate Life &Alice Werler; Vision on Fin: Emma Goldman on the Spanish Revolution rdited by David Porter

Evdyn Tarton Beck Jewish and Female by Susan Weidman Schneider'

Card Hurd Green Josephine Herbst: The Story She Could Never Tell by EIinor Longer

Kathryn Pyne Addelson Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood by Kristin Luker

Lori Saint-Martin In the Shadow of the Wind by Anne Hebert; Piem by Marie-Claire Blais

Wmdy Brown The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy by Kathy Fuguson

Eva Heisler Two Poems

Phyllis M. Palmer Fanny Wright, Rebel in America by Celia Morris Eckltardt Volume I I, number 3 December 1984 CONTENTS Carolyn Heilbrun Look Me In The Eye: Old Women, Aging, and Ageism by Barbara Macdonald with Cynrhia Rkh

Cindy Patton Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Femaie Sexuality edited by Carole S. Cbnce

Valerie Smith Black Women Wrilers (U)50-1980): Crilical Ev~lualion cdiled by Mari Evans

Louise Armstrong Thou Shalt No1 Be Aware and For Your Own Good by Alice miller

Nellie Wong hoPoems

Elsa Dorfman Diane Arbus: A Biography by Patricia Barworth; Magazine Work by Diane Arbus

Frieda Gardner Emily '5 Bread by Sandra Gilbert

Marilyn French Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays by Chrirta Wdj

Robbie Pfeufer Kahn Birth Reborn by iMirhel Odent; Woman-Centered Pregnancy and Birth by Ginny Cassidy-Brinn. Francie Hornstein and Carol Downer

Sibyl Jama The Leaf Path by Emrly Warn; Ghosts by Judith Roche: Hard Country by Sharon Doubiago


Volume 7-No. 2 Fall 1984

Rethinking Research on Gender and Julie T. Wood and 59 and Communication: An lnt roduction Gerald M. Phillips to the Issues Report on the 1984 Conference on Julia T. Wood and 61 Gender and Communication GeraId Phillipa Research On Being Sufficiently Radical in Gender W. Bamett Pearce and 65 Research: Some Lessons from Sally Freeman Critical Theory, Kang, Milan, and Maclntyre

Interpretive Stance and Gender-Role William K. Rawlins 69 Research

A Female Perspective on the Research Sonja K. Foss 73 Process Positions for Knowing about Gender Fem Johnson 77 Differences in Social Relationships Research on Communication and Karen A. Foss 83 Gender: Making the Link to Feminist Theow Available Research Methods to Study Lorraine Morlock 86 Gender Role in Communication Jackson

Research Priorities for Investigations H. Lloyd Goodall, Jr. 91 of Gender and Communication: Rediscovering the Human Experience of Sexuality and Talk

A Prolegomenon to Research on Martha Solomon 98 Gender Role Communication

Submerged Concepts in Gender1 Barbara Bates 101 Communication Research W MEN'S STUDIES INP ERNATIONAL FORUM


Contents BARBARAROBERTS 195 The death of machothink: feminist research and the transfor- mation of peace studies MARILYNLAWRENCE 201 Education and identity: thoughts on the social origins of anorexia KATHY DAVIS 211 Women as patients: a problem for sex differences research MELWA BENNand RUTHRICHARDSON 219 Uneasy fretdom: women's experiences of contraception SANDRAM. DONALDSON 227 'Suddenly you've become somebody else' a study of preg- nancy and the creative woman 237 Feminism and mothering: a Kleinian perspecti\e 243 Go to Switzerland, young women. if you want to study medicine 247 Muslim women and the burden of ideology 251 garrim and Hi/a seclusive and exclusive aspects of traditional Muslim dwelling and dress 259 Tradition and modernity at the workplace: a field study of women in the phannaceurical industry of Lahore 265 A women's international quarterly over 30 years. Are the arguments to be feminine or feminist? 275 Toward a model of female political action: the case of Manya Shohat. founder of the fmr kibbutz WOMEN'S STUDIES MARJORIEMWLWYI 259 Research priorities in Women's Studies in Eastern Africa JUNKOWADA KUNINOBU 301 Women's Studies in Japan J~KOWADA KUNINOBU 307 Bibliography of contemporary Japanese women (materials in English) JENNYKIEN and DAVIDC.GSIDY 313 The history of women in science - a seminar at the University of Regensburg, FRG BOOK REVIEWS P.~tt.%HE%RE( 319 Scir~~dorby Jom Didion ANGELA C. LITTLE 3 19 Reweaving the Web of L i/e Femrnism cnd .Nonviolence edited by Pam McAllister 320 The Lost Sisterhood: Prostirurion in Atnericc, 1900- 1918 by Ruth Rosen

ISSN 0277 - 5395 WSINDA 7(4) 195 - 322 (1984)